Does The Transactional-Transformational Leadership Paradigm Transcend Organizational and National Boundaries?
Does The Transactional-Transformational Leadership Paradigm Transcend Organizational and National Boundaries?
Does The Transactional-Transformational Leadership Paradigm Transcend Organizational and National Boundaries?
11[ I I I I I I
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
There is universality in the transactional-transforma- of reinforcements by the leader that are contingent on
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
tional leadership paradigm. That is, the same conception followers' performance. Rather; the new leadership adds
of phenomena and relationships can be observed in a the role of the transformational leader in enlarging and
wide range of organizations and cultures. Exceptions can elevating followers' motivation, understanding, maturity,
be understood as a consequence of unusual attributes and sense of self-worth. Graen and Uhl-Bien (1991) found
of the organizations or cultures. Three corollaries are that although leader-member exchange may begin with a
discussed. Supportive evidence has been gathered in simple transactional relationship, for effectiveness, it needs
studies conducted in organizations in business, educa- to become transformational.
tion, the military, the government, and the independent Numerous reasons bolster the universality argument.
sector. Likewise, supportive evidence has been accumu- First, leadership, as such, is a universal phenomenon. No
lated from all but 1 continent to document the applicabil- society has been found where it is completely absent
ity of the paradigm. (Murdock, 1967). Still, the leadership that occurs is af-
fected by the organizations and cultures in which it ap-
pears. To export participative management from the
United States to more authoritarian countries involves
i l B v i d e n c e supporting the transactional-transforma- preaching Jeffersonian democracy to managers who be-
r tional leadership paradigm has been gathered from lieve in the Divine Right of Kings (Haire, Ghiselli, &
all continents except Antarctica--even offshore in Porter, 1966). Nonetheless, the globalization of industry
the North Sea. The transactional-transformational para- and the media has made the task easier to spread system-
digm views leadership as either a matter of contingent atic approaches to leadership.
reinforcement of followers by a transactional leader or Second, laypeople repeatedly ask, " A r e leaders
the moving of followers beyond their self-interests for born or made?" and usually argue about how much they
the good of the group, organization, or society by a trans- are made. However, recent findings about heritability
formational leader. The paradigm is sufficiently broad to (Rose, 1995) may suggest otherwise. In a study of 100
provide a basis for measurement and understanding that sets of monozygotic and dizygotic twins, T. Vernon (per-
is as universal as the concept of leadership itself. Here, sonal communication, March 31, 1995) reported that
universal does not imply constancy of means, variances, monozygotic twins were much more alike than dizygotic
and correlations across all situations but rather explana- twins in their self-perceived transformational leadership
tory constructs good for all situations. Numerous investi- behaviors as measured by the Multifactor Leadership
gations (field studies, case histories, management games, Questionnaire (MLQ Form 5X; Bass & Avolio, 1995).
interviews, and laboratory studies) point to the robustness As much as 40% of the variance could be attributed
of the effects of transformational and charismatic leader-
ship (Dorfman, 1996).
Although I focus here on the transactional-transfor- Editor's note. William Bevan served as action editor for this article.
mational conceptualization derived from Bums (1978) and
elaborated by Bass (1985), it is one among a number Author's note. This article was deliveredas the DistinguishedScientific
of neocharismatic conceptualizations built around similar ContributionsAwardAddress at the Societyfor Industrialand Organiza-
leader behaviors and perceptions with slight variations in tional Psychology,Orlando, FL, May 1995.
