Unit Ii
Unit Ii
Unit Ii
2 Natural Resources
Life on this planet earth depends upon a large number of things and
services provided by the nature, which are known as Natural resources.
Thus water, air, soil, minerals, coal, forests, crops and wild life are all
examples of natural resources.
The natural resources are of two kinds:
l Renewable resources which are inexhaustive and can be
6 Environmental Science and Engineering
Commercial uses: Forests provide us a large number of commercial
goods which include timber, firewood, pulpwood, food items, gum,
resins, non-edible oils, rubber, fibers, lac, bamboo canes, fodder,
medicine, drugs and many more items, the total worth of which is
estimated to be more than $ 300 billion per year.
Half of the timber cut each year is used as fuel for heating and
cooking. One third of the wood harvest is used for building materials
as lumber, plywood and hardwood, particle board and chipboard. One
sixth of the wood harvest is converted into pulp and used for paper
industry. Many forest lands are used for mining, agriculture, grazing,
and recreation and for development of dams.
Ecological uses: While a typical tree produces commercial goods
worth about $ 590 it provides environmental services worth nearly
$ 196, 250.
The ecological services provided by our forests may be summed
up as follows:
l Production of oxygen: The trees produce oxygen by photo-
synthesis which is so vital for life on this earth. They are rightly
called as earths lungs.
l Reducing global warming: The main greenhouse gas car-
The total forest area of the world in 1900 was estimated to be 7,000
million hectares which was reduced to 2890 million ha in 1975 and fell
down to just 2,300 million ha by 2000. Deforestation rate is relatively
less in temperate countries, but it is very alarming in tropical countries
where it is as high as 40-50 percent and at the present rate it is esti-
mated that in the next 60 years we would lose more than 90 percent of
our tropical forests.
The forested area in India seems to have stabilized since 1982
with about 0.04% decline annually between 1982-90. FAO (1983)
estimated that about 1.44 m ha of land was brought under afforestation
during this period leading to stabilization. As per FAO estimates, the
8 Environmental Science and Engineering
Silent Valley hydroelectric project was one of the first such projects
situated in the tropical rain forest area of Western Ghats which attracted
much concern of the people. The crusade against the ecological damage
and deforestation caused due to Tehri dam was led by Sh. Sunder lal Bahuguna,
the leader of Chipko movement. The cause of Sardar Sarovar Dam related
issues has been taken up by the environmental activists Medha Patekar, joined
by Arundhati Ray and Baba Amte.
For building big dams, large scale devastation of forests takes place
which breaks the natural ecological balance of the region. Floods,
droughts and landslides become more prevalent in such areas. Forests
are the repositories of invaluable gifts of nature in the form of
biodiversity and by destroying them ( particularly, the tropical rain for-
ests) we are going to lose these species even before knowing them. These
species could be having marvelous economic or medicinal value and
deforestation results in loss of this storehouse of species which have
evolved over millions of years in a single stroke.
(marine) and only 3% is fresh water. Even this small fraction of fresh
water is not available to us as most of it is locked up in polar ice caps
and just 0.003% is readily available to us in the form of groundwater
and surface water.
Overuse of groundwater for drinking, irrigation and domestic pur-
poses has resulted in rapid depletion of groundwater in various regions
leading to lowering of water table and drying of wells. Pollution of
many of the groundwater aquifers has made many of these wells unfit
for consumption.
Rivers and streams have long been used for discharging the
wastes. Most of the civilizations have grown and flourished on the banks
of rivers, but unfortunately, growth in turn, has been responsible for
pollution of the rivers.
As per the United Nations estimates (2002), at least 101 billion
people do not even have access to safe drinking water and 2.4 billion
do not have adequate sanitation facilities. Increasing population and
expanding development would further increase the demands for wastes.
It is estimated that by 2024, two-thirds of the world population would
be suffering from acute water shortage.
About 9.86% of the total fresh water resources is in the form of
groundwater and it is about 35-50 times that of surface water supplies.
Till some time back groundwater was considered to be very pure.
However, of late, even groundwater aquifers have been found to be
contaminated by leachates from sanitary landfills etc.
A layer of sediment or rock that is highly permeable and contains
water is called an aquifer. Layers of sand and gravel are good aquifers
while clay and crystalline rocks (like granite) are not since they have
low permeability. Aquifers may be of two types:
Unconfined aquifers which are overlaid by permeable earth
materials and they are recharged by water seeping down from above in
the form of rainfall and snow melt.
