Maleficent A Woman of Wealth and Taste PDF
Maleficent A Woman of Wealth and Taste PDF
Maleficent A Woman of Wealth and Taste PDF
By Timothy Spearman
The tale of Sleeping Beauty was actually modified from an Italian fairy tale called Sun, Moon,
and Talia written by Giambattista Basile in 1634. In this grim fairy tale, the King‟s daughter
Talia (who is the female protagonist similar to Aurora in Sleeping Beauty) is born with a
divination that she would die from a splinter of flax. In her youth, she encounters an old hag
spinning flax, when a splinter goes under her fingernail as she attempts to assist, and she fall into
an instantaneous sleep of death, similar to the state of catalepsy. The king puts her body in one of
his spare country houses, and after some time, a hunter finds the body after following his falcon
to the location, not unlike the raven Diablo in Sleeping Beauty. The hunter rapes the lifeless
body, and Talia eventually gives birth to twins whilst still unconscious, and the boy sucks on his
mother‟s motionless finger in an attempt to feed and pulls the splinter out. Talia awakens and
names her twins Sun and Moon.
The king finds Talia and her children alive in the house and his wife (the queen; or Maleficent)
becomes jealous and insists that Talia be thrown into a bonfire (aka bailfire, aka Ba‟al-fire),
which is essentially a holocaust (burnt offering to the demon entity Ba‟al). Ultimately, the queen
experiences a reversal of fortune and ends up in the fire herself, which of course is the fate that
meets anyone who hands his soul over to the Devil.
In Disney‟s latest version of the Sleeping Beauty tale, the first thing that strikes us is that
Maleficent doesn‟t look like the fairies we‟re accustomed to seeing in story books and legends.
Maleficent is a beautiful young girl, with ram horns protruding from her head, along with giant
wings, looking more like the offspring of Baphomet than the fairy she purports to be. Is she a
Devil in disguise, a wolf in sheep‟s clothing, a fallen angel in the guise of an innocent fairy? Is
Satanic deception not always so. Is Disney not a perfect example? Disney himself was a 33rd
Degree Freemason. In fact, Masons wear a lamb skin apron inside their Temple Lodge, which is
symbolic of who they are meant to be – like unto Lucifer who is “wolf in sheep‟s clothing”.
Satan: This artist's rendering provided by the Satanic Temple shows a proposed monument that the New York-based Satanic group wants to place
at the Oklahoma state Capitol
Fairies are usually portrayed with wings, but the ones belonging to Maleficent are not made of
gossamer nor are they shinny and ethereal as one would expect. Hers look more like those of a
pterodactyl, except that they are covered with dark feathers, with a giant claw protruding from
the highest joint on both sides. She looks less like a fairy, and more like a Shrek-like distortion of
what fairy tale characters are supposed to be. In fact, since Shrek, we have seen a trend in Disney
productions towards putting a cynical spin on fairy tales, in order to infect the innocent with
cynicism at progressively younger ages.
In childhood, Maleficent lives in harmony with her magical woodland friends. She is portrayed
as pure beneficence and not the least maleficent. One day, a human boy named Stefan shows up
at the entrance to the enchanted forest. It is understood that up until this point, fairies and
humans were at odds and that a state of feud existed between them. Like Romeo and Juliet,
Maleficent and the boy defy their feuding clans and form a friendship, which evolves into a love
bond, till eventually they share “true love‟s kiss.” As time goes by, they drift apart. Maleficent
sees less and less of Stefan, till he eventually departs for greener pastures. It is explained that
Stefan has become caught up in the pursuit of worldly power and riches, forgetting his beloved
The story then advances to the point where Stefan is a servant in the castle of the human king.
The king desires the riches held inside the enchanted garden of fairies. He launches an attack on
the forest, which is thwarted by a grown up Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) and her army of fantastic
creatures. On his deathbed, the king vows that whoever is bold enough to slay Maleficent and to
bring him proof that she is dead, will be crowned as his successor.
Setting off in search of Maleficent, Stefan returns to the forest and has what appears at first to be
a joyous reunion with his childhood love. Maleficent is overjoyed to see her long lost first love.