I am indebtedto P. W. Dorfmanfor the liberal view of the meaning
emphases (House, 1995). Referred to as the "New Leader- of universality.The full-rangemodel and much of the relevantresearch
ship" (Bryman, 1992), these conceptualizations include emerged from collaboration with B. J. Avolio, E J. Yamrnarino, and
the 1976 theory of charisma (House, 1977), the attribu- many others at the Center for Leadership Studies. I also thank W. E
tional theory of charisma (Conger & Kanungo, 1987), the Ulmer for commentson an earlier version of this article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
leadership challenge (Kouzes & Posner, 1987), and vision- Bernard M. Bass, Center for Leadership Studies, State University of
ary leadership (Sashkin, 1988). This new leadership does New York at Binghamton, P.O. Box 6015, Binghamton, NY 13902-
not replace the conceptions of leadership as exchanges 6015.
idly discriminated from the norms for his or her group, ants, firs't-level supervisors, and team leaders with no
organization, or culture: The means will vary in under- ft~nnal rankin their organizations. By 1992, it was clear
standable ways, as will the variances, as one moves from from empirical evidence that tra~nsformational leadership
one context to another. Considerable functional uniformi- could he exhibited by samples ianging from housewives
ties in correlations with outcomes will be observed, with active in the community (Avolio & Bass, 1994) and stu-
understandable exceptions (Bass, Burger, Doktor, & Bar- dents (Avolio, Waldman, & Eirrst~in, 1988) to Japanese
rett, 1979). CEOs (Bass & Yokochi, 1991), world-class leaders of
Variation occurs because the same concepts may movements, and presidents of the United States (Bass,
contain specific thought processes, beliefs, implicit un- Avolio, & Goodheim, 1987). Also, as people began to
derstandings, or behaviors in one culture but not another. work toward transformational teams, it became clear that
Misumi's (1985) performance-maintenance distinctions members of a team could learn how to make a team more
transfer for electronics plant supervisors across Britain, transformational (Avolio & Bass, 1995).
the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong, but the specific A variety of contingency theories of leadership have
behaviors reflecting the two styles differ markedly been advanced, with varying research support. Little em-
(Smith, Misumi, Tayeb, Peterson, & Bond, 1989). The pirical evidence supports Hersey-Blanchard's (Hersey &
linkages among concepts may strengthen or weaken as Blanchard, 1969) model of situational leadership contin-
one moves from one culture to another. For example, gent on the followers' maturity. After more than 400
Indonesian inspirational leaders need to persuade their publications, controversy remains about Fiedler's (1983)
followers about the leaders' own competence, a behavior saw-toothed theory that task-oriented leaders are most
that would appear unseemly in Japan. Contingent re- effective when they are faced with situations that are
warding is more implicit in Japan than in the United highly favorable or highly unfavorable to them and rela-
States (Yokochi, 1989). Nevertheless, the concepts of in- tions-oriented leaders do best when they are faced with
spiration and contingent reward appear to be as universal situations that are in-between in favorableness. Equally
as the concept of leadership itself. In the same way, the researched is House's (1971) path-goal theory, which
contribution to the extra effort of followers of a leader's states that the effective leader clarifies the transactional
inspiration and a leader's promises of reward will vary exchange and the path the subordinate needs to follow
to some degree. Nevertheless, inspirational leadership is for goal attainment. Contingencies include the motivation
more strongly correlated with extra effort of followers in of the subordinate and the structure of the situation. But
most organizations and cultures than is contingent reward supporting evidence is mixed. Although contingencies do
leadership (viz., Druskat, 1994; Salter, 1989). have some validity, overall, better leaders integrate a task-
Dorfman and Ronen (1991) accounted for people's oriented and a relations-oriented approach (Blake &
favoring of differences over similarities of leadership Mouton, 1964) as well as demonstrate their ability to
across cultures. The differences intrigue people; the clarify the path to the goals (Bass, 1960, 1990).
sameness bores them. Differences give people more to Since 1980, general findings have been assembled
say. Significant differences are a matter of having large that the best of leaders are both transactional and trans-
enough samples. It is effect sizes that need to be large formational. Again, for many situations, the circum-
for people to dwell on the differences. Some suggest stances may not make that much difference. In fact, the
that because much of the theories and methods of the leadership behavior may affect the contingent condition
transactional -transformational leadership paradigm more than the reverse. Thus, the transactional leader
originated in the culturally individualistic United States, works within the constraints of the organization; the
the paradigm is likely to have little relevance in countries transformational leader changes the organization (Bass,
with collectivistic cultures. The opposite appears to be 1985). Transformational leadership and transactional
more likely. Transformational leadership emerges more leadership may be affected by contingencies, but most
readily in the collectivistic societies of East Asia (Jung, contingencies may be relatively small in effect.
