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Vol. 8(4), pp.

25-34, June 2016

DOI: 10.5897/IJVTE2016.0195
Article Number: 4F507DD59208
Copyright © 2016 International Journal of Vocational and Technical
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Identifying connections between career and technical

education (CTE) and academic programs through
standards of learning
Joseph Mukuni* and Bill Price
School of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning, Career and Technical Education Program, Virginia Tech
University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
Received 20 January, 2016: Accepted 8 June 2016

This article describes a Career and Technical Education (CTE) pre-service teacher preparation class
project requiring students to identify academic standards of learning relating to the competencies that
they teach in their program areas with a view to encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration between
CTE teachers and colleagues in academic disciplines. Demonstrating that CTE can contribute
significantly to academic growth as measured by SOLs should help in de-stigmatizing CTE. The method
underlying the project described in this article comprised requiring CTE pre-service teacher education
students to incorporate in their lessons standards of learning relating to (for example, English,
Mathematics, Science, and History/Social science). The aim of this study was to show the relationship
between CTE and academic subjects as a way of enhancing student motivation in CTE courses and
also providing a rationale for co-ordination and cooperation between CTE teachers and teachers of
academic subjects.

Key words: Standards of learning, collaboration, career and technical education, situated learning, reflections,
best practices.


One of the effects of educational legislation (such as No as taking away from the time that teachers and students
Child Left Behind) as well the consistent poor should spend on meeting the set standards. As a
performance of K-12 students in national and consequence of this quest to justify school activities
international proficiency tests is pressure on school through measurable standards, at the onset of the No
administrators to account for educational resources by Child Left Behind Act and the standards-driven education
demonstrating evidence of students‘ academic growth reform, the future of Career and Technical Education
(Dee and Jacob, 2009; Nave, 2004). As Winkler (2002) (CTE) appeared uncertain (Kazis, 2005). There appeared
pointed out, school activities and projects without to be an impression that CTE had no role to play in
apparent relevance to the standards for measuring academic growth because ―the overall goal of high school
academic growth are discouraged because they are seen career and technical education is to prepare students for

*Corresponding author. E-mail: mjoseph7@vt.edu.

Author agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License.
26 Int. J. Voc. Tech. Educ.

careers in business, industry, and human services‖ subjects as a way of enhancing student motivation in CTE courses
(Bottoms, 2005). This is of course an important goal not and also providing a rationale for co-ordination and cooperation
only for CTE but education in general. However, the other between CTE teachers and teachers of academic subjects.
equally important goal of CTE, namely, preparing high
school students to transition to post-secondary education, Timing
has either tended to be downplayed or is unknown by
some people, sometimes resulting in threats to the future The project was implemented as part of the student teaching
of CTE. Perhaps as a direct response to the uncertainty internship. Before students went to schools for their practice
of the future of CTE, some studies were conducted teaching, they had a project orientation which comprised sharing of
project rationale and project procedures as well as materials
before the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act to production. During internship, students implemented the in-school
inform the debate on the need to sustain the place of project activities and prepared reflections on their experiences
CTE in the nation‘s high school programs. Resulting from relating to the project.
these studies, the contribution of CTE to academic
growth and to the decline in the dropout rate has been
well documented in the literature (ACTE, 2007; Bishop Procedure
and Mane, 2004; Stone et al., 2006). Bishop and Mane The procedure consisted of the following activities.
(2004) shared the following interesting quote from the
Report of the Advisory Committee for the National
Assessment of Vocational Education (2003). Orientation phase at college