That night, Stefan drugs Maleficent and attempts to kill her, but cannot bring himself to do it.
Instead, he cuts off her wings. He then presents them to the king, and becomes king himself. For
her part, Maleficent is thrown into a fit of rage and despair upon discovering that her precious
wings have been removed. She finds it virtually impossible to fathom how this act of betrayal
could have been orchestrated by the one being from the human society she thought she could
trust and considered her true love.
The similarities with John Milton‟s Paradise Lost cannot be overlooked here. Milton‟s epic
poem is allegorical. In Paradise Lost, God symbolizes, on one level, the King of England and
Satan the leader of the Puritan rebellion, Oliver Cromwell. One recalls Satan‟s immortal words,
“Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.” We are impelled to have sympathy for the devil,
who we equate with the leader of a rebellion against a tyrant king, and so it is that our
sympathies are aroused for another Fallen Angel in Maleficent, as Satanic Disney intended. The
film is calculated to win sympathy for the Devil, which the audience is unwittingly deceived into
Now, we see Maleficent becoming the wicked villain that we came to know so many years ago
in the original Disney film. Her eyes glow green and the entire garden becomes dark and
foreboding. She then declares dominion over her entire enchanted realm, and the woodland
creatures bow down to her.
She vows revenge upon Stefan who has now been installed as king. When Stefan and his new
queen give birth to their daughter Aurora (Elle Fanning), Maleficent crashes the party and
pretends to be bearing gifts at the behest of three fairies in a Satanic reversal of the Three Wise
Men that visit the infant Jesus on the occasion of his nativity. She then enacts the familiar curse
over baby Aurora. While the sleep of death that is to befall her is to be everlasting, Stefan‟s
appeal for mercy leads to clemency, prompting Maleficent to insert the clause that only “true
love‟s kiss” can rescue Aurora from the “sleep like death.”
And, like the animated film, Aurora is swiftly taken away to a hideout in the woods by three
good fairies, who promise to keep her hidden for sixteen years plus one day, in an effort to avoid
the fulfillment of the curse and keep Aurora from pricking her finger on the deadly spinning
wheel. Maleficent soon discovers Aurora‟s whereabouts. She looks on as the infant grows up
into a fine young woman. Eventually, she manages to bring Aurora inside the enchanted forest,
where she is deceived into believing that Maleficent is her fairy godmother. Such will it be when
the Antichrist assumes power, which is what this Disney production of 2014 is intended to
prophecy. The time is drawing near when the Antichrist will assume his throne.
In time, Maleficent‟s cold heart is softened by Aurora‟s innocence, and she tries to lift the curse,
but cannot. She knows full well that “true love‟s kiss” is the only magic capable of lifting the
spell. Heartbroken over what she‟s done, Maleficent assumes the role of fairy godmother and
protector, and fawns on Aurora dotingly. Meanwhile, King Stefan is growing increasingly insane
and paranoid, and vows to kill Maleficent by whatever means necessary. Somehow, this film
about one of the wickedest fictional characters of all time, manages to turn her into a sympathetic
character, a seeming victim. Any perceived evil she had done was the fault of the tyrant king
who drove her to it. We are being seduced into sympathizing with the Devil, who, we are
persuaded, rebelled against a tyrant king, only to be cast out of heaven for his disobedience,
stripped of his wings as a Fallen Angel and cast into the fiery pit of hell.
Disney‟s latest version of the story now advances to Aurora‟s sixteenth birthday, where she
discovers her true identity, and learns that, far from being her fairy god mother, Maleficent is the
one who cursed her and brought havoc into her life. It rather makes you wonder what real life
wicked witch Jolie has cooked up for her own adopted children. Aurora then breaks Maleficent‟s
heart by accusing her of being “the source of evil in the world” and runs away to the castle. Upon
her arrival, the now quite mad King Stefan recognizes his daughter and locks her away.
