Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
Excel Skills
Skills Australia
Australia || Mortgage
Mortgage Calculator
Calculator Template
About this
this template
Mortgage calculators
calculators are are sometimes
sometimes also also referred
referred to to as
as home
home loanloan calculators
calculators or or bond
bond calculators.
calculators. TheThe aim
aim of of this
this free
users to
to calculate
calculate monthly
monthly mortgage
mortgage repayments,
repayments, determine
determine the the affordability
affordability ofof aa home
home loan,
loan, calculate
calculate the
the interest
interest saving
mortgage instalments
instalments and and measure
measure the the sensitivity
sensitivity ofof mortgage
mortgage repayments
repayments to to changes
changes in in interest
interest rates.
rates. After
After using
using this
aa better
better understanding
understanding of of home
home loan loan amortization
amortization and and specifically
specifically the
the timing
timing ofof capital
capital repayments
repayments on on aa mortgage.
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unique templates
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Mortgage calculators are sometimes also referred to as home loan calculators or bond calculators. The aim of this free Excel
template is to enable users to calculate monthly mortgage repayments, determine the affordability of a home loan, calculate the
interest savings that result from increased mortgage instalments and measure the sensitivity of mortgage repayments to changes
in interest rates. After using this template, you will also gain a better understanding of home loan amortization and specifically the
timing of capital repayments on a mortgage.
MortgageCalculator Sheet
All the calculations in this template are based on the values that are entered in the input cells from cell B4 to B9 on the
MortgageCalculator sheet (except for the net disposable income calculation). Input guidance is displayed below the selected input
cell. We have also added data validation to all input cells to ensure that only valid user input is accepted.
Calculation Results:
The monthly mortgage repayment amount is calculated from the mortgage principle amount (cell B4), mortgage period (cell B6)
and the annual interest rate (cell B5).
The total interest paid over the entire mortgage period is the total amount of interest that will have to be paid over the entire
mortgage period.
The total mortgage repayment over the mortgage period is the sum of all the monthly mortgage repayment amounts. This amount
consists of all interest charges and capital repayments.
The monthly net disposable Income is calculated on the NetDisposable sheet - refer to this sheet for more information on the
The maximum mortgage qualification amount is calculated based on the net disposable income, annual interest rate and mortgage
period. It represents an estimate of the maximum mortgage amount that applicants can qualify for based on their combined
monthly net disposable income. There are a number of other factors that financial institutions will consider when determining the
maximum mortgage qualification amount - our calculation should therefore only be seen as an estimate which cannot be
The minimum required net disposable income is the minimum net disposable income that is required in order to qualify for the
mortgage principle amount that is entered in cell B4.
The interest rate safety percentage indicates the percentage by which interest rates have to increase before the monthly net
disposable income would not be sufficient to cover the required monthly mortgage repayments.
The increased instalment calculations in row 21 to 26 are based on the additional monthly mortgage repayment that is entered in
cell B7. The assumption is made that the entire additional mortgage repayments are deducted from the outstanding capital
balance, thereby resulting in a shorter mortgage repayment period. Note that the present value of the interest saving is calculated
by discounting the monthly interest savings by the average annual inflation rate over the entire mortgage period. It therefore
represents the value of future interest savings in today's monetary terms.
The interest rate sensitivity calculation measures the effect that changes in the mortgage interest rate have on monthly mortgage
repayments. The interest rate sensitivity percentage that is entered in cell B8 is used for this purpose.
The capital repayment chart is a visual display of the timing of capital repayments over the entire mortgage period.
The increased instalment interest saving chart is a visual display of the interest savings that result from effecting increased monthly
mortgage repayments.
NetDisposable Sheet
This sheet includes a detailed calculation of the monthly net disposable income. All values should be entered as positive values.
Refer to the guidance that has been included from row 38 downwards for more information on the input that is required in each
input cell.
AnnualAmort Sheet
This sheet includes an annual amortization table that is based on the mortgage input values that are entered in cell B4 to B6 on
the MortgageCalculator sheet. We recommend that you pay special attention to the outstanding capital percentage in column G as
it indicates how the capital will be repaid over the entire mortgage period. You'll notice that during the first few years of the
mortgage repayment period, the monthly mortgage repayments consist almost entirely of interest.
MonthAmort Sheet
This sheet includes a monthly amortization table that is based on the mortgage input values that are entered in cell B4 to B6 on the
MortgageCalculator sheet.
If you experience any difficulty while using this template, please e-mail us at for assistance.