Career and technical education empowers students (1) Making CTE student teachers aware of the importance of
by providing a range of learning opportunities that incorporating SOLs in their CTE lesson plans;
(2) Asking student teachers to identify SOLs relevant to each of
serve different learning styles. CTE relies on a their CTE courses;
powerful mode of teaching and learning that (3) Asking student teachers to prepare flyers or brochures showing
cognitive scientists call ‗‗contextual‘‘ or ‗‗situated‘‘ how SOLs are incorporated in CTE courses;
learning, both in classrooms and in workplaces. For
many students, applying academic and technical
In-school activities
skills to real-world activities, using computers and
other tools, and being able to see how their learning (1) Asking student teachers to make presentations at departmental
is related to the world of work make CTE classes meetings of each of the academic areas in their schools based on
more interesting and motivating, and more the information on the flyers/brochures.
educationally powerful than standard academic (2) Asking student teachers to discuss and evaluate the
classes. A career focus often gives students a sense presentations with their cooperating teachers as well as the
university supervisors.
of direction and motivates them to achieve and to (3) Asking student teachers to maintain journals on their
stay in school (p. 383). experiences relating to the project and submitting their reflections at
the end of their internships to their university supervisors.
Although, there is now little doubt that CTE is contributing
to both academic growth and workforce development,
there is still need for CTE teachers to constantly Project description
demonstrate the importance of their programs. There is a
As they learn how to prepare lesson plans, students are taught to
chance that there are still some administrators and policy identify and indicate the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) that
makers who think that spending money or other relate to the task being taught. The SOLs are then listed in the
resources on CTE is a diversion of resources that ought lesson plan. Appendix 1 shows a lesson plan sample demonstrating
to go towards raising standards of academic achievement. inclusion of SOLs among the components of a lesson plan.
It is, therefore, a good idea for CTE teacher educators to During the preparation for the semester-long student teaching
help student teachers to identify and promote session, students are asked to prepare at least one flyer or
brochure demonstrating connections between their program area
connections between their programs and academic and an academic program. The target audience for the
disciplines through standards of learning (SOLs). This flyer/brochure is the academic department with which the
article describes a CTE pre-service teacher preparation connections are exemplified in the flyer/brochure. Upon satisfying
class project requiring students to identify academic the task requirements set by the CTE program faculty, students are
standards of learning relating to the competencies that asked to take the project further, guided by the following
they teach in their program areas.

METHODOLOGY Instructions

Aim (1) Using the website for Virginia's Educational Resource System
Online (Verso) as your reference, identify SOLs relevant to each of
The aim of the project was to enable CTE student teachers to the courses in your program area that are taught at your student
identify and describe the relationship between CTE and academic teaching site.
Mukuni and Price 27

Figure 1. Front and back covers of flyer about Standards of Learning showing connections between Marketing
Education and Mathematics.

(2) For each academic area (e.g. English, Mathematics, Social Finally, you are to make a presentation at one of the guidance
Studies, History), prepare a one to two page flyer or a brochure counselors' departmental meetings. For this presentation, you are
(you decide the number of folds) showing how SOLs in the to discuss the SOLs from all of the academic areas that are taught
academic area are incorporated in each of the courses at your in the courses in the CTE program area. As with the other
school in your program area. The flyer or brochure must meet the presentations, your flyer/brochure needs to be targeted to the
following criteria: must have an attractive catchy title; must indicate audience you are addressing. Therefore, an overall flyer/brochure
the CTE program area; must indicate the academic area on which concerning SOLs from all of the academic areas that are taught in
the SOLs are based; must indicate the course(s) in your program courses in your program should be highlighted and used in your
area; must indicate the SOLs relating to the course(s) (The presentation to the guidance department.
brochure must have a minimum of ten SOLs (the SOLs will need to (4) After making the first presentation, do not move to the next
include their identifying numbers and be written in abbreviated presentations until you have discussed and evaluated the
form)); must indicate the competencies relating to the SOLs; must presentation with your cooperating teacher as well as the university
have a statement expressing your program‘s willingness to supervisor.
collaborate with academic subject teachers in lesson planning, (5) At the end of your internship period, submit your reflections on
delivery, and evaluation; must have contact details for yourself and this assignment to your university supervisor.
all the teachers in your program area (Be sure to list your name
last); must be free of grammatical, factual, and other errors; must
be attractive in form and layout (e.g. color, font, and spacing, Sample flyer
amount of white space used, etc.); and must have a date (at least
month and year) written in small font. If it is a flyer, you could use
Figures 1 and 2 show a sample of a two-page flyer developed by a
the footer function. For a brochure, simply include the date on the
student to show connections between Marketing Education and
back page in small font and at the bottom.
Mathematics. The sample flyer shows how the following
(3) Make a presentation at the departmental meetings of each of
mathematics SOLs relate to marketing competencies.
the academic areas in your school based on the information on
your flyer/brochure. You may use PowerPoint or any other visual
aid to supplement your flyer/brochure if you know that you will have (1) COM.1: TSW apply programming techniques and skills to solve
enough time on the agenda of the meeting to do so. Invite an real-world problems in mathematics arising from consumer,
administrator(s) to each departmental meeting. Some meetings business, and other applications in mathematics. Problems will
may have one administrator and others may have more, depending include opportunities for students to analyze data in charts, graphs,
on the number of administrators in your school. The goal is to have and tables and to use their knowledge of equations, formulas, and
all administrators to attend at least one of the departmental functions to solve these problems.
presentations. (2) PS.8: TSW describe the methods of data collection in a census,
28 Int. J. Voc. Tech. Educ.

