Omnibus Sworn Statement
Omnibus Sworn Statement
Omnibus Sworn Statement
5. DEF Inc., is authorizing the Head of the Procuring Entity or its duly
authorized representative(s) to verify all the documents submitted;
6. None of the officers and members of DEF Inc., is related to the Head of the
Procuring Entity, members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), the
Technical Working Group, and the BAC Secretariat, the head of the Project
Management Office or the end-user unit, and the project consultants by
consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil degree;
9. DEF Inc., did not give or pay directly or indirectly, any commission,
amount fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or otherwise, to any
person or official, personnel or representative of the government in relation
to any procurement project or activity.
General Manager
DEF Inc.,
Notary Public
Doc. No. :____
Page No. :____
Book No. :____
Series of 2019