Autosar Sws Candriver

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Specification of CAN Driver

AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Title Specification of CAN Driver

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 011

Document Status Final

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2017-12-08 4.3.1 AUTOSAR  Added Support to Tx/RxProcessing
Release per Controller
Management  Incompatible return types are
corrected to E_NOT_OK and E_OK
 Can_StateTransitionType is
 Runtime error is added and
Rephrased from "default error" to
"development error"
 SWS_CAN_00504 and
SWS_Can_00416 is modified

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2016-11-30 4.3.0 AUTOSAR  Added API’s
Release Can_GetControllerErrorState
Management Can_DeInit,
Can_GetControllerMode, Types
Can_ErrorStateType and new
requirements Can_91002 to
 Modified minimum range of
MainFunctionPeriod parameters and
replaced Word “DLC” by “Data
 Removed unresolved BSW SRS
references, definition of the
"configuration variants",
WAKEUP related,
Can_ChangeBaudrate API support,
MISRA references, requirements
related to module initialization check
for scheduled functions.
 Small improvements and minor bug-
2015-07-31 4.2.2 AUTOSAR  CanHwObjectCount parameter
Release multiplicity is changed to 1
Management  Error Classification has changed
 Improved 8.4.2 Enabling/Disabling
wakeup notification
 DET has been renamed from
"Development Error Tracer" to
"Default Error Tracer
 Small improvements and minor bug-

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2014-10-31 4.2.1 AUTOSAR  Full CAN FD Support (incl. Trigger
Release Transmit)
Management  Removed
 Time-out and wake up event
 Small improvements and minor bug-
2014-03-31 4.1.3 AUTOSAR  Added new reqirements
Release SWS_CAN_00497,
Management SWS_CAN_00498,
SWS_CAN_00499, and
 Modified reqirements
SWS_CAN_00475, and
 Removed reqirements
SWS_CAN_00476, and
2013-10-31 4.1.2 AUTOSAR  Removed the 'Timing' row from the
Release API table(s) of chapter 'Scheduled
Management Functions'
 Modified range of Can_IdType and
 Editorial changes
 Removed chapter(s) on change

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2013-03-15 4.1.1 AUTOSAR  Added support for Pretended
Administration Networking
 Add DET error
the error classification table
 Corrected the sequence for
EcuM_SetWakeupEvent in section
 Updated Can_CheckWakeup as
Configurable API
 Added support to have more than
one CanMailbox per HRH in order to
receive back to back messages
 Can_ChangeBaudrate and
Can_CheckBaudrate API are
deprecated and will be replaced by
Can_SetBaudrate API

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2011-12-22 4.0.3 AUTOSAR  Added SWS_Can_00461 to capture
Administration - Detection of Power ON of
controller due to CAN
 Changed Can_InitController to
 Added Can_CheckBaudrate
 Added sub container
CanMainFunctionRWPeriods to
 Changed CanHardwareObject
 Updated description of
 Changed Can_SetControllerMode in
SWS_Can_00370 to
 Added
 Updated description of
 Updated description of CAN321
 Added SWS_Can_00445,
SWS_Can_00446 and
SWS_Can_00447 to capture
Possible loss of CAN Wakeup
 Changed “Module Short Name”
(MODULENAME) to “Module
Abbreviation” (MAB)

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2009-12-18 4.0.1 AUTOSAR  Modified SWS_Can_00111 to
Administration correct the “Version Checking”
 Added new requirements
SWS_Can_00435 to
SWS_Can_00440 to introduce
 Added new requirements
SWS_Can_00441 and
SWS_Can_00442 to introduce
multiple poll cycles
 Added new requirements
SWS_Can_00443 and
SWS_Can_00444 to provide an
optional callback on every reception
of a LPDU
2010-02-02 3.1.4 AUTOSAR  General improvements of
Administration requirements in preparation of CT-
 Can_MainFunction_Mode added to
support asynchronous controller
state change
 Limited number of supported
message objects removed
 Description of CAN controller state
transitions improved
 Debbuging concept added
 Legal disclaimer revised
2008-08-13 3.1.1 AUTOSAR  Legal disclaimer revised
2008-02-01 3.0.2 AUTOSAR  Table formatting corrected
Administration 

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2007-12-21 3.0.1 AUTOSAR  Tables generated from UML-
Administration models,
 General improvements of
requirements in preparation of CT-
 Functions Can_MainFunction_Write,
Can_MainFunction_BusOff and
changed to scheduled functions
 Cycle Parameters added for new
scheduled functions
 Wakeup concept added (Chapter
REF _Ref395085489 \r \h ) and
addition of function
 Document meta information
 Small layout adaptations made

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2007-01-24 2.1.15 AUTOSAR  File structure reworked (chapter
Administration REF _Ref158085666 \r \h )
 Removed return value
CAN_WAKEUP in function
 Replaced by CAN_NOT_OK
 Renamed CanIf_ControllerWakeup
to CanIf_SetWakeupEvent
 Reworked development errors
(chapter REF _Ref182101189 \r \h
 Removed implementation specific
description in Can_Write
 Changed timing of cyclic functions to
“fixed cyclic”
 Reworked “Scope” for all
configuration variables (chapter
REF _Ref104709655 \r \h )
 Legal disclaimer revised
 Release notes added
 “Advice for users” revised
 “Revision Information” added

2006-05-16 2.0 AUTOSAR  Document structure adapted to
Administration common Release 2.0 SWS
 clarified development and
production error handling and
function abortion
 multiplexed transmission and TX
 version check
 configuration description according
 individual main functions for RX TX
and status

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2005-05-31 1.0 AUTOSAR  Initial release

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained
in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR
and the companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the

The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of
intellectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in
this work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.

This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the
work may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission
in writing from the publisher.

The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.

The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Table of Content

1 Introduction and functional overview ................................................................. 14

2 Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................. 15
2.1 Priority Inversion......................................................................................... 16
2.2 CAN Hardware Unit .................................................................................... 18
3 Related documentation ..................................................................................... 19
3.1 Input documents ......................................................................................... 19
3.2 Related standards and norms .................................................................... 20
3.3 Related specification .................................................................................. 20
4 Constraints and assumptions ............................................................................ 21
4.1 Limitations .................................................................................................. 21
4.2 Applicability to car domains ........................................................................ 21
5 Dependencies to other modules ........................................................................ 22
5.1 Static Configuration .................................................................................... 22
5.2 Driver Services ........................................................................................... 22
5.3 System Services......................................................................................... 22
5.4 Can module Users...................................................................................... 23
5.5 File structure .............................................................................................. 24
5.5.1 Header file structure ............................................................................ 24
6 Requirements traceability .................................................................................. 26
7 Functional specification ..................................................................................... 33
7.1 Driver scope ............................................................................................... 33
7.2 Driver State Machine .................................................................................. 34
7.3 CAN Controller State Machine ................................................................... 34
7.3.1 CAN Controller State Description ........................................................ 35
7.3.2 CAN Controller State Transitions ........................................................ 36
7.3.3 State transition caused by function Can_Init ....................................... 37
7.3.4 State transition caused by function Can_SetBaudrate ........................ 38
7.3.5 State transition caused by function Can_SetControllerMode .............. 38
7.3.6 State transition caused by Hardware Events....................................... 40
7.3.7 State transition caused by function Can_DeInit................................... 41
7.4 Can module/Controller Initialization ............................................................ 41
7.5 L-PDU transmission ................................................................................... 42
7.5.1 Priority Inversion ................................................................................. 43
7.5.2 Transmit Data Consistency ................................................................. 44
7.6 L-PDU reception ......................................................................................... 45
7.6.1 Receive Data Consistency .................................................................. 45
7.7 Wakeup concept......................................................................................... 47
7.8 Notification concept .................................................................................... 47
7.9 Reentrancy issues ...................................................................................... 48
7.10 Pretended Networking ................................................................................ 48
7.10.1 Support Pretended Networking mode handling ................................... 49
7.10.2 Support autonomous sending and receiving of messages .................. 50
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.11 Error classification ...................................................................................... 51

7.11.1 Development Errors ............................................................................ 51
7.11.2 Runtime Errors .................................................................................... 51
7.11.3 Runtime Errors .................................................................................... 51
7.11.4 Transient Faults .................................................................................. 52
7.11.5 Production Errors ................................................................................ 52
7.11.6 Return Values ..................................................................................... 52
7.12 CAN FD Support ........................................................................................ 52
8 API specification ................................................................................................ 54
8.1 Imported types............................................................................................ 54
8.2 Type definitions .......................................................................................... 55
8.2.1 Can_ConfigType ................................................................................. 55
8.2.2 Can_PduType ..................................................................................... 55
8.2.3 Can_IdType......................................................................................... 55
8.2.4 Can_HwHandleType ........................................................................... 56
8.2.5 Can_HwType ...................................................................................... 56
8.2.6 Can_ReturnType ................................................................................. 56
8.2.7 Can_ErrorStateType ........................................................................... 56
8.2.8 Can_ControllerStateType .................................................................... 57
8.3 Function definitions .................................................................................... 57
8.3.1 Services affecting the complete hardware unit .................................... 57 Can_Init ........................................................................................... 57 Can_GetVersionInfo ........................................................................ 58 Can_DeInit....................................................................................... 58
8.3.2 Services affecting one single CAN Controller ..................................... 59 Can_SetBaudrate ............................................................................ 59 Can_SetControllerMode .................................................................. 60 Can_DisableControllerInterrupts ..................................................... 61 Can_EnableControllerInterrupts ...................................................... 62 Can_CheckWakeup ......................................................................... 63 Can_GetControllerErrorState .......................................................... 63 Can_GetControllerMode .................................................................. 64
8.3.3 Services affecting a Hardware Handle ................................................ 65 Can_Write........................................................................................ 65
8.4 Call-back notifications ................................................................................ 67
8.4.1 Call-out function .................................................................................. 67
8.4.2 Enabling/Disabling wakeup notification ............................................... 68
8.5 Scheduled functions ................................................................................... 68 Can_MainFunction_Write ................................................................ 68 Can_MainFunction_Read ................................................................ 69 Can_MainFunction_BusOff.............................................................. 70 Can_MainFunction_Wakeup ........................................................... 70 Can_MainFunction_Mode................................................................ 70
8.6 Expected Interfaces.................................................................................... 71
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces .......................................................................... 71
8.6.2 Optional Interfaces .............................................................................. 71
8.6.3 Configurable interfaces ....................................................................... 72
8.7 API supporting Pretended Networking ....................................................... 72
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

9 Sequence diagrams .......................................................................................... 74

9.1 Interaction between Can and CanIf module ............................................... 74
9.2 Wakeup sequence...................................................................................... 74
10 Configuration specification ............................................................................. 75
10.1 How to read this chapter ............................................................................ 75
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters .................................................. 75
10.2.1 Can ..................................................................................................... 85
10.2.2 CanGeneral ......................................................................................... 85
10.2.3 CanController ...................................................................................... 89
10.2.4 CanControllerBaudrateConfig ............................................................. 93
10.2.5 CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig ......................................................... 95
10.2.6 CanHardwareObject ............................................................................ 97
10.2.7 CanHwFilter ...................................................................................... 101
10.2.8 CanConfigSet .................................................................................... 102
10.2.9 CanMainFunctionRWPeriods ............................................................ 102
10.2.10 CanIcom ........................................................................................ 103
10.2.11 CanIcomConfig .............................................................................. 103
10.2.12 CanIcomGeneral ........................................................................... 104
10.2.13 CanIcomRxMessage ..................................................................... 105
10.2.14 CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig ................................................. 107
10.2.15 CanIcomWakeupCauses ............................................................... 109
11 Not applicable requirements ........................................................................ 110

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

1 Introduction and functional overview

This specification specifies the functionality, API and the configuration of the
AUTOSAR Basic Software module CAN Driver (called “Can module” in this
The Can module is part of the lowest layer, performs the hardware access and offers
a hardware independent API to the upper layer.
The only upper layer that has access to the Can module is the CanIf module (see
also SRS_SPAL_12092).
The Can module provides services for initiating transmissions and calls the callback
functions of the CanIf module for notifying events, independently from the hardware.
Furthermore, it provides services to control the behavior and state of the CAN
controllers that are belonging to the same CAN Hardware Unit.
Several CAN controllers can be controlled by a single Can module as long as they
belong to the same CAN Hardware Unit.
For a closer description of CAN controller and CAN Hardware Unit see chapter
Acronyms and abbreviations and a diagram in [5].

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Abbreviation / Description:
CAN controller A CAN controller serves exactly one physical channel.
CAN Hardware A CAN Hardware Unit may consists of one or multiple CAN controllers of
Unit the same type and one or multiple CAN RAM areas. The CAN Hardware
Unit is either on-chip, or an external device. The CAN Hardware Unit is
represented by one CAN driver.
CAN L-PDU Data Link Layer Protocol Data Unit. Consists of Identifier, Data Length
and Data (SDU). (see[18])
CAN L-SDU Data Link Layer Service Data Unit. Data that is transported inside the L-
PDU. (see[18])
DLC Data Length Code (part of CAN message describes the SDU length)
Hardware Object A CAN hardware object is defined as a PDU buffer inside the CAN RAM
of the CAN hardware unit / CAN controller. A Hardware Object is defined
as L-PDU buffer inside the CAN RAM of the CAN Hardware Unit.
Hardware The Hardware Receive Handle (HRH) is defined and provided by the
Receive Handle CAN Driver. Each HRH typically represents just one hardware object. The
(HRH) HRH can be used to optimize software filtering.
Hardware The Hardware Transmit Handle (HTH) is defined and provided by the
Transmit Handle CAN Driver. Each HTH typically represents just one or multiple hardware
(HTH) objects that are configured as hardware transmit buffer pool.
Inner Priority Transmission of a high-priority L-PDU is prevented by the presence of a
Inversion pending low-priority L-PDU in the same transmit hardware object.
ISR Interrupt Service Routine
L-PDU Handle The L-PDU handle is defined and placed inside the CanIf module layer.
Typically each handle represents an L-PDU, which is a constant structure
with information for Tx/Rx processing.
MCAL Microcontroller Abstraction Layer
Outer Priority A time gap occurs between two consecutive transmit L-PDUs.
Inversion In this case a lower priority L-PDU from another node can prevent
sending the own higher priority L-PDU. Here the higher priority L-PDU
cannot participate in arbitration during network access because the lower
priority L-PDU already won the arbitration.
Physical Channel A physical channel represents an interface from a CAN controller to the
CAN Network. Different physical channels of the CAN hardware unit may
access different networks.
Priority The Priority of a CAN L-PDU is represented by the CAN Identifier. The
lower the numerical value of the identifier, the higher the priority.
SFR Special Function Register. Hardware register that controls the controller
SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer
ICOM Intelligent Communication Controller

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

2.1 Priority Inversion

“If only a single transmit buffer is used inner priority inversion may occur. Because of
low priority a message stored in the buffer waits until the ”traffic on the bus calms
down”. During the waiting time this message could prevent a message of higher
priority generated by the same microcontroller from being transmitted over the bus.”1

Picture and text by CiA (CAN in Automation)
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

“The problem of outer priority inversion may occur in some CAN implementations. Let
us assume that a CAN node wishes to transmit a package of consecutive messages
with high priority, which are stored in different message buffers. If the interframe
space between these messages on the CAN network is longer than the minimum
space defined by the CAN standard, a second node is able to start the transmission
of a lower priority message. The minimum interframe space is determined by the
Intermission field, which consists of 3 recessive bits. A message, pending during the
transmission of another message, is started during the Bus Idle period, at the earliest
in the bit following the Intermission field. The exception is that a node with a waiting
transmission message will interpret a dominant bit at the third bit of Intermission as
Start-of-Frame bit and starts transmission with the first identifier bit without first
transmitting an SOF bit. The internal processing time of a CAN module has to be
short enough to send out consecutive messages with the minimum interframe space
to avoid the outer priority inversion under all the scenarios mentioned.”2

Text and image by CiA (CAN in Automation)
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

2.2 CAN Hardware Unit

The CAN Hardware Unit combines one or several CAN controllers, which may be
located on-chip or as external standalone devices of the same type, with common or
separate Hardware Objects.
Following figure shows a CAN Hardware Unit consisting of two CAN controllers
connected to two Physical Channels:

CAN Controller A

Transceiver Physical Channel A
Rx A Bus A
Message Object
Mailbox A

CAN Controller B

Transceiver CAN Physical Channel B
Rx B B Bus B
Message Object
Mailbox B

CAN Hardware Unit CAN Controllers with Mailboxes

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] Layered Software Architecture

[2] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


[3] General Requirements on SPAL


[4] Requirements on CAN


[5] Specification of CAN Interface


[6] Specification of Default Error Tracer


[7] Specification of ECU State Manager


[8] Specification of MCU Driver


[9] Specification of Operating System


[10] Specification of ECU Configuration


[11] Specification of SPI Handler/Driver

[12] Specification of Memory Mapping
[13] Specification of BSW Scheduler
[14] Basic Software Module Description Template
[15] List of Basis Software Modules

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[16] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


3.2 Related standards and norms

[17] ISO11898 – Road vehicles - Controller area network (CAN)

[18] ISO-IEC 7498-1 – OSI Basic Reference Model

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [16] (SWS

BSW General), which is also valid for CAN Driver.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and
required specification for CAN Driver.

