Spatialreg-Package in R

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Package ‘spatialreg’

April 1, 2019
Version 1.1-3
Date 2019-04-01
Title Spatial Regression Analysis
Encoding UTF-8
Depends R (>= 3.3.0), spData, Matrix
Imports spdep, expm, coda, methods, MASS, boot, splines, LearnBayes,
nlme, gmodels
Suggests parallel, RSpectra, sf, tmap, foreign, spam, knitr, lmtest,
Description A collection of all the estimation functions for spatial cross-sectional models (on lat-
tice/areal data using spatial weights matrices) con-
tained up to now in 'spdep', 'sphet' and 'spse'. These model fitting functions include maxi-
mum likelihood methods for cross-sectional models pro-
posed by 'Cliff' and 'Ord' (1973, ISBN:0850860369) and (1981, ISBN:0850860814), fitting meth-
ods initially described by 'Ord' (1975) <doi:10.1080/01621459.1975.10480272>. The mod-
els are further described by 'Anselin' (1988) <doi:10.1007/978-94-015-7799-1>. Spa-
tial two stage least squares and spatial general method of moment models initially pro-
posed by 'Kele-
jian' and 'Prucha' (1998) <doi:10.1023/A:1007707430416> and (1999) <doi:10.1111/1468-
2354.00027> are provided. Impact methods and MCMC fitting methods pro-
posed by 'LeSage' and 'Pace' (2009) <doi:10.1201/9781420064254> are imple-
mented for the family of cross-sectional spatial regression models. Methods for fitting the log de-
terminant term in maximum likelihood and MCMC fitting are compared by 'Bi-
vand et al.' (2013) <doi:10.1111/gean.12008>, and model fitting methods by 'Bivand' and 'Pi-
ras' (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v063.i18>; both of these articles include extensive lists of refer-
ences. 'spatialreg' >= 1.1-* correspond to 'spdep' >= 1.1-1, in which the model fitting func-
tions are deprecated and pass through to 'spatialreg', but will mask those in 'spatialreg'. From ver-
sions 1.2-*, the functions will be made defunct in 'spdep'.
License GPL-2



2 R topics documented:

VignetteBuilder knitr
NeedsCompilation yes
RoxygenNote 6.1.1
Author Roger Bivand [cre, aut] (<>),
Gianfranco Piras [aut],
Luc Anselin [ctb],
Andrew Bernat [ctb],
Eric Blankmeyer [ctb],
Yongwan Chun [ctb],
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio [ctb],
Daniel Griffith [ctb],
Martin Gubri [ctb],
Rein Halbersma [ctb],
James LeSage [ctb],
Angela Li [ctb],
Jielai Ma [ctb],
Abhirup Mallik [ctb, trl],
Giovanni Millo [ctb],
Kelley Pace [ctb],
Pedro Peres-Neto [ctb],
Michael Tiefelsdorf [ctb],
Mauricio Sarrias [ctb],
JuanTomas Sayago [ctb],
Michael Tiefelsdorf [ctb]
Maintainer Roger Bivand <>
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2019-04-01 18:00:03 UTC

R topics documented:
as.spam.listw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
do_ldet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
GMerrorsar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
griffith_sone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
gstsls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
lagmess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
lextrB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
lmSLX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
LR.sarlm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
MCMCsamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
ML_models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
predict.sarlm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
set.mcOption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
set.ZeroPolicyOption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
as.spam.listw 3

similar.listw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
SpatialFiltering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
spautolm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
spBreg_lag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
stsls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
trW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Index 81

as.spam.listw Spatial neighbour sparse representation

Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists. The as.spam.listw method converts a
"listw" object to a sparse matrix as defined in the spam package.

as_dsCMatrix_IrW(W, rho)
Jacobian_W(W, rho)
powerWeights(W, rho, order=250, X, tol=.Machine$double.eps^(3/5))

listw, lw a listw object from for example nb2listw
W a dsTMatrix object created using as_dsTMatrix_listw from a symmetric listw
rho spatial regression coefficient
n length of diagonal for identity matrix
order Power series maximum limit
X A numerical matrix
tol Tolerance for convergence of power series

Roger Bivand <>

See Also
4 as.spam.listw


## Not run:
require(sf, quietly=TRUE)
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
#require(spdep, quietly=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1])
col.listw <- spdep::nb2listw(
if (require("spam", quietly=TRUE)) {
col.sp <- as.spam.listw(col.listw)
suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1]))
nyadjlw <- spdep::mat2listw(nyadjmat)
listw_NY <- spdep::nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B")
W_C <- as(listw_NY, "CsparseMatrix")
W_R <- as(listw_NY, "RsparseMatrix")
W_S <- as(listw_NY, "symmetricMatrix")
n <- nrow(W_S)
I <- Diagonal(n)
rho <- 0.1
c(determinant(I - rho * W_S, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus)
sum(log(1 - rho * eigenw(listw_NY)))
nW <- - W_S
nChol <- Cholesky(nW, Imult=8)
n * log(rho) + (2 * c(determinant(update(nChol, nW, 1/rho))$modulus))

## End(Not run)
nb7rt <- spdep::cell2nb(7, 7, torus=TRUE)
x <- matrix(sample(rnorm(500*length(nb7rt))), nrow=length(nb7rt))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(nb7rt)
if (FALSE) {
# Only needed in some simulation settings where the input and
# output distributions must agree in all but autocorrelation
x <- apply(x, 2, scale)
st <- apply(x, 2, function(x) shapiro.test(x)$p.value)
x <- x[, (st > 0.2 & st < 0.8)]
x <- apply(x, 2, function(v) residuals(spautolm(v ~ 1, listw=lw,
method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=e, fdHess=FALSE))))
x <- apply(x, 2, scale)
W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
system.time(e <- spdep::invIrM(nb7rt, rho=0.98, method="solve", feasible=NULL) %*% x)
system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.98, X=x))
str(attr(ee, "internal"))
all.equal(e, as(ee, "matrix"), check.attributes=FALSE)
## Not run:
system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.9, X=x))
system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.98, order=1000, X=x))
all.equal(e, as(ee, "matrix"), check.attributes=FALSE)
nb60rt <- spdep::cell2nb(60, 60, torus=TRUE)
W <- as(spdep::nb2listw(nb60rt), "CsparseMatrix")
do_ldet 5

x <- matrix(rnorm(dim(W)[1]), ncol=1)
system.time(ee <- powerWeights(W, rho=0.3, X=x))
str(as(ee, "matrix"))
obj <- errorsarlm(as(ee, "matrix")[,1] ~ 1, listw=spdep::nb2listw(nb60rt), method="Matrix")

## End(Not run)

do_ldet Spatial regression model Jacobian computations

These functions are made available in the package namespace for other developers, and are not in-
tended for users. They provide a shared infrastructure for setting up data for Jacobian computation,
and then for caclulating the Jacobian, either exactly or approximately, in maximum likelihood fitting
of spatial regression models. The techniques used are the exact eigenvalue, Cholesky decomposi-
tions (Matrix, spam), and LU ones, with Chebyshev and Monte Carlo approximations; moments
use the methods due to Martin and Smirnov/Anselin.

do_ldet(coef, env, which=1)
jacobianSetup(method, env, con, pre_eig=NULL, trs=NULL, interval=NULL, which=1)
cheb_setup(env, q=5, which=1)
mcdet_setup(env, p=16, m=30, which=1)
eigen_setup(env, which=1)
eigen_pre_setup(env, pre_eig, which=1)
spam_setup(env, pivot="MMD", which=1)
spam_update_setup(env, in_coef=0.1, pivot="MMD", which=1)
Matrix_setup(env, Imult, super=as.logical(NA), which=1)
Matrix_J_setup(env, super=FALSE, which=1)
LU_setup(env, which=1)
LU_prepermutate_setup(env, coef=0.1, order=FALSE, which=1)
moments_setup(env, trs=NULL, m, p, type="MC", correct=TRUE, trunc=TRUE, eq7=TRUE, which=1)
SE_classic_setup(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200, interpn=2000,
interval=c(-1,0.999), SElndet=NULL, which=1)
SE_whichMin_setup(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200, interpn=2000,
interval=c(-1,0.999), SElndet=NULL, which=1)
SE_interp_setup(env, SE_method="LU", p=16, m=30, nrho=200,
interval=c(-1,0.999), which=1)

coef spatial coefficient value
6 do_ldet

env environment containing pre-computed objects, fixed after assignment in setup

which default 1; if 2, use second listw object
method string value, used by jacobianSetup to choose method
con control list passed from model fitting function and parsed in jacobianSetup to
set environment variables for method-specific setup
pre_eig pre-computed eigenvalues of length n
q Chebyshev approximation order; default in calling spdep functions is 5, here it
cannot be missing and does not have a default
p Monte Carlo approximation number of random normal variables; default calling
spdep functions is 16, here it cannot be missing and does not have a default
m Monte Carlo approximation number of series terms; default in calling spdep
functions is 30, here it cannot be missing and does not have a default; m serves
the same purpose in the moments method
pivot default “MMD”, may also be “RCM” for Cholesky decompisition using spam
in_coef fill-in initiation coefficient value, default 0.1
Imult see Cholesky; numeric scalar which defaults to zero. The matrix that is decom-
posed is A+m*I where m is the value of Imult and I is the identity matrix of
order ncol(A). Default in calling spdep functions is 2, here it cannot be miss-
ing and does not have a default, but is rescaled for binary weights matrices in
proportion to the maximim row sum in those calling functions
super see Cholesky; logical scalar indicating is a supernodal decomposition should be
created. The alternative is a simplicial decomposition. Default in calling spdep
functions is FALSE for “Matrix_J” and as.logical(NA) for “Matrix”. Setting
it to NA leaves the choice to a CHOLMOD-internal heuristic
order default FALSE; used in LU_prepermutate, note warnings given for lu method
trs A numeric vector of m traces, as from trW
type moments trace type, see trW
correct default TRUE: use Smirnov correction term, see trW
trunc default TRUE: truncate Smirnov correction term, see trW
eq7 default TRUEuse equation 7 in Smirnov and Anselin (2009), if FALSE no unit
root correction
SE_method default “LU”, alternatively “MC”; underlying lndet method to use for generating
SE toolbox emulation grid
nrho default 200, number of lndet values in first stage SE toolbox emulation grid
interval default c(-1,0.999) if interval argument NULL, bounds for SE toolbox emulation
interpn default 2000, number of lndet values to interpolate in second stage SE toolbox
emulation grid
SElndet default NULL, used to pass a pre-computed two-column matrix of coefficient
values and corresponding interpolated lndet values
listw a spatial weights object
do_ldet 7

