Crawford Ostrom 1995
Crawford Ostrom 1995
Crawford Ostrom 1995
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3 September 1995
SUE E. S. CRAWFORD Creighton University
ELINOR OSTROM Indiana University, Bloomington
e institutional grammar introduced here is based on a view that institutions are enduring
f regularities of human action in situations structured by rules, norms, and shared strategies,
5 as well as by the physical world. The rules, norms, and shared strategies are constituted and
reconstituted by human interaction in frequently occurring or repetitive situations. The syntax of the
grammar identifies components of institutions and sorts them into three types of institutional
statements: rules, norms, and shared strategies. We introduce the grammar, outline methods for
operationalizing the syntax, apply the syntax to an analysis of cooperation in collective dilemma
situations, and discuss the pragmatics of the grammar for analyses of behavior within complex
institutional settings.
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American Political Science Review Vw. 89, No. 3
There are important philosophical reasons for look- tions that influence behavior leading to outcomes. In
ing at institutions as equilibria. This view places the all three cases, then, constraints and opportunities
responsibility for a social order on the individuals can be articulated as institutional statements. Each
who are part of that order, rather than on some approach, in our view, focuses on a different type of
external "state" or "third-party enforcer." It inte- constraint or opportunity.
grates analysis of behavior within institutions with In light of the merits of each approach, we propose
analysis of how institutions come into being. By not to argue about whether institutions are rules,
focusing on mutually understood actor expectations, norms, or strategies. We use the broad term institu-
preferences, and optimizing behavior, the analyst can tional statement to encompass all three concepts. Insti-
examine institutions that do not require outside en- tutional statement refers to a shared linguistic con-
forcement nor irrational commitments to following straint or opportunity that prescribes, permits, or
rules. An institution can be viewed as no more than a advises actions or outcomes for actors (both individ-
regular behavior pattern sustained by mutual expec- ual and corporate).3 Institutional statements are spo-
tations about the actions that others will take: "The ken, written, or tacitly understood in a form intelli-
institution is just an equilibrium" (Calvert 1992, 17).2 gible to actors in an empirical setting. In theoretical
Starting from this position, one avoids the trap of analyses, institutional statements will often be inter-
reifying institutions by treating them as things that pretations or abstractions of empirical constraints and
exist apart from the shared understandings and re- opportunities. We develop a grammar of institutions
sulting behavior of participants. as a theory that generates structural descriptions of
While the institutions-as-equilibria approach offers institutional statements.4 The syntax of this grammar
advantages, disadvantages exist as well. Stable out- operationalizes the structural descriptions; it identi-
comes resulting from shared understandings about fies common components of institutional statements
the appropriate actions for a particular situation are and establishes the set of components that comprise
all treated as if they had similar foundations. Lump- each type of institutional statement. We shall focus
ing together all shared understandings fails to clarify primarily on the syntax of the institutional grammar
the difference between shared advice based on pru- and only briefly discuss semantics and pragmatics.
dence, shared obligations based on normative judge- Three disclaimers apply. First, we do not argue that
ments, and shared commitments based on rules the institutional statements explaining behavior are
created and enforced by a community. always articulated easily and fully by participants.
The grounds for looking at institutions as norms Knowledge of institutional statements is often habit-
rest on an assumption that many observed patterns uated and part of the tacit knowledge of a commu-
of interaction are based on the shared perceptions nity. Moreover, we do not assume that all individuals
among a group of individuals of proper and improper recognize the existence of an institutional grammar
behavior in particular situations. To understand why and explicitly use it to formulate institutional state-
some regularized patterns of interaction exist, one ments. Second, a statement that fits the grammatical
needs to go beyond immediate means-ends relation- structure is not necessarily a meaningful or signifi-
ships to analyze the shared beliefs of a group about cant institutional statement.5 Third, to explain behav-
normative obligations. The grounds for looking at ior in institutions, one needs to combine the grammar
institutions as rules rest on an assumption that many of institutions with a theory of action, just as to
observed patterns of interaction are based on a com- understand a language one requires a grammar and a
mon understanding that actions inconsistent with theory of language use (Chomsky 1965, 9). The
those that are proscribed or required are likely to be theory of action animates the structural model of a
sanctioned or rendered ineffective if actors with the situation generated by the grammar and by relevant
authority to impose punishment are informed about attributes of a physical world (Popper 1967).
them. To understand regularized patterns of interac- The grammar facilitates analysis of the content of
tion affected by rules, one needs to examine the institutional statements of distinctions among types
actions and outcomes that rules allow, require, or of institutional statements, and of the evolution of
forbid and the mechanisms that exist to enforce those institutional statements. As with any grammar, its
rules. application to existing statements sometimes yields
The three approaches are not mutually exclusive. tough judgement calls and counterexamples. The
All start from the individual and build social orders principles that guide the identification of components
on individualistic and situational foundations. The and the classification of statements cannot eliminate
first approach focuses more on the regularities of all ambiguity.
outcomes in structured situations. The other two
focus on linguistic constraints that influence these
regularities. If one slightly refocuses the institutions-
as-equilibria approach to one of institutions-as-equi- THE SYNTAX OF A GRAMMAR OF
librium-strategies or, more generally, institutions-as- INSTITUTIONS
shared-strategies, the three approaches can be
directly compared. Focusing on shared strategies The general syntax of the grammar of institutions
shifts the emphasis away from the outcomes obtained contains five components: ATTRIBUTES, DEONTIC, AIM,
and back to the shared understandings and expecta- CONDITIONS, and OR ELSE. The five letters (ADICO)
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
provide a shorthand way of referring to the compo- 5. The person who places a phone call calls back
nents. Regardless of how institutional statements are when the call gets disconnected.
expressed in natural language, they can be rewritten
in the ADICO format, where:
All institutional statements for a group apply to a
A ATTRIBUTES is a holder for any value of a partici-
subset of participants from that group. The subset
pant-level variable that distinguishes to whom the
can range from one participant to all participants of
institutional statement applies (e.g., 18 years of
the group. A set of ATTRIBUTES establishes the subset
age, female, college-educated, 1-year experience,
of the group affected by a particular statement. If
or a specific position, such as employee or super-
individuals make up the group, the ATTRIBUTES will
be individual-level values. Individual-level ATTRI-
D DEONTIC is a holder for the three modal verbs
BUTES include values assigned to variables such as
using deontic logic: may (permitted), must (ob-
age, residence, gender, citizenship, and position.
liged), and must not (forbidden).
When members of a group governed by a set of
I AIM is a holder that describes particular actions or institutions are corporate actors, rather than individ-
outcomes to which the deontic is assigned.
uals, the ATTRIBUTES are organizational variables
C CONDITIONS is a holder for those variables which
(e.g., size of membership, geographic location, or
define when, where, how, and to what extent an
ownership of the residuals). In the first example, the
AIM iS permitted, obligatory, or forbidden.
relevant ATTRIBUTES are male, citizen of the United
o OR ELSE is a holder for those variables which define
States, and over 18 years old. In the last example, the
the sanctions to be imposed for not following a
ATTRIBUTE iS the caller who placed the call. The other
examples list no specific attribute. When no specific
All shared strategies can be written as [ATTRIBUTES] attribute is listed, the default value for the ATTRIBUTES
[AIM] [CONDITIONS] (AIC); all norms can be written as component is all members of the group.7 This means
[ATTRIBUTES] [DEONTIC] [AIM] [CONDITIONS] (ADIC); that the ATTRIBUTES component always has some-
and all rules can be written as: [ATTRIBUTES] [DEON- thing in it, even when a specific attribute is not
TIC] [AIM] [CONDITIONS] [OR ELSE] (ADICO). The syn- contained in the statement. Thus the second example
tax is cumulative: norms contain all of the compo- applies to all senators in a legislature, and the third
nents of a shared strategy plus a DEONTIC; rules con- example applies to all villagers in a particular village.
