SRS Document On Upsc - Software Requirement Specification Srs SRS Document On Upsc - Software Requirement Specification Srs
SRS Document On Upsc - Software Requirement Specification Srs SRS Document On Upsc - Software Requirement Specification Srs
SRS Document On Upsc - Software Requirement Specification Srs SRS Document On Upsc - Software Requirement Specification Srs
1. Introduction
1 .1 Purpose:
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is India’s central agency, which conducts
various exams such as, Civil Services Exam, IFS, NDA, CDS, SCRA etc. Civil services
examination is popularly known as IAS exam and includes almost 24 services like
IFS, IPS, IRS, IRPS and so on.
1 .2 Scope:
1. Conduct examinations for appointment to the services of the
1. Direct recruitment by selection through interviews.
2. Appointment of officers on promotion / deputation / absorption.
3. Framing and amendment of Recruitment Rules for various
services and posts under the Government.
4. Disciplinary cases relating to different Civil Services.
6. Advising the government on any matter reffered to the commission
by the President of India.
1 .3 Definitions:
UPSC-Union Public Service Commission
SRS- Software Requirement Specification
GUI- Graphical User Interface
The person who will participate in system
Ex. Student, Administrator, Visitor etc.
1.4 References: Wikipedia, youtube.
1.5 Overview:
This system provides an easy solution for students to register
The exams like CSAT without going to the shop.
This proposed system can be only used by the users who can use
internet and it
does require any educational level, experience or
technical expertise in computer field but it will be of good use
if user has the good knowledge of how to operate a