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations
A CAN controller always corresponds to one physical channel. It is allowed to
connect physical channels on bus side. Regardless the CanIf module will treat the
concerned CAN controllers separately.
A few CAN hardware units support the possibility to combine several CAN controllers
by using the CAN RAM, to extend the number of message objects for one CAN
controller. These combined CAN controller are handled as one controller by the Can
The Can module does not support CAN remote frames.
[SWS_Can_00237] ⌈ The Can module shall not transmit messages triggered by
remote transmission requests.⌋ (SRS_Can_01147)
[SWS_Can_00236] ⌈ The Can module shall initialize the CAN HW to ignore any
remote transmission requests.⌋ (SRS_Can_01147)

4.2 Applicability to car domains

The Can module can be used for any application, where the CAN protocol is used.

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

5 Dependencies to other modules

5.1 Static Configuration

The configuration elements described in chapter 10 can be referenced by other BSW
modules for their configuration.

5.2 Driver Services

[SWS_Can_00238] ⌈ If the CAN controller is on-chip, the Can module shall not use
any service of other drivers.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00005)
[SWS_Can_00239] ⌈ The function Can_Init shall initialize all on-chip hardware
resources that are used by the CAN controller. The only exception to this is the digital
I/O pin configuration (of pins used by CAN), which is done by the port
driver.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00377)
[SWS_Can_00240] ⌈ The Mcu module (SPAL see [8]) shall configure register
settings that are ‘shared’ with other modules.⌋ ()
Implementation hint: The Mcu module shall be initialized before initializing the Can
[SWS_Can_00242] ⌈ If an off-chip CAN controller is used3, the Can module shall
use services of other MCAL drivers (e.g. SPI).⌋ (SRS_BSW_00005)
Implementation hint: If the Can module uses services of other MCAL drivers (e.g.
SPI), it must be ensured that these drivers are up and running before initializing the
Can module.
The sequence of initialization of different drivers is partly specified in [7].
[SWS_Can_00244] ⌈ The Can module shall use the synchronous APIs of the
underlying MCAL drivers and shall not provide callback functions that can be called
by the MCAL drivers.⌋ ()
Thus the type of connection between µC and CAN Hardware Unit has only impact on
implementation and not on the API.

5.3 System Services

[SWS_Can_00280] ⌈ In special hardware cases, the Can module shall poll for
events of the hardware.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00281] ⌈ The Can module shall use the OsCounter provided by the
system service for timeout detection in case the hardware does not react in the
expected time (hardware malfunction) to prevent endless loops.⌋ ()
Implementation hint: The blocking time of the Can module function that is waiting for
hardware reaction shall be shorter than the CAN main function (i.e.
Can_MainFunction_Read) trigger period, because the CAN main functions can’t be
used for that purpose.

In this case the CAN driver is not any more part of the µC abstraction layer but put part of the ECU
abstraction layer. Therefore it is (theoretically) allowed to use any µC abstraction layer driver it needs.
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

5.4 Can module Users

[SWS_Can_00058] ⌈ The Can module interacts among other modules (eg.
Diagnostic Event Manager (DEM), Default Error Tracer (DET), Ecu State Manager
(ECUM)) with the CanIf module in a direct way. This document never specifies the
actual origin of a request or the actual destination of a notification. The driver only
sees the CanIf module as origin and destination.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12092)

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

5.5 File structure

5.5.1 Header file structure

[SWS_Can_00034] ⌈

Figure 5-1: File structure for the Can module⌋

(SRS_BSW_00381, SRS_BSW_00412,
SRS_BSW_00346, SRS_BSW_00158, SRS_BSW_00348, SRS_BSW_00301)

[SWS_Can_00435] ⌈ The Can.h file shall include Can_GeneralTypes.h.⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00436] ⌈ Can_GeneralTypes.h shall contain all types and constants that

are shared among the AUTOSAR CAN modules Can, CanIf and CanTrcv.⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00388] ⌈ The header file Can.h shall include the header file
ComStack_Types.h.⌋ ()
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[SWS_Can_00035] ⌈
The Can module does not provide callback functions (no Can_Cbk.h, see also
SWS_Can_00244) ⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00390] ⌈ The Can module shall include the header file EcuM_Cbk.h, in
which the callback functions called by the Can module at the Ecu State Manager
module are declared.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00391] ⌈ Can module implementations for off-chip CAN controllers shall
include the header file Spi.h. By this inclusion, the APIs to access an external CAN
controller by the SPI module [11] are included.⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00397] ⌈ The Can module shall include the header file Os.h file. By this
inclusion, the API to read a OsCounter value (GetCounterValue) provided by the
system service shall be included.⌋ ()

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

6 Requirements traceability

Requirement Description Satisfied by

SRS_BSW_00005 Modules of the µC Abstraction Layer SWS_Can_00238,
(MCAL) may not have hard coded horizontal SWS_Can_00242
SRS_BSW_00007 All Basic SW Modules written in C language SWS_Can_00079
shall conform to the MISRA C 2012
SRS_BSW_00101 The Basic Software Module shall be able to SWS_Can_00250
initialize variables and hardware in a
separate initialization function
SRS_BSW_00158 All modules of the AUTOSAR Basic SWS_Can_00034
Software shall strictly separate configuration
from implementation
SRS_BSW_00159 All modules of the AUTOSAR Basic SWS_Can_00022
Software shall support a tool based
SRS_BSW_00162 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall provide SWS_Can_00999
a hardware abstraction layer
SRS_BSW_00164 The Implementation of interrupt service SWS_Can_00033
routines shall be done by the Operating
System, complex drivers or modules
SRS_BSW_00167 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00024
provide configuration rules and constraints
to enable plausibility checks
SRS_BSW_00168 SW components shall be tested by a SWS_Can_00999
function defined in a common API in the
SRS_BSW_00170 The AUTOSAR SW Components shall SWS_Can_00999
provide information about their dependency
from faults, signal qualities, driver demands
SRS_BSW_00301 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00034
only import the necessary information
SRS_BSW_00306 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall be SWS_Can_00079
compiler and platform independent
SRS_BSW_00307 Global variables naming convention SWS_Can_00999
SRS_BSW_00308 AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00079
not define global data in their header files,
but in the C file
SRS_BSW_00309 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00079
indicate all global data with read-only
purposes by explicitly assigning the const
SRS_BSW_00312 Shared code shall be reentrant SWS_Can_00214,

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Specification of CAN Driver
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SRS_BSW_00323 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00026,

check passed API parameters for validity SWS_Can_91006,
SRS_BSW_00325 The runtime of interrupt service routines and SWS_Can_00999
functions that are running in interrupt
context shall be kept short
SRS_BSW_00330 It shall be allowed to use macros instead of SWS_Can_00079
functions where source code is used and
runtime is critical
SRS_BSW_00331 All Basic Software Modules shall strictly SWS_Can_00039,
separate error and status information SWS_Can_00104
SRS_BSW_00336 Basic SW module shall be able to shutdown SWS_Can_00999,
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development errors SWS_Can_00026,
SRS_BSW_00342 It shall be possible to create an AUTOSAR SWS_Can_00999
ECU out of modules provided as source
code and modules provided as object code,
even mixed
SRS_BSW_00344 BSW Modules shall support link-time SWS_Can_00021
SRS_BSW_00346 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00034
provide at least a basic set of module files
SRS_BSW_00347 A Naming seperation of different instances SWS_Can_00077
of BSW drivers shall be in place
SRS_BSW_00348 All AUTOSAR standard types and constants SWS_Can_00034
shall be placed and organized in a standard
type header file
SRS_BSW_00353 All integer type definitions of target and SWS_Can_00999
compiler specific scope shall be placed and
organized in a single type header
SRS_BSW_00357 For success/failure of an API call a standard SWS_CAN_00506
return type shall be defined
SRS_BSW_00358 The return type of init() functions SWS_Can_00223
implemented by AUTOSAR Basic Software
Modules shall be void
SRS_BSW_00359 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_Can_00999
callback functions shall avoid return types
other than void if possible
SRS_BSW_00361 All mappings of not standardized keywords SWS_Can_00999
of compiler specific scope shall be placed
and organized in a compiler specific type
and keyword header
SRS_BSW_00369 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules shall SWS_Can_00089,
not return specific development error codes SWS_CAN_00506,
via the API SWS_Can_91011,
SRS_BSW_00373 The main processing function of each SWS_Can_00031
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Specification of CAN Driver
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AUTOSAR Basic Software Module shall be

named according the defined convention
SRS_BSW_00375 Basic Software Modules shall report wake- SWS_Can_00271,
up reasons SWS_Can_00364
SRS_BSW_00377 A Basic Software Module can return a SWS_Can_00239
module specific types
SRS_BSW_00378 AUTOSAR shall provide a boolean type SWS_Can_00999
SRS_BSW_00381 The pre-compile time parameters shall be SWS_Can_00034
placed into a separate configuration header
SRS_BSW_00383 The Basic Software Module specifications SWS_Can_00999
shall specify which other configuration files
from other modules they use at least in the
SRS_BSW_00385 List possible error notifications SWS_Can_00104
SRS_BSW_00386 The BSW shall specify the configuration for SWS_Can_00089
detecting an error
SRS_BSW_00395 The Basic Software Module specifications SWS_Can_00999
shall list all configuration parameter
SRS_BSW_00397 The configuration parameters in pre-compile SWS_Can_00999
time are fixed before compilation starts
SRS_BSW_00398 The link-time configuration is achieved on SWS_Can_00999
object code basis in the stage after
compiling and before linking
SRS_BSW_00399 Parameter-sets shall be located in a SWS_Can_00999
separate segment and shall be loaded after
the code
SRS_BSW_00400 Parameter shall be selected from multiple SWS_Can_00999
sets of parameters after code has been
loaded and started
SRS_BSW_00404 BSW Modules shall support post-build SWS_Can_00021
SRS_BSW_00405 BSW Modules shall support multiple SWS_Can_00021
configuration sets
SRS_BSW_00406 A static status variable denoting if a BSW SWS_Can_00103,
module is initialized shall be initialized with SWS_Can_91005,
value 0 before any APIs of the BSW module SWS_Can_91016
is called
SRS_BSW_00409 All production code error ID symbols are SWS_Can_00999
defined by the Dem module and shall be
retrieved by the other BSW modules from
Dem configuration
SRS_BSW_00412 References to c-configuration parameters SWS_Can_00034
shall be placed into a separate h-file
SRS_BSW_00413 An index-based accessing of the instances SWS_Can_00999
of BSW modules shall be done
SRS_BSW_00414 Init functions shall have a pointer to a SWS_Can_00223
configuration structure as single parameter
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Specification of CAN Driver
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SRS_BSW_00415 Interfaces which are provided exclusively for SWS_Can_00999

one module shall be separated into a
dedicated header file
SRS_BSW_00416 The sequence of modules to be initialized SWS_Can_91005,
shall be configurable SWS_Can_91016
SRS_BSW_00417 Software which is not part of the SW-C shall SWS_Can_00999
report error events only after the DEM is
fully operational.
SRS_BSW_00422 Pre-de-bouncing of error status information SWS_Can_00999
is done within the DEM
SRS_BSW_00423 BSW modules with AUTOSAR interfaces SWS_Can_00999
shall be describable with the means of the
SW-C Template
SRS_BSW_00424 BSW module main processing functions SWS_Can_00999
shall not be allowed to enter a wait state
SRS_BSW_00425 The BSW module description template shall SWS_Can_00999
provide means to model the defined trigger
conditions of schedulable objects
SRS_BSW_00426 BSW Modules shall ensure data consistency SWS_Can_00999
of data which is shared between BSW
SRS_BSW_00427 ISR functions shall be defined and SWS_Can_00999
documented in the BSW module description
SRS_BSW_00428 A BSW module shall state if its main SWS_Can_00110
processing function(s) has to be executed in
a specific order or sequence
SRS_BSW_00429 Access to OS is restricted SWS_Can_00999
SRS_BSW_00432 Modules should have separate main SWS_Can_00031,
processing functions for read/receive and SWS_Can_00108,
write/transmit data path SWS_Can_00112
SRS_BSW_00433 Main processing functions are only allowed SWS_Can_00999
to be called from task bodies provided by
the BSW Scheduler
SRS_BSW_00438 Configuration data shall be defined in a SWS_Can_00291
SRS_BSW_00439 Enable BSW modules to handle interrupts SWS_Can_00999
SRS_BSW_00440 The callback function invocation by the BSW SWS_Can_00999
module shall follow the signature provided
by RTE to invoke servers via Rte_Call API
SRS_BSW_00447 Standardizing Include file structure of BSW SWS_Can_00999
Modules Implementing Autosar Service
SRS_BSW_00449 BSW Service APIs used by Autosar SWS_CAN_00506,
Application Software shall return a SWS_Can_00999
SRS_BSW_00453 BSW Modules shall be harmonized SWS_Can_00999
SRS_Can_01005 The CAN Interface shall perform a check for SWS_Can_00218
correct DLC of received PDUs

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Specification of CAN Driver
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SRS_Can_01041 The CAN Driver shall implement an SWS_Can_00245,