Since environments are containers in the R workspace passed by reference rather than by value, they
are useful for passing objects to functions called in numerical optimisation, here for the maximum
likelihood estimation of spatial regression models. This technique can save a little time on each
function call, balanced against the need to access the objects in the environment inside the function.
The environment should contain a family string object either “SAR”, “CAR” or “SMA” (used in
do_ldet to choose spatial moving average in spautolm, and these specific objects before calling
the set-up functions:

eigen Classical Ord eigenvalue computations - either:

listw A listw spatial weights object
can.sim logical scalar: can the spatial weights be made symmetric by similarity
verbose logical scalar: legacy report print control, for historical reasons only
pre_eig pre-computed eigenvalues
and assigns to the environment:
eig a vector of eigenvalues
eig.range the search interval for the spatial coefficient
method string: “eigen”
Matrix Sparse matrix pre-computed Cholesky decomposition with fast updating:
listw A listw spatial weights object
can.sim logical scalar: can the spatial weights be made symmetric by similarity
and assigns to the environment:
csrw sparse spatial weights matrix
nW negative sparse spatial weights matrix
pChol a “CHMfactor” from factorising csrw with Cholesky
nChol a “CHMfactor” from factorising nW with Cholesky
method string: “Matrix”
Matrix_J Standard Cholesky decomposition without updating:
listw A listw spatial weights object
can.sim logical scalar: can the spatial weights be made symmetric by similarity
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
csrw sparse spatial weights matrix
I sparse identity matrix
super the value of the super argument
method string: “Matrix_J”
spam Standard Cholesky decomposition without updating:
listw A listw spatial weights object
can.sim logical scalar: can the spatial weights be made symmetric by similarity
n number of spatial objects
8 do_ldet

and assigns to the environment:

csrw sparse spatial weights matrix
I sparse identity matrix
pivot string — pivot method
method string: “spam”
spam_update Pre-computed Cholesky decomposition with updating:
listw A listw spatial weights object
can.sim logical scalar: can the spatial weights be made symmetric by similarity
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
csrw sparse spatial weights matrix
I sparse identity matrix
csrwchol A Cholesky decomposition for updating
method string: “spam”
LU Standard LU decomposition without updating:
listw A listw spatial weights object
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
W sparse spatial weights matrix
I sparse identity matrix
method string: “LU”
LU_prepermutate Standard LU decomposition with updating (pre-computed fill-reducing permu-
listw A listw spatial weights object
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
W sparse spatial weights matrix
lu_order order argument to lu
pq 2-column matrix for row and column permutation for fill-reduction
I sparse identity matrix
method string: “LU”
MC Monte Carlo approximation:
listw A listw spatial weights object
and assigns to the environment:
clx list of Monte Carlo approximation terms (the first two simulated traces are replaced by
their analytical equivalents)
W sparse spatial weights matrix
method string: “MC”
cheb Chebyshev approximation:
listw A listw spatial weights object
do_ldet 9

and assigns to the environment:

trT vector of Chebyshev approximation terms
W sparse spatial weights matrix
method string: “Chebyshev”
moments moments approximation:
listw A listw spatial weights object
can.sim logical scalar: can the spatial weights be made symmetric by similarity
and assigns to the environment:
trs vector of traces, possibly approximated
q12 integer vector of length 2, unit roots terms, ignored until 0.5-52
eq7 logical scalar: use equation 7
correct logical scalar: use Smirnov correction term
trunc logical scalar: truncate Smirnov correction term
method string: “moments”
SE_classic :
listw A listw spatial weights object
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
detval two column matrix of lndet grid values
method string: “SE_classic”
SE_method string: “LU” or “MC”
SE_whichMin :
listw A listw spatial weights object
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
detval two column matrix of lndet grid values
method string: “SE_whichMin”
SE_method string: “LU” or “MC”
SE_interp :
listw A listw spatial weights object
n number of spatial objects
and assigns to the environment:
fit fitted spline object from which to predict lndet values
method string: “SE_interp”
SE_method string: “LU” or “MC”

Some set-up functions may also assign similar to the environment if the weights were made sym-
metric by similarity.
Three set-up functions emulate the behaviour of the Spatial Econometrics toolbox (March 2010)
maximum likelihood lndet grid performance. The toolbox lndet functions compute a smaller num-
ber of lndet values for a grid of coefficient values (spacing 0.01), and then interpolate to a finer grid
10 do_ldet

of values (spacing 0.001). “SE_classic”, which is an implementation of the SE toolbox code, for ex-
ample in f_sar.m, appears to have selected a row in the grid matrix one below the correct row when
the candidate coefficient value was between 0.005 and 0.01-fuzz, always rounding the row index
down. A possible alternative is to choose the index that is closest to the candidate coefficient value
(“SE_whichMin”). Another alternative is to fit a spline model to the first stage coarser grid, and
pass this fitted model to the log likelihood function to make a point prediction using the candidate
coefficient value, rather than finding the grid index (“SE_interp”).

do_ldet returns the value of the Jacobian for the calculation method recorded in the environment
argument, and for the Monte Carlo approximation, returns a measure of the spread of the approxi-
mation as an “sd” attribute; the remaining functions modify the environment in place as a side effect
and return nothing.

Roger Bivand <>

LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp.
Bivand, R. S., Hauke, J., and Kossowski, T. (2013). Computing the Jacobian in Gaussian spatial
autoregressive models: An illustrated comparison of available methods. Geographical Analysis,
45(2), 150-179.

See Also
spautolm, lagsarlm, errorsarlm, Cholesky

data(boston, package="spData")
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi)
can.sim <-
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("verbose", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
do_ldet 11

assign("verbose", FALSE, envir=env)

assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env)
eigen_pre_setup(env, pre_eig=eigenw(similar.listw(lw)))
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env)
Matrix_setup(env, Imult=2, super=FALSE)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env)
assign("can.sim", can.sim, envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
assign("listw", lw, envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
cheb_setup(env, q=5)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
12 GMerrorsar

assign("listw", lw, envir=env)

assign("n", length(boston.soi), envir=env)
assign("similar", FALSE, envir=env)
assign("family", "SAR", envir=env)
mcdet_setup(env, p=16, m=30)
get("similar", envir=env)
do_ldet(0.5, env)

GMerrorsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM

An implementation of Kelejian and Prucha’s generalised moments estimator for the autoregressive
parameter in a spatial model.

GMerrorsar(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action =,
zero.policy = NULL, method="nlminb", arnoldWied=FALSE,
control = list(), pars, scaleU=FALSE, verbose=NULL, legacy=FALSE,
se.lambda=TRUE, returnHcov=FALSE, pWOrder=250, tol.Hcov=1.0e-10)
## S3 method for class 'gmsar'
summary(object, correlation = FALSE, Hausman=FALSE, ...)
GMargminImage(obj, lambdaseq, s2seq)

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
na.action a function (default, can also be na.omit or na.exclude with conse-
quences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights list will be
subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to
TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations. Note that
only weights lists created without using the glist argument to nb2listw may be
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged
value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA - causing
GMerrorsar() to terminate with an error
method default "nlminb", or optionally a method passed to optim to use an alternative
GMerrorsar 13

arnoldWied default FALSE

control A list of control parameters. See details in optim or nlminb.
pars starting values for λ and σ 2 for GMM optimisation, if missing (default), approx-
imated from initial OLS model as the autocorrelation coefficient corrected for
weights style and model sigma squared
scaleU Default FALSE: scale the OLS residuals before computing the moment matri-
ces; only used if the pars argument is missing
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE, reports function values during
legacy default FALSE - compute using the unfiltered values of the response and right
hand side variables; if TRUE - compute the fitted value and residuals from the
spatially filtered model using the spatial error parameter
se.lambda default TRUE, use the analytical method described in http://econweb.umd.
returnHcov default FALSE, return the Vo matrix for a spatial Hausman test
tol.Hcov the tolerance for computing the Vo matrix (default=1.0e-10)
pWOrder default 250, if returnHcov=TRUE, pass this order to powerWeights as the power
series maximum limit
object, obj gmsar object from GMerrorsar
correlation logical; (default=FALSE), TRUE not available
Hausman if TRUE, the results of the Hausman test for error models are reported
... summary arguments passed through
lambdaseq if given, an increasing sequence of lambda values for gridding
s2seq if given, an increasing sequence of sigma squared values for gridding

When the control list is set with care, the function will converge to values close to the ML estimator
without requiring computation of the Jacobian, the most resource-intensive part of ML estimation.
Note that the fitted() function for the output object assumes that the response variable may be
reconstructed as the sum of the trend, the signal, and the noise (residuals). Since the values of the
response variable are known, their spatial lags are used to calculate signal components (Cressie
1993, p. 564). This differs from other software, including GeoDa, which does not use knowledge
of the response variable in making predictions for the fitting data.
The GMargminImage may be used to visualize the shape of the surface of the argmin function used
to find lambda.

A list object of class gmsar

type "ERROR"
lambda simultaneous autoregressive error coefficient
14 GMerrorsar

coefficients GMM coefficient estimates GMM coefficient standard errors
s2 GMM residual variance
SSE sum of squared GMM errors
parameters number of parameters estimated
lm.model the lm object returned when estimating for λ = 0
call the call used to create this object
residuals GMM residuals the lm object returned for the GMM fit
fitted.values Difference between residuals and response variable
formula model formula
aliased if not NULL, details of aliased variables
zero.policy zero.policy for this model
vv list of internal bigG and litg components for testing optimisation surface
optres object returned by optimizer
pars start parameter values for optimisation
Hcov Spatial DGP covariance matrix for Hausman test if available
legacy input choice of unfiltered or filtered values value computed if input argument TRUE
arnoldWied were Arnold-Wied moments used
GMs2 GM argmin sigma squared
scaleU input choice of scaled OLS residuals
vcov variance-covariance matrix of regression coefficients
na.action (possibly) named vector of excluded or omitted observations if non-default na.action
argument used

Luc Anselin and Roger Bivand

Kelejian, H. H., and Prucha, I. R., 1999. A Generalized Moments Estimator for the Autoregressive
Parameter in a Spatial Model. International Economic Review, 40, pp. 509–533; Cressie, N. A. C.
1993 Statistics for spatial data, Wiley, New York.
Roger Bivand, Gianfranco Piras (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for
Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. https://www.jstatsoft.

