Schedule of Rates For Civil Engineering 31
Schedule of Rates For Civil Engineering 31
Schedule of Rates For Civil Engineering 31
169 Cut off pile head of 600mm diameter bored pile to required level, cleaning of NO 269.50
surface, stripping, cleaning and vending steel reinforcement bars ready for pile
cap construction.
NO 418.00
170 Ditto, 900mm diameter.
NO 594.00
171 Ditto, 1200mm diameter.
NO 880.00
172 Ditto, 1500mm diameter.
173 Supply and install 50mm dia. MS sonic logging tube and tie to reinforcement
cage of the whole length of each bored pile and infill the tubes with Grade 40 M 28.60
cement grout upon completion of testing, for 600mm diameter bored pile.
M 33.00
174 Ditto, 900mm diameter.
M 37.40
175 Ditto, 1200mm diameter.
M 41.80
176 Ditto, 1500mm diameter.
177 Carry out sonic logging test in the installed tubes for 600mm diameter bored NO 1,320.00
pile inclusive of equipments, fieldworks, reports, etc.
181 Carry out low strain pile integrity test (PIT) at selected bored pile inclusive of all NO 715.00
equipments, fieldworks, reports, etc, for 600mm diameter bored pile.
185 Static load test on working vertical pile on LAND to 2 times the working load NO 44,000.00
including preparation of pile head, provision of all necessary equipment,
kentledge, personnel, record, report, etc for 600mm diameter bored pile.
189 Static load test on working vertical pile on RIVER to 2 times the working load NO 99,000.00
including preparation of pile head, provision of all necessary equipment,
kentledge, personnel, record, report, etc for 600mm diameter bored pile.