interface for initialization SWS_Can_00246
SRS_Can_01042 The CAN Driver shall support dynamic SWS_Can_00062
selection of configuration sets
SRS_Can_01043 The CAN Driver shall provide a service to SWS_Can_00049,
enable/disable interrupts of the CAN SWS_Can_00050
SRS_Can_01045 The CAN Driver shall offer a reception SWS_Can_00279,
indication service. SWS_Can_00396
SRS_Can_01049 The CAN Driver shall provide a dynamic SWS_Can_00212,
transmission request service SWS_Can_00213,
SRS_Can_01051 The CAN Driver shall provide a transmission SWS_Can_00016
confirmation service
SRS_Can_01053 The CAN Driver shall provide a service to SWS_Can_00017,
change the CAN controller mode. SWS_Can_91010
SRS_Can_01054 The CAN Driver shall provide a notification SWS_Can_00235,
for controller wake-up events SWS_Can_00271,
SRS_Can_01055 The CAN Driver shall provide a notification SWS_Can_00020,
for bus-off state SWS_Can_00234
SRS_Can_01059 The CAN Driver shall guarantee data SWS_Can_00011,
consistency of received L-PDUs SWS_Can_00012
SRS_Can_01060 The CAN driver shall not recover from bus- SWS_Can_00272,
off automatically SWS_Can_00273,
SRS_Can_01062 Each event for each CAN Controller shall be SWS_Can_00007
configurable to be detected by polling or by
an interrupt
SRS_Can_01122 The CAN driver shall support the situation SWS_Can_00048
where a wakeup by bus occurs during the
same time the transition to standby/sleep is
in progress
SRS_Can_01125 The CAN stack shall ensure not to lose SWS_Can_00999
messages in receive direction
SRS_Can_01126 The CAN stack shall be able to produce SWS_Can_00999
100% bus load
SRS_Can_01130 Receive Status Interface of CAN Interface SWS_CAN_00506
SRS_Can_01132 The CAN driver shall be able to detect SWS_Can_00099
notification events message object specific
by CAN-Interrupt and polling
SRS_Can_01134 The CAN Driver shall support multiplexed SWS_Can_00277,
transmission SWS_Can_00401,
SRS_Can_01135 It shall be possible to configure one or SWS_Can_00100
several TX Hardware Objects
SRS_Can_01139 The CAN Interface and Driver shall offer a SWS_Can_00062
CAN Controller specific interface for
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Specification of CAN Driver
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SRS_Can_01147 The CAN Driver shall not support remote SWS_Can_00236,
frames SWS_Can_00237
SRS_Can_01160 Padding of bytes due to discrete CAN FD SWS_CAN_00502
SRS_Can_01162 The CAN Interface shall support classic SWS_CAN_00501
CAN and CAN FD frames
SRS_Can_01166 The CAN Driver shall implement an noname, SWS_Can_91002,
interface for de-initialization SWS_Can_91010
SRS_CAN_01167 - SWS_Can_91008
SRS_SPAL_00157 All drivers and handlers of the AUTOSAR SWS_Can_00026,
Basic Software shall implement notification SWS_Can_00031,
mechanisms of drivers and handlers SWS_Can_00108,
SRS_SPAL_12056 All driver modules shall allow the static SWS_Can_00235
configuration of notification mechanism
SRS_SPAL_12057 All driver modules shall implement an SWS_Can_00245,
interface for initialization SWS_Can_00246
SRS_SPAL_12063 All driver modules shall only support raw SWS_Can_00059,
value mode SWS_Can_00060
SRS_SPAL_12064 All driver modules shall raise an error if the SWS_Can_00999
change of the operation mode leads to
degradation of running operations
SRS_SPAL_12067 All driver modules shall set their wake-up SWS_Can_00257
conditions depending on the selected
operation mode
SRS_SPAL_12068 The modules of the MCAL shall be initialized SWS_Can_00999
in a defined sequence
SRS_SPAL_12069 All drivers of the SPAL that wake up from a SWS_Can_00271,
wake-up interrupt shall report the wake-up SWS_Can_00364
SRS_SPAL_12075 All drivers with random streaming SWS_Can_00011
capabilities shall use application buffers
SRS_SPAL_12077 All drivers shall provide a non blocking SWS_Can_00372
SRS_SPAL_12092 The driver's API shall be accessed by its SWS_Can_00058
handler or manager
SRS_SPAL_12125 All driver modules shall only initialize the SWS_Can_00053
configured resources
SRS_SPAL_12129 The ISRs shall be responsible for resetting SWS_Can_00033
the interrupt flags and calling the according
notification function
SRS_SPAL_12163 All driver modules shall implement an SWS_Can_00999
interface for de-initialization
SRS_SPAL_12169 All driver modules that provide different SWS_Can_00017
operation modes shall provide a service for
mode selection
SRS_SPAL_12263 The implementation of all driver modules SWS_Can_00021
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shall allow the configuration of specific

module parameter types at link time
SRS_SPAL_12265 Configuration data shall be kept constant SWS_Can_00021
SRS_SPAL_12448 All driver modules shall have a specific SWS_Can_00089,
behavior after a development error detection SWS_Can_00091
SRS_SPAL_12461 Specific rules regarding initialization of SWS_Can_00407
controller registers shall apply to all driver
SRS_SPAL_12462 The register initialization settings shall be SWS_Can_00999
SRS_SPAL_12463 The register initialization settings shall be SWS_Can_00024
combined and forwarded

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7 Functional specification
On L-PDU transmission, the Can module writes the L-PDU in an appropriate buffer
inside the CAN controller hardware.
See chapter 7.5 for closer description of L-PDU transmission.
On L-PDU reception, the Can module calls the RX indication callback function with
ID, Data Length and pointer to L-SDU as parameter.
See chapter 7.6 for closer description of L-PDU reception.
The Can module provides an interface that serves as periodical processing function,
and which must be called by the Basic Software Scheduler module periodically.
Furthermore, the Can module provides services to control the state of the CAN
controllers. Bus-off and Wake-up events are notified by means of callback functions.
The Can module is a Basic Software Module that accesses hardware resources.
Therefore, it is designed to fulfill the requirements for Basic Software Modules
specified in AUTOSAR_SRS_SPAL (see [3]).
[SWS_Can_00033] ⌈ The Can module shall implement the interrupt service routines
for all CAN Hardware Unit interrupts that are needed. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00164,
[SWS_Can_00419] ⌈ The Can module shall disable all unused interrupts in the CAN
controller.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00420] ⌈ The Can module shall reset the interrupt flag at the end of the
ISR (if not done automatically by hardware). ⌋ ()
Implementation hint: The Can module shall not set the configuration (i.e. priority) of
the vector table entry.
[SWS_Can_00079] ⌈ The Can module shall fulfill all design and implementation
guidelines described in [2].⌋ (SRS_BSW_00007, SRS_BSW_00306,
SRS_BSW_00308, SRS_BSW_00309, SRS_BSW_00330)

7.1 Driver scope

One Can module provides access to one CAN Hardware Unit that may consist of
several CAN controllers.
[SWS_Can_00077] ⌈ For CAN Hardware Units of different type, different Can
modules shall be implemented. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00347)
[SWS_Can_00284] ⌈ In case several CAN Hardware Units (of same or different
vendor) are implemented in one ECU the function names, and global variables of the
Can modules shall be implemented such that no two functions with the same name
are generated.⌋ ()
The naming convention is as follows:
<Can module name>_<vendorID>_<Vendor specific API name><driver
SRS_BSW_00347 specifies the naming convention.
[SWS_Can_00385] ⌈ The naming conventions shall be used only in that case, if
multiple different CAN controller types on one ECU have to be supported. ⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00386] ⌈ If only one controller type is used, the original naming
conventions without any <driver abbreviation> extensions are sufficient.⌋ ()
See [5] for description how several Can modules are handled by the CanIf module.
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.2 Driver State Machine

The Can module has a very simple state machine, with the two states CAN_UNINIT
and CAN_READY. Figure 7.1 shows the state machine.
[SWS_Can_00103] ⌈ After power-up/reset, the Can module shall be in the state



Can_Init() Can_DeInit()


Figure 7-1
[SWS_Can_00246] ⌈ The function Can_Init shall change the module state to
CAN_READY, after initializing all controllers inside the HW
Unit.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12057, SRS_Can_01041)
[SWS_Can_00245] ⌈ The function Can_Init shall initialize all CAN controllers
according to their configuration.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12057, SRS_Can_01041)
Each CAN controller must then be started separately by calling the function
Implementation hint:
Hardware register settings that have impact on all CAN controllers inside the HW
Unit can only be set in the function Can_Init.
Implementation hint:
The ECU State Manager module shall call Can_Init at most once during runtime.
[SWS_Can_ 91009] ⌈The function Can_DeInit shall change the module state to
CAN_UNINIT before de-initializing all controllers inside the HW unit⌋(
SRS_Can_01166) Refer to [SWS_Can_91010]

7.3 CAN Controller State Machine

Each CAN controller has complex state machines implemented in hardware. For
simplification, the number of states is reduced to the following four basic states in this
Any CAN hardware access is encapsulated by functions of the Can module, but the
Can module does not memorize the state changes.

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

The Can module offers the services Can_Init, Can_SetBaudrate and

Can_SetControllerMode. These services perform the necessary register settings that
cause the required change of the hardware CAN controller state.
There are two possibilities for triggering state changes by external events:
 Bus-off event
 HW wakeup event

These events are indicated either by an interrupt or by a status bit that is polled in the
Can_MainFunction_BusOff or Can_MainFunction_Wakeup.
The Can module does the register settings that are necessary to fulfill the required
behavior (i.e. no hardware recovery in case of bus off).
Then it notifies the CanIf module with the corresponding callback function. The
software state is then changed inside this callback function.
In case development errors are enabled and there is a not allowed transition
requested by the upper layer, the Can module shall rise the development error
The Can module does not check the actual state before it performs Can_Write or
raises callbacks.

7.3.1 CAN Controller State Description

This chapter describes the required hardware behavior for the different controller

CAN controller state UNINIT

The CAN controller is not initialized. All registers belonging to the CAN module are in
reset state, CAN interrupts are disabled. The CAN Controller is not participating on
the CAN bus.

CAN controller state STOPPED

In this state the CAN Controller is initialized but does not participate on the bus. In
addition, error frames and acknowledges must not be sent.
(Example: For many controllers entering an ‘initialization’-mode causes the controller
to be stopped.)

CAN controller state STARTED

The controller is in a normal operation mode with complete functionality, which

means it participates in the network. For many controllers leaving the ‘initialization’-
mode causes the controller to be started.

CAN controller state SLEEP

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

The hardware settings only differ from state STOPPED for CAN hardware that
support a sleep mode (wake-up over CAN bus directly supported by CAN hardware).

[SWS_Can_00257] ⌈ When the CAN hardware supports sleep mode and is

triggered to transition into SLEEP state, the Can module shall set the controller to the
SLEEP state from which the hardware can be woken over CAN
Bus.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12067)

[SWS_Can_00258] ⌈ When the CAN hardware does not support sleep mode and is
triggered to transition into SLEEP state, the Can module shall emulate a logical
SLEEP state from which it returns only, when it is triggered by software to transition
into STOPPED state.⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00404] ⌈ The CAN hardware shall remain in state STOPPED, while the
logical SLEEP state is active.⌋ ()

7.3.2 CAN Controller State Transitions

A state transition is triggered by software with the function Can_SetControllerMode

with the required transition as parameter. A successful state transition triggered by
software is notified by the callback function (CanIf_ControllerModeIndication). The
monitoring whether the requested state is achieved is part of an upper layer module
and is not part of the Can module.
Some transitions are triggered by events on the bus (hardware). These transitions
cause a notification by means of a callback function (CanIf_ControllerBusOff,
The behavior for invalid transitions in production code is undefined. Figure 7-2 shows
all valid state transitions.

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1


PowerON reset





Figure 7-2

7.3.3 State transition caused by function Can_Init

 UNINIT  STOPPED (for all controllers in HW unit)

 software triggered by the function call Can_Init
 does configuration for all CAN controllers inside HW Unit
All control registers are set according to the static configuration.
[SWS_Can_00259] ⌈ The function Can_Init shall set all CAN controllers in the state
When the function Can_Init is entered and the Can module is not in state
CAN_UNINIT or the CAN controllers are not in state UNINIT, it shall raise the error
CAN_E_TRANSITION (Compare to SWS_Can_00174 and SWS_Can_00408).

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

7.3.4 State transition caused by function Can_SetBaudrate


- software triggered by the function call Can_SetBaudrate
- changes the CAN controller configuration

CAN controller registers are set according to the static configurations.

[SWS_Can_00256] ⌈ If the call of Can_SetBaudrate() would cause a re-initialization

of the CAN Controller and the CAN Controller is not in state STOPPED, it shall return
E_NOT_OK.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00260] ⌈ If re-initialization is necessary the function Can_SetBaudrate
shall maintain the CAN controller in the state STOPPED.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00422] ⌈ If re-initialization is necessary the function Can_SetBaudrate
shall ensure that any settings that will cause the CAN controller to participate in the
network are not set.⌋ ()

7.3.5 State transition caused by function Can_SetControllerMode

The software can trigger a CAN controller state transition with the function
Can_SetControllerMode. Depending on the CAN hardware, a change of a register
setting to transition to a new CAN controller state may take over only after a delay.
The Can module notifies the upper layer (CanIf_ControllerModeIndication) after a
successful state transition about the new state. The monitoring whether the
requested state is achieved is part of an upper layer module and is not part of the
Can module.
[SWS_Can_00370] ⌈ The function Can_Mainfunction_Mode shall poll a flag of the
CAN status register until the flag signals that the change takes effect and notify the
upper layer with function CanIf_ControllerModeIndication about a successful state
transition referring to the corresponding CAN controller with the abstract CanIf
ControllerId.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00398] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode shall use the system
service GetCounterValue for timeout monitoring to avoid blocking functions.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00372] ⌈ In case the flag signals that the change takes no effect and the
maximum time CanTimeoutDuration is elapsed, the function
Can_SetControllerMode shall be left and the function Can_Mainfunction_Mode shall
continue to poll the flag.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12077)
[SWS_Can_00373] ⌈ The function Can_Mainfunction_Mode shall call the function
CanIf_ControllerModeIndication to notify the upper layer about a successful state
transition of the corresponding CAN controller referred by abstract CanIf ControllerId,
in case the state transition was triggered by function Can_SetControllerMode.⌋ ()

State transition caused by function Can_SetControllerMode


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Specification of CAN Driver
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 software triggered

[SWS_Can_00261] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STARTED)

shall set the hardware registers in a way that makes the CAN controller participating
on the network.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00262] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STARTED)
shall wait for limited time until the CAN controller is fully operational. Compare to
SWS_Can_00398.⌋ ()
Transmit requests that are initiated before the CAN controller is operational get lost.
The only indicator for operability is the reception of TX confirmations or RX
indications. The sending entities might get a confirmation timeout and need to be
able to cope with that.
[SWS_Can_00409] ⌈ When the function Can_SetControllerMode
(CAN_CS_STARTED) is entered and the CAN controller is not in state STOPPED it
shall detect a invalid state transition (Compare to SWS_Can_00200).⌋ ()

State transition caused by function Can_SetControllerMode


 software triggered

[SWS_Can_00263] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED)

shall set the bits inside the CAN hardware such that the CAN controller stops
participating on the network.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00264] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED)
shall wait for a limited time until the CAN controller is really switched off. Compare to
SWS_Can_00398.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00267] ⌈ If the CAN HW does not support a sleep mode, the transition
from SLEEP to STOPPED shall return from the logical sleep mode, but have no
effect to the CAN controller state (as the controller is already in stopped state).⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00268] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED)
shall wait for a limited time until the CAN controller is in STOPPED state. Compare to
SWS_Can_00398.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00282] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED)
shall cancel pending messages. ⌋ ()

State transition caused by function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_SLEEP)

 software triggered

[SWS_Can_00265] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_SLEEP) shall

set the controller into sleep mode.⌋ ()

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[SWS_Can_00266] ⌈ If the CAN HW does support a sleep mode, the function

Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_SLEEP) shall wait for a limited time until the CAN
controller is in SLEEP state and it is assured that the CAN hardware is wake able.
Compare to SWS_Can_00398.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00290] ⌈ If the CAN HW does not support a sleep mode, the function
Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_SLEEP) shall set the CAN controller to the logical
sleep mode.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00405] ⌈ This logical sleep mode shall left only, if function
Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED) is called.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00411] ⌈ When the function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_SLEEP)
is entered and the CAN controller is neither in state STOPPED nor in state SLEEP, it
shall detect a invalid state transition (Compare to SWS_Can_00200).⌋ ()

7.3.6 State transition caused by Hardware Events

State transition caused by Hardware Wakeup (triggered by wake-up event from

CAN bus)
 triggered by incoming L-PDUs
 The ECU Statemanager module is notified with the function

This state transition will only occur when sleep mode is supported by hardware.
[SWS_Can_00270] ⌈ On hardware wakeup (triggered by a wake-up event from CAN
bus), the CAN controller shall transition into the state STOPPED.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00271] ⌈ On hardware wakeup (triggered by a wake-up event from CAN
bus), the Can module shall call the function EcuM_CheckWakeup either in interrupt
context or in the context of Can_MainFunction_Wakeup.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00375,
SRS_SPAL_12069, SRS_Can_01054)
[SWS_Can_00269] ⌈ The Can module shall not further process the L-PDU that
caused a wake-up.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00048] ⌈ In case of a CAN bus wake-up during sleep transition, the
function Can_SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED) shall return
E_NOT_OK.⌋ (SRS_Can_01122)

State transition caused by Bus-Off (triggered by state change of CAN

[SWS_Can_00020] ⌈
 triggered by hardware if the CAN controller reaches bus-off state
 The CanIf module is notified with the function CanIf_ControllerBusOff after
STOPPED state is reached referring to the corresponding CAN controller with
the abstract CanIf ControllerId.⌋ (SRS_Can_01055)

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[SWS_Can_00272] ⌈ After bus-off detection, the CAN controller shall transition to

the state STOPPED and the Can module shall ensure that the CAN controller doesn’t
participate on the network anymore. ⌋ (SRS_Can_01060)
[SWS_Can_00273] ⌈ After bus-off detection, the Can module shall cancel still
pending messages. ⌋ (SRS_Can_01060)
[SWS_Can_00274] ⌈ The Can module shall disable or suppress automatic bus-off
recovery.⌋ (SRS_Can_01060)

7.3.7 State transition caused by function Can_DeInit

- STOPPED -> UNINIT; SLEEP -> UNINIT (for all controllers in HW unit)
- software triggered by the function call Can_DeInit
- prepares all CAN controllers inside HW Unit to be re-configured

[SWS_Can_91010] ⌈The function Can_DeInit shall set all CAN controllers in the
state UNINIT⌋(SRS_Can_01166, SRS_Can_01053)

When the function Can_DeInit is entered and the Can module is not in state
CAN_READY or any of the CAN controllers is in state STARTED, it shall raise the
error CAN_E_TRANSITION (Refer to [SWS_Can_91011] and [SWS_Can_91012]).