See Also
optim, nlminb, errorsarlm
griffith_sone 15

#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), method="eigen")
summary(COL.errW.eig, Hausman=TRUE)
COL.errW.GM <- GMerrorsar(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), returnHcov=TRUE)
summary(COL.errW.GM, Hausman=TRUE)
aa <- GMargminImage(COL.errW.GM)
levs <- quantile(aa$z, seq(0, 1, 1/12))
image(aa, breaks=levs, xlab="lambda", ylab="s2")
points(COL.errW.GM$lambda, COL.errW.GM$s2, pch=3, lwd=2)
contour(aa, levels=signif(levs, 4), add=TRUE)
COL.errW.GM1 <- GMerrorsar(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"))
require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
nydata <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_bna_utm18.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1]))
suppressMessages(ID <- as.character(names(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1]))[-1]))
identical(substring(ID, 2, 10), substring(as.character(nydata$AREAKEY), 2, 10))
nyadjlw <- spdep::mat2listw(nyadjmat, as.character(nydata$AREAKEY))
listw_NY <- spdep::nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B")
esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen")
esar1gm <- GMerrorsar(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY)
esar1gm1 <- GMerrorsar(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, method="Nelder-Mead")

griffith_sone Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues

The eigenw function returns a numeric vector of eigenvalues of the weights matrix generated from
the spatial weights object listw. The eigenvalues are used to speed the computation of the Jacobian
in spatial model estimation:
log(det[I − ρW ]) = log(1 − ρλi )

where W is the n by n spatial weights matrix, and λi are the eigenvalues of W .

16 griffith_sone

eigenw(listw, quiet=NULL)
griffith_sone(P, Q, type="rook")
subgraph_eigenw(nb, glist=NULL, style="W", zero.policy=NULL, quiet=NULL)

listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
quiet default NULL, use global !verbose option value; set to FALSE for short sum-
P number of columns in the grid (number of units in a horizontal axis direction)
Q number of rows in the grid (number of units in a vertical axis direction.)
type “rook” or “queen”
nb an object of class nb
glist list of general weights corresponding to neighbours
style style can take values “W”, “B”, “C”, “U”, “minmax” and “S”
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if FALSE stop with error for any empty
neighbour sets, if TRUE permit the weights list to be formed with zero-length
weights vectors

The griffith_sone function function may be used, following Ord and Gasim (for references see
Griffith and Sone (1995)), to calculate analytical eigenvalues for binary rook or queen contiguous
neighbours where the data are arranged as a regular P times Q grid. The subgraph_eigenw function
may be used when there are multiple graph components, of which the largest may be handled as
a dense matrix. Here the eigenvalues are computed for each subgraph in turn, and catenated to
reconstruct the complete set. The functions may be used to provide pre-computed eigenvalues for
spatial regression functions.

a numeric or complex vector of eigenvalues of the weights matrix generated from the spatial weights

Roger Bivand <>

Cliff, A. D., Ord, J. K. 1981 Spatial processes, Pion, p. 155; Ord, J. K. 1975 Estimation methods for
models of spatial interaction, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70, 120-126.; Griffith,
D. A. and Sone, A. (1995). Trade-offs associated with normalizing constant computational simplifi-
cations for estimating spatial statistical models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
51, 165-183.
griffith_sone 17

See Also

data(oldcol, package="spdep")
W.eig <- eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"))
S.eig <- eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="S"))
B.eig <- eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"))
# cases for intrinsically asymmetric weights
crds <- cbind(COL.OLD$X, COL.OLD$Y)
k3 <- spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(crds, k=3))
k3eig <- eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(k3, style="W"))
rho <- 0.5
Jc <- sum(log(1 - rho * k3eig))
# complex eigenvalue Jacobian
# subgraphs
nc <- spdep::n.comp.nb(k3)
k3eigSG <- subgraph_eigenw(k3, style="W")
all.equal(sort(k3eig), k3eigSG)
W <- as(spdep::nb2listw(k3, style="W"), "CsparseMatrix")
I <- diag(length(k3))
Jl <- sum(log(abs(diag(slot(lu(I - rho * W), "U")))))
# LU Jacobian equals complex eigenvalue Jacobian
all.equal(Re(Jc), Jl)
# wrong value if only real part used
Jr <- sum(log(1 - rho * Re(k3eig)))
all.equal(Jr, Jl)
# construction of Jacobian from complex conjugate pairs (Jan Hauke)
Rev <- Re(k3eig)[which(Im(k3eig) == 0)]
# real eigenvalues
Cev <- k3eig[which(Im(k3eig) != 0)]
pCev <- Cev[Im(Cev) > 0]
# separate complex conjugate pairs
RpCev <- Re(pCev)
IpCev <- Im(pCev)
# reassemble Jacobian
Jc1 <- sum(log(1 - rho*Rev)) + sum(log((1 - rho * RpCev)^2 + (rho^2)*(IpCev^2)))
all.equal(Re(Jc), Jc1)
# impact of omitted complex part term in real part only Jacobian
Jc2 <- sum(log(1 - rho*Rev)) + sum(log((1 - rho * RpCev)^2))
18 gstsls

all.equal(Jr, Jc2)
# trace of asymmetric (WW) and crossprod of complex eigenvalues for APLE
sum(diag(W %*% W))
# analytical regular grid eigenvalues
rg <- spdep::cell2nb(ncol=7, nrow=7, type="rook")
rg_eig <- eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(rg, style="B"))
rg_GS <- griffith_sone(P=7, Q=7, type="rook")
all.equal(rg_eig, rg_GS)
## Not run:
run <- FALSE
if (require("RSpectra", quietly=TRUE)) run <- TRUE
if (run) {
B <- as(spdep::nb2listw(rg, style="B"), "CsparseMatrix")
res1 <- eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values
resn <- eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values
print(Re(c(resn, res1)))
if (run) {
print(all.equal(range(Re(rg_eig)), c(resn, res1)))
if (run) {
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(rg, style="W")
rg_eig <- eigenw(similar.listw(lw))
if (run) {
W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
print(Re(c(eigs(W, k=1, which="SR")$values, eigs(W, k=1, which="LR")$values)))
## End(Not run)

gstsls Spatial simultaneous autoregressive SAC model estimation by GMM

An implementation of Kelejian and Prucha’s generalised moments estimator for the autoregressive
parameter in a spatial model with a spatially lagged dependent variable.

gstsls(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2 = NULL, na.action =,
zero.policy = NULL, pars=NULL, scaleU=FALSE, control = list(),
verbose=NULL, method="nlminb", robust=FALSE, legacy=FALSE, W2X=TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'gmsar'
impacts(obj, ..., n = NULL, tr = NULL, R = NULL,
listw = NULL, evalues=NULL, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL)
gstsls 19

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
listw2 a listw object created for example by nb2listw, if not given, set to the same
spatial weights as the listw argument
na.action a function (default, can also be na.omit or na.exclude with conse-
quences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights list will be
subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to
TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations. Note that
only weights lists created without using the glist argument to nb2listw may be
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged
value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA - causing
GMerrorsar() to terminate with an error
pars starting values for λ and σ 2 for GMM optimisation, if missing (default), ap-
proximated from initial 2sls model as the autocorrelation coefficient corrected
for weights style and model sigma squared
scaleU Default FALSE: scale the OLS residuals before computing the moment matri-
ces; only used if the pars argument is missing
control A list of control parameters. See details in optim or nlminb
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE, reports function values during
method default nlminb, or optionally a method passed to optim to use an alternative
robust see stsls
legacy see stsls
W2X see stsls
obj A spatial regression object created by lagsarlm, lagmess or by lmSLX; in HPDinterval.lagImpact,
a lagImpact object
... Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package
tr A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW,
for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact
measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must
be row-standardised
evalues vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations
R If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures,
returned as mcmc objects; the objects are used for convenience but are not output
by an MCMC process
20 gstsls

tol Argument passed to mvrnorm: tolerance (relative to largest variance) for numer-
ical lack of positive-definiteness in the coefficient covariance matrix
empirical Argument passed to mvrnorm (default FALSE): if true, the coefficients and their
covariance matrix specify the empirical not population mean and covariance
Q default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to
calculate if tr is given
n defaults to length(obj$residuals); in the method for gmsar objects it may be
used in panel settings to compute the impacts for cross-sectional weights only,
suggested by Angela Parenti

When the control list is set with care, the function will converge to values close to the ML estimator
without requiring computation of the Jacobian, the most resource-intensive part of ML estimation.

A list object of class gmsar

lambda simultaneous autoregressive error coefficient

coefficients GMM coefficient estimates (including the spatial autocorrelation coefficient) GMM coefficient standard errors
s2 GMM residual variance
SSE sum of squared GMM errors
parameters number of parameters estimated
lm.model NULL
call the call used to create this object
residuals GMM residuals NULL
fitted.values Difference between residuals and response variable
formula model formula
aliased NULL
zero.policy zero.policy for this model
vv list of internal bigG and litg components for testing optimisation surface
optres object returned by optimizer
pars start parameter values for optimisation
na.action (possibly) named vector of excluded or omitted observations if non-default na.action
argument used
impacts 21


Gianfranco Piras and Roger Bivand


Kelejian, H. H., and Prucha, I. R., 1999. A Generalized Moments Estimator for the Autoregressive
Parameter in a Spatial Model. International Economic Review, 40, pp. 509–533; Cressie, N. A. C.
1993 Statistics for spatial data, Wiley, New York.
Roger Bivand, Gianfranco Piras (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for
Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. https://www.jstatsoft.