Page 3 of 13
Mortgage Calculator
Capital Repayment
Capital Repayment
Input Variables
Mortgage Amount 500,000.00 500,000
Annual Interest Rate 4.5%
Mortgage Period in Years 25 400,000
Additional Monthly Mortgage Repayment 4,000.00
Annual Interest Rate Sensitivity 5.5% 300,000
Average Annual Inflation Rate 3.0%
Calculation Results
Monthly Mortgage Repayment 2,779.16
Total Interest over Mortgage Period 333,748.72 0
Total Mortgage Repayment over Mortgage Period 833,748.72 Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Page 4 of 13
Net Disposable Income Calculation ©
Remuneration Operational Expenses Financing Expenses
Gross Salary 3,500 1 Rent Paid - 18 Mortgage Repayments - 42
Subsidies Received - 2 Water, Electricity & Gas - 19 Personal Loan Instalments - 43
Commission Received - 3 Property Taxes - 20 Financing - Motor Vehicles - 44
Total Allowances - 4 Repairs & Maintenance - 21 Financing - Computers - 45
Other - 5 Levies Paid - 22 Financing - Furniture - 46
Total Gross Remuneration 3,500 Telephone / Cell Phone / Internet - 23 Credit Card Repayments - 47
Deductions Insurance - Short Term - 24 Bank Charges - 48
Pension - 6 Insurance - Life - 25 Other - 49
Medivac Levy - 7 Medical Costs - 26 Total Financing Expenses -
Retirement Annuity - 8 Investments - Retirement Annuities - 27
Income Tax (PAYG) - 9 Investments - Other - 28 On
Super Annuation - 10 Donations - 29 Simply
Simply enter
enter the
the appropriate
appropriate values
values inin the
the yellow
Fringe Benefit Tax - 11 Education - 30 input
input cells
cells inin order
order to
to calculate
calculate youryour monthly
monthly net net
Other Deductions - 12 Fuel & Vehicle Maintenance - 31 disposable
disposable income.
income. All
All input
input values
values need
need to to be
Total Deductions - Television Subscription - 32 entered
entered as as positive
positive values
values andand guidance
guidance on on the
the user
Net Remuneration 3,500 13 Memberships - 33 input
input that
that is
is required
required inin all
all the
the input
input cells
cells can
can bebe
Subscriptions - 34 found
found from
from row
row 38 38 downwards.
Other Income Cleaning Expenses - 35
Dividend Income - 14 Gardening - 36
Rental Income - 15 Groceries - 37
Maintenance - 16 Clothing - 38
Monthly Pension - 17 Entertainment - 39
Total Other Income - Maintenance Payments - 40
Other - 41
Total Operational Expenses -
Page 5 of 13
Net Disposable Income Calculation ©
12 Enter the total of all other deductions, e.g.. funeral plan
13 This amount represents the monthly combined net remuneration
14 Enter the average monthly dividend income
15 Enter the monthly average rental income received from existing buy to let properties
16 Enter monthly maintenance amount received from a previous spouse
17 Enter the total monthly pension received
18 Enter the total monthly rent paid. If a primary residence is being acquired and a property is currently being rented, the rent amount should be excluded from the calculation
19 Enter the monthly average for water, electricity and gas
20 Enter the monthly property taxes paid on properties owned
21 Enter the average monthly repairs and maintenance on existing properties
22 Enter the monthly levy payable to a body corporate for properties that form part of a complex
23 Enter the average monthly telephone, cell phone and internet expense
24 Enter the current monthly insurance premium
25 Enter the current monthly life insurance premium
26 Enter the average monthly medical costs
27 Enter the total monthly premiums associated with retirement annuities
28 Enter the average monthly payments relating to other investments
29 Enter the average monthly donations amount
30 Enter the average monthly education cost, e.g.. school fees
31 Enter the average monthly vehicle fuel and maintenance costs
32 Enter the monthly television subscription amount
33 Enter the monthly average membership cost, e.g.. gym membership
34 Enter the total monthly subscription fees applicable to newspapers, magazines, etc.
35 Enter the total monthly cleaining expenses
36 Enter the average monthly cost associated with gardening services / landscaping
37 Enter the average monthly grocery spend
38 Enter the average monthly clothing spend
39 Enter the average monthly cost associated with entertainment, take-outs and restaurants
40 Enter a monthly total for maintenance payments relating to estranged spouses and dependents
41 Enter total monthly cost of any other expense items that do not form part of any of the other categories
42 Enter a monthly total for existing mortgage repayments
43 Enter a monthly total for personal loan repayments
44 Enter a monthly total for car finance repayments
45 Enter a monthly total for computer finance repayments
46 Enter a monthly total for furniture finance repayments
47 Enter a monthly total for credit card repayments
48 Enter the average monthly combined bank charges
49 Enter a total for any other financing payments that do not form part of the other financing cost categories
Note: If you're experiencing any difficulty in completing this spreadsheet, we recommend using our Personal Finance template to analyze your monthly household expenses.
