Analysis of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Laundry PDF
Analysis of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Laundry PDF
Analysis of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Laundry PDF
DOI 10.1007/s11743-015-1763-x
Received: 4 June 2015 / Accepted: 16 November 2015 / Published online: 22 December 2015
Ó AOCS 2015
Abstract A lack of natural water resources and an increase in Keywords HPLC–UV Laundry wastewater Linear
the demand for fresh potable water has shifted focus to the alkylbenzene sulfonate Liquid–liquid extraction Solid
possible reuse of recycled laundry wastewater water that is phase extraction UV–Vis
considered to be relatively clean. Organic components such as
linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) are the major and most
abundant contributing anionic surfactant constituents found in Introduction
laundry detergents. The development and reliability of treat-
ment methods targeted at purification of laundry wastewater Water is an essential resource for the sustainability of life on
necessitates a fast and accurate method for quantification of earth. With an increase in the population worldwide the demand
LAS. This paper focuses on a comparative study for the for water has escalated in the urban, industrial and agricultural
quantification of LAS based on traditional liquid–liquid domains [1]. To conserve the environment and natural water
extraction (LLE) and HPLC–UV methods. In the case of LLE, resources, recycling and re-use of wastewater is often imple-
the anionic surfactant LAS complexes via ion association to a mented in most countries [2]. Domestic and industrial laundry
methylene blue (MB) cationic dye resulting in the formation of wastewater is relatively ‘clean’ in comparison to other indus-
an anionic surfactant–methylene blue (AS–MB) complex. The trial effluents [3]. In view of the current efforts to save the
AS–MB complex extracted with chloroform absorbs at a k max earth’s energy and water resources, not much interest has been
of 653 nm. Optimized conditions for quantification of a single shown in attempting to filter, purify and re-use domestic and
eluted LAS peak using HPLC–UV were obtained by isocratic industrial wastewater [4]. Development of efficient treatment
elution on a C18 column with a 95 % acetonitrile and 5 % methods for the recycling and re-use of domestic and industrial
0.7 M acetic acid mobile phase. Both methods displayed per- wastewater would require fundamental knowledge of the
centage recoveries [90 % and statistically showed repro- chemical constituents present within and adequate methods for
ducibility and precision in the quantitation of LAS. HPLC–UV quantification thereof. The composition of laundry wastewater
prevailed over UV–Vis as the method of choice for LAS (LWW) consists primarily of the laundry detergent utilized in
determinations given the ease of sample preparation and the washing process and the soil removed from the textile items.
applicability to a wider range of samples. Typical levels of LAS Typical soil or more commonly known as ‘dirt’ found in LWW
in laundry samples assessed in this study ranged between 116 originates from textile items stained primarily from food,
and 454 mg L-1. drinks, body soil and atmospheric dust.
These types of soils mostly contain water soluble salts of
sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium as well as the
hydrophobic components such as cholesterol, triglycerides and
fatty acids. Metal oxides and silicates contribute to a large
& Ajay Bissessur percentage of atmospheric dust, hence would be common in the
textile items laundered. Surfactants are the abundant key
School of Chemistry and Physics, University of KwaZulu- ingredients found in all laundry detergents which effectively
Natal, Private Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa remove the above mentioned chemical constituents from the
210 J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218
textile items. A considerably high concentration of surfactants in phase 1 and the total concentration of the analyte in phase 2
is therefore evidently expected in LWW and requires a fast and [16]. The distribution ratio for the AS–MB complex can be
accurate method for quantification [5]. Linear alkylbenzene given by Eq. 2, were the numerator denotes the concentration
sulfonates (LAS) are the most common organic anionic sur- of AS–MB in the chloroform phase (phase 1) and the denom-
factant used in laundry detergents due to its excellent perfor- inator denotes the concentration of AS–MB in the aqueous
mance and relatively low cost [6–8]. The commercial product phase (phase 2). For the analysis of LWW samples, an appro-
of LAS as a sodium salt, is comprised of a mixture of homo- priate dilution factor has to be taken into consideration since
logues containing between 10 and 14 linear carbon atoms with a LWW samples are known to contain a high concentration of
phenyl group attached to the linear alkyl chain and the sulfonate surfactants. An indication of complete extraction of methylene
anion (Fig. 1), [9, 10]. blue into the chloroform phase, leaving the aqueous phase
The current methods implemented in literature for the colorless suggests that the sample size was too large and
quantification of LAS include UV–Vis spectrophotometry [11, requires further dilution. The pH of the reaction also plays an
12] and liquid chromatography [13, 14]. The spectrophoto- important role in the LLE of AS–MB complexes. At a high pH
metric method for determination of anionic surfactants pre- ([8) the methylene blue cationic dye loses its cationic character
sented by Chitikela et al. [12] and Jurado et al. [11] involves the and at a too low pH (\3) the protonation of the anionic sur-
use of methylene blue, a cationic dye which forms a complex factant becomes a competitive process to ion pair formation.