Confined aquifers which are sandwitched between two
impermeable layers of rock or sediments and are recharged only in
those areas where the aquifer intersects the land surface. Sometimes
the recharged area is hundreds of kilometers away from the location of
the well. Fig 2.2.1 shows the groundwater system. Groundwater is not
static, it moves, though at a very slow rate of about a meter or so in a
16 Environmental Science and Engineering
Infiltration Unconfined
(Water table)
Less permeable Impermeable aquifer
material rock layer
Surface Water
The water coming through precipitation (rainfall, snow) when does
not percolate down into the ground or does not return to the atmos-
phere as evaporation or transpiration loss, assumes the form of streams,
lakes, ponds, wetlands or artificial reservoirs known as surface water.
The surface water is largely used for irrigation, industrial use, public
water supply, navigation etc. A countrys economy is largely depend-
ent upon its rivers.
In some countries like India and Bangladesh rainfall does not occur
throughout the year, rather, 90% of it is concentrated into a few months
(June-September). Heavy rainfall often causes floods in the low-lying
coastal areas. Prolonged downpour can also cause the over-flowing of
lakes and rivers resulting into floods.
Deforestation, overgrazing, mining, rapid industrialization, global
warming etc. have also contributed largely to a sharp rise in the incidence
of floods, which otherwise is a natural disaster.
Floods have been regular features of some parts of India and
Bangladesh causing huge economic loss as well as loss of life. People
of Bangladesh are accustomed to moderate flooding during monsoon
and they utilize the flood water for raising paddy. But, severe floods
like that in 1970, 1988 and 1991 resulting from excessive Himalayan
runoff and storms, had very disastrous consequences causing massive
deaths and damages. In 1970, about one million people were drowned
while 1,40,000 people died in 1991. Networking of rivers is being
proposed at national level to deal with the problems of floods.
18 Environmental Science and Engineering
There are about 80 countries in the world, lying in the arid and semi-
arid regions that experience frequent spells of droughts, very often
extending up to year long duration. When annual rainfall is below
normal and less than evaporation, drought conditions are created.
Ironically, these drought- hit areas are often having a high population
growth which leads to poor land use and makes the situation worse.
Anthropogenic causes: Drought is a meteorological
phenomenon, but due to several anthropogenic causes like over grazing,
deforestation, mining etc. there is spreading of the deserts tending to
convert more areas to drought affected areas. In the last twenty years,
India has experienced more and more desertification, thereby increasing
the vulnerability of larger parts of the country to droughts.
Erroneous and intensive cropping patter n and increased
exploitation of scarce water resources through well or canal irrigation
to get high productivity has converted drought - prone areas into
desertified ones. In Maharashtra there has been no recovery from
drought for the last 30 years due to over-exploitation of water by
sugarcane crop which has high water demands.
Remedial measures: Indigenous knowledge in control of drought
and desertification can be very useful for dealing with the problem.
Carefully selected mixed cropping help optimize production and
minimize the risks of crop failures. Social Forestry and Wasteland
development can prove quite effective to fight the problem, but it should
be based on proper understanding of ecological requirements and
natural process, otherwise it may even boomrang. The Kolar district of
Karnataka is one of the leaders in Social Forestry with World Bank
Aid, but all its 11 talukas suffer from drought. It is because the tree
used for plantation here was Eucalyptus which is now known to lower
the water table because of its very high transpiration rate.
the Jordan, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Nile are the shared
water resources for Middle East countries. Ethiopia controls
the head waters of 80% of Niles flow and plans to increase it.
Natural Resources 19
water is almost fully utilized and both the states have increasing
demands for agriculture and industry. The consumption is
more in Tamilnadu than Karnataka where the catchment area
is more rocky. On June 2,1990, the Cauvery Water Dispute
Tribunal was set up which through an interim award directed
Karnataka to ensure that 205 TMCF of water was made
available in Tamil Nadus Mettur dam every year, till a
settlement was reached. In 1991-92 due to good monsoon,
there was no dispute due to good stock of water in Mettur,
but in 1995, the situation turned into a crisis due to delayed
rains and an expert Committee was set up to look into the
matter which found that there was a complex cropping pattern
in Cauvery basin. Sambra paddy in winter, Kurvai paddy in
summer and some cash crops demanded intensive water, thus
aggravating the water crisis. Proper selection of crop varieties,
optimum use of water, better rationing, rational sharing
patterns, and pricing of water are suggested as some measures
to solve the problem.
