Allpile: User'S Manual
Allpile: User'S Manual
Allpile: User'S Manual
Version 7
Volume 1
CivilTech Software
CivilTech Software 2005
All the information, including technical and engineering data, processes, and
results, presented in this program have been prepared according to recognized
contracting and/or engineering principles, and are for general information only.
If anyone uses this program for any specific application without an
independent competent professional examination and verification of its
accuracy, suitability, and applicability by a licensed professional engineer,
he/she does so at his/her own risk and assumes any and all liability resulting
from such use. In no event shall CivilTech be held liable for any damages
including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the use of or inability to use the information contained within.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of CivilTech Corporation. This program is
furnished under a license agreement, and the program may be used only in
accordance with the terms of the agreement. The program may be copied for
backup purposes only.
The program or user’s guide shall not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written consent from
CivilTech Corporation.
Published by
CivilTech Software
400 108th Ave. NE, Suite 400
Bellevue, WA 98004 U.S.A.
Phone: (425) 453-6488
Fax: (425) 453-5848
Web Site:
CivilTech Software
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................. I
This chapter provides information about:
The lateral calculation directly uses COM624S, which is the same method as FHWA’s
COM624P. It is comparable with Ensoft’s Lpile®. 1 In our tests, AllPile provided the
same results as COM624P 2 and Lpile. AllPile is compatible with all Windows operating
systems, such as 98/NT/2000/ME/XP.
Lpile is a registered trademark of Ensoft, Inc.
COM624P is a public-domain software downloadable free from the U.S. Federal Highways Administration web site.
2.1 Installation
The program has two activation methods: USB key activation and code activation. Prior to
activation, the program is in demo mode. In demo mode, some functions of the program is
disabled. Please follow the installation and activation procedures below that correspond to
your version of the software.
Setup From CD:
(USB Key) 1. Insert the CivilTech CD into the CD-ROM drive.
Note: For Windows 3.1, go to FILE menu and select RUN.
Type in “D:setup”. For Windows 98/NT/2000/ME/XP, if the
installation does not start automatically, click on START and
select RUN. Type in “D:setup”.
2. When the setup screen appears, click on AllPile under
INSTALLATION. Follow the instructions on the screen. The
installation program will automatically copy the program files into
a new directory called “AllPile6”, and create an icon called
AllPile6 on your Windows desktop.
ATTENTION: Do NOT put the USB key into the USB port
until asked to do so.
3. Once setup is completed, click Finish and AllPile V6 will launch.
4. The activation key screen will appear. There will be instruction
on the panel and ask you to close the program. Click Close
5. After the program has closed, plug the USB key into any unused
USB port. If you already plug the key in, you need to unplug the
key and plug it in again.
6. Windows will detect the new hardware (USB key)
Note: If your computer does not detect the USB key, you will
have to manually install the driver from the installation disk.
Step 1. Explore the CD using My Computer.
Step 2. Double click on the InstDrv.exe icon.
7. After installation of the USB key driver is complete, run AllPile .
The program will check for the key. If the message “Find
Activation Key!” is displayed on the side panel. The program is
ready for use.
Code given by
4. Your Registration Code will be given to you, after you submit your
request form.
5. After inputting the Registration Code in the Registration Panel,
Click on Register.
6. The program will respond with a message box confirming your
Starting the Open ALLPILE using the shortcut icon on your Windows desktop.
Program After initial installation, the program will be in demo mode. User must
activate the program with a registration code or with the USB key in
order to unlock full functions of the software program.
Input Firm and From the Help menu, select Firm and User. Once the panel pulls
User Name out, enter in your firm’s name and the user name. These information
will be printed in the report.
About Program From the Help menu, select About. This will provide you with the
version of the program. Click anywhere on the screen to exit back to
the program.
Note: The program is not compatible for networking. You cannot install the
program on your network server and run it from workstations. The program is one
copy per license, which can only be installed in one workstation.
Stteepp 11,, D
Daattaa IInnppuutt
Pile Property
Stteepp 22,, C
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Annaallyyssiiss S
Stteepp 33,, LLaatteerraall A
Pull-down menus
Speed bar
Input pages
HINT: You can use the Alt key plus the underlined letter to open the
pull-down menu. For example, press Alt+F to pull down the File sub-
After the pull-down menu is open, you can type the underlined letter
to select an option. For example, in the File submenu, press N to
select New.
3.3.1 File
New Create a new data file.
Open Open an existing file. A dialog box with a list of files will
open on the screen. Select the file you want and open or
click on Cancel to return to program.