7.4 Can module/Controller Initialization

The ECU State Manager module shall initialize the Can module during startup phase
by calling the function Can_Init before using any other functions of the Can module.
[SWS_Can_00250] ⌈ The function Can_Init shall initialize:
 static variables, including flags,
 Common setting for the complete CAN HW unit
 CAN controller specific settings for each CAN controller⌋ (SRS_BSW_00101)

[SWS_Can_00053] ⌈ Can_Init shall not change registers of CAN controller

Hardware resources that are not used. ⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12125)
The Can module shall apply the following rules regarding initialization of controller
 [SWS_Can_00407] ⌈ If the hardware allows for only one usage of the
register, the Can module implementing that functionality is responsible
initializing the register.
 If the register can affect several hardware modules and if it is an I/O register it
shall be initialized by the PORT driver.
 If the register can affect several hardware modules and if it is not an I/O
register it shall be initialized by the MCU driver.
 One-time writable registers that require initialization directly after reset shall be
initialized by the startup code.

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 All other registers shall be initialized by the startup

code.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12461)

[SWS_Can_00056] ⌈ Post-Build configuration elements that are marked as ‘multiple’

(‘M’ or ‘x’) in chapter 10 can be selected by passing the pointer ‘Config’ to the init
function of the module. ⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00062] ⌈ If Can_SetBaudrate determines that the aimed configuration

change requires a re-initialization and the CAN Controller is in STOPPED, the
function Can_SetBaudrate shall re-initialize the CAN controller and the controller
specific settings.⌋ (SRS_Can_01139, SRS_Can_01042)
If re-initialization is necessary, the CAN Controller has to be switched to STOPPED
before Can_SetBaudrate() can be executed and the new baud rate configuration can
be applied.
[SWS_Can_00255] ⌈ The function Can_SetBaudrate shall only affect register areas
that contain specific configuration for a single CAN controller. ⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00021] ⌈ The desired CAN controller configuration can be selected with
the parameter Config. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00344, SRS_BSW_00404, SRS_BSW_00405,
SRS_SPAL_12263, SRS_SPAL_12265)
[SWS_Can_00291] ⌈ Config is a pointer into an array of implementation specific
data structure stored in ROM. The different controller configuration sets are located
as data structures in ROM.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00438)
The possible values for Config are provided by the configuration description (see
chapter 10).
The Can module configuration defines the global CAN HW Unit settings and
references to the default CAN controller configuration sets.

7.5 L-PDU transmission

On L-PDU transmission, the Can module converts the L-PDU contents ID and Data
Length to a hardware specific format (if necessary) and triggers the transmission.
[SWS_Can_00059] ⌈ Data mapping by CAN to memory is defined in a way that the
CAN data byte which is sent out first is array element 0, the CAN data byte which is
sent out last is array element 7 or 63 in case of CAN FD.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12063)
[SWS_Can_00427] ⌈ If the presentation inside the CAN Hardware buffer differs from
AUTOSAR definition, the Can module must provide an adapted SDU-Buffer for the
upper layers.⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00100] ⌈ Several TX hardware objects with unique HTHs may be

configured. The CanIf module provides the HTH as parameter of the TX request. See
Figure 7-3 for a possible configuration.⌋ (SRS_Can_01135)

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Message Objects of CAN Hardware


unused ID DLC SDU
unused ID DLC SDU

Figure 7-3: Example of assignment of HTHs and HRHs to the Hardware Objects. The numbering
of HTHs and HRHs are implementation specific. The chosen numbering is only an example.

[SWS_Can_00276] ⌈ The function Can_Write shall store the swPduHandle that is

given inside the parameter PduInfo until the Can module calls the
CanIf_TxConfirmation for this request where the swPduHandle is given as
parameter. ⌋ ()
The feature of SWS_Can_00276 is used to reduce time for searching in the CanIf
module implementation.
[SWS_Can_00016] ⌈ The Can module shall call CanIf_TxConfirmation to indicate a
successful transmission. It shall either called by the TX-interrupt service routine of
the corresponding HW resource or inside the Can_MainFunction_Write in case of
polling mode.⌋ (SRS_Can_01051)

7.5.1 Priority Inversion

Multiplexed transmission is necessary to prevent priority inversion (see chapter 2.1).

[SWS_Can_00277] ⌈ The Can module shall allow that the functionality “Multiplexed
Transmission” is statically configurable (ON | OFF) at pre-compile
time.⌋ (SRS_Can_01134)
[SWS_Can_00401] ⌈ Several transmit hardware objects (defined by
"CanHwObjectCount") shall be assigned by one HTH to represent one transmit
entity to the upper layer.⌋ (SRS_Can_01134)
[SWS_Can_00402] ⌈ The Can module shall support multiplexed transmission
mechanisms for devices where either
 Multiple transmit hardware objects, which are grouped to a transmit entity can be
filled over the same register set, and the microcontroller stores the L-PDU into a
free buffer autonomously,

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 The Hardware provides registers or functions to identify a free transmit hardware

object within a transmit entity.⌋ (SRS_Can_01134)

[SWS_Can_00403] ⌈ The Can module shall support multiplexed transmission for

devices, which send L-PDUs in order of L-PDU priority.⌋ (SRS_Can_01134)

Note: Software emulation of priority handling should be avoided, because the

overhead would void the advantage of the multiplexed transmission.

Figure 7-4: Example of assignment of HTHs and HRHs to the Hardware Objects with
multiplexed transmission. The numbering of HTHs and HRHs are implementation specific. The
chosen numbering is only an example.

7.5.2 Transmit Data Consistency

[SWS_Can_00011] ⌈ The Can module shall directly copy the data from the upper
layer buffers. It is the responsibility of the upper layer to keep the buffer consistent
until return of function call (Can_Write).⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12075, SRS_Can_01059)

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7.6 L-PDU reception

[SWS_Can_00279] ⌈ On L-PDU reception, the Can module shall call the RX
indication callback function CanIf_RxIndication with ID, Hoh, abstract CanIf
ControllerId in parameter Mailbox, and the Data Length and pointer to the L-SDU
buffer in parameter PduInfoPtr.⌋ (SRS_Can_01045)
[SWS_Can_00423] ⌈ In case of an Extended CAN frame, the Can module shall
convert the ID to a standardized format since the Upper layer (CANIF) does not know
whether the received CAN frame is a Standard CAN frame or Extended CAN frame.
In case of an Extended CAN frame, MSB of a received CAN frame ID needs to be
made as ‘1’ to mark the received CAN frame as Extended.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00396] ⌈ The RX-interrupt service routine of the corresponding HW
resource or the function Can_MainFunction_Read in case of polling mode shall call
the callback function CanIf_RxIndication.⌋ (SRS_Can_01045)
[SWS_Can_00060] ⌈ Data mapping by CAN to memory is defined in a way that the
CAN data byte which is received first is array element 0, the CAN data byte which is
received last is array element 7 or 63 in case of CAN FD.
If the presentation inside the CAN Hardware buffer differs from AUTOSAR definition,
the Can module must provide an adapted SDU-Buffer for the upper
layers.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12063)
[SWS_CAN_00501] ⌈ CanDrv shall indicate whether the received message is a
conventional CAN frame or a CAN FD frame as described in Can_IdType.⌋ (

7.6.1 Receive Data Consistency

To prevent loss of received messages, some controllers support a FIFO built

from a set of hardware objects, while on other controllers it is possible to
configure another hardware object with the same properties that works as a
shadow buffer and steps in when the main object is busy.

[SWS_CAN_00489]⌈ The CAN driver shall support controllers which implement a

hardware FIFO. The size of the FIFO is configured via "CanHwObjectCount".
⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00490]⌈ Controllers that do not support a hardware FIFO often provide
the capabilities to implement a shadow buffer mechanism, where additional
hardware objects take over when the primary hardware object is busy. The number
of hardware objects is configured via "CanHwObjectCount".⌋ ()

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Figure 7-5: Example of assignment of same HRHs to multiple Hardware Objects The chosen
numbering is only an example.

[SWS_Can_00299] ⌈ The Can module shall copy the L-SDU in a shadow buffer
after reception, if the RX buffer cannot be protected (locked) by CAN Hardware
against overwriting by a newly received message.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00300] ⌈ The Can module shall copy the L-SDU in a shadow buffer, if
the CAN Hardware is not globally accessible.⌋ ()
The complete RX processing (including copying to destination layer, e.g. COM) is
done in the context of the RX interrupt or in the context of the
[SWS_Can_00012] ⌈ The Can module shall guarantee that neither the ISRs nor the
function Can_MainFunction_Read can be interrupted by itself. The CAN hardware (or
shadow) buffer is always consistent, because it is written and read in sequence in
exactly one function that is never interrupted by itself.⌋ (SRS_Can_01059)
If the CAN hardware cannot be configured to lock the RX hardware object after
reception (hardware feature), it could happen that the hardware buffer is overwritten
by a newly arrived message. In this case, the CAN controller detects an “overwrite”
event, if supported by hardware.
If the CAN hardware can be configured to lock the RX hardware object after
reception, it could happen that the newly arrived message cannot be stored to the
hardware buffer. In this case, the CAN controller detects an “overrun” event, if
supported by hardware.
[SWS_Can_00395] ⌈ Can module shall raise the runtime error CAN_E_DATALOST
in case of “overwrite” or “overrun” event detection.⌋ ()
Implementation Hint:
The system designer shall assure that the runtime for message reception (interrupt
driven or polling) correlates with the fasted possible reception in the system.

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7.7 Wakeup concept

The Can module handles wakeups that can be detected by the Can controller itself
and not via the Can transceiver. There are two possible scenarios: wakeup by
interrupt and wakeup by polling.
For wakeup by interrupt, an ISR of the Can module is called when the hardware
detects the wakeup.
[SWS_Can_00364] ⌈ If the ISR for wakeup events is called, it shall call
EcuM_CheckWakeup in turn. The parameter passed to EcuM_CheckWakeup shall
be the ID of the wakeup source referenced by the CanWakeupSourceRef
configuration parameter.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00375, SRS_SPAL_12069,
The ECU State Manager will then set up the MCU and call the Can module back via
the Can Interface, resulting in a call to Can_CheckWakeup.
When wakeup events are detected by polling, the ECU State Manager will cyclically
call Can_CheckWakeup via the Can Interface as before. In both cases,
Can_CheckWakeup will check if there was a wakeup detected by a Can controller
and return the result. The CAN driver will then inform the ECU State Manager of the
wakeup event via EcuM_SetWakeupEvent.
The wakeup validation to prevent false wakeup events, will be done by the ECU
State Manager and the Can Interface afterwards and without any help from the Can
For a general description of the wakeup mechanisms and wakeup sequence
diagrams refer to Specification of ECU State Manager [7].

7.8 Notification concept

The Can module offers only an event triggered notification interface to the CanIf
module. Each notification is represented by a callback function.
[SWS_Can_00099] ⌈ The hardware events may be detected by an interrupt or by
polling status flags of the hardware objects. The configuration possibilities regarding
polling is hardware dependent (i.e. which events can be polled, which events need to
be polled), and not restricted by this standard. ⌋ (SRS_Can_01132)
[SWS_Can_00007] ⌈ It shall be possible to configure the driver such that no
interrupts at all are used (complete polling). ⌋ (SRS_Can_01062)
The configuration of what is and is not polled by the Can module is internal to the
driver, and not visible outside the module. The polling is done inside the CAN main
functions (Can_MainFunction_xxx). Also the polled events are notified by the
appropriate callback function. Then the call context is not the ISR but the CAN main
function. The implementation of all callback functions shall be done as if the call
context was the ISR.
For further details see also description of the CAN main functions
Can_MainFunction_Read, Can_MainFunction_Write, Can_MainFunction_BusOff and

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7.9 Reentrancy issues

A routine must satisfy the following conditions to be reentrant:
 It uses all shared variables in an atomic way, unless each is allocated to a
specific instance of the function.
 It does not call non-reentrant functions.
 It does not use the hardware in a non-atomic way.

Transmit requests are simply forwarded by the CanIf module inside the function
The function CanIf_Transmit is re-entrant. Therefore the function Can_Write needs to
be implemented thread-safe (for example by using mutexes):
Further (preemptive) calls will return with CAN_BUSY when the write can’t be
performed re-entrant. (example: write to different hardware TX Handles allowed,
write to same TX Handles not allowed)
In case of CAN_BUSY the CanIf module queues that request. (same behavior as if
all hardware objects are busy).
Can_EnableCanInterrupts and Can_DisableCanInterrupts may be called inside re-
entrant functions. Therefore these functions also need to be reentrant.
All other services don’t need to be implemented as reentrant functions.
The CAN main functions (i.e. Can_MainFunction_Read) shall not be interrupted by
themselves. Therefore these CAN main functions are not reentrant.

7.10 Pretended Networking

Optimizing energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important in all automotive
domains since energy consumption has direct impact on fuel consumption, CO2
emissions, and range of hybrid or all electric vehicles. The concept of Pretended
Networking has a high potential for energy reduction on ECU level.

(a) ICOM Software implementation: (b) ICOM is a functional hardware (c) ICOM is a separate hardware
ICOM features are exclusively extension of the existing component with its own Communication
implemented in software, reusing Communication Controller Controller
the existing Communication
Figure 7-6: Possible ICOM implementations

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The use of Intelligent Communication Controllers (ICOM) supports those features (no
specific hardware implementation mandatory). If some or all of the functionality of an
ECU is temporarily not required, e.g., based on the vehicle state, the ECU can enter
a “Pretended Networking” mode. In this mode, the MCU and/or peripherals are
switched into a low-power mode. Only the ICOM and the connected transceivers stay
active. The ICOM generates a wakeup event, caused by, e.g. a received bus
message, when the ECU needs to resume operation.
Depending on the ICOM implementation, message ID and payload of received
messages may either be evaluated and filtered completely in hardware, require a
callback mechanism in software. As shown in Figure 7-6, the ECU implementation
can be divided into three possible variants – Approach (a) software approach, without
specific hardware to support Pretended Networking. Approach (b) depicts a
functional hardware extension of a communication controller and approach (c) shows
a hardware variant with a 2nd extended communication controller for wakeup
handling. All variants and ICOM implementations shall be supported by Pretended

Depending on the hardware implementation, the ICOM is also able to send

messages. By using the ICOM to continue to send, e.g., status messages, other
nodes that rely on that message are not affected by an ECU in Pretended
Networking mode.

Furthermore, Pretended Networking aims at reducing wakeup response time, i.e., the
time between a wakeup event and valid behavior of an ECU. By using the ICOM to
save relevant messages during activated Pretended Networking mode, the
application has access to the last valid signal values directly after resuming
operation. Therefore, the ECU can immediately respond to a user request after
wakeup and does not have to wait until the according message is received again.

