Instrumen Asesmen Manajemen Stress: I. Identitas
Instrumen Asesmen Manajemen Stress: I. Identitas
Instrumen Asesmen Manajemen Stress: I. Identitas
Manajemen Stress
I. Identitas
1. Nama : ___________________________________
2. Jenis Kelamin : L/P
3. Usia : _____ tahun
4. Area Magister Keperawatan : Jiwa Komunitas
Anak Med Sur
Maternitas Manajemen
2 Divorce 73
3 Marital separation 65
4 Jail term 63
7 Marriage 50
8 Fired at work 47
9 Marital reconciliation 45
10 Retirement 45
11 Change in health of family member 44
12 Pregnancy 40
13 Sex difficulties 39
15 Business readjustment 39
33 Change in school/college 20
34 Change in recreation 19
41 Vacation 13
42 Christmas 12
Your Total 0
Score Interpretation
Score Comment
300+ You have a high or very high risk of becoming ill in the near future.
150-299 You have a moderate to high chance of becoming ill in the near future.
<150 You have only a low to moderate chance of becoming ill in the near future.
III. The Burnout Check List
Total = 0 Total of
weighted scores
Score Interpretation
Score Comment