SAP Proposal Template
SAP Proposal Template
SAP Proposal Template
In this introductory section, try to cover a bit of history about your company, business process
and where you are now, so the reader has some context.
Bidding Process
Give a brief timeline of milestones in the bidding process i.e. opening date for receiving bids and
deadline for receiving bids.
1 Milestone
2 Milestone
3 Milestone
4 Milestone
5 Milestone
Analysis of Bids
Here, you should detail the process your company will go through to evaluate the bids you
receive. For example, ‘Prequali cation for Bids’ can include the criteria a potential bidder must
meet before you will even consider their bid. You could also use this opportunity to break down
how much value you will place on the technical and nancial aspects of the bids when deciding
which bid to accept.
Pre-Quali cation for Bids Technical Bid Analysis
Description Description
Financial Bid Analysis Final Analysis
Description You can give an explanation here of how you
will evaluate the bids. For example, to give an
idea of whether technical or nancial aspects
are more important to you, you may want to
provide the formula you will use to evaluate
Service Contract
You may want to include a copy of the service contract for the bidders to look over before
submitting a bid. We recommend getting a contract lawyer to produce this for you as it can be
legally binding once signed by both parties.