Safety Information: Ready-Mixed Concrete

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1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF 2.1.2 Classification according to Regulation EC
Signal Word: Danger
1.1 Product identifier STOT SE3, Eye damage 1, Skin Sensitisation 1,
Substance name READY-MIXED CONCRETE Skin Irritation 2.
This safety datasheet applies to cement- H315, H317, H318, H335, H372
containing products Wet concrete can cause serious alkali burns if in direct
For further details of the specification refer contact with skin or eyes.
to the relevant Technical Data Sheet.
Alkali burns, a form of skin ulceration, may
1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or result from contact with freshly mixed
mixture and uses advised against concrete. Contact with strongly alkaline
Please check the identified uses in Table 1 of the Appendix solutions such as concrete can initially cause
of this SDS. Uses advised against: There are no uses nerve damage. Chemical burns may occur without the
advised against. person being aware because they do not feel any pain.
Contact with wet cement mixes such as wet concrete
1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet can cause skin disease. Irritant contact dermatitis is
Tarmac Limited, Portland House, Bickenhill Lane, caused by the combination of the wetness, alkalinity
Solihull, Birmingham B37 7BQ and abrasiveness of the ready-mixed concrete.
Technical helpdesk: 0800 917 8888 Allergic contact dermatitis may be caused by individual
Email: sensitivity to chromium compounds in cement.
1.4 Emergency telephone Wet concrete in contact with eyes can
Emergency telephone number available during office hours: ause irritation, inflammation or serious
Tel 0800 917 8888 alkali burns, which may lead to blindness.
Emergency telephone number available outside office Ingestion:
hours: No Swallowing small amounts of fresh concrete is unlikely
to cause any significant reaction. Larger amounts
2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines.
2.1 Classification of the substance Wet concrete is not likely to create
dust, but respirable dust may be released
2.1.1 Classification according to Directive 67/548/ by the surface treatment and cutting or drilling of
EEC: hardened concrete. If inhaled in excessive quantities
Hazardous – Irritant over a prolonged period or extended period, respirable
R34, R38, R41, R43 dust can constitute a long term health hazard. Dusts
containing Respirable Crystalline Silica* (quartz)

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present a greater hazard. Long-term exposure After ingestion

to respirable dust can lead to respiratory system Remove to fresh air. If person is conscious, rinse out mouth
damage and disease. Respirable crystalline silica has and give water to drink. Seek medical advice.
been associated with the lung disease silicosis.
The quartz content of the product will vary, and is related 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES
to the type of aggregate used in the production of
the concrete. Advice on the quartz content and other 5.1 Extinguishing media
chemical information is available from the supplying unit.
5.1.1 Suitable extinguishing media
*Any references to respirable silica in this Not applicable
document only apply if hardened concrete
is cut, drilled, milled or planed 5.1.2 Unsuitable extinguishing media
Not applicable
Ready-mixed concrete is a mixture of: 5.2 Special exposure hazards
- A cementitious material which may be cement or None
a mixture of cement with an addition (e.g. fly ash,
ground granulated blast furnace slag or silica fume). 5.3 Special Protective Equipment for Firefighters
- Fine and coarse aggregate. None
- Water
- Admixtures or additives may be added to modify the 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES
properties of the fresh or hardened concrete. Pigments
may be added to colour the product. 6.1 For personal precautions
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear impervious
Hazardous Ingredients:
clothing, gloves and boots. Wear eye protection. See
EC No %
DSD CLP Section 8 for guidance on personal protective equipment.
Name Classification Classification
See Section 7 for guidance on handling the product.
Portland 266- Xi; R34, R38, H315, 317, 318,
Cement 043-4
10-20 R41, R43 335

