Viral Meningitis Panel Kit User Manual: For in Vitro Diagnostic Use
Viral Meningitis Panel Kit User Manual: For in Vitro Diagnostic Use
Viral Meningitis Panel Kit User Manual: For in Vitro Diagnostic Use
1. Product Description 1
2. Content 1
3. Storage 1
7. Infection 2
8. Method 3
9. Procedure 4
10. Analysis 6
11. Specifications 8
12. References 8
13. Symbols 8
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Bosphore® Viral Meningitis Panel Kit detects and characterizes Herpes simplex virus 1, Herpes simplex virus 2,
Varicella-Zoster virus, Enterovirus and Parechovirus DNA and RNA in human biological samples. Fluorescence
detection is accomplished by using FAM, HEX, Texas RED and Cy5 filters. Herpes simplex virus 1 is amplified and
fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter, Herpes Simplex Virus 2 is amplified and fluorescence
detection is accomplished using the Cy5 filter and Varicella-Zoster Virus is amplified and fluorescence detection is
accomplished using the HEX filter in the 1st tube with PCR Master Mix 1. In the 2nd tube, Enterovirus is amplified and
fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter and Parechovirus is amplified and fluorescence detection
is accomplished using the HEX filter with PCR Master Mix 2.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the
internal control is detected with Texas Red filter. The internal control can be added either during DNA extraction or
PCR step.
Bosphore® Viral Meningitis Panel Kit is composed of Real-Time PCR reagents and positive and negative
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Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit / Bosphore Viral DNA Extraction Spin Kit/ Bosphore Viral RNA Extraction Spin
Kit (Anatolia Geneworks)/ Magrev Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit (Anatolia Geneworks) or other high
quality viral DNA/RNA extraction kits and systems
• Deep freezer (-20°C)
• Desktop centrifuge with rotor for 2 ml. microcentrifuge tubes
• Calibrated adjustable micropipettes
• DNAse, RNAse, pyrogen free micropipette tips with filters
• DNAse, RNAse, pyrogen free 1.5 or 2 ml. microcentrifuge tubes
• Disposable laboratory gloves
Meningitis is caused by inflammation of the protective membranes covering brain and spinal cord (meninges).
High risk of mortality and morbidity ratios might occur depending on the cause of the infection such as bacterial, viral
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agents or use of certain drugs. Viral meningitis is a mild form of disease with higher incidence compared to acute
bacterial meningitis. Acute bacterial meningitis is rarely seen, but it may cause hearing loss, brain damage and even
death if the symptoms emerging instantly cannot be detected in the early stage.
Bosphore Viral Meningitis Panel Kit is based on the Real Time PCR method. Polymerase chain reaction is a
technique that is used for amplification of a DNA region. The reaction occurs by the repeating cycles of heating and
cooling. The main components of PCR are primers, dNTPs, Taq polymerase enzyme, buffer solution and template. As
a brief explanation, primers are small synthetic DNA those anneal to the specific regions of the template in order to
start the synthesis. dNTPs are the building blocks of the amplified products. Taq polymerase amplifies the DNA
template. Buffer solution provides the pH adjustment required for the reaction and template, as referred, is the target
region for synthesis.
In Real Time PCR technique, in contrast to conventional PCR, PCR product can be monitored during the reaction.
Therefore Real-Time PCR obviates the need for further analysis methods like gel electrophoresis, whereby minimizing
the risk of contamination. Dual labeled probes employed in the reaction in addition to the conventional PCR reagents,
enable detection of the amplified target with increased sensitivity. I
The assay utilizes the 5’ exonuclease activity of Taq Polymerase to cleave a dual-labeled fluorescent hydrolysis
probe during the extension phase of PCR.
The probe is labeled at the 5’ end with a fluorescent ‘reporter’ molecule, and at the 3’end with another fluorescent
molecule that acts as a ‘quencher’ for the ‘reporter’. When the two fluorophores are in close proximity, and the
reporter is excited by light, no reporter fluorescence can be detected. During the elongation step of PCR, Taq
Polymerase encounters and cleaves the probe bound to the template. As the reporter is freed from the suppressing
effect of the quencher, fluorescence signal can be detected.