Page 6 of 13
Annual Amortization Table
Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Years Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
1 500,000.00 33,349.95 22,273.40 11,076.55 488,923.45 97.8%
2 488,923.45 33,349.95 21,764.54 11,585.40 477,338.05 95.5%
3 477,338.05 33,349.95 21,232.31 12,117.64 465,220.41 93.0%
4 465,220.41 33,349.95 20,675.63 12,674.32 452,546.09 90.5%
5 452,546.09 33,349.95 20,093.37 13,256.57 439,289.52 87.9%
6 439,289.52 33,349.95 19,484.37 13,865.58 425,423.94 85.1%
7 425,423.94 33,349.95 18,847.39 14,502.56 410,921.38 82.2%
8 410,921.38 33,349.95 18,181.14 15,168.81 395,752.57 79.2%
9 395,752.57 33,349.95 17,484.29 15,865.66 379,886.91 76.0%
10 379,886.91 33,349.95 16,755.42 16,594.52 363,292.39 72.7%
11 363,292.39 33,349.95 15,993.08 17,356.87 345,935.51 69.2%
12 345,935.51 33,349.95 15,195.70 18,154.25 327,781.27 65.6%
13 327,781.27 33,349.95 14,361.70 18,988.25 308,793.02 61.8%
14 308,793.02 33,349.95 13,489.38 19,860.57 288,932.46 57.8%
15 288,932.46 33,349.95 12,576.99 20,772.96 268,159.50 53.6%
16 268,159.50 33,349.95 11,622.69 21,727.26 246,432.24 49.3%
17 246,432.24 33,349.95 10,624.54 22,725.41 223,706.83 44.7%
18 223,706.83 33,349.95 9,580.54 23,769.41 199,937.42 40.0%
19 199,937.42 33,349.95 8,488.58 24,861.37 175,076.05 35.0%
20 175,076.05 33,349.95 7,346.45 26,003.50 149,072.55 29.8%
21 149,072.55 33,349.95 6,151.85 27,198.10 121,874.45 24.4%
22 121,874.45 33,349.95 4,902.38 28,447.57 93,426.88 18.7%
23 93,426.88 33,349.95 3,595.50 29,754.45 63,672.43 12.7%
24 63,672.43 33,349.95 2,228.59 31,121.36 32,551.07 6.5%
25 32,551.07 33,349.95 798.88 32,551.07 - 0.0%
26 - - - - - 0.0%
27 - - - - - 0.0%
28 - - - - - 0.0%
29 - - - - - 0.0%
30 - - - - - 0.0%
Page 7 of 13
Monthly Amortization Table
Repayment Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
1 500,000.00 2,779.16 1,875.00 904.16 499,095.84 99.82%
2 499,095.84 2,779.16 1,871.61 907.55 498,188.28 99.64%
3 498,188.28 2,779.16 1,868.21 910.96 497,277.33 99.46%
4 497,277.33 2,779.16 1,864.79 914.37 496,362.96 99.27%
5 496,362.96 2,779.16 1,861.36 917.80 495,445.15 99.09%
6 495,445.15 2,779.16 1,857.92 921.24 494,523.91 98.90%
7 494,523.91 2,779.16 1,854.46 924.70 493,599.21 98.72%
8 493,599.21 2,779.16 1,851.00 928.17 492,671.05 98.53%
9 492,671.05 2,779.16 1,847.52 931.65 491,739.40 98.35%
10 491,739.40 2,779.16 1,844.02 935.14 490,804.26 98.16%
11 490,804.26 2,779.16 1,840.52 938.65 489,865.62 97.97%
12 489,865.62 2,779.16 1,837.00 942.17 488,923.45 97.78%
13 488,923.45 2,779.16 1,833.46 945.70 487,977.75 97.60%
14 487,977.75 2,779.16 1,829.92 949.25 487,028.50 97.41%
15 487,028.50 2,779.16 1,826.36 952.81 486,075.70 97.22%
16 486,075.70 2,779.16 1,822.78 956.38 485,119.32 97.02%
17 485,119.32 2,779.16 1,819.20 959.96 484,159.36 96.83%
18 484,159.36 2,779.16 1,815.60 963.56 483,195.79 96.64%
19 483,195.79 2,779.16 1,811.98 967.18 482,228.61 96.45%
20 482,228.61 2,779.16 1,808.36 970.81 481,257.81 96.25%
21 481,257.81 2,779.16 1,804.72 974.45 480,283.36 96.06%
22 480,283.36 2,779.16 1,801.06 978.10 479,305.26 95.86%
23 479,305.26 2,779.16 1,797.39 981.77 478,323.49 95.66%
24 478,323.49 2,779.16 1,793.71 985.45 477,338.05 95.47%
25 477,338.05 2,779.16 1,790.02 989.14 476,348.90 95.27%
26 476,348.90 2,779.16 1,786.31 992.85 475,356.05 95.07%
27 475,356.05 2,779.16 1,782.59 996.58 474,359.47 94.87%
28 474,359.47 2,779.16 1,778.85 1,000.31 473,359.16 94.67%
29 473,359.16 2,779.16 1,775.10 1,004.07 472,355.09 94.47%
30 472,355.09 2,779.16 1,771.33 1,007.83 471,347.26 94.27%