7.10.1 Support Pretended Networking mode handling

[SWS_CAN_00497] ⌈ The CAN driver shall deactivate Pretended Networking after

initialization of the CAN controller.⌋ ()

Activation of Pretended Networking:

[SWS_CAN_00462]⌈ Pretended Networking shall be activated by calling

Can_SetIcomConfiguration() with a configuration ID not set to 0.⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00464]⌈ CanDrv is responsible to perform reconfiguration of the CAN
Controller (incl. ICOM) according to the CanIcomConfig parameters for the selected
configuration (CanIcomConfigId).⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00467]⌈ If activation was successful then
CanIf_CurrentIcomConfiguration shall be called with the parameter Error set to
ICOM_SWITCH_E_OK referring to the corresponding CAN controller with the
abstract CanIf ControllerId. If activation was not successful then
CanIf_CurrentIcomConfiguration shall be called with the parameter Error set to

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ICOM_SWITCH_E_FAILED referring to the corresponding CAN controller with the

abstract CanIf ControllerId.⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00468]⌈ If Pretended Networking is activated CanDrv shall call
CanIf_RxIndication() if and only if the received message matches the wakeup
conditions of the CanIcomConfig (see CanIcomWakeupCauses).⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00470]⌈ If Pretended Networking is activated CanDrv shall reject
Can_Write() requests with return value CAN_BUSY.⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00498]⌈ The CAN driver shall deactivate Pretended Networking before
the CAN Controller is started by SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STARTED)⌋ ()

Deactivation of Pretended Networking:

[SWS_CAN_00471]⌈ Pretended Networking shall be deactivated (i.e. CanDrv shall

behave as when it is configured without Pretended Networking support) by calling
Can_SetIcomConfiguration() with a configuration ID = 0. ⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00472]⌈ If Pretended Networking is deactivated CanDrv shall process
the messages normally as configured in the normal configuration.⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00474]⌈ CAN driver shall inform CanIf about a configuration switch by
calling CanIf_CurrentIcomConfiguration referring to the corresponding CAN controller
with the abstract CanIf ControllerId. The error parameter is set to
ICOM_SWITCH_E_OK if deactivation is successful and to
ICOM_SWITCH_E_FAILED otherwise.⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00499]⌈ The CAN driver shall deactivate Pretended Networking
before the CAN Controller is stopped by
SetControllerMode(CAN_CS_STOPPED).⌋ ()

7.10.2 Support autonomous sending and receiving of messages

[SWS_CAN_00477]⌈ Autonomous sending of messages in Pretended Networking

mode shall be supported only if additional ICOM hardware is available. A
configuration parameter defines if there is hardware support or not (Refer to
CanIcomVariant).⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00478]⌈ If the ICOM is implemented in software the controller shall not

send messages in Pretended Networking mode.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00479]⌈ CanDriver shall forward all received messages received

during Pretended Networking Mode to CanIf.⌋ ()

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7.11 Error classification

[SWS_Can_00104] ⌈ The Can module shall be able to detect the following errors
and exceptions depending on its configuration
(default/production)⌋ (SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_00331)

7.11.1 Development Errors

Type or error Relevance Related error code Value

API Service called with Development CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x01
wrong parameter CAN_E_PARAM_HANDLE 0x02
API Service used without Development CAN_E_UNINIT 0x05
Invalid transition for the Development CAN_E_TRANSITION 0x06
current mode
Parameter Baudrate has Development CAN_E_PARAM_BAUDRATE 0x07
an invalid value
Invalid ICOM Development CAN_E_ICOM_CONFIG_INVALID 0x08
Configuration Id
Invalid configuration set Development CAN_E_INIT_FAILED 0x09

7.11.2 Runtime Errors

Type or error Relevance Related error code Value

Received CAN message Runtime CAN_E_DATALOST 0x01
is lost

[SWS_Can_00026] ⌈ The Can module shall indicate errors that are caused by
erroneous usage of the Can module API. This covers API parameter checks and call
sequence errors. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00323, SRS_SPAL_00157)

[SWS_Can_00091] ⌈ After return of the DET the Can module’s function that raised
the development error shall return immediately.⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12448)
[SWS_Can_00089] ⌈ The Can module’s environment shall indicate development
errors only in the return values of a function of the Can module when DET is
switched on and the function provides a return value. The returned value is
E_NOT_OK. ⌋ (SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_BSW_00386, SRS_SPAL_12448)

7.11.3 Runtime Errors

[SWS_CAN_XXXXX] Runtime Error Types

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Type of error Related error code Value [hex]


7.11.4 Transient Faults

[SWS_CAN_XXXXX] Transient Faults Types

Type of error Related error code Value [hex]


7.11.5 Production Errors

The Can module does not call the Diagnostic Event Manager, because there is no
production error code defined for the Can module.

7.11.6 Return Values

CAN_BUSY is reported via return value of the function Can_Write. The CanIf module
reacts according the sequence diagrams specified for the CanIf module.E_NOT_OK
is reported via return value in case of a wakeup during transition to sleep mode.Bus-
off and Wake-up events are forwarded via notification callback functions.

7.12 CAN FD Support

For performance reasons some CAN controllers allow to use a Flexible Data-Rate
feature called CAN FD (see "CAN with Flexible Data-Rate" specification). Indicated
during the arbitration phase it is possible to switch to a higher baud rate during
payload and CRC. This second baud rate has to be configured by extending
CanControllerBaudrateConfig with CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig. If a baud rate is
active which has a CAN FD configuration (see CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig) the
CAN FD feature is enabled for this controller. The specified second baud rate is
needed to support reception of CAN FD frames with bit rate switch (BRS). Whether
the second baudrate is used for transmission or not depends on configuration
parameter CanControllerTxBitRateSwitch (see CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig).
However, there may be cases where conventional CAN 2.0 messages need to be
transmitted in networks supporting CAN-FD messages for example to facilitate CAN
selective wakeup. In these cases it is necessary to support transmitting interleaved
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conventional CAN messages with CAN-FD messages. This can be achieved on

frame level by using the two most significant bits of the CanId (see Can_IdType,
SWS_Can_00416) passed during Can_Write to indicate which kind of frame shall be
CAN FD also supports an extended payload which allows the transmission of up to
64 bytes. This feature also depends on the CAN FD configuration (see
CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig). Therefore, if the CAN Controller is in CAN FD
mode (valid CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig) and the CAN FD flag is set in CanId
passed to Can_Write(), CanDrv supports the transmission of PDUs with a length up
to 64 bytes. If there is a request to transmit a CAN FD frame and the CAN Controller
is not in CAN FD mode (no CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig) the frame is sent as
conventional CAN frame as long as the PDU length <= 8 bytes.

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8 API specification
The prefix of the function names may be changed in an implementation with several
Can modules as described in SWS_Can_00284.

8.1 Imported types

In this chapter all types included from the following files are listed:
[SWS_Can_00222] ⌈
Module Imported Type
Can_GeneralTypes Can_ControllerStateType
ComStack_Types IcomConfigIdType
EcuM EcuM_WakeupSourceType
Icu Icu_ChannelType
Os CounterType
Std_Types Std_ReturnType
⌋ ()

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8.2 Type definitions

[SWS_CAN_00487]⌈ The types specified in Can_GeneralTypes shall be declared
in Can_GeneralTypes.h ⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00439]⌈ The content of Can_GeneralTypes.h shall be protected by a
CAN_GENERAL_TYPES define. ⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00440]⌈ If different CAN drivers are used, only one instance of this file
has to be included in the source tree. For implementation all Can_GeneralTypes.h
related types in the documents mentioned before shall be considered.⌋ ()

8.2.1 Can_ConfigType

[SWS_Can_00413] ⌈
Name: Can_ConfigType
Type: Structure
Range: Implementation specific.
Description: This is the type of the external data structure containing the overall initialization
data for the CAN driver and SFR settings affecting all controllers. Furthermore it
contains pointers to controller configuration structures. The contents of the
initialization data structure are CAN hardware specific.
⌋ ()

8.2.2 Can_PduType

[SWS_Can_00415] ⌈
Name: Can_PduType
Type: Structure
Element: PduIdType swPduHandle --
uint8 length --
Can_IdType id --
uint8* sdu --
Description: This type unites PduId (swPduHandle), SduLength (length), SduData (sdu), and
CanId (id) for any CAN L-SDU.
⌋ ()

8.2.3 Can_IdType

[SWS_Can_00416] ⌈
Name: Can_IdType
Type: uint32
Range: Standard32Bit -- 0..0x400007FF
Extended32Bit -- 0..0xDFFFFFFF
Description: Represents the Identifier of an L-PDU. The two most significant bits specify the
frame type:
00 CAN message with Standard CAN ID
01 CAN FD frame with Standard CAN ID
10 CAN message with Extended CAN ID
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11 CAN FD frame with Extended CAN ID

⌋ ()

8.2.4 Can_HwHandleType

[SWS_Can_00429] ⌈
Name: Can_HwHandleType
Type: uint8, uint16
Range: Standard -- 0..0x0FF
Extended -- 0..0xFFFF
Description: Represents the hardware object handles of a CAN hardware unit. For CAN
hardware units with more than 255 HW objects use extended range.
⌋ ()

8.2.5 Can_HwType

[SWS_CAN_00496] ⌈
Name: Can_HwType
Type: Structure
Element: Can_IdType CanId Standard/Extended CAN ID of CAN L-
Can_HwHandleType Hoh ID of the corresponding Hardware
Object Range
uint8 ControllerId ControllerId provided by CanIf clearly
identify the corresponding controller
Description: This type defines a data structure which clearly provides an Hardware Object
Handle including its corresponding CAN Controller and therefore CanDrv as well
as the specific CanId.
⌋ ()

8.2.6 Can_ReturnType

[SWS_Can_00039] ⌈
Range: CAN_BUSY 0x02 transmit request could not be processed because no
transmit object was available
Description: Overlayed return value of Std_ReturnType for CAN driver API Can_Write()
⌋ (SRS_BSW_00331)

8.2.7 Can_ErrorStateType

[SWS_Can_91003] ⌈
Name: Can_ErrorStateType
Type: Enumeration
Range: CAN_ERRORSTATE_ACTIVE -- The CAN controller takes fully part in communication.
CAN_ERRORSTATE_PASSIVE -- The CAN controller takes part in communication, but
does not send active error frames.
CAN_ERRORSTATE_BUSOFF -- The CAN controller does not take part in
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Description: Error states of a CAN controller.
⌋ ()

8.2.8 Can_ControllerStateType

[SWS_Can_91013] ⌈
Name: Can_ControllerStateType
Type: Enumeration
Range: CAN_CS_UNINIT 0x00 CAN controller state UNINIT.
CAN_CS_STARTED 0x01 CAN controller state STARTED.
CAN_CS_STOPPED 0x02 CAN controller state STOPPED.
CAN_CS_SLEEP 0x03 CAN controller state SLEEP.
Description: States that are used by the several ControllerMode functions.
⌋ ()

8.3 Function definitions

This is a list of functions provided for upper layer modules.

8.3.1 Services affecting the complete hardware unit Can_Init

[SWS_Can_00223] ⌈
Service name: Can_Init
Syntax: void Can_Init(
const Can_ConfigType* Config
Service ID[hex]: 0x00
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): Config Pointer to driver configuration.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This function initializes the module.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00358, SRS_BSW_00414)

Symbolic names of the available configuration sets are provided by the configuration
description of the Can module. See chapter 10 about configuration description.
[SWS_Can_00174] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_Init shall raise the error CAN_E_TRANSITION if the driver is not in
state CAN_UNINIT.⌋ ()
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[SWS_Can_00408] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_Init shall raise the error CAN_E_TRANSITION if the CAN
controllers are not in state UNINIT.⌋ () Can_GetVersionInfo

[SWS_Can_00224] ⌈
Service name: Can_GetVersionInfo
Syntax: void Can_GetVersionInfo(
Std_VersionInfoType* versioninfo
Service ID[hex]: 0x07
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): versioninfo Pointer to where to store the version information of this module.
Return value: None
Description: This function returns the version information of this module.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00177] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_GetVersionInfo shall raise the error CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER if
the parameter versionInfo is a null pointer.⌋ () Can_DeInit

[SWS_Can_91002] ⌈
Service name: Can_DeInit
Syntax: void Can_DeInit(
Service ID[hex]: 0x10
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This function de-initializes the module.

⌋ (SRS_Can_01166, SRS_BSW_00336)

Note: General behavior and constraints on de-initialization functions are specified by

[SWS_BSW_00152], [SWS_BSW_00072], [SWS_BSW_00232], [SWS_BSW_00233]
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Caveat: Caller of the Can_DeInit function has to be sure no CAN controller is in the

[SWS_Can_91011] ⌈If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_DeInit shall raise the error CAN_E_TRANSITION if the driver is not
in state CAN_READY.⌋(SRS_BSW_00369)
[SWS_Can_91012] ⌈If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_DeInit shall raise the error CAN_E_TRANSITION if any of the CAN
controllers is in state STARTED.⌋(SRS_BSW_00369)

8.3.2 Services affecting one single CAN Controller Can_SetBaudrate

[SWS_CAN_00491] ⌈
Service name: Can_SetBaudrate
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_SetBaudrate(
uint8 Controller,
uint16 BaudRateConfigID
Service ID[hex]: 0x0f
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant for different Controllers. Non reentrant for the same Controller.
Controller CAN controller, whose baud rate shall be set
Parameters (in): BaudRateConfigID references a baud rate configuration by ID (see
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Service request accepted, setting of (new) baud rate
Return value: started
E_NOT_OK: Service request not accepted
Description: This service shall set the baud rate configuration of the CAN controller. Depending
on necessary baud rate modifications the controller might have to reset.
⌋ ()
There might be several baud rate configurations available. The function
Can_SetBaudrate can be used to switch between different configurations.
Depending on the old and new baud rate configuration only a subset of
parameters may be changed during runtime and a re-initialization of the CAN
Controller might be avoidable.

If the call of Can_SetBaudrate will cause a re-initialization of the CAN

Controller the CAN controller must be in state STOPPED when this function is
called (see SWS_Can_00256 and SWS_Can_00260).
The CAN controller is in state STOPPED after (re-)initialization (see

[SWS_CAN_00492]⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

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The function Can_SetBaudrate shall raise the error CAN_E_UNINIT and return
E_NOT_OK if the driver is not yet initialized.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00493]⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_SetBaudrate shall raise the error CAN_E_PARAM_BAUDRATE
and return E_NOT_OK if the parameter BaudRateConfigID has an invalid value.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00494]⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled

the function Can_SetBaudrate shall raise the error CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER
and return E_NOT_OK if the parameter Controller is out of range.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00500]⌈ If the requested baud rate change can not performed without
a re-initialization of the CAN Controller E_NO_OK shall be returned.⌋ () Can_SetControllerMode

[SWS_Can_00230] ⌈
Service name: Can_SetControllerMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_SetControllerMode(
uint8 Controller,
Can_ControllerStateType Transition
Service ID[hex]: 0x03
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Controller CAN controller for which the status shall be changed
Parameters (in):
Transition Transition value to request new CAN controller state
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: request accepted
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: request not accepted, a development error
Description: This function performs software triggered state transitions of the CAN controller
State machine.
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00017] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode shall perform software
triggered state transitions of the CAN controller State machine. See also
[SRS_SPAL_12169]⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12169, SRS_Can_01053)
[SWS_Can_00384] ⌈ Each time the CAN controller state machine is triggered with
the state transition value CAN_CS_STARTED, the function Can_SetControllerMode
shall re-initialize the CAN controller with the same controller configuration set
previously used by functions Can_SetBaudrate or Can_Init.⌋ ()
Refer to SWS_Can_00048 for the case of a wakeup event from CAN bus occurred
during sleep transition.
[SWS_Can_00294] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode shall disable the wake-
up interrupt, while checking the wake-up status. ⌋ ()

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[SWS_Can_00196] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode shall enable interrupts

that are needed in the new state. ⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00425] ⌈ Enabling of CAN interrupts shall not be executed, when CAN
interrupts have been disabled by function Can_DisableControllerInterrupts.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00197] ⌈ The function Can_SetControllerMode shall disable interrupts
that are not allowed in the new state. ⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00426] ⌈ Disabling of CAN interrupts shall not be executed, when CAN
interrupts have been disabled by function Can_DisableControllerInterrupts.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00198] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
if the module is not yet initialized, the function Can_SetControllerMode shall raise
development error CAN_E_UNINIT and return E_NOT_OK.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00199] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
if the parameter Controller is out of range, the function Can_SetControllerMode
shall raise development error CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER and return
E_NOT_OK.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00200] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
if an invalid transition has been requested, the function Can_SetControllerMode shall
raise the error CAN_E_TRANSITION and return E_NOT_OK.⌋ () Can_DisableControllerInterrupts

[SWS_Can_00231] ⌈
Service name: Can_DisableControllerInterrupts
Syntax: void Can_DisableControllerInterrupts(
uint8 Controller
Service ID[hex]: 0x04
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Controller CAN controller for which interrupts shall be disabled.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This function disables all interrupts for this CAN controller.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00312)

[SWS_Can_00049] ⌈The function Can_DisableControllerInterrupts shall access the

CAN controller registers to disable all interrupts for that CAN controller only, if
interrupts for that CAN Controller are enabled. ⌋ (SRS_Can_01043)
[SWS_Can_00202] ⌈ When Can_DisableControllerInterrupts has been called
several times, Can_EnableControllerInterrupts must be called as many times before
the interrupts are re-enabled.⌋ ()
Implementation note:
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The function Can_DisableControllerInterrupts can increase a counter on every

execution that indicates how many Can_EnableControllerInterrupts need to be called
before the interrupts will be enabled (incremental disable).
[SWS_Can_00204] ⌈ The Can module shall track all individual enabling and
disabling of interrupts in other functions (i.e. Can_SetControllerMode) , so that the
correct interrupt enable state can be restored.⌋ ()
Implementation example:
• in ‘interrupts enabled mode’: For each interrupt state change does not only
modify the interrupt enable bit, but also a software flag.
• in ‘interrupts disabled mode’: only the software flag is modified.
• Can_DisableControllerInterrupts and Can_EnableControllerInterrupts do not
modify the software flags.
• Can_EnableControllerInterrupts reads the software flags to re-enable the
correct interrupts.

