Severe Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Identification, Associated Health Risks, and Treatment Approaches

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AHA Scientific Statement

Severe Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Identification,

Associated Health Risks, and Treatment Approaches
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Endorsed by The Obesity Society

Aaron S. Kelly, PhD, FAHA, Co-Chair; Sarah E. Barlow, MD, MPH, Co-Chair;
Goutham Rao, MD, FAHA; Thomas H. Inge, MD, PhD; Laura L. Hayman, PhD, RN, FAHA;
Julia Steinberger, MD, MS, FAHA; Elaine M. Urbina, MD, MS, FAHA;
Linda J. Ewing, PhD, RN, FAHA; Stephen R. Daniels, MD, PhD, FAHA; on behalf of the
American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young Committee
of the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and
Metabolism, and Council on Clinical Cardiology

Abstract—Severe obesity afflicts between 4% and 6% of all youth in the United States, and the prevalence is increasing.
Despite the serious immediate and long-term cardiovascular, metabolic, and other health consequences of severe pediatric
obesity, current treatments are limited in effectiveness and lack widespread availability. Lifestyle modification/behavior-
based treatment interventions in youth with severe obesity have demonstrated modest improvement in body mass index
status, but participants have generally remained severely obese and often regained weight after the conclusion of the
treatment programs. The role of medical management is minimal, because only 1 medication is currently approved for
the treatment of obesity in adolescents. Bariatric surgery has generally been effective in reducing body mass index and
improving cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors; however, reports of long-term outcomes are few, many youth with
severe obesity do not qualify for surgery, and access is limited by lack of insurance coverage. To begin to address these
challenges, the purposes of this scientific statement are to (1) provide justification for and recommend a standardized
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definition of severe obesity in children and adolescents; (2) raise awareness of this serious and growing problem by
summarizing the current literature in this area in terms of the epidemiology and trends, associated health risks (immediate
and long-term), and challenges and shortcomings of currently available treatment options; and (3) highlight areas in
need of future research. Innovative behavior-based treatment, minimally invasive procedures, and medications currently
under development all need to be evaluated for their efficacy and safety in this group of patients with high medical and
psychosocial risks.  (Circulation. 2013;128:1689-1712.)
Key Words: AHA Scientific Statements ◼ adolescents ◼ children ◼ obesity ◼ risk factors

D espite recent data suggesting that the rate of increase

of obesity among children and adolescents has slowed
and overall prevalence has possibly begun to plateau,1,2 a
obesity. As the fastest-growing subcategory of obesity in chil-
dren and adolescents,1,3,4 severe obesity afflicts between 4%
and 6% of all youth in the United States3–7 and has both imme-
worrisome trend has emerged in the form of severe pediatric diate and long-term health consequences. Recent data further

The American Heart Association makes every effort to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of an outside relationship
or a personal, professional, or business interest of a member of the writing panel. Specifically, all members of the writing group are required to complete
and submit a Disclosure Questionnaire showing all such relationships that might be perceived as real or potential conflicts of interest.
This statement was approved by the American Heart Association Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee on July 1, 2013. A copy of the document
is available at by selecting either the “By Topic” link or the “By Publication Date” link. To purchase additional
reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Kelly AS, Barlow SE, Rao G, Inge TH, Hayman LL, Steinberger J,
Urbina EM, Ewing LJ, Daniels SR; on behalf of the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in the Young Committee of
the Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, and Council on Clinical Cardiology. Severe
obesity in children and adolescents: identification, associated health risks, and treatment approaches: a scientific statement from the American Heart
Association. Circulation. 2013;128:1689–1712.
Expert peer review of AHA Scientific Statements is conducted by the AHA Office of Science Operations. For more on AHA statements and guidelines
development, visit and select the “Policies and Development” link.
Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/or distribution of this document are not permitted without the express
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© 2013 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0b013e3182a5cfb3

1690  Circulation  October 8, 2013

suggest that compared with overweight and obese children growth charts for the United States, which include smoothed
and adolescents, youth with severe obesity have a much more percentiles only up to the 97th percentile35; BMI percen-
adverse cardiometabolic risk factor profile and demonstrate tiles greater than this are beyond the range of the reference
early signs of vascular dysfunction and subclinical atheroscle- data.36 Flegal et al5 suggested that the expression of high
rosis.6,8–18 Tracking of adiposity from childhood into adult- BMI values as a percentage above the 95th percentile pro-
hood is much stronger in the severely obese,6 and high body vides a flexible means by which to evaluate heavier youth.
mass index (BMI) in childhood is associated with increased Using this approach, it was found that 120% of the 95th per-
risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes melli- centile (1.2×95th percentile) of BMI for age was similar to
tus (T2DM), and premature death.19–29 Unfortunately, many the unsmoothed 99th percentile of the growth chart data set.
of the treatment approaches commonly used with some suc- For example, the 95th percentile BMI for a 7-year-old girl
cess in overweight and obese youth are less effective in those is 19.5 kg/m2, and 1.2×95th percentile BMI is 23.4 kg/m2
with severe obesity.30–33 Novel treatment strategies tailored for (19.5×1.2). Those BMI values are associated with weights
severe obesity are therefore needed to alter the health trajec- of 29 kg (64 lb) and 35 kg (77 lb), respectively, assuming a
tory of children and adolescents afflicted with this condition. median height. The 95th percentile BMI and 1.2×95th per-
The purposes of the present scientific statement are to centile BMI for a 13-year-old boy, also of median height,
(1) provide justification for and recommend a standard- would be 25.1 and 30.1 kg/m2, respectively, with associated
ized definition of severe obesity in children and adolescents; weights of 61 kg (134 lb) and 73 kg (161 lb). For a more com-
(2) raise awareness of this serious and growing problem by prehensive description of the value of using percent above the
summarizing the current literature in this area in terms of 95th percentile and how it is calculated for the clinical track-
epidemiology and trends, associated health risks (immedi- ing of youth with severe obesity, see Gulati et al.37
ate and long-term), and challenges and shortcomings of cur- One potential advantage of this approach is that track-
rently available treatment options; and (3) highlight areas ing changes in BMI status over time may be easier than
in need of future research. Because various definitions and attempting to assign a precise percentile or z score, which
terms have been used for this condition in the literature and is misleading at the extreme tails of the BMI distribution.
no uniform consensus currently exists, a standardized defi- In addition, changes are difficult to interpret clinically in
nition and nomenclature are suggested so that clinical and these extreme values, because substantial weight fluctua-
research efforts can be streamlined, including improved clini- tions result in very small changes in percentile and z-score
cal identification and management of severe obesity, as well as values. In a report on the prevalence of severe obesity in
assessment of outcomes from research interventions. Severe California, Koebnick et al7 used this definition (120% of the
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pediatric obesity demands attention and clinical management, 95th percentile) but also included in this category those with
because if left unchecked, it will have a profound effect on an absolute BMI ≥35 kg/m2, using the justification that this is
those it afflicts and will place a significant economic and clini- the cutoff for class II obesity in adults. Although an absolute
cal services burden on the future healthcare system. value is acceptable as a cut point in adolescents, a single
value in younger children for a range of ages works poorly,
Definition and Nomenclature because one value would reflect different degrees of excess
Although various definitions have been proposed to identify weight depending on age of the child. Multiple absolute cut
severe obesity in children and adolescents, BMI ≥99th percen- points that vary with age are cumbersome.
tile has been the most commonly used. Freedman et al6 dem- Two other measures of relative BMI are in use: BMI “sym-
onstrated that a BMI ≥99th percentile identified a subgroup of percent” and percent over BMI. BMI sympercent is the per-
obese youth with an especially adverse cardiovascular risk fac- centage difference from the 50th percentile BMI value for
tor profile and showed that tracking of adiposity into adulthood age and sex, based on the natural log scale.38,39 The equation
was extremely strong in these individuals. In 2007, expert com- for sympercent is 100×ln(BMI/50th percentile BMI). For
mittee recommendations regarding the prevention, assessment, a 7-year-old girl of median height, 50th percentile BMI is
and treatment of child and adolescent overweight and obesity 15.5 kg/m2. Therefore, when BMI is 19.5 kg/m2, which is the
recognized an emerging category of severe obesity, and a table 95th percentile, sympercent is 23.1%, and it is 41.2% when
was provided that showed BMI values at ages 5 to 17 years BMI is 23.4 kg/m2. Percent over BMI is the percentage above
that corresponded with the 99th percentile, derived from the the 50th percentile BMI for age and sex.40 Although studies
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) have evaluated these measures for responsiveness to pediatric
1999–2004 data.6,34 Use of a percentile allows a uniform metric treatments, they have been used neither to define cut points
across all ages such that the excess weight of a 5-year-old boy for severe obesity nor to evaluate severe obesity epidemiology
with a BMI at the 99th percentile should be similar to the excess or health risk.
weight of a 14-year-old boy with a BMI at the 99th percentile, Although high BMI is a fairly good indicator of excess
relative to age- and sex-matched peers. However, because the body fatness, other methods have been proposed; however,
99th percentile performs poorly from a statistical standpoint, the 2 of the most common, skinfold thickness and waist circum-
widespread adoption of this particular BMI percentile cutoff is ference (including waist-to-height ratio), are not advised to
inadvisable. The same problems arise with use of BMI z score. define severe obesity for several reasons. In regard to the use
More recently, Flegal et al5 have proposed an alternative of skinfold thickness, many challenges would likely limit its
method by which to calculate extreme values of BMI based widespread adoption, especially in the clinical setting, includ-
on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reference ing lack of standardization, the presence of skinfold thickness
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1691