See Also

optim, nlminb, GMerrorsar, GMargminImage

#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
COL.errW.GM <- gstsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"))
aa <- GMargminImage(COL.errW.GM)
levs <- quantile(aa$z, seq(0, 1, 1/12))
image(aa, breaks=levs, xlab="lambda", ylab="s2")
points(COL.errW.GM$lambda, COL.errW.GM$s2, pch=3, lwd=2)
contour(aa, levels=signif(levs, 4), add=TRUE)
COL.errW.GM <- gstsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), scaleU=TRUE)
listw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb)
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMat <- trW(W, type="mult")
impacts(COL.errW.GM, tr=trMat)

impacts Impacts in spatial lag models


The calculation of impacts for spatial lag and spatial Durbin models is needed in order to interpret
the regression coefficients correctly, because of the spillovers between the terms in these data gen-
eration processes (unlike the spatial error model). Methods for “SLX” and Bayesian fitted models
are also provided, the former do not need MC simulations, while the latter pass through MCMC
22 impacts

#\method{impacts}{sarlm}(obj, ..., tr, R = NULL, listw = NULL, evalues=NULL,
# useHESS = NULL, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL)
#\method{impacts}{lagmess}(obj, ..., R=NULL, listw=NULL, tol=1e-6,
# empirical=FALSE)
#\method{impacts}{SLX}(obj, ...)
#\method{impacts}{MCMC_sar_g}(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
#\method{impacts}{MCMC_sem_g}(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
#\method{impacts}{MCMC_sac_g}(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'lagImpact'
plot(x, ..., choice="direct", trace=FALSE, density=TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'lagImpact'
print(x, ..., reportQ=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'lagImpact'
summary(object, ..., zstats=FALSE, short=FALSE, reportQ=NULL)
#\method{print}{WXImpact}(x, ...)
#\method{summary}{WXImpact}(object, ..., adjust_k=(attr(object, "type") == "SDEM"))
## S3 method for class 'lagImpact'
HPDinterval(obj, prob = 0.95, ..., choice="direct")
intImpacts(rho, beta, P, n, mu, Sigma, irho, drop2beta, bnames, interval,
type, tr, R, listw, evalues, tol, empirical, Q, icept, iicept, p, mess=FALSE,
samples=NULL, zero_fill = NULL, dvars = NULL)

obj A spatial regression object created by lagsarlm or by lmSLX; in HPDinterval.lagImpact,
a lagImpact object
... Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package
tr A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW,
for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact
measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must
be row-standardised
listw If tr is not given, a spatial weights object as created by nb2listw; they must be
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, but do not
have to be row-standardised
evalues vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations
n defaults to length(obj$residuals); in the method for gmsar objects it may be
used in panel settings to compute the impacts for cross-sectional weights only,
suggested by Angela Parenti
R If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures,
returned as mcmc objects; the objects are used for convenience but are not output
by an MCMC process
useHESS Use the Hessian approximation (if available) even if the asymptotic coefficient
covariance matrix is available; used for comparing methods
impacts 23

tol Argument passed to mvrnorm: tolerance (relative to largest variance) for numer-
ical lack of positive-definiteness in the coefficient covariance matrix
empirical Argument passed to mvrnorm (default FALSE): if true, the coefficients and their
covariance matrix specify the empirical not population mean and covariance
Q default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to
calculate if tr is given
reportQ default NULL; if TRUE and Q given as an argument to impacts, report impact
x, object lagImpact objects created by impacts methods
zstats default FALSE, if TRUE, also return z-values and p-values for the impacts based
on the simulations
short default FALSE, if TRUE passed to the print summary method to omit printing
of the mcmc summaries
choice One of three impacts: direct, indirect, or total
trace Argument passed to plot.mcmc: plot trace plots
density Argument passed to plot.mcmc: plot density plots
prob Argument passed to HPDinterval.mcmc: a numeric scalar in the interval (0,1)
giving the target probability content of the intervals
adjust_k default TRUE if SDEM else FALSE, adjust internal OLS SDEM standard errors
by dividing by n rather than (n-k) (default changed and bug fixed after 0.7-8;
standard errors now ML in SDEM summary and impacts summary and identical
- for SLX use FALSE)
rho, beta, P, mu, Sigma, irho, drop2beta, bnames, interval, type, icept, iicept, p, mess, samples, z
internal arguments shared inside impacts methods

If called without R being set, the method returns the direct, indirect and total impacts for the vari-
ables in the model, for the variables themselves in tha spatial lag model case, for the variables and
their spatial lags in the spatial Durbin (mixed) model case. The spatial lag impact measures are
computed using eq. 2.46 (LeSage and Pace, 2009, p. 38), either using the exact dense matrix (when
listw is given), or traces of powers of the weights matrix (when tr is given). When the traces
are created by powering sparse matrices, the exact and the trace methods should give very similar
results, unless the number of powers used is very small, or the spatial coefficient is close to its
If R is given, simulations will be used to create distributions for the impact measures, provided that
the fitted model object contains a coefficient covariance matrix. The simulations are made using
mvrnorm with the coefficients and their covariance matrix from the fitted model.
The simulations are stored as mcmc objects as defined in the coda package; the objects are used
for convenience but are not output by an MCMC process. The simulated values of the coefficients
are checked to see that the spatial coefficient remains within its valid interval — draws outside the
interval are discarded.
24 impacts

If a model is fitted with the “Durbin=” set to a formula subsetting the explanatory variables, the
impacts object returned reports Durbin impacts for variables included in the formula and lag impacts
for the other variables.
When Q and tr are given, addition impact component results are provided for each step in the traces
of powers of the weights matrix up to and including the Q’th power. This increases computing time
because the output object is substantially increased in size in proportion to the size of Q.
The method for gmsar objects is only for those of type SARAR output by gstsls, and assume that
the spatial error coefficient is fixed, and thus omitted from the coefficients and covariance matrix
used for simulation.


An object of class lagImpact.

If no simulation is carried out, the object returned is a list with:

direct numeric vector

indirect numeric vector
total numeric vector

and a matching Qres list attribute if Q was given.

If simulation is carried out, the object returned is a list with:

res a list with three components as for the non-simulation case, with a matching
Qres list attribute if Q was given
sres a list with three mcmc matrices, for the direct, indirect and total impacts with a
matching Qmcmc list attribute if Q was given


Roger Bivand <>


LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp.
33–42, 114–115; LeSage J and MM Fischer (2008) Spatial growth regressions: model specification,
estimation and interpretation. Spatial Economic Analysis 3 (3), pp. 275–304.
Roger Bivand, Gianfranco Piras (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for
Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. https://www.jstatsoft.

See Also

trW, lagsarlm, nb2listw, mvrnorm, plot.mcmc, summary.mcmc, HPDinterval

impacts 25


require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1])
listw <- spdep::nb2listw(
ev <- eigenw(listw)
lobj <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw,
mobj <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, Durbin=TRUE,
mobj1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, Durbin= ~ INC,
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
trMC <- trW(W, type="MC")
impacts(lobj, listw=listw)
impacts(lobj, tr=trMatc)
impacts(lobj, tr=trMC)
impacts(lobj, evalues=ev)
lobjIQ5 <- impacts(lobj, tr=trMatc, R=200, Q=5)
summary(lobjIQ5, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
summary(lobjIQ5, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE, reportQ=TRUE)
impacts(mobj, listw=listw)
impacts(mobj, tr=trMatc)
impacts(mobj, tr=trMC)
impacts(mobj1, tr=trMatc)
impacts(mobj1, listw=listw)
cat(try(impacts(mobj, evalues=ev), silent=TRUE), "\n")
summary(impacts(mobj, tr=trMatc, R=200), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE)
summary(impacts(mobj1, tr=trMatc, R=200), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE)
xobj <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw)
eobj <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, etype="emixed")
summary(impacts(eobj), adjust_k=TRUE)
## Not run:
mobj1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, type="mixed",
method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE))
summary(impacts(mobj1, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
summary(impacts(mobj, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
mobj2 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, type="mixed",
method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE, optimHess=TRUE))
summary(impacts(mobj2, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
mobj3 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, columbus, listw, type="mixed",
method="spam", control=list(fdHess=TRUE))
26 lagmess

summary(impacts(mobj3, tr=trMatc, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)

## End(Not run)
## Not run:
data(boston, package="spData")
Wb <- as(spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi), "CsparseMatrix")
trMatb <- trW(Wb, type="mult")
gp2mMi <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) +
I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi), type="mixed", method="Matrix",
control=list(fdHess=TRUE), trs=trMatb)
summary(impacts(gp2mMi, tr=trMatb, R=1000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
data(house, package="spData")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(LO_nb)
form <- formula(log(price) ~ age + I(age^2) + I(age^3) + log(lotsize) +
rooms + log(TLA) + beds + syear)
lobj <- lagsarlm(form, house, lw, method="Matrix",
control=list(fdHess=TRUE), trs=trMat)
loobj <- impacts(lobj, tr=trMat, R=1000)
summary(loobj, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
lobj1 <- stsls(form, house, lw)
loobj1 <- impacts(lobj1, tr=trMat, R=1000)
summary(loobj1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
mobj <- lagsarlm(form, house, lw, type="mixed",
method="Matrix", control=list(fdHess=TRUE), trs=trMat)
moobj <- impacts(mobj, tr=trMat, R=1000)
summary(moobj, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model


The function fits a matrix exponential spatial lag model, using optim to find the value of alpha, the
spatial coefficient.


lagmess(formula, data = list(), listw, zero.policy = NULL, na.action =,

q = 10, start = -2.5, control=list(), method="BFGS", verbose=NULL,
lagmess 27


formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value
of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA - causing lagmess() to ter-
minate with an error
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights
list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set
zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observa-
tions. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to
nb2listw may be subsetted.
q default 10; number of powers of the spatial weights to use
start starting value for numerical optimization, should be a small negative number
control control parameters passed to optim
method default BFGS, method passed to optim
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE report function values during
use_expm default FALSE; if TRUE use expm::expAtv instead of a truncated power series
of W


The underlying spatial lag model:

y = ρW y + Xβ + ε

where ρ is the spatial parameter may be fitted by maximum likelihood. In that case, the log likeli-
hood function includes the logartithm of cumbersome Jacobian term |I − ρW |. If we rewrite the
model as:

Sy = Xβ + ε

we see that in the ML case Sy = (I − ρW )y. If W is row-stochastic, S may be expressed as a linear

combination of row-stochastic matrices. By pre-computing the matrix [yW y, W 2 y, ..., W q−1 y], the
term Sy(α) can readily be found by numerical optimization using the matrix exponential approach.
α and ρ are related as ρ = 1 − exp α, conditional on the number of matrix power terms taken q.
28 lagmess

The function returns an object of class lagmess with components:

lmobj the lm object returned after fitting alpha

alpha the spatial coefficient
alphase the standard error of the spatial coefficient using the numerical Hessian
rho the value of rho implied by alpha
bestmess the object returned by optim
q the number of powers of the spatial weights used
start the starting value for numerical optimization used
na.action (possibly) named vector of excluded or omitted observations if non-default na.action
argument used
nullLL the log likelihood of the aspatial model for the same data

Roger Bivand <> and Eric Blankmeyer

J. P. LeSage and R. K. Pace (2007) A matrix exponential specification. Journal of Econometrics,
140, 190-214; J. P. LeSage and R. K. Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press,
Chapter 9.

