Casting Defects
Casting Defects
Casting Defects
Abstract: The defects of the centrifugally cast samples decrease the strength and quality of product,
to reduce these problem randomly design the experiments has been used to analyses the influence of
process parameters on centrifugal casting of aluminum alloy. Tests carried out on eight design of
experiment characterized by different variation of Speed, Temperature and Type of cooling on
aluminum alloy that solidify and analysis the defects of shrinkage and blow holes produce during
cooling. The results of confirmation experiments reveal that grey–fuzzy hybrid method can effectively
optimize an optimal combination of the process parameters.
wettability are high surface area of the particles, solidification stirring is impossible in the molds.
decreasing the surface tension of the alloy by For that reason, reference castings are
heating at higher temperature and reduction of frequently employed when the solidification
interfacial energy at the surface of the particles. rate has to be accurately controlled and different
The other variables may include design of the microstructures have to be achieved. Therefore,
mold, proper gating system and temperature of in these castings, the solidification conditions
mold before pouring. Commercial grade can be set up by varying the thickness and the
aluminum is liquefied first and ceramic material material of the mold, as well as the sample size.
is added in the desired manner and magnitude [7] Aluminium Alloy compositions on an
followed by agitation via mechanical means. international basis, most countries have agreed
The difficulty of doing so is that alloying to adopt the 4 digit classification for wrought
elements that are beneficial for improving the alloy composition designation. The European
former property are usually detrimental for the reference for the alloys will be identified with
latter. In order to achieve reliable results a high the preface EN and AW which indicated
number of specimens have to be produced and European Normative and Aluminium Wrought
tested. In this research obtained compact tension alloys, respectively. [5]
and tensile specimens via direct centrifugal Centrifugal Technique
casting. During specimens manufacturing a Centrifugal casting uses the centrifugal forces
large number of them fractured during cooling, generated by rotating the mold to propel the
while others showed a delayed fracture. metal and to facilitate filling. Vacuum arc skull
Considering that a large number of fractured furnaces discharge titanium alloy at a
specimens were available, a study has been temperature just above its melting point, and the
carried out with the aim of finding the factors centrifugal casting is usually needed to ensure
that determine this phenomenon. In this work good filling. Dental and jewelry casting use
specimens’ structure and composition were centrifugal casting to fill thin sections and fine
analyzedand crack paths were studied in order detail. The centrifugal technique is used
to identify causes determining high residual primarily for the production of hollow
stresses that in many cases are able to produce components, but centrifugal casting is used to
explosive crack propagation throughout the create solid parts The centrifugal casting
castings. process is generally preferred for producing a
The greater thickness of the melt prevents the superior-quality tubular or cylindrical casting,
ceramic phase to settle down in the bottom of because the process is economical with regard
the pan as described by Shabestari [6]. Settling to casting yield, cleaning room cost, and mold
of the fine reinforcement particles during cost. The centrifugal force causes high pressures
formation of the composite results in the to develop in the metal, and it contributes to the
irregular distribution of reinforcement, irregular feeding of the metal, with separation from
mechanical and chemical properties as nonmetallic inclusions and evolved gases. In
expressed by Gao[8]. There are several stages centrifugal casting of hollow sections,
where there are chances of irregular distribution nonmetallic inclusions and evolved gases tend
of particles in the melt as shared is summarized toward the inner surface of the hollow casting.
at the time of mixing while the melt is being By using the outstanding advantage created by
continuously heated and stirred. At the time of the centrifugal force of rotating molds, castings
pouring into the mold there has been observed of high quality and integrity can be produced
irregular flow of the melt. At the time of because of their high density and freedom from 418 | P a g e
Suryawanshi A. and Shekhar S., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(4), 417-423
oxides, gases, and other nonmetallic inclusions. condition and temperature which gives lesser
When casting solid parts, the pressure from defects by hybrid method.
rotation allows thinner details to be cast, Material and Method
making surface details of the metal-cast Centrifugal casting is one of the advanced
components more prominent. Another casting techniques widely used in metallurgical
advantage of centrifugal casting is the industries. However, it is rarely used in ceramic.