in youth with severe obesity that may exceed the capacity of that this definition be used consistently in clinical and research
standard calipers, and potentially high variability caused by settings to standardize efforts to better characterize the unique
measurement error. Similar practical challenges would limit features and risk factors associated with severe obesity, particu-
the usefulness of waist circumference, including difficulty in larly compared with less severe categories of adiposity, and to
properly locating anatomic landmarks such as the umbilicus evaluate novel approaches for the management and treatment
and superior iliac crest because of the large volume of adipose of youth with severe obesity. Figure 1 shows the BMI curves
tissue and high measurement error. Therefore, although skin- associated with the newly proposed definition for severe obesity
fold thickness and waist circumference have been proposed for boys (Figure 1A) and girls (Figure 1B).
as potentially attractive alternatives for quantifying adipos- In view of the various terms used to describe this condition,
ity in overweight and obese children and adolescents, these the writing group focused on the 2 most common in the litera-
methods are not recommended in youth with severe obesity. ture: extreme and severe. From an epidemiological/statistical
In consideration of the above issues, the writing group rec- point of view, the term extreme accurately describes the condi-
ommends that severe obesity in children ≥2 years of age and in tion because it implies an order of magnitude and/or being situ-
adolescents be defined as having a BMI ≥120% of the 95th per- ated at the farthest possible point from the center. Alternatively,
centile or an absolute BMI ≥35 kg/m2, whichever is lower based from a clinical standpoint, the term severe implies harshness,
on age and sex. The inclusion of an absolute BMI threshold seriousness, and/or a condition of grave consequence. The
(35 kg/m2) aligns the pediatric definition with class II obesity writing group considered clinical relevance to be of primary
in adults, a high-risk category of obesity associated with early importance in its recommendation of a standardized nomencla-
mortality in adults.41 BMI 35 kg/m2 is a higher threshold than ture, especially in how this condition is perceived by pediatri-
BMI ≥120% of the 95th percentile among most children, but it cians, patients, and their families. Considering the immediate
is a somewhat lower threshold (and therefore expands the popu- and long-term health risks associated with very high BMI, as
lation that is categorized as severely obese) among boys ≈18 detailed in other sections of this scientific statement, the writ-
years and older and girls ≈16 years and older. We recommend ing group believed that the term severe most appropriately
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Figure 1. Body mass index (BMI) curves from Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reference
growth charts associated with the newly proposed
definition for severe obesity for boys (A) and girls (B).
Note that an absolute BMI ≥35 kg/m2 would qualify as
severe obesity, consistent with the definition of class
II obesity in adults. This 35-kg/m2 threshold is lower
than the 120% of the 95th percentile benchmark
primarily among girls age ≥16 years. Figures provided
courtesy of David W. Kaplan, MD, MPH,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado
School of Medicine.
1692  Circulation  October 8, 2013

described this condition and that the sense of gravity that this set of 1999–2006 identified a somewhat higher percentage
term conveys accurately represents the heightened level of risk of youth aged 2 to 19 years of age (4.6%).5 The authors of
associated with it. that article cautioned that although BMI ≥120% of the 95th
percentile fit the empirical data, the small sample size used
Epidemiology may not have reflected the true prevalence. When expanded
Epidemiological evaluation in severe obesity presents some to include absolute BMI ≥35 kg/m2, the proportion was
challenges: Cut points for severe obesity that functionally 4.9%.4 This same expanded definition of BMI ≥120% of the
define a group of children and adolescents with markedly 95th percentile was used in a more recent cohort of >700 000
worse healthcare issues lack robust epidemiological data children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years in an integrated
because of the relatively new need for this category and other prepaid health plan in southern California between 2007 and
statistical issues. However, some work has been done to deter- 2008. Although not a population-based sample, the distri-
mine whether variations by age, race/ethnicity, and poverty butions of age, sex, and race/ethnicity were similar to the
exist in categories of severe obesity (Table 1). southern California census of 2000. This much larger sample
revealed that 6.4% of youth were in the severe obesity cat-
Overall Prevalence egory.7 Use of absolute BMI alone to define severe obesity
Using data from NHANES 1999–2004 and defining severe has been limited to studies of adolescents, most commonly
obesity as BMI 99th percentile, Freedman et al6 reported the in the context of criteria for bariatric surgery. In NHANES
prevalence at 4% for children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 1999–2004, an estimated 1.3% of 12- to 19-year-olds had a
years. A subsequent analysis that included a wider range of BMI ≥40 kg/m2.3 The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, a
ages (2–19 years) found a rate of 3.8%.3 Application of BMI nonrepresentative sample but one that provides information
≥120% of the 95th percentile in an expanded NHANES data about comorbidities, found that 2.8% of youth 13 to 17 years

Table 1.  Summary of Epidemiological Data With Application of Different Cut Points to Define Severe Obesity
BMI ≥99th Percentile BMI ≥120% of 95th Percentile Absolute BMI
Overall prevalence NHANES 1999–2004: ≈4%6 NHANES 1999–2006: 4.6%5 No data available
NHANES 1999–2006*: 4.9%4
California health plan 2007–2008*: 6.4%7
Age NHANES 1999–20043: NHANES 1999–20065: NHANES 1999–20043:
2–5 y=4.2% 2–5 y=2.2% BMI >40 kg/m2; 12–19 y=1.3%
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6–11 y=4.0% 6–11 y=4.6% MEPS 2000–200444:

12–19 y=3.4% 12–17 y=5.8% BMI ≥40 kg/m2 or ≥35 kg/m2 plus
NHANES 1999–200842: NHANES 1999–20064*: comorbidity; 13–17 y=2.8%
3–5 y=4.7% 2–5 y=2.2%
HEALTHY middle school study 200643: 6–11=4.7%
Mean 11.8 y=6.9% 12–17=6.3%
California health plan 2007–20087*:
2–5 y=2.5%
6–11 y=7.4%
12–19 y=7.7%
Race/ethnicity NHANES 1999–2004, 2–19 y3: California health plan 2007–20087*: No data available
H=5.2% H=7.9%
B=5.8% B=8.2%
W=3.1% W=3.8%
NHANES 1999–2008, 3–5 y42: As=3.4%
H=7.8% NHANES 1999–20064*:
B=5.2% H=5.1% F, 6.9% M
W=3.4% B=9.1% F, 7.1% M
HEALTHY middle school study 200643: W=3.5% F, 4.0% M
H=6.4% F, 8.2% M
B=8.7% F, 7.1% M
W=4.1% F, 5.8% M
Poverty NHANES 1999–20043: No data available NHANES 1999–20043: 12–19 y, BMI ≥40
PIR <1: 4.3% kg/m2
PIR 1–3: 4.3% PIR <1: 2.0%,
PIR >3: 2.5% PIR 2–3: 1.1%
NHANES 1999–2008 3–5 y42: PIR >3: 0.8%
Income level: no difference
As indicates Asian; B, black or African American, non-Hispanic; BMI, body mass index; F, female; H, Hispanic or Mexican American; M, male; MEPS: Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; PIR, poverty-income ratio, the ratio of the midpoint of observed family income
category to the official poverty threshold, which is scaled to family size; and W, white, non-Hispanic.
*Severe obesity category also includes children with BMI ≥35 kg/m2. Starting at age 16 years in girls and 18 years in boys, this BMI level is lower than 120% of 95th
percentile BMI, which expands the number of youth included in the category.
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1693

of age had a BMI ≥40 kg/m2 or a BMI ≥35 kg/m2 with a of BMI ≥99th percentile was applied to data from NHANES
serious comorbidity.44 Prevalence estimates of more extreme 1999–2004, the prevalence of severe obesity was 4.3% in
BMI values are elusive; however, using data from NHANES youth with a poverty income ratio (PIR) of <1 and 2.5%
1999–2010, one can estimate that ≈0.16% (1.6 per thou- in youth with a PIR >3.3 PIR is the ratio of the midpoint
sand) of 12- to 19-year-olds in the United States (or ≈45 000 of observed family income category to the official poverty
adolescents) have a BMI ≥50 kg/m2. Taken together, these threshold, which is scaled to family size. PIR <1 identifies
studies indicate that ≈4% to 6% of children and adolescents individuals who are below the federal poverty level, and
2 to 19 years of age have a BMI in the severe obesity range PIR ≥1 indicates relatively higher socioeconomic status.
of ≥99th percentile or ≥120% of the 95th percentile. Using the same BMI cut point on data from NHANES
1999–2008 limited to 3- to 5-year-old children, prevalence
Prevalence Differences by Age and Sex of severe obesity was not correlated with PIR or with public
Although preschoolers have a lower prevalence of obesity versus private insurance status.42 Odds ratio for severe obe-
than 6- to 19-year-olds,1,45 the severe obesity cut point of 99th sity, when defined as 120% of 95th percentile, was higher
percentile applied to NHANES 1999–2004 showed a preva- among low-income girls, but not boys, in a 30-year NHANES
lence rate of ≈4% across the age groups (Table 1). An analy- sample (1976–2006).4 When severe obesity in adolescents
sis of NHANES 1999–2008 focused on younger children and was defined as BMI ≥40 kg/m2 in NHANES 1999–2004, the
found a 4.6% prevalence rate of BMI ≥99th percentile among percentage of severe obesity was higher among those with
ages 3 to 5 years.42 In contrast to the 99th percentile cut point, low income.3
BMI ≥120% of the 95th percentile cut point categorizes 2.2%
of preschoolers as severely obese.4 Many analyses of severe Trends in Prevalence Over Time
obesity have not directly compared rates between boys and Data are limited, but it appears that severe obesity is the
girls. The NHANES 1999–2004 analysis, with all age groups fastest-growing subcategory of obesity in youth. Ogden et al1
combined, estimated 4.6% of boys and 2.9% of girls to have a reported a continued rise in prevalence of high BMI, defined
BMI ≥99th percentile.3 Using the definition of BMI ≥120% of as ≥97th percentile, among boys 6 to 19 years of age between
the 95th percentile cut point, the proportions of boys and girls 1999 and 2008, during a period when overweight and obe-
were closer: 5.0% versus 4.3% in NHANES and 7.3% versus sity prevalence rates were otherwise unchanged. When the
5.5% in the California health plan.5,7 cut point of BMI ≥99th percentile was applied to 3 cycles of
NHANES (1976–1980, 1988–1994, and 1999–2004), a signif-
Race and Ethnicity icant trend was identified, from 0.8% to 2.2% to 3.8%, respec-
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Regardless of the cut point used to define severe obesity, data tively.3 The trend was observed among males and females, all
consistently have shown higher prevalence among Hispanic age categories, and the 3 predominant racial/ethnic categories;
or Mexican American children and non-Hispanic black or however, the small sample size in 1976–1980 made the esti-
African American youth.1,45 Use of the 99th percentile cut mates unreliable. Similar changes were demonstrated using
point in NHANES 1999–2004 identified a prevalence of the same 3 NHANES cycles but with severe obesity defined as
5.2% in Mexican American youth and 5.8% in black youth 120% of 95th percentile or BMI ≥35 kg/m2: 1.2%, 3.0%, and
(non-Hispanic) 2 to 19 years of age in contrast to 3.1% in 4.9% among all children 2 to 19 years of age.4
white youth (non-Hispanic).3 Among 3- to 5-year-old chil-
dren, using NHANES 1999–2008, the pattern was simi-
Associated Health Risks
lar.42 This 99th percentile cut point found 6.4% to 8.7% of
Hispanic and black boys and girls in the cohort of 6358 Immediate Risks
middle school students in the 2006 HEALTHY obesity pre- Cardiovascular Risks
vention study.43 Use of BMI ≥120% of the 95th percentile or Substantial research attention has focused on the immediate
the BMI ≥35 kg/m2 cut point to examine racial/ethnic dif- (during childhood) cross-sectional associations of overweight
ference in NHANES data identified a prevalence of 7.1% and obesity and traditional and novel risk factors for CVD in
among black boys 2 to 19 years and 6.9% among Hispanic children and adolescents (for comprehensive reviews of pedi-
boys, whereas the prevalence among white boys was 4.0%. atric obesity, CVD risk factors, and metabolic syndrome, see
Similarly, 9.1% of black girls 2 to 19 years old, 5.1% of the American Heart Association scientific statements47–49).
Hispanic girls, and 3.5% of white girls had BMI values in this Numerous clinical and population-based studies have docu-
category.4 This cut point identified comparable racial/ethnic mented that high BMI and other measures of adiposity are
differences in the large, non–population-based sample from associated with adverse levels of lipids and lipoproteins and
the southern California health plan.7 blood pressure in childhood and adolescence.50–55 Similarly,
in both school-aged children and adolescents, overweight
Poverty and obesity have been associated with insulin resistance,56–58
Childhood obesity (BMI ≥95th percentile) is associated with mediators of inflammatory processes (ie, elevated levels of
low income, but interpretation of the data has been difficult circulating inflammatory cytokines),59 and adverse changes
because of confounding factors such as race and ethnicity.46 in vascular structure and function, including increased arte-
Data regarding associations of poverty with more severe rial stiffness60,61 and endothelial dysfunction.62 Results from
obesity categories are scarce and inconsistent, varying with both clinical and population-based studies have suggested
the cut point used and cohort examined. When the cut point that the number and severity of traditional risk factors for
1694  Circulation  October 8, 2013