See Also
lagsarlm, optim

#require(spdep, quietly=TRUE)
data(baltimore, package="spData")
baltimore$AGE <- ifelse(baltimore$AGE < 1, 1, baltimore$AGE)
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(cbind(baltimore$X, baltimore$Y), k=7)))
obj1 <- lm(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT),
spdep::lm.morantest(obj1, lw)
spdep::lm.LMtests(obj1, lw, test="all")
system.time(obj2 <- lagmess(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw))
system.time(obj2a <- lagmess(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw,
obj3 <- lagsarlm(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw)

data(boston, package="spData")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi)
lextrB 29

gp2 <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2)

+ AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, lw, method="Matrix")
gp2a <- lagmess(CMEDV ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2)
+ AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, lw)

lextrB Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights


The functions find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights, when these form pla-
nar graphs; general weights are not permiited. l_max finds the largest eigenvalue using Rayleigh
quotient methods of any “listw” object. lextrB first calls l_max, and uses its output to find the
smallest eigenvalue in addition for binary symmetric spatial weights. lextrW extends these to find
the smallest eigenvalue for intrinsically symmetric row-standardized binary weights matrices (trans-
formed to symmetric through similarity internally). lextrS does the same for variance-stabilized
(“S” style) intrinsically symmetric binary weights matrices (transformed to symmetric through sim-
ilarity internally).


lextrB(lw, zero.policy = TRUE, control = list())

lextrW(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list())
lextrS(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list())
l_max(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list())


lw a binary symmetric listw object from, for example, nb2listw with style “B”
for lextrB, style “W” for lextrW and style “S” for lextrS; for l_max, the
object may be asymmetric and does not have to be binary
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value
of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA
control a list of control arguments


The functions return approximations to the extreme eigenvalues with the eigenvectors returned as
attributes of this object.
30 lextrB

Control arguments
trace report values in while loops, default NULL assuming FALSE; logical
tol tolerance for breaking while loops, default .Machine$double.eps^(1/2); numeric
maxiter maximum number of iterations in while loops, default 6 * (length(lw$neighbours) - 2;
useC use C code, default TRUE, logical (not in l_max)

It may be necessary to modify control arguments if warnings about lack of convergence are seen.

Roger Bivand, Yongwan Chun, Daniel Griffith

Griffith, D. A. (2004). Extreme eigenfunctions of adjacency matrices for planar graphs employed
in spatial analyses. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 388:201–219.

data(boston, package="spData")
#require(spdep, quietly=TRUE)
ab.listb <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi, style="B")
er <- range(eigenw(ab.listb))
res_1 <- lextrB(ab.listb)
run <- FALSE
if (require("RSpectra", quietly=TRUE)) run <- TRUE
if (run) {
B <- as(ab.listb, "CsparseMatrix")
eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values
if (run) {
eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values
k5 <- spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(boston.utm, k=5))
c(l_max(spdep::nb2listw(k5, style="B")))
max(Re(eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(k5, style="B"))))
c(l_max(spdep::nb2listw(k5, style="C")))
max(Re(eigenw(spdep::nb2listw(k5, style="C"))))
ab.listw <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi, style="W")
er <- range(eigenw(similar.listw(ab.listw)))
res_1 <- lextrW(ab.listw)
if (run) {
B <- as(similar.listw(ab.listw), "CsparseMatrix")
lmSLX 31

eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values

if (run) {
eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values
## Not run:
ab.listw <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi, style="S")
er <- range(eigenw(similar.listw(ab.listw)))
res_1 <- lextrS(ab.listw)

## End(Not run)
if (run) {
B <- as(similar.listw(ab.listw), "CsparseMatrix")
eigs(B, k=1, which="SR")$values
if (run) {
eigs(B, k=1, which="LR")$values

lmSLX Spatial Durbin linear (SLX, spatially lagged X) model

lmSLX fits an lm model augmented with the spatially lagged RHS variables, including the lagged
intercept when the spatial weights are not row-standardised. create_WX creates spatially lagged
RHS variables, and is exposed for use in model fitting functions.

lmSLX(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, weights=NULL,
Durbin=TRUE, zero.policy=NULL)
create_WX(x, listw, zero.policy=NULL, prefix="")
## S3 method for class 'SLX'
impacts(obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'WXImpact'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'WXImpact'
summary(object, ..., adjust_k=(attr(object, "type") == "SDEM"))
## S3 method for class 'SLX'
predict(object, newdata, listw, zero.policy=NULL, ...)

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
32 lmSLX

data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the spatial
weights list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to
set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour obser-
vations. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to
nb2listw may be subsetted.
weights an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. Non-NULL
weights can be used to indicate that different observations have different vari-
ances (with the values in weights being inversely proportional to the variances);
or equivalently, when the elements of weights are positive integers w_i, that each
response y_i is the mean of w_i unit-weight observations (including the case that
there are w_i observations equal to y_i and the data have been summarized) - lm
Durbin default TRUE for lmSLX (Durbin model including WX); if TRUE, full spatial
Durbin model; if a formula object, the subset of explanatory variables to lag
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value
of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA
obj A spatial regression object created by lmSLX
... Arguments passed through
prefix default empty string, may be “lag” in some cases
x, object model matrix to be lagged; lagImpact objects created by impacts methods
adjust_k default TRUE if SDEM else FALSE, adjust internal OLS SDEM standard errors
by dividing by n rather than (n-k) (default changed and bug fixed after 0.7-8;
standard errors now ML in SDEM summary and impacts summary and identical
- for SLX use FALSE)
newdata data frame in which to predict — if NULL, predictions are for the data on which
the model was fitted. Should have row names corresponding to If row
names are exactly the same than the ones used for training, it uses in-sample
predictors for forecast.

The lmSLX function returns an “lm” object with a “mixedImps” list of three impact matrixes (im-
pacts and standard errors) for direct, indirect and total impacts; total impacts calculated using

Roger Bivand <>

See Also
lm, estimable
LR.sarlm 33

data(oldcol, package="spdep")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw)
COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + I(HOVAL^2), data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE)
COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + I(HOVAL^2), data=COL.OLD, listw=lw, Durbin=~INC)
COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw)
## Not run:
crds <- cbind(COL.OLD$X, COL.OLD$Y)
mdist <- sqrt(sum(diff(apply(crds, 2, range))^2))
dnb <- spdep::dnearneigh(crds, 0, mdist)
dists <- spdep::nbdists(dnb, crds)
f <- function(x, form, data, dnb, dists, verbose) {
glst <- lapply(dists, function(d) 1/(d^x))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(dnb, glist=glst, style="B")
res <- logLik(lmSLX(form=form, data=data, listw=lw))
if (verbose) cat("power:", x, "logLik:", res, "\n")
opt <- optimize(f, interval=c(0.1, 4), form=CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL,
data=COL.OLD, dnb=dnb, dists=dists, verbose=TRUE, maximum=TRUE)
glst <- lapply(dists, function(d) 1/(d^opt$maximum))
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(dnb, glist=glst, style="B")
SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw)

## End(Not run)
COL.SLX <- lmSLX(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw)
pslx0 <- predict(COL.SLX)
pslx1 <- predict(COL.SLX, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw)
all.equal(pslx0, pslx1)
pslx2 <- predict(COL.SLX, newdata=COL.OLD1, listw=lw)

LR.sarlm Likelihood ratio test

34 LR.sarlm

The LR.sarlm() function provides a likelihood ratio test for objects for which a logLik() function
exists for their class, or for objects of class logLik. LR1.sarlm() and Wald1.sarlm() are used
internally in summary.sarlm(), but may be accessed directly; they report the values respectively of
LR and Wald tests for the absence of spatial dependence in spatial lag or error models. The spatial
Hausman test is available for models fitted with errorsarlm and GMerrorsar.

LR.sarlm(x, y)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
logLik(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
Hausman.test(object, ..., tol=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
anova(object, ...)
bptest.sarlm(object, varformula=NULL, studentize = TRUE, data=list())
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
impacts(obj, ..., tr, R = NULL, listw = NULL, evalues=NULL,
useHESS = NULL, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL)

x a logLik object or an object for which a logLik() function exists
y a logLik object or an object for which a logLik() function exists
object, obj a sarlm object
... further arguments passed to or from other methods
varformula a formula describing only the potential explanatory variables for the variance
(no dependent variable needed). By default the same explanatory variables are
taken as in the main regression model
studentize logical. If set to TRUE Koenker’s studentized version of the test statistic will be
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the varformula
tr A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW,
for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact
measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must
be row-standardised
listw If tr is not given, a spatial weights object as created by nb2listw; they must be
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, but do not
have to be row-standardised
evalues vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations
LR.sarlm 35

R If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures,
returned as mcmc objects; the objects are used for convenience but are not output
by an MCMC process
useHESS Use the Hessian approximation (if available) even if the asymptotic coefficient
covariance matrix is available; used for comparing methods
tol Argument passed to mvrnorm and solve: tolerance (relative to largest variance)
for numerical lack of positive-definiteness in the coefficient covariance matrix
empirical Argument passed to mvrnorm (default FALSE): if true, the coefficients and their
covariance matrix specify the empirical not population mean and covariance
Q default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to
calculate if tr is given

The tests return objects of class htest with:
statistic value of statistic
parameter degrees of freedom
p.value Probability value
estimate varies with test
method description of test method
logLik.sarlm() returns an object of class logLik LR1.sarlm, Hausman.sarlm and Wald1.sarlm
returm objects of class htest

The numbers of degrees of freedom returned by logLik.sarlm() include nuisance parameters, that
is the number of regression coefficients, plus sigma, plus spatial parameter esitmate(s).

Roger Bivand <>, bptest: Torsten Hothorn and Achim Zeileis, modified
by Roger Bivand

LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp.
61–63; Pace RK and LeSage J (2008) A spatial Hausman test. Economics Letters 101, 282–284.
T.S. Breusch & A.R. Pagan (1979), A Simple Test for Heteroscedasticity and Random Coefficient
Variation. Econometrica 47, 1287–1294
W. Krämer & H. Sonnberger (1986), The Linear Regression Model under Test. Heidelberg: Physica.
L. Anselin (1988) Spatial econometrics: methods and models. Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp. 121–122.