Save (F10) Save the file you are working on (save your open files
periodically to avoid losing data in case of a system
crash). If the file is untitled, the program will automatically
switch to the “Save as” command and ask you to provide
a file name.
Save As Save a new untitled file or change the file name or
location of the file you are working with.
Save Current Select this option to make the program "remember" the
Path current path. When you open the program next time, it
will automatically go to this path to find your data files.
Historical file Lists the five most recent files you used. You can click on
list any one of them to open the file instantly.
Exit Exit the program. You will be prompted to save any open
3.3.2 Edit
The edit menu will be functional when the Pile Properties Table is active
(Figure 4-4) or Soil Property Table is active (Figure 4-9).
Insert row Insert a blank row in the table
Insert Insert a row with the same data as the row selected
duplicate row
Clear row Clear (delete) the data in the selected row and create a
blank row
Delete row Delete the selected row from the table and shift next row
HINT: Select a row by clicking any cell in the row. The selected cell
will be highlighted in blue.
3.3.3 Run
The Run menu gives options for executing the program’s analyses. If you
have not entered enough data to run the program, it will not execute.
Profile (F4) Generate profile with information
Vertical (F5) Run vertical analysis only
All Loads (F6) Run vertical and lateral analyses
3.3.4 Setup
The Setup menu allows you to enter the material properties for the piles and
the properties of different pile types.
Open Setup Open the Setup Options screen to set
parameters related to pile properties
Close Setup Close Setup Screen and return to program
interface without saving changes
Save Setup Save your changes in settings
Restore Saved Setup Clear the screen and reload the previous saved
Restore Default Setup Clear the screen and reload the default settings
Print Setup Open Notepad to view and print the setup data
3.3.5 Help
The Comments box is for additional comments or descriptions of the project.
You can choose to include this message in the profile section of the report by
checking the Show Memo in Profile Box.
4.2.3 Units
Select between English or Metric units to be used throughout the program. If
you change the units after input of data, the data you have entered will
automatically convert to the units specified.
Note: However, the data will not be exactly the same after some truncation
during conversion.
HINT: You can enter pile data using either the interactive sliding bar or typing
the numbers into the text boxes followed by [Enter]. Changes will be reflected
in the profile on the left immediately. If the data exceed the limits of sliding,
you can type data directly in the text box.
Pile Length (L) The total length of the pile, including above and
below ground.
Top Height (H) The distance from the top of the pile to the ground
surface. A negative value indicates the pile is
buried below the ground surface (see Figure 4-3).
The sliding bar can also be used to select the
desirable elevation.
H is the distance from top of pile to ground surface:
H > 0 Pile top above ground (Figure 4-2)
H = 0 Pile top at ground surface
H < 0 Pile top under ground (Figure 4-3)
Surface Angle (As) If the ground surface is sloped, input the slope (in
degrees) here.
NOTE: Due to the limitations of the original
COM624, the friction angle of any soils should
be larger than the slope angle input here.
Cohesive soil with zero or small friction angle
in any layers cannot be associated with sloped
ground surface.
Batter Angle (Ab) If the pile is battered, input the batter angle here.
The friction angle of any soils should be larger than
the batter angle.
Zp – Pile Input the distance from the top of the pile to the start of the following
Depth section having different pile properties (NOT from the ground surface).
The first row is always zero.
Pile Data Press the button in this column to select details from the Pile Section
Input screen (Figure 4-5). You should input all the pile property data on the
Pile Section screen instead of on the Pile Properties table.
Width Width of the pile section, or the pile diameter for a circular pile.
Area* Effective area of the pile section or total area of tip.
Perimeter Perimeter of the pile section.
Inertia* Effective moment of inertia of the pile.
E Elastic modules of outside materials.
W Weight of the pile section for uplift calculation. It is per foot or meter.
* - See the Effective Area and Total Area section in this chapter.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 8
Step 6
Step 9
Step 7
Figure 4-5. Pile Section Screen
CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 19
Chapter 4: Data Input
Step 1 . Select Pile Shape
The shape of the pile can be square/rectangular, circular/octangular, or H-
shaped. The internal configuration of the pile can be solid (one material),
hollow (square or circular space inside), or different material on the skin than
on the inside.
If you select H-pile, you can also input the pile designation, such as W24X94.
Then select strong or weak axis (used for lateral analysis). Strong axis means
the lateral load is acting in the same direction as the pile axis (X-X). Next,
press [Get Properties] and the program will search the database and get the
corresponding properties for the H-pile. If no match is found, the program will
select the closest size pile or give a warning message.
Step 2. Select Outside Skin Materials
Select the outside skin material from the materials list. Skin material affects
the result for vertical analysis. The parameter of each material can be modify
in setup screen.
