Fair Assessment Practices: Giving Students Equitable Opportunties To Demonstrate Learning
Fair Assessment Practices: Giving Students Equitable Opportunties To Demonstrate Learning
Fair Assessment Practices: Giving Students Equitable Opportunties To Demonstrate Learning
Linda Suskie
I am a terrible bowler. On a good night, I break 100. (For those of you who have never
bowled, the highest possible score is 300 and a score below 100 is plain awful.) This is a
source of great frustration for me. I've taken a bowling class, so I know how I'm supposed
to stand and move, hold the ball and release it. Yet despite my best efforts to make my
arms and legs move the same way everytime, the ball only rarely rolls where it's
supposed to. Why, I wonder, can't my mind make my body perform the way I want it to,
every time I roll the ball?
A colleague who's a chemist throws up his hands at all this. Having obtained controlled
results in a laboratory, he finds assessment so full of imprecision that, he says, we can
never have confidence in our findings. But to me this is what makes assessment so
fascinating. The answers aren't there in black and white; we have, instead, a puzzle. We
gather clues here and there, and from them try to infer an answer to one of the most
important questions that educators face: What have our students truly learned?
If we are to draw reasonably good conclusions about what our students have learned, it is
imperative that we make our assessments—and our uses
of the results—as fair as possible for as many students as possible. A fair assessment is
one in which students are given equitable opportunities to demonstrate what they know
(Lam, 1995). Does this mean that all students should be treated exactly the same? No!
Equitable assessment means that students are assessed using methods and procedures
most appropriate to them. These may vary from one student to the next, depending on the
student's prior knowledge, cultural experience, and cognitive style. Creating custom-
tailored assessments for each student is, of course, largely impractical, but nevertheless
there are steps we can take to make our assessment methods as fair as possible.
Suskie, Linda Fair Assessment Practices AAHE Bulletin May 2000
1. Have clearly stated learning outcomes and share them with your students, so they
know what you expect from them. Help them understand what your most important goals
are. Give them a list of the concepts and skills to be covered on the midterm and the
rubric you will use to assess their research project.
2. Match your assessment to what you teach and vice versa. If you expect your students
to demonstrate good writing skills, don't assume that they've entered your course or
program with those skills already developed. Explain how you define good writing, and
help students develop their skills.
3. Use many different measures and many different kinds of measures. One of the most
troubling trends in education today is the increased use of a high-stakes assessment—
often a standardized multiple-choice test—as the sole or primary factor in a significant
decision, such as passing a course, graduating, or becoming certified. Given all we know
about the inaccuracies of any assessment, how can we say with confidence that someone
scoring, say, a 90 is competent and someone scoring an 89 is not? An assessment score
should not dictate decisions to us; we should make them, based on our professional
judgement as educators, after taking into consideration information from a broad variety
of assessments.
Using "many different measures" doesn't mean giving your students eight multiple-choice
tests instead of just a midterm and final. We know now that students learn and
demonstrate their learning in many different ways. Some learn best by reading and
writing, others through collaboration with peers, others through listening, creating a
schema or design, or hands-on practice. There is evidence that learning styles may vary
by culture (McIntyre, 1996), as different ways of thinking are valued in different cultures
(Gonzalez, 1996). Because all assessments favor some learning styles over others, it's
important to give students a variety of ways to demonstrate what they've learned.
4. Help students learn how to do the assessment task. My assignments for student
projects can run three single-spaced pages, and I also distribute copies of good projects
from past classes. This may seem like overkill, but the quality of my students' work is far
higher than when I provided less support.
Students with poor test-taking skills may need your help in preparing for a high-stakes
examination; low achievers and those from disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly
likely to benefit (Scruggs & Mastropieri, 1995). Performance-based assessments are not
necessarily more equitable than tests; disadvantaged students are likely to have been
taught through rote memorization, drill, and practice (Badger, 1999). Computer-based
assessments, meanwhile, penalize
students from schools without an adequate technology infrastructure (Russell & Haney,
2000). The lesson is clear: No matter what kind of assessment you are planning, at least
some of your students will need your help in learning the skills needed to succeed.
Suskie, Linda Fair Assessment Practices AAHE Bulletin May 2000
faculty expressions of confidence in their ability (Anderson, 1988). Positive contact with
faculty may help students of non-European cultures, in particular, achieve their full
potential (Fleming, 1998).