tain all the components of a norm plus an OR ELSE.6
In linguistic terms, the components operate as DEONTIC
phrasemarkers and the AIC, ADIC, and ADICO are
the basis of shared strategies, norms, and rules The DEONTIC component draws on the modal opera-
respectively (see Chomsky 1965, 17). Linguists focus tions used in deontic logic to distinguish prescriptive
on the transformations that create spoken sentences from nonprescriptive statements (see Hilpinen 1971,
from base strings. Institutional analysts will focus 1981; Wright 1951). The complete set of DEONTIC
more on transforming rules and norms as practiced in operators (D) consists of permitted (P), obliged (0),
ongoing situations to base strings in order to capture and forbidden (F). Institutional statements use the
the core advice or prescription of the institutional operative phrases may, must, and must not to assign
statement in use. The ability to translate existing these operators to actions and outcomes. Thus the
institutional statements and formal representations of statement that all members may vote assigns the
institutional statements into an established format DEONTIC permitted, P, to the action of voting. We
provides many advantages for comparison, analysis, represent the assignment of a DEONTIC operator to an
and synthesis that we discuss throughout. action [ail as [DJ[ai], where D stands for P, 0, or F.
To ease the discussion of the syntax components, Similarly, [D][oi] represents the assignment of a de-
we refer throughout to the following examples: ontic to an outcome.8
The three DEONTIC operators are interdefinable
1. All male U.S. citizens, 18 years of age and older, (von Wright 1968, 143). If one of the deontics is taken
must register with the Selective Service by filling as a primitive, the other two can be defined in terms
out a form at the U.S. Post Office or else face arrest of that primitive. For example, let us use P as a
for evading registration. primitive. [PJ[ail would be read, "One is permitted
2. All senators may move to amend a bill after a bill do ai" or "One may do at." The statement that an a
has been introduced, or else the senator attempt- is forbidden [F][aiJ can be restated using P as th
ing to forbid another senator from taking this primitive as [-P][ai]. In other words, when [ail is
action by calling him or her out of order will be forbidden, one is not permitted to do [ail. On the
called out of order or ignored. other hand, if the negation of an action [Hai] is
3. All villagers must not let their animals trample the forbidden, one is obliged to take the action. The
irrigation channels, or else the villager who owns statement that an act must be done, [0][ai], can be
the livestock will be levied a fine. defined as [-PI[-ail. If an action is obligatory, one is
4. All neighborhood residents must clean their yard not permitted not to do [aiJ. Alternatively, we could
when the neighborhood organization organizes a use F as the primitive. Then P[alJ can be defined as
major neighborhood cleanup day. [-Fl [aiJ, and O[aiJ can be defined as [FJ[--aiJ. With 0
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
as the primitive, P[ai] can be defined as [-Olai or member reprimands a junior member for challenging
-ai], while F[aJ] can be defined as [O[--aj. Interde- or her, then we would expect the junior member
finability also exists for prescriptions that refer to to invoke the grant of permission to defend against
outcomes instead of actions. Any prescription with a the senior member's actions. It means something for
DEONTIC assigned to some outcome, oi, can be re- the junior member to say, "Everyone here knows that
stated using either of the other two DEONTIC opera- I am permitted to challenge senior members in com-
tors. mittee hearings."
The meaning of the deontics obliged (must) and
forbidden (must not) fit well into most conceptions of
normative statements. The meaning of permitted
(may) is more perplexing (Schauer 1991). Susan Shi- The AIM is the specific action or outcome to which an
manoff, for example, concludes that "it is incongru- institutional statement refers. Anything thought of as
ous to talk of rules prescribing behavior which is an AIM must be physically possible (von Wright 1963).
merely permitted" (Shimanoff 1980, 44). However, An individual cannot logically be required to under-
statements that assign permission (P) to an action are take a physically impossible action or effect a physi-
meaningful in at least two ways. In many instances, cally impossible outcome. Further, in order for any
assigning a may to an action is the equivalent of action to be conceived of as an AIM, its negation [-ai
"constituting" that action (Searle 1969). For example, or oiJ must also be physically possible. In other
a law stating that an individual may vote in an words, including an action or outcome in the AIM
election is meaningful. It creates an action-voting- component implies that it is avoidable. Thus the
that did not exist before. Permission establishes qual- capability of voting implies the capability of not
ifications for positions (i.e., who may vote and who voting. Voting for candidate A implies the option of
may hold offices). Furthermore, when one speaks of not voting for candidate A.
a "right" to take an action or effect an outcome, the In the first example given earlier, the AIM is the
person with the right is permitted (rather than re- action of registering for the Selective Service and the
quired or forbidden) to take that action or effect an DEONTIC operator required, 0, is assigned to the
outcome. Others, who have a duty to recognize that action for all individuals with the ATTRIBUTES listed in
right, are the ones who are forbidden or required to the rule. In the second example, the AIM is the action
take actions or effect outcomes.9 of offering a motion to amend a bill, the DEONTIC
The interdefinability of deontics plays a key role in operator is P, or permitted for all senators. The AIM in
unraveling another meaning of permission. Any rule the fourth example also includes an action. The norm
or norm that assigns permission, P, can be restated requires the action of cleaning up the yard. The third
using the logical equivalent -F. If an action is per- example assigns the DEONTIC F to the outcome of
mitted, then that same action is not forbidden. Those livestock damage. The AIM of the rule does not
who share a common understanding of that institu- specify actions that an irrigator must, may, or may
tional statement recognize that the action is not not take. The AIM only specifies the forbidden out-
forbidden. Measures that would be taken to prevent come. Villagers may select any actions that are not
that action-or to react to that action as if it were forbidden by another rule to keep their livestock from
forbidden-are no longer acceptable. In other words, damaging the irrigation channel. In the fifth example,
any institutional statement that assigns may or not the AIM is the action of calling back.
forbidden to an action implies that at least some action
that could otherwise be taken by others to prevent or
punish the permitted action is forbidden. In the
second example, senators must not treat the action of CONDITIONS indicate the set of variables that define
amending a bill as a forbidden action. The OR ELSE when, where, and how an institutional statement
indicates the institutional consequence of attempting applies. The CONDITIONS for a statement might indi-
to treat the permitted action as forbidden (the senator cate when a statement applies, such as during certain
is called out of order or ignored). weather conditions or at a particular stage in the
The assignment of -F operates in a similar manner legislative process. Likewise, the CONDITIONS might
in institutional statements without an OR ELSE. Con- indicate where a statement applies (e.g., within a
sider a legislative body that shares an institutional particular jurisdictional area) or how a statement is to
statement like the following: [All junior members] [P] be followed (e.g., through a defined process). If an
[contest senior members] [in committee hearings]. institutional statement does not specify a particular
This is the equivalent to [All junior members] [-F] condition, the default value for the condition is "at all
[contest senior members] [in committee hearings]. times and in all places." Thus, like the ATTRIBUTES,
This prescription implies a prescription on senior the CONDITIONS component always has some value,
members not to reprimand or castigate junior mem- regardless of whether an institutional statement
bers who challenge- them in committee hearings. The overtly specifies conditions.
existence of such a norm does not ensure that all The CONDITIONS component in the first example
senior members will follow it. However, there will be states how the statement is to be followed, namely,
a shared notion that a rebuke based on seniority by filling out a form at the U.S. Post Office. It does
alone is inappropriate or unacceptable. If a senior not restrict when or where the statement applies. The
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
CONDITIONS component in the second and the fourth monitor also frequently sanction nonconforming ac-
example indicate when the prescription applies. After tors, they may only report nonconformance to some-
a bill has been introduced, the prescription of the one else who is responsible for sanctioning.
second rule applies. Any senator may move to amend Third, the OR ELSE must be crafted in an arena used
a bill after it has been introduced. The fourth example for discussing, prescribing, and arranging for the
applies on the days designated as cleanup days by a enforcement of rules. This arena may be a legislature
neighborhood organization, and the fifth example or a court, but we do not consider government
applies when a phone call is disconnected. The third sponsorship or government backing to be a necessary
example does not specify any specific CONDITIONS. condition for an institutional statement to be a rule.