l The Satluj-Yamuna link (SYL) canal dispute: The issue of
sharing the Ravi-Beas waters and SYL issue between Punjab
and Haryana is being discussed time and again and the case is
in the Supreme Court. The Eradi Tribunal (1985) based the
allocation of water on the basis of the time-inflow data of 20
years (1960-80), according to which 17.17 MAF (million acre
feet) water was available. However, now it is argued by Punjab
that in the last 17 years there has been consistent decline
reducing the quantity to 14.34 MAF. The Supreme Court on
January 15, 2002 directed Punjab to complete and commission
the SYL within a year, failing which the Center was told to
complete it. However, two years have passed, but neither the
SYL has been completed nor the conflict over sharing of Ravi-
Beas water is resolved.
The conflict is that Punjab being the riparian state for Beas,
Ravi and Satluj stakes its claim, Haryana has faced acute
shortage of water after it became a state in 1966 and has been
trying to help it out by signing an MOU (Memorandum of
understanding) with UP, Rajasthan and Delhi for allocation
of Yamuna waters. The Yamuna basin covers the state of
Haryana while the Indus basin covers Punjab.
The conflict revolving around sharing of river water needs to
be tackled with greater understanding and objectivity.
Natural Resources 21
It is evident from the Tables that the CIS countries (The Com-
monwealth of Independent States i.e. 12 repubics of former USSR),
the United States of America, Canada, South Africa and Australia are
having the major world reserves of most of the metallic minerals. Due
to huge mineral and energy resources, the USA became the richest and
the most powerful nation in the world in even less than 200 years. Ja-
pan too needs a mention here, as there are virtually no metal reserves,
coal, oil and timber resources in Japan and it is totally dependent on
other countries for its resources. But, it has developed energy efficient
technologies to upgrade these resources to high quality finished prod-
ucts to sustain its economy.
Minerals are sometimes classified as Critical and Strategic.
Critical minerals are essential for the economy of a nation e.g.
iron, aluminium, copper, gold etc.
Strategic minerals are those required for the defence of a country
e.g. Manganese, cobalt, platinum, chromium etc.
Some Major Minerals of India
(a) Energy generating minerals
Coal and lignite: West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa, M.P., A.P.
Uranium (Pitchblende or Uranite ore): Jharkhand, Andhra
Pradesh (Nellore, Nalgonda), Meghalaya, Rajasthan (Ajmer).
(b) Other commercially used minerals
Aluminium (Bauxite ore): Jharkhand, West Bengal,
Maharashtra, M.P., Tamilnadu.
Iron (haematite and magnetite ore): Jharkhand, Orissa, M.P.,
A.P., Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa.
Copper (Copper Pyrites): Rajasthan (Khetri), Bihar, Jharkhand,
Karnataka, M.P., West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and
crust Upper soil profile
containing salts
of saline
Water logg
Less permeable
Salinization clay layer
Addition of salts with saline
irrigation water
Evapo-transpiration leaves Rain water and irrigation
behind salts water percolate down
Salt-build up occurs in upper Water table rises
soil profile
are oil rich states (UAE) and hence their energy consumption and GNP
are more, although their development is not that high.
Energy consumption in GJ per capita
Canada USA
300 Kuwait Norway
Russia Germany
Greece Switzerland
China Argentina Denmark
10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000
Gross National Product (GNP)
$ per capita
DC electricity
Solar cell
Fig. 2.5.2. (b) A solar pump run by electricity produced by solar cells.
A group of solar cells joined together in a definite pattern form a
solar panel which can harness a large amount of solar energy and can
produce electricity enough to run street-light, irrigation water pump
etc. (Fig. 2.5.2).
Solar cells are widely used in calculators, electronic watches, street
lighting, traffic signals, water pumps etc. They are also used in artifi-
cial satellites for electricity generation. Solar cells are used for running
radio and television also. They are more in use in remote areas where
conventional electricity supply is a problem.
(iii) Solar cooker: Solar cookers make use of solar heat by
reflecting the solar radiations using a mirror directly on to a glass sheet
Plane mirror
metallic box
metallic container
for cooking food
which covers the black insulated box within which the raw food is kept
as shown in Fig. 2.5.3. A new design of solar cooker is now available
which involves a spherical reflector (concave or parabolic reflector)
instead of plane mirror that has more heating effect and hence greater
The food cooked in solar cookers is more nutritious due to slow
heating. However it has the limitation that it cannot be used at night or
on cloudy days. Moreover, the direction of the cooker has to be adjusted
according to the direction of the sun rays.