Steel-Rough Specially treated rough surface
Steel-Smooth Steel pipe or H-pile with normal surface
Concrete-Rough Concrete cast directly against the soil such as auger-
cast piles
Concrete-Smooth Concrete cast in steel casing with smooth surface or
pre-cast concrete pile
Grouted Cement with high grouting pressure during installation
such as tie -back anchor or micropile
Post-Grouted Grouting twice or more with higher grouting pressure
Timber (Tapered) Timber pile with large top and smaller tip (users
should define the start depth and the start diameter,
then the end depth and the end diameter)
Plastic Pile with plastic surface
No-friction Steel No friction, or frictionless part of pile, such as the
unbound length of tieback anchor
Sf = Soil Cohesion The ultimate side resistance equal to soil cohesion.
There is no other modifications involved
Step 3. Select Inside Materials
The inside of the pile can be:
= Outside The same material as the outside skin
Hollow No material inside
Steel Reinforcement bar in concrete
Concrete Steel pipe filled with concrete
Plastic Pile with plastic core
After inputting the pile section width, press to calculate the other
parameters. These parameters are:
A total area, which is the area defined by the outside
A’ effective area, which is different from the total area (for H-
Pile, the effective area is the steel section area)
Perimeter perimeter of section
I’ effective moment of inertia
E elastic modulus
Weight weight of the section per unit length
The same relations can be used for the moment of Inertia (I) and (I’).
Step 2. Input
Select from
Single, Group
pile or Tower Step 3. Cyclic
Foundation Condition
Step 1. Step 4. %
Select Head Supported by
Condition Pile Cap
Step 5.
Note: To apply the distributed load, the check box above the [Input Load]
button must be checked
CivilTech Software AllPile Manual 26
Chapter 4: Data Input
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Figure 4-7. Distributed Load
If a lateral load of 1kip per linear foot (1 kip/ft) is
acting on the pile diameter (diameter = 1.5 feet),
you should input Pq=1 ksf and B=1.
Step 4. Cyclic
Step 3. Input Condition
Step 5. % Load
Supported by
Step 2. Head
Step 1. Group
Step 2 Step 3
Step 4
Step 1
Step 1 Select
Soil Type
Step 2 Adjust
N(spt) slide bar
Step 3 Fine
tuning other
After you are satisfied with the entry, clicking on [Show Graphical Curve]
will give you the corresponding curve. Click [Apply] to accept the data
inputted or click [Cancel] to exit screen without accepting changes.
The system will generate a p-y curve based on the k and e50 value selected on
the soil parameter screen. Once the user input their preferred p-y curve
values and the box is checked, the k and e50 will be ignored in the analysis. If
p-y is inputted and the box is unchecked, the program uses the default p-y.
Negative Resistance
If soils in the upper layers have significant settlement, the pile will experience
downdrag force. This area is called negative resistance. The program handles
negative resistance on the Advanced page (Figure 4-13). Up to two negative
resistance zones can be defined.
“Factor” is the effective factor, Kneg. It ranges from 0 to 1 depending on the
impact of soil settlement on the pile shaft. If the factor equals 1, then the
negative friction is equal to the friction in the downward capacity analysis. If
the factor equals 0, then there is no friction between pile and soils. It is the
same as zero friction. If the pile has a smooth surface and the soil has small
settlement, Kneg is in the range of 0 to 0.3. If the pile has a rough surface and
the soil has a large settlement, Kneg is 0.3 to 0.6.
1. If Kneg = 0, there is no resistance between the pile and the soil,
i.e., it is the same as zero resistance.
2. Kneg should be a positive value rather than using a negative value.
3. You must check the check box on the left side so that the
calculation will take into account the negative resistance.
4. The negative resistance only applies to downward side resistance,
not tip resistance. The induced downdrag force reduces the pile
capacity in the analysis.
Analysis Parameters
For advanced users they can customize analysis parameters listed below:
FS for Downward The factor of safety for downward capacity, including side resistance
and tip resistance.
FS for Uplift The factor of safety for uplifting, including side resistance and the
weight of the pile.
Load Factor The factor that is multiplied into the vertical load and lateral load.
Critical Depth as The effect of overburden pressure increase with depth. The critical
Ratio of Diameter depth to which the pressure becomes constant is defined by the
diameter of the pile.
Note: A critical depth of 20D is recommended
Limit of Max A limit can be applied to the side and tip resistance.
Note: To apply no limits to these values enter “9999”
Allowable The vertical settlement and lateral deflection limit. If any one of
Deflection these values is exceeded, a warning message will be displayed.