31 471,347.26 2,779.16 1,767.55 1,011.61 470,335.65 94.07%
32 470,335.65 2,779.16 1,763.76 1,015.40 469,320.24 93.86%
33 469,320.24 2,779.16 1,759.95 1,019.21 468,301.03 93.66%
34 468,301.03 2,779.16 1,756.13 1,023.03 467,278.00 93.46%
35 467,278.00 2,779.16 1,752.29 1,026.87 466,251.13 93.25%
36 466,251.13 2,779.16 1,748.44 1,030.72 465,220.41 93.04%
37 465,220.41 2,779.16 1,744.58 1,034.59 464,185.82 92.84%
38 464,185.82 2,779.16 1,740.70 1,038.47 463,147.36 92.63%
39 463,147.36 2,779.16 1,736.80 1,042.36 462,105.00 92.42%
40 462,105.00 2,779.16 1,732.89 1,046.27 461,058.73 92.21%
41 461,058.73 2,779.16 1,728.97 1,050.19 460,008.54 92.00%
42 460,008.54 2,779.16 1,725.03 1,054.13 458,954.41 91.79%
43 458,954.41 2,779.16 1,721.08 1,058.08 457,896.32 91.58%
44 457,896.32 2,779.16 1,717.11 1,062.05 456,834.27 91.37%
45 456,834.27 2,779.16 1,713.13 1,066.03 455,768.24 91.15%
46 455,768.24 2,779.16 1,709.13 1,070.03 454,698.21 90.94%
47 454,698.21 2,779.16 1,705.12 1,074.04 453,624.16 90.72%
48 453,624.16 2,779.16 1,701.09 1,078.07 452,546.09 90.51%
49 452,546.09 2,779.16 1,697.05 1,082.11 451,463.98 90.29%
50 451,463.98 2,779.16 1,692.99 1,086.17 450,377.80 90.08%
51 450,377.80 2,779.16 1,688.92 1,090.25 449,287.56 89.86%
52 449,287.56 2,779.16 1,684.83 1,094.33 448,193.22 89.64%
53 448,193.22 2,779.16 1,680.72 1,098.44 447,094.79 89.42%
54 447,094.79 2,779.16 1,676.61 1,102.56 445,992.23 89.20%
55 445,992.23 2,779.16 1,672.47 1,106.69 444,885.54 88.98%
56 444,885.54 2,779.16 1,668.32 1,110.84 443,774.70 88.75%
57 443,774.70 2,779.16 1,664.16 1,115.01 442,659.69 88.53%
58 442,659.69 2,779.16 1,659.97 1,119.19 441,540.50 88.31%
59 441,540.50 2,779.16 1,655.78 1,123.39 440,417.12 88.08%
60 440,417.12 2,779.16 1,651.56 1,127.60 439,289.52 87.86%
61 439,289.52 2,779.16 1,647.34 1,131.83 438,157.69 87.63%
Page 8 of 13
Monthly Amortization Table
Repayment Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
62 438,157.69 2,779.16 1,643.09 1,136.07 437,021.62 87.40%
63 437,021.62 2,779.16 1,638.83 1,140.33 435,881.29 87.18%
64 435,881.29 2,779.16 1,634.55 1,144.61 434,736.68 86.95%
65 434,736.68 2,779.16 1,630.26 1,148.90 433,587.78 86.72%
66 433,587.78 2,779.16 1,625.95 1,153.21 432,434.57 86.49%
67 432,434.57 2,779.16 1,621.63 1,157.53 431,277.04 86.26%
68 431,277.04 2,779.16 1,617.29 1,161.87 430,115.17 86.02%
69 430,115.17 2,779.16 1,612.93 1,166.23 428,948.94 85.79%
70 428,948.94 2,779.16 1,608.56 1,170.60 427,778.33 85.56%
71 427,778.33 2,779.16 1,604.17 1,174.99 426,603.34 85.32%
72 426,603.34 2,779.16 1,599.76 1,179.40 425,423.94 85.08%
73 425,423.94 2,779.16 1,595.34 1,183.82 424,240.12 84.85%
74 424,240.12 2,779.16 1,590.90 1,188.26 423,051.85 84.61%
75 423,051.85 2,779.16 1,586.44 1,192.72 421,859.14 84.37%
76 421,859.14 2,779.16 1,581.97 1,197.19 420,661.95 84.13%
77 420,661.95 2,779.16 1,577.48 1,201.68 419,460.27 83.89%
78 419,460.27 2,779.16 1,572.98 1,206.19 418,254.08 83.65%
79 418,254.08 2,779.16 1,568.45 1,210.71 417,043.37 83.41%
80 417,043.37 2,779.16 1,563.91 1,215.25 415,828.12 83.17%
81 415,828.12 2,779.16 1,559.36 1,219.81 414,608.31 82.92%
82 414,608.31 2,779.16 1,554.78 1,224.38 413,383.93 82.68%
83 413,383.93 2,779.16 1,550.19 1,228.97 412,154.96 82.43%
84 412,154.96 2,779.16 1,545.58 1,233.58 410,921.38 82.18%
85 410,921.38 2,779.16 1,540.96 1,238.21 409,683.17 81.94%
86 409,683.17 2,779.16 1,536.31 1,242.85 408,440.32 81.69%
87 408,440.32 2,779.16 1,531.65 1,247.51 407,192.81 81.44%
88 407,192.81 2,779.16 1,526.97 1,252.19 405,940.62 81.19%