(iv) Solar water heater: It consists of an insulated box painted black
from inside and having a glass lid to receive and store solar heat. Inside
the box it has black painted copper coil through which cold water is
made to flow in, which gets heated and flows out into a storage tank.
The hot water from the storage tank fitted on roof top is then supplied
through pipes into buildings like hotels and hospitals.
(v) Solar furnace: Here thousands of small plane mirrors are ar-
ranged in concave reflectors, all of which collect the solar heat and
produce as high a temperature as 3000°C.
(vi) Solar power plant: Solar energy is harnessed on a large scale
by using concave reflectors which cause boiling of water to produce
steam. The steam turbine drives a generator to produce electricity. A
solar power plant (50 K Watt capacity) has been installed at Gurgaon,
The high speed winds have a lot of energy in them as kinetic energy
due to their motion. The driving force of the winds is the sun. The
wind energy is harnessed by making use of wind mills. The blades of
the wind mill keep on rotating continuously due to the force of the
striking wind. The rotational motion of the blades drives a number of
machines like water pumps, flour mills and electric generators. A large
number of wind mills are installed in clusters called wind farms, which
feed power to the utility grid and produce a large amount of electricity.
These farms are ideally located in coastal regions, open grasslands or
hilly regions, particularly mountain passes and ridges where the winds
are strong and steady. The minimum wind speed required for
satisfactory working of a wind generator is 15 km/hr.
The wind power potential of our country is estimated to be
about 20,000 MW, while at present we are generating about 1020
MW. The largest wind farm of our country is near Kanyakumari in
Tamil Nadu generating 380 MW electricity.
Natural Resources 43
Wind energy is very useful as it does not cause any air pollution.
After the initial installation cost, the wind energy is very cheap. It is
believed that by the middle of the century wind power would supply
more than 10% of worlds electricity.
The water flowing in a river is collected by constructing a big dam
where the water is stored and allowed to fall from a height. The blades
of the turbine located at the bottom of the dam move with the fast
moving water which in turn rotate the generator and produces
electricity. We can also construct mini or micro hydel power plants on
the rivers in hilly regions for harnessing the hydro energy on a small
scale, but the minimum height of the water falls should be 10 metres.
The hydropower potential of India is estimated to be about 4 × 1011
KW-hours. Till now we have utilized only a little more than 11% of
this potential.
Hydropower does not cause any pollution, it is renewable and
normally the hydro power projects are multi-purpose projects helping
in controlling floods, used for irrigation, navigation etc. However, big
dams are often associated with a number of environmental impacts
which have already been discussed in the previous section.
Ocean tides produced by gravitational forces of sun and moon contain
enormous amounts of energy. The high tide and low tide refer to
the rise and fall of water in the oceans. A difference of several meters is
required between the height of high and low tide to spin the turbines.
The tidal energy can be harnessed by constructing a tidal barrage.
During high tide, the sea-water flows into the reservoir of the barrage
and turns the turbine, which in turn produces electricity by rotating
the generators. During low tide, when the sea-level is low, the sea water
stored in the barrage reservoir flows out into the sea and again turns
the turbines. (Fig. 2.5.4)
There are only a few sites in the world where tidal energy can be
suitably harnessed. The bay of Fundy Canada having 17-18 m high
tides has a potential of 5,000 MW of power generation. The tidal mill
at La Rance, France is one of the first modern tidal power mill. In
India Gulf of Cambay, Gulf of Kutch and the Sunder bans deltas are
the tidal power sites.
44 Environmental Science and Engineering
Tidal barrage
Water stored
at high tide
in reservoir
Fig. 2.5.4. Water flows into the reservoir to turn the turbine
at high tide (a), and flows out from the reservoir to the
sea, again turning the turbine at low tide (b).