Maleficent, who is now portrayed as having become beneficent again, rushes to the castle with
mercurial speed in the hope of forestalling the fate that awaits Maleficent, only to find that she is
too late. Having pricked her finger on the spindle of the loom, Aurora has already fallen into the
sleep of death. In an effort to revive the fair young maiden, Maleficent summons a handsome
young prince, whom Aurora had previously encountered in the forest, to Aurora‟s bedside.
Bidding him to kiss the sleeping beauty, his kiss fails to break the spell. The young woman
remains in a catatonic state, resembling the sleep of death of Lady Madeleine in Poe‟s “The Fall
of the House of Usher”. Racked by grief that she can do nothing to revive Aurora, Maleficent
bends down to plant a kiss on Aurora‟s forehead, only to find that this kiss is the spell breaker. It
is a clever reversal of the sexes as the Prince Charming that revives the sleeping beauty is an
actually a princess, a princess of the Fallen Angel.
The salvation of the human by the Fallen Angel, disguised as a fairy is a reference to the
prophecies pertaining to the Antichrist, in which he will be heralded and celebrated as a saviour
of humanity by seeming to perform certain miracles in the End Times.
Revelation 13:14, “And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles
which he had power on earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the
sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the
beast, which had the wound by the sword, and did live.” Now notice that he even makes an
image, that is, a man-made replica of the first beast (Antichrist) and actually gives to this image
life and the ability to speak. Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of
the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not
worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
The raising of Aurora from the dead is like a miracle, and the audience is seduced into loving
Maleficent for saving Aurora, as humanity will be deceived into celebrating the Antichrist as the
instrument of its salvation. Following her revival, Aurora asks Maleficent if they can run away
together to live in the forest. Maleficent agrees to this plan, but when they try to escape, they find
that they have been led right into a trap of the king‟s making. There appears to be no escape for
Maleficent. She employs her magic against the king, but it is to no avail. She even transforms her
servant into a dragon, but her magic proves no match for the king.
Meanwhile, Aurora runs through the castle in a desperate bid to find help, when she comes upon
Maleficent‟s wings, housed in a glass case as a trophy by the king. Aurora manages to release the
wings from the case, whereupon they fly by their own volition to Maleficent who dons them
victoriously. Maleficent crashes through an enormous stained glass window, which is symbolic
of the End Times‟ destruction of the Church.
In the final scene of the film, the garden is restored to harmony and Aurora is crowned Queen of
both the fairy and human worlds. Maleficent is once again borne on her wings to the higher
realms, soaring above the earth, flying through the clouds – normally the residence of angels –
till she stops just short of the sun, her wings spread wide with her face tipped towards the
This is symbolic of Lucifer‟s triumphant rebellion against heaven, where he loves to fulfill the
“Five I Wills” of Isaiah.
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into
heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be
like the most High.” Isaiah 14:12-14
Satanic Disney‟s “Maleficent” may as well be called “Sympathy for the Devil”. It is a script and
a tale inspired by none other than the Devil himself. The plot is cleverly constructed so as to
disguise its true intentions, and for the unschooled in the Bible and history, it works its magic. As
for the generation that has seen Bible studies removed from the curriculum under the pretext of
demonstrating religious tolerance towards other religious groups, while showing complete
intolerance towards Christian beliefs, worship and practice, it is clearly motivated by a Satanic
agenda to suppress Christian teaching so people are unaware of the prophecies and are made
blind to what is coming.
In a Genesis like opening, we see the majestic creatures of Creation living in harmony in an
Eden-like state of peace and tranquility till a tyrannical king, symbolizing God to the Satanic
creators of this film, becomes jealous of their carefree existence. This is nothing but a Satanic
reversal of the true state of affairs in Heaven at the time of Creation, when it was Lucifer who
became jealous and rebelled, attempting to despoil Creation and everything made by the hand of
Yet, in Disney‟s latest Satanic offering, a demon disguised as a fairy, who appears meek and
mild and one seeking only to befriend humankind, is betrayed by the tyrant king and a human,
instead of the reverse. It is the Fallen Angel who betrayed God and humanity, yet Disney artists
create an ironic reversal like no other. One can almost hear Satan roaring with laughter at the
apparent success of the deception on the duped audience. Portrayed as a victim being punished
simply for being beautiful and innocent, Maleficent is cursed by being stripped of her wings,
whereupon she is metaphorically cast to earth and banished forever from the heavens.