and nonprofit sectors for middle managers in the United performance correlated .26 with active management by
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
States, Canada, Belgium, Japan, and elsewhere (Bass & exception for the military respondents and -.27 for the
Avolio, 1993b)and for the military in the United States, civilians. The correlation was .32 with passive manage-
Canada, and Germany (Boyd, 1988). ment by exception for the military respondents and -.07
Between 1989 and 1993, in Italy, Avolio and I sys- for the civilians. When perceived effectiveness was the
tematically collected immediate subordinates' MLQ rat- criterion outcome, the correlations were elevated (partly
ings of Fiat's senior managers (Bass & Avolio, 1990, because of the bias of same-source variance). Military
1991, 1994). For almost 200 of the senior executives transformational leadership components correlated from
described by their 1,032 immediate subordinates, the hi- .51 to .75 with perceived effectiveness. For the civilians,
erarchy of correlations held up. The same was true for the correlations were from .47 to .57. The military-
30 senior managers of Swedish multinationals described civilian differences in mean size of correlations with out-
by their subordinates and for 500 participants in training comes and the reverse direction with management by
in the Binghamton, New York, area coming from 10 dif- exception pointed to a variform, not a simple, universal
ferent types of organizations such as business, education, in the leadership-outcome correlations.
health care, government, law enforcement, and social The second corollary is that there is a one-way aug-
services. mentation effect. When stepwise regression is used, mea-
Lowe et al. (1996) completed a meta-analysis in- sures of transformational leadership add to measures of
volving from 1,295 to 5,475 cases. The hierarchy of cor- transactional leadership in predicting outcomes, but not
relations emerged for results based on subordinates' rat- vice versa. Definitive analyses supporting the augmen-
ings as well as for those based on organizational out- tation effect were completed with a representative sample
comesmindependent performance appraisals, career of U.S. Navy officers using retrospective outcomes (Yam-
advancement, performance of the units led, and so forth. marino & Bass, 1990) and Canadian managers using out-
Results were the same for both published and unpub- comes collected a year after the measurements of leader-
lished reports. ship (Howell & Avolio, 1993). Comparable results were
I do not wish to imply that one has here a functional obtained in India (Pereira, 1986) and the Dominican Re-
universal that is invariant. On the contrary, it is a variform public (Davis, 1994). In Singapore, Koh (1990) found the
functional universal when samples can be compared augmentation effect generalized for 90 secondary school
where everything but nationality is controlled (Boyd, principals when the criteria predicted by transformational
1988). Although the overall order of effects generally leadership added to transactional leadership were com-
remained, variations appeared in the size of the differen- mitment and satisfaction. However, it failed to do so when
tial correlations. Boyd compared 700 North Atlantic the criteria involved turnover or academic performance.
Treaty Organization (NATO) field grade officers. Al- The augmentation effect appears to be a variform func-
though transformational leadership did remain more tional universal.
highly correlated with effective outcomes than did trans- The third corollary is that in whatever the country,
actional leadership, with these military data, contingent when people think about leadership, their prototypes and
reward was less effective and management by exception ideals are transformational. Supportive evidence comes
was more effective than usually obtained with civilian from a variety of sources: (a) Bass and Avolio (1989)
samples. The pattern for Canadian officers was particu- showed that Lord's prototype leader was correlated with
larly divergent from U.S. and German results in that Ca- transformational, not transactional, leadership in an
nadian transactional leadership correlated close to zero American sample. (b) In training efforts in various types
with effectiveness. Although passive and active manage- of organizations and participants from the United States,
ment by exception were not separated in Boyd's scoring Canada, South Africa, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Is-
of the data, active management by exception undoubtedly rael, and elsewhere, an exercise has been conducted rou-
would have been more highly correlated with effective- tinely in:the Full Range of Leadership Development Pro-
ness and passive management by exception would have gram with several thousand participants (Avolio & Bass,
sal, this does not mean the levels of perceived leadership own competence to create pride and respect in them-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
in self and others will be invariant among the different selves. In so doing, such transformational leaders aim to
nationalities. For instance, among Boyd's (1988) NATO reduce subordinates' feelings of fear and shame. But, it
officers, contingent reward was less effective for Cana- would be unseemly for leaders to be so boastful in Japan.
