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Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

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Engineering Fracture Mechanics

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Experimental investigation of crack propagation and crack

branching in lightly reinforced concrete beams using digital
image correlation
Tahreer M. Fayyad ⇑, Janet M. Lees
Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Relatively few fracture-oriented experimental studies have been conducted on concrete
Received 8 March 2016 that is reinforced. An experimental investigation was therefore undertaken to explore
Received in revised form 14 April 2017 the cracking process in lightly reinforced concrete (RC) beams and to observe the details
Accepted 18 April 2017
of the localised fracture process zone development. More specifically, the aims were to
Available online 24 May 2017
investigate the relationships between beam height (120 mm, 220 mm and 320 mm), steel
reinforcement ratio (0.1–0.5%), ductility and the onset of crack branching. RC beams were
tested in three-point bending and experimental surface strains and crack openings were
RC crack propagation
Crack branching
inferred using digital image correlation (DIC). It was found that the presence of the rein-
Bifurcation forcement prevented premature fracture and led to crack branching where a single crack
Ductility bifurcated in the region of the compression zone. In the larger beams the branching devel-
Size effect oped at a lower relative height and a greater reinforcement ratio led to a shallower branch-
ing angle. These observations were associated with ductility measures for lightly reinforced
concrete beams.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Concrete is a quasi-brittle material that has a relatively weak tensile strength when compared with its compressive
strength. It is therefore susceptible to cracking. Over the past decades the mechanics of concrete cracking have been inves-
tigated using different approaches such as finite element analyses, linear fracture mechanics (LFM) and non-linear fracture
mechanics (NLFM), to develop models to simulate concrete cracking [1–8]. The cracking process in concrete is complex
because the crack itself is a partially damaged zone with some capability for stress-transfer in the fracture process zone
(FPZ). The FPZ acts as a transition zone between the discontinuous open crack and the continuous intact material beyond
the crack. Although there is some debate about what constitutes a FPZ, and the size of the FPZ, there is a general agreement
that it exists in concrete [9]. A realistic description of the FPZ is essential in order to understand damage mechanisms and to
predict and optimize the behaviour of concrete structures. The FPZ is also important in determining a characteristic length of
the microstructure that reflects size effects [10,11]. Theoretical studies have been conducted to understand the nature of the
FPZ in concrete. Wecharatana and Shah [12] developed a theoretical model to predict the FPZ length where it was found that
the length of the FPZ remains constant during slow crack growth. However, theoretical calculations of the length of the FPZ
are very sensitive to the value of the critical crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) [12].

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: fayyadt@gmail.com (T.M. Fayyad).

0013-7944/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
488 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505


l ductility factor
/max maximum curvature of the critical section of the beam
/y curvature at yielding
hmax maximum rotation at the plastic hinge
hy rotation at yielding
Dmax maximum displacement
Dy displacement at yielding

