Micro Teaching 1 Directions and Assessment
Micro Teaching 1 Directions and Assessment
Micro Teaching 1 Directions and Assessment
Microteaching I
The purpose of this first microteaching experience is to introduce you to what it feels like to
teach a class and to practice what you are learning about lesson design. To keep this experience
as non-threatening as possible, it will be short (only 10 minutes) and it will take place during our
class periods as indicated on the syllabus.
Specific requirements:
1. Prepare a complete lesson (50 minutes) on a subject from your discipline. You may assume
that class members are the audience you intend (7th graders, 11th graders, etc.).
2. Think about and incorporate elements of effective lesson design into your plan
(“backward” design, essential question tied to objective, attention-getting opening,
student engagement/activity, linking to student background/experience, closure,
assessment, etc.).
3. Prepare a formal, word-processed lesson plan to hand in. The plan must follow the
department’s SIOP template. Submit your lesson plan on Moodle no later than 7:00 a.m.
on the day you microteach. The SIOP template is on Moodle under Day Seven.
5. I will give you a 1-minute warning—hand waive. When time is up, I’ll give you the “time-
out” sign. Then you can very briefly tell us what you would do in the rest of the lesson.
____ Uses effective verbal communication skills (clear, well-projected voice; appropriate
vocabulary, pacing, etc.)
____ Uses effective nonverbal communication skills (gestures, facial expression, eye contact)
____ Conveys enthusiasm/appears to enjoy teaching; Creates good climate—friendly, positive,
affirming, serious about learning