The fluorescence generated by the reporter increases as the PCR product is accumulated; the point at which the
signal rises above background level and becomes distinguishable, is called the threshold cycle (CT). There is a linear
relationship between the log of the starting amount of a template and its threshold cycle, thus starting amount of
unknown templates can be determined using standard curves constructed using CT values of the known starting
amounts of target templates.
Bosphore Viral Meningitis Panel Kit employs multiplex PCR, and an internal control is incorporated into the
system in order to control the isolation procedure and to check for possible PCR inhibition. HSV 1, HSV 2, VZV,
Enterovirus, Parechovirus DNA and internal controls are amplified in 2 PCR tubes, using sequence-specific primers.
The fluorescent signals generated by the amplification of the viruses and internal controls, are detected by different
probes (labeled at the 5’ end with reporter molecules FAM/HEX/Texas RED/Cy5) through the FAM/HEX/Texas RED/Cy5
channel. Herpes simplex virus 1 is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter, Herpes
Simplex Virus 2 is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the Cy5 filter and Varicella-Zoster Virus
is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the HEX filter in the 1st tube with PCR Master Mix 1. In
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the 2nd tube, Enterovirus is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter and
Parechovirus is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the HEX filter with PCR Master Mix 2.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the
internal control is detected with Texas Red filter.
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HSV 1 (FAM) HSV 2 (Cy5) VZV Internal Result
(HEX) Control
1. Tube + - - +/- Sample HSV1 positive
- + - +/- Sample HSV2 positive
- - + +/- Sample VZV positive
+ + - +/- Sample HSV1 and HSV 2
+ - + +/- Sample HSV1 and VZV
- + + +/- Sample HSV2 and VZV
+ + + +/- Sample HSV1, HSV2 and
VZV positive
- - - + Sample negative
- - - - Test should be repeated!
Enterovirus (FAM) Parechovirus Internal Result
(HEX) Control
(Texas Red)
+ - +/- Sample Enterovirus
2. Tube positive
- + +/- Sample Parechovirus
+ + +/- Sample Enterovirus and
Parechovirus positive
- - + Sample negative
- - - Test should be repeated!
9.2.4.Positive Control
The kit includes three synthetic DNA positive controls including:
Positive Control 1: HSV 1, HSV 2 and VZV DNA,
Positive Control 2: Enterovirus and Parechovirus RNA,
They must be included in every experiment to test the efficiency of the PCR exclusively. The threshold cycle for
the positive control is given in the acceptance criteria table (Section 10. Analysis). Threshold cycles higher than the
acceptance criteria may indicate an efficiency loss in the reaction.
9.3. Preparing the PCR
Make sure that all the kit components are thawed before use. Refer to the table below for preparing the PCR. It is
for only one reaction, multiply these values with the sample number to find the values required for the master mix.
While preparing master mixes for more than 5 samples, an extra 10% should be added to the total sample number.
Sample DNA 10 µl
(Negative/Positive Control)
Total Volume 25 µl
* Internal control should not be added in the reaction if it has already been added during the extraction step
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Pipette 15 µl of the master mix into the PCR tubes or strips, and add 10 µl of DNA (sample/ positive or negative
control). Close the tube cap. Make sure that the solution in each tube is at the bottom of the tube. Centrifuge if
9.4. Programming the Real-Time PCR Instrument
The thermal protocol for Bosphore® Viral Meningitis Panel Kit is composed of an initial denaturation for activation
the HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase, a two-step amplification cycle and a terminal hold. The real-time data is collected
at the second step of the amplification cycle.
The thermal protocol to be applied for all the 2 reactions; the PCR Master Mix 1 and 2 is indicated below:
Before starting a Real-Time PCR reaction using the Bosphore® Kits, the following steps should be completed:
• Choose all the filters to be used (FAM, HEX, Texas RED and Cy5),
• Identify unknown samples, positive and negative controls,
• Select the correct thermal protocol.