CVD, as well as nontraditional risk factors, increase with the dyslipidemia,9,10,12,13,15 oxidative stress,15 inflammation,11,15,18 car-
degree of adiposity in both childhood and adolescence.11,18,63 diorespiratory deconditioning (low fitness level) and poor pul-
Importantly, obesity and CVD risk factors associated with monary function,9 clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors,8,14
obesity have been linked to early atherosclerosis in pathologi- arterial stiffness,17 increased carotid artery intima-media thick-
cal studies of the coronary arteries and aorta in adolescents ness,11 and endothelial dysfunction/activation.11,12,16,17 Perhaps
and young adults.64–67 most striking are the markedly elevated levels of inflammation
More recently, attention has focused on the cardiovascu- that have been demonstrated in severe pediatric obesity. In the
lar health risks associated with severe pediatric obesity, with studies by Norris et al15 and Kapiotis et al,11 mean C-reactive
emphasis on how the immediate and long-term risks in this protein levels exceeded 5 mg/L, a level considered to be high
subgroup differ from less extreme forms of obesity. Although risk in adults.68,69 In addition, oxidized low-density lipopro-
severe pediatric obesity has been operationally defined in a tein (LDL) is elevated in severe obesity, which likely increases
variety of ways across studies, available data suggest that risk of early atherosclerosis because oxidative modification of
children and adolescents in this category have a worse cardio- LDL cholesterol is considered a primary step in the atheroscle-
vascular risk factor profile than their less obese counterparts. rotic process.70 Figure 3 shows mean levels of oxidized LDL,
For example, in one of the first studies designed to address C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6 in severe obesity com-
this issue, Freedman and colleagues6 quantified cardiovas- pared with obesity, overweight, and normal weight.15
cular and metabolic risk factors including dyslipidemia, Early cardiac abnormalities have also been demonstrated in
hypertension, and hyperinsulinemia in a cross-sectional and severe pediatric obesity. Compared with normal-weight con-
longitudinal analysis of data from the population-based, trol subjects, adolescents with severe obesity had greater left
biracial Bogalusa Heart Study focused on children and ado- ventricular mass and reduced systolic and early diastolic tis-
lescents (5–17 years of age). Of children with a BMI ≥95th sue Doppler imaging velocities.71 Youth with hypertension and
percentile, 70%, 39%, and 18% had at least 1, 2, or 3 CVD high BMI had left atrial enlargement, a finding associated with
risk factors, respectively. In contrast, among those with a diastolic dysfunction.72 Diastolic dysfunction has also been
BMI ≥99th percentile, which was used to identify severe obe- shown in adolescent patients evaluated for bariatric surgery
sity in the study, 84%, 59%, and 33% had at least 1, 2, or 3 who presented with a mean BMI of 60 kg/m2.73 These findings
CVD risk factors, respectively. Figure 2 shows the proportion are of great concern, because a secular trend in increased left
of children and adolescents with ≥1 CVD risk factor by age
ventricular mass is seen coincident with the trends in obesity
and sex in the Bogalusa cohort according to BMI percentile.6
in the Unites States.74 Indeed, heart size and mass track sig-
Clearly, the number of CVD risk factors increases in a non-
nificantly over time, which suggests that early abnormalities
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linear fashion at the 99th BMI percentile. Results from this

may have implications for later cardiac health.75,76
study suggest a high level of cardiovascular risk in severely
obese children and adolescents. Metabolic Risks
Other studies have reported that severe pediatric obesity, The massive accumulation of body fat observed in severe obe-
compared with milder forms of adiposity and normal weight, sity has been associated with hyperinsulinemia, insulin resis-
is associated with higher levels of blood pressure,9,10,12,13,15 tance, and prediabetes.12,13,15,18,77–80 Impaired glucose tolerance,

Figure 2. Body mass index (BMI) percentile and

the proportion of children and adolescents with ≥1,
≥2, ≥3, or ≥4 cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Reprinted from Freedman et al6 with permission
from Elsevier. Copyright © 2007, Mosby, Inc.
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1695

Figure 3. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL; A), C-reactive protein (B), and interleukin-6 (C) in normal weight (NW), overweight (OW),
obesity (OB), and extreme obesity (EO; body mass index [BMI] ≥120% of the 95th percentile or BMI ≥35 kg/m2). Reprinted from Norris
et al15 with permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2011, North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO).

a strong predictor of future development of T2DM in obese for many years. Estimates of the prevalence of OSAS among
youth, is prevalent among children and adolescents with obese youth range from 5.7% to 36%, varying considerably
severe obesity.77,78,81 In a study of >700 severely obese children depending on the population studied.83–85 Estimates of the
of European decent, insulin resistance and insulin secretion prevalence among all children and adolescents are much lower
were associated with 2-hour postprandial glucose levels.77 In at roughly 2% to 3%.86–88 Obese children and adolescents with
a multiethnic cohort of 167 children and adolescents referred OSAS are more likely to have excessive daytime sleepiness.89
to a pediatric obesity specialty center, many of whom were Furthermore, OSAS is more likely to persist after treatment
severely obese, insulin resistance was the most important risk with adenotonsillectomy in obese youth than in normal-
factor linked to the development of impaired glucose toler- weight youth.90
ance in severe childhood obesity.78 Only 1 study has addressed the prevalence of OSAS
Clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors, often referred among severely obese youth. Among adolescents with a BMI
to as metabolic syndrome, is highly prevalent in children and ≥40 kg/m2 referred for bariatric surgery, OSAS prevalence
adolescents with severe obesity. In a study of 490 children increased with increasing BMI.91 However, there is addi-
and adolescents, increasing BMI was associated with meta- tional evidence that the degree of obesity is associated with
bolic syndrome risk factor clustering.18 Although none of the an increased likelihood of OSAS and with increased severity
normal-weight or overweight participants had metabolic syn- of OSAS. Mallory et al92 reported mild polysomnographic
drome risk factor clustering in that study, 50% of those with abnormalities in a sample of 41 children and adolescents
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severe obesity had this phenotype. Another study reported with severe obesity. Another study demonstrated that for
that 31% of severely obese youth had clustering of metabolic each increase of 1 kg/m2 of BMI above the mean, the risk of
syndrome risk factors and that this group was 3 times more sleep-disordered breathing in general (which encompasses a
likely to have metabolic syndrome risk factors than moder- range of conditions from primary snoring to severe OSAS)
ately obese children and adolescents.8 In a study of Italian and increased by 12%.93 In a separate study, the risk of OSAS
German youth, metabolic syndrome risk factor clustering was increased 3.5-fold with each standard deviation unit increase
significantly associated with increasing BMI.82 These find- in BMI in adolescents.94 On the basis of this evidence, it is
ings appear to be consistent across race and ethnic groups in reasonable to conclude that children and adolescents with
severely obese youth.14 Moreover, levels of adipokines known severe obesity are more likely to have OSAS and that their
to be associated with metabolic risk factor clustering and disease is likely to be worse than in less obese youth.
insulin resistance, such as leptin (secreted from adipocytes,
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
involved in satiety signaling) and adiponectin (secreted from
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is strongly associated with
adipocytes, associated with insulin sensitivity), were abnor-
visceral adiposity and insulin resistance and is becoming one
mal in youth with severe obesity.13,18 In particular, leptin was
of the most common liver diseases in the United States and
markedly elevated in severely obese children and adolescents,
worldwide.95,96 The spectrum of nonalcoholic fatty liver dis-
which suggests problems with satiety signaling and portends
ease ranges from simple steatosis, believed to be benign and
increased weight gain over time.13
nonprogressive, to more severe, potentially progressive non-
Other Comorbidities alcoholic steatohepatitis, which is characterized by hepatic
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome inflammation, hepatocellular injury, and fibrosis. Reports of
Severe pediatric obesity is associated with additional comor- pediatric fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis in obese children
bidities and conditions, although the information available have been increasing and include cases of cirrhosis97–100 and
about their relative prevalence and severity among severely liver transplantation.101 Evidence suggests a strong association
obese compared with obese or overweight children and adoles- with the severity of obesity in children and adolescents,102,103
cents in general is limited. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with BMI being a significant predictor.104 In a cross-sectional
(OSAS) is a serious condition characterized by episodes of study of 41 adolescents undergoing gastric bypass with a
respiratory obstruction with frequent arousals, sleep frag- mean BMI of 59 kg/m2,103 83% had nonalcoholic fatty liver
mentation, intermittent hypoxemia and hypercapnia, noctur- disease, 24% had steatosis alone, 7% demonstrated isolated
nal hypertension, daytime somnolence, and neurobehavioral fibrosis with steatosis, 32% had nonspecific inflammation and
problems. The association with obesity has been observed steatosis, and 20% had nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
1696  Circulation  October 8, 2013