The energy harnessed from the hot rocks present inside the earth is
called geothermal energy. High temperature, high pressure steam fields
exist below the earths surface in many places. This heat comes from
the fission of radioactive material naturally present in the rocks. In
some places, the steam or the hot water comes out of the ground
naturally through cracks in the form of natural geysers as in Manikaran,
Kullu and Sohana, Haryana. Sometimes the steam or boiling water
underneath the earth do not find any place to come out. We can
artificially drill a hole up to the hot rocks and by putting a pipe in it
make the steam or hot water gush out through the pipe at high pressure
which turns the turbine of a generator to produce electricty. In USA
and New Zealand, there are several geothermal plants working
Biomass is the organic matter produced by the plants or animals which
include wood, crop residues, cattle dung, manure, sewage, agricultural
wastes etc. Biomass energy is of the following types :
(a) Energy Plantations: Solar energy is trapped by green plants
through photosynthesis and converted into biomass energy. Fast grow-
ing trees like cottonwood, poplar and Leucaena, non-woody herbaceous
grasses, crop plants like sugarcane, sweet sorghum and sugar beet,
aquatic weeds like water hyacinth and sea-weeds and carbohydrate rich
potato, cereal etc. are some of the important energy plantations. They
may produce energy either by burning directly or by getting converted
into burnable gas or may be converted into fuels by fermentation.
(b) Petro-crops: Certain latex-containing plants like Euphorbias
and oil palms are rich in hydrocarbons and can yield an oil like sub-
stance under high temperature and pressure. This oily material may be
burned in diesel engines directly or may be refined to form gasoline.
These plants are popularly known as petro-crops.
(c) Agricultural and Urban Waste biomass: Crop residues,
bagasse (sugarcane residues), coconut shells, peanut hulls, cotton stalks
etc. are some of the common agricultural wastes which produce energy
by burning. Animal dung, fishery and poultry waste and even human
refuse are examples of biomass energy. In Brazil 30 % of electricity is
obtained from burning bagasse. In rural India, animal dung cakes are
burnt to produce heat. About 80 % of rural heat energy requirements
are met by burning agricultural wastes, wood and animal dung cakes.
46 Environmental Science and Engineering
Biogas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen
sulphide, the major constituent being methane. Biogas is produced by
anaerobic degradation of animal wastes (sometimes plant wastes) in
the presence of water. Anaerobic degradation means break down of
organic matter by bacteria in the absence of oxygen.
Biogas is a non-polluting, clean and low cost fuel which is very
useful for rural areas where a lot of animal waste and agricultural waste
are available. India has the largest cattle population in the world (240
million) and has tremendous potential for biogas production. From
cattle dung alone, we can produce biogas of a magnitude of 22,500
Mm3 annually. A sixty cubic feet gobar gas plant can serve the needs of
one average family.
Biogas has the following main advantages : It is clean, non-
polluting and cheap. There is direct supply of gas from the plant and
there is no storage problem. The sludge left over is a rich fertilizer
containing bacterial biomass with most of the nutrients preserved as
such. Air-tight digestion/degradation of the animal wastes is safe as it
eliminates health hazards which normally occur in case of direct use of
dung due to direct exposure to faecal pathogens and parasites.
Biogas plants used in our country are basically of two types:
1. Floating gas-holder type and 2. Fixed-dome type.
1. Floating gas holder type biogas plant: This type has a well-
shaped digester tank which is placed under the ground and made up of
bricks. In the digester tank, over the dung slurry an inverted steel drum
floats to hold the bio-gas produced. The gas holder can move which is
controlled by a pipe and the gas outlet is regulated by a valve. The
digester tank has a partition wall and one side of it receives the dung-
water mixture through inlet pipe while the other side discharges the
spent slurry through outlet pipe. (Fig 2.5.5)
Natural Resources 47
Mixing Floating
Slurry tank Biogas
biogas holder supply outlet Overflow
(Cattle dung + water) tank
Outlet Spent
Inlet slurry
pipe pipe
digester tank
Ground level
Inlet Spent
chamber slurry
digester tank
Biomass can be fermented to alcohols like ethanol and methanol which
can be used as fuels. Ethanol can be easily produced from carbohydrate
rich substances like sugarcane. It burns clean and is non-polluting.
However, as compared to petrol its calorific value is less and therefore,
produces much less heat than petrol.
Gasohol is a common fuel used in Brazil and Zimbabwe for
running cars and buses. In India too gasohol is planned to be used on
trial basis in some parts of the country, to start with in Kanpur. Gasohol
is a mixture of ethanol and gasoline.
Methanol is very useful since it burns at a lower temperature than
gasoline or diesel. Thus the bulky radiator may be substituted by sleek
designs in our cars. Methanol too is a clean, non-polluting fuel.
