Difference Between Intrusion Detection System (IDS) & Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Difference Between Intrusion Detection System (IDS) & Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
Difference Between Intrusion Detection System (IDS) & Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
asmaa_zaid218@yahoo.com, sdgore@stats.unipune.ernet.in
Abstract: This paper discusses difference between Intrusion Detection system and intrusion
Prevention System (IDS/IPS) technology in computer networks. The differences between
deployment of these system in networks in which IDS are out of band in system, means it
cannot sit within the network path but IPS are in-line in the system, means it can pass through
in between the devices.IDS generates only alerts if anomaly traffic passes in network traffic, it
would be false positive or false negative, means IDS detects only malicious activities but no
action taken on those activities but IPS has feature of detection and prevention with auto or
manual action taken on those detected malicious activities like drop or block or terminate the
connections. Here IDS and IPS systems stability, performance and accuracy wise result are
comparing in this paper.
1. Introduction:
Intrusion is a set of actions aimed at compromising the basic network security goals like confidentiality,
integrity, availability of a computing/networking resource.
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are basically identifying intrusion threats, attacks and malicious
activities in a network and generate alerts. The limitation of IDS is they cannot resolve network attacks;
it passes in network for only watches network traffic like packet sniffing. The IDS are basically analyses
the copied packets on the network segment for detecting attacks or attack has already taken place, this
to alert network admin for what is happening in network.
Intrusion prevention system (IPS) is the process of both detecting intrusion activities or threats and
managing responsive actions on those detected intrusions and threats throughout the network. IPS are
monitoring real time packet traffic with malicious activities or which match specific profiles and will
trigger the generation of alerts and it can drop, block that traffic in real time pass through in network.
The mainly IPS counter measures is to stop an attack in progress.
“In simple terms, IDS may be perfectly suited for network attack monitoring and for alerting
administrators of emerging threats. But its speed, performance and passive limitations have opened the
door for IPS to challenge it as the proactive defense weapon of choice.”
[http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/04/04/14ips-sb_1.html, April 04, 2003]
In network security the firewall serves main purpose of security but it allows network traffic on specified
ports to either in or out of the network. The firewalls cannot do to detect this network traffic sent on a
particular port or legitimate port or part of an intrusion attempts or attacks.
If, for example, allow remote access to an internal web server through allowing inbound access on TCP
port 80, then an attacker could use this port to attack the Web server. In this case the IDS can
distinguish traffic between the allowed connections to Web server or attempted attack to Web server by
comparing the signature of the traffic to a database of known attack signatures. The IDS will notify such
an attack enabling and generate alert for take appropriate action and IPS, on the other hand, take
action on that detected attacked connections or drop / close this connection.
Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention Systems, IDS and IPS respectively, are network level
defences deployed in thousands of computer networks worldwide. The basic difference between these
two technologies are lies in how they provide protection for network environments with respect to
detection and prevention terms. IDS generate only alerts or logs after threats or malicious activities are
occurred. Intrusion Detection Systems simply detect possible intrusions and report this to network
The actual role of IDS and IPS in network security shows in above diagram with details. How this
detection algorithm and alert filter works with predefined rule sets for generating activity data or alerts
for take an appropriate action on intrusive activities.
Intrusion Prevention Systems, IPS, perform the same analysis as Intrusion Detection Systems are
detected because they are deployed in-line in the network, between other network components, they
can take action on that malicious activity. Intrusion Prevention Systems will not only detect the
intrusions but will take actions to like terminating the connection.
IDS and IPS are originally developed for addressing requirements of lacking in most firewalls. IDS are basically
used to detecting the threats or intrusions in network segment. But IPS is focused on identifying those threats or
intrusions for blocking or dropping their activities.
The IDS and IPS are list of similar functions like packet inspection, stateful analysis, TCP segment reassembly,
deep packet inspection, protocol validation, and signature matching.
The best example of security gate in term of difference of IDS and IPS is, An IDS works like a patrol car within
the border, monitoring activities and looking for abnormal situations. But an IPS operates like a security guard at
the gate of allowing and denying access based on credentials and some predefined rule set, or policy. No matter
how strong the security at the gate is, the patrols continue to operate in a system that provides its own checks.
The IDS is software or an appliance that detects a threat, unauthorized or malicious network traffic. IDS
has their own predefined rule sets, through that it can inspect the configuration of endpoints to
determine whether they may be susceptible to attack (this is known as host-based IDS), and also it can
record activities across a network and compare it to known attacks or attack patterns (this is called
network-based IDS). The purpose of intrusion detection is to provide monitoring, auditing, forensics,
and reporting of network malicious activities.
Preventing network attacks
Identifying the intruders
Preserving logs in case the incident leads to criminal prosecution
The IPS are not only detect the bad packets caused by malicious codes, botnets, viruses and targeted
attacks, but also it can take action to prevent those network activity from causing damage on network.
The attacker’s main motive is to take sensitive data or intellectual property, through that they interested
in whatever they can get from customer data like employee information, financial records etc. The IPS
is specified to provide protection for assets, resources, data, and networks.
IPS stops the attack itself
IPS changes the security environment
Accuracy- False Negatives:
The accuracy of false negatives is simply a missed attack. The goal of this type of system is based on
coverage of high priority attacks. The IDS may become overwhelmed with traffic beyond its capacity,
dropping packets needed to detect the attack and an IPS is overwhelming the device causes traffic to
be blocked or dropped preventing the attack from succeeding to detect anomalies.
The IDS and IPS devices are gives a comprehensive logs and data collection, its without actionable
alerts, the data gathered from these devices and sensors throughout the network can be used for event
correlation and network forensics in a post-attack scenario. This type of data is critical for analysis
during and after attacks and can help for organization with both incident response and compliance
5. Conclusion
Intrusion types of systems are put in place to serve a business needs for meeting an objective of
network security. The IDS and IPS are to provide a foundation of technology meets to tracking,
identifying network attacks to which detect through logs of IDS systems and prevent an action through
IPS systems. If the host with critical systems, confidential data and strict compliance regulations, then
it’s a great to use of IDS, IPS or both in network environments.
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