Figure 2. Inside pages of flyer about Standards of Learning showing connections between Marketing Education and

sample survey, experiment, and observational study and identify an them working alone; but if they can interact with several
appropriate method of solution for a given problem setting. others who are focused on the same objective, the effect
(3) MA.14: TSW use matrices to organize data and will add and
subtract matrices, multiply matrices, multiply matrices by a scalar,
will be exponential‖ (Stone et al., 2006, p. 69).
and use matrices to solve systems of equations. Figure 1 also says: ―Through collaborative lesson
(4) A.1: TSW represent verbal quantitative situations algebraically plans, students will have the opportunity to take what
and evaluate these expressions for given expressions for given they have learned in their Math classes and apply it to
replacement values of the variables. real life scenarios in their Marketing courses.‖ The idea of
relating classroom activities to real world experiences is
grounded in contextual theories such as situated learning
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and situated cognition. According to Ormrod (2008),
contextual theories ―refer to situations in which learning
Figure 1, among other things, conveys the Marketing and thinking are influenced by the physical and social
Education‘s Department willingness to collaborate with contexts in which people are immersed‖ (p. 165). One of
the Mathematics Department. One of the assertions in the characteristics of situated learning is authenticity of
Figure 1 is that: ―As educators, we have one common learning activities. In discussing this feature of situated
goal to prepare students for future success.‖ The wisdom learning, McCormick (2004) explained that authenticity
of collaboration between CTE and academic teachers has two sides. The first side concerns the extent to which
has been borne out by research (Stone et al., 2006; learning is personally meaningful to the student. In other
Johnson et al., 2003; Bodilly et al., 1993). The rationale words, if a student is learning about problem solving, the
for collaboration is that: ―A single CTE teacher working problem should relate to something that matters to the
with a math colleague will be more effective than either of student, something that has value outside the classroom.
Mukuni and Price 29

For instance, a student desiring to be an accountant is Virginia Tech, students are required to periodically write
likely to be motivated to learn about mathematical reflections on their learning experiences. This practice is
computations or linguistic competencies that relate to informed by the metacognition theory which some
accounting situations. The second side of authenticity is authors have traced back to John Dewey‘s thoughts on
cultural relevancy, which is about the extent to which a reflections, based on his 1933 book titled ―How We
learning activity is culturally relevant and meaningful to Think‖ (Graham and Phelps, 2003; Hedberg, 2009;
the student. Loughran, 2002; Rodgers, 2002). Dewey‘s work on this
It is not fully resolved by cognitive theorists that topic was carried forward by other scholars such as
situated learning can account for transfer of knowledge Donald Schon whose 1983 book entitled ―The Reflective
and skills from, say, a CTE class to a mathematics class Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action‖ is a
or vice versa (Ormrod, 2008). Some psychologists have seminal literary work to this day. In that book, Schon
challenged the claims made about the benefits of situated argued for an epistemology of practice that rested on the
learning. For instance, Anderson et al. (1996), said: idea of reflection-in-action. In a subsequent book
―Educating the Reflective Practitioner‖, Schon (1987)
―In general, situated learning focuses on some well- explored the pedagogical implications of reflection-in-
documented phenomena in cognitive psychology and action with the hope that others would be primed by his
ignores many others, while cognition is partly context- thoughts to develop the phenomenon of reflective
dependent, it is also partly context-independent; while practice further, particularly with reference to education
there are dramatic failures of transfer, there are also for reflective practice. The pedagogical value of
dramatic successes; while concrete instruction helps, metacognition in a teacher education program cannot be
abstract instruction also helps; while some over-emphasized. As Johnson (1997) explained,
performances benefit from training in a social context, metacognition, or strategic knowledge as it also called,
others do not. The analysis offered by situated which refers to one‘s awareness of one‘s own thinking
learning sometimes seems a regressive move that processes, accounts for important higher order abilities
ignores or disputes much of what has been such as self-monitoring, questioning, and evaluating. It
demonstrated empirically. What is needed to improve has also been noted that the practice of reflection has a
learning and teaching is to continue to deepen our positive effect on a person‘s professional health and
research into the circumstances that determine when competence as well as ability to make sound professional
narrower or broader contexts are required and when judgment (Loughran, 2002). Furthermore, educators
attention to narrower or broader skills are optimal for believe that students who are trained to reflect on their
effective and efficient learning (p. 10)‖. knowledge and learning experiences can take charge of
their learning instead of being passive learners (Sidawi,
Quite clearly, caution has to be taken when making 2007). Hopefully, as student teachers reflect on their
claims for the benefits of using CTE contexts in the experiences in the SOL flyer/brochure project, they will
learning of academic disciplines. However, the prudence see that the process of identifying standards of learning,
of caution should not obscure the well-documented connecting the SOLs to CTE program competencies,
evidence of the impact of CTE on academic growth as a reaching out to colleagues in other departments, and
result of the opportunities that CTE provides for creating practicing collaboration in planning, delivering, and
authentic situations for learning academic disciplines assessing skills that transcend disciplinary boundaries
(Plank et al., 2005; Bishop and Mane, 2004; Nave, 2004; adds value to the CTE teachers‘ self-efficacy.
Stone et al., 2006). The NAVE Final Report to Congress
(2004) said about the impact of CTE on student
achievement. Conclusion