with the anionic surfactant through an ion association. ½AS MBCl
The anionic surfactant–methylene blue complex (AS– D¼ ð2Þ
½AS ½MBaq
MB) is extracted by an organic solvent such as chloroform
and quantified by UV–Vis spectrophotometry. Both the Quantification of LAS as an AS–MB complex is less
anionic surfactant and cationic dye are insoluble in chloro- commonly used due to the numerous chemical interfer-
form as individual compounds, however when complexed ences associated with this method. Anionic compounds
through ion association, the AS–MB complex is more sol- other than surfactants in samples analyzed may complex
uble in chloroform when compared to the aqueous phase. with the cationic dye thus resulting in a false presentation
½AS MBaq ½AS MBCl ð1Þ of the quantity of LAS in samples.
In contrast, little chemical interference is associated with the
Equation 1 denotes the ionic pair AS–MB at equilibrium quantification of LAS by liquid chromatography. The sample
where the subindex ‘‘aq’’ indicates the concentration of the preparation, HPLC column and detector utilized isolates the
anionic surfactant LAS in the aqueous phase, and the subindex targeted analyte, hence allowing for specific quantification of
‘‘Cl’’ represents the concentration of the surfactant in the LAS. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is currently the most widely
chloroform phase. Methylene blue reacts with the anionic used technique for isolation of surfactants from aqueous sam-
surfactant LAS in a 1:1 mol ratio. It is noted in the literature that ples [17]. In the work presented by Matthijs and De Henau, SPE
the partition coefficient for this specific extraction is extremely was used for the efficient isolation of LAS from aqueous
favorable allowing for a single extraction with chloroform [15]. environmental samples [18]. Washing of the SPE cartridges
To support a favorable partition coefficient the distribution ratio with a 40 % aqueous MeOH solution prior elution of LAS with
can be determined experimentally. The distribution ratio is MeOH, was essential for elimination of polar substances [18].
defined as a ratio between the total concentration of the analyte Reversed phase chromatography with a C18 solid phase
extraction (SPE) cartridge and UV detector has been reported
by Wangkarn et al. [14], Akyuz et al. [13], Guo et al. [19] and
Fig. 1 Chemical structure of
linear alkylbenzene sulfonate
C10H 21 Villar et al. [20] for the quantification of LAS [17]. The struc-
(LAS) ture of LAS comprising of different homologues complicates
the quantification of LAS through chromatographic methods.
Majority of the work presented on quantification of LAS by
HPLC, focused on separation of the homologues of LAS as it
was a necessity for assessment of the environmental fate of
LAS. Many authors have isolated the homologues of LAS as
individual peaks, and quantified LAS as a sum of the homo-
logues [13, 14, 19, 21]. Separation of the homologues requires
the addition of phase modifiers such as sodium chloride,
ammonium acetate or sodium acetate to be added to the mobile
phase [14]. Good peak resolution of LAS and a short retention
SO3 - Na + time is difficult to obtain due to the similarities between the
homolog structures. As reported by Akyuz et al. [13],
J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218 211
Bengoechea et al. [21], Guo et al. [19]. and Wangkarn et al. a Lambda 35 UV–Vis Perkin Elmer double beam spec-
[14], the retention time of LAS homologues was 50, 22, 15 and trometer against a prepared blank.
8 min respectively. An external standard calibration was set-up with LAS
The paper presented focuses on the quantification of standards ranging from 0.25 to 2.5 mg L-1. For the recovery
LAS in LWW collected from domestic sources and a study, samples were spiked with known concentrations LAS.
comparison of methods by UV–Vis spectrophotometry and The stability of the LAS was evaluated by analyzing samples
reversed phase HPLC–UV. For the chromatographic over 3 different time intervals (1, 2 and 5 days apart).
method, quantification of LAS is optimized by elution of
LAS as a single peak with a reduced retention time.
Quantitative Analysis of LAS in LWW by
Experimental Section
HPLC–UV analysis was carried out using a Perkin Elmer
200 series pump with a UV detector set at 225 nm and a
20-lL injector loop. A C18 PhenomenexÒ column with
dimensions of 250 9 4.6 mm and an AgilentÒ C18 eclipse
HPLC grade solvents acetonitrile and methanol as well as
plus column with dimensions of 2.1 9 100 mm was uti-
analytical grade methylene blue and LAS (sodium dodecyl-
lized as the stationary phase for HPLC.
benzene sulfonate) comprising of a mixture of homologues
LWW samples were diluted and subjected to SPE with a
was purchased from Sigma AldrichÒ. Sep-pakÒ 360 mg C18
C18 cartridge in a vacuum manifold prior to HPLC–UV
SPE cartridges were purchased from Waters. Analytical grade
analysis. The cartridge was conditioned and equilibrated
acetic acid, phosphoric acid, chloroform, sodium hydroxide
with 2 mL each of acetonitrile and Millipore water respec-
and sodium tetraborate were purchased from Associated
tively. A volume of 5.0 mL of the sample was loaded onto
Chemical EnterprisesÒ, MerckÒ, Set Pure ChemicalsÒ, Pro-
the cartridge followed by 3 mL of a wash solution com-
mark ChemicalsÒ and SAAR ChemÒ respectively.
prising of 70 % Millipore water and 30 % (v/v) methanol.
The C18 cartridge was dried under vacuum for a period of
Sample Collection and Storage 10 min prior to elution of the analyte with acetonitrile. A
calibration curve was prepared by analyzing LAS standards
Replicates of LWW were sampled from a domestic ranging from 5 to 30 mg L-1. All standards were prepared
washing machine. The washing machine program com- in 100 % acetonitrile. Recovery studies and precision anal-
prised of one wash cycle followed by two sequential rinse yses by HPLC–UV were performed analogously to the UV–
cycles. Samples were collected in amber glass bottles after Vis method [described in Quantitative analysis of LAS in
each wash and rinse cycle, and refrigerated. The samples the LWW by UV–Vis (spectrophotometric) section].
referred to as 1, 2 and 3rd rinses correspond to water dis- For sample preservation, LWW samples were collected
posed from the 1st wash cycle, 1st rinse cycle and 2nd rinse (described in the sample collection and storage section) and
cycle of an automated washing machine respectively. stored in 15 % (v/v) MeOH at 4 °C. The LAS was quan-
tified after days 1, 2 and 5 using the HPLC–UV method B.
Qualitative Analysis
Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification
LAS standards and LWW samples were analyzed by
FTIR–ATR using a 100 Perkin Elmer spectrometer. The theoretical LOD (limit of detection) was calculated as:
Quantitative Analysis of LAS in LWW by UV–Vis LOD ¼ ð3Þ
(Spectrophotometric) N
where r and N, in the above equation represent the standard
LWW samples were diluted and followed a procedure in deviation of the y-intercept and slope of the calibration curve
accordance to the protocol reported by Jurado et al. [11] respectively. The LOQ (limit of quantification) was calcu-
with minor changes. A 5.0-mL sample aliquot was alkalin- lated according to Eq. 3; however 10 r was used instead of
ized with 200.0 lL of 50 mM sodium tetraborate buffer at 3 r. The MLOD (method limit of detection) and MLOQ
pH 10.5 followed by the addition of 100.0 lL methylene (method limit of quantification) were experimentally deter-
blue reagent prepared in 10 mM sodium tetraborate buffer at mined by preparation of LAS standards with concentrations
pH 5.5. The AS–MB complex was extracted with 5.0 mL of corresponding to the LOD and LOQ respectively and
chloroform and its UV–Vis absorbance was measured using quantified by UV–Vis spectrophotometry and HPLC–UV.
212 J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218
Results and Discussion established kmax of 225 nm for LAS was carried out by
scanning a dilute standard solution between 200 and
Qualitative Analysis of LAS 700 nm. The chromatographic analysis of standard LAS
and LWW produced a single symmetrical peak respec-
LAS in laundry wastewater samples were qualitatively tively with a consistent flat baseline (Fig. 2). The reported
assessed by HPLC–UV and Infrared spectroscopy. An sample retention time of 0.73 min (Fig. 2a) compared
Fig. 2 Chromatograms showing peaks of LAS in a LWW, b LWW spiked with 5 ppm standard LAS and c LWW spiked with 15 ppm standard LAS
J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218 213
Table 1 Chromatographic conditions for HPLC analysis [22]. Sharp, definite absorption bands at 1012 and
Method Column Mobile phase Flow rate
1043 cm-1 for the LAS standard (Fig. 3) corresponds to
length (mm) (mL min-1) the presence of an alkylbenzene sulfonate group according
to the ASTM referenced assigning of 1010 and 1042 cm-1.