Methanol can be easily obtained from woody plants and ethanol
from grain-based or sugar-containing plants.
As hydrogen burns in air, it combines with oxygen to form water and a
large amount of energy (150 kilojoules per gram) is released. Due to its
high, rather the highest calorific value, hydrogen can serve as an excel-
lent fuel. Moreover, it is non-polluting and can be easily produced.
Production of Hydrogen is possible by thermal dissociation, photoly-
sis or electrolysis of water:
(i) By thermal dissociation of water (at 3000°K or above)
hydrogen (H2) is produced.
(ii) Thermochemically, hydrogen is produced by chemical reaction
of water with some other chemicals in 2-3 cycles so that we do not
need the high temperatures as in direct thermal method and ultimately
H2 is produced.
(iii) Electrolytic method dissociates water into hydrogen (H2) and
oxygen by making a current flow through it.
(iv) Photolysis of water involves breakdown of water in the
presence of sun light to release hydrogen. Green plants also have
photolysis of water during photosynthesis. Efforts are underway to trap
hydrogen molecule which is produced during photosynthesis.
Natural Resources 49
Coal was formed 255-350 million years ago in the hot, damp
regions of the earth during the carboniferous age. The ancient plants
along the banks of rivers and swamps were buried after death into the
soil and due to the heat and pressure gradually got converted into peat
and coal over millions of years of time. There are mainly three types of
coal, namely anthracite (hard coal), bituminous (Soft coal) and lignite
(brown coal). Anthracite coal has maximum carbon (90%) and calorific
value (8700 kcal/kg.) Bituminous, lignite and peat contain 80, 70 and
60% carbon, respectively. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the
world. At the present rate of usage, the coal reserves are likely to last
for about 200 years and if its use increases by 2% per year, then it will
last for another 65 years.
India has about 5% of worlds coal and Indian coal is not very
good in terms of heat capacity. Major coal fields in India are Raniganj,
Jharia, Bokaro, Singrauli, and Godavari valley. The coal states of India
are Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh
and Maharashtra. Anthracite coal occurs only in J & K.
When coal is burnt it produces carbon dioxide, which is a
greenhouse gas responsible for causing enhanced global warming. Coal
also contains impurities like sulphur and therefore as it burns the smoke
contains toxic gases like oxides of sulphur and nitrogen.
It is the lifeline of global economy. There are 13 countries in the
world having 67% of the petroleum reserves which together form the
50 Environmental Science and Engineering
It is mainly composed of methane (95%) with small amounts of
propane and ethane. It is a fossil fuel. Natural gas deposits mostly
accompany oil deposits because it has been formed by decomposing
remains of dead animals and plants buried under the earth. Natural
gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. It can be easily transported through
pipelines. It has a high calorific value of about 50KJ/G and burns
without any smoke.
Currently, the amount of natural gas deposits in the world are of
the order of 80, 450 g m3. Russia has maximum reserves (40%),
followed by Iran (14%) and USA (7%). Natural gas reserves are found
in association with all the oil fields in India. Some new gas fields have
been found in Tripura, Jaisalmer, Off-shore area of Mumbai and the
Krishna Godavari Delta.
Natural Resources 51
Nuclear energy is known for its high destructive power as
evidenced from nuclear weapons. The nuclear energy can also be
harnessed for providing commercial energy. Nuclear energy can be
generated by two types of reactions:
(i) Nuclear Fission: It is the nuclear change in which nucleus of
certain isotopes with large mass numbers are split into lighter nuclei
on bombardment by neutrons and a large amount of energy is released
through a chain reaction as shown in Fig. 2.5.7 (a).
Kr n
Energy n
n U
nucleus Ba n
Ba n
Ba n
+ +
+ + +
1 billion °C
(Deuterium) Helium-3
Land is a finite and valuable resource upon which we depend for our
food, fibre and fuel wood, the basic amenities of life. Soil, especially
the top soil, is classified as a renewable resource because it is
continuously regenerated by natural process though at a very slow rate.
About 200-1000 years are needed for the formation of one inch or 2.5
cm soil, depending upon the climate and the soil type. But, when rate
of erosion is faster than rate of renewal, then the soil becomes a non-
renewable resource.