See Also
logLik.lm, anova.sarlm
36 MCMCsamp

require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1])
lm.mod <- lm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus)
lag <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, spdep::nb2listw(
mixed <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, spdep::nb2listw(, type="mixed")
error <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ HOVAL + INC, data=columbus, spdep::nb2listw(
LR.sarlm(mixed, error)
anova(lag, lm.mod)
anova(lag, error, mixed)
AIC(lag, error, mixed)
bptest.sarlm(error, studentize=FALSE)
## Not run: <- lm(error$tary ~ error$tarX - 1)
if (require(lmtest, quietly=TRUE) && require(sandwich, quietly=TRUE)) {
print(coeftest(, vcov=vcovHC(, type="HC0"), df=Inf))

## End(Not run)

MCMCsamp MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression

The MCMCsamp method uses rwmetrop, a random walk Metropolis algorithm, from LearnBayes to
make MCMC samples from fitted maximum likelihood spatial regression models.

MCMCsamp(object, mcmc = 1L, verbose = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'spautolm'
MCMCsamp(object, mcmc = 1L, verbose = NULL, ...,
burnin = 0L, scale=1, listw, control = list())
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
MCMCsamp(object, mcmc = 1L, verbose = NULL, ...,
burnin=0L, scale=1, listw, listw2=NULL, control=list())

object A spatial regression model object fitted by maximum likelihood with spautolm
mcmc The number of MCMC iterations after burnin
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE, reports progress
... Arguments passed through
MCMCsamp 37

burnin The number of burn-in iterations for the sampler

scale a positive scale parameter
listw, listw2 listw objects created for example by nb2listw; should be the same object(s)
used for fitting the model
control list of extra control arguments - see spautolm

An object of class “mcmc” suited to coda, with attributes: “accept” acceptance rate; “type” input
ML fitted model type “SAR”, “CAR”, “SMA”, “lag”, “mixed”, “error”, “sac”, “sacmixed”; “tim-
ings” run times

If the acceptance rate is below 0.05, a warning will be issued; consider increasing mcmc.

Roger Bivand <>

Jim Albert (2007) Bayesian Computation with R, Springer, New York, pp. 104-105.

See Also
rwmetrop, spautolm, lagsarlm, errorsarlm, sacsarlm

require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
nydata <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_bna_utm18.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1]))
suppressMessages(ID <- as.character(names(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1]))[-1]))
identical(substring(ID, 2, 10), substring(as.character(nydata$AREAKEY), 2, 10))
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
nyadjlw <- spdep::mat2listw(nyadjmat, as.character(nydata$AREAKEY))
listw_NY <- spdep::nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B")
esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen")
res <- MCMCsamp(esar1f, mcmc=1000, burnin=200, listw=listw_NY)
## Not run:
esar1fw <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="eigen")
res <- MCMCsamp(esar1fw, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
38 MCMCsamp

ecar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,

listw=listw_NY, family="CAR", method="eigen")
res <- MCMCsamp(ecar1f, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
esar1fw <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="eigen")
res <- MCMCsamp(esar1fw, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
ecar1fw <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="CAR", method="eigen")
res <- MCMCsamp(ecar1fw, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)

## End(Not run)
esar0 <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
res <- MCMCsamp(esar0, mcmc=1000, burnin=200, listw=listw_NY)
## Not run:
esar0w <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8)
res <- MCMCsamp(esar0w, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
esar1 <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, etype="emixed")
res <- MCMCsamp(esar1, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
lsar0 <- lagsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
res <- MCMCsamp(lsar0, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
lsar1 <- lagsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, type="mixed")
res <- MCMCsamp(lsar1, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
ssar0 <- sacsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
res <- MCMCsamp(ssar0, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
ssar1 <- sacsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, type="sacmixed")
res <- MCMCsamp(ssar1, mcmc=5000, burnin=500, listw=listw_NY)
ME 39

## End(Not run)

ME Moran eigenvector GLM filtering

The Moran eigenvector filtering function is intended to remove spatial autocorrelation from the
residuals of generalised linear models. It uses brute force eigenvector selection to reach a subset
of such vectors to be added to the RHS of the GLM model to reduce residual autocorrelation to
below the specified alpha value. Since eigenvector selection only works on symmetric weights, the
weights are made symmetric before the eigenvectors are found (from spdep 0.5-50).

ME(formula, data=list(), family = gaussian, weights, offset,,listw=NULL, alpha=0.05, nsim=99, verbose=NULL,
stdev=FALSE, zero.policy=NULL)

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model
family a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model
weights an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process
offset this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the
linear predictor during fitting
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the spatial
weights list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to
set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour obser-
vations. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to
nb2listw may be subsetted.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
alpha used as a stopping rule to choose all eigenvectors up to and including the one
with a p-value exceeding alpha
nsim number of permutations for permutation bootstrap for finding p-values
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE report eigenvectors selected
stdev if TRUE, p-value calculated from bootstrap permutation standard deviate using
pnorm with alternative="greater", if FALSE the Hope-type p-value
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if FALSE stop with error for any empty
neighbour sets, if TRUE permit the weights list to be formed with zero-length
weights vectors
40 ME

The eigenvectors for inclusion are chosen by calculating the empirical Moran’s I values for the
initial model plus each of the doubly centred symmetric spatial weights matrix eigenvectors in
turn. Then the first eigenvector is chosen as that with the lowest Moran’s I value. The procedure
is repeated until the lowest remaining Moran’s I value has a permutation-based probability value
above alpha. The probability value is either Hope-type or based on using the mean and standard
deviation of the permutations to calculate ZI based on the stdev argument.

An object of class ME_res:

selection a matrix summarising the selection of eigenvectors for inclusion, with columns:
Eigenvector number of selected eigenvector
ZI permutation-based standardized deviate of Moran’s I if stdev=TRUE
pr(ZI) probability value: if stdev=TRUE of the permutation-based standard-
ized deviate, if FALSE the Hope-type probability value, in both cases on-
The first row is the value at the start of the search
vectors a matrix of the selected eigenvectors in order of selection

Roger Bivand and Pedro Peres-Neto

Dray S, Legendre P and Peres-Neto PR (2005) Spatial modeling: a comprehensive framework for
principle coordinate analysis of neigbbor matrices (PCNM), Ecological Modelling; Griffith DA and
Peres-Neto PR (2006) Spatial modeling in ecology: the flexibility of eigenfunction spatial analyses.

See Also
SpatialFiltering, glm

#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
data(hopkins, package="spData")
hopkins_part <- hopkins[21:36,36:21]
hopkins_part[which(hopkins_part > 0, arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 1
hopkins.rook.nb <- spdep::cell2nb(16, 16, type="rook")
glmbase <- glm(c(hopkins_part) ~ 1, family="binomial")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(hopkins.rook.nb, style="B")
system.time(MEbinom1 <- ME(c(hopkins_part) ~ 1, family="binomial",
listw=lw, alpha=0.05, verbose=TRUE, nsim=49))
glmME <- glm(c(hopkins_part) ~ 1 + fitted(MEbinom1), family="binomial")
#anova(glmME, test="Chisq")
ME 41

anova(glmbase, glmME, test="Chisq")

## Not run:
require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1])
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(
lmbase <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus)
lagcol <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ 1, ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,, style="W", alpha=0.1, verbose=TRUE)
lmlag <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol), data=columbus)
anova(lmbase, lmlag)
system.time(lagcol1 <- ME(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus, family="gaussian",
listw=lw, alpha=0.1, verbose=TRUE))
lmlag1 <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol1), data=columbus)
anova(lmbase, lmlag1)

lagcol2 <- ME(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus, family="gaussian",
listw=lw, alpha=0.1, stdev=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
lmlag2 <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol2), data=columbus)
anova(lmbase, lmlag2)
NA.columbus <- columbus
NA.columbus$CRIME[20:25] <- NA
COL.ME.NA <- ME(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.columbus, family="gaussian",
listw=lw, alpha=0.1, stdev=TRUE, verbose=TRUE,
summary(lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(COL.ME.NA), data=NA.columbus,
nc.sids <- st_read(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
rn <- as.character(nc.sids$FIPS)
ncCC89_nb <-"weights/", package="spData")[1],
ncCR85_nb <-"weights/", package="spData")[1],
glmbase <- glm(SID74 ~ 1, data=nc.sids, offset=log(BIR74),
MEpois1 <- ME(SID74 ~ 1, data=nc.sids, offset=log(BIR74),
family="poisson", listw=spdep::nb2listw(ncCR85_nb, style="B"), alpha=0.2, verbose=TRUE)
glmME <- glm(SID74 ~ 1 + fitted(MEpois1), data=nc.sids, offset=log(BIR74),
anova(glmME, test="Chisq")
anova(glmbase, glmME, test="Chisq")

## End(Not run)
42 ML_models

ML_models Spatial simultaneous autoregressive model estimation by maximum


The lagsarlm function provides Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial simultaneous autore-
gressive lag and spatial Durbin (mixed) models of the form:

y = ρW y + Xβ + ε

where ρ is found by optimize() first, and β and other parameters by generalized least squares
subsequently (one-dimensional search using optim performs badly on some platforms). In the spa-
tial Durbin (mixed) model, the spatially lagged independent variables are added to X. Note that
interpretation of the fitted coefficients should use impact measures, because of the feedback loops
induced by the data generation process for this model. With one of the sparse matrix methods,
larger numbers of observations can be handled, but the interval= argument may need be set when
the weights are not row-standardised.
Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial simultaneous autoregressive error models of the form:

y = Xβ + u, u = λW u + ε

where λ is found by optimize() first, and β and other parameters by generalized least squares sub-
sequently. With one of the sparse matrix methods, larger numbers of observations can be handled,
but the interval= argument may need be set when the weights are not row-standardised. When
etype is “emixed”, a so-called spatial Durbin error model is fitted.
Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial simultaneous autoregressive “SAC/SARAR” models of
the form:

y = ρW 1y + Xβ + u, u = λW 2u + ε

where ρ and λ are found by nlminb or optim() first, and β and other parameters by generalized
least squares subsequently.