Various experimental techniques such as optical interferometry and imaging analysis techniques have also been adapted
to investigate the extent of the FPZ. This is a challenging undertaking due to the existence of high localised stresses and
strains in the FPZ which cannot be measured using standard gauges. An early attempt to investigate the strain field around
the FPZ was undertaken by Cedolin et al. [13] who used optical interferometry to map the FPZ with contour lines of equal
deformation. A more recent development is the use of digital image correlation (DIC) to measure the width of the FPZ in
unreinforced concrete [10].
In reinforced concrete, the fracture process is further complicated by the presence of the reinforcement that affects the
crack development and propagation. The cracking process is associated with diverse phenomena such as the formation of
cracks, crack propagation, the existence of micro-cracks, interactions between the reinforcement and concrete, and the con-
crete microstructure e.g. cement and aggregate [2]. In addition, numerous factors can influence the cracking process and
reinforcement crack bridging including the concrete compressive strength, the type, the properties and the ratio of the lon-
gitudinal reinforcement, the bond between the reinforcement and the concrete, and the geometrical properties and the size
of the beam. These factors can be inter-related and inter-dependant. Furthermore, the cracking process in reinforced con-
crete (RC) may involve several macro-cracks propagating at the same time leading to different failure modes. Internal rein-
forcement bridges a crack and improves the fracture toughness by providing a stitching action that prevents the crack faces
from opening and controls the crack growth by increasing the energy demand for crack advancement [14]. The fracture
energy is closely related to the FPZ size and this implies that the existence of a FPZ may be the intrinsic cause for size effects.
In concrete the FPZ covers a narrow crack band and only the region along the crack path is affected by cracking [15–17].
However, in reinforced concrete the nature of the FPZ remains unclear. Most theoretical studies incorporate the reinforce-
ment according to the principle of superposition by considering concrete fracture and adding the effect of the reinforcement
as a closing force [4,7,18–20]. Although the fracture properties of reinforced concrete at the structural scale have been stud-
ied, there is a need for further detailed investigations to better understand the nature of the fracture process.
A survey of literature in this field shows that relatively few experimental studies have investigated the fracture process in
reinforced concrete as opposed to unreinforced concrete. Digital image correlation (DIC) has been used to evaluate the dis-
placement and strain fields in bending tests on RC beams [21] where the focus was to test the performance of DIC and
demonstrate its potential for investigating fracture properties. Skarzynski and Tejchman [16] tested small RC beams with
a height of 80 mm and length 320 mm (effective length 240 mm) with a reinforcement ratio of 1.5%. It was found that
the localised zones are always created prior to the attainment of the peak load and the lengths of the fracture zones in
RC beams (0.8 of the beam height) are higher than those in unreinforced concrete beams (0.6 of the beam height). Alam
et al. [22] used Acoustic Emission (AE) to study microcracking in RC beams. It was found that as the beam size increases,
the fracture process changes from tensile-microcracking-macrocracking to shear-compression macrocracking. Digital image
correlation has also been used to study the cracking in reinforced concrete beams failing in shear [23] and it was found that
the observed size effect was in agreement with Bazant’s size effect [24].
Ductility is implicitly linked to the energy dissipation. Ductility in RC structures can be defined as the ability of a material
to provide sufficient inelastic deformation beyond yielding and prior to failure. The importance of ductility in steel RC is that
the steel consumes applied energy in irreversible inelastic displacement after yielding. This means that what happens during
crack growth (or arrest) would affect the ductility and the structural behaviour. There is debate about how best to quantify
ductility because deformation can be translated into different measures such as curvature, rotation and displacement
[25,26]. A displacement-based ductility factor can be defined as l ¼ DDmax y
, where Dmax is the maximum displacement and
Dy is the displacement at yielding based on the load-deflection behaviour. However, the maximum displacement can be open
to different interpretations especially when measured in a displacement-controlled test. One option is to define the maxi-
mum displacement as the maximum displacement at the maximum attained load, although a small reduction in the load
after the peak load can be taken into account [27]. In a cracked beam, ductility can also be defined using fracture mechanics
formulations as being associated with the propagation of a crack in a stable manner [28]. Stable behaviour is associated with
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 489

fracture development with increasing load whereas unstable behaviour is associated with crack propagation with decreasing
Energy consuming mechanisms can also take the form of crack branching. Crack branching is a material toughening
mechanism. This mainly occurs when some of the micro-cracks ahead of the crack tip are arrested, thus more energy is
required for crack propagation and this can lead to crack branching. In reinforced concrete, the presence of the reinforcement
provides bridging to the crack and hence a confining effect to the crack path. This may increase the possibility of crack
branching where crack branching and the redistribution of stresses that take place during the failure process contribute
to a more ductile failure behaviour [29]. Hence, if the amount of reinforcement affects the crack propagation process and
the failure mode, it can be a source of a ‘size effect’ in RC beams.
The research will capitalise on recent developments in image processing techniques and high resolution digital cameras
to provide advanced tools to measure fracture properties and insight into the FPZ in reinforced concrete. DIC provides a non-
destructive and non-contact method for measuring the surface deformation of an object subjected to forces where images
are compared at different loading stages [10,15,17,21,23,30–34]. One of the main advantages of using this technique to anal-
yse the cracking process is the possibility of obtaining a complete reconstruction of the crack geometry.

2. Research significance

Understanding cracking in reinforced concrete is important for the strength assessment and renovation of existing struc-
tures. Relatively few fracture-oriented experimental studies have been conducted on concrete with internal steel reinforce-
ment. Knowledge of concrete fracture processes can help identify suitable analytical approaches that capture the details of
the crack process. This study presents an experimental investigation of RC beams subjected to three point bending. A par-
ticular focus is the localised zone around the crack and the crack branching phenomena. Crack branching is a toughening
mechanism in quasi-brittle materials and can be a source of size effects. Yet it has received little or no attention when study-
ing the fracture of RC beams. In reinforced concrete, the confinement provided by the reinforcement to the crack path
increases the possibility of crack branching. The crack branching that takes places during the failure process makes the fail-
ure behaviour more ductile. The aim of this research is to experimentally determine the relationship between size, reinforce-
ment ratio and ductility through an investigation of crack branching in RC. The digital image correlation technique is used as
an advanced tool to measure fracture and monitor the crack profile. Although more experiments are required to generalize
the results, the research acts as a foundation to describe the flexural behaviour of lightly reinforced concrete beams and for
further investigations of RC fracture processes.

3. Experimental investigation

To investigate mode I fracture, flexural beam specimens were designed. The mode I results can also provide insight for
theoretical studies of shear since it has been found that inclined crack propagation in reinforced concrete beams can be mod-
elled as mode I fracture [7,35–37].

3.1. Experimental design

The experimental work was undertaken to study the cracking process and to investigate the nature of fracture in RC
beams. In reinforced concrete, the reinforcement provides a confinement to the crack path which can be a source of size
effect and may lead to other toughening mechanisms such as crack branching. Hence, different reinforcement ratios were
used in the experimental program to study the effect of the reinforcement on beam ductility and different beam heights
were considered to investigate the size effects. As the intention was for the RC beams to fail in flexure, for each beam size
and a given concrete strength, the reinforcement ratios were selected such that the flexural capacity was less than the shear
capacity. Flexural failures are common in lightly reinforced concrete beams or beams with shear reinforcement. However,
more heavily reinforced concrete beams without sufficient transverse steel will be predisposed to shear failures. Since the
focus was to promote flexural failures, both the ACI standard (ACI 318M-11) [38] and the European Standard (EC2) [39] were
used to predict the minimum shear capacity of the designed specimens. The predicted shear capacity according to the ACI
approach does not depend on the longitudinal reinforcement ratio whereas the EC2 expression takes the longitudinal rein-
forcement ratio into consideration. The lower of the two predictions was used to ensure that the design flexural capacity was
more critical. The flexural capacity was calculated based on an ultimate limit state analysis using an equivalent rectangular
stress block.

3.2. Experimental program

A total of sixteen unreinforced and reinforced concrete beams were tested in three point bending. The flexural crack prop-
agation was tracked using DIC. The unreinforced and reinforced concrete beams did not have shear links (Fig. 1). The first
series included nine beams with different longitudinal reinforcement ratios (0%, 0.15%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.5%) cast from a
mix with a design concrete cube compressive strength of 45 MPa. Three different beam sizes were considered but a constant
490 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

Fig. 1. Test specimen layout (dimensions in mm); (a) small beam, (b) medium beam, (c) large beam.

clear span to effective height ratio was maintained (heights of 120 mm, 220 mm and 320 mm and lengths of 840 mm,
1700 mm and 2500 mm respectively). The second series included seven unreinforced and reinforced concrete beams cast
from a mix with a target compressive strength of 30 MPa. Two beam sizes (heights of 120 and 220 mm and lengths of
840 mm and 1700 mm respectively) and different reinforcement ratios (0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5%) were used. All the
test beams had a width of 100 mm and a concrete cover of 18 mm. In Table 1 each beam has been identified using the fol-
lowing notation: a letter M followed by a number (showing the concrete mix strength), a letter D followed by a number
(showing the effective depth), and then the reinforcement ratio as a%. The longitudinal steel consisted of deformed steel bars
with average yield strength of 548 MPa for bars with a 6 mm nominal diameter and 537 MPa for the 8 mm diameter bars.
The concrete mix (Table 2) used rapid hardening cement and aggregate with the particle size distribution shown in Fig. 2. For
monitoring the strain in the reinforcement bars, prior to casting, strain gauges were installed and protected by silicon on the
surface of the reinforcement. For the small beams the gauges were located at mid span. For the medium and large beams the
gauges were offset by 100 mm from the mid span. A crack inducer was located at mid-span. Insulation foam was used to

Table 1
Details of test specimens.

Concrete cube compressive strength Beam dimensions Width  Height  Length (mm)  (mm)  Reinforcement Notation
(MPa) (mm) (ratio)
M1 = 45 100  320  2500 2T6 (0.2%) M45,D300,0.2
3T6 (0.3%) M45,D300,0.3
Unreinforced (0%) M45,D300,0
100  220  1700 1T6 (0.15%) M45,
2T6 (0.3%) M45,D200,0.3
Unreinforced (0%) M45,D200,0
100  120  840 1T6 (0.3%) M45,D100,0.3
1T8 (0.5%) M45,D100,0.5
Unreinforced (0%) M45,D100,0
M2 = 30 100  220  1700 1T6 (0.15%) M30,
2T6 (0.3%) M30,D200,0.3
3T6 (0.4%) M30,D200,0.4
Unreinforced (0%) M30,D200,0
100  120  840 1T6 (0.3%) M30,D100,0.3
1T8 (0.5%) M30,D100,0.5
Unreinforced (0%) M30,D100,0
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 491

Table 2
Concrete mixes.