[SWS_Can_00205] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_DisableControllerInterrupts shall raise the error CAN_E_UNINIT if
the driver not yet initialized.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00206] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_DisableControllerInterrupts shall raise the error
CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER if the parameter Controller is out of range.⌋ () Can_EnableControllerInterrupts

[SWS_Can_00232] ⌈
Service name: Can_EnableControllerInterrupts
Syntax: void Can_EnableControllerInterrupts(
uint8 Controller
Service ID[hex]: 0x05
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Controller CAN controller for which interrupts shall be re-enabled
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This function enables all allowed interrupts.

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00312)

[SWS_Can_00050] ⌈ The function Can_EnableControllerInterrupts shall enable all

interrupts that must be enabled according the current software
status.⌋ (SRS_Can_01043)
SWS_Can_00202 applies to this function.
[SWS_Can_00208] ⌈ The function Can_EnableControllerInterrupts shall perform no
action when Can_DisableControllerInterrupts has not been called before.⌋ ()
See also implementation example for Can_DisableControllerInterrupts.
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[SWS_Can_00209] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_EnableControllerInterrupts shall raise the error CAN_E_UNINIT if
the driver not yet initialized.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00210] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_EnableControllerInterrupts shall raise the error
CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER if the parameter Controller is out of range.⌋ () Can_CheckWakeup

[SWS_Can_00360] ⌈
Service name: Can_CheckWakeup
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_CheckWakeup(
uint8 Controller
Service ID[hex]: 0x0b
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): Controller Controller to be checked for a wakeup.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: API call has been accepted
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: API call has not been accepted
Description: This function checks if a wakeup has occurred for the given controller.
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00361] ⌈ The function Can_CheckWakeup shall check if the requested
CAN controller has detected a wakeup. If a wakeup event was successfully detected,
reporting shall be done to EcuM via API EcuM_SetWakeupEvent.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00485]⌈ The function Can_CheckWakeup shall be pre compile time

configurable On/Off by the configuration parameter: CanWakeupFunctionalityAPI ⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00362] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_CheckWakeup shall raise the error CAN_E_UNINIT if the driver is
not yet initialized.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00363] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_CheckWakeup shall raise the error
CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER if the parameter Controller is out of range.⌋ () Can_GetControllerErrorState

[SWS_Can_91004] ⌈
Service name: Can_GetControllerErrorState
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_GetControllerErrorState(
uint8 ControllerId,
Can_ErrorStateType* ErrorStatePtr

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Service ID[hex]: 0x11

Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant for the same ControllerId
ControllerId Abstracted CanIf ControllerId which is assigned to a CAN
Parameters (in):
controller, which is requested for ErrorState.
Parameters None
ErrorStatePtr Pointer to a memory location, where the error state of the CAN
Parameters (out):
controller will be stored.
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Error state request has been accepted.
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Error state request has not been accepted.
Description: This service obtains the error state of the CAN controller.
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_91005] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled: if
the module is not yet initialized, the function Can_GetControllerErrorState shall raise
development error CAN_E_UNINIT and return E_NOT_OK.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00406,

[SWS_Can_91006] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled: if

the parameter ControllerId is out of range, the function Can_GetControllerErrorState
shall raise development error CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER and return
E_NOT_OK.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00323)

[SWS_Can_91007] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled: if

the parameter ErrorStatePtr is a null pointer, the function
Can_GetControllerErrorState shall raise development error
CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER and return E_NOT_OK.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00323)

[SWS_Can_91008]⌈ When the API Can_GetControllerErrorState() is called with

Controller Id as input parameter then Can driver shall read the error state register of
Can Controller and shall return the error status to upper layer.⌋ (SRS_CAN_01167) Can_GetControllerMode

[SWS_Can_91014] ⌈
Service name: Can_GetControllerMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_GetControllerMode(
uint8 Controller,
Can_ControllerStateType* ControllerModePtr
Service ID[hex]: 0x12
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): Controller CAN controller for which the status shall be requested.
Parameters None
ControllerModePtr Pointer to a memory location, where the current
Parameters (out):
mode of the CAN controller will be stored.
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Controller mode request has been accepted.
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Controller mode request has not been
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Description: This service reports about the current status of the requested CAN controller.
⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_91015] ⌈ The service Can_GetControllerMode shall return the mode of

the requested CAN controller. ⌋

[SWS_Can_91016] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:

The function Can_GetControllerMode shall raise the error CAN_E_UNINIT and
E_NOT_OK if the driver is not yet initialized.⌋ (

[SWS_Can_91017] ⌈ If parameter Controller of Can_GetControllerMode() has an

invalid value, the CanDrv shall report development error code
CAN_E_PARAM_CONTROLLER to the Det_ReportError service of the DET.
⌋ (SRS_BSW_00323)

[SWS_Can_91018] ⌈ If parameter ControllerModePtr of Can_GetControllerMode()

has an null pointer, the CanDrv shall report development error code
CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER to the Det_ReportError service of the DET.
⌋ (SRS_BSW_00323)

8.3.3 Services affecting a Hardware Handle Can_Write

[SWS_Can_00233] ⌈
Service name: Can_Write
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_Write(
Can_HwHandleType Hth,
const Can_PduType* PduInfo
Service ID[hex]: 0x06
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant (thread-safe)
Hth information which HW-transmit handle shall be used for transmit.
Implicitly this is also the information about the controller to use
Parameters (in):
because the Hth numbers are unique inside one hardware unit.
PduInfo Pointer to SDU user memory, Data Length and Identifier.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Write command has been accepted

E_NOT_OK: development error occurred

Return value:
CAN_BUSY: No TX hardware buffer available or pre-emptive call
of Can_Write that can't be implemented re-entrant (see

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Description: This function is called by CanIf to pass a CAN message to CanDrv for

⌋ (SRS_BSW_00312)

The function Can_Write first checks if the hardware transmit object that is identified
by the HTH is free and if another Can_Write is ongoing for the same HTH.
[SWS_Can_00212] ⌈ The function Can_Write shall perform following actions if the
hardware transmit object is free:
 The mutex for that HTH is set to ‘signaled’
 The ID, Data Length and SDU are put in a format appropriate for the hardware
(if necessary) and copied in the appropriate hardware registers/buffers.
 All necessary control operations to initiate the transmit are done
 The mutex for that HTH is released
 The function returns with E_OK⌋ (SRS_Can_01049)

[SWS_Can_00213] ⌈ The function Can_Write shall perform no actions if the

hardware transmit object is busy with another transmit request for an L-PDU:
1. The transmission of the other L-PDU shall not be cancelled and the function
Can_Write is left without any actions.
2. The function Can_Write shall return CAN_BUSY.⌋ (SRS_Can_01049).

[SWS_Can_00214] ⌈ The function Can_Write shall return CAN_BUSY if a

preemptive call of Can_Write has been issued, that could not be handled reentrant
(i.e. a call with the same HTH).⌋ (SRS_BSW_00312, SRS_Can_01049)
[SWS_Can_00275] ⌈ The function Can_Write shall be non-blocking.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00216] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_Write shall raise the error CAN_E_UNINIT and shall return
E_NOT_OK if the driver is not yet initialized.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00217] ⌈ If development error detection for the Can module is enabled:
The function Can_Write shall raise the error CAN_E_PARAM_HANDLE and shall
return E_NOT_OK if the parameter Hth is not a configured Hardware Transmit
Handle.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00218] ⌈ The function Can_Write shall return E_NOT_OK and if
development error detection for the CAN module is enabled shall raise the error
 If the length is more than 64 byte.
 If the length is more than 8 byte and the CAN controller is not in CAN FD
mode (no CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig).
 If the length is more than 8 byte and the CAN controller is in CAN FD mode
(valid CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig), but the CAN FD flag in
Can_PduType->id is not set (refer Can_IdType).⌋ ( SRS_Can_01005)

[SWS_CAN_00219] ⌈ If development error detection for CanDrv is enabled:

Can_Write() shall raise CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER and shall return E_NOT_OK if the
parameter PduInfo is a null pointer.⌋ ()
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[SWS_CAN_00503] ⌈ Can_Write() shall accept a null pointer as SDU

(Can_PduType.Can_SduPtrType = NULL) if the trigger transmit API is enabled
for this hardware object (CanTriggerTransmitEnable = TRUE).⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00504] ⌈ If the trigger transmit API is enabled for the hardware object,
Can_Write() shall interpret a null pointer as SDU (Can_PduType.Can_SduPtrType =
NULL) as request for using the trigger transmit interface. If so and the hardware
object is free, Can_Write() shall call CanIf_TriggerTransmit() with the maximum size
of the message buffer to acquire the PDU’s data.⌋ ()

Note: Using the message buffer size allows for late changes of the PDU size, e.g. if a
container PDU receives another contained PDU between the call to Can_Write() and
the call of CanIf_TriggerTransmit().

[SWS_CAN_00505] ⌈ If development error detection for CanDrv is enabled:

Can_Write() shall raise CAN_E_PARAM_POINTER and shall return E_NOT_OK if the
trigger transmit API is disabled for this hardware object (CanTriggerTransmitEnable =
FALSE) and the SDU pointer inside PduInfo is a null pointer.⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00506] ⌈ Can_Write() shall return E_NOT_OK if the trigger transmit
API (CanIf_TriggerTransmit()) returns E_NOT_OK.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00449,
SRS_BSW_00357, SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_Can_01130)
[SWS_CAN_00486] ⌈ The CAN Frame has to be sent according to the two most
significant bits of Can_PduType->id. The CAN FD frame bit is only evaluated if
CAN Controller is in CAN FD mode (valid CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig).⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00502] ⌈ If PduInfo->SduLength does not match possible DLC values
CanDrv shall use the next higher valid DLC for transmission with initialization of
unused bytes to the value of the corresponding CanFdPaddingValue (see
ECUC_Can_00485).⌋ ( SRS_Can_01160)

8.4 Call-back notifications

This chapter lists all functions provided by the Can module to lower layer modules.
The lower layer module of Can module is the SPI module. The SPI module, which is
part of the MCAL, may used to exchange data between the microcontroller and an
external CAN controller.
The Can module does not provide callback functions. Only synchronous MCAL API
may used to access external CAN controllers.

8.4.1 Call-out function

The AUTOSAR CAN module supports optional L-PDU callouts on every reception of a

[SWS_Can_00443] ⌈
Service name: <LPDU_CalloutName>
Syntax: boolean <LPDU_CalloutName>(

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Specification of CAN Driver
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uint8 Hrh,
Can_IdType CanId,
uint8 CanDataLegth,
const uint8* CanSduPtr
Service ID[hex]: 0x20
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Hrh --
CanId --
Parameters (in):
CanDataLegth --
CanSduPtr --
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: boolean --
Description: --
⌋ ()
where <LPDU_CalloutName> has to be substituted with the concrete L-PDU callout
name which is configurable, see ECUC_Can_00434.
[SWS_Can_00444] ⌈ If the L-PDU callout returns false, the L-PDU shall not be
processed any further. ⌋ ()

8.4.2 Enabling/Disabling wakeup notification

[SWS_Can_00445] ⌈ Can driver shall use the following APIs provided by Icu driver,
to enable and disable the wakeup event notification:
 Icu_EnableNotification
 Icu_DisableNotification⌋ ()

[SWS_Can_00446] ⌈ Icu_EnableNotification shall be called when “external” Can

controllers have been transitioned to SLEEP state.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00447] ⌈ Icu_DisableNotification shall be called when “external” Can
controllers have been transitioned to STOPPED state.⌋ ()

8.5 Scheduled functions

These functions are directly called by Basic Software Scheduler. The following
functions shall have no return value and no parameter. All functions shall be non-

[SWS_Can_00110] ⌈ There is no requirement regarding the execution order of the

CAN main processing functions.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00428) Can_MainFunction_Write

[SWS_Can_00225] ⌈
Service name: Can_MainFunction_Write
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Syntax: void Can_MainFunction_Write(

Service ID[hex]: 0x01
Description: This function performs the polling of TX confirmation when
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00031] ⌈ The function Can_MainFunction_Write shall perform the
polling of TX confirmation when CanTxProcessing
is set to POLLING or MIXED. In case of MIXED processing only the hardware
objects for which CanHardwareObjectUsesPolling is set to TRUE shall be polled.⌋
⌋ (SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_BSW_00373, SRS_SPAL_00157)
[SWS_Can_00178] ⌈ The Can module may implement the function
Can_MainFunction_Write as empty define in case no polling at all is used.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00441] ⌈ The API name of Can_MainFunction_Write() shall obey the
following pattern:
 Can_MainFunction_Wrtte_0()
 Can_MainFunction_Write_1()
 Can_MainFunction_Write_2()
 Can_MainFunction_Write_3()
 ... and so on, if more than one period (see ECUC_Can_00356) is supported.⌋ () Can_MainFunction_Read

[SWS_Can_00226] ⌈
Service name: Can_MainFunction_Read
Syntax: void Can_MainFunction_Read(
Service ID[hex]: 0x08
Description: This function performs the polling of RX indications when
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00108] ⌈ The function Can_MainFunction_Read shall perform the
polling of RX indications when CanRxProcessing is set to POLLING or MIXED. In
case of MIXED processing only the hardware objects for which
CanHardwareObjectUsesPolling is set to TRUE shall be
polled.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_SPAL_00157)
[SWS_Can_00180] ⌈ The Can module may implement the function
Can_MainFunction_Read as empty define in case no polling at all is used.⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00442] ⌈ The API name of Can_MainFunction_Read() shall obey the
following pattern:
• Can_MainFunction_Read_0()
• Can_MainFunction_Read_1()
• Can_MainFunction_Read_2()
• Can_MainFunction_Read_3()

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• ... and so on, if more than one period (see ECUC_Can_00358) is

supported.⌋ () Can_MainFunction_BusOff

[SWS_Can_00227] ⌈
Service name: Can_MainFunction_BusOff
Syntax: void Can_MainFunction_BusOff(
Service ID[hex]: 0x09
Description: This function performs the polling of bus-off events that are configured statically as
'to be polled'.
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00109] ⌈ The function Can_MainFunction_BusOff shall perform the
polling of bus-off events that are configured statically as ‘to be polled’.⌋ ()
(SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_SPAL_00157)

[SWS_Can_00183] ⌈ The Can module may implement the function

Can_MainFunction_BusOff as empty define in case no polling at all is used.⌋ () Can_MainFunction_Wakeup

[SWS_Can_00228] ⌈
Service name: Can_MainFunction_Wakeup
Syntax: void Can_MainFunction_Wakeup(
Service ID[hex]: 0x0a
Description: This function performs the polling of wake-up events that are configured statically
as 'to be polled'.
⌋ ()
[SWS_Can_00112] ⌈ The function Can_MainFunction_Wakeup shall perform the
polling of wake-up events that are configured statically as ‘to be
polled’.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00432, SRS_SPAL_00157)
[SWS_Can_00185] ⌈ The Can module may implement the function
Can_MainFunction_Wakeup as empty define in case no polling at all is used.⌋ () Can_MainFunction_Mode

[SWS_Can_00368] ⌈
Service name: Can_MainFunction_Mode
Syntax: void Can_MainFunction_Mode(
Service ID[hex]: 0x0c
Description: This function performs the polling of CAN controller mode transitions.
⌋ ()
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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[SWS_Can_00369] ⌈ The function Can_MainFunction_Mode shall implement the

polling of CAN status register flags to detect transition of CAN Controller state.
Compare to chapter 7.3.2.⌋ ()

8.6 Expected Interfaces

In this chapter all interfaces required from other modules are listed.