89 405,940.62 2,779.16 1,522.28 1,256.89 404,683.73 80.94%
90 404,683.73 2,779.16 1,517.56 1,261.60 403,422.14 80.68%
91 403,422.14 2,779.16 1,512.83 1,266.33 402,155.81 80.43%
92 402,155.81 2,779.16 1,508.08 1,271.08 400,884.73 80.18%
93 400,884.73 2,779.16 1,503.32 1,275.84 399,608.88 79.92%
94 399,608.88 2,779.16 1,498.53 1,280.63 398,328.25 79.67%
95 398,328.25 2,779.16 1,493.73 1,285.43 397,042.82 79.41%
96 397,042.82 2,779.16 1,488.91 1,290.25 395,752.57 79.15%
97 395,752.57 2,779.16 1,484.07 1,295.09 394,457.48 78.89%
98 394,457.48 2,779.16 1,479.22 1,299.95 393,157.53 78.63%
99 393,157.53 2,779.16 1,474.34 1,304.82 391,852.71 78.37%
100 391,852.71 2,779.16 1,469.45 1,309.71 390,543.00 78.11%
101 390,543.00 2,779.16 1,464.54 1,314.63 389,228.37 77.85%
102 389,228.37 2,779.16 1,459.61 1,319.56 387,908.82 77.58%
103 387,908.82 2,779.16 1,454.66 1,324.50 386,584.31 77.32%
104 386,584.31 2,779.16 1,449.69 1,329.47 385,254.84 77.05%
105 385,254.84 2,779.16 1,444.71 1,334.46 383,920.38 76.78%
106 383,920.38 2,779.16 1,439.70 1,339.46 382,580.92 76.52%
107 382,580.92 2,779.16 1,434.68 1,344.48 381,236.44 76.25%
108 381,236.44 2,779.16 1,429.64 1,349.53 379,886.91 75.98%
109 379,886.91 2,779.16 1,424.58 1,354.59 378,532.33 75.71%
110 378,532.33 2,779.16 1,419.50 1,359.67 377,172.66 75.43%
111 377,172.66 2,779.16 1,414.40 1,364.76 375,807.89 75.16%
112 375,807.89 2,779.16 1,409.28 1,369.88 374,438.01 74.89%
113 374,438.01 2,779.16 1,404.14 1,375.02 373,062.99 74.61%
114 373,062.99 2,779.16 1,398.99 1,380.18 371,682.82 74.34%
115 371,682.82 2,779.16 1,393.81 1,385.35 370,297.46 74.06%
116 370,297.46 2,779.16 1,388.62 1,390.55 368,906.92 73.78%
117 368,906.92 2,779.16 1,383.40 1,395.76 367,511.16 73.50%
118 367,511.16 2,779.16 1,378.17 1,401.00 366,110.16 73.22%
119 366,110.16 2,779.16 1,372.91 1,406.25 364,703.91 72.94%
120 364,703.91 2,779.16 1,367.64 1,411.52 363,292.39 72.66%
121 363,292.39 2,779.16 1,362.35 1,416.82 361,875.57 72.38%
122 361,875.57 2,779.16 1,357.03 1,422.13 360,453.44 72.09%
Page 9 of 13
Monthly Amortization Table
Repayment Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
123 360,453.44 2,779.16 1,351.70 1,427.46 359,025.98 71.81%
124 359,025.98 2,779.16 1,346.35 1,432.81 357,593.17 71.52%
125 357,593.17 2,779.16 1,340.97 1,438.19 356,154.98 71.23%
126 356,154.98 2,779.16 1,335.58 1,443.58 354,711.40 70.94%
127 354,711.40 2,779.16 1,330.17 1,448.99 353,262.40 70.65%
128 353,262.40 2,779.16 1,324.73 1,454.43 351,807.97 70.36%
129 351,807.97 2,779.16 1,319.28 1,459.88 350,348.09 70.07%
130 350,348.09 2,779.16 1,313.81 1,465.36 348,882.73 69.78%
131 348,882.73 2,779.16 1,308.31 1,470.85 347,411.88 69.48%
132 347,411.88 2,779.16 1,302.79 1,476.37 345,935.51 69.19%
133 345,935.51 2,779.16 1,297.26 1,481.90 344,453.61 68.89%
134 344,453.61 2,779.16 1,291.70 1,487.46 342,966.15 68.59%
135 342,966.15 2,779.16 1,286.12 1,493.04 341,473.11 68.29%
136 341,473.11 2,779.16 1,280.52 1,498.64 339,974.47 67.99%
137 339,974.47 2,779.16 1,274.90 1,504.26 338,470.21 67.69%
138 338,470.21 2,779.16 1,269.26 1,509.90 336,960.31 67.39%
139 336,960.31 2,779.16 1,263.60 1,515.56 335,444.75 67.09%
140 335,444.75 2,779.16 1,257.92 1,521.24 333,923.51 66.78%
141 333,923.51 2,779.16 1,252.21 1,526.95 332,396.56 66.48%
142 332,396.56 2,779.16 1,246.49 1,532.68 330,863.88 66.17%
143 330,863.88 2,779.16 1,240.74 1,538.42 329,325.46 65.87%
144 329,325.46 2,779.16 1,234.97 1,544.19 327,781.27 65.56%
145 327,781.27 2,779.16 1,229.18 1,549.98 326,231.29 65.25%
146 326,231.29 2,779.16 1,223.37 1,555.80 324,675.49 64.94%