Material Mass required per m3 (kg)

Mix (a) (30 MPa) Mix (b) (45 MPa)
Cement 325 482
Water 205 205
Sand 774 684
Aggregate 1025 985


Cumulative percent passing (%)

natural sand

60 4-12 gravel





0 0.063 0.125 0.3 2 4.75 9.5 13.2
Particle size (mm)

Fig. 2. Aggregate particle size distribution.

form the crack inducer where the foam was cut into pieces with a width of 6 mm and depths of 30, 40 and 50 mm for the
small, medium and large beams respectively. The foam was inserted vertically in the middle of the formwork prior to casting.

3.3. DIC experimental setup and specimen preparation

In a DIC analysis, a reference image of the target area is split into small patches. These patches are tracked from one image
to the next. It is then possible to measure the full field deformation of a selected area. To accurately track the patches, each
patch should have characteristics that can be distinguished from other patches. In the current work, the intensity of the pix-
els is used as the identification parameter. Pan et al. [40] found that the surface texture has a significant influence on the
tracking results. Although there is no clear definition of what texture means, in DIC ‘‘a poor texture” would be associated
with many patches having similar features whereas multi-coloured images are good examples of ‘‘a good texture”. To get
a random colour intensity distribution and a fairly good variation in the surface texture, the area of interest in the test spec-
imens was sprayed using six different colours; red, green, blue, yellow, white and black to give each patch a unique speckle
pattern. This uniqueness is essential in the matching process to decrease the measurement bias and noise [41]. Fig. 3 shows a
magnified region in the sprayed area and Fig. 4 shows the intensity histogram for the three channels red, green and blue. The
figure shows a fairly wide range of intensity distributions with peaks at around 50, 100 and 150. A digital single lens reflex
(DSLR) camera with a 35 megapixel CMOS sensor was used to record images of the test specimens under loading. The camera
was mounted on a tripod with its axis perpendicular to the area of interest. The camera had a focal length of 24–120 mm.
Out-of-plane movement was not expected to be an issue but nevertheless, to minimize the effect of any out-of-plane move-
ment, the camera was fixed a distance of 1000 mm away from the specimen surface as recommended in [42]. The camera
was directed toward the middle of the beam where flexural cracks were expected to develop. The obtained spatial resolution
differs according to the region of interest which in turn differs according to the beam dimensions. For this setup, one pixel in
the image represents about 30 lm on the surface of the large beams. For some beams, a second DSLR camera was used either
to give a greater resolution in the FPZ or to record the crack propagation on the other side of the beam. External lighting was
directed toward the region of interest to enhance the image quality. During the test, the images were shot continuously
every 10 s.
492 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

Fig. 3. Test specimen surface texture.

Fig. 4. Intensity distribution over the surface of test beam.

Fig. 5. Test layout.

3.4. Testing

Each beam was tested to failure under three-point loading (Fig. 5). The beams with a height of 120 mm were tested in a
servo-controlled Instron machine where the beams were supported on a wide flange steel beam (Fig. 6). This meant that the
beams could be positioned in the machine at an angle such that the side faces were visible. A bespoke rig was constructed to
test the medium and large beams (Fig. 7). In both setups, the end supports were two plates with a roller which allowed rota-
tion and horizontal displacement. With the exception of the Instron loading plate that had a width of 20 mm, the widths of
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 493

Fig. 6. Photo of small beam test setup.

Fig. 7. Photo of large beam in test rig.

all the bearing pads were 75 mm. A C-clip was attached below the central notch of each beam to measure the crack mouth
In order to obtain stable loading conditions, all the tests were performed under displacement control. Consequently, the
load was applied as a function of the mid span deflection. This allowed a gradual increase in the mid span deflection and
crack mouth opening, as well as a steady decrease of the load in the post-peak regime. In the large beam test rig, the loading
jack was connected to a hydraulic servo controlled machine to achieve a constant deflection rate; however, there was a cer-
tain delay in the feedback to the jack due to the very small displacement rate. The loading rate was 0.1 mm/min for the first
two specimens (beams M45,D200,0.15 and M45,D200,0.3). It was then increased to 0.15 mm/min for beams M30,D200,0.3,
M45,D300,0.2 and M45,D300,0.3 and subsequently increased to 0.2 mm/min for the rest of the specimens.
494 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

Fig. 8. Failure modes of tested beams, (a) Beam M45,D200,0.15, (b) Beam M30,D200,0.15,(c) Beam M45,D200,0.3, (d) Beam M45,D100,0.5, (e) Beam M45,
D300,0.3 and (f) Beam M30,D200,0.4.
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 495


Load (kN)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 9. Load-deflection curves for beams M45,D300,0.2, M45,D300,0.3, M45,D200,0.15, and M45,D200,0.30.