8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces

This chapter defines all interfaces which are required to fulfill the core functionality of
the module. All callback functions that are called by the Can module are implemented
in the CanIf module. These callback functions are not configurable.
[SWS_Can_00234] ⌈
API function Description
CanIf_ControllerBusOff This service indicates a Controller BusOff event referring to the
corresponding CAN Controller with the abstract CanIf ControllerId.
CanIf_ControllerModeIndication This service indicates a controller state transition referring to the
corresponding CAN controller with the abstract CanIf ControllerId.
CanIf_RxIndication This service indicates a successful reception of a received CAN Rx L-
PDU to the CanIf after passing all filters and validation checks.
CanIf_TxConfirmation This service confirms a previously successfully processed transmission
of a CAN TxPDU.
Det_ReportRuntimeError Service to report runtime errors. If a callout has been configured then
this callout shall be called.
GetCounterValue This service reads the current count value of a counter (returning either
the hardware timer ticks if counter is driven by hardware or the
software ticks when user drives counter).

⌋ (SRS_Can_01055)

8.6.2 Optional Interfaces

This chapter defines all interfaces that are required to fulfill an optional functionality of
the module.
[SWS_Can_00235] ⌈
API function Description
CanIf_CurrentIcomConfiguration This service shall inform about the change of the Icom Configuration
of a CAN controller using the abstract CanIf ControllerId.
CanIf_TriggerTransmit Within this API, the upper layer module (called module) shall check
whether the available data fits into the buffer size reported by
If it fits, it shall copy its data into the buffer provided by PduInfoPtr-
>SduDataPtr and update the length of the actual copied data in
If not, it returns E_NOT_OK without changing PduInfoPtr.
Det_ReportError Service to report development errors.
EcuM_CheckWakeup This callout is called by the EcuM to poll a wakeup source. It shall also
be called by the ISR of a wakeup source to set up the PLL and check
other wakeup sources that may be connected to the same interrupt.

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

EcuM_SetWakeupEvent Sets the wakeup event.

Icu_DisableNotification This function disables the notification of a channel.
Icu_EnableNotification This function enables the notification on the given channel.
⌋ (SRS_SPAL_12056, SRS_Can_01054)

8.6.3 Configurable interfaces

There is no configurable target for the Can module. The Can module always reports
to CanIf module.

8.7 API supporting Pretended Networking

[SWS_CAN_91001] ⌈
Service name: Can_SetIcomConfiguration
Syntax: Std_ReturnType Can_SetIcomConfiguration(
uint8 Controller,
IcomConfigIdType ConfigurationId
Service ID[hex]: 0xf
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant only for different controller Ids
Controller CAN controller for which the status shall be changed.
Parameters (in):
ConfigurationId Requested Configuration
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: CAN driver succeeded in setting a configuration with a
valid Configuration id.
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: CAN driver failed to set a configuration with a valid
Configuration id.
Description: This service shall change the Icom Configuration of a CAN controller to the
requested one.
⌋ ()
[SWS_CAN_00480]⌈ The interface Can_SetIcomConfiguration() shall
activate or deactivate Pretended Networking and load the requested ICOM
configuration for a given controller.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00481]⌈ If the requested ConfigurationId is not 0, the function

Can_SetIcomConfiguration() shall reconfigure the controller with the ICOM
configuration parameters of the CanIcomConfig container which CanIcomConfigId
matches the requested ConfigurationId.⌋ ()

[SWS_CAN_00495]⌈ Can_SetIcomConfiguration() shall be pre compile time

configurable ON/OFF by the configuration parameter

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

[SWS_CAN_00475]⌈ If development error detection for CanDrv is enabled, then

function Can_SetIcomConfiguration() shall report the development error
CAN_E_ICOM_CONFIG_INVALID if it is called with an invalid ConfigurationId
(i.e. neither 0 nor any of the configured CanIcomConfigId).⌋ ()

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

9 Sequence diagrams

9.1 Interaction between Can and CanIf module

For sequence diagrams see the CanIf module Specification [5].
There are described the sequences for Transmission, Reception and Error Handling.

9.2 Wakeup sequence

For Wakeup sequence diagrams refer to Specification of ECU State Manager [7].

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

10 Configuration specification
This chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into containers. In
order to support the specification Chapter 10.1 describes fundamentals. It also
specifies a template (table) you shall use for the parameter specification. We intend
to leave Chapter 10.1 in the specification to guarantee comprehension.

Chapter 10.2 specifies the structure (containers) and the parameters of the Can

Chapter 10.3 specifies published information of the Can module.

10.1 How to read this chapter

For details refer to the chapter 10.1 “Introduction to configuration specification” in

10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

The following chapters summarize all configuration parameters. The detailed
meanings of the parameters describe Chapters 7 and Chapter 8.
The described parameters are input for the Can module configurator.
[SWS_Can_00022] ⌈ The code configuration of the Can module is CAN controller
specific. If the CAN controller is sited on-chip, the code generation tool for the Can
module is µController specific. If the CAN controller is an external device, the
generation tool must not be µController specific.⌋ (SRS_BSW_00159)

[SWS_Can_00024] ⌈ The valid values that can be configured are hardware

dependent. Therefore the rules and constraints can’t be given in the standard. The
configuration tool is responsible to do a static configuration checking, also regarding
dependencies between modules (i.e. Port driver, MCU driver
etc.)⌋ (SRS_BSW_00167, SRS_SPAL_12463)

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Can :EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0


CanConfigSet :EcucParamConfContainerDef

+container +subContainer
CanGeneral : CanHardwareObject :
EcucParamConfContainerDef CanController :
+destination CanControllerRef : +reference EcucParamConfContainerDef
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucReferenceDef
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1

+subContainer +subContainer

CanControllerBaudrateConfig : CanIcom :
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 10-1: Can Module Configuration Layout

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

CanConfigSet :EcucParamConfContainerDef
Can :EcucModuleDef +container

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0


CanControllerId : CanController :
EcucIntegerParamDef EcucParamConfContainerDef
+parameter CanWakeupSourceRef : EcuMWakeupSource :
+reference EcucSymbolicNameReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
symbolicNameValue = true
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 32
min = 0
max = 255 (from EcuM)

CanControllerActivation : +parameter McuClockReferencePoint :

EcucBooleanParamDef +reference CanCpuClockRef : +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1
(from MCU)
CanControllerBaudrateConfig :
CanControllerBaseAddress :
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef
EcucIntegerParamDef +parameter

upperMultiplicity = *
min = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1
max = 4294967295

CanWakeupSupport : +parameter
EcucBooleanParamDef CanControllerDefaultBaudrate :

CanWakeupFunctionalityAPI :

defaultValue = false

+literal EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter CanTxProcessing :

CanRxProcessing :
EcucEnumerationParamDef INTERRUPT :
+literal EcucEnumerationLiteralDef


CanBusoffProcessing : +literal
+literal EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+parameter CanWakeupProcessing :

Figure 10-2: Can Controller Configuration Layout

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

CanControllerBaudrateConfig :
CanControllerBaudRate :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

upperMultiplicity = *
min = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 1
max = 2000

CanControllerPropSeg :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerSeg1 :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerSeg2 :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerSyncJumpWidth :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerBaudRateConfigID :

min = 0
max = 65535
defaultValue = 0

CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig :
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 10-3: Can Controller Baud Rate Configuration Layout

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Can :EcucModuleDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+container CanIndex :EcucIntegerParamDef

CanDevErrorDetect : CanGeneral : min = 0
+parameter EcucParamConfContainerDef max = 255

upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false
lowerMultiplicity = 1

CanMultiplexedTransmission : +parameter
CanVersionInfoApi :

defaultValue = false

CanTimeoutDuration :
EcucFloatParamDef +parameter
CanMainFunctionRWPeriods :
CanMainFunctionPeriod :
min = 0.000001 EcucFloatParamDef
max = 65.535 +parameter
lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
CanMainFunctionWakeupPeriod : max = INF
+parameter +subContainer
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
min = 0
max = INF

CanMainFunctionModePeriod :
EcucFloatParamDef +parameter

min = 0
max = INF

OsCounter :
CanOsCounterRef :
+destination EcucParamConfContainerDef
+reference EcucReferenceDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *
upperMultiplicity = 1
(from OS)

CanMainFunctionBusoffPeriod : CanLPduReceiveCalloutFunction :
EcucFloatParamDef +parameter EcucFunctionNameDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0
min = 0
max = INF

CanIcomGeneral :
CanSetBaudrateApi : +subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
defaultValue = False upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
CanPublicIcomSupport :

defaultValue = false

Figure 10-4: Can General Configuration Layout

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig : CanControllerFdBaudRate :
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 min = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 max = 16000

CanControllerTxBitRateSwitch :

defaultValue = true
CanControllerPropSeg :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerSeg1 :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerSeg2 :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerSyncJumpWidth :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0
max = 255

CanControllerTrcvDelayCompensationOffset :
min = 0
max = 400
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 10-5: CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig

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Can :EcucModuleDef
BASIC : FULL : EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
upperMultiplicity = * EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
EcucEnumerationLiteralDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
+literal +literal +literal +literal
CanObjectId :

CanHandleType : CanConfigSet :EcucParamConfContainerDef CanObjectType :

upperMultiplicity = 1 EcucEnumerationParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1
symbolicNameValue = true
+parameter min = 0 +parameter
max = 65535

+subContainer +parameter

CanHardwareObject :EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = *
lowerMultiplicity = 1

+parameter +reference +parameter

+reference CanFdPaddingValue :
CanIdType :EcucEnumerationParamDef
EcucIntegerParamDef CanControllerRef :
CanMainFunctionRWPeriodRef : EcucReferenceDef
EcucReferenceDef min = 0
max = 255
lowerMultiplicity = 0 defaultValue = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 +literal

+subContainer +destination STANDARD :

CanHwFilter : CanController :
CanMainFunctionRWPeriods :
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef
EcucParamConfContainerDef +literal

lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = * EXTENDED :

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = * lowerMultiplicity = 1 EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
upperMultiplicity = *


+parameter +parameter MIXED :

CanHwFilterMask : CanHwFilterCode :
EcucIntegerParamDef EcucIntegerParamDef
min = 0 min = 0
max = 4294967295 max = 4294967295 CanTriggerTransmitEnable :

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1
defaultValue = false
+parameter +parameter

CanHardwareObjectUsesPolling : CanHwObjectCount :
EcucBooleanParamDef EcucIntegerParamDef

defaultValue = false min = 1

lowerMultiplicity = 0 max = 65535
upperMultiplicity = 1 defaultValue = 1

Figure 10-6: Can Hardware Object Configuration Layout

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CanIcom : CanIcomConfig :
EcucParamConfContainerDef CanIcomConfigId :
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 min = 1
upperMultiplicity = * max = 255

CanIcomWakeOnBusOff :
+parameter EcucBooleanParamDef

defaultValue = true

+subContainer CanIcomWakeupCauses :

Figure 10-7: CanICOM Layout

CanIcomGeneral : CanIcomLevel :EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal CAN_ICOM_LEVEL_ONE :

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
defaultValue = CAN_ICOM_LEVEL_ONE
lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = 1

CanIcomVariant :EcucEnumerationParamDef +literal CAN_ICOM_VARIANT_NONE :


+parameter +literal CAN_ICOM_VARIANT_SW :



Figure 10-8: CanICOM General Configuration Layout

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CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig : CanIcomSignalMask :
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 min = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

CanIcomSignalValue :
+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

min = 0

CanIcomSignalOperation : +literal AND :

EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

+literal XOR :
+parameter EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
+literal SMALLER :


CanIcomSignalRef :
EcucReferenceDef ComSignal :
+reference +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

(from Com)

Figure 10-9: CanIcomRxMessageSignal Configuration Layout

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CanIcomWakeupCauses : CanIcomRxMessage : CanIcomMessageId :

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucIntegerParamDef
lowerMultiplicity = 1 min = 0
upperMultiplicity = * max = 536870912
lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1

CanIcomMessageIdMask :
min = 0
max = 536870912
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

CanIcomCounterValue :
min = 1
max = 65536
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

CanIcomMissingMessageTimerValue :
+parameter EcucFloatParamDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

CanIcomPayloadLengthError :

defaultValue = false

CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig :
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = *

Figure 10-10: CanIcomWakeupCauses Configuration Layout

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10.2.1 Can

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00489 :

Module Name Can
Module Description This container holds the configuration of a single CAN Driver.
Post-Build Variant Support true

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub
CanConfigSet 1
containers of the AUTOSAR Can module.
This container contains the parameters related each CAN
CanGeneral 1
Driver Unit.

10.2.2 CanGeneral

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00328 :

Container Name CanGeneral
Description This container contains the parameters related each CAN Driver Unit.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00064 :

Name CanDevErrorDetect
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description Switches the development error detection and notification on or off.

 true: detection and notification is enabled.

 false: detection and notification is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00320 :

Name CanIndex
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description Specifies the InstanceId of this module instance. If only one instance is
present it shall have the Id 0.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
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Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00434 :

Name CanLPduReceiveCalloutFunction
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description This parameter defines the existence and the name of a callout function
that is called after a successful
reception of a received CAN Rx L-PDU. If this parameter is omitted no
callout shall take place.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFunctionNameDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00355 :

Name CanMainFunctionBusoffPeriod
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description This parameter describes the period for cyclic call to
Can_MainFunction_Busoff. Unit is seconds.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00376 :

Name CanMainFunctionModePeriod
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description This parameter describes the period for cyclic call to
Can_MainFunction_Mode. Unit is seconds.
Multiplicity 1
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Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00357 :

Name CanMainFunctionWakeupPeriod
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description This parameter describes the period for cyclic call to
Can_MainFunction_Wakeup. Unit is seconds.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00095 :

Name CanMultiplexedTransmission
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description Specifies if multiplexed transmission shall be supported.ON or OFF
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: CAN Hardware Unit supports multiplexed transmission

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00483 :

Name CanPublicIcomSupport
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description Selects support of Pretended Network features in Can driver.
True: Enabled
False: Disabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
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Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00482 :

Name CanSetBaudrateApi
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description The support of the Can_SetBaudrate API is optional.
If this parameter is set to true the Can_SetBaudrate API shall be
supported. Otherwise the API is not supported.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00113 :

Name CanTimeoutDuration
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description Specifies the maximum time for blocking function until a timeout is
detected. Unit is seconds.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [1E-6 .. 65.535]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00106 :

Name CanVersionInfoApi
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description Switches the Can_GetVersionInfo() API ON or OFF.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00431 :

Name CanOsCounterRef
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description This parameter contains a reference to the OsCounter, which is used by
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the CAN driver.

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ OsCounter ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00430 :

Name CanSupportTTCANRef
Parent Container CanGeneral
Description The parameter refers to CanIfSupportTTCAN parameter in the CAN
Interface Module configuration.
The CanIfSupportTTCAN parameter defines whether TTCAN is supported.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ CanIfPrivateCfg ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the general configuration parameters
CanIcomGeneral 0..1
of the ICOM Configuration.
This container contains the parameter for configuring the
CanMainFunctionRWPeriods 0..* period for cyclic call to Can_MainFunction_Read or
Can_MainFunction_Write depending on the referring item.