147 324,675.49 2,779.16 1,217.53 1,561.63 323,113.86 64.62%
148 323,113.86 2,779.16 1,211.68 1,567.49 321,546.38 64.31%
149 321,546.38 2,779.16 1,205.80 1,573.36 319,973.01 63.99%
150 319,973.01 2,779.16 1,199.90 1,579.26 318,393.75 63.68%
151 318,393.75 2,779.16 1,193.98 1,585.19 316,808.56 63.36%
152 316,808.56 2,779.16 1,188.03 1,591.13 315,217.43 63.04%
153 315,217.43 2,779.16 1,182.07 1,597.10 313,620.34 62.72%
154 313,620.34 2,779.16 1,176.08 1,603.09 312,017.25 62.40%
155 312,017.25 2,779.16 1,170.06 1,609.10 310,408.15 62.08%
156 310,408.15 2,779.16 1,164.03 1,615.13 308,793.02 61.76%
157 308,793.02 2,779.16 1,157.97 1,621.19 307,171.83 61.43%
158 307,171.83 2,779.16 1,151.89 1,627.27 305,544.56 61.11%
159 305,544.56 2,779.16 1,145.79 1,633.37 303,911.19 60.78%
160 303,911.19 2,779.16 1,139.67 1,639.50 302,271.70 60.45%
161 302,271.70 2,779.16 1,133.52 1,645.64 300,626.06 60.13%
162 300,626.06 2,779.16 1,127.35 1,651.81 298,974.24 59.79%
163 298,974.24 2,779.16 1,121.15 1,658.01 297,316.23 59.46%
164 297,316.23 2,779.16 1,114.94 1,664.23 295,652.01 59.13%
165 295,652.01 2,779.16 1,108.70 1,670.47 293,981.54 58.80%
166 293,981.54 2,779.16 1,102.43 1,676.73 292,304.81 58.46%
167 292,304.81 2,779.16 1,096.14 1,683.02 290,621.79 58.12%
168 290,621.79 2,779.16 1,089.83 1,689.33 288,932.46 57.79%
169 288,932.46 2,779.16 1,083.50 1,695.67 287,236.79 57.45%
170 287,236.79 2,779.16 1,077.14 1,702.02 285,534.77 57.11%
171 285,534.77 2,779.16 1,070.76 1,708.41 283,826.36 56.77%
172 283,826.36 2,779.16 1,064.35 1,714.81 282,111.55 56.42%
173 282,111.55 2,779.16 1,057.92 1,721.24 280,390.30 56.08%
174 280,390.30 2,779.16 1,051.46 1,727.70 278,662.60 55.73%
175 278,662.60 2,779.16 1,044.98 1,734.18 276,928.42 55.39%
176 276,928.42 2,779.16 1,038.48 1,740.68 275,187.74 55.04%
177 275,187.74 2,779.16 1,031.95 1,747.21 273,440.54 54.69%
178 273,440.54 2,779.16 1,025.40 1,753.76 271,686.78 54.34%
179 271,686.78 2,779.16 1,018.83 1,760.34 269,926.44 53.99%
180 269,926.44 2,779.16 1,012.22 1,766.94 268,159.50 53.63%
181 268,159.50 2,779.16 1,005.60 1,773.56 266,385.94 53.28%
182 266,385.94 2,779.16 998.95 1,780.22 264,605.72 52.92%
183 264,605.72 2,779.16 992.27 1,786.89 262,818.83 52.56%
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Monthly Amortization Table
Repayment Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
184 262,818.83 2,779.16 985.57 1,793.59 261,025.24 52.21%
185 261,025.24 2,779.16 978.84 1,800.32 259,224.92 51.84%
186 259,224.92 2,779.16 972.09 1,807.07 257,417.85 51.48%
187 257,417.85 2,779.16 965.32 1,813.85 255,604.01 51.12%
188 255,604.01 2,779.16 958.52 1,820.65 253,783.36 50.76%
189 253,783.36 2,779.16 951.69 1,827.47 251,955.88 50.39%
190 251,955.88 2,779.16 944.83 1,834.33 250,121.56 50.02%
191 250,121.56 2,779.16 937.96 1,841.21 248,280.35 49.66%
192 248,280.35 2,779.16 931.05 1,848.11 246,432.24 49.29%
193 246,432.24 2,779.16 924.12 1,855.04 244,577.20 48.92%
194 244,577.20 2,779.16 917.16 1,862.00 242,715.20 48.54%
195 242,715.20 2,779.16 910.18 1,868.98 240,846.22 48.17%
196 240,846.22 2,779.16 903.17 1,875.99 238,970.23 47.79%
197 238,970.23 2,779.16 896.14 1,883.02 237,087.21 47.42%
198 237,087.21 2,779.16 889.08 1,890.09 235,197.12 47.04%
199 235,197.12 2,779.16 881.99 1,897.17 233,299.95 46.66%
200 233,299.95 2,779.16 874.87 1,904.29 231,395.66 46.28%
201 231,395.66 2,779.16 867.73 1,911.43 229,484.23 45.90%
202 229,484.23 2,779.16 860.57 1,918.60 227,565.63 45.51%
203 227,565.63 2,779.16 853.37 1,925.79 225,639.84 45.13%
