Fast Food Less Affordable A Solution To Obesity: Article Writing
Fast Food Less Affordable A Solution To Obesity: Article Writing
Fast Food Less Affordable A Solution To Obesity: Article Writing
Nowadays, more and more people are affected by health issues such as diabetes,
obesity, and heart disease which are linked to over consumption of cheap mass-produced
food. Some people believed that the only solution is to make fast food less affordable by
putting higher tax on them. Despite the severity of the problem, I think this is quite wrong.
Increasing the tax on fast food would unfairly penalized people and may not necessarily
bring about the desired health benefits.
First, fast food is about more than just nutrition. Many teenagers spend money on
fast food not only to eat but because this is how they socialize. Fast food restaurants provide
a safe, convenient place for young people to meet friends. For another group, low income
families, fast food can provide an expensive treat for their children. Denying people, a small
pleasure in life could affect their social lives or happiness.
Another important is that, if the reason for higher taxing of fast food is to reduce
obesity, diabetes and heart disease, it may be ineffective. It is true that fast foods are high in
sugar, salt and fat, all of which cause gain weight and are detrimental to our health.
However, we also know that there are other factors which contribute to the risk of obesity,
diabetes and heart disease, such as lack of exercise, and unbalanced diet. While home-
cooked foods are generally healthier, this is not always the case, it depends on the financial
capacity of a family to buy healthy foods- fresh fish meat and vegetables are quite more
expensive than instant foods like noodles and canned goods especially those who are living
in the cities where there is no space to grow their own vegetables, or healthy oils in cooking
their food. If this is the case, we cannot say that home-cooked is less fatty and healthier.
On the other hand, I do understand the point of view of those who say drastic action
is needed. If fast food were taxed higher and became expensive people would be forced to
seek out healthier options. In addition, food producers would have an incentive to provide
healthier foods. However, there is likely resistance from consumers and producers who want
to have a wider choice.
To conclude, although imposing a higher tax on fast food could have some positive
effects, these would be outweighed by the drawbacks. for one thing, some sectors of society
would feel victimized, and there is also that fact that simply imposing higher tax would not
result in a much healthier society. What we really need is a greater awareness of healthier
diets and cheaper healthy foods.
1.The origin of these article comes from the alarming health issues on obesity, diabetes and
heart disease wide world. What are the causes of these health problems, and how will the
government addressed the problem and whether or not the solution they proposed is the
answer to the problem?
3. I highly recommend reading and writing task to every learner of Creative writing in this
type because through reading, one can gain information about the topic he/she wishes to
write, also through reading articles one can learn different ways or technique in writing an
article which a learner like me can use in writing my own article.
Writing task also is recommended because through writing we can develop your own style
and technique as the old adage say “practice makes perfect” so keep on writing.
4. The positive points of Article writing for me as I mentioned above it provides wider
choices of interesting subject to write about, while on the other side the negative, the writer
may get too personal in writing that his opinions were all the content of the article especially
if the topic is about current issues and events.
1. Avoid repeating words used in the question. It makes your vocabulary seem limited,
instead use synonyms to demonstrate your vocabulary.
2.If you are asked to give your opinion, make it clear at the beginning in at the end.
3. give a reason for your opinion and support them with examples or explanation.
4. Balance your article by discussing the opposing view. if possible highlight a disadvantage
of it to reinforce your view.
The events of that one week of nerve wracking preparation for school accreditation when I
was a student teacher leaves an impact on how I see and handle situations. Everybody in the
school is in a hurry to meet the deadlines in preparation for the incoming school
accreditation, Faculty meetings every now and the, piles of papers to reproduce copies,
redecorating classrooms and finalizing class record and lesson plans, all of these must be
done in a span of more than a week.