Having been cast out of the heavens, she sets up her own earthly kingdom, where she reigns as
the Fallen Angel Queen. Regarding Maleficent as evil, the king and his human subjects are
nevertheless depicted as misguided. The film depicts the Fallen Angel as one who is
misunderstood and persecuted by those who misjudge her.
In the end, it is this Fallen Angel that is represented as the saviour of humankind. She becomes
the hero, uniting the fairy realm with the human. The young human‟s reward for worshipping the
Fallen Angel is to be elevated to the status of royalty within the majestic kingdom of the fairies.
The tyrannical king is dead. Aurora becomes his successor as Queen of the human realm. And
Maleficent (female incarnation of Lucifer) is elevated once “above the height of the clouds”,
which implies she has usurped the throne of God.
In the final scene, Aurora asks Maleficent about her wings. Maleficent replies, “I had wings
once. But they were stolen from me.” The Devil is calling on our pity again through the female
personage chosen to represent him in Satanic Disney‟s latest box office offering.
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to
the earth, you who once laid low the nations! (Isaiah 14:12)
In 1968, the Rolling Stones released a song titled “Sympathy for the Devil”. Sung by Mick
Jagger, it is sung from the first person narrative point of view of the Devil. The lyrics from the
song come to mind, when watching the control freak Maleficent interact with her woodland
subjects in the fairy realm: “If you meet me, have some courtesy, have some sympathy; and
some taste; use all your well-learned politesse, or I‟ll lay your soul to waste.”
There is no doubt that Satanists have launched their propaganda war in an effort to rescue the
Lucifer‟s image and win some sympathy for the Devil by portraying him as an innocent victim of
a tyrannical God. Throughout New Age philosophies promoted by Luciferians or their naïve
adherents, we see Lucifer portrayed like Promethues, as a light bringer, giver of knowledge,
misunderstood and persecuted by a world that simply doesn‟t understand the nature of his
In the final voice-over narrative of the film, the embodiment of evil in the form of the Antichrist
to come is described perfectly: “In the end, the kingdom was ruled by one who was neither hero
nor villain but both hero and villain and her name was Maleficent.” And this is how it will be in
the End Times, when the Antichrist is enthroned. He will be a more enigmatic figure than
Obama. Who is Obama? Is he Barry Soetoro, Tim Osmond or Barak Hussein Obama? Who is
this triple agent? Was he born in Kenya, Indonesia or Hawaii? Is he good or evil? Does he want
health care or FEMA Camps? It‟s confusing and we‟re confused because we‟re meant to be.
“No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14
Maleficent is a demonic fairy from the Disney fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, who lives up to her
title which means “to do harm or evil.” She teleports supernaturally demonstrating great occult
powers and attends the christening of King Stefan‟s daughter, Aurora, whom she curses to die on
her sixteenth birthday. The name Aurora means “dawn” and theorists believe it is important to
the occult with the symbolism behind the Aurora, Colorado Batman shootings. “Dawn” also
alludes to the Golden Dawn, the birth of the New Age, the New World Order of the Antichrist,
which these occultists are intent on giving birth to, “a brave new world struggling to be born,” as
Satanist David Rockefeller quoted Shakespeare in reference to the New World Order.
The dawn is symbolic of the original tale in that we see more worship of the sun and moon,
which is what all of these ancient cultures held as deities and arguably the secret societies and
elite Illuminati types continue to worship.
Maleficent is horned, which is traditionally not a characteristic of elves, but demons. But then if
you read Nicholas de Vere The Dragon Legacy, you might conclude that elves, fairies and
dragons are all expressions of a Cainite-Satanic bloodline.