Musculoskeletal Problems studies suggest that severe obesity is common among youth
Overweight and obese youth are more likely to have a wide with disordered eating.
variety of musculoskeletal problems than normal-weight indi-
viduals, including greater musculoskeletal discomfort such Long-term Risks
as knee pain, higher rates of fractures, greater impairment in The concept that obesity and levels of risk factors persist over
mobility, and a higher rate of lower-extremity malalignment.105 time was first demonstrated by longitudinal studies among
As in the case of OSAS, studies of musculoskeletal problems children and adolescents, such as the Muscatine and Bogalusa
among severely obese children and adolescents are lacking. Heart studies.117–119 Tracking studies suggested that early acqui-
There are, however, some reports of a relationship between sition of adiposity may increase the risk for adult obesity.117,119
serious musculoskeletal problems and the degree of obesity. Even when BMI was measured at a young age (6 years), obese
Blount disease, also known as tibia vara, is a growth disorder children had the highest prevalence of adult obesity measured
characterized by tibial “bowing.” In a retrospective analysis 18 years later (nearly 80% prevalence) compared with those
of 890 obese children with a mean BMI of ≈35 kg/m2, higher in the overweight category.118 Many international studies have
BMI was associated with increased risk of Blount disease.106 demonstrated greater tracking among the heaviest youth.120,121
A recent study of 41 adolescents presenting with Blount dis- This was seen even in nutritionally insecure countries, such
ease to a children’s hospital reported a mean BMI of 41 kg/m2, as Indonesia and China.122,123 The study in China reported that
which represents severe obesity by any standard.107 Therefore, 46% of children in the severely obese group remained in that
the evidence suggests that severe pediatric obesity is a signifi- category after 6 years of follow-up compared with only 31%
cant risk factor for Blount disease. Severely obese children are in the overweight category.123 Data from the Bogalusa Heart
also more likely to develop slipped capital femoral epiphy- Study demonstrated that of those with severe obesity (BMI
sis, displacement of the femoral head from the femoral neck ≥99th percentile) at a mean age of 12 years, 100% developed
through the growth plate. They are also more likely to develop an adult BMI ≥30 kg/m2, 88% developed BMI ≥35 kg/m2, and
bilateral slipped capital femoral epiphysis.108 65% developed BMI ≥40 kg/m2.6 Results of this study point to
the high likelihood of developing severe obesity in adulthood
Psychosocial Problems
when severe obesity is present in childhood.
There is mixed evidence related to the prevalence and severity
Intuitively, the higher levels of risk factors associated
of psychosocial problems among severely obese children and
with severe obesity and the cumulative length of exposure
adolescents, and it is unclear whether severe obesity precedes
to these risk factors suggest that the medium- to long-term
these issues or whether psychosocial issues function as patho-
prognosis of this condition is poor. However, the data are
genic factors that contribute to severe obesity. Overall health-
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sparse on whether severe pediatric obesity confers greater

related quality of life, which includes aspects of psychosocial
medium- and long-term disease risk than mild-to-moderate
functioning, has been reported to be lower in severely obese
childhood obesity. The scarcity of data is likely a reflection
children than in healthy-weight children. Furthermore, specific
of the low prevalence of severe pediatric obesity a genera-
measures of emotional, social, and school functioning were
tion ago, which limits the ability to track outcomes in current
significantly lower among severely obese children and adoles-
longitudinal studies. Nevertheless, despite the lack of data on
cents.109 Another study of severely obese adolescents present-
severe obesity per se, it is well established that obese youth
ing for bariatric surgery (bariatric surgery is discussed below)
(probably because of the strong tracking of adiposity into
reported a high prevalence of clinically significant depression
adulthood) are more likely to have adverse levels of cardio-
of 30%.110 By contrast, a community-based study reported a
vascular and metabolic risk factors later in life. Higher BMI
prevalence of depression among severely obese adolescents
is associated with tracking in the higher levels of both blood
that was no higher than among normal-weight peers.111
pressure124–126 and lipids127–129 in longitudinal pediatric cohort
Disordered Eating studies. Adolescents with a higher degree of obesity are also
The population-wide prevalence of eating disorders has not much more likely to demonstrate CVD risk factor clustering
been established, but binge-eating disorder and loss-of-­control over time. Rate and degree of obesity development are also
eating are thought to be common among treatment-seeking important. The Minneapolis Children’s Blood Pressure Study
obese youth. One metabolic research study that included demonstrated that youth with the greatest increase in BMI
normal-weight and overweight children (mean age, 10 years) over a period of 16 years had the highest risk of elevated risk
found 9% of all subjects reported loss-of-control eating.112 factors, including high insulin, lipids, and blood pressure.130
Studies that included obese subjects seeking weight treatment It is also well documented that obese children and adoles-
have shown rates from 8% to 18%.113–115 None of these stud- cents are more likely to demonstrate elevated levels of blood
ies examined the association between degree of obesity and pressure,131,132 lipids,133 liver function enzymes,134 insulin resis-
prevalence of disordered eating. However, among youth with tance,135 and manifestations of the metabolic syndrome136,137
disordered eating, severe obesity appears to be more com- in adulthood. In addition, risk for developing adult meta-
mon, with one study of 678 teens enrolled in a large T2DM bolic syndrome increases across childhood BMI groups.138
treatment trial finding that 67% of those with clinical binge- Inflammation tracks with obesity as well; for every 0.15 U of
eating symptoms had severe obesity (BMI ≥99th percentile) BMI z score measured as a child, the level of high-­sensitivity
compared with 38% of those with no overeating symptoms.116 C-reactive protein was 0.02 U greater as an adult.139 This
Despite the different types of disordered eating examined inflammation leads to higher levels of oxidized LDL, the final
and the choice of diagnostic or screening questionnaires, the common pathway toward development of atherosclerosis.
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1697

Therefore, it is worrisome that adolescents with severe obe- used to define overweight and obesity, which may account
sity demonstrated levels of oxidized LDL 25% higher than the in part for the low prevalence). A similar American study
overweight/obese group (44.7 versus 59.3 U/L, P≤0.0001), examined participants in the Harvard Growth Study of ado-
even after adjustment for LDL cholesterol.15 Finally, evidence lescents who were enrolled from 1922 to 1935.26 Overweight
suggests that the risk of developing T2DM increases greatly was associated with an increased risk of mortality attribut-
with increasing BMI.140,141 In particular, severe obesity in able to coronary heart disease among men (relative risk, 2.3;
childhood is strongly associated with future development of 95% confidence interval, 1.4–4.1) but not among women.26
T2DM.81,138,142–148 In one study, severe obesity at baseline was However, morbidity attributable to coronary heart disease
an independent predictor of eventual development of T2DM.81 and atherosclerosis was increased in overweight adoles-
Adiposity in childhood is also known to predict interme- cents of both sexes.26 Analyses from a more contemporary
diate cardiovascular outcomes in adulthood, including nonin- cohort, the Princeton Lipid Research Clinic Follow-up Study,
vasive measures of target-organ damage. Childhood obesity extended these observations by linking development of pedi-
is correlated with changes in heart size, such as higher left atric metabolic syndrome and change in BMI percentile to
ventricular mass index, left ventricular dilatation, and eccen- adult cardiovascular events.25 Similarly, Native American
tric left ventricular hypertrophy (increased left ventricular children in the highest quartile of BMI at baseline had double
mass with normal relative wall thickness).149–151 Diastolic the rate of death at 24 years of follow-up.21 The California
blood pressure in childhood, which is affected by obesity, has Teachers Study demonstrated that the relative risk for CVD
also been shown to be a significant determinant of concen- was 23% higher in subjects who were obese at 18 years of age
tric hypertrophy (increase in both left ventricular mass and than in individuals with BMI in the overweight category.20
relative wall thickness). These patterns of left ventricular To date, the largest study of obesity using the US National
geometry are associated with adverse outcomes in adults.152 Health Interview Survey confirmed these findings and dem-
This early acquisition of elevated left ventricular mass is wor- onstrated that the risk of premature death was much higher in
risome, because the Bogalusa Heart study76 has documented the participants who were severely obese as young adults.24
tracking of heart size and the Muscatine Heart Study demon- A large study from Israel found a similar graded increase in
strated a 2-fold increase in the likelihood that a subject would risk for coronary heart disease across childhood BMI percen-
be in the upper tertile for heart size at follow-up if he or she tile, and this risk remained elevated (hazard ratio, 6.85; 95%
had a heavier heart at baseline.75 confidence interval, 3.30–14.21) in youth with a BMI ≥91st
Risk of adult vascular damage, associated with childhood percentile even after adjustment for adult BMI and other car-
obesity and tracking of adiposity into adulthood, has also been diovascular risk factors.29 In a large study of Danish school
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documented. Longitudinal pediatric cohort studies have dem- children, higher BMI during childhood was associated with
onstrated that risk factors that cluster with obesity during child- an increased risk of coronary heart disease in adulthood, and
hood and adolescence are associated with increased thickness the strength of the association increased with age.19 Finally, a
of the carotid artery141,153 and stiffness of the abdominal aorta154 systematic review concluded that BMI in childhood was posi-
as an adult. Although data from the Cardiovascular Risk in tively related to coronary heart disease risk in adulthood.27
Young Finns study suggested that the association between obe- Recent data have suggested that much of the increased
sity during childhood and adolescence and carotid thickness risk for adult cardiovascular disease can be explained by
and stiffness is lost after adjustment for adult BMI,155–157 a later the tracking of BMI from childhood into adulthood. Indeed,
study found that the number of CVD risk factors (including combined data from 4 prospective longitudinal studies dem-
obesity) during childhood and adolescence remained a signifi- onstrated that overweight and obese children who were also
cant predictor of change in carotid thickness over 6 years as obese as adults had increased levels of cardiometabolic risk
an adult even after adjustment for the number of risk factors factors and carotid artery atherosclerosis.22 However, the risks
a subject possessed as an adult.158 The independent relation- of these outcomes among overweight or obese children who
ship between obesity during childhood and adolescence and were not obese in adulthood were similar to those who were
adult carotid intima-media thickness was also confirmed by the never obese. In addition, 2 separate systematic reviews con-
Bogalusa Heart Study159 and the Atherosclerosis Risk in Young cluded that the tracking of BMI from childhood to adulthood
Adults study from the Netherlands.160 Of major concern is the primarily explained the association of childhood obesity and
observation that BMI starts to become important in influenc- increased cardiovascular risk in adulthood.23,28
ing adult carotid intima-media thickness when measured at as
young as 10 years of age.161
A direct link between obesity during childhood and ado-
Treatment Approaches
lescence and adult cardiovascular morbidity and mortality Lifestyle Modification/Behavioral Therapy
has been suggested. One study using 3 historical cohorts Principles of Lifestyle Modification/Behavioral Therapy for
in Great Britain found no relationship between childhood Weight Management
BMI and risk for adult ischemic heart disease or stroke.162 Derived from principles of classical conditioning and social
However, the subjects had BMI measured before the begin- learning theory,163 behavioral obesity interventions are based
ning of the worldwide obesity epidemic (before 1968), and on the assumptions that eating and physical activity are the
the prevalence of pediatric obesity in these cohorts was proximal mediators of body weight and that these behaviors
extremely low (≤0.4%),162 which makes this study less appli- can be modified by changing the environmental cues that
cable to the present day (of note, different cut points were precede them and the consequences that follow. Adult and
1698  Circulation  October 8, 2013