dian officers than for German or American officers. Self- There are cultural contingencies in manifesting indi-
ratings in Japan were not as inflated as they are in the vidualized consideration. According to interviews by Yo-
United States or Europe (Yokochi, 1989). The size of kochi (1989) with 17 Japanese CEOs of some of the
the means, variances, and correlations will vary to some largest Japanese firms and MLQ questionnaire surveys
degree, yet the overall patterns of results generally remain of 135 Japanese managers at levels below them, effective
the same everywhere. For instance, in Sri Lanka, the Japanese executives tended to be much more transforma-
leader stereotype is a Ceylonese John Wayne, a hard tional than transactional, The three corollaries held up.
task master, or a benevolent dictator. Nevertheless, when Nonetheless, although the concepts and components of
Weathersby (1993) asked 44 Sri Lankan managers to transformational and transactional leadership transfer, the
reflect individually and collectively about their experi- specific behaviors involved may be different, particularly
ences, over time they ended up espousing transforma- as one crosses into the non-Western word. In Yokochi's
tional approaches. study, the transformational factor of Individualized Con-
The three corollaries were found to hold when the sideration emerged from a different set of items in Japan
MLQ was presented in translation in various European because such consideration is expected from one's super-
and Asian languages. One unpublished Chinese version visor as a matter of course, although it remains unspoken.
of MLQ Form 5 suitably backtranslated was used in an The mutual obligation between the leaders and the fol-
unpublished study of managerial motivation in the Peo- lowers in collectivistic cultures facilitates the transforma-
ple's Republic of China by Wang Ming Xhou. Another tional leaders' individualized consideration. Leaders in
independently translated, unpublished version of Form 5 collectivistic cultures likewise already have a moral re-
by Singer and Singer (1990) and an unpublished Chinese sponsibility to take care of their subordinates, to help
version of Form 5X by Li Baiqing were modified and them prepare a career development plan, to attend their
used by Davis et al. (1996) in a Chinese state enterprise. funeral ceremonies and birthday parties, and to counsel
Translations have been made of the MLQ in Spanish followers about personal problems. In turn, subordinates
(Molero Alonso, 1994; replicated in Venezuela, Mexico, have a moral obligation to reciprocate with unquestioning
the Dominican Republic [Davis, 1994], and Puerto Rico), loyalty and obedience. Indeed, transformational leader-
French (duplicated in Quebec, Canada, and France), Ital- ship may be far more pervasive in collectivistic societies
ian (Aparo, 1993), German (Steyrer & Mende, 1994), than in the individualistic societies of the West (Jung,
and Dutch (Den Hartog et al., 1994), as well as other Bass, & Sosik, 1995).
languages more distant from English, such as Hebrew, Transformational leadership may be autocratic and
Arabic (Al-Anazi, 1993), and Japanese (Yokochi, 1989).. directive or democratic and participative. Leaders can be
Nonetheless, although the concepts and components of intellectually stimulating to their followers when they
transformational and transactional leadership transfer, the authoritatively direct the followers' attention to a hidden
specific behaviors involved may be different, particularly assumption in their thinking. Leaders could also be intel-
as one crosses into the non-Western world. lectually stimulating when they ask whether their group
would be ready to look together for hidden assumptions.