The oldest mention of a horned deity starts with Nimrod, El, and Moloch. These
somewhatinterchangeable deities were thought to be depicted as either a single or double horned-
god who was worshipped in the Bronze Ages of Mesopotamian culture. He was one of multiple
gods in these ancient Pagan cultures in which we see the Canaanites (doubtless bloodline
descendants of Cain and Tubal-Cain), Sumerians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Babylonians
devoting much energy and bloodshed to the worship of these various demonic expressions of
evil. They were worshipping this deity to the point of sacrificing their own children. Satanists
still do. In fact, I am authoring a book called, “21st Century Lebensborn Children Screaming To
Be Heard,” about this very real phenomenon. Satanists then and now believe that they will
appease the deity by sacrificing their infants and will gain financial blessings, greater fertility,
and good fortune in return.
In Texe Marrs‟ Codex Magica, he claims that George Bush Sr. once walked into the Oval Office
wearing a goat head mask. Combine that oddity with the fact that George Bush Jr. was
reading The Pet Goat on 9/11. There does seem to be a striking concordance between the Satanic
madness of father and son.
Another aspect of the film is the male protagonist who is named Prince Philip, named in honour
of the Duke of Edinburgh and the husband of the Queen. Prince Philip, the Queen and the Royals
are all Satanists and practice ritual sacrifice of young children and traffic in children and like
their good friend, Satanist Jimmy Saville, attend parties where virgin children are raped, abused,
sacrificed and killed.
In fact, Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Church of England have recently been prosecuted in the
International Criminal Court in The Hague (ITCCS) for child trafficking and genocide. The
Queen of England has already been found guilty in a previous trial. Five judges and twenty-
seven jury members from six countries including the USA, considered evidence on over fifty
thousand missing Canadian, US, Argentine and European children who are believe to be victims
of an international child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle.
In the original film, the three fairies bestow gifts of beauty and song upon Aurora, which is akin
to what today‟s pop singers are getting from trading in their souls, Fallen Stars like Britney
Spears, Beyoncé, Miley Cirus, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande. To take this music industry
connection a bit further, let‟s explore the spinning wheel that will kill Aurora. The spinning
wheel is akin to a record, effectively saying that the music industry will kill her. In Sleeping
Beauty, she is supposed to prick her finger on the spinning wheel, which was referring to a
tapestry spindle used for clothing many years ago. Given the fate of stars who have taken Satanic
roles in the past like Heath Ledger in Batman or those who have taken the parts of Superman,
one shudders to think of what fate might befall, Elle Fanning. The Phonograph (vinyl) record
players of the mid-1950s (Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959) had a changer called a
“spindle” that would hold records before they were dropped after the previous record was done
playing. It‟s not too far of a stretch to think that this could be a metaphor for trading one‟s soul
for youth and beauty in the entertainment industry.
“In the end, the kingdom was ruled by the one who was neither hero nor villain, but by one who
was both hero and villain; and her name was Maleficent” is what is intended as far as the
Antichrist/Dajjal is concerned. The Satanists are trying to obscure the divide between good and
evil, so that people won‟t be able to tell the difference anymore. They have done that very
successfully with Obama. Most people don‟t know how to read him. They can‟t figure him out.
With the Antichrist, the level of confusion will be unparalleled.
The Merovingian history itself then moves to its first known King of the fifth century
named Merovee, who is said to have worshipped a Sun Bear „Arthos‟ in the form of the Roman
Goddess Diana (who is also known in the Greek as Artemis), she being the ancient “virgin-
mother goddess” of the Moon, who is also symbolized by the white Unicorn at her side, it
being her offspring. Jolie‟s Maleficent is the latest representation of this tradition.
From the Solar Priests of Atlantis to the “sacred knowledge” of the Celtic Druids, from the
Mystery Schools in Greece, to the later heretical occult beliefs of Europe. From the Knights
Templar to the many Anglo-central secret societies who came after, all have worked to keep the
flame of their Messianic Sun-God alive, their Morning Star, their Fallen Angel, preparing for a
future time when he would rise up, take on flesh, and restore a lost Golden Age. He has taken on
as many mythic personages as he has names: For he has been Apollo, Mithras, Helios,
Prometheus, Pharon, Thoth, Ra, Hara, Horus, Tammuz, Hermes, Lleu, Hu, Cernunnos, Herne,
Shiva, Buddha, Set, Taliesin, and innumerable more found in oral and written history.