25 M30,D200,0.3


Load (kN)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 10. Load-deflection curves for beams M30,D200,0.15, M30,D200,0.3 and M30,D200,0.4.

4. Analysis and results

A DIC analysis can result in subpixel accuracy through the usage of a subpixel interpolation scheme to interpolate
between the discrete correlation coefficient values surrounding the maximum value. The accuracy is a function of the tex-
ture, bias error and gauge length in the case of strain measurements [43]. The measurement accuracy cannot easily be deter-
mined. However, there are various ways to improve the accuracy and to get an indication of the achievable accuracy range
e.g. by increasing the contrast in the image colours. The bias error is dependent on the subpixel interpolation scheme and the
accuracy with which the peak of the correlation coefficient can be determined [43]. Higher-order interpolation schemes can
provide higher accuracy. GeoPIV software [44] was used in the current analysis. The software was developed at the Univer-
sity of Cambridge initially for geotechnical applications. GeoPIV has been shown by Lee et al. [43] to decrease the mean bias
error to very small values (in the range between 0 and ±0.005 pixels) when a high-order subpixel interpolation scheme is
implemented. In GeoPIV the correlation coefficient is calculated using a normalized cross correlation which enhances the
accuracy of the matching process. The fracture evolution in the experimental specimens was tracked using the DIC. The
496 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505



Load (kN)


0 2 4 6 8 10
Deflection (mm)

Fig. 11. Load-deflection curves for beams M45,D100,0.5 and M30,D100,0.5.

Load (kN)


0 2 4 6 8 10
Deflection (mm)

Fig. 12. Load-deflection curves for beams M30,D100,0.3 and M45,D100,0.3.

Table 3
Ductility factors of test beams.

Beam Deflection at yielding Dy (mm) Max. deflection at peak load ±5% Dmax (mm) l = Dmax/Dy
M45,D300,0.2 3.9 7.9 2.03
M45,D300,0.3 4.5 10.7 2.37
M45,D200,0.15 3.2 6.1 1.91
M45,D200,0.3 4.0 8.1 2.02
M30,D200,0.15 3.1 5.5 1.80
M30,D200,0.3 4.9 9.3 1.89
M30,D200,0.4 5.4 10.7 1.99

results of DIC analysis depend on image length resolution, image search patch and distance between search patch centres
[45]. The selection of these parameters depends on the problem under study where different image length resolutions, image
search patches and distances between search patch centres need to be tested during the analysis [10,45]. In the current work
the patch size was between 50 and 100 pixels, the search patch size was between 200 and 300 pixels and the length reso-
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 497



Load (kN)



0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Deflection (mm)
Fig. 13. Load deflection behaviour of beam M45,D200,0.

0.25kN 1.50kN

2.30kN 0.95kN 0.43kN

Fig. 14. Strain profile in beam M45,D200,0.

lution was 0.001–0.005 depending on the experiment set up, target area and the camera used. For more details, please refer
to [46]. In the current study, the obtained values of the CMOD using DIC were verified against the C-clip gauge experimental

4.1. Experimental results

With the exception of beam M30,D100,0.5 all the beams failed in flexure when a central crack propagated in the region of
the highest applied moment. Beam M45,D200,0.15 (Fig. 8(a)), M30,D200,0.15 (Fig. 8(b)), M45,D200,0.3 (Fig. 8(c)), and beam
498 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505



Load (kN)

CMOD under soening
1 behaviour


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
CMOD (mm)

Fig. 15. CMOD for beam M45,D200,0.

2.58kN 4.60kN 6.29kN 6.77kN 7.70kN

9.25kN 10.00kN 9.90kN 8.30kN 6.25kN

Fig. 16. Strain profile in Beam M45,D200,0.15.

M45,D100,0.3 (Fig. 8(d)) exhibited a sudden failure due to reinforcement fracture. Beam M45,D300,0.3 (Fig. 8(e)) exhibited a
reinforcement fracture but with some rotation around the crack tip. However, Beam M30,D200,0.4 failed due to the failure of
the bond between the reinforcement and concrete rather than reinforcement fracture (Fig. 8(f)). Beam M30,D100,0.5 failed in
shear and so will not be discussed further. Load-deflection curves of test beams are presented in Figs. 9–12. Each figure com-
pares a set of beams that have either the same size, similar concrete or the same reinforcement ratios. For the small beams
the internal Instron machine readings were used to measure the deflections. For the medium and large beams the deflections
were derived from the displacement of the loading jack. Corrections to account for any settlement of the testing system were
made using the external LVDT readings at the beam supports.
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 499

6.46kN 9.2kN 11.36kN 12.86kN 15.67kN 17.90kN

18.30kN 17.55kN 17.00kN 13.30kN 13.80kN

Fig. 17. Strain profile in beam M45,D200,0.3.

