Why and How CLIL Works
Why and How CLIL Works
Why and How CLIL Works
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1. Introduction
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a powerful and
empowering way to learn languages. At the same time the approach is in line
with European language policies on the promotion and implementation of
multilingualism (Commission 2005; High Level Group 2007). As a result,
most CLIL research is policy-driven research. While we do not want to
question this, it is equally legitimate to look at CLIL from a completely
different point of view, namely to consider CLIL as an innovative approach to
language pedagogical practices in line with modern research about language
learning and teaching as well as motivational aspects, cognitive development
and learning and the brain. In this paper, an intricate approach towards CLIL
is put forward, which – at the same time – is presented as a research
paradigm for the future.
Tenet 4. Attitudes and motivation. Main research question: in what way does
CLIL influence attitudes and motivation vis-à-vis languages and
language learning?
There exist few large-scale studies on attitudes and motivation in bilingual
learners in a CLIL context. In Brussels, bi/multilingual young learners and
adolescents show the following: (i) Young learners are highly motivated to
learn languages and not only English (cf. Allain 2004). (ii) Adolescents show
positive attitudes, no loss of identity and they consider bilingualism as a core
value; moreover, it enhances their self-esteem and motivation to learn
languages (Ceuleers, in print). It is not too far-fetched to extrapolate these
results to CLIL pupils.
Tenet 5. Cognitive aspects. Main research question: in what way does CLIL
influence cognitive development as compared to traditional
(language) learning?
CLIL induces the learner to be more cognitively active during the learning
process (cf. Bamford & Mizokawa 1991; Bialystok et al. 2005; Bialystok
2004, 2005; Cook 1997; Jäppinen 2005; Van de Craen et al. 2007a). The
neural substrate of this (see tenet 6) is that more neural connections are being
made (cf. Fabbro 1999; Edelman & Tononi 2000; Blakemore & Frith 2005)
and this, naturally, advantages young learners over older ones.
Yet, it would be wrong to suppose that cognitive added values are solely
dependent on the CLIL approach as such. Wilburn Robinson (1992) examined
twelve dozen studies between 1960 and 1990 and found that young children
who have studied a foreign language performed better on standardized tests
and tests of basic skills in English, Maths and Social Studies. Young children
who had four or more years of foreign language scored higher on verbal tests
than those who had had four or more years in any other subject area (cf.
Wilburn Robinson 1992; see also Cooper 1987; Webb 2000). Cognitive
advantages seem related to early (foreign) language learning independent of
the methodology. Hence, there is no doubt that young children exposed to
CLIL cognitively benefit from this.
Tenet 6. Brain matters. Main research question: how does CLIL affect brain
development as compared to traditional (foreign) language
learning approaches?
The most general aspect related to brain workings in CLIL and/or immersion
learning environments is that the bilingual brain needs less effort, i.e. less
work load to perform specific tasks under scanning conditions (Blakemore &
Frith 2005; Bialystok et al. 2005; Mondt 2007). Consider the following
images issued from on-going research (see Mondt et al., in preparation).
The first picture shows the average results of brain scans in monolingual
children (age 8-9) carrying out a simple calculation task. Picture 2 shows the
same in bilingual children. Picture 3 shows the result of children issued from
multilingual education.
It is clear that the bilingual brain hardly has to work (Picture 2). No work
load at all is shown. Monolinguals have to work much harder (Picture 1)
whereas school bilinguals (Picture 3) show an intermediate position.
Picture 1. Monolinguals
Picture 2. Bilinguals
4. Conclusion
The six tenets that have been presented illustrate that CLIL is more than just
another method of language learning. CLIL has implications for the learning
process as a whole and is as such an innovative way of looking at (language)
education. However, we also feel that the tenets could become the basis for a
comprehensive CLIL theory.
The implicit language learning processes that CLIL entails in young
learners shows transformations from lower order aspects (i.e. learning a
language) to higher order ones (i.e. cognitive added values) and this is
commonly called “emergence” (cf. Johnson 2001). As there is no pre-
programmed plan, only self-organization processes seem to govern this
transformation (cf. Oudeyer 2006). As a result, CLIL theory joins general
learning theory and brain research.
A CLIL theory is then based on principles of self-organization (see also
Van de Craen & Mondt 2007) and strongly resembles theories of emergence.
It also takes into account cognitive and brain aspects as well as motivation
theory. In this sense, CLIL is more than ever innovative and can contribute
substantially to both linguistic and social theory.
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