Over the last decade of academic reforms, This article has described a CTE pre-service teacher
secondary students who participate in vocational preparation project requiring students to identify academic
programs have increased their academic course standards of learning relating to the competencies that
taking and achievement, making them better they teach in their program areas with a view to
prepared for both college and careers than were encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration between CTE
their peers in the past. In fact, students who take teachers and colleagues in academic disciplines. The
both a strong academic curriculum and a vocational assumption of the project is that it is of benefit to the
program of study (still only 13% of high school cause of CTE, CTE teachers, teachers of other
graduates) may have better outcomes than those disciplines, students, and schools. With respect to the
who pursue one or the other (p. xvii). general cause of CTE, demonstrating that CTE can
contribute significantly to academic growth as measured
The final activity in the SOL flyer/brochure activity by SOLs should help in de-stigmatizing CTE which for
described in this article is writing a reflection on the many years has been regarded as the Cinderella of the
assignment. In the CTE teacher education program at education and training sector. If the real value of CTE is
30 Int. J. Voc. Tech. Educ.

recognized by all concerned, especially administrators McCormick R (2004). Issues of learning and knowledge in technology
education. Int. J. Technol. Design Educ. 14(1):21-44.
who see it as underserving of school resources, CTE
National Assessment of Vocational Education (NAVE, 2004).Final
teachers will receive the necessary support for running report to Congress. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education,
vibrant CTE programs. Based on the assumption that the Office of Education Research and Improvement.
claims made by some cognitivists that real world contexts Ormrod JE (2008). Human learning.Fourth edition. Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
(such as the ones provided by CTE) have a positive
Plank S, DeLuca S, Estacion A (2005). Dropping out of high school and
impact on learning academic subjects are true, both the place of career and technical education.St. Paul: National
students and teachers of academic disciplines should Research Center for Career and Technical Education, University of
benefit from teachers‘ interdisciplinary collaboration. The Minnesota.
Rodgers C (2002) Defining reflection: another look at John Dewey and
sum total of these benefits should have an impact on the reflective thinking, Teachers College Record, 104(4):842-866.
school‘s achievement records as well as level of morale. Schön DA (1983) The reflective practitioner. New York: Basic Books.
Schön DA (1983). Educating the reflective practitioner.San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass Inc.
Sidawi MM (2007). Teaching science through designing technology. Int
Conflict of Interests
J. Technol. Des. Educ. 19(3):269-287.
Stone JR, III Alfeld C, Pearson D, Lewis MV, Jensen S (2006). Building
The authors have not declared any conflicts of interest. academic skills in context: Testing the value of enhanced math
learning in CTE.St. Paul, MN: National Research Center for Career
and Technical Education.
Winkler A (2002). Division in the ranks: Standardized testing draws lines
between new and veteran teachers. Ebsco Publishing. Retrieved
from http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-94462790.html.
ACTE (2007).Career and technical education‘s role in dropout
prevention and recovery.Issue Brief. Alexandria, VA.: Association for
Career and Technical Education.
Anderson JR, Reder LM, Simon HA (1996).Situated learning and