pediatric behavioral weight management programs incorpo- in total body fat, blood pressure, waist circumference, and
rate provision of diet and physical activity164,165 and teach a functional health status in children who received interven-
variety of behavioral skills to help individuals implement and tion versus those who received usual care. However, at 1-year
maintain changes. During the past several decades, behavioral posttreatment follow-up (month 18), there were no differences
obesity interventions have come to include a compendium of in percent overweight between the intervention and control
behavior change strategies that include but are not limited to children. Thus, the benefits of treatment on weight were prom-
self-monitoring, stimulus control techniques, goal setting, pos- ising during the period of intensive intervention but were no
itive reinforcement, problem solving, social support, cognitive longer present 1 year after the intervention ended. Another
restructuring, and relapse prevention. Behavioral weight man- study conducted by Johnston et al30 compared the weight loss
agement programs have been used successfully with pediatric response to lifestyle intervention in children and adolescents
populations, most notably by Epstein and colleagues.166–168 (aged 9–14 years old) in various BMI categories (overweight,
These programs, like evidence-supported behavioral weight obese, and severely obese, defined as BMI ≥99th percen-
management programs for adults, incorporate provision of tile). The intervention focused on eating and physical activ-
information, diet, physical activity, and a variety of behavior ity behaviors and behavior modification strategies aimed at
therapy strategies. However, because parent involvement168 weight reduction. Results demonstrated reduced weight loss
and parent modeling of healthy behaviors169 have been identi- efficacy in the group with severe obesity at all of the follow-up
fied as crucial components of pediatric weight management, time points (3, 6, and 12 months). Discouragingly, the mean
the most successful behavioral weight management programs BMI z score returned to baseline in those with severe obesity
are family based. who completed the 12-month intervention. Promising short-
term findings were reported by Savoye et al,176 who random-
Role of Lifestyle Modification/Behavioral Therapy in ized children and adolescents (aged 8–16 years old) with a
Severe Obesity BMI ≥95th percentile to a control group or weight manage-
Although aggressive interventions such as medication have ment intervention that consisted of family-based exercise and
been recommended for the treatment of severe pediatric nutrition counseling and behavior modification. Although not
obesity,6 conservative approaches such as family-based all participants were severely obese, the mean BMI at base-
behavioral weight management are indicated as the initial line was ≈36 kg/m2. Significant reductions in BMI, body fat
intervention.170 For example, in their guidelines for the pre- percentage, and the homeostasis model assessment for insu-
vention and treatment of pediatric obesity,171 the Endocrine lin resistance were reported at 6 months, and these improve-
Society recommended intensive family-based lifestyle modi- ments were sustained at 12 months of follow-up; however,
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fication as a prerequisite for all obesity treatments for children at 24 months, a large proportion of the study population was
and adolescents. Intensive interventions such as medication no longer available for follow-up. Evaluation of 44% of the
or meal replacement should accompany behavioral treatment 12-month completers unfortunately showed regain of weight
rather than replace it.34 However, weight loss and BMI reduc- among intervention participants, although less weight gain
tion in behavioral weight management programs typically than in control subjects.32 A recent study by Danielsson et al33
are modest, ranging from 5% to 20% of excess body weight investigated whether the degree of obesity at baseline pre-
or 1 to 3 U of BMI,171,172 and relatively high attrition rates dicted the efficacy of long-term lifestyle modification therapy.
have been observed.173–175 Moreover, because baseline BMI This large study included 643 children and adolescents aged
values are often so high, many will remain severely obese 6 to16 years old who received ongoing lifestyle modification
even after “successful” (BMI reduction of a few units) life- therapy at the National Childhood Obesity Center (Stockholm,
style modification therapy. In many communities, intensive Sweden). At baseline, patients were classified as moderately
behavior-based programs are not offered or are expensive and obese (BMI standard deviation score 1.5 to <3.5) or severely
not covered by insurance. obese (BMI standard deviation score ≥3.5) based on Swedish
To date, relatively few studies of lifestyle modification pediatric reference standards, and they were followed up for
therapy have focused on youth with severe obesity.30,31,170,176 3 years while lifestyle treatment continued. Results demon-
Levine et al170 conducted a family-based behavioral treatment strated that age and obesity status were predictors of response,
study in 24 children 8 to 12 years old with severe obesity such that younger versus older children and those with mod-
(defined as ≥160% of ideal body weight; mean BMI, 34.5 erate versus severe obesity experienced larger reductions in
kg/m2) and demonstrated a BMI reduction of 1.7 kg/m2 at a BMI standard deviation score. Young children (aged 6–9 years
mean follow-up of ≈8 months. In a study of children (aged old) with severe obesity fared well at each time point (1, 2, and
8–12 years old) with severe obesity (defined as BMI ≥97th 3 years); however, adolescents (aged 14–16 years) with severe
percentile) and mean baseline BMI at approximately the 99th obesity had poor outcomes. In fact, of the latter group, only
percentile, Kalarchian et al31 found that a 6-month compre- 2% experienced a BMI standard deviation score reduction of
hensive, family-based behavioral weight management inter- ≥0.5 at the 3-year time point. Considered together, the behav-
vention was associated with significantly reduced percent ioral studies conducted among youth with severe obesity to
overweight and improved medical outcomes. Specifically, date suggest that lifestyle modification therapy alone results
children in the intervention condition decreased their per- in modest reductions in BMI and body fat and some improve-
cent overweight by 7.6% compared with 0.7% for children in ment in cardiometabolic risk factors but that the benefits are
usual care from pretreatment to posttreatment (baseline to 6 not durable over time. Outcomes may be better when lifestyle
months). There were corresponding significant improvements modification therapy is instituted early in childhood.
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1699

Alternative approaches, such as inpatient treatment and profile, tolerability issues such as oily spotting, oily evacua-
meal replacements, have also been assessed. Two studies tion, fecal urgency, and abdominal pain are relatively common
evaluated inpatient therapy (diet, physical activity, and psy- and limit the widespread use of this medication in children
chosocial support) and reported relatively large reductions in and adolescents.183,188 Studies have not examined whether effi-
BMI177,178; however, the clinical relevance of this approach cacy differs depending on severity of obesity.
is limited, because few such programs exist and most youth
with severe obesity will not have access to them. In the
Metformin, a biguanide primarily used for glycemic control
largest study of meal replacements in adolescents to date,
in T2DM, has been evaluated for its effect on weight loss in a
Berkowitz et al179 evaluated the effect of meal replacements number of pediatric studies but does not have FDA approval
versus conventional diet, in addition to a structured lifestyle for this indication in children and adolescents. Metformin is
modification program for both groups, in adolescents with administered orally and is available in 2 forms, a shorter-act-
BMI 28 to 50 kg/m2 (mean BMI, 37.1 kg/m2). After 4 months, ing twice-per-day tablet or an extended-release once-per-day
those initially on meal replacements were further randomized version. Most but not all studies of metformin in children and
to continuation of meal replacements for another 8 months adolescents have shown modest reductions in body weight
or a group that was transitioned to a conventional diet for and/or BMI.189–201 However, many of the data should be
the remainder of the study. Individuals randomized to meal interpreted with caution, because change in weight or BMI
replacements achieved significantly greater reductions in was not identified as a primary end point in the majority of
BMI (6.3% BMI reduction) than those in the conventional the studies. Only 3 randomized controlled trials specified
diet group (3.8% BMI reduction). However, BMI increased change in BMI as a primary efficacy end point.189,201,202 The
significantly in all groups between months 5 and 12, which first study, conducted in adolescents (13–18 years old) with
suggests that long-term maintenance of BMI reduction is lim- the extended-release formulation (2000 mg once per day),
ited with meal replacement therapy. reported a placebo-subtracted reduction in BMI of 1.1 kg/m2
In summary, lifestyle modification/behavioral therapy in (BMI reduction of ≈3%) over a treatment period of 1 year.189
severely obese children and adolescents appears to have mod- No improvements in lipid profile, blood pressure, or markers
est short-term efficacy in terms of BMI/weight reduction and of insulin resistance were observed. The second study, con-
cardiometabolic risk factor improvement, and long-term sus- ducted in children (6–12 years old) with the shorter-acting
tainability of these improvements is poor. (1000 mg twice per day) formulation, reported a placebo-
subtracted reduction in BMI of 1.1 kg/m2 (BMI reduction of
Medications ≈3%) over a treatment period of 6 months.201 In that study,
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Although the use of medications to treat pediatric obesity is metformin treatment also led to a reduction in fasting glucose
becoming more common,180 the number of options is lim- and the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance.
ited, and their safety and efficacy remain uncertain. Many The third study, conducted in children and adolescents (8–18
of the medications used to treat obesity in adults, includ- years old) with the shorter-acting (1000 mg in the morning
ing 2 medications recently approved by the Food and Drug and 500 mg in the evening) formulation, reported a placebo-
Administration (FDA), lorcaserin (Belviq) and the combi- subtracted reduction in BMI of 1.1 kg/m2 (BMI reduction of
nation of phentermine and topiramate (Qsymia), along with ≈3%) over a treatment period of 6 months.202 None of the
bupropion and naltrexone, have never been studied in chil- other cardiometabolic risk factors measured in the study
dren and adolescents (the latter 2 are not approved by the improved at 6 months. A meta-analysis of 5 studies (with
FDA for the treatment of obesity). To date, the primary medi- treatment periods ≥6 months) that used metformin in chil-
cations that have been evaluated for the treatment of pedi- dren and adolescents reported a placebo-subtracted reduction
atric obesity include sibutramine, orlistat, metformin, and in BMI of 1.42 kg/m2.199 Metformin has a strong safety track
exenatide. Metformin and exenatide are not FDA-approved. record, and gastrointestinal side effects (mainly nausea and
Sibutramine, the most effective of these medications in terms vomiting), although common, are usually mild in severity.
of weight/BMI reduction, was removed from the US market Beyond BMI reduction, metformin has been shown to delay
because of cardiovascular concerns,181,182 which leaves orli- the onset of T2DM in adults.203 Although similar studies have
stat as the only medication approved by the FDA for use in not been performed in children and adolescents, youth with
adolescents (≥12 years). severe obesity, particularly those at high risk for developing
Orlistat T2DM (eg, those having impaired glucose tolerance, elevated
Orlistat, a lipase inhibitor that blocks the absorption of fat, hemoglobin A1c, or family history of diabetes mellitus), may
is administered orally 3 times per day. It has been shown to benefit from this medication. Studies focused on adolescents
with severe obesity have not been reported.
have modest weight loss efficacy in obese children and ado-
lescents.183–187 The largest study (n=539) of orlistat in obese Exenatide
adolescents reported a placebo-subtracted reduction in BMI of Exenatide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) recep-
0.86 kg/m2 (BMI reduction of ≈2.4%) over a treatment period tor agonist used for glycemic control in T2DM, has been
of 1 year.183 No cardiometabolic benefits were observed other shown to consistently reduce body weight in adults with
than a small reduction in diastolic blood pressure. Pooled anal- and without T2DM. The primary mechanisms responsible
yses of orlistat trials have reported reductions in BMI ranging for exenatide-associated weight loss appear to be related
from 0.7 to 0.8 kg/m2.174,188 Although orlistat has a good safety to increased satiety and suppression of appetite.204,205 An
1700  Circulation  October 8, 2013

