Existing Controversy For Arbitration.": Held
Existing Controversy For Arbitration.": Held
Existing Controversy For Arbitration.": Held
In 1983, Signetics ceased its operations after the ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL - awarded Fruehauf: (1) 8.2
Board of Investments (BOI) withdrew the investment million pesos as (the balance of) unpaid rent from
incentives granted to electronic industries based in June 9, 2003 until March 5, 2005; and (2) 46.8 million
Metro Manila. pesos as damages. For failing to return the property'
to Fruehauf, TEAM remained liable for the payment of
In 1986, Team Holdings Limited (THL) bought rents. However, if it can prove that Fruehauf received
Signetics. THL later changed its name to Technology rentals from Capitol, TEAM can deduct these from its
Electronics Assembly and Management Pacific liability. 16 Nevertheless, the award of rent and
Corp. (TEAM). damages was without prejudice to TEAM's right to
seek redress from its sub-lessee, Capitol. 17
In March 1987, Fruehauf filed an unlawful detainer
case against TEAM. In an effort to amicably settle the RTC - found insufficient legal grounds under
dispute, both parties executed a MOA on June 9, Sections 24 and 25 of the Arbitration Law to modify or
1988.3 Under the MOA, TEAM undertook to pay vacate the award.32 It denied the petition and
Fruehauf 14.7 million pesos as unpaid rent (for the CONFIRMED, the arbitral award. 33 TEAM filed a
period of December 1986 to June 1988). Notice of Appeal.
They also entered a 15-year lease contract4 (expiring CA - REVERSED AND SET ASIDE the arbitral award
on June 9, 2003) that was renewable for another 25 and DISMISSED the arbitral complaint for lack of
years upon mutual agreement. The contract included merit.60
an arbitration agreement: “the dispute or
disagreement shall be referred to arbitration by a This CA action prompted Fruehauf to file the present
three (3) member arbitration committee, one member petition for review.
to be appointed by the LESSOR, another member to
be appointed by the LESSEE, and the third member ISSUES:
to be appointed by these two members. The
arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the 1. What are the remedies or the modes of appeal
Arbitration Law (R.A. No. 876).” against an unfavorable arbitral award?
The contract also authorized TEAM to sublease the 2. What are the available remedies from an RTC
property. TEAM subleased the property to Capitol decision confirming, vacating, modifying, or correcting
Publishing House (Capitol) on December 2, 1996 an arbitral award?
after notifying Fruehauf.
3. Did the arbitral tribunal err in awarding Fruehauf
On May 2003, TEAM informed Fruehauf that it would damages for the repairs of the building and rental fees
not be renewing the lease. 6 from the expiration of the lease?
The Arbitration Law did not specify which Court had The CA reversed the arbitral award - an action that it
jurisdiction to entertain the appeal but left the matter has no power to do - because it disagreed with the
to be governed by the Rules of Court. As the appeal tribunal's factual findings and application of the law.
was limited to questions of law and was described as However, the alleged incorrectness of the award is
insufficient cause to vacate the award, given the
State's policy of upholding the autonomy of arbitral