204 225,639.84 2,779.16 846.15 1,933.01 223,706.83 44.74%
205 223,706.83 2,779.16 838.90 1,940.26 221,766.57 44.35%
206 221,766.57 2,779.16 831.62 1,947.54 219,819.03 43.96%
207 219,819.03 2,779.16 824.32 1,954.84 217,864.19 43.57%
208 217,864.19 2,779.16 816.99 1,962.17 215,902.02 43.18%
209 215,902.02 2,779.16 809.63 1,969.53 213,932.49 42.79%
210 213,932.49 2,779.16 802.25 1,976.92 211,955.57 42.39%
211 211,955.57 2,779.16 794.83 1,984.33 209,971.24 41.99%
212 209,971.24 2,779.16 787.39 1,991.77 207,979.47 41.60%
213 207,979.47 2,779.16 779.92 1,999.24 205,980.23 41.20%
214 205,980.23 2,779.16 772.43 2,006.74 203,973.50 40.79%
215 203,973.50 2,779.16 764.90 2,014.26 201,959.24 40.39%
216 201,959.24 2,779.16 757.35 2,021.82 199,937.42 39.99%
217 199,937.42 2,779.16 749.77 2,029.40 197,908.02 39.58%
218 197,908.02 2,779.16 742.16 2,037.01 195,871.02 39.17%
219 195,871.02 2,779.16 734.52 2,044.65 193,826.37 38.77%
220 193,826.37 2,779.16 726.85 2,052.31 191,774.06 38.35%
221 191,774.06 2,779.16 719.15 2,060.01 189,714.05 37.94%
222 189,714.05 2,779.16 711.43 2,067.73 187,646.31 37.53%
223 187,646.31 2,779.16 703.67 2,075.49 185,570.82 37.11%
224 185,570.82 2,779.16 695.89 2,083.27 183,487.55 36.70%
225 183,487.55 2,779.16 688.08 2,091.08 181,396.47 36.28%
226 181,396.47 2,779.16 680.24 2,098.93 179,297.54 35.86%
227 179,297.54 2,779.16 672.37 2,106.80 177,190.74 35.44%
228 177,190.74 2,779.16 664.47 2,114.70 175,076.05 35.02%
229 175,076.05 2,779.16 656.54 2,122.63 172,953.42 34.59%
230 172,953.42 2,779.16 648.58 2,130.59 170,822.83 34.16%
231 170,822.83 2,779.16 640.59 2,138.58 168,684.26 33.74%
232 168,684.26 2,779.16 632.57 2,146.60 166,537.66 33.31%
233 166,537.66 2,779.16 624.52 2,154.65 164,383.01 32.88%
234 164,383.01 2,779.16 616.44 2,162.73 162,220.29 32.44%
235 162,220.29 2,779.16 608.33 2,170.84 160,049.45 32.01%
236 160,049.45 2,779.16 600.19 2,178.98 157,870.47 31.57%
237 157,870.47 2,779.16 592.01 2,187.15 155,683.33 31.14%
238 155,683.33 2,779.16 583.81 2,195.35 153,487.98 30.70%
239 153,487.98 2,779.16 575.58 2,203.58 151,284.39 30.26%
240 151,284.39 2,779.16 567.32 2,211.85 149,072.55 29.81%
241 149,072.55 2,779.16 559.02 2,220.14 146,852.41 29.37%
242 146,852.41 2,779.16 550.70 2,228.47 144,623.94 28.92%
243 144,623.94 2,779.16 542.34 2,236.82 142,387.12 28.48%
244 142,387.12 2,779.16 533.95 2,245.21 140,141.91 28.03%
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Monthly Amortization Table
Repayment Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
245 140,141.91 2,779.16 525.53 2,253.63 137,888.28 27.58%
246 137,888.28 2,779.16 517.08 2,262.08 135,626.20 27.13%
247 135,626.20 2,779.16 508.60 2,270.56 133,355.63 26.67%
248 133,355.63 2,779.16 500.08 2,279.08 131,076.55 26.22%
249 131,076.55 2,779.16 491.54 2,287.63 128,788.93 25.76%
250 128,788.93 2,779.16 482.96 2,296.20 126,492.73 25.30%
251 126,492.73 2,779.16 474.35 2,304.81 124,187.91 24.84%
252 124,187.91 2,779.16 465.70 2,313.46 121,874.45 24.37%
253 121,874.45 2,779.16 457.03 2,322.13 119,552.32 23.91%
254 119,552.32 2,779.16 448.32 2,330.84 117,221.48 23.44%
255 117,221.48 2,779.16 439.58 2,339.58 114,881.90 22.98%
256 114,881.90 2,779.16 430.81 2,348.36 112,533.54 22.51%
257 112,533.54 2,779.16 422.00 2,357.16 110,176.38 22.04%
258 110,176.38 2,779.16 413.16 2,366.00 107,810.38 21.56%
259 107,810.38 2,779.16 404.29 2,374.87 105,435.51 21.09%
260 105,435.51 2,779.16 395.38 2,383.78 103,051.73 20.61%
261 103,051.73 2,779.16 386.44 2,392.72 100,659.01 20.13%
262 100,659.01 2,779.16 377.47 2,401.69 98,257.32 19.65%