elimination or minimization of gates and risers. Few literatures are available on fabrication of
Centrifugal casting machines are categorized ceramic body using centrifugal casting
into three basic types based on the direction of technique. It has been reported that centrifugal
the spinning axis: horizontal, vertical, or technique is very useful for production of
inclined. Centrifugal casting processes also functionally graded porous membranes for gas
have three types. permeable applications. A detailed study of the
True centrifugal casting (horizontal, principle and operations of centrifugal casting
vertical, or inclined) machines available commercially suggests that
Semi centrifugal (centrifugal mold) casting. there exist two types of centrifugal casting
Centrifuge mold (centrifugal die) casting. machine designs. The chemical composition of
Objective of Paper the Aluminum alloy and the heat treatment
The problems associated with these castings are details are given in Table 4.1. The castings were
unknown to the type of machine, the size of the produced in the form of circular pipe
tube and the type of alloy but the quality of (approximately 2 cm thick by 10 cmoutside
tubular parts obtained during centrifugal casting diameter by 8 cm inside diameter) using two
is strongly influenced by various process different mold rotation speeds, 800 to 1000 rpm.
parameters like pouring temperature, die-speed, As in that case taking eight combination of
pre-heat temperature of the mould. It is the experiment input parameter and check out their
ability of the iron to undergo the allotropic defects in per centimetre of cylindrical casted
transformation from ferrite (alpha) to austenite parts. The cylindrical parts have been cuts along
(gamma) during heating, and back to ferrite to its axis for seen the defects of inside of
again during cooling, which makes it possible cylindrical parts by microscope. The eight input
for the tool steels to develop high hardness and parameter are shown in table 1
wear resistance. . Researches about the Table 1 Design of Experiment
centrifugal casting mainly focus on the as-cast Speed
defects. In the process of the centrifugal casting, of Type of
S Temperature
the molten metal flow has a great influence on Motor cooling
No. in oC
the quality and the performance of the roll. in RPM (Co)
Preparation of a casting slip with suitable (S)
additives and fabrication of ceramic body use 1 450 850 Water cool
the centrifugal casting setup and drain casting. 2 500 900 Sand cool
3 550 1000 Water cool
Since the centrifugal casting is under the
4 600 950 Sand cool
complicated force situation and under the high
5 450 1000 Water cool
speed, the high temperature and the opaque
6 500 850 Sand cool
environment, it is difficult to know the defects
7 550 950 Sand cool
develop in casting. Therefore, it is necessary to
8 600 900 Water cool
analyze the defects of the casting in the
centrifugal casting process. Also found the 419 | P a g e
Suryawanshi A. and Shekhar S., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(4), 417-423
After performing the experiment the casted Table 2 Defects Found in Specimen
specimen are shown in fig 1. These tubes were Shrinka No.
taken from a pyrolysis furnace after prolonged ge of
Tem Type
service, variation of temperature; speed and S. RP defects Blo
p. in of
type of cooling are following as per table 1. No. o M in mm w
C cooling
1 450 850 1 1.46 6
2 500 900 2 2.04 4
3 550 1 1.58 8
4 600 950 2 1.4 5
5 450 1 1.55 8
0 420 | P a g e
Suryawanshi A. and Shekhar S., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(4), 417-423
Grey–fuzzy logic
A membership function is used to determine
Where, Lminis the global minimum, Lmax is the how each value is mapped to a membership
global maximum and ε is distinguish coefficient value between 0 and 1. The GFRG are
which is taken in between 0 to 1 in this case 0.5 estimated by FIS for the multi-response results,
weight is taken. The normalized value of above plot mean graph based on GFRG which gives
response will take lower the better, grey relation optimal output. The GREY-FUZZY method is
coefficient and grey–fuzzy reasoning grade applied by following steps written below:
(GFRG) is shown in Table 3. Designing an appropriate plan of
Fuzzy Interface System experimental design and determining the
The fuzzy structure was made by two inputs and level of parameters.
Conducting the experiments based on
one output on the basis of designed membership
function and fuzzy rule. A fuzzy logic unit
Normalized the responses of experimental
comprises of a fuzzifier, membership functions,
results using Eqs. (1 and 2).
a fuzzy rule base, an inference engine, and a
Computing grey relational coefficients from
defuzzifier. In the fuzzy logic analysis, the
the normalized values using Eq. (3).
fuzzifier uses membership functions to fuzzify
Fuzzify the grey relational coefficients of
the grey relational coefficient, as it contains
each response by membership function and
some degree of uncertainty and vagueness with
fuzzy rules.
respect to response characteristic. The hybrid
Calculating the fuzzy multi-response output
fuzzy application applies on the obtained GRC by defuzzification of the output linguistic
as shown in Fig. 3. variables into crisp values, i.e., grey–fuzzy
reasoning grade.
Performing the response table and response
graph to select the optimal level setting of
injection process parameters. 421 | P a g e
Suryawanshi A. and Shekhar S., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(4), 417-423 422 | P a g e
Suryawanshi A. and Shekhar S., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(4), 417-423
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