A 25 ACN/H2O (19:1) 1
Absorption bands at 1010 and 1042 cm-1 respectively
B 10 ACN/0.7 M Acetic 0.5 relates to the stretching between the sulfur atom and aro-
acid (19:1)
matic carbon, and the stretching between sulfur and oxygen
in LAS. Other identifiable absorption bands of LAS namely
aromatics, sulfonate groups and para-substituted sulfonates
Table 2 ASTM guideline to characteristic FTIR absorption bands of at 1497, 1128 and 830 cm-1 respectively are shown in
Table 2.
Frequency Band Band Functional group Isolation of the dissolved form of LAS from LWW
(cm-1) shape intensity samples is difficult and requires tedious techniques such as
1493 Shoulder Weak Aromatic bands sublation. Consequently, in order to obtain a suitable and
1235–1176 Broad Strong Sulfonate group representative FTIR spectrum of the LAS standard (Fig. 4)
1136 Sharp Moderate Sulfonate group it was dissolved in AR grade methanol. Characteristic
1042 Sharp Strong Alkylbenzene sulfonate absorption bands observed at 1013.76 cm-1 for LWW
1010 Sharp Strong Alkylbenzene sulfonate sample and 1015.83 cm-1 for LAS standard corresponds to
833 Broad Moderate Para substitution the presence of an alkylbenzene sulfonate group. The
impact of methanol as a solvent system resulted in broad,
favourably to LAS standard retention time of 0.71 min overlapping IR absorption bands at 3258.61 and
(Fig. 2b, c). The retention times of the analyte and standard 3276.88 cm-1, which corresponds to the presence of a
LAS served as a qualitative tool in recognizing LAS in the hydroxyl group. This was not the case for the pure solid
laundry wastewater samples, while spiking of LWW sam- form of LAS.
ples with LAS standard shown in Fig. 2 served to highlight
the purity of LAS. Quantitative Analysis of LAS
The characteristic absorption bands of functional groups
by FTIR–ATR obtained for LAS in both standards and The distribution ratio of the AS–MB complex in the organic
samples were compared to an ASTM guideline which lis- and aqueous phase was calculated to ensure that a single
ted the characteristic absorption bands of LAS (Table 2), extraction was appropriate for quantitative analysis of LAS
Fig. 3 FTIR spectrum of LAS standard in its pure and original solid form
214 J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218
Fig. 4 FTIR spectrum of a dissolved LAS standard and b laundry wastewater sample
in LWW samples. The distribution ratio of 0.99 with a RSD phase. The shortened column reduced the retention time of
of 0.92 is indicative that a single extraction of the AS–MB LAS from 2.40 to 0.68 min and decreased the flow rate by
complex into the chloroform phase was sufficient. 0.5 mL min-1. Although similar peak resolutions were
The quantification of LAS using chromatographic obtained from both methods usage of method B (Table 1)
methods A and B (Table 1) was favorable as single peak was favored due to minimum solvent consumption.
elutions (Fig. 5) were obtained thereby increasing the The validity of the research methodologies were asses-
precision of the analysis by simplifying peak integration. sed by the limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification
Optimization of quantification for LAS using reversed (LOQ), method limit of detection (MLOD), method limit
phase HPLC with UV detection was accomplished by of quantification (MLOQ), reproducibility and percentage
varying the length of the HPLC column and the mobile recovery. The LOD, LOQ, MLOD and MLOQ analyses
(Table 3) of both the UV–Vis and HPLC–UV methods is in
effect a measure of the sensitivity. Although a lower LOD
and LOQ was obtained for UV–Vis analysis (Table 3), the
R2 value for the HPLC–UV method (0.9970) was closer to
1 when compared to the UV–Vis method (0.9808). This
shows that there is a greater standard deviation associated
between the correlation of the concentration of LAS and
the response from the UV–Vis instrument, when compared
to the HPLC–UV method.