There are drops in the load at some points along the curves because of the loading system and loading rate. The deflec-
tions at yield Dy for the medium and large beams were determined using the results of the strain gauges and are tabulated in
Table 3. There were problems with the strain gauge readings in the small beams as they were located at the crack so they
have not been included. It is of note that experimentally it was difficult to pinpoint the peak load due to the loading condi-
tions so the maximum deflection was selected as the largest deflection associated with a load within ±5% of the peak load.
This percentage was chosen because the average value of the peak load in the test beams was between 10 and 20 kN so that
this percentage gives a load range of ±0.5–1kN around the peak load. With increasing reinforcement ratio, the maximum
deflection at the peak load Dmax increases (Table 3). The ductility factor based on the deflection ratio Dmax =Dy was calculated
(Table 3). From the tabulated results, it can be seen that the ductility appears to increase with increasing reinforcement ratio
and beam size. It is worth noting that these trends only apply for lightly reinforced concrete beams that exhibit flexural fail-
ure. The beam behaviour is expected to become brittle with increasing reinforcement ratio and the onset of shear failures.
The experimental results are in agreement with the findings in [28] for lightly reinforced concrete beams that were based on
a numerical analysis and an energy-based definition of ductility. They are also consistent with theoretical predictions using
an integrated fracture-based model for the analysis of lightly reinforced concrete beams [47].

4.2. Fracture behaviour

The reinforcement bridges the crack and exerts a force that opposes crack opening. In this section, crack profile observa-
tions are presented to investigate the fracture evolution in reinforced concrete. One unreinforced beam was tested in each
series to establish the baseline concrete fracture properties. This helps to understand the effect of the reinforcement on the
500 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

8.72kN 13.10kN 13.38kN 16.64kN 18.18kN 18.18kN

18.54kN 17.02kN 14.86kN 12.86kN

Fig. 18. Strain profile in Beam M45,D300,0.2.

fracture behaviour of concrete. The unreinforced specimens failed due to a crack propagating from above the crack tip. Fig. 13
shows the load-deflection curve of a typical unreinforced specimen (M45,D200,0). During testing there was a delay in the
control feedback to the jack and unfortunately the loading rate selected for this beam (0.1 mm/min) meant that steps in
the load-deflection curve were noted. However, this was resolved for subsequent beams. Snapshots of the DIC strain profile
until failure for M45,D200,0 are presented in Fig. 14. It is of note the shape of the FPZ is a single curved band indicating the
development of damage in the material. A softening behaviour follows the peak load where the load decreases with increas-
ing vertical deflection. A considerable increase in the crack mouth opening occurs in the softening phase (Fig. 15) and 90% of
the total CMOD occurs in this stage. The final macro-crack propagation path coincides with the FPZ profile. Again these find-
ings agree with existing literature [15–17]. Figs. 16 and 17 show selected pre-peak and post-peak strain profiles for beams
that have the same properties as M45,D200,0 but are reinforced. Beam M45,D200,0.15 has a reinforcement ratio of 0.15% and
beam M45,D200,0.3 has a reinforcement ratio of 0.3%. In the current work, the region with strain localisation, micro-cracking
and macro-cracking is referred to as the localised zone since it is difficult to isolate each of these phenomena. Localisation
can be observed prior to reaching the peak load and this localisation is concentrated in a narrow crack band around the crack
path. In the reinforced specimens this band starts as a single slightly curved zone but, with increasing load, the crack prop-
agation continues along two branches. To identify the exact load at which branching occurs necessitates an image sequence
with a high frame capture rate throughout the test and this was not possible in the current work. But even with more exten-
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 501

8.3kN 13.88kN 16.20kN 20.56kN 23.86kN

Zoomed in photos of the crack tip:

25.00kN 27.00kN 27.55kN 27.30kN 27.70kN

28.00kN 28.85kN 23.71kN 18.26kN

Fig. 19. Strain profile in Beam M45,D300,0.3.