Cultural Contingencies In the individualistic societies of North America, more
Variform universals and variform functional universals participative leadership would be expected of its transfor-
still leave room for contingency analyses to assess how mational leaders. In the collectivistic societies of Asia,
much situational context affects the general means, vari- more directiveness would be expected of its transforma-
ances, and correlations. Dorfman (1994) cautioned about tional leaders. How participative or directive the transfor-
applying U.S.-developed leadership models to other cul- mational leaders will be--how much they will depend
commendable. Contingent reward may be expected as a tion for offshore North Sea oil platform supervisors was
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
matter of equity. In Japan, it may be a cause for dishar- much higher than for civilian norms in general. Kenne-
mony and loss of face. Pay differentials are small and dy's finding is understandable if one appreciates how, as
along with promotions are not by one's immediate supe- in the military, a premium is placed on safety and effec-
rior but by the amorphous company, consistent with its tive reaction to emergencies.
standards, values, history, and traditions. In India, im-
plicit is the preference of many subordinates for a depen- Universality or Specificity?.
dent personal relationship rather than a contractual one Many situational contingencies may be posed as variform
with their leader (Sinha, 1984). Earley (1988) noted that functional universals that raise or lower the means, vari-
English workers do not value praise, criticism, and gen- ances, and correlations with outcomes. But the issue re-
eral conversation with their superiors as much as do mains as to whether the portion of the accountable vari-
workers in the United States and Ghana. English workers, ance due to a contingent situation remains small, although
therefore, are likely to be less responsive to contingent interesting, or becomes so large as to call into question
rewards. In particular, those in heavy industry distrust the argument endorsing the universality of transactional-
feedback from their supervisors. Perhaps contingent re- transformational behaviors and their effects.
ward needs to be sought in the English workers' interac- The cultural as well as organizational influences
tions with their shop stewards. Egypt is dominated by on leadership and interpersonal behavior are well-
large public organizations. These are highly structured documented (Bass, 1990). Differences in cultural beliefs,
and centralized bureaucracies with little room for super- values, and norms moderate leader-follower relations.
visors to practice contingent rewarding (Badran & Hin- Nonetheless, certain generalizations appear warranted.
ings, 1981).
Transformational leadership tends to be more effective
Organizational Contingencies and satisfying than contingent rewarding, contingent re-
warding is more effective andsatisfying than managing
Mechanistic organizations were expected to reveal more by exception, and managing by exception is more effec-
individual transactional leaders and organic organizations tive and satisfying than laissez-faire leadership. Transfor-
more individual transformational leaders (Bass, 1985). mational leadership tends to addto the effects of transac-
However, Singer and Singer (1990) failed to find such tional leadership, not substitute for the latter. The ideals
differences when results for members of police organiza- and implicit theories of leadership tend to be transforma-
tions were compared with those in business firms in New tional rather than transactional. Borrowing from Podsa-
Zealand and Taiwan. But, the three corollaries tend to koff, MacKenzie, Moorman, and Fetter (1990) and
hold up across organizations, with a few exceptions. Or- Shamir, House, and Arthur (1993), to refute the transac-
ganizational outliers have appeared on occasion when tional-transformational distinction will require finding
multiple samples of data have been collected in different conditions, cultures, and organizations in which trust be-
units or organizations. Thus, in all but 1 of the 14 samples
tween the leader and the led is unimportant and the led
mentioned earlier, analyzed by Avolio et al. (1996), the have no concern for self-esteem, intrinsic motivation,
usual expected strong correlation emerged between the consistency in self-concept, actions taken for the leader,
leader's inspirational motivation and satisfaction with the
or meaningfulness in their work and lives. Such contexts
leader. Thirteen samples generated correlations greater are likely to prove to be the exception rather than the
than .60. In 1 sample, an unexpected correlation of -.21 rule.
appeared! There is a possible explanation. The outlier
sample consisted o f professional economists working in
a federal agency. Either their supervisors were irrelevant
in that setting or the respondents subscribed to William- Adler, N.J. (1984). Understanding ways of understanding: Cross-
son's (1975) theory that organizatitns are internal com- cultural management methodology reviewed. Advances in Interna-
petitive marketplaces. tional Comparative Management, 1, 31-67.
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