open-label pilot study in nondiabetic children and adoles- who are suffering from the health and psychosocial effects of
cents with severe obesity (BMI ≥120% of the 95th percen- severe obesity.
tile or ≥35 kg/m2) reported a control-subtracted reduction
Types of Bariatric Surgery
in BMI of 1.7 kg/m2 (BMI reduction of ≈5%) with 3 months Bariatric surgery refers to a variety of different procedures
of exenatide treatment along with improvements in fasting that anatomically alter the gastrointestinal tract and result in
insulin and oral glucose tolerance test–derived markers of restriction of stomach capacity, interference with progression
insulin resistance and β-cell function.206 A recent random- of a meal, or diversion of ingested contents. By far, the most
ized, placebo-controlled trial among adolescents (12–19 common procedures used for adolescents with severe obesity
years old) with severe obesity (BMI ≥120% of the 95th per- include roux en Y gastric bypass (RYGB), adjustable gastric
centile or ≥35 kg/m2) demonstrated a placebo-subtracted banding (AGB), and the more recently introduced vertical
reduction in BMI of 1.1 kg/m2 (BMI reduction of ≈3%) sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), which is being used with increas-
with 3 months of exenatide treatment.207 During the open- ing frequency.210 Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD), duodenal
label extension phase of the trial (an additional 3 months), switch (DS), and VSG combined with massive enterectomy
BMI was further reduced in those initially randomized to have also been used in adolescent populations but are consid-
exenatide (cumulative 6-month BMI reduction of 4%). ered by most surgeons as more complex and potentially less
Limitations of exenatide and other GLP-1 receptor ago- safe than other more commonly used surgical options. In gen-
nists include mild to moderate gastrointestinal side effects eral, published experience with bariatric procedures suggests
(mainly nausea and vomiting) and the fact that it is admin- that weight loss outcomes, comorbidity outcomes, and patient
istered as a subcutaneous injection. More studies will be safety are comparable or better for adolescents than those seen
needed to confirm the findings of these initial trials and to in adults.211–213 Table 2 provides a summary of the adolescent
further evaluate the safety and efficacy of GLP-1 receptor bariatric surgery literature discussed below.
agonists for the treatment of pediatric obesity. Roux en Y Gastric Bypass
In summary, only a few medications have been evalu- Use of RYGB for weight loss in the United States dates back
ated for the treatment of pediatric obesity, and results have to the 1960s for adults and the 1970s for adolescents.220 Five
demonstrated that treatment elicits only modest reductions articles over the past decade reported intermediate- to long-
in BMI/weight and has relatively little impact on the cardio- term outcomes of various operations including RYGB,221–225
metabolic risk factor profile in obese youth. whereas fewer reported only RYGB outcomes.212,214,226
Baseline BMI ranged from 46 to 52 kg/m2, with postoperative
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Surgery BMI ranging from 30 to 35 kg/m2. Similar to adult studies,

Given the limited effectiveness of lifestyle and pharma- adolescent RYGB typically resulted in a significant 35% to
cological interventions and the severe degree of obesity in 37% reduction in BMI by 1 year after surgery, with the major-
many patients, surgical procedures that have proven health ity of this weight loss occurring in the first 6 months after
benefits for adults are more commonly being considered for surgery.212 By contrast, only a 3% BMI reduction was found
severely obese adolescents (for related information regarding when similarly obese (mean BMI 47 kg/m2) adolescents were
adult bariatric surgery, see Poirier et al208,209). Indeed, over treated in a behaviorally based weight management program.79
the past decade, bariatric surgery has become a more broadly Long-term durability (>14 years) of clinically significant
accepted approach to treatment of highly selected adolescents weight reduction in adolescents has been revealed by only 1

Table 2.  BMI Outcomes in Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Studies

Operation Study (Year) Sample Size Mean Age, y Baseline BMI, kg/m2 Follow-up, mo Postoperative BMI, kg/m2 BMI Change, %
RYGB* Inge et al (2010)212 61 17.2 60 12 37.7 −37
RYGB de la Cruz et al 38† 18.2 47.7 12 32 −33
RYGB de la Cruz et al 7‡ Not specified 49 12 32 −35
RYGB* Olbers et al (2012)215 81 16.5 45.5 24 30.2 −33.6
AGB* O’Brien et al 25 16.5 45 24 32.6 −28
AGB Nadler et al (2009)217 41 16.1 48 24 35.8 −25
VSG Alqahtani et al 108 13.9 49.6 12 32.4 −5
VSG Boza et al (2012)219 40 18 38.5 12 25.2 −35
VSG Boza et al (2012)219 34 Not specified 38.5 24 26.3 −32
AGB indicates adjustable gastric banding; BMI, body mass index; RYGB, roux en Y gastric bypass; and VSG, vertical sleeve gastrectomy.
*Prospective studies.
†Hispanic subset.
‡Non-Hispanic subset.
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1701

retrospective study thus far,225 but the findings are consistent approved for use in patients <18 years of age. The litera-
with the larger adult literature that demonstrates the durability ture reporting adolescent outcomes of the AGB has con-
of surgery.227 RYGB has been associated with improvement tinued to grow despite lack of FDA approval, in large part
or resolution of numerous comorbid conditions, including because use of this device does not involve irreversible
OSAS,225,228 T2DM,229 features of metabolic syndrome,212,225,226 change in the gastrointestinal tract, the early safety profile
pseudotumor cerebri,225 and psychosocial functioning.230 demonstrated fewer life-threatening risks, and there are
Olbers et al215 recently reported results from the largest pro- fewer nutritional risks in the long-term. When data from
spective adolescent bariatric cohort study to date. This group 2002 to 2005 were compared with data from 2007 to 2009,
performed a detailed study of 81 adolescents (13–18 years of there was an increased use of AGB and decreased use of
age, mean BMI 46 kg/m2) undergoing laparoscopic RYGB in RYGB in adolescents in the United States,234,237 although
Sweden. With no one lost to follow-up, BMI was reduced by more recent analyses suggest declining use of the band in
32% after 2 years. Hyperinsulinemia, reported in 70% at base- adolescents.210 Among the 12 reports reviewed,212 a total of
line, was present in 3% at 2 years. Elevated fasting glucose 482 adolescents were represented (age range, 9–19 years).
was found in 21% at baseline and in only 5% at 2 years. More In these studies, the average mean preoperative BMI was
favorable lipid profiles were also observed after surgery with 42 to 50 kg/m2, with postoperative BMI mean values rang-
hypertriglyceridemia decreasing from 19% preoperatively to ing from 29 to 41 kg/m2 during 1 to 7 years of follow-up.
1% after 2 years and elevated LDL cholesterol levels decreas- A randomized controlled trial by O’Brien et al216 showed
ing from 33% at baseline to 16% at 2 years. a BMI reduction of 28% in the surgical group, which was
When one considers what might be expected in the long- significantly more than the 3% reduction in the lifestyle
term, it is important to note that controlled, prospective adult group. Comorbidity changes in adolescents after banding
studies demonstrate a marked effect of bariatric surgery on have been inadequately studied. Among the health condi-
mortality,227 comorbidity reversal,231 and prevention of comor- tions assessed in the study by O’Brien et al,216 significant
bidity over ensuing decades; these beneficial effects of bar- improvements in systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
iatric surgery help to inform clinical decision making for plasma insulin, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein
severely obese adolescents when no other treatments have cholesterol, and prevalence of metabolic syndrome were
demonstrated long-term effectiveness. observed. Zitsman et al238 found improvements in hyperten-
After RYGB, no deaths have been reported in the periop- sion in 75%, in dyslipidemia in 88%, in gastroesophageal
erative (within 30 days of operation) period. Several reports of reflux in 20%, in asthma in 56%, and in irregular menstrua-
death unrelated to surgery that occurred 9 months,79 4 years,221 tion in 60% of patients at ≈1 year after surgery.
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and at 2 and 6 years225 after RYGB have been reported. The typi- Death in the perioperative period has not been reported
cal complications of major gastrointestinal surgery have been for adolescents undergoing AGB. Reoperation rates, includ-
seen after RYGB in adolescents, including anastomotic stricture, ing band removal, have been reported in the 8% to 10%
leak, wound infection, bowel obstruction, bleeding, ulceration, range239,240; however, in the study by O’Brien et al,216 the
pneumonia, vitamin deficiency,232 and venous thromboembo- overall adverse event rate was 48%, with 24% of subjects
lism.225,233 These complications resulted in perioperative read- requiring reoperation because of proximal gastric pouch
mission rates of 11.5% and reoperation rates of 2.9%.234 Varela enlargement. When one considers treatment options for
et al213 used the University Health System Consortium database pediatric patients with many decades of life expectancy, it
to compare perioperative risks between >55 000 adults and 309 is also very important to consider that the adult AGB litera-
adolescents cared for between 2002 and 2009. Twice as many ture demonstrates that risks of late complications, the need
adults as adolescents required a postoperative intensive care unit for revisional surgery, and device explantation increase over
stay (14% versus 7%, P<0.05), and adults had higher 30-day time. The Belgian experience of a cohort of 151 adults 12
morbidity rates (9.8% versus 5.5%, P<0.05), which suggests to 15 years after band placement is quite relevant to think-
that adolescents may tolerate bariatric procedures better than ing about use of the AGB in adolescents, because it dem-
adults. Olbers et al215 reported adverse events in 33% of Swedish onstrates a 39% major complication rate (28% had band
subjects, and 15% of all study participants required additional erosions), with approximately half of all patients having
bands explanted over the period of follow-up.241 A recent
abdominal operations over the 2-year period of study. In the
comparison of early risks among 409 RYGB adolescent
Cincinnati, OH cohort, bone mineral density was reduced at 1
patients (mean follow-up of 18 months) and 106 who under-
year and then normalized between 1 and 2 years after RYGB,
went AGB (mean follow-up 12 months) found longer hospi-
but long-term effects on bone health have not been assessed.235
tal stays after RYGB (2.3 versus 0.6 days) and demonstrated
Thus, based on current literature, RYGB appears to be a safe and
no mortality in either group. There were no statistically
effective operation in adolescents, with outcomes similar to, if
significant differences in complication rates between ado-
not more favorable than, those observed in adults, provided mea-
lescents undergoing RYGB and AGB (predischarge com-
sures are taken to prevent vitamin, iron, and calcium deficiency,
plications 5.9% versus 2.8%; readmissions 11.5% ­versus
which can have deleterious effects if uncorrected.236
4.7%; emergency department visits 9.3% versus 7.6%;
Adjustable Gastric Banding reoperations 2.9% versus 4.7%).234
The adjustable gastric band, a device that creates a small On the basis of this evidence, the AGB is more effective
gastric pouch in the proximal stomach, was approved by than lifestyle intervention for weight loss and cardiovascu-
the FDA for adults >10 years ago but has not yet been lar risk factor reduction in severely obese adolescents over at
1702  Circulation  October 8, 2013