In all of his manifestation he is nevertheless the Adversary, Satan, seen as a god and Morning
Star by his worshippers throughout the ages. From the very beginning of time, he worked
through men in order to bring about his long-lost place among the Angelic Stars of Heaven as the
King of Hosts. In this regard has Satan‟s children laboured for centuries, deceiving men into
rejecting the Truth of God and His Salvation through Christ, into accepting any myriad of lies
which work to build the finalized personage of the Antichrist. These same works can be tracked
throughout history as they are the writings of vain men possessed of evil, which speak of Christ
to be as if he were merely one of them, a mere mortal figure, and Gnostic. From the time of
Christ till now, certain men have written legends and tales of Christ, many knowing they would
cause division and strife in some distant future. Today, you see it everywhere, secular scholars in
heavy debate after discovering the latest heretical “gospel” which ultimately displays a „Sexual
Christ‟, a very mortal figure quite different from the traditional view of the Church, to say the
least. Of course, the Catholic Church has supposedly repressed this “secret” all along to maintain
their grip on power. What‟s actually happening, however, is that these so-called lost gospels that
debase the Divinity of Christ are being released by Satanic men within secret societies to set the
stage for a time when Christ will be rejected.
Two Royal Families in Great Britain have claimed descent from the Royal House of David, a
bloodline which supposedly produced many of the ruling Houses of Europe today, including the
British Monarchy and current ruling House of Windsor. The other important family in the
lineage is the Scottish House of Stuart (Spencer), whose most infamous descendant was the late
Princess Diana. While it is contentious whether or not the Windsor family has a legitimate claim
to the throne – being descendants of the Germanic House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – most so-
called experts are convinced that the Stuart lineage are not only the rightful heirs to the Throne
of England (and Scotland), yet also to the Throne of David, and Israel itself. In light of this, it
was, therefore, of paramount importance that the Windsors seek out a „virgin‟ of the
Merovingian bloodline to continue their own pedigree.
In light of this, it was considered of paramount importance that the Windsors seek out a „virgin‟
of the Merovingian bloodline to legitimize the long held authority they claim as descendants of
Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon, who was declared “King of Jerusalem” in 1099. They also hope
to achieve what they see as a unique Christ descendant from such a union of their draconic
lineages that would forever legitimize their tight grasp on the British Monarchy. Therefore, this
intriguing and most infamous of arranged marriages between Charles and Grail Princess Diana
was not hatched solely by the Windsors. It was a scheme of far more ancient design and
connected to the Knights Templar. Interestingly enough, six months after the Royal Wedding,
while Diana was already three months pregnant, came the release of The Holy Blood and Holy
Grail. The shocking revelation that came to light of an European lineage that supposedly
exposed long held Templar secrets left the world awed by a massive deception. This „secret‟
being propagated to the world in 1982 contained the genealogical record of the Davidic bloodline
passing through Christ and His descendants through the Merovingian Kings, which is utter
nonsense, but nonsense of the most dangerous and disastrous kind should it ever be widely
This ancient secret that included a unique bloodline supposedly descended from King David was
so powerfully wrought with arcane knowledge that it threatened the gluttonous ruling classes of
Europe and Church, granting the original Templars enough power to rival both Europe‟s nobles
and the Church itself. The Knights Templars practiced and prospered, worshipping a god named
Baphomet which many believed to be the Devil. In time the Church, as well as the new King of
France had had enough of the arrogance and power they wielded. Petitioning the Pope to enact a
decree seeking their dissolution as an order, the King of France in collusion with the Pope went
after the once untouchable Knights Templars, who had grown so vastly powerful in such a short
time. They were rounded up and put to death wherever they were found, yet many escaped and
took flight by ship from the port of La Rachelle.