• Start the experiment.
By the end of the thermal protocol, the Real-Time PCR Instrument software automatically calculates the baseline
cycles and the threshold.
Example of an amplification curve is given in Fig. 1.
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Analysis of the results should be performed by trained personnel who have received the required training for
analyzing Real-Time PCR data. We recommend that the test results must be evaluated by an expert clinician, taking
the patient’s clinical findings and the results of other tests into consideration.
All analysis is done automatically in routine use. However, when the trained personnel, who have received the
required training from manufacturer, consider it as necessary, if the system allows pulling down the threshold as
much as possible in order to detect slight amplifications, attention should be paid to keep the threshold line above
the background.
Positive control of Bosphore Viral Meningitis Panel Kit is essential for accurate result analysis. The cycle threshold
acceptance criteria for the positive controls are given below:
Parameter Cycle Threshold (CT)
Positive Control 1 30±3
Positive Control 2 30±3
Test results should not be reported unless there is amplification of the internal control in negative samples.
Please contact the manufacturer if an impairment in the product’s performance is observed (See the last page for
contact information).
The samples that cross the threshold in FAM Channel, HEX Channel, Texas RED Channel and Cy5 Channel are
displayed with their positive/negative results, samples that do not cut the threshold are displayed as “No Ct”. These
samples are regarded as negative or having a viral load below the detection limit of the assay. For these undetectable
samples, Texas Red for PCR Master Mix 1 and Cy5 for PCR Master Mix 2 data of the internal control should also be
checked to avoid false negative results.
The table below shows the possible results and their interpretation:
HSV 1 (FAM) HSV 2 (Cy5) VZV Internal Result
(HEX) Control
1. Tube + - - +/- Sample HSV1 positive
- + - +/- Sample HSV2 positive
- - + +/- Sample VZV positive
+ + - +/- Sample HSV1 and HSV 2
+ - + +/- Sample HSV1 and VZV
- + + +/- Sample HSV2 and VZV
+ + + +/- Sample HSV1, HSV2 and
VZV positive
- - - + Sample negative
- - - - Test should be repeated!
Enterovirus (FAM) Parechovirus Internal Result
(HEX) Control
(Texas Red)
+ - +/- Sample Enterovirus
2. Tube positive
- + +/- Sample Parechovirus
+ + +/- Sample Enterovirus and
Parechovirus positive
- - + Sample negative
- - - Test should be repeated!
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11.1. Sensitivity
Analytical sensitivity may be expressed as the limit of detection: i.e. the smallest amount of the target marker that
can be precisely detected. The detection limit of an individual analytical procedure is the lowest amount of nucleic
acid in a sample which can be detected but not necessarily quantitated as an exact value. The analytical sensitivity or
detection limit for NAT assays is expressed by the 95% positive cut-off value.
The analytical detection limit for Bosphore® Viral Meningitis Panel Kit was found to 11 copies/reaction for HSV 1,
7 copies/reaction for HSV 2, 9 copies/reaction for VZV, 39 copies/reaction for Enterovirus and 500 copies/reaction for
Parechovirus. The dilutions were tested in different runs in replicates. The results were analyzed by probit method.
11.2. Cross-Reactivity
To eliminate potential cross-reactivity, both assay design evidence and experimental studies were employed.
Primer and probe sequences were checked for possible homology to other known pathogen sequences by sequence
comparison analysis using database alignment. To eliminate the risk of cross-reactivity; JCV, CMV, EBV, HBV,
Parvovirus B19 ve BKV samples with known high positivity were tested, and found negative.
1. Logan SAE and MacMahon E (2008). Viral meningitis. BMJ 336(7634): 36–40.
2. Tunkel AR, Scheld WM (2005). Acute meningitis. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Mandell, Douglas, and
Bennett’s principles and practice of infectious diseases 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone: 1083-
Use by
Temperature limitation
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