LED Fabrication Instruction V1.0
LED Fabrication Instruction V1.0
LED Fabrication Instruction V1.0
have any questions about this instruction, please feel free to contact us through wangwang online, thanks for your great support!
1. The soldering of the front PCBA(for the convenience, please finish solder the front and back of the PCBA first before soldering the side):
Solder the infrared part as Fix the plastic part which
the picture show. in the back of PCBA.
Switch no positive
the component which marked and negetive
‘S4’ solder the side which have
grind arenaceous vertical stripes the short leg of the 470uf
to the negative(left). plug-in capacitance solder
to the shadow side. side.
the component which marked
‘5V1’ in the label solder the
blue side to the negative(left).
2. The soldering of the back and side: The method of soldering the side LEDs: Reverse the LED
to desk, then hold the side part to solder the LED.
The left side in the
The clock oscillator view is the positive
The long leg of the
The side part label ‘VCC’ of the LEDs.
infrared part soldered no positive and
links to the main board
to the negative. negative.
label ‘VCC’.
3. The soldering of the power module: Coil cross the acrylic, then link
Red line links to the motor
to the red and black lines.
leg which have a red dot.
Blow value capacitances are no
The long leg is positive
need to differentiate the positive
and links to the red line.
and negative:
Red line links to the back leg
Directly shortcircuit. of the power connector and
black line links to the
middle.(5V DC)
hrum cross the hole,then fix the
primary coil to the acrylic by melt
adhesive. http://59tiaoba.tiaobao.com
⑦ ④ ⑤ ⑥
Infrared cross the hole from the Coil cross the acrylic, then link
back(like step ①,the red circle place). to the red and black lines. Using screws to fix Square acrylic to
the circular acrylic’s pillars.