10.2.3 CanController

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00354 :

Container Name CanController
This container contains the configuration parameters of the CAN
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00314 :

Name CanBusoffProcessing
Parent Container CanController
Description Enables / disables API Can_MainFunction_BusOff() for handling busoff events in
polling mode.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range INTERRUPT Interrupt Mode of operation.
POLLING Polling Mode of operation.
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Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00315 :

Name CanControllerActivation
Parent Container CanController
Description Defines if a CAN controller is used in the configuration.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00382 :

Name CanControllerBaseAddress
Parent Container CanController
Description Specifies the CAN controller base address.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00316 :

Name CanControllerId
Parent Container CanController
Description This parameter provides the controller ID which is unique in a given CAN
Driver. The value for this parameter starts with 0 and continue without any
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00317 :

Name CanRxProcessing
Parent Container CanController
Description Enables / disables API Can_MainFunction_Read() for handling PDU reception
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events in polling mode.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range INTERRUPT Interrupt Mode of operation.
MIXED Mixed Mode of operation
POLLING Polling Mode of operation.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00318 :

Name CanTxProcessing
Parent Container CanController
Description Enables / disables API Can_MainFunction_Write() for handling PDU transmission
events in polling mode.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range INTERRUPT Interrupt Mode of operation.
MIXED Mixed Mode of operation
POLLING Polling Mode of operation.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00466 :

Name CanWakeupFunctionalityAPI
Parent Container CanController
Description Adds / removes the service Can_CheckWakeup() from the code.
True: Can_CheckWakeup can be used.
False: Can_CheckWakeup cannot be used.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: H/W should support the wakeup functionality to enable this

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00319 :

Name CanWakeupProcessing
Parent Container CanController
Description Enables / disables API Can_MainFunction_Wakeup() for handling wakeup events
in polling mode.
Multiplicity 1
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Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range INTERRUPT Interrupt Mode of operation.
POLLING Polling Mode of operation.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00330 :

Name CanWakeupSupport
Parent Container CanController
Description CAN driver support for wakeup over CAN Bus.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00435 :

Name CanControllerDefaultBaudrate
Parent Container CanController
Description Reference to baudrate configuration container configured for the Can
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ CanControllerBaudrateConfig ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00313 :

Name CanCpuClockRef
Parent Container CanController
Description Reference to the CPU clock configuration, which is set in the MCU driver
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ McuClockReferencePoint ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00359 :

Name CanWakeupSourceRef
Parent Container CanController
Description This parameter contains a reference to the Wakeup Source for this
controller as defined in the ECU State Manager.
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Implementation Type: reference to EcuM_WakeupSourceType

Multiplicity 0..1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ EcuMWakeupSource ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
CanControllerBaudrateConfi This container contains bit timing related configuration
g parameters of the CAN controller(s).
CanTTController is specified in the SWS TTCAN and contains
the configuration parameters of the TTCAN controller(s) (which
are needed in addition to the configuration parameters of the
CanTTController 0..1 CAN controller(s)).
This container is only included and valid if TTCAN is supported
by the controller, enabled (see CanSupportTTCANRef,
ECUC_Can_00430), and used.

10.2.4 CanControllerBaudrateConfig

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00387 :

Container Name CanControllerBaudrateConfig
This container contains bit timing related configuration parameters of the
CAN controller(s).
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00005 :

Name CanControllerBaudRate
Parent Container CanControllerBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies the baudrate of the controller in kbps.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 2000
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00471 :

Name CanControllerBaudRateConfigID
Parent Container CanControllerBaudrateConfig
Description Uniquely identifies a specific baud rate configuration. This ID is used by
SetBaudrate API.
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Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value 0
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: CanSetBaudrateApi

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00073 :

Name CanControllerPropSeg
Parent Container CanControllerBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies propagation delay in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00074 :

Name CanControllerSeg1
Parent Container CanControllerBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies phase segment 1 in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00075 :

Name CanControllerSeg2
Parent Container CanControllerBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies phase segment 2 in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00383 :

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Name CanControllerSyncJumpWidth
Parent Container CanControllerBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies the synchronization jump width for the controller in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This optional container contains bit timing related
CanControllerFdBaudrateConfi configuration parameters of the CAN controller(s) for
g payload and CRC of a CAN FD frame. If this container
exists the controller supports CAN FD frames.

10.2.5 CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00473 :

Container Name CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
This optional container contains bit timing related configuration parameters
Description of the CAN controller(s) for payload and CRC of a CAN FD frame. If this
container exists the controller supports CAN FD frames.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00481 :

Name CanControllerFdBaudRate
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies the data segment baud rate of the controller in kbps.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 16000
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00476 :

Name CanControllerPropSeg
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies propagation delay in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
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Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE

Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00477 :

Name CanControllerSeg1
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies phase segment 1 in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00478 :

Name CanControllerSeg2
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies phase segment 2 in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00479 :

Name CanControllerSyncJumpWidth
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies the synchronization jump width for the controller in time quantas.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00480 :

Name CanControllerTrcvDelayCompensationOffset
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies the Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset in ns. If not specified
Transceiver Delay Compensation is disabled.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef

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Range 0 .. 400
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00475 :

Name CanControllerTxBitRateSwitch
Parent Container CanControllerFdBaudrateConfig
Description Specifies if the bit rate switching shall be used for transmissions.
If FALSE: CAN FD frames shall be sent without bit rate switching.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value true
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.6 CanHardwareObject

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00324 :

Container Name CanHardwareObject
This container contains the configuration (parameters) of CAN Hardware
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00485 :

Name CanFdPaddingValue
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Specifies the value which is used to pad unspecified data in CAN FD
frames > 8 bytes for transmission. This is necessary due to the discrete
possible values of the DLC if > 8 bytes.
If the length of a PDU which was requested to be sent does not match the
allowed DLC values, the remaining bytes up to the next possible value
shall be padded with this value.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value 0
Post-Build Variant
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Post-Build Variant Value true

Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00323 :

Name CanHandleType
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Specifies the type (Full-CAN or Basic-CAN) of a hardware object.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range BASIC For several L-PDUs are hadled by the
hardware object
FULL For only one L-PDU (identifier) is handled
by the hardware object
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: ECU
Dependency dependency: This configuration element is used as information for the CAN
Interface only. The relevant CAN driver configuration is done with the filter mask
and identifier.

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00490 :

Name CanHardwareObjectUsesPolling
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Enables polling of this hardware object.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Scope / Dependency dependency: This parameter shall exist if
CanRxProcessing/CanTxProcessing is set to Mixed.

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00467 :

Name CanHwObjectCount
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Number of hardware objects used to implement one HOH. In case of a
HRH this parameter defines the number of elements in the hardware FIFO
or the number of shadow buffers, in case of a HTH it defines the number of
hardware objects used for multiplexed transmission or for a hardware FIFO
used by a FullCAN HTH.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 65535
Default value 1
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
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Class Link time --

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00065 :

Name CanIdType
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Specifies whether the IdValue is of type

 standard identifier

- extended identifier
- mixed mode
ImplementationType: Can_IdType
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range EXTENDED All the CANIDs are of type extended only
(29 bit).
MIXED The type of CANIDs can be both
Standard or Extended.
STANDARD All the CANIDs are of type standard only
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00326 :

Name CanObjectId
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Holds the handle ID of HRH or HTH. The value of this parameter is unique
in a given CAN Driver, and it should start with 0 and continue without any
The HRH and HTH Ids share a common ID range.

Example: HRH0-0, HRH1-1, HTH0-2, HTH1-3

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 65535
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00327 :

Name CanObjectType
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
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Description Specifies if the HardwareObject is used as Transmit or as Receive object

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RECEIVE Receive HOH
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00486 :

Name CanTriggerTransmitEnable
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description This parameter defines if or if not Can supports the trigger-transmit API for
this handle.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00322 :

Name CanControllerRef
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Reference to CAN Controller to which the HOH is associated to.
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ CanController ]
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00438 :

Name CanMainFunctionRWPeriodRef
Parent Container CanHardwareObject
Description Reference to CanMainFunctionPeriod
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ CanMainFunctionRWPeriods ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

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Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container is only valid for HRHs and contains the
CanHwFilter 0..*
configuration (parameters) of one hardware filter.
CanTTHardwareObjectTrigger is specified in the SWS
TTCAN and contains the configuration (parameters) of
TTCAN triggers for Hardware Objects, which are additional to
0..* the configuration (parameters) of CAN Hardware Objects.
This container is only included and valid if TTCAN is
supported by the controller and, enabled (see
CanSupportTTCANRef, ECUC_Can_00430), and used.

10.2.7 CanHwFilter

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00468 :

Container Name CanHwFilter
This container is only valid for HRHs and contains the configuration
(parameters) of one hardware filter.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00469 :

Name CanHwFilterCode
Parent Container CanHwFilter
Description Specifies (together with the filter mask) the identifiers range that passes
the hardware filter.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00470 :

Name CanHwFilterMask
Parent Container CanHwFilter
Description Describes a mask for hardware-based filtering of CAN identifiers. The CAN
identifiers of incoming messages are masked with the appropriate
CanFilterMaskValue. Bits holding a 0 mean don't care, i.e. do not compare
the message's identifier in the respective bit position.
The mask shall be build by filling with leading 0. In case of CanIdType
EXTENDED or MIXED a 29 bit mask shall be build. In case of CanIdType
STANDARD a 11 bit mask shall be build
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 4294967295
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value true
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --

101 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

Scope / Dependency dependency: The filter mask settings must be known by the CanIf
configuration for optimization of the SW filters.

No Included Containers

10.2.8 CanConfigSet

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00343 :

Container Name CanConfigSet
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub containers of
the AUTOSAR Can module.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters of the
CanController 1..*
CAN controller(s).
This container contains the configuration (parameters) of CAN
CanHardwareObject 1..*
Hardware Objects.
This container contains the parameters for configuring
CanIcom 0..1
pretended networking

10.2.9 CanMainFunctionRWPeriods

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00437 :

Container Name CanMainFunctionRWPeriods
This container contains the parameter for configuring the period for cyclic
Description call to Can_MainFunction_Read or Can_MainFunction_Write depending
on the referring item.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00484 :

Name CanMainFunctionPeriod
Parent Container CanMainFunctionRWPeriods
Description This parameter describes the period for cyclic call to
Can_MainFunction_Read or Can_MainFunction_Write depending on the
referring item. Unit is seconds. Different poll-cycles will be configurable if
more than one CanMainFunctionPeriod is configured. In this case multiple
Can_MainFunction_Read() or Can_MainFunction_Write() will be provided
by the CAN Driver module.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
102 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

No Included Containers

10.2.10 CanIcom

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00440 :

Container Name CanIcom
This container contains the parameters for configuring pretended
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters of the
CanIcomConfig 1..*
ICOM Configuration.

10.2.11 CanIcomConfig

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00459 :

Container Name CanIcomConfig
This container contains the configuration parameters of the ICOM
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00441 :

Name CanIcomConfigId
Parent Container CanIcomConfig
Description This parameter identifies the ID of the ICOM configuration.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00442 :

Name CanIcomWakeOnBusOff
Parent Container CanIcomConfig
Description This parameter defines that the MCU shall wake if the bus off is detected
or not.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value true
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
103 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters of the
CanIcomWakeupCauses 1
wakeup causes to leave the power saving mode.

10.2.12 CanIcomGeneral

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00444 :

Container Name CanIcomGeneral
This container contains the general configuration parameters of the ICOM
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00445 :

Name CanIcomLevel
Parent Container CanIcomGeneral
Description Defines the level of Pretended Networking.
This parameter is reserved for future implementations (Pretended Networking level
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Default value CAN_ICOM_LEVEL_ONE
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00446 :

Name CanIcomVariant
Parent Container CanIcomGeneral
Description Defines the variant, which is supported by this CanController
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
104 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Configuration Link time --

Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.2.13 CanIcomRxMessage

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00447 :

Container Name CanIcomRxMessage
This container contains the configuration parameters for the wakeup
causes for matching received messages. It has to be configured as often
as received messages are defined as wakeup cause.
constraint: For all CanIcomRxMessage instances the Message IDs which
are defined in CanIcomMessageId and in CanIcomRxMessageIdMask
shall not overlap.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00448 :

Name CanIcomCounterValue
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessage
Description This parameter defines that the MCU shall wake if the message with the ID
is received n times on the communication channel.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 1 .. 65536
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00449 :

Name CanIcomMessageId
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessage
Description This parameter defines the message ID the wakeup causes of this
CanIcomRxMessage are configured for. In addition a mask
(CanIcomMessageIdMask) can be defined, in that case it is possible to
define a range of rx messages, which can create a wakeup condition.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 536870912
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false

105 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants

Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00465 :

Name CanIcomMessageIdMask
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessage
Description Describes a mask for filtering of CAN identifiers. The CAN identifiers of
incoming messages are masked with this CanIcomMessageIdMask. If the
masked identifier matches the masked value of CanIcomMessageId, it can
create a wakeup condition for this CanIcomRxMessage. Bits holding a 0
mean don't care, i.e. do not compare the message's identifier in the
respective bit position. The mask shall be build by filling with leading 0.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 536870912
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: CanIcomMessageIdMask and
CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig shall not be defined together.

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00450 :

Name CanIcomMissingMessageTimerValue
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessage
Description This parameter defines that the MCU shall wake if the message with the ID
is not received for a specific time in s on the
communication channel.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [-INF .. INF]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00451 :

Name CanIcomPayloadLengthError
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessage
106 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Description This parameter defines that the MCU shall wake if a payload error occurs
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters for
the wakeup causes for matching signals.
It has to be configured as often as a signal is defined as
wakeup cause. If at least one Signal conditions defined in
0..* a CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig evaluates to true or if
no CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig are defined, the
whole wakeup condition is considered to be true. All
instances of this container refer to the same frame/pdu
(see CanIcomMessageId).

10.2.14 CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00452 :

Container Name CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig
This container contains the configuration parameters for the wakeup
causes for matching signals.
It has to be configured as often as a signal is defined as wakeup cause. If
at least one Signal conditions defined in a
CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig evaluates to true or if no
CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig are defined, the whole wakeup condition
is considered to be true. All instances of this container refer to the same
frame/pdu (see CanIcomMessageId).
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00487 :

Name CanIcomSignalMask
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig
Description This parameter shall be used to mask a signal in the payload of a CAN
The mask is binary AND with the signal payload. The result will be used in
combination of the operations defined in CanIcomSignalOperation with the
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
107 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

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Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00462 :

Name CanIcomSignalOperation
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig
Description This parameter defines the operation, which shall be used to verify the signal value
creates a wakeup condition.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range AND The received signal value masked by
CanIcomSignalMask has at least one bit
set in common with CanIcomSignalValue
(binary AND).
EQUAL The received signal value masked by
CanIcomSignalMask is equal to
GREATER The received signal value masked by
CanIcomSignalMask is strictly greater than
Values are interpreted as unsigned
SMALLER The received signal value masked by
CanIcomSignalMask is strictly smaller than
Values are interpreted as unsigned
XOR The received signal value masked by
CanIcomSignalMask then XORed to
CanIcomSignalValue is not null.
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00488 :

Name CanIcomSignalValue
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig
Description This parameter shall be used to define a signal value which shall be
compared (CanIcomSignalOperation) with the masked
CanIcomSignalMask value of the received signal (CanIcomSignalRef).
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 ..
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00456 :

108 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

Name CanIcomSignalRef
Parent Container CanIcomRxMessageSignalConfig
Description This parameter defines a reference to the signal which shall be checked
additional to the message id (CanIcomMessageId).
This reference is used for documentation to define which ComSignal
originates this filter setting. All signals being referred by this reference shall
point to the same PDU.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ ComSignal ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: The signal referenced by CanIcomSignalRef shall be
included in a ComIPdu which matches with the current CAN Controller and
the CAN Identifier (CanIcomMessageId) configured for this

No Included Containers

10.2.15 CanIcomWakeupCauses

SWS Item ECUC_Can_00443 :

Container Name CanIcomWakeupCauses
This container contains the configuration parameters of the wakeup
causes to leave the power saving mode.
Configuration Parameters

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters for the
wakeup causes for matching received messages. It has to be
configured as often as received messages are defined as
CanIcomRxMessage 1..* wakeup cause.
constraint: For all CanIcomRxMessage instances the Message
IDs which are defined in CanIcomMessageId and in
CanIcomRxMessageIdMask shall not overlap.

109 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of CAN Driver
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.1

11 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_Can_00999] ⌈ These requirements are not applicable to this specification. ⌋
(SRS_BSW_00170, SRS_BSW_00383, SRS_BSW_00395, SRS_BSW_00397,
SRS_BSW_00398, SRS_BSW_00399, SRS_BSW_00400, SRS_BSW_00168,
SRS_BSW_00423, SRS_BSW_00424, SRS_BSW_00425, SRS_BSW_00426,
SRS_BSW_00427, SRS_BSW_00429, SRS_BSW_00433, SRS_BSW_00336,
SRS_BSW_00422, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00409, SRS_BSW_00162,
SRS_BSW_00415, SRS_BSW_00325, SRS_BSW_00342, SRS_BSW_00453,
SRS_BSW_00413, SRS_BSW_00307, SRS_BSW_00447, SRS_BSW_00353,
SRS_BSW_00361, SRS_BSW_00439, SRS_BSW_00449, SRS_BSW_00378,
SRS_BSW_00359, SRS_BSW_00440, SRS_SPAL_12163, SRS_SPAL_12462,
SRS_SPAL_12068, SRS_SPAL_12064, SRS_Can_01125, SRS_Can_01126)

110 of 110 Document ID 011: AUTOSAR_SWS_CANDriver

- AUTOSAR confidential -

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