We assume that the rule applies for members of the Many self-organized, communal, or private organiza-
village at all times and in all places with no additional tions develop their own rules that include (1) sanc-
restrictions on how the rule is to be followed. tions backed by another rule or norm that change the
DEONTIC assigned to some AIM for at least one actor
under the condition that individuals fail to follow the
rule and (2) institutional statements that affect the
The final component of our institutional syntax, the constraints and opportunities of actors to take the
OR ELSE, iS the sanction assigned to detected noncom- responsibility to monitor the conformance of others
pliance with an institutional statement. Only rules to the prescription." For some research questions, it
include this component. The content of the OR ELSE may be useful to divide rules into those made within
affects the very nature of a rule. Rowe (1989) dis- governmental arenas and those made outside of
cusses the difference between a speed-limit law with government arenas. The syntax in no way prevents
minor sanctions and a speed-limit law with a severe this distinction.
penalty as the sanction. The prescription is the same. The first four examples have the syntax of a rule, if
For both laws, the severity of the sanction in the OR we assume that all three qualifications for the OR
ELSE is the only difference, but expected behavior is ELSES in these statements are met. For example, the
different.10 potential punishment for villagers who let their live-
In order for threats associated with prescriptions to stock trample the irrigation channels qualifies as an
qualify as an OR ELSE, they must meet three qualifi- OR ELSE only when a second rule or norm accepted in
cations. First, the threat must be backed by another that village prescribes others to employ the sanctions
rule or norm that changes the DEONTIC assigned to defined in the OR ELSE, an institutional statement
some AIM, for at least one actor, under the CONDI- prescribes or advises monitoring, and these arrange-
TIONS that an individual fails to follow the rule to ments were made in a setting considered by the
which the threat applies. The rule or norm backing an villagers to be a rule-making arena.
OR ELSE establishes both a range of punishments
available and assigns the authority and procedures
for imposing an OR ELSE. Often the actions threatened OPERATIONALIZING THE SYNTAX
in the OR ELSE are forbidden under most CONDITIONS
(e.g., imposing a fine, incarcerating a citizen, or All linguistic statements that explain shared strate-
putting someone's livestock in a village pen). The gies contain three of the syntax components (AIC),
prescription backing the OR ELSE makes these actions those that explain norms contain four (ADIC), and
permitted in the CONDITION that someone breaks a those that explain rules contain all five (ADICO).
rule. However, the shift in the DEONTIC is not always Parsing the five examples using F as the primitive
from F to P or 0. The OR ELSE might involve forbid- DEONTIC yields the following:
ding some action that is usually permitted or obliga-
1. U.S. citizens [age 2 18, gender = male] [F] [-(reg-
tory, a shift from P or 0 to F. For example, a license
ister with Selective Service)] [filling out form at
branch official could be forbidden to issue a drivers
U.S. Post Office] [face arrest].
license to a citizen after that citizen has been con-
2. Senators [all] [-F] [move an amendment] [after
victed of repeated drunken driving offenses. Al-
bill introduced] [called out of order or ignored].
though the OR ELSE often refers to physical punish-
3. Villagers [all] [-F] [irrigation channel trampled by
ments, the OR ELSE may also refer to institutional
their animals] [at all times] [fine].
actions such as taking away a position or refusing to
4. Neighborhood residents [all] [F] [-(clean yard)]
accept an amendment as legal. For example, one of
[organized cleanup day] [ ].
the rules governing the amendment process could
5. Person [placed call] [ ] [calls back] [call disconnect-
state that legislators with [ATTRIBUTES] [must] [obtain
ed] [ ].
positive votes from at least a majority] [when voting
for an amendment] or [the amendment fails]. Now, how can the syntax be operationalized in
Second, institutional statements must exist that empirical or theoretic research? In empirical studies,
affect the constraints and opportunities facing actors the researcher's task is to discover the linguistic
who monitor conformance to the prescription. Mon- statements that form the institutional basis for shared
itoring institutions may assign these tasks to special- expectations that influence observed regularities in
ized individuals or authorize all participants to en- behavior. Essentially, this entails discovering which
gage in these activities. Although the actors who ADICO components exist in these statements and the
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
contents of those components. Determining the exis- such as must, must not, should, or should not to describe
tence of a component requires knowledge about appropriate behavior (Orbell, van de Kragt, and
whether individuals in a group share some level of Dawes 1991): "The obligatory action when faced with
common understanding of its content. In the case of a choice between A and B under condition Y is to
an OR ELSE, complementary institutional statements choose A, because this is the proper action." In other
are needed, as well as evidence that individuals words, one looks for institutional statements that are
crafted the OR ELSE in a rule-making arena. Uncover- used to evaluate behavior (Collett 1977). When social
ing components requires qualitative research meth- and moral obligations are discussed, an empirical
ods, including in-depth interviews or archival re- researcher initially assumes that it is appropriate to
trieval. Using the syntax to structure game-theoretic include a DEONTIC in institutional statements used to
analysis requires the researcher to identify how the explain behavior.
components of the institutional statements assumed When a DEONTIC exists, one expects negative reper-
in the game are reflected in the structure of a game cussions to follow behaviors that do not conform to
and in the payoffs assigned to actions and outcomes. the prescription and positive rewards to follow com-
pliance. We use a delta parameter concept to capture
the costs or benefits of these inducements and deter-
Operationalizing the ATTRIBUTES,
rents for any particular DEONTIC. Usually, we expect
the severity of the delta parameters to provide some
The AIM usually supplies the focus for theoretical and indication of the importance or valence of the DEON-
empirical studies. Scholars decide to study the impact TIC to the community.13
of institutions on behavior for some subset of actions Delta parameters may reflect internal and/or exter-
or outcomes. Studies of agenda setting and voting nal effects of a DEONTIC. The distinction between
institutions, for example, focus on institutional state- external and internal sources of delta parameters is
ments with AIMS that relate to setting agendas and similar to the one that Coleman (1987) makes be-
voting. Once researchers select the focal set of actions tween "internalized norms" and "externally sanc-
or outcomes for their studies, the next step is devel- tioned norms" and that Kerr and his colleagues (1994)
oping the analysis of institutional statements with make between a "personal" and a "social" norm.
AIMS that relate to those actions or outcomes. Delta parameters originating from external sources
The existence of the ATTRIBUTES and CONDITIONS are a way to represent the benefits and costs of
components is fairly straightforward; they always establishing a reputation (see Kreps 1990). The delta
exist if an institutional statement exists. In some cases parameters originating from internal sources can be
they exist in their most general form-all individuals thought of as the guilt or shame felt when breaking a
or all organizations and under all conditions.12 Dis- prescription and the pride or "warm glow" felt when
covering the contents of the ATTRIBUTES and CONDI- following a prescription, particularly if it is costly to
TIONS components requires the empirical researcher follow in a particular situation (Andreoni 1989; Frank
to inquire about the actors to whom particular insti- 1988; Ledyard 1995).
tutional statements apply and the conditions under If an action is forbidden by a norm and an individ-
which they apply. The syntax reminds formal theo- ual engages in that action, then we expect that person
rists that there are assumptions about ATTRIBUTES and to experience some type of cost represented by at
CONDITIONS built into the games that they model. least one delta parameter. If norms indicate that an
Game-theoretical models that are constructed to pro- AIM is permitted, then we expect others, who treat that
vide an institutional explanation for observed regu- action as if it were forbidden, to experience some
larities of behavior make explicit assumptions about cost. In other words, norms or rules that forbid or
the ATTRIBUTES and the CONDITIONS included in the require some AIM will be reflected in a cost parameter
institutional statements of interest. Recognizing the to the individuals to whom the prescription applies,
implicit existence of these components helps scholars while prescriptions that establish permission for an
to discover and explicitly state those assumptions. action place the cost parameter on others. Others
may experience a cost if they try to obstruct an
individual when a shared norm indicates that the
Operationalizing the DEONTIC
individual is permitted to take that action.14
The first step in operationalizing the DEONTIC is Using delta parameters brings normative consider-
deciding whether the institutional statement contains ations overtly into the analysis of action and conse-
one. In empirical studies, the researcher listens for quences, rather than employing ad hoc interpreta-
normative discourse. Is there an articulated sense of tions. Adding overt consideration of nonmaterial
moral or social obligation expressed? If the individu- costs and benefits is not the same as assuming that
als in a study share only AIC statements, then their individuals incorporate the welfare or utility of other
discussion of why they would follow such advice actors into their own calculus; nor is it the same as
focuses only on prudence or wise judgement: "The substituting the collective benefits for individual util-
best thing to do when faced with a choice between A ity. We prefer the delta parameter interpretation of
and B under condition Y is to choose A, because one "other" or "normative" motivation because it ties
is usually better off with this choice." When individ- that motivation to institutions by representing indi-
uals shift to a language of obligation, they use terms vidual commitments to the norms or rules of a
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
situation. Our preference for the delta parameter 1967-68). One type of player can perceive the costs of
interpretation is bolstered by recent evidence that breaking a prescription (pi or 5e) to be high while
group discussion affects cooperation in social di- another type perceives costs (8Ii or 8b') to be low.
lemma experiments in a manner that supports the Coleman's (1988) zealot, for example, is a player with
logic of a delta effect and disputes a group identifica- high external deltas for obeying norms (a high posi-
tion effect (Kerr n.d.). tive Se).
In field research, the deltas are frequently not The existence of a DEONTIC implies the presence of
observable, especially in situations where behavior additional information that individuals use in devel-
prescribed by a norm is habituated. First, one may oping their expectations about others' behavior and
not observe any instances of nonconformance so that thus their own best response. If players all adopt a
no opportunity exists to witness reactions to devia- norm, the payoff structure differs from the payoff
tions. Second, few external rewards for conformance structure for a similar situation in which the players
occur in situations where everyone expects conform- do not adopt a norm. The payoffs may even change
ance. In an empirical setting where one cannot ob- enough so that the predicted outcome of the game
serve repercussions or see tangible rewards, one has changes. Uncertainty about the presence of actors
to rely primarily on the accounts that participants who have accepted certain norms may be sufficient
give as to the normative content of their actions and grounds for changing the behavior of other players.
the repercussions of nonconformance. Kreps and his colleagues (1982) have analyzed re-
In formal analyses, one can model the DEONTIC by peated prisoner's dilemma games where information
adding delta parameters to the players' payoffs to asymmetries exist among players concerning the
represent the perceived costs and rewards of obeying probability that other players will play Tit-for-Tat.15
(&) or breaking (8") a prescription. The delta param- In such games, players who are "perfectly rational"
eters can be defined as: (i.e., the players' payoff functions have a zero value
for all four delta components associated with playing
A = so + ab, where Tit-for-Tat) will adopt behavior consistent with the
norm for most of the game, due to their changed
A = the sum of all delta parameters
expectations about the behavior of others.
& = the change in expected payoffs
from obeying a prescription Operationalizing the Concept of OR ELSE
ab= the change in expected payoffs The criteria for indicating that an OR ELSE exists are
from breaking a prescription. (1) a known range of sanctions, (2) a norm or rule that
prescribes sanctions, and (3) some provision for mon-
One can further divide these rewards and costs into itoring-all emanating from a rule-making arena. We
those that arise from external versus strictly internal wish to emphasize that the sanction in an OR ELSE
sources of valuation. Thus: differs from a logical consequence or an interpersonal
threat or retaliation. Neither of these repercussions fit
So = 8oe + 801 and 5b = 5be + 5bi, where
the OR ELSE criteria. In empirical analyses, researchers
e = the change in expected payoffs originating determine whether observed regularities in behavior
are based on a shared understanding about the
from external sources
sanctions associated with a rule and whether there is
i= the change in expected payoffs originating a shared norm or rule that changes the DEONTIC
associated with the sanctioning act for some player
from internal sources.
that can be traced to a rule-making arena. If so,
The analyst may not wish to focus on all four explanations of behavior would consider the attitudes
parameters in any particular analysis. Three of the or feelings about following rules (the value of internal
four delta parameters could be assigned a zero value delta parameters), the reputation effects of compli-
in a game-theoretic analysis involving a norm or a ance or noncompliance (the external delta parame-
rule. In order to analyze the impact of a DEONTIC on ters), the chance of being observed, the probability
expected outcomes of a game, however, at least one that the OR ELSE sanction would be imposed, and the
of the delta parameters must have a nonzero value. size of the OR ELSE sanction.
The payoff structures for individuals who share pre- In the ADICO syntax, a prescription used to ex-
scriptions must differ from those of players in a plain the behavior that fails to meet the OR ELSE test is
similar situation in which players merely accept a a norm. In other words, a written law could be a
shared understanding of prudent action. norm rather than a rule if the law does not meet the
In situations where it is reasonable to assume that OR ELSE requirements. Analysis of the decisions that
all players who break the prescription feel the same individuals make to follow or break such a norm
cost, the delta parameters can be modelled as if they (written as a law) would be based primarily on their
were the same for all players and as if their magni- own feelings about conformance (3?" and 8b1) and their
tude is public information. Alternatively, the theorist appraisal of potential reactions from others (&e and
can model players as being different types who react he), their estimates of the values that other players
differentially to breaking prescriptions (see Harsanyi place on conformance (the other players' Gl and ~bl),
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
aIn some cases, these sanctions may meet the criteria of an OR ELSE.
bAs with the P and P' of Axeirod's, the third-party sanctions may at times meet the criteria of an OR ELSE.
include some social motivation only if we get stuck or out norm and of the influence of these pressures on
if there is something left over, it is not likely to lead to the probability that an individual will vote. Interest-
nearly as powerful a social theory as if the two things ingly, his interpretation of the declines in voter turn-
are built in at the base of the analysis" (1991, 130). out echoes the importance of monitoring. He finds
Delta parameters provide a conceptual language with that social sanctions (external deltas) are a key influ-
which to build normative considerations into analysis ence on voting turnout. Social pressure only oper-
from the beginning and to discuss differences in ates, however, when voters expect to be in situations
studies that incorporate normative incentives. where someone will ask them if they voted. As the
Table 2 lists studies that have addressed three percentage of individuals in organizations, in rela-
types of questions about normative motivations. The tionships with neighborhood residents, in extended
top section of the table lists different assumptions family situations, and in marriages decreases, this
regarding the meaning and sign of delta parameters. monitoring decreases and the power of the social
Knack's (1992) analysis of voter turnout, for example, sanction (an external delta) diminishes.
illustrates the insight possible from a careful study of The middle section of Table 2 cites work that
internal and external normative influences. He offers addresses the implications of various mixes of differ-
empirical evidence of the substantive content of in- ent types of individuals or players. For example, a
ternal and external pressures associated with a turn- selfish rational individual would be a type that as-
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
signs a zero value to praise or blame for obeying or existing debates and rely on extensive prior work. We
breaking prescriptions. One interesting variant of start with a simple two-person Prisoner's Dilemma
types ties the size of the delta to the number of others game and use the ADICO format to illustrate the
who conform to the prescription; its size is condi- research issues, the game structures, and the pre-
tional. Elster (1989a) examines the consequences of dicted outcomes that arise from Prisoner's Dilemma
communities with various mixes of types with condi- situations when we add: (1) shared expectations of
tional and constant deltas. other players' behavior only (AIC statements), (2)
Scholars cited in the bottom section of Table 2 normative views of the appropriate actions to be
discuss variables that influence the direction and size taken (ADIC statements), and (3) rules (ADICO state-
of delta parameters. Offer and Wiesenthal (1980) ex- ments). Table 3 summarizes the institutional and
amine the costs that labor unions face to build and payoff characteristics of four games based on a two-
maintain a shared commitment to participation person Prisoner's Dilemma situation.'6 The first
norms as this in turn affects their ability to compete game is the base two-person Prisoner's Dilemma
with other interest groups. Several other authors ask game. The shared strategies game adds a set of shared
whether normative incentives increase or decrease strategies that equate to the grim trigger strategy. The
with use. Olson (1991) views the delta parameters as norms game adds a cooperating norm to the base
scarce resources that can be dissipated with too much situation. The rules game adds a cooperating rule, a
use, while Hirschman (1985) and Mansbridge (1994) monitoring norm, and a sanctioning norm to the base
come to the opposite conclusion. They argue that the Prisoner's Dilemma game. These four examples rep-
normative constraints increase in size as they are resent only one way to add the ADICO statements to
used repeatedly by individuals in a group. Frey (1994) a two-person Prisoner's Dilemma game.
contends that external interventions, such as fines,
adversely affect the size of delta parameters, particu- The Base Game
larly the internal deltas. He also speculates that the
deltas associated with rules will be higher when In the two-person Prisoner's Dilemma base game, we
individuals participate in making their own rules assume that 1 > c > d > 0. The best payoff (1) comes
than when rules are made by higher authorities. from choosing D while the other player chooses C;
the second best payoff (c) occurs for both players
choosing C; third is the payoff (d) resulting from both
USING THE GRAMMAR players choosing D; and the worst payoff (0) comes
FOR ANALYSIS from choosing C while the other player chooses D.
Given these payoffs, both players are better off choos-
Now our applications of the grammar move from ing D no matter what the other player chooses. The
synthesis to analysis of collective-action problems. solution to this game, if played only once, is for both
The issue of how individuals solve collective-action players to choose D and receive d, instead of the more
problems is at the forefront of attention across the desirable c that they could have received if they had
social sciences. The disjunction between theoretical both chosen C. Even if repeated a finite number of
predictions of complete free-riding in Prisoner's Di- times, the solution is for both players to always
lemma situations and the rates of cooperation that choose D.
case studies and laboratory experiments reveal pro-
vokes much discussion (Udehn 1993; Weiss 1991). The Shared Strategies Game
The scholarly discourse about these issues involves
terms such as common understandings, shared be- Predictions that individuals will select C rather than
liefs, scripts, norms, rules, procedures, institutions, D in a Prisoner's Dilemma game based on shared
informal rules, informal institutions, conventions, strategies rely upon changes in players' expectations
internal solutions, external solutions, as well as a about each other's future behavior. In order to incor-
wide diversity of highly technical terms related to porate those expectations into formal analysis, we
particular solution theories. use an indefinitely repeated version of the base game
To illustrate how the ADICO syntax clarifies such in which future expected payoffs are part of a player's
analysis, we model the effect on behavior of three calculation at any one round. In the shared strategies
structural adjustments (represented by additions of game in Table 3, the players all use a grim trigger: all
an ADICO component) to a social dilemma situation. players cooperate in each round of the game until
This application of the grammar employs game the- someone defects, after which players defect for the
ory and stresses formal analysis. We use existing rest of the game.'7 Assuming that players do not
game theory as our illustrative theory of action. discount future payoffs, both players cooperating in
However, the logic discussed in the application ap- every round is predicted if and only if the expected
plies to nonmathematical analyses as well. payoffs from cooperating are greater than the ex-
Collective-action problems can be represented by pected payoffs for defecting: c + t(c) > 1 + t(d). This
many different game structures (see Taylor 1987). simplifies to
However, because most social scientists know the
1 + d
Prisoner's Dilemma game well, we use a Prisoner's c >
Dilemma game so that we can more easily jump into 1 +t'
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
Game Summaries
Base Game
NONE (physical world) Player 1 or 2
C = c if other C
= 0 if other D
D = 1 if other C
= d if other D
Norms Game
ADIC statement Players 1 or 2
[P1a & P2] [must] [C] [always] [ ] C = base game payoffs + So' + He" if P3 Mb
= base game payoffs + 8' if P3 - - M
D = base game payoffs + 8b' + 8be if P3 M
= base game payoffs + 8b' if P3 -* -M
Player 3
M = E if (P1 & P2)-* C
= R-E if (P1 or P2) -* D
-M = 0
Rules Game
ADICO statement Players 1 and 2
[P1 & P2] [must] [C] [always] [f] C = norm game payoffs
D = norm game payoffs + f if (P3 -* M) &
ADIC statements = norm game payoffs if (P3 -M) or (P4 -S)
[P3] [must] [monitor] [always]
[P4] [must] [impose f on defector] Player 3
[when P3 reports a D] [ ] M = norm game payoffs + 80m
-M = norm game payoffs - am
Player 4
Only plays if P3 -* M
S = s- Es
_ S = -_5b
where t is the expected number of future rounds.'8 addition of at least one delta parameter. To avoid the
All players must share common knowledge that all case of predicting cooperation as a dominant strategy
have adopted a trigger in order for it to be an through only internal commitments to norms, we
institutional statement. If all players do not consider add both external and internal delta parameters. We
it prudent to defect for all rounds after someone allow nonzero internal and external delta parameters
initially defects, the trigger strategy is not shared and for both obeying the cooperation norm (&l and Se)
will not work. Little empirical evidence exists that and for breaking the cooperation norm (8b1 and 8be).
individuals share a belief in the prudence of a grim In order to make the discussion more applicable to
trigger (Ostrom, Gardner, and Walker 1994). Herein situations with more than two players, we add a third
lies the frailty of the grim trigger as either a resolu- player, a monitor, who chooses to monitor (M) or not
tion of the Prisoner's Dilemma game or a possible to monitor (-M). We assume that external reinforce-
institution. ments for obeying (Se) or for breaking (8be) a norm
only occur when the monitor detects the choices of a
player. In the simple two-person game, this assump-
The Norms Game
tion is not necessary. Players 1 and 2 know whether
Predictions that individuals will select C rather than the other player cooperated by simply looking at their
D in a Prisoner's Dilemma base game based on norms own payoffs. However, as soon as the number of
rely upon changes in players' payoffs because of the players in a Prisoner's Dilemma is larger than 2,
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
E m_
R=E .. .. ....
Al L L A~cL -
identifying who cooperates and who defects is no both internal and external delta parameters increase
longer trivial.19 The monitor in this game is motivated monotonically from left to right, a single axis repre-
solely by prudential rewards associated with discov- sents the relationship between the sum of all the delta
ering defection.20 There is no monitoring norm or rule. parameters and the advantage of defecting. As one
In the norms game, predictions about players' moves to the right, the size of the delta parameters
strategies depend on the relationships among the relative to the advantage of D increases. At point L,
original payoffs in the base game, the added delta the sum of the delta parameters equals the advantage
parameters, and the benefits that the monitor re- of defection when the other player cooperates (A = 1
ceives for reporting nonconformance. This game has - c). Point L' on the horizontal axis represents that
many equilibria. Assuming that all of the delta pa- point where the portion of the sum of delta parame-
rameters are symmetric (player 1 and player 2 have ters derived from the internal deltas equals the ad-
the same values for each delta parameter) and that vantage of defection (31 + b' = 1 - c). Thus the area
the sum of the external parameters is greater than the to the right of L' represents the region where the
sum of the internal parameters (i.e., the social pres- internal deltas offset the advantage of defecting and
sure to follow the prescription is greater than the the value of the external deltas becomes irrelevant. In
internal pressure), four equilibrium regions exist as this area (equilibrium region IV on Figure 1), both
shown in Figure 1. players choose C. This is the trivial case in which C is
The vertical axis is the ratio of the monitor's reward the dominant strategy because the internal costs and
for detecting defection to the expense of monitoring rewards for players 1 and 2 are sufficiently high to
(R/E). The vertical axis is divided into regions above offset the fact that 1 is greater than c.
and below the point at which the reward to the In region III, both players 1 and 2 select a mixed
monitor equals the expense (R = E). The reward is strategy between C and D.21 As one moves from left
higher than the cost above this point and lower than to right in region III, the sum of the delta parameters
the cost below this point. increases and thus the probability that players 1 and
The horizontal axis is the ratio of the sum of all 2 assign to selecting C increases. In this region, the
delta parameters to the advantage of choosing D [A/(1 monitor also selects a mixed strategy. The relative
- c)]. Since we assume that players 1 and 2 have the amount of the monitor's reward decreases as one
same values for each of the delta parameters and that moves from north to south. Since the monitor re-
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
ceives a reward only if defection is detected, the motivate monitors by embedding them in a series of
probability of obtaining a reward decreases as one nested institutions that reward monitors who actively
moves from west to east because the probability of and reliably monitor with positive returns from the
defection decreases. The combined effect is that the increased productivity that the rules generate (see
monitor has the least incentive to monitor when Greif, Milgrom, and Weingast 1990; Milgrom, North,
relative rewards are low and the probability of defec- and Weingast 1990). Monitors may also be direct
tion is low (in the southeast corner) and the greatest participants in ongoing relationships where efforts
incentive to monitor when the relative rewards are are made to reward one another for monitoring and
high and the probability of defection is high (in the to ensure that monitors participate in the greater
northwest corner of this region). Thus, as one moves returns that all achieve when temptations to defect
from northwest to southeast in this region, the prob- are reduced. In such situations, monitors may
ability assigned to -M increases. achieve sufficient benefits from monitoring to induce
In equilibrium regions I and II of Figure 1, D a high level of conformance (but never 100%) in an
remains the dominant strategy for players 1 and 2 as isolated system without recourse to central authori-
it is in the base game, but for different reasons. In ties (Weissing and Ostrom 1991a, 1993). If one
region II, the expenses of monitoring are higher than wanted to analyze the incentive structure found in
the expected rewards to the monitor. Thus the mon- many field settings where monitors are hired as
itor will choose -M in region II. Since -M is the external, disinterested guards, one could change the
dominant strategy, players 1 and 2 need not consider game so that the monitor receives a salary regardless
the external cost parameters (&e and 8"). Given that of whether he or she catches a defection or shirks. In
the internal deltas are relatively low in relation to the such a setting, the monitor has little incentive to
advantage of defecting [(Soi + 8bi) < (1 - c)], D is the monitor, so that the rate of cooperation depends
dominant strategy for players 1 and 2. Region I, on heavily on the size of the internal delta parameters for
the other hand, represents a socially perverse out- players 1 and 2.
come whereby players 1 and 2 always defect because
the advantage of defecting (1 - c) is greater than the
The Rules Game
sum of all delta parameters. At the same time, the mon-
itor has a dominant strategy of M because the rewards Predictions that individuals will select C rather than
received from detecting defection exceed the moni- D in the rules game rely upon (1) the base game
toring costs and are guaranteed to occur (assuming payoffs, (2) changes in players' payoffs because of the
perfect detection), because players 1 and 2 face the addition of at least one delta parameter, (3) changes
dominant strategy of D. in the players' payoffs due to the addition of an
This analysis demonstrates that (1) introducing objective and institutionally created consequence for
norms and monitoring is not sufficient to change breaking a rule, (4) the probability of detection, and
predicted results in a Prisoner's Dilemma base game (5) the probability of sanctioning.
and (2) a change in predicted results may not be The rules game shifts the norms game to a game
socially beneficial. No set of-equilibria exists where with a rule backed by two norms. The rule that
the actions of the monitor totally prevent defection. structures this game is, [Players 1 and 2] [must] [C]
The only equilibrium region in which players 1 and 2 [always] [f ]. The rule adds a fine (f ) to the payoffs for
select a pure strategy of cooperating occurs where the players 1 and 2 for D if their defection is monitored
value of the internal normative parameters exceeds and sanctioned. A sanctioning norm creates this fine
the advantage of defecting (IV). The presence of a and assigns the responsibility of imposing it on
monitor who is motivated to select a mixed strategy player 4: [Player 4] [must] [impose f on a defector]
boosts the level of cooperation in one region (III) but [when player 3 reports a D] [ ]. The rule is also
does not ensure cooperation. Moreover, the lower backed by a monitoring norm: [Player 3] [must]
the probability of defection, the higher the monitor- [monitor] [always] [ ].
ing rewards (R) need to be to offset the reduced The monitoring norm adds delta parameters to
probability of receiving the reward. player 3's payoffs. Whereas the monitor was re-
The results in Figure 1 hold because the reward to warded only by prudential rewards in the norms
the monitor comes only if there is defection to be game, now the monitor considers both prudential
reported. If the monitor is rewarded specifically for rewards and normative rewards as well as the costs of
monitoring, regardless of whether defection is dis- monitoring. The sanctioning norm adds another
covered, there is an additional equilibrium region in player, player 4 (the sanctioner), whose payoffs in-
which the monitor ensures cooperation. In this re- clude delta parameters reflecting the sanctioning
gion, the reward for monitoring exceeds the cost of norm DEONTIC.23 The cost of sanctioning is the only
monitoring regardless of whether defection occurs. other parameter in player 4's payoffs. In other words,
Thus the monitor chooses a pure strategy of M, player 4 is a volunteer sanctioner "rewarded" solely
which makes C a dominant strategy for players 1 and by normative interests.
2 whenever the sum of their internal and external A wide variety of mixed strategy equilibria are
delta parameters exceeds the advantage of D.22 possible that depend on (1) the relative expected
Empirical studies and formal models suggest sev- value of the fine and the relative size of the external
eral other motivational schemes for monitors. Some delta parameters for players 1 and 2, (2) the size of the
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
reward and deltas associated with monitoring as lemma situations does not automatically "solve" the
compared to the costs of monitoring, and (3) the sign dilemma and end analysis. Instead, adding rules
and size of the deltas associated with sanctioning suggests a whole new set of research questions. For
minus the costs of sanctioning as compared to the example, How do changes in the level of internaliza-
value of the delta parameters for not sanctioning.24 tion of rules (3bi and 8") affect the levels of monitoring
We set aside the tasks of analyzing the many and sanctioning required to bolster cooperation at
possible equilibrium regions of the rules game and given levels of social pressure (be and 3be)? What size
focus here on the simpler task of establishing condi- do external delta parameters need to be in order to
tions for equilibria in which players 1 and 2 always ensure cooperation at various rates of monitoring and
cooperate. The rule adds a fine and a new player, yet sanctioning with a given value of f? How do the
the monitor still plays a crucial role. The parts of the incentives to monitor and sanction differ if we as-
game that come from the OR ELSE (the fine and the sume that players 3 and 4 are the same person? What
sanctioning norm) do not even enter the payoffs for are the empirical equivalents of delta parameters and
players 1 and 2 unless the monitor chooses M.25 As in OR ELSES in field situations?
the norms game, we assume that player 1 and player
2 do not see each other's choices and that the external
delta components occur only when player 3 monitors. MOVING BEYOND SYNTAX
Cooperation is a pure strategy for players 1 and 2 if
and only if either of the following conditions is met: Although our focus is mainly on the syntax of a
grammar of institutions, the grammar of institutions,
0i + >bi > 1-c or as is the case with other grammars, also includes
semantics (i.e., the meaning of statements) and prag-
[(8o, + 5b) + (p(M)*(80e + abe)
matics (i.e., how to apply the syntax and semantics
+ (p(S)*f)) > 1 - c], where in practice). The delta parameters provide one exam-
ple of the semantics of the grammar. Discussing how
f = fine for breaking the rule to operationalize the syntax components begins to
address the pragmatics of the grammar. Analyses of
p(M) = probability of being monitored many issues of interest to scholars of institutions will
delve more deeply into pragmatic issues such as (1)
p(S) = probability of being sanctioned.
the effects of configurations of institutional state-
The first condition is the same as in the norms game. ments, (2) the consistency and completeness of the
The second condition figures in the effect of the institutional statements of an institution, and (3)
monitor and sanctioner. The probability of monitor- legitimacy and compliance.
ing [p(M)] and sanctioning [p(S)] depends upon the
payoffs to player 3 (the monitor) and player 4 (the
Institutional Configurations
sanctioner). In order for the monitor and the sanc-
tioner to be motivated, the values of following the The descriptions of the components of rule and norm
monitoring and sanctioning norms have to be greater statements (except the OR ELSE) have focused on
single statements as if the contents of the institutional
than the relative cost of doing their jobs. In the case of
the sanctioner, the value of the delta parameters statements were independent. The focus on single
needs to be greater than the expense for imposing the statements is for expository reasons only. When we
sanction (Es): (8, + 3) > E,. The monitor balances examine the interactions of individuals in an empiri-
both delta parameters and material rewards against cal situation, we often find that a configuration of
the expense of observing players 1 and 2 (Em). Player rules, norms, and shared strategies influences the
3 monitors when p(D)Rm + 8,m + bb > Em, where p(D)choices of individuals at any one point of time. In
is the probability that either player 1 or player 2 will fact, we often find institutional configurations, such
choose D. as shared strategies and professional norms, nested
In settings where players develop a strong inter- within enforced government regulations.26
nalization of norms (high internal delta parameters), In some cases, the CONDITIONS component of an
the presence of even a low-to-moderate sanction (f) institutional statement explicitly states the linkages
may be sufficient when combined with reliable mon- between statements in a configuration. For example,
itors and sanctioners [high p(M) and p(S)], to encour- a rule permitting some action may state, as CONDI-
age a high rate of cooperation. If players 1 and 2 TIONS of the rule, that the individual must follow a
expect either the monitor or the sanctioner to break procedure outlined in another rule. In other cases,
their respective norms, then the expected probability the linkage between statements is implicit. For exam-
of the sanctioner choosing to sanction [p(S)] tends ple, the CONDITIONS component of a voting rule for
toward zero, and f drops out of the decision calculus legislation may not overtly make reference to the
for players 1 and 2. Even in a rule-governed game, if quorum rule, but the specific quorum rule in place
monitors are not motivated to monitor and sanction- strongly influences the effects of the voting rule. A
ers are not motivated to sanction, cooperation rests rule stating that a majority must approve before a bill
substantially on internalized norms of the players. becomes a law differentially affects behavior depend-
Clearly, recognizing rules in formal analysis of di- ing upon (1) the quorum rule that states how many
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Grammar of Institutions September 1995
members must be present and voting for a vote to be Legitimacy and Compliance
legal and (2) the rule that states what happens if no
If rulers enforce rules primarily by physical force and
positive action is taken (e.g., the OR ELSE rule that
fiat, individuals subject to these rules are unlikely to
states whether the outcome is a return to the status
develop internal deltas associated with breaking the
quo or some other alternative).
rules; nor are external deltas likely to enhance the rate
Analyzing complex institutional configurations will of rule conformance (Tyler 1990). If those who are
require new capabilities. We are currently in the supposed to follow a rule view it as illegitimate, they
process of developing a classification system that may even reward one another for actions that break
identifies types of rules or norms according to their the rules (a positive 3be) instead of adopting the ty
function in a configuration. Our current efforts inte- of metanorm envisioned by Axelrod (1986) (a nega-
grate the institutional grammar with extensive work tive abe).
that outlines levels of action and the elements of an The complementarity of deltas and the OR ELSES
action situation that have been elucidated elsewhere emerges in the analysis of compliance. When delta
(Kiser and Ostrom 1982; E. Ostrom 1986; Ostrom, parameters are close to zero, the costs of maintaining
Gardner, and Walker 1994).27 The classification sys- compliance through the OR ELSE drastically increase
tem seeks to enhance efforts to place individual (Ayers and Braithwaite 1992; Levi 1988; Margolis
institutional statements in the context of the mix of 1991). Without a relatively high level of voluntary,
institutional statements that structure a situation. contingent compliance to rules, Levi (1988) explains
that rulers can rarely afford the continuing costs
involved in hiring enough monitors and sanctioners,
motivating them, and imposing sanctions in a man-
Institutional Consistency and Completeness ner sufficient to ensure that citizens conform to the
When an institutional statement assigns a DEONTIC rules rather than risk the chance of detection and
punishment (see also Frey 1994). On the other hand,
operator to an action or outcome, then that action or
if violators can expect to reap the benefits of violating
outcome becomes obliged, permitted, or forbidden
prescriptions without facing the probability of some
for those with the listed ATTRIBUTES under the spec-
established punishment (if there is no OR ELSE), then
ified CONDITIONS. Thus, institutional statements with
the experience of feeling like a "sucker" may erode
DEONTICS can be thought of as transformations that
the value of the delta parameters (Levi 1988, 1990;
partition sets of possible actions or outcomes into
Mansbridge 1994; E. Ostrom 1990; Ostrom, Gardner,
subsets of obligatory, permitted, and forbidden ac-
and Walker 1994).
tions and outcomes. Recognizing this set logic based
on DEONTICS provides a tie to the works in philoso- The ADICO syntax illustrates the cumulative manner
phy of law and logic (Braybrooke 1994; Ellickson 1991; in which institutional statements affect individuals'
Gibbard 1990; V. Ostrom 1995; Tyler 1990; von Wright expectations about the actions of others and the
1951, 1963). Moreover, the rigor of the logic-based consequences of their own actions. We started this
system disciplines discourse by making inconsisten- enterprise as an effort to define clearly the concept of
cies more apparent. rules and to create a grammar of rules.29 We found
Set logic, combined with the organizational capac- that in order to do this we needed to clarify how rules
ity of the syntax, identifies inconsistencies and in- were related to norms and shared strategies. Fitting
completeness in rule systems. We presume that most this all into a syntax helped us to catch inconsisten-
rule systems are incomplete. The existing rules do not cies, which further tested and refined our under-
cover all possible combinations of ATTRIBUTES, CON- standing of each type of institutional statement and
DITIONS, and AIM. The incompleteness of most exist- each component.
ing rule systems becomes even more apparent when Delving deeper into each of the syntax components
we recognize that the attributes and conditions of brought to light connections among these concepts
situations may be interpreted in different ways.28 In that, at least for us, had not previously been linked.
complex situations, we presume that inconsistent Further applications and developments of the gram-
rules develop; an action may be required under one mar can strengthen our understanding of the link
rule and forbidden under another. Inconsistent sys- between institutions and theories of action. Attend-
tems may snare the unwary and trap others in ing to a grammar of institutions equips us to return to
Catch-22 situations. In political arenas, conflict plays the core issues of institutions and political order with
an important role in generating information about a respect for the complexities involved.
inconsistencies. With effective conflict-resolution are-
nas, some inconsistencies can be tackled and re-
solved. Conflict also plays a role in addressing incom- Notes
pleteness. Much of political persuasion involves
efforts by actors to convince others that new circum- An earlier draft of this article was presented at the Conference
on Individual and System held at the Merriam Lab, Depart-
stances match the CONDITIONS of a rule that assigns a
ment of Political Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, in
DEONTIC to the action that is in their best interest February 1992. A longer version was presented to the ECPR
(McGinnis. 1993). Planning Session on "Contextual Solutions to Problems of
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American Political Science Review Vol. 89, No. 3
Political Action," Limerick, Ireland, 30 March-3 April 1992. norm. Thus, changes in norms over time will be reflected both
We have presented versions at Workshop in Political Theory in the particular DEONTIC assigned to an action and in to
and Policy Analysis colloquia, at the Fall 1993 Workshop whom the cost of breaking the norm is assigned.
Mini-Conference, and the June 1994 Workshop on the Work- 15. Kreps and his colleagues do not assume that the basis
shop. We thank Mike McGinnis for the detailed comments he for one actor playing tit-for-tat is necessarily the acceptance of
has made on several drafts. We also appreciate the comments a norm. They simply assume that some players only have
made by Piotr Chmielewski, Roy Gardner, Louis Helling, available to them a fit-for-tat strategy or that there is some
Robert Keohane, Vincent Ostrom, James Walker, Tjip Walker, probability that one player's payoffs are such that tit-for-tat is
and John Williams on earlier drafts. We have benefitted from strongly dominant (1982, 247). The latter condition would be
reading the work of many colleagues at the Workshop, the case if some players in a population have some combina-
particularly Ron Oakerson. Thanks also to Patty Dalecki for tion of delta parameters associated with playing tit-for-tat
her incredible accurate and insightful editorial and graphics whose values are high.
assistance. Financial support from the National Science Foun- 16. An appendix with the extensive form of each game is
dation (Grant SBR-9319835) is gratefully acknowledged. available from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy
1. Our concept of institutions parallels Gidden's (1979, Analysis at Indiana University.
1984) concept of system. Another similarity to Gidden's work 17. The punishment in the grim trigger might cause one to
is our stress on the constitutive character of rules (see also V. wonder whether the retaliation is an OR ELSE. The shared
Ostrom 1980). Our concept of situations draws on Popper strategy is not a rule, using the ADICO syntax, unless the
1967. prescription to punish someone who deviates is backed by
2. Calvert indicates: "There is, strictly speaking, no sepa- another rule or norm. An institutional statement that could
rate animal that we can identify as an institution. . . . 'Insti- back a trigger rule might be a sanctioning rule such as, "All
tution' is just a name we give to certain parts of certain kinds other players must defect for the rest of the game (or, in
of equilibria" (1992, 18). not-so-grim triggers, for n rounds) when one player defects in
3. These are "forms of talk about experience" in the sense any of the rounds, OR ELSE the other players face the proba-
that Burke views the study of human relations in terms of bility of a further sanction," and a monitoring norm that "all
linguistic instruments (1969, 317). players must monitor all other players." Notice that the
4. Chomsky defines the grammar of a language as the sanctioning rule changes the DEONTIC assigned to C from
theory of that language (1957, 49). Burke explains his use of permitted or obligatory to forbidden in the CONDITION of a
the term grammar as a theory to explain "what people are defection in the prior round. If the advice to cooperate to
doing and why they are doing it" and uses a syntax composed avoid a trigger response is not backed by monitoring and
of five terms that he posits to be the generating principles of sanctioning institutions, the massive defection that is threat-
his investigation (1969, xv). ened by the trigger is either a prudent response to defection or
5. This also applies to grammars in linguistic studies as a norm of retaliation.
Chomsky indicates (1957, 15; idem 1965, 11). 18. It would, of course, be possible to include discount
6. A formal syntax can be compared with that of other rates in the analysis, but we assume they are zero here to keep
scholars. We have just learned about the Dalhousie logic of the focus on other questions and not those related to the size
rules, which uses a syntax without an OR ELSE and requires of the discount rate. For a discussion of the importance of
that prescriptive statements be recast to use the forbidden discount rates in the analysis of cooperation, see Axelrod
DEONTIC operator (see Braybrooke 1994). Our concept of 1981, 1986.
ATTRIBUTES is the same as the wenn component of the Dalhou- 19. It is possible to illustrate the addition of norms without
sie syntax. a player who is assigned the specialized role of a monitor by
7. The largest group to which a prescriptive statement simply assuming that players monitor each other (Weissing
could apply is the folk component in the Dalhousie system and Ostrom 1991a, 1993). To do this, however, one needs to
(Braybrooke 1994). model a sequential structure that introduces more complexity
8. The logical relationships among the deontic operators than we desire in this initial application.
include the following: (1) D = P U 0 U F; (2) F n P = 0, F n 20. Freelance reporters are an example of this type of
o = 0, and 0 n P = 0; and (3) 0 implies P. monitor. They receive payment for detecting and reporting
9. John R. Commons (1968) stresses the correlative nature nonconformance with accepted norms. Rewards include fees
of rights. To state that someone has a right, someone must for stories and increased probabilities of receiving prizes for
have a duty to observe that right. The person with a right is good reporting.
permitted to do something, while those with a duty are 21. A mixed strategy is a probability distribution over the
forbidden or required to do something. pure strategies for a player. In a static game, one may view the
10. Tsebelis (1989, 1991) argues that in a game with only mixed strategy as the probability of choosing one of the other
mixed strategy equilibria, increasing the size of the OR ELSE pure strategies. One can also intepret mixed strategies as
does not reduce the level of rule infraction but rather reduces behavioral tendencies in a repeated context where the prob-
the level of monitoring. Weissing and Ostrom (1991b) have ability of choosing a pure strategy, say C, is viewed as a
shown that Tsebelis' results hold in many but not all cases. cooperation rate.
11. The complexity of modern economies is so great that 22. The extensive form of this game and the equilibrium
centralized law creation cannot effectively cope with the need diagrams are available from the Workshop in Political Theory
to achieve normative regulation among communities of indi- and Policy Analysis at Indiana University.
viduals who repeatedly face collective-action problems 23. The delta parameters for players 3 or 4 could be
(Cooter 1993; Ellickson 1991). disaggregated into their internal and external components for
12. Universal statements are relatively rare explanations for an analysis that wished to focus on questions that distin-
human behavior. The shared strategy that all rational players guished between internal and external pressures on the
should adopt a dominant strategy or the norm that all actors monitor or sanctioner.
are always obliged to tell the truth, exemplify unqualified 24. In this game, player 3 always correctly detects whether
institutional statements. defection has occurred, and player 4 only has the option of
13. The logic of the delta parameter is similar to Etzioni's sanctioning players who have defected. If players 1 and 2
(1988) discussion of deontology. cooperate, player 4 does not have a choice of whether or not
14. Societies undergoing substantial "liberalization" could to sanction. This eliminates issues of false detection and
be thought of as developing shared understandings that corrupt sanctioners from the current analysis. Future efforts
individuals who had been forbidden to take certain actions in will address questions related to monitoring and sanctioning
earlier times are now permitted to do so. When the new norm errors.
is shared, individuals who still attempt to obstruct the previ- 25. One could argue that when prescriptions are rules,
ously restricted actions now face a cost for breaking the new individuals will place higher values on the deltas than when
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