least a 2-year period. It is hoped that the results of an ongoing Clinicians should support the most intensive interventions
adolescent FDA trial will provide data from a large US cohort that are appropriate and available for a severely obese child,
regarding the safety and efficacy of this device. but the armamentarium of stage 4 interventions is very lim-
ited, especially for preadolescents.
Appropriateness of Bariatric Surgery
In light of the limited effectiveness of lifestyle modification
and medical therapy shown to date for severe obesity, surgi- Research Gaps and Future Research
cal procedures that have an evidence base that supports their Needs in Treatment Approaches for
efficacy and safety should be considered for patients who Severe Obesity: A Call to Action
demonstrate medical necessity and psychosocial readiness.
Novel Approaches to Lifestyle Modification/
Several groups have suggested guidelines for patient selec-
Behavioral Therapy
tion, and common themes and differences between selection
criteria have been noted. The most recent and authoritative Treatment Efficacy in Severe Obesity Versus
Obesity and Overweight
practice recommendations from Pratt et al242 emphasize the
As noted previously, few studies have evaluated the rela-
concept that a combination of both severe obesity and the
tive efficacy of lifestyle modification approaches for BMI
existence of comorbidities should be present to medically
and risk factor reduction in youth with severe obesity com-
justify an operation to treat obesity. There is good evidence
pared with overweight and obese peers; however, it seems
that RYGB is reasonably safe and highly effective com-
clear that more effective strategies are needed. Even highly
pared with lifestyle modification for the treatment of severe
intensive lifestyle interventions generally have left subjects
obesity. Relatively good safety and efficacy data for AGB
still markedly obese, albeit with modestly improved cardio-
in adolescents have been reported, although a high rate of
vascular and metabolic profiles. Alternative approaches are
reoperation and sparse long-term data, along with a lack of
needed for youth who medically qualify for bariatric sur-
FDA approval for the device, hamper recommendations for
gery but are not interested in this option, for youth who lack
usage before adulthood. All adolescents undergoing bariat-
the family support or emotional maturity for the surgery and
ric surgery should be strongly encouraged to participate in
resulting change in food intake, and for children too young
prospective longitudinal outcomes studies to improve the
for surgery but with severe obesity and severe comorbidi-
evidence base to evaluate the risks and benefits of operations
ties. More studies will be needed to better understand the
in this age group.
unique underlying physiological, psychological, and envi-
Overall, data that have been gathered from both adult and
ronmental factors associated with severe pediatric obesity
Downloaded from by on July 24, 2019

adolescent clinical experience and from several prospective

and how these factors can be adequately addressed within
clinical research studies among adolescents suggest that
the context of lifestyle modification therapy to maximize
bariatric surgery may be the most effective treatment for
treatment outcomes. Additionally, future behavioral inter-
severe obesity in adolescents. Evidence demonstrates that
vention studies should be designed to evaluate nonweight
surgical procedures result in 20% to 35% initial weight loss
outcomes, such as cardiometabolic risk factors, measures of
over at least the first 2 years; sustainability of weight loss
vascular structure and function, and markers of inflamma-
for >1 decade has also been shown in one study, and data
tion and oxidative stress, because lifestyle modification may
on complications to be expected with these interventions
lead to improvements in these factors even without concom-
appear to show such complications to be less severe in ado-
itant BMI or adiposity reduction. Indeed, the ultimate goal
lescents than in adults. However, some questions remain,
should be to improve the quality of life and reduce the risk
and prospective studies are ongoing that will more com-
for chronic disease development in children and adolescents
pletely examine specific risks of surgery, timing of surgery,
with severe obesity.
mechanisms of the effect of surgery on weight and comor-
bidity, and long-term effectiveness of specific procedures in Development of a Continuing Care Model for Severe
this population.215,243 Pediatric Obesity
In summary, treatment of severe obesity in children and As noted in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s
adolescents is challenging. Severe obesity in youth rarely working group report on future research directions in child-
responds to low-intensity or moderately intensive therapy. hood obesity prevention and treatment,244 the pediatric
Although an expert committee suggested a staged approach obesity treatment literature is limited and characterized by
that starts with primary care–based intervention,34 clinicians methodological shortcomings such as small sample size,
can expect that severely obese youth and their families need which restricts identification of potentially important cor-
the best available intensive behavior-based program (stage relates of outcome, and short intervention and follow-up
3); however, most will not achieve sustained weight reduc- periods. Moreover, because of its association with medical
tion from these programs and would benefit from more morbidity and costs, there is growing consensus that severe
intensive interventions that require careful medical oversight obesity requires chronic management.171,245 Data from adult
(stage 4). Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment behavioral intervention trials suggest that continuing behav-
for severe obesity in adolescents; however, surgery is appro- ioral weight management is associated with sustained weight
priate and available for only some adolescents with severe loss and health benefits,246 but pediatric data are limited.
obesity, and broadening availability will depend on the Some studies have suggested the potential utility of longer
results of long-term outcome studies, currently in progress. programs in the management of pediatric obesity. Wilfley
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1703

et al247 found that weight loss maintenance programs after Medications Recently Approved or in Development for the
a 5-month family-based behavioral intervention had sig- Treatment of Obesity
nificantly better weight outcomes. Similarly, Savoye et al176 Two new medications for the treatment of obesity have
used a 12-month behavioral lifestyle program with a step received FDA approval recently, and a number of promis-
down in intensity after 6 months and documented signifi- ing medications are in development or are currently being
cant differences between intervention and control conditions reviewed by the FDA for treatment of obesity in adults, and
in weight, body composition, and insulin resistance. These eventually children and adolescents. Table 3 provides infor-
data indicate that ongoing treatment is associated with better mation on the medications that have been approved recently
outcomes. Nevertheless, the feasibility and acceptability of and another that is in late-stage development. A strategy of
continuing care over longer periods of intervention are not using combinations of medications for treatment of obesity
known, and important questions about sustaining changes is likely to be beneficial. First, combining established medi-
in eating and physical activity remain unaddressed.247,248 cations diminishes the likelihood of unexpected side effects,
Furthermore, challenges such as high rates of attrition within a phenomenon that has been observed repeatedly with new
the context of pediatric weight management clinical pro- single agents. When lower doses of each can be administered,
grams will need to be addressed if a continuing care model the likelihood of side effects is diminished further. Second, a
is to be successful.249,250 combination of medication can target multiple distinct mech-
anisms, which would ideally promote greater satiety and
New Medications appetite suppression. This is particularly important because
History of Obesity Pharmacotherapy individuals tend to have varying levels of weight loss respon-
As described previously, options for pharmacotherapy for siveness when only 1 mechanism is targeted. The pipeline of
severe obesity in children and adolescents are extremely lim- weight loss medications currently in development for adult
ited. In adults, obesity drugs have had an unfortunate track obesity appears promising. As soon as these medications
record characterized by initially promising results, followed receive FDA approval for use in adults, studies should be per-
by concerns about limited effectiveness, and, in some cases, formed to evaluate their safety and confirm their benefits in
serious side effects. In 1997, the combination drug fenflu- children and adolescents.
ramine/phentermine was pulled off the market after reports
of serious cardiovascular complications emerged.251 In 2009,
Other Techniques in Bariatric Surgery
Although much of the research in adolescent bariatric surgery
rimonabant, a cannabinoid receptor antagonist available in
to date has focused on RYGB and AGB, other procedures
Europe but never approved in the United States, was with-
Downloaded from by on July 24, 2019

are beginning to emerge, such as BPD, DS, and VSG. Initial

drawn from the market in Europe because of psychiatric side
pediatric studies of these procedures have been completed, but
effects. As noted previously, sibutramine, originally approved
further evaluation will be needed to better characterize their
for patients ≥16 years of age, was withdrawn in 2010. On the
safety and efficacy in children and adolescents.
basis of this history and the more stringent standards imposed
by the FDA for approval of obesity drugs, it is easy to be BPD and DS
pessimistic about the future of drug therapy for severe pediat- Limited reports of BPD224 and DS259 in adolescents have
ric obesity; however, 2 new medications have been approved demonstrated that these procedures result in significant mal-
recently, and a growing pipeline of medications is currently absorption. For BPD, a concerning rate of malnutrition (15%
in development. of adolescent patients), and high rates (20%) of reoperation