sive images, the visual identification of the point of bifurcation, and the also width of the localised zone, would be somewhat
subjective unless a standard definition of strain to indicate the transition from localisation to a macro-crack was clearly
defined. This is the subject of further work. Nevertheless, for Beam M45,D200,0.15 the onset of branching seems to occur
at some point between the images at 7.7 kN and 9.25 kN (Fig. 16) whereas for M45,D200,0.3 it develops somewhere between
17.9 kN and 18.3 kN. Selected strain profiles for beams M45,D300,0.2 and M45,D300,0.3 during crack propagation and
softening are displayed in Figs. 18 and 19 respectively. The localised zone advances in a single narrow band exhibiting some
deviations from a straight line due to the heterogeneity of the concrete and aggregate interlock until it bifurcates into two
branches. It can be seen that the branched localised zone was created in the two beams at a load of around 18 kN in M45,
D300,0.2 and 25 kN in M45,D300,0.3 prior to the peak loads of 18.5 kN and 28.2 kN respectively. With increasing load, the
branched localised zone develops and its length increases. The bifurcation took place in beam M45,D200,0.15 at a depth of
0.79 of the effective beam depth and at a depth of 0.71 in beam M45,D300,0.3. In Fig. 20, the beam depth is plotted against
the relative depth at which bifurcation took place. In the larger beams branching occurs at a lower relative height than in the
smaller beams. Also, the beams with a lower concrete strength typically showed a lower relative depth of branching
although M45,D200,0.15 was the exception. After the onset of branching, localisation continues to develop at the tips of
the two branches until one of the branches dominates and leads to final failure. The macro-crack propagation path therefore
coincides with the localisation path. There is no clear trend in terms of the effect of the reinforcement ratio on the effective
depth of branching in Fig. 20. This is thought to be due to the different failure modes exhibited by the specimens. Beams
M45,D300,0.2 and M45,D300,0.3 failed due to the sudden fracture of the longitudinal reinforcement and it was noted that
the crack branching in beam M45,D300,0.3 started at a lower effective depth than that of beam M45,D300,0.2. A similar
trend was observed in beams M30,D200,0.15 and M30,D200,0.3 where beam M30,D200,0.3 had a lower effective depth of
502 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

fc' = 45MPa

fc' = 30MPa
0.9 *

Relative depth of branching


0.8 ρ=0.15%
ρ=0.15% ρ=0.2%
ρ=0.4% *

ρ=0.3% ρ=0.3%

0 100 200 300 400
Beam effective depth (mm)

Fig. 20. Beam effective depths versus the relative depths at which branching starts (* denotes bond failure).

branching than beam M30,D200,0.15. However, beam M30,D200,0.4 failed due to the failure of bond between the reinforce-
ment and concrete at a higher relative depth than M30,D200,0.3. Beam M45,D100,0.5 also failed due to a bond failure
whereas beam M45,D100,0.3 failed due to reinforcement fracture. Beams M45,D200,0.15 and M45,D200,0.3 failed due to
the sudden fracture of the longitudinal reinforcement and beam M45,D200,0.3 had a higher effective depth of branching
than that of beam M45,D200,0.15. This makes it difficult to make a clear conclusion about the effect of size on crack branch-
ing, and hence, on beam ductility. More specimens are required to be able to compare beams with similar failure modes.
However, the reinforcement ratio does seem to have an effect on the branching angle. The different bifurcation angles for
the beams are shown in Fig. 21. It is of note that with increasing reinforcement ratio, the bifurcation angle seemed to become
wider. For example, the bifurcation angles of beams M45,D300,0.2, M45,D200,0.15 and M30,D200,0.15 are relatively narrow
when compared with the bifurcation angles of beams M45,D300,0.3, M45,D200,0.3, M30,D200,0.3 and M30,D200,0.4 which
have higher reinforcement ratios. The dominant branch where the final failure occurred is highlighted in Fig. 21. The load
was applied to all the specimens in Fig. 21 through the same width bearing pads. Stress concentrations at the edges of
the loading pad may influence the crack branching and this could be explored further by undertaking studies where the
width of the loading pad was varied. Crack branching generates a larger surface area that absorbs energy and hence more
energy is needed for fracture to propagate. In the larger beams, branching occurred at a lower relative height than in the
smaller beams. This means that for lightly reinforced beams, by increasing the beam size, a more ductile behaviour can
be obtained. Crack branching occurred in all the reinforced beams but was not noted in the unreinforced concrete beams.
Crack branching was previously reported in tests on small gravel unreinforced concrete beams [16] and it was suggested that
further investigations on this phenomena were merited. In small unreinforced members this crack branching could be asso-
ciated with a confinement effect due to aggregate interlock. In reinforced concrete, the reinforcement provides an effective
confinement to the crack path. The bifurcation occurs when the tip splits into two cracks. Where available, the strains in the
steel bars when branching occurred are tabulated in Table 4. The strain values were in the range 0.0028–0.0033 and this
means that the steel was yielding. Also, based on the results in Table 4 it can be seen that most of the CMOD in the tested
beams happens after branching (or steel yielding as the two phenomena connected). 82% to 90% of the CMOD was noticed in
the tested beams after crack branching. The strain profiles presented in Figs. 16–19 suggest that crack branching occurred at
loads of around 87–97% of the peak load, further indicating that the CMOD increases substantially close to the peak load. This
indicates that before branching, the crack process is primarily about crack propagation whereas, after branching, crack open-
ing dominates. The bifurcation leads to the failure in the compression zone in lightly RC beams. These observations are con-
sistent with observations of the behaviour of concrete cylinders under compression [48] where it was concluded that an
explanation for the mechanism of compressive failure requires consideration of cracking as well as bifurcation theory. Gen-
erally, a local bifurcation occurs when a parameter changes causing the stability of the equilibrium (or fixed point) to change.
This may cause the emergence or disappearance of new stable points. There is a lack of a full and a clear explanation for the
reasons for this phenomenon in reinforced concrete, not only in the current paper but also in RC studies. The aim of the cur-
rent paper is to investigate experimentally this phenomenon and provide evidence that it is associated with the presence of
reinforcement (or confinement effects). The results of the experimental program showed this within the range of the tested
T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505 503