Me and my co-student teacher was assigned to help and assist the advisory teacher
of the Second Year class, Ma’am Gicom she has a double blade character, sweet in the
outside but sour in the inside. She is religious always saying about God, always praying the
rosary and the likes but inside the room when nobody is looking only us or some students
especially if she was upset the words coming from her mouth were all nasty to hear you
don’t expect to hear from a religious old teacher.
That day, she instructed us to put into the walls the cut outs of the mission, vision
and goals of the school that we made the other day and then leave us to go to San Fernando
with her husband.Unfortunately,when the other teacher’s saw what we are putting in the
wall, we became the center of talk from all the faculty, “why we did not follow the right size
which agreed upon during their meeting, all the criticisms and blames were thrown to us
that morning, without giving us the chance to talk and explain. I accepted all the harsh words
and humiliation that morning forcing myself not to breakdown because in my mind I am only
a student teacher whose fate whether to graduate or not on that year lies on the hands of
my superior-our Critique Teachers.
That late afternoon when Ma’am Gicom comes back, she was not satisfied of the
arrangement of the cardboards and wanted us to put all of them in the wall at the back
which is not good because in our opinion if we do that the wall will turned out to be
crowded because of the big sizes of the cardboard there is no enough space on the wall for
everything that she wanted to be put in the wall. As her mouth talks like a machine gun with
her saliva showering us and treating us without respect in front of some of our students
who’s inside the classroom helping us by repeatedly calling us idiots! if we cannot follow her
not so clear instruction like “paste the cardboard in the line, and there are many lines in the
My head is spinning from mixed emotions that I’m feeling at that moment from all
the criticisms harsh words and humiliation we received since morning for things that out of
our control because we just followed her order and now she’s here continue embarrassing
us in front of the students of all the trash and shitty words coming from foul mouth.
At that very moment I am livid, my body is shaking from anger and I can no longer
tolerate what is happening, what is all in my mind is to stood and speak not caring if she’s
going to fail us and goodbye to my dream of marching and be one of the graduates that
year. I dropped the cardboard I’m holding and face her” Ma’am without due respect we are
not idiots and all the trash words you’re calling us now we don’t deserve it. Maybe I can
tolerate it without our students watching and listening to you embarrassing us. We already
received all the blames and criticisms from other teacher’s this morning in your behalf
because you’re not the one who did not follow the agreed size and measurement of this
posters because you’re in San Fernando for personal reasons. And now you’re here scolding
us and humiliating us. This is too much! You can give me a failing grade for answering you
right now but respect begets respect.” My body is trembling and my voice is shaking but I
feel no regrets and proud of myself that I choose to speak and fought for our right and not
just to stand and listen for fear of having a lower than seventy-five grade.
That day change my point of view in life, It’s not bad to stand against evil, even if the
evil is bigger and stronger and you’re at the losing end. What matters most is you stand for
what is right.
1. The memoir comes from the writer’s experience in life and what she learned from it. How
these experience change her views and beliefs?
2.Memoir writing makes the writer recall the important experiences that brought an impact
in his/her life. Through this writing one can know better himself/herself because you need to
be honest and it shows your personal traits. It is an excellent exercise and to develop your
writing ability because you are writing about your own life.
3.I recommend studying, writing and reading task to every learner of creative writing in
memoir writing because through reading our vocabularies will be enriched which is a good
tool to come up in a good writing piece, although memoir pertains to our collection of
memories it is still good to do some research and ask friends comments about such incident
to have a wider perspective. And lastly putting our memories into writing is a good start to
develop and explore one’s creativity in terms of writing.
4.Memoir writing is good for me It serves as an outlet for our thoughts about what
happened to us in everyday living especially to those people who are not comfortable
sharing to other their experiences especially the embarrassing one. On the other side it has
negative side, it is emotional and too personal.
a. Choose an intriguing title, it helps you’re writing piece to be interesting and intriguing to
the audience.
e. Choose a proper tone and try to maintain throughout your memoir essay.
f. Take care about your memoir idea-whether your writing is funny, well structure, or
creative, it means nothing if you don’t put a message on it.