Table 3.  Medications Recently Approved or in Late Stages of Development for the Treatment of Obesity
Medication Mechanism of Action Clinical Trial Data Status
Phentermine plus Phentermine: 56-wk study in 2487 obese adults demonstrated Approved by FDA in July 2012
topiramate norepinephrine release in hypothalamus; appetite 9.8% weight loss252; weight reduction was
suppression sustained at 2 y in extension study.253
Topiramate: 56-wk study in 1267 adults with severe obesity
mechanism of weight loss unknown; reduced demonstrated 10.9% weight loss254
food intake
Lorcaserin Selective 5-HT2C agonist; satiety enhancement; 52-wk study in 3182 overweight/obese adults Approved by FDA in June 2012
possible appetite suppression demonstrated ≈6% weight loss.255
52-wk study in 4008 overweight/obese adults
demonstrated 5.8% weight loss256
Naltrexone plus Naltrexone: 56-wk study in 1742 overweight/obese adults Cardiovascular outcomes trial
bupropion Opioid antagonist; mitigates the opioid-mediated demonstrated 6.1% weight loss.257 initiated in 2012; FDA review
effect of food on pleasure and palatability of eating. 56-wk study in 793 overweight/obese adults and approval could take place
Bupropion: demonstrated 9.3% weight loss (treatment in 2014
Dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; included intensive behavior modification)258
mitigates dopamine-mediated effect of food on
FDA indicates US Food and Drug Administration; and 5-HT2C, 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C.
1704  Circulation  October 8, 2013

attributable to the complexity of the procedure were reported, data suggest that the number of youth in this category of
and weight loss results were not distinguishable from that obesity is on the rise, but more data will be needed to more
achieved with RYGB.224 Adolescent data from a single DS precisely describe the prevalence and trends. Various names
series of 13 adolescents followed up for 11 years, by contrast, and definitions have been used in the literature, but the writ-
demonstrated satisfactory weight loss results, but there were ing group recommends that this condition be called severe
concerns about calcium and vitamin A levels.259 BMI reduc- obesity, and it should be defined as having a BMI ≥120% of
tion of 47% on average was observed. Preservation of a small the 95th percentile or an absolute BMI ≥35 kg/m2, whichever
region of duodenal absorptive area in DS operations may well is lower based on age and sex. Accumulating evidence sug-
be responsible for major differences in nutritional outcome of gests that severe obesity in childhood is associated with an
BPD and DS procedures. However, because of the complexity adverse cardiovascular and metabolic profile, even compared
of the operations and the generally perceived poor compliance with obesity and overweight. Although the unique character-
for nutritional supplements among adolescents,260 at present istics that distinguish severe obesity from less extreme forms
there are insufficient outcome data to support the use of either of adiposity are beginning to be explicated, more work needs
the BPD or DS procedures in adolescents. to be done to better understand the pathogenesis and distinct
pathophysiology that underlie this condition and the psycho-
Laparoscopic VSG
social/behavioral dynamics that allow it to be perpetuated. A
The laparoscopic VSG is a newer operation that produces
more complete understanding of these factors and their inter-
significant initial weight loss with low operative risk in adult
play will be needed to appropriately tailor interventions to
studies. Indeed, important mechanisms of action for weight
achieve the maximum impact. Moreover, current treatment
loss and metabolic improvement may be similar between
approaches using lifestyle modification and medications to
VSG and RYGB,261 although risks may be much lower than
reduce BMI and improve chronic disease risk factors are
with RYGB.262 Current estimates suggest that >12 000 opera-
insufficient for most patients, and significant residual risk
tions have been performed in adults,263 and controlled trial
(unacceptably high BMI and risk factor levels) remains.
data support use of this operation.264,265 Several adolescent
Although experts recommend stepped intensification of inter-
case reports and small case series have appeared over the
ventions, the “step” after behavior-based and pharmaceutical
past 4 years,266,267 and 1 study that described the combina-
interventions to the next established alternative, bariatric sur-
tion of VSG with a massive enterectomy has been reported,268
gery, is unacceptably large because of its limited applicability
albeit without any cogent rationale for the additional small
and availability. Despite the effectiveness of surgery in terms
bowel resection.269 A recently published series of 108 pedi-
of BMI and risk factor reduction and its reasonably accept-
atric patients undergoing VSG in Saudi Arabia (age range,
Downloaded from by on July 24, 2019

able safety profile, recommended selection criteria are strin-

5–21 years; mean, 14 years), included 7 with Prader-Willi
gent, and access is limited for most adolescents because of
syndrome, 2 with Bradet-Biedl syndrome, 3 with mental
lack of insurance coverage. Therefore, innovative approaches
retardation, and 1 with Down syndrome.218 This cohort had
to fill the gap between lifestyle/medication and surgery are
a median preoperative BMI of 47 kg/m2 (range, 32–97 kg/
urgently needed.
m2) and a BMI reduction of 37% at 1 year (41 patients) and
38% at 2 years (8 patients). Authors reported no deaths and ●● Generation of additional longitudinal data addressing track-
no major complications (eg, no bleeding, no staple line leak). ing of severe obesity and risk factors (including measures
Minor complications were seen in 4.6%, and only 1 patient of vascular structure and function, markers of inflammation
(0.9%) required readmission within 30 days. Comorbidities and oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and impaired glu-
of obesity responded well, with 70% resolution of dyslip- cose tolerance) from childhood into adulthood and assess-
idemia, 75% resolution of hypertension, 91% resolution of ment of long-term health outcomes later in life.
symptoms of sleep apnea, and 94% resolution of diabetes ●● Improved utilization of early-life weight-gain trajectory
mellitus. Although this study represents the largest experi- data that may differentiate young children who are at risk
ence to date with VSG, another study of 51 adolescents who of developing severe obesity to target for preemptive, inten-
underwent VSG with 1-year follow-up essentially confirms sive, family-based intervention that incorporates attention
these weight loss and safety findings.219 Although much more to psychosocial factors that are promoting unhealthy eating
research is needed, VSG may prove to be a safer alternative and sedentary behavior.
with fewer nutritional risks than RYGB, with no device/for- ●● For younger children for whom medication or surgery will
eign body–related complications, while providing weight loss generally be inappropriate, exploration of intensive pro-
comparable to other modern weight loss operations. Current grams for families, including home-based therapy or short-
knowledge gaps remain concerning durability of weight loss, term residential programs for families.
incidence of gastroesophageal reflux induced by the proce- ●● Characterization of the origin of severe obesity and identi-
dure, and long-term nutritional risks. fication of distinct behavioral, genetic, pathophysiological,
and environmental factors associated with severe obesity, as
Conclusions opposed to overweight or obesity, to inform the design of
Severe pediatric obesity is a significant public health problem novel treatment approaches.
because of the high percentage of children and adolescents ●● Evaluation of unique approaches to lifestyle modifica-

afflicted (≈4%–6%) and the considerable immediate and tion therapy: intensive dietary (including short-term meal
long-term health consequences associated with it. Emerging replacement or very low-calorie diets, etc) and physical
Kelly et al   Severe Pediatric Obesity   1705

activity interventions with innovative strategies to support Prevention of severe pediatric obesity is the ultimate
sustained adherence. goal and ideal outcome; however, widespread prevention is
●● Assessment of the safety and efficacy of new pharma-
 unlikely to be realized in the near future, and the numerous
cotherapies for the treatment of obesity in adolescents children and adolescents affected by this condition need safe
(including studies designed to identify “responders” and and effective treatments now. Just as a combination of medi-
“nonresponders” by use of clinical characteristics and, cations offer greater effect with fewer adverse effects than
potentially, pharmacogenomics); combination of intensive monotherapy, we can expect that various combinations of
lifestyle modification plus pharmacotherapy (for weight diet, behavior modification, medical therapy, and minimally
loss maintenance); comparison of outcomes of pharmaco- invasive procedures will likely be needed. Furthermore, the
therapy versus surgical approaches. effectiveness of a given intervention or combination of inter-
●● Generation of additional safety and efficacy data (especially ventions will vary among individuals, and understanding
long-term) on bariatric surgery, including studies describ- the best match at a genetic or metabolic level could improve
ing improvements in vascular structure and function, insu- efficacy. Treatment will need to be broad-based and target
lin resistance, and β-cell function. not only adiposity but also the risk factors associated with it.
●● Evaluation of non–weight-loss interventions targeting car- Increased research funding will be needed from the National
diometabolic risk factors with a goal of reducing risk of Institutes of Health, other funding agencies, and industry.
CVD and T2DM. Stakeholders at all levels will need to work together to engage
●● Assessment of the impact of multiple or serial intensive the growing problem of severe pediatric obesity. The task
interventions across disciplines. ahead will be arduous and complicated, but the high preva-
●● A chronic care model for severe pediatric obesity, with the lence and serious consequences of severe obesity require us
expectation that ongoing care, monitoring, and episodic to commit time, intellectual capital, and financial resources
intensive treatment bouts will likely be needed. to address it.

Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group Other Research Speakers’ Bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Advisory Board Other
Aaron S. Kelly University of Minnesota Amylin Amylin None None None Novo Nordisk* None
Downloaded from by on July 24, 2019

Medical School Pharmaceuticals†; Pharmaceuticals†

Clinical and
Translational Science
Sarah E. Barlow Baylor College of CDC† (Childhood None None None None None None
Medicine Obesity Research
project); NIH/NIDDK†
(NASH CRN, starting
July 1, 2013)
Stephen R. University of Colorado None None None None None None None
Linda J. Ewing University of Pittsburgh None None None None None None None
Laura L. Hayman University of None None None None None None None
Massachusetts, Boston
Thomas H. Inge Cincinnati Children’s Ethicon Endosurgery† None None None None None None
Goutham Rao University of Chicago/ None None None None None None None
Northshore University
Health System
Julia Steinberger University of Minnesota None None None None None None None
Elaine M. Urbina Cincinnati Children’s None None None None None None None
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (1) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (2) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the
entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
1706  Circulation  October 8, 2013

Reviewer Disclosures
Other Research Speakers’ Bureau/ Expert Ownership Consultant/
Reviewer Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Advisory Board Other
Prabhakaran (Babu) Nemours Children’s None None None None None None None
Balagopal Clinic
Helen Dichek University of Washington Takeda None None None None None None
Company, Inc*
William H. Dietz Centers for Disease None None None None None None None
Control and Prevention
David Freedman Centers for Disease None None None None None None None
Control and Prevention
Paul Poirier Quebec Heart and Lungs None None None None None None None
This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (1) the person receives $10 000 or more during
any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (2) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or more
of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

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