* *

M45,D300,0.2 M45,D300,0.3


M45,D200,0.15 M45,D200,0.3

* * *

M30,D200,0.15 M30,D200,0.3 M30,D200,0.4

Fig. 21. Bifurcation angles in different beams (* denotes the branch that dominated).

Table 4
Measurements associated with crack branching.

Beam Steel strain at branching CMOD at branching (mm) Max. CMOD (mm) % of CMOD that occurs after branching
M45,D300,0.2 0.0033 0.55 3.60 84.7%
M45,D300,0.3 0.003 0.42 4.07 89.6%
M45,D200,0.15 0.0029 0.67 5.20 87.1%
M45,D200,0.3 0.0028 0.8 4.45 82.0%
M30,D200,0.15 – 0.78 4.20 83.3%
M30,D200,0.3 0.0031 0.65 5.35 87.7%
M30,D200,0.4 0.0033 0.58 4.80 87.9%

properties and within the tested sizes. The load deflection behaviour of the experimental reinforced concrete beams where
bond failures did not occur (typically with a reinforcement ratio less than 0.3%) show a capacity for post-peak deflection
which is reflected in the ductility factors presented in Table 3. As the crack bifurcation is associated with ductility, it is pos-
504 T.M. Fayyad, J.M. Lees / Engineering Fracture Mechanics 182 (2017) 487–505

tulated that a better understanding of crack branching and the incorporation of the experimental observations into theoret-
ical models would give a better prediction of the cracking process and a better estimation of the ductility. This could lead to
an improved evaluation of the minimum flexural reinforcement required for ductile behaviour and will be the subject of fur-
ther investigation.

5. Conclusion

An experimental investigation on the cracking process in RC beams was undertaken with a focus on the localised zone
and crack branching phenomena. The following conclusions can be drawn based on the experimental results:

– The DIC technique enabled the visualization and quantification of the fracture properties in reinforced concrete. The DIC
technique was found to be very effective in monitoring the crack propagation process when a high resolution camera was
– In unreinforced concrete beams the shape of the crack is in the form of a single curved band indicating the development of
damage in the material. Softening behaviour ensues after the peak load where the load decreases with increasing vertical
deflection. A considerable increase in the crack mouth opening occurs during the softening stage.
– In reinforced concrete, the crack initially propagates in the shape of a single narrow slightly curved band. However, the
presence of the reinforcement prevents premature fracture and results in the development of crack branching where the
single crack bifurcates. The combination of this bifurcation and cracking results in the failure of the compression zone.
The final macro-crack propagation path coincides with the localization path.
– It has been shown that the larger the beam size, the lower the relative depth at which branching takes place. Also, beams
with a lower concrete strength typically showed a lower relative depth of branching. The crack path is therefore influ-
enced by both the magnitude and depth of the compressive stresses.
– In reinforced concrete, the bifurcation angle was fairly steep in beams with lower reinforcement ratios. With increasing
reinforcement ratio, the bifurcation angle becomes shallower.
– Crack branching generates a larger surface area that absorbs energy. Hence more energy is needed for the crack to prop-
agate and this affects the ductility of RC beams. It was found that increasing the beam size or the reinforcement ratio
increases the ductility of RC beams according to a conventional definition of ductility.
– The experimental observations of the fracture process of RC beams need to be incorporated into analytical solutions for
reinforced concrete cracking to develop better predictions for the cracking process of RC beams. This could lead to an
improved estimation of the minimum reinforcement requirements for flexural members and associated ductility.


The authors would like to thank the Yousef Jameel Foundation and Cambridge Overseas Trust (COT) for their financial
support of this research.


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