It was Friday 13 of October, 1307, and the abrupt disappearance of a major part of the European
infrastructure left some to speculate that the Templars had gone underground, taking with them
their vast wealth, power, and knowledge. And so it was, from France into Scotland, the Templars
took with them their heretical lineage, science, and secrets where they patiently waited, and
subtly worked. Many of today‟s secret fraternal Orders, including Scottish Rite Freemasonry, as
well as the cunningly devised metaphysical movements which prepare for a New Age, even
Satanic cults themselves, all trace their spiritual roots to Grail Templarism as well as the so-
called Divine Feminine. While in Scotland, the Templars created the Jacobite movement, putting
its cause behind the Royal House of Stewart. The “Davidic bloodline” had now secured a Crown
in what was becoming the most powerful country in the world, as Queen Elizabeth I died without
an heir and James Stewart VI of Scotland became King James of England. As such, the Royal
House of Stewart and its Templar backers became the powerful bloodline in Europe, a bloodline
which eventually produced Diana, the late Princess of Wales.
The Merovingian Kings, their supposed Holy Bloodline (and their true progenitor), have a rich
history all their own, yet is directly connected to the supposed findings of the Templars in that
they are the connective link between the Christ lineage and European Royalty, which is believed
to include the Hapsburgs, Plantagenets, and Stuarts, among others. According to this latest
revived heresy developed with a very specific purpose and timeframe, Jesus, it is misguidedly
claimed, did not die on the cross and rise from the dead becoming mankind‟s salvation. Instead,
it is claimed He produced a line with Mary Magdalene, survived the Roman crucifixion, and
lived to father at least one, or a number of „divine‟ children, the firstborn said to be a son named
Judah or Merovee, a name later given to the first Merovingian King in France (447 to 458 AD),
while others believe the child was actually a daughter, given the name of Sarah (or Tamar, which
became the name of an ultra-secretive organization whose task it was to protect future
Merovingian descendants).
Regardless of the supposed names, titles, and endless genealogies, the claim is that there exists
an entire line of enlightened Christ-like beings each leading to the next in bloodline succession
as a Messianic Dynasty passing down through the ages. This, it is believed by some, will lead to
a final heir, who will rule in the name of Christ, albeit, in the stead (instead) of Christ, one who
could only be the Antichrist. The lie of Christ having „holy‟ children has been twisted into
historical fact. Purveyors of this mistruth also say these “truths” were kept hidden from the rest
of the world, having been suppressed by the Catholic Church and revealed only by the original
Knights Templar, who then passed these shocking revelations on to an underground stream of
alchemists, astrologers, cabalists, necromancers, and elite royal families through various secret
societies such as the main inheritors of the Templarian secrets, the Freemasons. The fact that this
information is becoming known and falsely touted as the bloodline of Christ to this generation
indicates the time of the Antichrist‟s reign is near.
The British Royal Family‟s own links to this supposed bloodline and history is damning enough
in its own right, as it turns out to be a lineage dating back to Cain, and not Christ at all – passing
through the Merovingian Kings of France and into Scotland, where it became known as the
House of Stuart, from which Princess Diana hails and becomes a more legitimate trace to this
bloodline of the Holy Grail, which is why, as it is believed, she was selected by the British Royal
Family for the most infamous of arranged marriages. To the occult mind, she literally was the
Holy Grail, the receptor of Christ‟s blood, the embodiment of the divine feminine, and her womb
would bring forth a powerful king into the world that would provide the many curative powers
attributed to the Grail for the healing of a wounded world. With certain guidance from their
„spirit masters‟ over a span of six millennia, secret societies such as the Knights Templar and
others each have played their role as protector of the ancient lineage, as Guardians of the Holy
Grail, unseen hands throughout the ages carrying out the will of the malevolent being who first
devised it. As such, this bloodline was always to find its way down through history, through the
vanquishing of ancient advanced civilizations, through the rise and fall of great empires, through
violent crusades and times of inquisition right into our own modern age and into its intended
final recipient, who according to the occult texts, seems much more of an Antichrist figure than
anything even remotely resembling Jesus Christ. Could it be that this bloodline – the secret
behind all ancient secret societies – is currently being made public and purposefully released into
the mainstream pop culture through such films as “Maleficent” as a way of laying the foundation
for further “secrets” to come? Have you ever noticed that all of these same efforts in mainstream
media and academia go to great lengths to denigrate the divinity of Christ, while promoting a
questionable lineage that is actually connected to the coming Antichrist? You have to understand
the intentions of the occultists who disseminate the New Age propaganda in the first place, in
order to understand why they do it.