education. Educ. Res. 25(4):5-11.
Bishop JH, Mane F (2004).The impact of career and technical education
on high school labor market success. Econ. Educ. Rev. 23:381-402.
Bodilly S, Ramsey K, Stasz C, Eden R (1993).Integrating academic and
vocational education: Lessons from eight early innovators. Santa
Monica, CA: Rand Corporation and National Center for Research in
Vocational Education.
Bottoms G (2005). The SREB model: Academic rigor, technical
relevance, and a head start on a career. In Kazis, R.
(2005).Remaking career and technical education for the 21 st century:
What role for the high school programs. Boston, MA: Jobs for the
Dee T, Jacob B (2009).The impact of No Child Left Behind on Student
Achievement. Working Paper 15531. Cambridge, MA: National
Bureau of Economic Research.
Graham A, Phelps R (2003, January).Being a teacher: Developing
teacher identity and enhancing practice through metacognitive and
reflective learning processes, Austr. J. Teacher Educ. 27(2):11-24.
Hedberg PR (2009). Learning through reflective classroom practice:
Applications to educate the reflective manager. J. Manage. Educ.
Johnson SD (1977). Learning technological concepts and developing
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An exploration of how structures and circumstances affect design and
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Kazis R (2005). Remaking career and technical education for the 21 st
century: What role for the high school programs. Boston, MA: Jobs
for the Future.
Loughran JJ (2002) Effective reflective practice: in search of meaning in
learning about teaching. J. Teacher Educ. 53(1):33-43.
Mukuni and Price 31

Appendix 1. Sample Lesson plan demonstrating inclusion of SOLs in the components of a lesson plan. Lesson plan: Economics and
Personal Finance.

Teacher 50 min Date
th th
Unit title Stress management Level 9 -10
Lesson title The road to good credit: Credit ratings
Tasks to be
Credit ratings, credit reports, credit history, credit scores
Unit title Credit and loan functions
Tasks to be
Credit ratings, credit reports, credit history, credit scores
Duty Explain the need for a good credit rating
Overall In an essay, the student will be able to explain the need for a good credit rating to 80% accuracy as
objective determined by the essay evaluation rubric created by the instructor.
1.Describe the way credit is rated and the contents of a credit report
2.Identify what information is included in a person's credit record or history
3.Review credit rating scores and describing their implications
Enabling 4.Describe ways to maintain a sound credit rating
objectives 5.Explain how a customer‘s credit rating affects eligibility for credit and employment
6.Explain how to access one's personal credit record before applying for credit, or, if denied credit,
identifying reasons for a credit check
7. Describe steps for correcting errors in one‘s credit report.
EPF.13 The student will demonstrate knowledge of credit and loan functions by
- Evaluating the various methods of financing a purchase;
- Analyzing credit card features and their impact on personal financial planning;
- Identifying qualifications needed to obtain credit;
Standards of
- Identifying basic provisions of credit and loan laws;
- Comparing terms and conditions of various sources of consumer credit;
- Identifying strategies for effective debt management, including sources of assistance;
- Explaining the need for a good credit rating;
- Comparing the costs and conditions of secured and unsecured loans; and
- Comparing the types of voluntary and involuntary bankruptcy and the implications of each.
- PowerPoint projector
Resources - Computer
needed for
lesson - Handouts
Grading rubric
32 Int. J. Voc. Tech. Educ.

Appendix 1. Contd.

