Homework 1 (Solution)
Homework 1 (Solution)
Homework 1 (Solution)
Assignment #1
Suleyman Qayum
A CASMO single pin cell input with the following specifications was created:
• UO2 fuel enriched to 4w% in U-235 with density 10.50 g/cc
• Fuel radius 0.41275 cm;
• Clad radius 0.4851 cm;
• State point conditions: TFU = 800, TMO = 577, PRE = 155.132, BOR = 0)
• Fuel pin pitch 1.285 cm;
The resulting kinf for the cell was found. A second run with thermal expansion of the
geometry turned off was performed and the resulting kinf was found.
The results in Table 1 indicate that kinf decreased slightly when the thermal
expansion of the fuel was not accounted for by Casmo. According to the four-factor
formula, the infinite multiplication factor of a fissioning system depends on the fast
fission factor, thermal utilization factor, resonance escape probability, and
reproduction factor. Thermal expansion of the fuel will not affect the system’s
thermal utilization factor because, assuming no fuel burnup took place, because the
relative amounts of fuel and cladding did not change. It follows that the likelihood of
a thermal neutron being absorbed in the fuel was unaffected. Since the number of
neutrons produced per neutron absorbed in fuel depends only on the composition of
the fuel, the reproduction factor also remained constant. Furthermore, since the
amount, density, and type of moderator in the cell was unchanged between the two
runs, the likelihood of a fast neutron being thermalized before being captured did
not change. Therefore, allowing for thermal expansion of the fuel does not affect the
resonance escape probability. However, allowing for thermal expansion implies that
the effective volume of fuel that a neutron will have to traverse before reaching the
moderator will increase. Therefore, it is more likely to undergo fast fission in the
fuel before it can be moderated thus increasing the fast fission factor. Since the fast
fission factor increases with thermal expansion, while the other three terms of the
four-factor formula remain the same, the infinite multiplication factor increases as a
2. Input decks and batch files are shown below:
Exercise 2
Create a CASMO single pin cell input with the following specifications: • UO2 fuel enriched
to 4w% in U-235 with density 10.50 g/cc
• Fuel radius 0.41275 cm;
• Clad radius 0.4851 cm;
• State point conditions: TFU = 800, TMO = 577, PRE = 155.132, BOR = 0)
• Fuel pin pitch 1.285 cm;
The value of the fuel pin pitch was varied between 1.00 cm and to 3.00 cm in increments of
0.05 cm, including an additional pitch value of 1.285 cm for ANO cycle 1.
1. The relationship between kinf and the moderator-to-fuel ratio is shown graphically
2. The data corresponding to the figure in part 1 is shown below:
4. Regarding the standard value of 1.2850 cm for the fuel pitch, the reactor operates in
a region of under-moderation. This is to be expected as it provides an inherently safe
system with respect to accidents involving sudden loss of coolant (and moderator in
LWR’s). With respect to the figure in part 1, any loss of moderator in an under-
moderated reactor will lead to a sharp decline in neutron multiplication.
5. The moderator-to-fuel ratio is not the optimum choice of parameter for a typical
LWR fuel. It does not take into consideration the need for a decrease in neutron
multiplication in the event of sudden loss of coolant, that is, it does not factor in
safety considerations. The coolant void reactivity coefficient would be a more
suitable parameter as it describes the reactivity response to a loss of coolant.
Exercise 3
The input file from Exercise 2 was run for two pin pitch values: 1.285 cm and 2.1 cm.
In addition, the coolant density was varied from 0.2 g/cc to 1.0 g/cc in increments of
0.1 g/cc. Two extra runs with a nominal density corresponding to 304 C @ 155b were
also performed.
1. The relationship between kinf and the coolant density for the pin pitch values of
1.285 cm and 2.100 cm is shown graphically below:
2. The data corresponding to the figure in part 1 is shown below:
3. Refer to the figure in Part 1 for the locations of the nominal density.