Crystaline 238- 6.2 Environmental precautions

Variable Xn; R48/20 H372
Silicia 878-4 Prevent wet concrete from entering
watercourses, ditches and drains.
6.3 Methods and material for containment
4.1 Description of first aid measures and cleaning up
General advice Clean up any spillage before the concrete hardens, using
No known delayed effects. Consult a physician for all suction or mechanical removal methods.
exposures except for minor instances.
Following inhalation
If concrete dust is inhaled, remove to fresh air. 7.1 Precautions for safe handling
If breathing difficulties or inflammation are
experienced, seek medical attention. 7.1.1 Protective measures
Avoid skin and eye contact. Wet concrete can cause
Following skin contact serious alkali burns if in direct contact with skin or eyes.
Where skin contact occurs with wet concrete, either directly Contact with concrete may also cause skin disease
or through saturated clothing, the concrete must be by the combination of the wetness, alkalinity and
washed off immediately with soap and water. abrasiveness of the ready-mixed concrete. Allergic
If wet concrete enters boots or gloves, or saturates clothing, contact dermatitis may be caused by individual
remove article immediately and wash before re-use. sensitivity to chromium compounds which may
occur in cement.
Following eye contact Do not sit or kneel on wet, un-hardened concrete
Immediately and thoroughly irrigate with copious without wearing the correct personal protective
amounts of eye wash solution or clean water. equipment. Where concrete enters boots or gloves,
Seek medical attention immediately. or saturates clothing, the article should be removed
immediately and washed before further use.
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Refer to Section 8 for guidance on personal protection. Respiratory protection

Respiratory protection is not usually required when
7.2 Conditions for safe storage working with wet concrete, If work creates dust (e.g.
Ready-mixed concrete is normally used upon receipt. when cutting or drilling hardened concrete), and
However, the hardening process of ready-mixed concrete engineering controls do not keep dust levels below the
can be delayed by the use of additions and/ or admixtures, levels shown in the table above, then suitable respiratory
extending the period during which the precautions protection should be used to protect against inhalation
given in this data sheet should continue to be taken and of dust, and to ensure exposure is below the Workplace
during which time access by unauthorised persons Exposure Levels given in the table.
should be prevented.
Refer to the relevant Technical Data Sheet for the Hand Protection
specific product. Impermeable gloves should be worn.


PROTECTION Goggles should be worn to prevent the product entering
the eyes (including dust).
8.1 Take measures to Prevent
a) Direct skin or eye contact with fresh concrete. It is also Skin Protection
important not to kneel or sit on the fresh concrete as harmful Overalls and/or long-sleeved jackets and full length
contact can occur through saturated clothing. trousers. should be worn to protect skin from
b) Inhalation of dust created by the surface treatment and contact with wet concrete. Outer clothing should be
cutting of hardened concrete which may contain quartz. waterproof if contact with wet concrete is likely. Wear
If inhaled in excessive quantities over an extended period, impermeable boots to protect feet. Safety wellington
respirable dust containing quartz can constitute a long term boots should be worn If working with wet concrete,
health hazard. with waterproof trousers pulled over them to help
prevent concrete entering the boots. If concrete
8.2 Exposure Control Limits / Source saturates clothing, or enters gloves or boots, remove
Total Dust W.E.L. 10mg/m3 8 Hrs T.W.A. the articles immediately and wash before wearing again.
Respirable Dust W.E.L. 4mg/m3 8 Hrs T.W.A
In addition to the above, the use of skin
Respirable Quartz W.E.L. 0.1mg/m3 8 Hrs T.W.A barrier cream and aftercare products is also
Crystalline Silica* SiO2 recommended. se of skin barrier cream and
aftercare products is also recommended.
W.E.L. = Workplace Exposure Limit
T.W.A. = Time Weighted Average

8.3.1 Control measures

Dust caused by cutting or drilling hardened concrete
should be controlled by containment, suppression and
extraction/ filtration where possible.

8.3.2 Inhalation
S22 – Do not breathe dust. Eye/Skin/Hands protection

S24/25 - Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
S26 - In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical advice.
S36/ 37/ 39 - Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves
and eye / face protection.
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Ingestion is very unlikely. Ingestion of large amounts may
9.1 Information on basic physical and cause irritation of the stomach and intestines. Seek medical
chemical properties attention.

Appearance Grey, granular paste unless pigmented 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION

Odour Slight, earthy odour

pH Typically 10-14 12.1 Evironmental Assessment

When used and disposed of as intended, no adverse
Melting point Not determined
environmental effects are foreseen, and concrete should not
Boiling point Not determined
pose a significant ecological hazard. Prevent wet concrete
Flash point Not applicable entering watercourses, ditches & drains.
Auto Flammability Not applicable
Flammability Not applicable 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION
Explosive Properties Not applicable
Oxidising Properties Not applicable 13.1 Safe Handling of Residues / Waste Product:
Hardened concrete is classed as non hazardous and ‘inert’
Vapour Pressure Not applicable
but should be disposed of in accordance with local and
Relative Density Above 2.0
national legal requirements. Hardened concrete can be
Water Solubility Dependant on aggregate type
readily recycled.
Fat Solubility Not determined


10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY. Special Carriage Requirements: None – not classified
as dangerous for transport.

