Application Form For Original Pass Certificate: Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences
Application Form For Original Pass Certificate: Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences
Application Form For Original Pass Certificate: Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences
Date : ….............................
Place : …............................. Signature of the applicant in full
1. The application must be complete in all respect for processing at the University. Incomplete
application form shall not be processed.
2. The applicant must enclose Photostat copies of the following documents, attested by Govt.
Gazetted Officer or Principal/ Head of the Institution of the concerned Examination –
Registration Certificate.
All Mark Sheets/ Admit Cards of the concerned Examination
Banker’s Cheque/ Bank Draft of requisite application fees drawn in favour of “Srimanta
Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences” payable at GMC Branch, SBI Guwahati.
Internship completion certificate (in case of M.B.B.S., B.D.S., B.A.M.S. and B.H.M.S.)
3. The Certificate shall ordinarily be sent to the Principal/ Head of the Institution from where the
applicant passed the concerned examination. However, the applicant, if desires, to obtain through
Registered A/D post or by hand personally or through authorized person, he/she may apply in the
form given below:
The Registrar,
Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences
Guwahati-781032 (Assam)
Subject: Delivery of Certificate through Registered A/D post or by hand personally or through
authorized person.
I may be allowed to receive my …………………………………….. Original Pass
Certificate through Registered A/D post to my postal address as mentioned in Sl.15 of this application
form/ by hand personally/ through authorized person whose signature is attested below. (Strike out
whichever is not applicable). In this context I shall not hold the University responsible if the
Certificate is lost/ misplaced/ delayed during transit.
Principal/ Head of the Institution with Office Seal Signature of the Applicant
Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences