The True Story of The Tallano (TALA) Estate
The True Story of The Tallano (TALA) Estate
The True Story of The Tallano (TALA) Estate
Fantastic! This is the normal reaction of those who are told one family has a title
on the whole Philippine archipelago. It’s not possible, many say. How was the title
secured? Who secured the title? Why only now has the story surfaced and come to public
attention? Why did it take so long for the owners to stake their claim on their property?
Is this not a scam engineered by smart manipulators?
These and many other questions come to mind when presented with the story. But
it is story with full factual support – titles, documents, court decisions, writs of execution,
sheriff’s return, annotations at the back of the titles, certifications of government officials
and agencies attesting to the existence of the titles in their files and genuineness of the
said titles. One document may be fabricated, especially because this is Philippines. But
twenty-one (21) volumes of court documents certainly cannot be manufactured even by
the smartest con artist on the face of this planet.
This is a story that will change the history of this country rewriting our
textbooks, which give primacy to the tale that our country was discovered by foreigners.
This country has been here long before the foreigners came to shores. The Tagean
Tallano clans just happened to be royal families that ruled the land which we now call
the Philippines.
Of the many kingdoms in Asia, Maharlika was one of them under King Luisong
Tagean Tallano, the father of Raja Lapu-Lapu and Raja Soliman, the successors of King
Marikudo of the Sri Vishayan Empire. Its principal products at that time were peanuts
(mani) exported to Mexico and European countries and Herbal plants known as “Nilad”
with some medicinal qualities which were exported to Mainland China. With the passage
of time, the Chinese traders changed the name Maharlika to Maynilad or Maynila.
As in olden days, the kings and their families own their kingdoms and distribute
portions to their subjects, especially to the members of the royal clans. This is exactly
what happened to the Philippine archipelago, it was owned by the Tagean Tallano clans.
THE SPANIARDS. When the Spaniards came, full control of the islands
remained with the descendants of King Luisong, specifically Raja Lapu-Lapu and his
successors for Visayas and Mindanao and Raja Soliman and his successors for Luzon.
Like conquerors of all kinds, the Spaniards started grabbing lands and distributed them to
favored members of the conquering group, thereafter named Haciendas. Because of the
land grabbing activities of the Spanish conquistadores, the descendants of King Luisong
brought these questionable activities of the conquering armies of Spain to the attention of
the Spanish Queen leading to the setting aside of many royal land grants and the issuance
of titulo possessorio to become titulo de compra embracing the whole Philippine
archipelago in favor of the Tallano clans.
THE BRITISH. In 1762, the British Royal Armies came to Manila with
the purpose of defeating the abusive Spanish armies. Finally, in 1764 the British
won over the Spaniards. The British Royal Government then issued a Royal
Decree, Protocol 01-4 based on the Laws of the West Indies, amending the
property rights of King Philip of Spain over the Philippines and granting
ownership of the Philippine archipelago to the Tagean Tallano clans. After the
signing of the peace accord between the royal governments of Spain and Britain,
the Queen of Spain recognized the property rights over the Philippine
archipelago based on the Maura Law.
THE TREATY OF PARIS. With the defeat of the Spanish Armada to the
forces of the United States of America in the Battle of Manila Bay, Spain and
America concluded the end of the War by signing the Treaty of Paris where the
Philippines was sold for $20 Million U.S. Dollars. The winning bidder who paid the
said amount in U.S. gold coins was DON ESTEBAN BENITEZ TALLANO, the
predecessor in interest of PRINCE JULIAN MORDEN TALLANO. By virtue of the
said payment, the Oficina de Cabildo recognized and affirmed Royal Decree 01-4
Protocol and registered as TITULO DE COMPRA in favor of PRINCE LACAN
Among the revealing annotations denoted as “Memorandum of Encumbrances
Affecting the Property Described in this Certificate” are the following:
EDC 003 Annotation: The Spanish Government Officials and the residents of the
S-10-25 Philippine Islands are compelled to take the oath of
allegiance to King George III of the Royal Government of
England with Order from the King the absolute cancellation
of OCT NO. 01-4 in the name of King Philip II of Spain, the
same Land Title should be issued anew to and in the name of
Prince Lacan Acuna Tallano (Tagean).
BRA 022 Annotation: British Royal Squadron led by British Governor Downssone
S-1762 Drake, through this Land Title, they registered their strong
words and proclamation over the repossession of the Isla
Filipinas (HACIENDA FILIPINAS) through the Royal
Order of their King in this OCT 01-4 reverted the subject
land to the real owner, Prince Lacan Acuna Tallano
(Tagean), the cousin of the British Lord Alfred Dent.
The Stronger force of the British squadron supported by
heavy artilleries demand for the immediate surrender of the
Spanish Government in as much as they occupied the church
of Malate, Ermita, San Juan de Bagumbayan, Santiago and
strategic Spanish Military Camp.
EDC 029 Annotation: Registered on this Land Title OCT 01-4, the fall of
S-10-16 Manila, Cavite, Laguna and Province of Morong to the
1762 British Forces that caused the Spanish Government
Indemnified the troops for P 4,000,000.00 the same year
The subject land and its ownership, by the order of the
Royal King of England, had reverted of Prince Lacan
Acuna Tagean Tallano, the cousin of the British Lord,
Alfred Dent.
RAM- 031 Annotation: British Royal Crown ordered the cancellation of Titulo OCT
S-10-25 Entry No. 01-4 in the name of King Philip II and ordered registered a
1764 ED 000-S new OCT to the original landowner’s heir, Prince Lacan
1565 was Acuna Tallano, in lieu of the previous one, on January 9
cancelled 1764, and implement the order of Justice of Real Audiencia
by this de Manila, Simon de Anda affirmed the land (HACIENDA
entry FILIPINA) ownership in favor of the heir of King Luisong
RAM-031 Tagean, Prince Lacan Acuna Tagean (Tallano), who won
S-10-25 the case embodied in R.A.M. 571 on January 22, 1761 in
1764 accord with the Perace Treaty between the Royal Crown of
England and Spanish Government on October 23, 1764, as
Implemented by the British Governor to the Philippines,
Downssone Drake.
RAM 006 Annotation: Upon the recognition of the Roman Catholic Church
S-1784 Hierarchy in the P.I. over the lawful rights of King Luisong
Tagean Tallano and his heir over HACIENDA FILIPINA,
Bishop Salazar sent a message to the King of Spain
containing the account of tyranny, oppression and
forfeiture of the land of the inhabitants by encomienderos
the King of Spain issued an order directing the colonial
government to prevent such conduct to the Filipinos and
the confiscated land by the Friars should be reverted to
the Tagean-Tallano clans.
EDC-073 Annotation: Secured by this Title, OCT No. T-01-4, Hacienda Mabiga
S-2-6 embracing the whole province of Pampanga, Kuliat, the
1898 whole of Bamban and Capaz, Tarlac has mortgage to the
Banco Español-Filipino, the sum of $20,000,000.00 to
undertake the payment of accession treaty between Spain
and American for the ceding of the archipelago by the
Spanish Government to the American Government be
eventually reverted to the real land owner, Don Esteban
Benitez Tallano.
Entry EDC-096, S-1900 Real estate mortgage by Don Esteban Benitez Tallano of
a commercial lot of 250 hectares in Centro Intramuros in favor of Banco-Filipino Español
for P1,500,000.00 for the establishment of the Manila Daily Bulletin which sum was
received by Messrs. H. G. Farris and Carson Taylor Date of document is February 3,
1902 and inscribed on November 13, 1902 by H. K. Sleepper, Land Registration Officer.
Entry PLA-061, S-6-1, 1903. Deed of Assignment made by Don Esteban Benitez
Tallano in favor of the Sultanate of Sulu under Jamalul Kiram heirs, relatives of Don
Esteban Benitez Tallano, the whole lands of the provinces of Sulu, Lanao, Cotabato, and
Zamboanga to prevent the escalation of hostilities in the South.
There are many more interesting annotations at the back of OCT 01-4 like
Entry CLRO-01123, S-1904 regarding the yearly rental paid by the US Government
to Don Esteban Benitez Tallano in Baguio City for the site now known as Camp
John Hay.
OCT NO. 01-4 was certified true, correct and genuine and existing at the Office
of the Register of Deeds of Pasig, Rizal with the caveat that the original document was
forwarded to the Office of the Register of Deeds of Manila in 1960 for jurisdictional
purpose. The certification was issued by JOSE D. SANTOS, Register of Deeds of the
Province of Rizal at Pasig on March 4, 1965.
COURT DECISION AND ACTIONS: There are two cases to talk about – the
escheat proceedings, meaning for the government to take back the lands under OCT NO.
01-4 because of the absence of heirs and LRC/Civil Case No. 3957-P. The Government
represented by the Solicitor General and the Tallano heirs entered into a compromise
agreement. Not being contrary to law, the same was embodied in a decision of Judge
Enrique Agana of Branch 28 of the Court of First Instance of Pasay City dated February 4,
1972. The same became final and executory. It was partially executed as shown by a
number of sheriffs’ returns.
After a series of motions, Judge Agana rendered a clarificatory decision dated
January 19, 1976. The same also became final and executory. On representation of the
Solicitor General and some private parties affected by the decision, in 1991 a moratorium
of the enforcement of the un-enforced portion of the decision was entered into by the
parties to operate within a period of 15 years ending in January 2006.
In the meanwhile, the Pasay City Hall was burned including the records of this
case. The Tallano filed for reconstitution. The Solicitor General and the other private
parties were represented in the reconstitution case. The Regional Trial Court of Pasay
City, Branch 111, decided in favor of the Tallano heirs. The decision also became final
and executory because nobody appealed including the government.
Long after the decision became final and executory, the Government, surprisingly
represented by the Office of the Solicitor General wants the partially executed decision
declared null and void in a case filed before the Court of Appeals under CA-GR.
No. 70014. This case is already submitted for final resolution before the said Court.
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