10.1 Conditions to avoid

A chemical safety assessment has been carried out
for this substance
10.2 Materials to avoid
None 67/548/EEC: Irritant
Risk Phrases:
10.6 Hazardous decomposition products R34 - May cause burns.
None. R38 - Irritating to the skin.
R41 - Risk of serious damage to the eyes.
11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION R43 - May cause sensitisation by skin contact.
Safety Phrases
11.1 Inhalation S2 – Keep out of reach of children.
If inhaled over a prolonged or extended period, S24/25 - Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
respirable dust from drilling or cutting hardened S26 - In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of
concrete can lead to respiratory system damage water and seek medical advice.
and disease. Respirable crystalline silica* has been S36/ 37/ 39 - Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye /
face protection.
associated with the lung disease silicosis.
EC 1272/2008: Danger

11.2 Skin Contact Eye Dam. 1, Skin Sens. 1, Skin Irrit 2; STOT SE3 (Inhalation of dust)
Skin contact with wet concrete could result in serious alkali Hazard Statements:
burns. Contact with concrete may also cause skin disease by H315 – Causes skin irritation
the combination of the wetness, alkalinity and abrasiveness H317 – May cause allergic skin reaction
of the ready-mixed concrete. Allergic contact dermatitis may H318 – Causes serious eye damage

be caused by individual sensitivity to chromium compounds H335 – May cause respiratory irritation
H372 – Causes damage to organs through prolonged and repeated
which may occur in cement.
exposure (inhalation of respirable silica if hardened concrete is cut
or drilled)
11.3 Eye Contact
Precautionary Statements:
Wet concrete in contact with eyes can cause
P102 – Keep out of reach of children
irritation, inflammation or serious alkali
P261 – Avoid breathing dust
burns, which may lead to blindness.
P262 - Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing.
P281 – Use personal protective equipment as required
(see Section 8)
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Training Advice: Wear and use of PPE. The information in this Safety Data Sheet was believed to
Recommended Uses and Applications: Industrial and be correct at the time of issue. However, no warranty is
construction applications. made or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of this
Contact Product Technical Support at Tarmac Limited using If you have purchased this product for supply to a third party
the details given in Section 1. for use at work, it is your duty to take all necessary steps
to ensure that any person handling or using the product is
HSE Guidance Note EH40/2007 provided with the information in this sheet.
PPE Regulations 1992
COSHH Regulations 2002 If you are an employer, it is your duty to tell your employees
Environmental Protection Act 1990 and others who may be affected of any hazards described in
HSE Crystalline Silica EH59 this sheet and any of the precautions which should be taken.
Dangerous Substances Directive (DSD) 67/548/EEC
Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulations (CLP) This Safety Data Sheet does not constitute the user’s
EC1272/2008 own assessment of workplace risk, and it is the user’s sole
responsibility to take all necessary precautions when using
Further copies of this Safety Data Sheet may be obtained this product.
from Tarmac Limited.

Prepared in accordance with Annex II of the REACH

Regulation (EC) 1907/2006


The information given in this technical data sheet is based on our current knowledge and
is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. Tarmac endeavour to
ensure that the information given is accurate, but accept no liability for its use or its suitability
for particular application because of the product being used by the third party without our
For futher information supervision. Any existing intellectual property right must be observed.
Technical helpdesk DISCLAIMER:
Tel: 0845 812 6232 This material safety data sheet (MSDS) is based on the legal provisions of the REACH
Regulation (EC 1907/2006; article 31 and Annex II), as amended. Its contents are intended as
E-mail: a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material. It is the responsibility of
recipients of this MSDS to ensure that the information contained therein is properly read and
Customer services & sales understood by all people who may use, handle, dispose or in any way come in contact with
Tel: 0845 812 6300 the product. Information and instructions provided in this MSDS are based on the current
state of scientific and technical knowledge at the date of issue indicated.
E-mail: It should not be construed as any guarantee of technical performance, suitability for
particular applications, and does not establish a legally valid contractual relationship. This
‘Tarmac’ and the ‘circle logo’ are registered trademarks. ©2015 Tarmac Trading Limited. version of the MSDS supersedes all previous versions.

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