lagsarlm(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, type,
method="eigen", quiet=NULL, zero.policy=NULL, interval=NULL,
tol.solve=1.0e-10, trs=NULL, control=list())
errorsarlm(formula, data=list(), listw, na.action, weights=NULL,
Durbin, etype, method="eigen", quiet=NULL, zero.policy=NULL,
interval = NULL, tol.solve=1.0e-10, trs=NULL, control=list())
sacsarlm(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2 = NULL, na.action, Durbin, type,
method = "eigen", quiet = NULL, zero.policy = NULL, tol.solve = 1e-10,
llprof=NULL, interval1=NULL, interval2=NULL, trs1=NULL, trs2=NULL,
ML_models 43

control = list())
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
summary(object, correlation = FALSE, Nagelkerke = FALSE,
Hausman=FALSE,, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'summary.sarlm'
print(x, digits = max(5, .Options$digits - 3),
signif.stars = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
residuals(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
deviance(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
coef(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
vcov(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
fitted(object, ...)


formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw, listw2 a listw object created for example by nb2listw; if nb2listw not given, set to
the same spatial weights as the listw argument
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights
list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set
zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observa-
tions. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to
nb2listw may be subsetted.
weights an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. Non-NULL
weights can be used to indicate that different observations have different vari-
ances (with the values in weights being inversely proportional to the variances);
or equivalently, when the elements of weights are positive integers w_i, that each
response y_i is the mean of w_i unit-weight observations (including the case that
there are w_i observations equal to y_i and the data have been summarized) - lm
Durbin default FALSE (spatial lag model); if TRUE, full spatial Durbin model; if a
formula object, the subset of explanatory variables to lag
type (use the ‘Durbin=’ argument - retained for backwards compatibility only) de-
fault "lag", may be set to "mixed"; when "mixed", the lagged intercept is dropped
for spatial weights style "W", that is row-standardised weights, but otherwise in-
cluded; “Durbin” may be used instead of “mixed”
44 ML_models

etype (use the ‘Durbin=’ argument - retained for backwards compatibility only) de-
fault "error", may be set to "emixed" to include the spatially lagged independent
variables added to X; when "emixed", the lagged intercept is dropped for spatial
weights style "W", that is row-standardised weights, but otherwise included
method "eigen" (default) - the Jacobian is computed as the product of (1 - rho*eigenvalue)
using eigenw, and "spam" or "Matrix_J" for strictly symmetric weights lists of
styles "B" and "C", or made symmetric by similarity (Ord, 1975, Appendix
C) if possible for styles "W" and "S", using code from the spam or Matrix
packages to calculate the determinant; “Matrix” and “spam_update” provide
updating Cholesky decomposition methods; "LU" provides an alternative sparse
matrix decomposition approach. In addition, there are "Chebyshev" and Monte
Carlo "MC" approximate log-determinant methods; the Smirnov/Anselin (2009)
trace approximation is available as "moments". Three methods: "SE_classic",
"SE_whichMin", and "SE_interp" are provided experimentally, the first to at-
tempt to emulate the behaviour of Spatial Econometrics toolbox ML fitting
functions. All use grids of log determinant values, and the latter two attempt
to ameliorate some features of "SE_classic".
quiet default NULL, use !verbose global option value; if FALSE, reports function
values during optimization.
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged
value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA - causing
lagsarlm() to terminate with an error
interval default is NULL, search interval for autoregressive parameter
tol.solve the tolerance for detecting linear dependencies in the columns of matrices to be
inverted - passed to solve() (default=1.0e-10). This may be used if necessary
to extract coefficient standard errors (for instance lowering to 1e-12), but errors
in solve() may constitute indications of poorly scaled variables: if the variables
have scales differing much from the autoregressive coefficient, the values in this
matrix may be very different in scale, and inverting such a matrix is analytically
possible by definition, but numerically unstable; rescaling the RHS variables
alleviates this better than setting tol.solve to a very small value
llprof default NULL, can either be an integer, to divide the feasible ranges into a grid of
points, or a two-column matrix of spatial coefficient values, at which to evaluate
the likelihood function
trs1, trs2 default NULL, if given, vectors for each weights object of powered spatial
weights matrix traces output by trW; when given, used in some Jacobian meth-
interval1, interval2
default is NULL, search intervals for each weights object for autoregressive pa-
trs default NULL, if given, a vector of powered spatial weights matrix traces output
by trW; when given, insert the asymptotic analytical values into the numerical
Hessian instead of the approximated values; may be used to get around some
problems raised when the numerical Hessian is poorly conditioned, generating
NaNs in subsequent operations; the use of trs is recommended
control list of extra control arguments - see section below
ML_models 45

object sarlm object from lagsarlm, errorsarlm or sacsarlm

correlation logical; if ’TRUE’, the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters including
sigma is returned and printed (default=FALSE)
Nagelkerke if TRUE, the Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared is reported
Hausman if TRUE, the results of the Hausman test for error models are reported if TRUE, adjust the coefficient standard errors for the number of fitted coeffi-
x sarlm object from lagsarlm, errorsarlm or sacsarlm in print.sarlm, sum-
mary object from summary.sarlm for print.summary.sarlm
digits the number of significant digits to use when printing
signif.stars logical. If TRUE, "significance stars" are printed for each coefficient.
... further arguments passed to or from other methods


The asymptotic standard error of ρ is only computed when method=“eigen”, because the full
matrix operations involved would be costly for large n typically associated with the choice of
method="spam" or "Matrix". The same applies to the coefficient covariance matrix. Taken as
the asymptotic matrix from the literature, it is typically badly scaled, and with the elements involv-
ing ρ (lag model) or λ (error model) being very small, while other parts of the matrix can be very
large (often many orders of magnitude in difference). It often happens that the tol.solve argument
needs to be set to a smaller value than the default, or the RHS variables can be centred or reduced
in range.
Versions of the package from 0.4-38 include numerical Hessian values where asymptotic standard
errors are not available. This change has been introduced to permit the simulation of distributions
for impact measures. The warnings made above with regard to variable scaling also apply in this
Note that the fitted() function for the output object assumes that the response variable may be
reconstructed as the sum of the trend, the signal, and the noise (residuals). Since the values of the
response variable are known, their spatial lags are used to calculate signal components (Cressie
1993, p. 564). This differs from other software, including GeoDa, which does not use knowledge
of the response variable in making predictions for the fitting data.
Because numerical optimisation is used to find the values of lambda and rho in sacsarlm, care
needs to be shown. It has been found that the surface of the 2D likelihood function often forms
a “banana trench” from (low rho, high lambda) through (high rho, high lambda) to (high rho, low
lambda) values. In addition, sometimes the banana has optima towards both ends, one local, the
other global, and conseqently the choice of the starting point for the final optimization becomes
crucial. The default approach is not to use just (0, 0) as a starting point, nor the (rho, lambda)
values from gstsls, which lie in a central part of the “trench”, but either four values at (low rho,
high lambda), (0, 0), (high rho, high lambda), and (high rho, low lambda), and to use the best of
these start points for the final optimization. Optionally, nine points can be used spanning the whole
(lower, upper) space.
46 ML_models

Control arguments
tol.opt: the desired accuracy of the optimization - passed to optimize() (default=square root of
double precision machine tolerance, a larger root may be used needed, see help(boston) for an
returnHcov: (error model) default TRUE, return the Vo matrix for a spatial Hausman test
pWOrder: (error model) default 250, if returnHcov=TRUE and the method is not “eigen”, pass
this order to powerWeights as the power series maximum limit
fdHess: default NULL, then set to (method != "eigen") internally; use fdHess to compute an ap-
proximate Hessian using finite differences when using sparse matrix methods; used to make a
coefficient covariance matrix when the number of observations is large; may be turned off to
save resources if need be
optimHess: default FALSE, use fdHess from nlme, if TRUE, use optim to calculate Hessian at
optimHessMethod: default “optimHess”, may be “nlm” or one of the optim methods
compiled_sse: default FALSE; logical value used in the log likelihood function to choose compiled
code for computing SSE
Imult: default 2; used for preparing the Cholesky decompositions for updating in the Jacobian
super: if NULL (default), set to FALSE to use a simplicial decomposition for the sparse Cholesky
decomposition and method “Matrix_J”, set to as.logical(NA) for method “Matrix”, if TRUE,
use a supernodal decomposition
cheb_q: default 5; highest power of the approximating polynomial for the Chebyshev approxima-
MC_p: default 16; number of random variates
MC_m: default 30; number of products of random variates matrix and spatial weights matrix
spamPivot: default “MMD”, alternative “RCM”
in_coef default 0.1, coefficient value for initial Cholesky decomposition in “spam_update”
type default “MC”, used with method “moments”; alternatives “mult” and “moments”, for use if
trs is missing, trW
correct default TRUE, used with method “moments” to compute the Smirnov/Anselin correction
trunc default TRUE, used with method “moments” to truncate the Smirnov/Anselin correction
SE_method default “LU”, may be “MC”
nrho default 200, as in SE toolbox; the size of the first stage lndet grid; it may be reduced to for
example 40
interpn default 2000, as in SE toolbox; the size of the second stage lndet grid
small_asy default TRUE; if the method is not “eigen”, use asymmetric covariances rather than
numerical Hessian ones if n <= small
small default 1500; threshold number of observations for asymmetric covariances when the method
is not “eigen”
ML_models 47

SElndet default NULL, may be used to pass a pre-computed SE toolbox style matrix of coefficients
and their lndet values to the "SE_classic" and "SE_whichMin" methods
LU_order default FALSE; used in “LU_prepermutate”, note warnings given for lu method
pre_eig default NULL; may be used to pass a pre-computed vector of eigenvalues
OrdVsign default 1; used to set the sign of the final component to negative if -1 (alpha times
((sigma squared) squared) in Ord (1975) equation B.1).
opt_method: default “nlminb”, may be set to “L-BFGS-B” to use box-constrained optimisation in
opt_control: default list(), a control list to pass to nlminb or optim
pars: default NULL, for which five trial starting values spanning the lower/upper range are tried and
the best selected, starting values of ρ and λ
npars default integer 4L, four trial points; if not default value, nine trial points
pre_eig1, pre_eig2 default NULL; may be used to pass pre-computed vectors of eigenvalues


Roger Bivand <>, with thanks to Andrew Bernat for contributions to the
asymptotic standard error code.


