Dealing With LC Discrepancies PDF
Dealing With LC Discrepancies PDF
Dealing With LC Discrepancies PDF
Dealing with
Business Letter of Credit
By Walter (Buddy) Baker
Letters of credit (L/Cs) are a Payment Against Documents to avoid discrepancies and, ulti-
popular tool for credit man- But not everything about letters of mately, how to get paid notwith-
agers. They provide a fairly credit is popular. In order to obtain standing discrepancies.
simple way to place credit risk payment from the bank, the exporter
with another party—in this must provide the bank with docu- Letter of Credit Mechanics
case a bank—who may be in mentation the bank can themselves The first thing to understand is that
a better position to evaluate use to obtain payment from the standard practice with an export letter
and assume the credit risk of a buyer. Up front, the buyer agrees of credit is not to present the docu-
particular buyer. After all, with the bank what this documenta- ments called for directly to the bank
companies are in business to tion will be and signs a legal agree- that issued the letter of credit, who is
ment with the bank to reimburse the probably in another country, but to a
sell goods and services, not to
bank if and when they receive this “negotiating bank” in the country of
take credit risks and provide
documentation. The bank then writes the exporter. (If there is a confirming
financing. L/Cs are especially
the letter of credit to the exporter and bank, documents must be presented
popular in managing export
lists this documentation. Ideally, this to them.) The negotiating bank will
transactions, where the risks should all be documentation the ex- generally provide the service of ex-
are particularly difficult to as- porter can easily produce. Usually it amining the documents for compli-
sess. Credit information is is just the documentation the exporter ance with the letter of credit and then
harder to obtain for foreign prepares anyway, like an invoice and obtaining payment from the issuing
companies and not always maybe a packing list, plus a copy of bank.
reliable, laws the buyer is sub- the transport document demonstrat-
ject to are unfamiliar, and ing the goods were shipped, and, The negotiating bank can often effect
there is country risk to deal maybe, evidence the goods were in- payment to the exporter by obtaining
with: balance of payments sured. These documents should re- funds from the issuing bank’s ac-
issues, exchange controls, flect the agreement between the count at a bank where they keep U.S.
government stability, etc. Let- buyer and seller as to what goods dollars on deposit. (Authorization to
ters of credit can shift all of were to be shipped; how, when, and charge this account must be con-
these risks to a bank, either in where they were to be shipped; and tained in the L/C.) The bank where
the buyer’s home country or in who was to cover transportation and the funds are on deposit is called the
North America. Banks are in insurance costs. Nonetheless, creat- “reimbursing bank.” The system for
the business of evaluating ing this documentation and present- clearing reimbursement is efficient
credit risks, including country ing it to the bank for payment seems enough—usually taking 5 days or
risks, and providing financing. like a hassle to most North American less—that the beneficiary can be, and
When a letter of credit is used, exporters. And no wonder, once you often is, paid before the issuing bank
the bank issuing the L/C be- realize that 60 to 80% of the docu- even sees the documents. Nonethe-
ments presented to the banks do not less, upon receipt of documents, the
comes obligated to pay the
comply with the letter of credit re- issuing bank will still examine them
exporter. If there is a “con-
quirements, at least according to the and, if they do not conform strictly
firming bank,” what you have
banks. Why do exporters have such with the terms of the credit, the bank
is a second bank, probably in
a problem presenting compliant has no right to obtain payment from
North America, who is adding documents? Are the banks overly the buyer. The bank therefore has
their engagement to pay. picky? This is what I will attempt to the right to refuse the documents and
explain in this article, as well as how demand a refund of the amount paid
(plus interest). It follows, therefore, How Letters of Credit Work
that a negotiating bank will pay an
exporter only upon the presentation Freight
of documents that it feels certain will Goods Forwarder Transport
not be refused by the issuing bank. Documents
Because any discrepancy is grounds Foreign Contract Goods
Foreign U.S. Document
for refusal, the negotiating bank will Buyer U.S.Seller
Seller L/C
Buyer Preparation
insist the documents strictly comply Preparation
L/C Company
with the terms of the letter of credit.
L/C Debit
As I’ve already mentioned, over 60% Appli-
of all documents are found to contain cation Docu- Advising
Advising L/C &
Bank Documents
discrepancies upon presentation to ments Bank Payment
the negotiating bank. About half of
these discrepancies can still be cor- Buyer’s L/C Seller’s
Buyer’s Seller’s
rected (or “cured”), while the other Bank
Bank Documents Bank
half cannot. Obviously, the preferred
course of action would be to avoid U.S.
U.S. Reimbursement Claim
discrepancies to begin with. Reimbursement Reimbursing
Authorization Bank
Bank Reimbursement
Avoiding Discrepancies
A large portion of the discrepancies
found in letter of credit documents
occur with a great deal of frequency.
Step 1.
Three common problems can be The buyer agrees to purchase goods from the seller using a letter of credit as the mechanism of
avoided if the exporter carefully payment.
checks the following before shipping:
Step 2.
The buyer applies to his bank for a letter of credit, signing the bank’s letter of credit applica-
1. The credit amount is sufficient to tion/agreement form.
cover the shipment (particularly if the
shipping terms are CIF or CIP). Step 3.