Moreover, Masonic rituals, such as the three degrees, are derived directly from Celtic Druidism,
and its ancient feminine version known collectively today as Witchcraft. Then there is the
Freemasons reverence of Tubal-Cain, a descendant of Cain himself. Through the ages, the secret
of the “Holy lineage” has gone by many names, arcane metaphors, and occult symbols with
those possessing it believing they are the true and rightful heirs of Jerusalem, they being the true
expression of a divine monarchy whose right it is to rule the world. Heresy at best as some might
say, yet it is their own elitist belief and prophecy in a soon to be revealed king from the lineage
of King David, of Anglo-Messianic descent, which will arise to reign over the world at a time
when he is needed most. Thus, the current British Royal Family sought out a young virgin for the
Merovingian ancestry Diana held, knowing the firstborn child produced would be an heir to the
Merovingian-Grail lineage and therefore rightful heir to the Throne of David. However, what is
seen by them to be another incarnation of the Christ must give way to the far more ancient
warnings in Scripture which speak of an earthly King that will arise in the place of Christ, who is
perceived to have all the credentials of making himself the World Messiah, yet who is the
Antichrist. Scriptures refer to this one as the last Beast, who together with his Prophet, shall
deceive the nations into a covenant made not for the sake of peace and security as they would
purport, but for the sake of luring many into death and destruction.
A postmodern deconstruction of Maleficent leads us back to the original Sleeping Beauty. Recall
that the original tale “Sleeping Beauty” had clear moral categories and children could easily
identify the hero and the villain. That moral clarity is the target of subversion with Satanic
industry giants like Disney. Postmodernism questions any claim to moral truth and asserts
relativism as its only absolute. “Shrek” is the epitome of this. “Shrek” was Disney‟s malevolent
or maleficent attempt to subvert morality, integrity, goodness, heroism, virtue and anything else
engendering and ennobling from the human condition.
“Maleficent” is much more than a revamping of an old fairy tale. The writers certainly do have
an agenda and they can propagate it worldwide to an audience too naïve to realize they are being
manipulated. Pantheistic monism, “one worldism” – e pluribus unum (out of many one) – is the
overarching pagan spirituality of our time.
One-ism believes that “all is one” and shares the same essential nature. Theologians use the term
“consubstantiality.” As you probably know, “con” means “with” in Latin, and you know what
“substantial” means – “substance” or “essence.” In One-ism, everything shares the same essence.
In a word, everything is a piece of the divine. That means anything goes. If we are all God
simply by existing than the pantheistic pagan view of the world would endorse the view that
anything goes.
In Disney‟s world, there is no creator God, magic serves in the role of an impersonal divine
pantheistic force that pervades all of nature. It is an oneist cosmology in which evil becomes
good and good becomes evil and there really is no distinction – all is one.
In the make-believe world of One-ism, distinctions are anathema. All distinctions, like true and
false, right and wrong, good and evil, Creator and creature, Christ and Anti-Christ, are
considered relative, meaningless notions. The goal of the mature spiritual person who adopts this
vein of thinking is to “join the opposites,” to create unity out of difference and so to take control
of life. True spirituality means creating your own reality by making an amalgam of your dark
and light sides. It was all said long ago by Friedrich Nietzsche in Beyond Good and Evil and we
saw what became of him – he ended life in a state of psychosis and complete mental collapse.
Of course this collapse of categories and binary oppositions describes exactly what happened in
the film. In the end, the hero and the villain are the same person: Maleficent. It is textbook
postmodern deconstruction designed to subvert objective morality, replace it with postmodern
relativism and promote the new pagan spirituality, which is disguised Satanism and “Do what
thou wilt” philosophy of moral irresponsibility and depravity. Good luck to the children of the
deconstructed generations X, Y and Z.