With increasing population growth the demands for arable land for
producing food, fibre and fuel wood is also increasing. Hence there is
more and more pressure on the limited land resources which are getting
degraded due to over-exploitation. Soil degradation is a real cause of
alarm because soil formation is an extremely slow process as discussed
above and the average annual erosion rate is 20-100 times more than
the renewal rate.
Soil erosion, water-logging, salinization and contamination of the
soil with industrial wastes like fly-ash, press-mud or heavy metals all
cause degradation of land.
The literal meaning of soil erosion is wearing away of soil. Soil ero-
sion is defined as the movement of soil components, especially surface-
litter and top soil from one place to another. Soil erosion results in the
loss of fertility because it is the top soil layer which is fertile. If we look
at the world situation, we find that one third of the worlds cropland is
getting eroded. Two thirds of the seriously degraded lands lie in Asia
and Africa.
Soil erosion is basically of two types based upon the cause of
(i) Normal erosion or geologic erosion: caused by the gradual
removal of top soil by natural processes which bring an equilibrium
between physical, biological and hydrological activities and maintain
a natural balance between erosion and renewal.
54 Environmental Science and Engineering
ning streams take a turn in some other direction, they cut the
soil and make caves in the banks.
Wind erosion is responsible for the following three types of
soil movements:
l Saltation: This occurs under the influence of direct pressure
Area affected
(thousand hectares)
Irrigation Project State
Water Salinity
Various anthropogenic activities like hydroelectric projects, large dams,
reservoirs, construction of roads and railway lines, construction of
buildings, mining etc are responsible for clearing of large forested areas.
Earlier there were few reports of landslides between Rishikesh and Byasi
on Badrinath Highway area. But, after the highway was constructed,
15 landslides occurred in a single year. During construction of roads,
Desertification is a process whereby the productive potential of arid or
semiarid lands falls by ten percent or more. Moderate desertification is
10-25% drop in productivity, severe desertification causes 25-50% drop
while very severe desertification results in more than 50% drop in
productivity and usually creates huge gullies and sand dunes.
Desertification leads to the conversion of rangelands or irrigated
croplands to desert like conditions in which agricultural productivity
falls. Desertification is characterized by devegetation and loss of vegetal
over, depletion of groundwater, salinization and severe soil erosion.
Desertification is not the literal invasion of desert into a non-desert
area. It includes degradation of the ecosystems within as well as outside
the natural deserts. The Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts are about a
million years old, yet they have become more barren during the last
100 years. So, further desertification has taken place within the desert.
Causes of Desertification: Formation of deserts may take place
due to natural phenomena like climate change or may be due to abusive
use of land. Even the climate change is linked in many ways to human
activities. The major anthropogenic activities responsible for
desertification are as follows:
(a) Deforestation: The process of denuding and degrading a
forested land initiates a desert producing cycle that feeds on itself. Since
there is no vegetation to hold back the surface run-off, water drains off
quickly before it can soak into the soil to nourish the plants or to
replenish the groundwater. This increases soil erosion, loss of fertility
and loss of water.
(b) Overgrazing: The regions most seriously affected by
desertification are the cattle producing areas of the world. This is
because the increasing cattle population heavily graze in grasslands or
forests and as a result denude the land area. When the earth is denuded,
the microclimate near the ground becomes inhospitable to seed
germination. The dry barren land becomes loose and more prone to
soil erosion. The top fertile layer is also lost and thus plant growth is
badly hampered in such soils. The dry barren land reflects more of the
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suns heat, changing wind patterns, driving away moisture laden clouds
leading to further desertification.
(c) Mining and quarrying: These activities are also responsible
for loss of vegetal cover and denudation of extensive land areas leading
to desertification. Deserts are found to occur in the arid and semi-arid
areas of all the continents . During the last 50 years about 900 million
hectares of land have undergone desertification over the world. This
problem is especially severe in Sahel region, just south of the Sahara in
Africa. It is further estimated that if desertification continues at the
present rate, then by 2010, it will affect such lands which are presently
occupied by 20% of the human population.
Amongst the most badly affected areas are the sub Saharan Africa,
the Middle East, Western Asia, parts of Central and South America,
Australia and the Western half of the United States.
It is estimated that in the last 50 years, human activities have been
responsible for desertification of land area equal to the size of Brazil.
The UNEP estimates suggest that if we dont make sincere efforts now
then very soon 63% of rangelands, 60% of rain-fed croplands and 30%
of irrigated croplands will suffer from desertification on a worldwide
scale, adding 60,000 Km2 of deserts every year.