After approving the application, the issuing bank issues the actual letter of credit instrument
2. Documents will be available and and forwards it to the advising bank.
can be presented before the expiry
Step 4.
date of the credit. The advising bank authenticates the letter of credit and delivers it to the beneficiary (the
3. The latest shipment date (if there
is one) specified in the letter of credit Step 5.
can be met. Having received the issuing bank’s assurance of payment, the beneficiary (seller) delivers
goods to a freight forwarder, who ships the merchandise to the applicant (buyer).
4. Draft is drawn incorrectly or for 11. Insurance certificate or policy is FOB (i.e., port to port) and does not
the wrong amount. not endorsed. indicate inland freight has been pre-
paid or otherwise fails to meet re-
5. Draft is not signed or not en- 12. Insurance certificate is dated later
quirements for port-to-port ship-
dorsed. than the shipment date.*
ment.* .
6. Invoice does not describe mer- 13. Bill of lading is not clean (defec-
18. Bill of lading is not marked
chandise in exact accordance with the tive condition of goods or packaging
“freight prepaid” or “freight collect”
letter of credit. Note: If the letter of indicated).
as required under the credit or in
credit describes merchandise in a
14. Bill of lading does not clearly agreement with the invoice and ship-
foreign language, then the exporter
indicate the name and capacity of the ping terms.
must describe the merchandise in that
signer and who the carrier is (must be
language in the invoice; translations 19. Not all documents show license
signed “ABC Co. as carrier” or
are not acceptable. numbers, letter of credit numbers, or
“XYZ Co. as agent for ABC Co., the
other identification required in the
7. Invoice does not show the same carrier”).*
shipping terms as specified in the
15. Bill of lading is not consigned
correctly or is not endorsed (if en- * Requirement found in The Uni-
8. Invoice includes charges incon- dorsement is required). form Customs and Practice for
sistent with the shipping terms in the Documentary Credits, a set of rules
16. Multimodal bill of lading was
L/C. almost every letter of credit in the
presented when L/C calls for port-to-
9. Invoice is not made out in the port, or simply “ocean,” bill of lad- world indicates it is subject to; it
name of the applicant shown in the ing. (Acceptable if “on board” no- may or may not be spelled out in the
L/C. tation includes the name of the vessel L/C. If you are not familiar with the
and the port of loading.)* UCP, you should ask your banker
10. Insurance coverage is insufficient for a copy. It is only 7 pages long
or does not include the risks specified 17. Multimodal bill of lading was and forms the basis for how banks
by the L/C. presented when shipping terms are examine documents.
20. Documents are not signed in ac- tively, if the exporter is comfortable the exporter has credit lines, benefi-
cordance with L/C terms (any docu- with his relationship with the buyer ciaries wishing to make use of such
ment called a “certificate” must be and thinks that there is no real danger arrangements should present docu-
signed). the buyer will refuse to pay, the ex- ments to their own banks for nego-
porter can direct the negotiating bank tiation rather than follow the com-
to forward the documents with the mon, but often unfavorable, practice
Discrepancies like these can gener-
discrepancies to the issuing bank “for of submitting documents to the ad-
ally be avoided by reviewing the
approval.” vising banks. [See the diagram
terms and conditions of the letter of
“How Letters of Credit Work”]
credit and preparing documents that
Using Shippers’ Indemnities
follow the instructions found there.
to Obtain Immediate Payment When All Else Fails
[See sidebars: “A Document Exami-
nation Checklist” and “Using an L/C Despite Discrepancies If your documents get refused by the
If documents are being sent for ap- issuing bank, it does not mean you
Document Preparation Service.”]
proval, the exporter may further re- will not be paid. Although you have
Keep in mind that banks deal only in
quest that the negotiating bank go lost the credit protection of the letter
documents and have no business
ahead and pay against his indemnity. of credit, you still have the contract
getting involved in the underlying
Under such an arrangement, the ex- of sale to fall back on and the buyer’s
contract between the exporter and the
porter agrees to return payment to the own obligation to pay. The bank can
buyer. The bank’s reimbursement
negotiating bank in the unlikely event assist you in determining the where-
from the buyer depends on the
such payment is not approved by the abouts of the goods and will not re-
documents complying.
issuing bank. lease the documents to the buyer until
they receive your instructions for
Obtaining Waiver of Dis Dis-
Although the use of such “shippers’ disposing of the documents. If the
crepancies buyer has taken possession of the
indemnities” is infrequent in North
After examining the documents, the
America, banks are generally willing goods (presumably because posses-
negotiating bank will notify the ex-
to accept such indemnities from their sion did not depend on having the
porter of any discrepancies found and
own customers so long as the credit documents), the bank may even pres-
work with the exporter to “cure” as
standing of the customer is satisfac- sure them to pay. It will certainly
many discrepancies as possible. If
tory. Despite a high discrepancy rate damage the buyer’s reputation with
the exporter’s documents cannot be
(30% even after fixing curable dis- their bank if the bank knows the
corrected to fully comply with the
crepancies), the actual incidence of buyer is taking advantage of the let-
credit terms, he has various alterna-
issuing banks refusing documents is ter-of-credit system to obtain goods
tives available to still collect pay-
very low (on the order of 3 out of they don’t pay for. Unfortunately,
ment. It should be noted, however,
10,000 sets of documents). This is beyond this, collection proceedings
that he has lost a key element of the
due to the facts that buyers who can will be subject to local laws in the
letter of credit: the issuing bank’s
obtain letters of credit to begin with buyer’s country—one of the main
obligation to pay. Even if the issuing
are normally good credit risks, they problems you were trying to avoid by
bank waives discrepancies, the con-
want the merchandise that was getting a letter of credit in the first
firming bank, if there is one, may
shipped and will therefore agree to place.
