Li Et Al-2015-Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Li Et Al-2015-Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Li Et Al-2015-Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Communications Chemie
1020 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1020 –1024
Communications Chemie
substrates, induction of stereoselectivity, and promotion of results in various solvents and with various bases (entries 6–
the elimination of the nitro group. 13). The best results were obtained in CH2Cl2 with DABCO
Towards our aim, the model reaction was envisioned to as the base, with 4 a in 81 % ee (entry 6). It was notable that
proceed by reaction of the 3-nitroindole 1 a with (E)-5- the elimination of HNO2 was normally slow at 0 8C. However,
methylhexa-2,4-dienal (2 a) in the presence of a hydrogen- by increasing the temperature to 40 8C, after completion of
bond directing organocatalyst (3), which should have the the cycloaddition step, the elimination was accelerated with-
properties mentioned above (Table 1). Furthermore, a base out observing any deleterious effect on the enantioselectivity
additive would also be needed as the strategy is based on the of 4 a. Moreover, the multiple roles of the additive DABCO
elimination of HNO2 from 1 a.[15] Table 1 presents some were found to be essential in the reaction, thus preventing
representative screening results. The reaction was dependent potential self-aggregation of 3 c, and increasing conversion
on the additive as greater than 95 % conversion was obtained and enantioselectivity (entries 6 and 12). We also tested other
when a base was used, and no reaction took place when, for aminocatalysts for the model reaction and used, for example,
example, N,N-diethylacetamide (DEA) was present (entries 1 the TMS-protected diarylprolinol catalysts, which gave lower
and 2). A basic additive such as DABCO was required for the conversions and enantioselectivities, required longer reaction
reaction to take place, and in the presence of the squaramide- times, and higher reaction temperatures, thus verifying the
based catalyst 3 a high conversions were found in both toluene threefold role of 3 (see the Supporting Information).
and CH2Cl2 (entries 2–4). The catalyst 3 a gave up to 79 % ee To study the steric and electronic effects, the reaction of
of the cycloaddition product 4 a (entry 4), while the thiourea- the 3-nitroindoles 1 with 2 a was investigated with various N-
based catalyst 3 b gave the same enantioselectivity and protecting groups in 1 (Scheme 2). From the results, it appears
increased conversion to greater than 95 % (entry 5). The that the reaction is not dependent on the N-protecting group
corresponding urea-based catalyst 3 c showed promising in 1, as greater than 95 % conversion was observed and the
enantioselectivity was rather consistent (76–81 % ee) for all
four N-protecting groups studied.
Table 1: Screening and optimization of reaction conditions for the formal
+2] cycloaddition to 3-nitroindole 1 a.[a]
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1020 –1024 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1021
Communications Chemie
[a] All reactions were performed using 5 (0.1 mmol), 2 (0.2 mmol), 3 c
(0.02 mmol), DABCO (0.1 mmol) in 0.4 mL CH2Cl2. All ee values were
determined by chiral-phase UPC2. The absolute configuration was
assumed to be identical to the cycloadducts obtained for 1 as the
substrate. See the Supporting Information. [b] Product isolation and
determination of the ee value were carried out by converting the
cycloadduct into the alcohol. [c] Product isolation and determination of
the ee value were carried out by converting the cycloadduct into the
Wittig adduct 6 c. The d.r. value was determined by 1H NMR analysis of
the crude reaction mixture.
1022 Ó 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1020 –1024
Communications Chemie
The role of 3 c acting also as a hydrogen-bonding donor is roles of the hydrogen-bonding catalyst 3 c: it activates both
supported experimentally, as the installation of competing substrates in the addition step and promotes the elimination
hydrogen-bonding functionalities, such as nitro and cyano of the nitro group in the second step, thus reforming the
groups at the 5-position of 3-nitroindole resulted in no double bond.
reaction, even at 40 8C. In conclusion, the first enantioselective formal [4+ +2]
DFT calculations[18] (see the Supporting Information) cycloaddition to 3-nitroindoles is reported to proceed by using
were performed to account for the role of the catalyst for the organocatalysis. The combination of 3-nitroindoles and 2,4-
activation of the dienophile (5 was used to reduce the number dienals in the presence of an organocatalyst leads to the
of conformers). The electronic interaction leading to the formation of chiral dihydrocarbazole scaffolds in moderate to
reaction is that between the LUMO of 5 and the HOMO of good yields (up to 87 %) and enantioselectivities (up to 97 %
the trienamine, represented as an s-cis-diene (Figure 2, top ee) under mild reaction conditions. This novel approach is
applicable to the enantioselective cycloaddition reactions for
3-nitrobenzothiophene, thereby providing the cycloaddition
products in up to 98 % ee. Synthetic manipulation of the chiral
cycloadducts by a diastereoselective reduction of the olefin in
the product is also presented. Mechanistic studies based on
experimental observations and computational studies point
towards an asynchronous/stepwise addition followed by an
elimination in which the hydrogen-bonding catalyst plays
a pivotal role. The present development provides an alter-
native reaction concept for cycloaddition reactions of 2,3-
indolynes and 2,3-benzothiophynes, as the generation of these
heteroarynes have not yet been possible.
Figure 2. Selected results from the computational studies of the This work was financially supported by Aarhus University
transition states for the simplified model for the formal cycloaddition and the Carlsberg Foundation. Y.L. acknowledges the Chi-
of 5. Values within brackets are those for the uncatalyzed reactions. nese Scholarship Council for a Ph.d. fellowship. F.T. acknowl-
edges the European Commission for a Marie Curie Intra
European Fellowship for Career Development (PIEF-GA-
left).[19] Calculations have shown that the terminal carbon 2013-622413) within the 7th European Community Frame-
atom in the s-cis-diene moiety has the largest HOMO work Programme. Magnus E. Jensen is gratefully acknowl-
amplitude and might point towards an asynchronous or edged for performing X-ray analysis. Thanks are expressed to
stepwise mechanism.[20] By activating 5 by hydrogen bonding a reviewer for suggesting that we perform computational
to 3 c the LUMO is calculated to be lowered by 0.84 eV studies.
compared to that of the uncatalyzed system. We used the
transition state for the addition of butadiene as a model for Keywords: asymmetric catalysis · cycloaddition · heterocycles ·
the s-cis-diene moiety of the trienamine (Figure 2, top right). organocatalysis · synthetic methods
The role of the hydrogen-bonding activation of 5 by 3 c is
supported by the calculations as the activation energy is How to cite: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1020 – 1024
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