If the course or program is for enrichment and not part of a sequence, it may be
appropriate to consider growth as well. Does the student who once hated medieval art
now love it, even though she can't always remember names and dates? Does another
student, once incapable of writing a coherent argument, now do so passably, even if his
performance is not yet up to your usual standards?
Much of this thinking has been with us for decades, yet it is still not being implemented
by many faculty and administrators at many institutions. Our challenge, then, is to make
the fair and appropriate use of assessments ubiquitous. What can we do to achieve this
• Help other higher education professionals learn about fair assessment practices.
Some doctoral programs offer future faculty studies in pedagogy and assessment;
others do not. Encourage your institution to offer professional development
opportunities to those faculty and administrators who have not had the
opportunity to study teaching, learning, and assessment methods.
• Encourage disciplinary and other professional organizations to adopt fair
assessment practice statements. A number of organizations have already adopted
such statements, which can be used as models. Models include statements adopted
by the Center for Academic Integrity (McCabe & Pavela, 1997); the Conference
on College Composition and Communication (1995); the Joint Committee on
Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994); the Joint Committee on Testing
Practices (1988); the National Council on Measurement in Education (1995); and
Suskie, Linda Fair Assessment Practices AAHE Bulletin May 2000
the first National Symposium on Equity and Educational Testing and Assessment
(Linn, 1999); as well as AAHE (1996). (See Assessment Policies, below).
• Speak out when you see unfair assessment practices. Call for the validation of
assessment tools, particularly those used for high-stakes decisions. Advise
sponsors of assessment practices that violate professional standards, and offer to
work with them to improve their practices.
• Help improve our assessment methods. Sponsor and participate
in research that helps create fairer assessment tools and validate existing ones.
Collaborate with assessment sponsors to help them improve their assessment tools
and practices. Help develop feasible alternatives to high-stakes tests.
• Help find ways to share what we already know. Through research, we have
already discovered a great deal about how to help students learn and how to assess
them optimally. With most of us too busy to read all that's out there, our challenge
is finding effective ways to disseminate what has been learned and put research
into practice.
As we continue our search for fairness in assessment, we may well be embarking on the
most exhilarating stage of our journey. New tools such as rubrics, computer simulations,
electronic portfolios, and Richard Haswell's minimal marking system (1983) are giving
us exciting, feasible alternatives to traditional paper-and-pencil tests. The individually
custom-tailored assessments that seem hopelessly impractical now may soon become a
reality. In a generation—maybe less—it's possible that we will see a true revolution in
how we assess student learning, with assessments that are fairer for all . . . but only if we
all work toward making that possible.
When this article was written, Linda Suskie was director of AAHE's Assessment Forum,
and assistant to the president for special projects at Millersville University of
Assessment Policies
Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education by the Joint Committee on Testing Practices,
National Council on Measurement in Education
Suskie, Linda Fair Assessment Practices AAHE Bulletin May 2000
Nine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning by the American
Association for Higher Education
Badger, E. (1999). Finding one's voice: A model for more equitable assessment. In A. L.
Nettles & M. T. Nettles (Eds.), Measuring up: Challenges minorities face in educational
assessment (pp. 53-69). Boston: Kluwer.
Joint Committee on Testing Practices. (1988). Code of fair testing practices in education
[Online]. Available: http://ericae.net/code.txt
Suskie, Linda Fair Assessment Practices AAHE Bulletin May 2000
Linn, R. L. (1999). Validity standards and principles on equity in educational testing and
assessment. In A. L. Nettles & M. T. Nettles, (Eds.), Measuring up: Challenges
minorities face in educational assessment (pp. 13-31). Boston: Kluwer.
Russell, M., & Haney, T. (2000, March 28). Bridging the gap between testing and
technology in schools. Education Policy Analysis Archives [Online serial], 8(19).
Available: http://epaa.asu.edu/epaa/v8n19.html
Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (1995). Teaching test-taking skills: Helping students
show what they know. Cambridge MA: Brookline Books.
This article was reprinted from the May AAHE Bulletin (American Association for Higher Education) and
published in Adventures in Assessment, Volume 14 (Spring 2002), SABES/World Education, Boston, MA,
Copyright 2002.
Funding support for the publication of this document on the Web provided in part by the Ohio State
Literacy Resource Center as part of the LINCS Assessment Special Collection.