choose not to extend its confirmation
pay even though documents do not
to cover the waiver, which is, in es-
comply, they wish to remain on good
sence, an amendment to the credit.
terms with their suppliers, and, unless Buddy Baker is the Head of Trade
the underlying contract of sale has Services Product Management for
The most common course of action,
been violated, they are legally obli- ABN AMRO Bank’s North America
despite the fact that it is expensive
gated to pay anyway. The use of Region, based in Chicago, a member
and time consuming, is that the ex-
shippers’ indemnities is highly rec- of the Board of Directors of the
porter asks the negotiating bank to
ommended as a way to obtain pay- FCIB, and serves on the FCIB Hot-
cable the issuing bank indicating the
ment days or weeks sooner as well as line Committee to answer members’
discrepancies and requesting author-
to avoid cable expenses. Indeed, with questions about letters of credit and
ity to pay. The issuing bank will then
a blanket indemnity in place, the other financial services. He can be
contact the buyer and, if the buyer
negotiating bank may be willing to reached at
agrees to pay despite the discrepan-
pay before even checking the docu-
cies, the issuing bank will then cable
ments. Because indemnities will be
the negotiating bank giving the
accepted only by banks with whom
authority to make payment. Alterna-
A Document Examination Checklist
The Draft: Check that... the place of receipt/origination/taking in charge, port of loading,
the Draft bears the correct Letter of Credit reference number, port of discharge, place of delivery/destination, etc. are as specified in
the L/C,
the signature and/or the name of the Drawer corresponds with the
name of the Beneficiary, it is not a “charter party” transport document, unless authorized in
the L/C,
the tenor is in accordance with the Letter of Credit,
the name of the consignee is as stipulated in the Letter of Credit,
the payee is the bank documents are being presented to or the
Beneficiary, if the transport document requires endorsement, it is appropriately
if the payee is the Beneficiary, it is duly endorsed and bears no
restrictions or conditions in the endorsement (e.g., “without there are no clauses on the transport document that may render it
recourse”), “unclean” (See UCP 500 sub-Article 32(a)),
the amounts in figures and words correspond and the currency is the description of the goods is not inconsistent with the description
that in which the L/C is issued, of the goods as stated in the invoice, and that the marks and
numbers as well as other specifications, if any, are identical to those
it is drawn on the Drawee specified in the L/C,
appearing on the other documents,
the amount drawn does not exceed the balance available in the
any apparent alterations have been properly stamped and/or
Letter of Credit,
the values of the draft and the invoice correspond,
the name and address, if any, of the notify party are as stipulated
it has a current date—specifically, the shipment date if the Letter of in the Letter of Credit,
Credit calls for the maturity of the Draft to be based on the bill of
the indication of “freight prepaid” or “freight collect,” as required by
lading date,
the terms of the Letter of Credit, appears on it and is consistent with
any apparent alterations have been properly stamped and/or the shipping terms shown in the invoice,
all other conditions stipulated in the appropriate transport articles of
it contains any necessary clauses required by the Letter of Credit. UCP 500 are complied with.
A blanket indemnity should be on company letterhead, signed by an authorized signatory, and should read as
In consideration of your honoring/negotiating our drawings presented to you under any and all let-
ters of credit issued in our favor notwithstanding any discrepancies which might exist therein, we
hereby agree to pay you on demand the amount of each such drawing (with interest at the per an-
num rate of __% from demand until paid in full) and to indemnify and hold you harmless for any
other losses, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and
court costs) incurred in connection therewith or the enforcement hereof, in the event that the
documents included in the drawing are refused by the issuing bank or the issuing bank fails, for
any reason, to pay a drawing honored or negotiated by you. This agreement does not preclude
any other rights you might have against us by reason of such drawings.
A transactional indemnity should appear on the company’s transmittal cover letter or be on separate company
letterhead, signed by an authorized signatory, and read as follows:
In consideration of your honoring/negotiating the above described drawing under the cited letter
of credit, notwithstanding the following:
we hereby agree to pay you on demand the amount of such drawing (with interest at the per an-
num rate of __% from demand until paid in full) and to indemnify and hold you harmless for any
other losses, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and
court costs) incurred in connection therewith or the enforcement hereof, in the event that the
documents included in the drawing are refused by the issuing bank or the issuing bank fails, for
any reason, to pay the drawing. This agreement does not preclude any other rights you might
have against us by reason of such drawings.