Content Pacing
Review previous lesson on Financial Institutions Show Slide 1: Credit
(2 min)
Financial institutions are businesses, which offer multiple services in banking and Ratings
Learning Objectives
Overall Objective
In an essay, the student will be able to explain the need for a good credit rating to 80%
accuracy as determined by the essay evaluation rubric created by the instructor.
Enabling Objectives
Describing the way credit is rated (point system) and the contents of a credit report
Show Slide 2: Learning
Identifying what information is included in a person's credit record or history (3 min)
Reviewing credit rating scores and describing their implications
Describing ways to maintain a sound credit rating
Explaining how a customer‘s credit rating affects eligibility for credit and employment
Explaining how to access one's personal credit record before applying for credit, or, if
denied credit, identifying reasons for a credit check
Describing steps for correcting errors in one‘s credit report
Show Slide 3: What is
Definition of credit Credit? (2 min)
When goods, services, and/or money is received in exchange for a promise to pay
back a definite sum of money at a future date.
Importance of Credit
Today‘s economy runs off of credit
Show Slide 4: Why is
Car loans
Credit Important? (3 min)
Background checks
Student Loans
Credit Ratings
Represents the creditworthiness of a person
Likelihood someone will pay their bills
Show Slide 5: Credit
A numerical expression based on a statistical analysis of a person's credit file
Ratings: What are they? (3 min)
FICO Scores 350-850
350 – lowest possible score; high interest
850 – highest possible score; low interest
723 – median FICO score in 2010
Credit Scores
Your FICO score is essentially made up of the following
Payment History – 35%
Show Slide 6: Credit
Total Amounts Owed – 30% (3 min)
Length of Credit History – 15%
New Credit – 10%
Type of Credit in Use – 10%
Credit Reports
Definition of credit report
Show Slide 7: Credit
A credit report is a record of a consumer‘s credit history
Reports (3 min)
Definition of credit history
Credit historyis a record of transactions involving the use of credit
Individuals who have no previously used credit do not have a credit report
Mukuni and Price 33

Appendix 1. Contd.

Credit Reports
Personal information - your name, address, date of birth, and employer Show Slide 8: Credit
Credit account history - credit card company/lender, type of account, credit limit, Reports: Information
(3 min)
balance, status, and two-year payment history Included
Public records - bankruptcy, tax liens, and judgments
Credit inquiries - creditor and date of inquiry
Credit Reporting Agencies
Keeps records of a consumer‘s credit transactions and compiles credit reports
Three credit reporting agencies in the United States
Show Slide 9: Credit
Experian®, Equifax® and TransUnion® (3 min)
Reporting Agencies
A credit reporting agency gathers information from various providers and supplies
credit data on individual consumers
Each credit reporting agency has its own formulas for calculating credit scores
Maintaining a Positive Credit Rating
Pay your bills on time
Mortgage, car payments, utilities, credit cards, bills, traffic tickets, doctor‘s bills,
etc. Show Slide 10:
20/10 Rule – ―general rule of thumb‖ Maintaining a Positive
Credit Rating (3 min)
Avoid borrowing more than 20 percent of your annual net income
Payments shouldn't exceed 10 percent of your monthly net income
Avoid bankruptcies, foreclosures, or arrests
Check your credit report at least once a year
Don‘t overextend yourself
Credit and Employment
Potential Employers do credit checks as part of a background check Show Slide 11: Credit
Must notify you in writing and get written authorization and Employment (2 min)
Credit history is important to employers because it an indication of how
responsible you are
Credit Records
ONLY authorized source for the free annual credit report that's yours by law
Show Slide 12: Credit
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (2 min)
Guarantees you access to your credit report for free from each of the three
nationwide credit reporting companies — Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion —
every 12 months
Correcting Credit Report Errors
Tell the credit reporting company, in writing, what information you think is
inaccurate Show Slide 13: Steps for
Include copies (NOT originals) of documents that support your position Correcting Credit Report
(2 min)
By law, the credit reporting company must investigate the issue within 30 days Errors
When the investigation is complete, the credit reporting company must give you
the results, in writing, and a free copy of your report if the dispute results in a
In-class Handout
Why is a credit report important to a consumer?
What does a credit report tell potential creditors?
How is it possible a consumer might not have a credit history?
Show Slide 14:
Describe why it is important to check all three credit reports.
Questions? (15 min)
What is a credit score?
List three ways to build credit.
What Web site can a person visit to receive a free credit report annually?
What are the two rights consumers are given under the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
In a paragraph or two, explain the need for a good credit rating.
34 Int. J. Voc. Tech. Educ.

Appendix 1. Contd.

Wrap up
Class discussion
Explain the need for a good credit rating
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
(2007). What‘s up in finance? Retrieved
FINRA Foundation (2014). Money
matters for teens. Retrieved from

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