263 98,257.32 2,779.16 368.46 2,410.70 95,846.62 19.17%
264 95,846.62 2,779.16 359.42 2,419.74 93,426.88 18.69%
265 93,426.88 2,779.16 350.35 2,428.81 90,998.07 18.20%
266 90,998.07 2,779.16 341.24 2,437.92 88,560.15 17.71%
267 88,560.15 2,779.16 332.10 2,447.06 86,113.09 17.22%
268 86,113.09 2,779.16 322.92 2,456.24 83,656.85 16.73%
269 83,656.85 2,779.16 313.71 2,465.45 81,191.40 16.24%
270 81,191.40 2,779.16 304.47 2,474.69 78,716.71 15.74%
271 78,716.71 2,779.16 295.19 2,483.97 76,232.73 15.25%
272 76,232.73 2,779.16 285.87 2,493.29 73,739.44 14.75%
273 73,739.44 2,779.16 276.52 2,502.64 71,236.80 14.25%
274 71,236.80 2,779.16 267.14 2,512.02 68,724.78 13.74%
275 68,724.78 2,779.16 257.72 2,521.44 66,203.33 13.24%
276 66,203.33 2,779.16 248.26 2,530.90 63,672.43 12.73%
277 63,672.43 2,779.16 238.77 2,540.39 61,132.04 12.23%
278 61,132.04 2,779.16 229.25 2,549.92 58,582.13 11.72%
279 58,582.13 2,779.16 219.68 2,559.48 56,022.65 11.20%
280 56,022.65 2,779.16 210.08 2,569.08 53,453.57 10.69%
281 53,453.57 2,779.16 200.45 2,578.71 50,874.86 10.17%
282 50,874.86 2,779.16 190.78 2,588.38 48,286.48 9.66%
283 48,286.48 2,779.16 181.07 2,598.09 45,688.39 9.14%
284 45,688.39 2,779.16 171.33 2,607.83 43,080.56 8.62%
285 43,080.56 2,779.16 161.55 2,617.61 40,462.95 8.09%
286 40,462.95 2,779.16 151.74 2,627.43 37,835.52 7.57%
287 37,835.52 2,779.16 141.88 2,637.28 35,198.24 7.04%
288 35,198.24 2,779.16 131.99 2,647.17 32,551.07 6.51%
289 32,551.07 2,779.16 122.07 2,657.10 29,893.98 5.98%
290 29,893.98 2,779.16 112.10 2,667.06 27,226.92 5.45%
291 27,226.92 2,779.16 102.10 2,677.06 24,549.85 4.91%
292 24,549.85 2,779.16 92.06 2,687.10 21,862.75 4.37%
293 21,862.75 2,779.16 81.99 2,697.18 19,165.58 3.83%
294 19,165.58 2,779.16 71.87 2,707.29 16,458.29 3.29%
295 16,458.29 2,779.16 61.72 2,717.44 13,740.84 2.75%
296 13,740.84 2,779.16 51.53 2,727.63 11,013.21 2.20%
297 11,013.21 2,779.16 41.30 2,737.86 8,275.34 1.66%
298 8,275.34 2,779.16 31.03 2,748.13 5,527.21 1.11%
299 5,527.21 2,779.16 20.73 2,758.44 2,768.78 0.55%
300 2,768.78 2,779.16 10.38 2,768.78 - 0.00%
301 - - - - - 0.00%
302 - - - - - 0.00%
303 - - - - - 0.00%
304 - - - - - 0.00%
305 - - - - - 0.00%
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Monthly Amortization Table
Repayment Opening Mortgage Interest Closing % Capital
Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance Outstanding
306 - - - - - 0.00%
307 - - - - - 0.00%
308 - - - - - 0.00%
309 - - - - - 0.00%
310 - - - - - 0.00%
311 - - - - - 0.00%
312 - - - - - 0.00%
313 - - - - - 0.00%
314 - - - - - 0.00%
315 - - - - - 0.00%
316 - - - - - 0.00%
317 - - - - - 0.00%
318 - - - - - 0.00%
319 - - - - - 0.00%
320 - - - - - 0.00%
321 - - - - - 0.00%
322 - - - - - 0.00%
323 - - - - - 0.00%
324 - - - - - 0.00%
325 - - - - - 0.00%
326 - - - - - 0.00%
327 - - - - - 0.00%
328 - - - - - 0.00%
329 - - - - - 0.00%
330 - - - - - 0.00%
331 - - - - - 0.00%
332 - - - - - 0.00%
333 - - - - - 0.00%
334 - - - - - 0.00%
335 - - - - - 0.00%
336 - - - - - 0.00%
337 - - - - - 0.00%
338 - - - - - 0.00%
339 - - - - - 0.00%
340 - - - - - 0.00%
341 - - - - - 0.00%
342 - - - - - 0.00%
343 - - - - - 0.00%
344 - - - - - 0.00%
345 - - - - - 0.00%
346 - - - - - 0.00%
347 - - - - - 0.00%
348 - - - - - 0.00%
349 - - - - - 0.00%
350 - - - - - 0.00%
351 - - - - - 0.00%
352 - - - - - 0.00%
353 - - - - - 0.00%
354 - - - - - 0.00%
355 - - - - - 0.00%
356 - - - - - 0.00%
357 - - - - - 0.00%
358 - - - - - 0.00%
359 - - - - - 0.00%
360 - - - - - 0.00%
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