Group Reduction In lateral group analysis, pile lateral capacity is reduced by existence
Factor Rside and of a pile in front and a pile on side (based on spacing). User can input
Rfront factor in addition to program calculated Rside and Rfront.
This chapter describes:
5.1 Profile
The Profile function provides the pile profile and soil conditions (Figure 5-1).
This report also presents soil parameters as well as foundation material
properties input by users. The report can be printed for references.
Skin Friction (f) Upward and downward side resistances are the
combination of friction and adhesion from soils.
Vertical Analysis
The program will check most input for errors before calculation. Typical errors
• Total unit weight instead of buoyant unit weight under water table.
Buoyant unit weight should be input under water table.
• No data in pile properties such as width, area, I, and E.
• No data in soil properties such as G, Phi, and C.
• Setup file is damaged, or the setting parameters are out of range. You
should open the Setup menu and check the values.
Lateral Analysis
The program uses a pre-processor of COM624S to perform lateral analyses.
The codes within the program have been re-written to solve most of the
problems when initiating COM624 in the previous version of this program.
The problems that are related to execution or limitations of COM624 are:
• No COM624 output file! - Com624 computation encountered an error and
the program did not produce output file.
• Error in Com624 computation! No Depth-yt data! - Com624 computation
encountered an error and the program did not produce Depth-yt.
• Error in Com624 computation! No p-yt data! - Com624 computation
encountered an error and the program did not produce p-yt.
If any one of the above warnings is encountered, please check the data. Most
of the cases are related to excessive calculated deflection, which exceeds the
allowable yt. This causes COM624 to terminate the calculations. The problem
occurs when the pile is too flexible, soils are too soft, or load is too large.
• Pile too flexible – If the I and E of the pile section are too small, COM624
HINT: view the COM624 OUTPUT report to get the error message.
Show all titles, Turns on and off all the titles and logo in graphical
and logos in report. It is useful for copying and pasting to other
Graphics Windows programs.
Show Pile and Turns on and off all pile and soil parameters in Profile
Soil parameters graphical report.
in Graphics
Show Pile and Turns on and off all pile and soil descriptions in Profile
Soil Description graphical report.
in Graphics
Clicking on the [Preview] button will allow you to see the template of the
Each material in the table has four properties that can be customized:
Skin Friction Defines the skin friction, δ, between granular soils and
Angle δ or the pile.
Faction Kf
• If you input a value within 10 to 50, the program will
recognize it as skin friction (δ)
• If you input a value ranging from 0.1 to 1, the
program multiplies the factor by the soil internal
friction, φ to get the skin friction, δ:
δ = Kf ⋅ φ
Where, Kf – friction factor (0.1 ~ 1)
NOTE: Internal friction, φ , is the friction between
granular soil particles. Skin friction, δ , is the skin
friction between soil and pile. δ is not the same as
φ -- usually δ is less than φ .
Adhesion Ca or Defines the adhesion, Ca, between cohesive soils and
Factor Kc the pile.
If you input a value ranging from 10 or more, the
program recognizes it as adhesion, Ca.
If you input a factor (range 0.1 to 1), the program
multiplies the factor by the soil cohesion, C, to get the
adhesion, Ca:
Ca = Kc⋅C
Where, Kc – adhesion factor (0.1 ~ 1)
NOTE: Cohesion, C, is the shear strength
between cohesive soils. Adhesion, Ca, is the shear
resistance between soil and pile. Ca is not equal to
C. Usually Ca is less than C.
E Defines elastic modulus of pile materials.
G Specifies unit weight of pile materials.
The second table is the materials properties of the inside of the pile. For
example, a steel pipe pile filled with concrete has outside materials = steel and
inside materials = concrete. A concrete pile with steel bars has outside
materials = concrete and inside materials = steel. The material properties can
be customized:
E Defines elastic modulus of inside pile materials.
G Specifies unit weight of inside pile materials.
explained below:
1 st Pile installation method:
D – Driven pile (displacement pile)
N – Drilled pile (no-displacement pile)
2 nd Downward calculation method:
A,B,C … - reserved for different methods
O – No calculation
3 Uplift calculation method:
A,B,C … reserved for different methods
O – No calculation
4 th Tip resistance calculation method:
A,B,C … reserved for different methods
O – No calculation
5 th Lateral calculation method:
A – COM624S method
O – No calculation
• Examples that are available within the
7.1 Samples
Samples with different soil conditions and pile types are included in the
program. These examples are intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the
program and allow users to learn more about the input process and other key
functions. The samples include:
Please open the sample files stored in the program and run them to see the
input and output data. The samples are in English units. For Metric (SI) units,
open the sample then choose metric on the Pile Type page.