J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218 215
Fig. 7 Reaction O O
scheme showing degradation of
LAS under oxidative conditions
Acetoacetic acid
SO3 -
Sulfophenyl Phenyl
carboxylic acid carboxylic acid O
Fumaric acid
216 J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218
Table 4 Reproducibility of
Method Period Rinse 1 (mg L-1) Rinse 2 (mg L-1) Rinse 3 (mg L-1)
analysis of LAS over a time
period for UV–Vis and HPLC– UV–Vis Day 1 357.2 ± 0.14a 217.6 ± 2.54a 159.2 ± 5.02a
UV a a
Day 2 353.5 ± 1.13 208.9 ± 4.82 153.0 ± 4.97a
a a
Day 5 339.3 ± 4.20 192.6 ± 4.77 151.8 ± 2.62a
a a
HPLC–UV Day 1 454.5 ± 0.48 200.9 ± 3.89 125.9 ± 2.07a
a a
Day 2 447.6 ± 1.32 198.0 ± 4.95 118.9 ± 3.54a
Day 5 413.2 ± 1.37a 184.8 ± 3.73a 116.1 ± 3.19a
Rinse 1 = wastewater disposed after 1st wash cycle
Rinse 2 = wastewater disposed after 1st rinse cycle
Rinse 3 = wastewater disposed after 2nd rinse cycle
Average of triplicate analysis
Method Rinse 1 (%) Rinse 2 (%) Rinse 3 (%) HPLC
400 UV-Vis
UV–Vis 74.10 ± 3.88a 108.35 ± 2.36a 99.89 ± 3.37a 350
Theoretical value 5–15 Fig. 8 Concentration of LAS in laundry wastewater samples ana-
UV–Vis spectrophotometry 11.11 ± 2.74a lyzed by UV–Vis and HPLC–UV
HPLC–UV 12.61 ± 1.88a
Average of triplicate analysis decreases from rinse 1 to 2, and rinse 2 to 3 were noted for
UV–Vis analysis of LAS (Fig. 8).
the total detergent composition. The concentrations of LAS Statistically assessed results of rinses 2 and 3 by
determined experimentally using both methods (Table 7) ANOVA (Table 8) indicate no significant difference in the
falls within the acceptable range specified for laundry concentrations of LAS quantified using both the UV–Vis
powder. and HPLC–UV method (F-calculated \ F-critical and
For both methods of analysis a marked decrease in p [ 0.05). This was not the case for rinse 1, as the F-
concentrations of LAS ranging from rinse 1 to 3 (Fig. 8) calculated [ F-critical and p \ 0.05 (Table 8). The most
has been observed. A 55.80 % decrease was observed from contributing factor to the varying concentration of LAS in
rinse 1 to rinse 2, as expected due to the larger amount of rinse 1 is possibly attributed to the increased levels of
LAS needed to remove sediments from soiled items during pollutants which negatively influence the LLE of LAS
the washing cycle. However a lower percentage decrease especially in the case for the UV–Vis method. The pres-
was observed (37.28 %) for rinse 2 to 3, due to the rinsing ence of anionic compounds such as chlorides, nitrates and
cycle of the washing machine which primarily removes the sulfates etc., competes with LAS in complexing to
surfactants adsorbed by the fibre. Similar percentage methylene blue thus increasing the percentage error of the
J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218 217
Table 8 ANOVA data of LAS quantified by UV–Vis spectropho- gross errors, and furthermore requires pre-treatment such
tometry and HPLC–UV at a 95 % confidence level as sublation.
Rinse 1 Rinse 2 Rinse 3
218 J Surfact Deterg (2016) 19:209–218
17. Olkowska E, Polkowska Z, _ Namieśnik J (2012) Analytical pro- 22. American Standard of Testing Materials (1983) General Products,
cedures for the determination of surfactants in environmental Chemical, Specialties and End Use Products. ASTM,
samples. Talanta 88:1–13 Philadelphia
18. Matthijs E (1998) Trace analysis of anionic surfactants in labo- 23. Scott MJ, Jones MN (2000) The biodegradation of surfactants in
ratory test liquors and environmental samples. Taylor and Fran- the environment. Biochim Biophys Acta (BBA) Biomembr
cis, New York, pp 89–124 1508(1–2):235–251
19. Guo P, Guan Z, Wang W, Chen B, Huang Y (2011) Determi-
Terelle Ramcharan Terelle Ramcharan received her B.Sc. degree in
nation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates by ion-pair solid-phase
Applied Chemistry in 2011, her B.Sc. honors degree in Chemistry in
extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography. Talanta
2012 and her M.Sc degree in Analytical Chemistry in 2015 from the
University of KwaZulu-Natal Westville campus. Her current research
20. Villar M, Callejón M, Jiménez JC, Alonso E, Guiráum A (2007)
includes the chemical analysis and treatment of wastewater.
Optimization and validation of a new method for analysis of
linear alkylbenzene sulfonates in sewage sludge by liquid chro-
matography after microwave-assisted extraction. Anal Chim Acta Ajay Bissessur Ajay Bissessur obtained his B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc.
599(1):92–97 degrees from the University of Durban-Westville. He is employed at
21. Bengoechea C, Cantarero AS (2009) Analysis of linear alkyl- the University of KwaZulu-Natal as a lecturer in Analytical and
benzene sulfonate in waste water and sludge by high performance Applied Chemistry. His research interests include renewable energy,
liquid chromatography: an exercise of validation. J Surfactants antioxidants, insulation materials and sulfur chemistry.
Deterg 12(1):21–29