Cliff, A. D., Ord, J. K. 1981 Spatial processes, Pion; Ord, J. K. 1975 Estimation methods for models
of spatial interaction, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70, 120-126; Anselin, L. 1988
Spatial econometrics: methods and models. (Dordrecht: Kluwer); Anselin, L. 1995 SpaceStat, a
software program for the analysis of spatial data, version 1.80. Regional Research Institute, West
Virginia University, Morgantown, WV; Anselin L, Bera AK (1998) Spatial dependence in linear
regression models with an introduction to spatial econometrics. In: Ullah A, Giles DEA (eds)
Handbook of applied economic statistics. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 237-289; Nagelkerke
NJD (1991) A note on a general definition of the coefficient of determination. Biometrika 78: 691-
692; Cressie, N. A. C. 1993 Statistics for spatial data, Wiley, New York; LeSage J and RK Pace
(2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Roger Bivand, Gianfranco Piras (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for
Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. https://www.jstatsoft.
Bivand, R. S., Hauke, J., and Kossowski, T. (2013). Computing the Jacobian in Gaussian spatial
autoregressive models: An illustrated comparison of available methods. Geographical Analysis,
45(2), 150-179.

See Also

lm, impacts
48 ML_models


data(oldcol, package="spdep")
listw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
ev <- eigenw(listw)
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
COL.lag.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw,
method="eigen", quiet=FALSE, control=list(pre_eig=ev, OrdVsign=1))
summary(COL.lag.eig, correlation=TRUE)
## Not run:
# using the apparent sign in Ord (1975, equation B.1)
COL.lag.eigb <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=listw,
method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev, OrdVsign=-1))
# force numerical Hessian
COL.lag.eig1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw=listw, method="Matrix", control=list(small=25))
# force LeSage & Pace (2008, p. 57) approximation
COL.lag.eig1a <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw=listw, method="Matrix", control=list(small=25), trs=trMatc)
# using the apparent sign in Ord (1975, equation B.1)
# force numerical Hessian
# force LeSage & Pace (2008, p. 57) approximation

## End(Not run)
system.time(COL.lag.M <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb), method="Matrix", quiet=FALSE))
impacts(COL.lag.M, listw=spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb))
## Not run:
system.time(COL.lag.sp <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw=listw, method="spam", quiet=FALSE))

## End(Not run)
COL.lag.B <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"))
COL.mixed.B <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"), type="mixed", tol.solve=1e-9,
ML_models 49

COL.mixed.W <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, type="mixed", control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.mixed.D00 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.mixed.D01 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin=FALSE, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.mixed.D1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin= ~ INC + HOVAL, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.mixed.D2 <- lagsarlm(f, data=COL.OLD, listw,
COL.mixed.D1a <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin= ~ INC, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
try(COL.mixed.D1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin= ~ inc + HOVAL, control=list(pre_eig=ev)))
try(COL.mixed.D1 <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin= ~ DISCBD + HOVAL, control=list(pre_eig=ev)))
COL.lag.NA <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb), na.action=na.exclude,
## Not run:
data(boston, package="spData")
gp2mM <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) +
I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi), type="mixed", method="Matrix")
W <- as(spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi), "CsparseMatrix")
trMatb <- trW(W, type="mult")
gp2mMi <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) +
I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi), type="mixed", method="Matrix",

## End(Not run)
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, quiet=FALSE, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
50 ML_models

COL.errW.eig_ev <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,

lw, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
all.equal(coefficients(COL.errW.eig), coefficients(COL.errW.eig_ev))
COL.errB.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"))
W <- as(spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb), "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
COL.errW.M <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="Matrix", quiet=FALSE, trs=trMatc)
COL.SDEM.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, etype="emixed", control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.SDEM.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.SDEM.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, Durbin=~INC, control=list(pre_eig=ev))
COL.err.NA <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb), na.action=na.exclude)
## Not run:
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
print(system.time(ev <- eigenw(similar.listw(lw))))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev))))
ocoef <- coefficients(COL.errW.eig)
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev, LAPACK=FALSE))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="eigen", control=list(pre_eig=ev, compiled_sse=TRUE))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="Matrix_J", control=list(super=TRUE))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="Matrix_J", control=list(super=FALSE))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="Matrix_J", control=list(super=as.logical(NA)))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="Matrix", control=list(super=TRUE))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
ML_models 51

lw, method="Matrix", control=list(super=FALSE))))

print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="Matrix", control=list(super=as.logical(NA)))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="spam", control=list(spamPivot="MMD"))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="spam", control=list(spamPivot="RCM"))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="spam_update", control=list(spamPivot="MMD"))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))
print(system.time(COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
lw, method="spam_update", control=list(spamPivot="RCM"))))
print(all.equal(ocoef, coefficients(COL.errW.eig)))

## End(Not run)
listw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
COL.sacW.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw,
control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev))
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
summary(impacts(COL.sacW.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
COL.msacW.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw,
type="sacmixed", control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev))
summary(impacts(COL.msacW.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
COL.msacW1.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw,
Durbin=TRUE, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev))
summary(impacts(COL.msacW1.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
COL.msacW2.eig <- sacsarlm(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw, Durbin= ~ INC, control=list(pre_eig1=ev, pre_eig2=ev))
summary(impacts(COL.msacW2.eig, tr=trMatc, R=2000), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
## Not run:
COL.mix.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb), type="mixed", method="eigen")
summary(COL.mix.eig, correlation=TRUE, Nagelkerke=TRUE)
COL.mix.M <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb), type="mixed", method="Matrix")
summary(COL.mix.M, correlation=TRUE, Nagelkerke=TRUE)
COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"), method="eigen")
summary(COL.errW.eig, correlation=TRUE, Nagelkerke=TRUE, Hausman=TRUE)

## End(Not run)
52 predict.sarlm

predict.sarlm Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model ob-


predict.sarlm() calculates predictions as far as is at present possible for for spatial simultane-
ous autoregressive linear model objects, using Haining’s terminology for decomposition into trend,
signal, and noise, or other types of predictors — see references.

## S3 method for class 'sarlm'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, listw = NULL, pred.type = "TS", = FALSE,
zero.policy = NULL, legacy = TRUE, legacy.mixed = FALSE, power = NULL, order = 250,
tol = .Machine$double.eps^(3/5), spChk = NULL, ...)
#\method{predict}{SLX}(object, newdata, listw, zero.policy=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm.pred'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sarlm.pred', ...)

object sarlm object returned by lagsarlm, errorsarlm or sacsarlm, the method for
SLX objects takes the output of lmSLX
newdata data frame in which to predict — if NULL, predictions are for the data on which
the model was fitted. Should have row names corresponding to If row
names are exactly the same than the ones used for training, it uses in-sample
predictors for forecast. See ‘Details’
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw. In the out-of-sample predic-
tion case (ie. if newdata is not NULL), if legacy.mixed=FALSE or if pred.type!="TS",
it should include both in-sample and out-of-sample spatial units. In this case, if
regions of the listw are not in the correct order, they are reordered. See ‘Details’
pred.type predictor type — default “TS”, use decomposition into trend, signal, and noise ;
other types available depending on newdata. If newdata=NULL (in-sample pre-
diction), “TS”, “trend”, “TC” and “BP” are available. If newdata is not NULL
and its row names are the same than the data used to fit the model (forecast
case), “TS”, “trend” and “TC” are available. In other cases (out-of-sample pre-
diction), “TS”, “trend”, “KP1”, “KP2”, “KP3”, “KP4”, “KP5”, “TC”, “BP”,
“BPW”, “BPN”, “TS1”, “TC1”, “BP1”, “BPW1” and “BPN1” are available.
See ‘Details’ and references (only applies to pred.type="TC" and newdata is not NULL) default FALSE:
return predictions only for newdata units, if TRUE return predictions for all data
units. See ‘Details’
predict.sarlm 53

zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value
of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA - causing the func-
tion to terminate with an error
legacy (only applies to lag and Durbin (mixed) models for pred.type="TS") default
TRUE: use ad-hoc predictor, if FALSE use DGP-based predictor
legacy.mixed (only applies to mixed models if newdata is not NULL) default FALSE: compute
lagged variables from both in-sample and out-of-sample units with [W X]O and
[W X]S where X=cbind(Xs, Xo), if TRUE compute lagged variables indepen-
dantly between in-sample and out-of-sample units with WOO XO and WSS XS
power (only applies to lag and Durbin (mixed) models for “TS”, “KP1”, “KP2”, “KP3”,
“TC”, “TC1”, “BP”, “BP1”, “BPN”, “BPN1”, “BPW” and “BPW1” types) use
powerWeights, if default NULL, set FALSE if object$method is “eigen”, oth-
erwise TRUE
order power series maximum limit if power is TRUE
tol tolerance for convergence of power series if power is TRUE
spChk should the row names of data frames be checked against the spatial objects for
identity integrity, TRUE, or FALSE, default NULL to use get.spChkOption()
x the object to be printed
... further arguments passed through

The function supports three types of prediction. In-sample prediction is the computation of pre-
dictors on the data used to fit the model (newdata=NULL). Prevision, also called forecast, is the
computation of some predictors (“trend”, in-sample “TC” and out-of-sample “TS”) on the same
spatial units than the ones used to fit the model, but with different observations of the variables in
the model (row names of newdata should have the same row names than the data frame used to fit
the model). And out-of-sample prediction is the computation of predictors on other spatial units
than the ones used to fit the model (newdata has different row names). For extensive definitions,
see Goulard et al. (2017).
pred.type of predictors are available according to the model of object an to the type of prediction.
In the two following tables, “yes” means that the predictor can be used with the model, “no” means
that predict.sarlm() will stop with an error, and “yes*” means that the predictor is not designed
for the specified model, but it can be used with predict.sarlm(). In the last case, be careful with
the computation of a inappropriate predictor.
In-sample predictors by models

pred.type sem (mixed) lag (mixed) sac (mixed)

“trend” yes yes yes

“TS” yes yes no
“TC” no yes yes*
“BP” no yes yes*
54 predict.sarlm

Note that only “trend” and “TC” are available for prevision.
Out-of-sample predictors by models

pred.type sem (mixed) lag (mixed) sac (mixed)

“trend” yes yes yes

“TS” yes yes no
“TS1” or “KP4” no yes yes
“TC” no yes yes*
“TC1” or “KP1” yes yes yes
“BP” no yes yes*
“BP1” no yes yes*
“BPW” no yes yes*
“BPW1” no yes yes*
“BN” no yes yes*
“BPN1” no yes yes*
“KP2” yes yes yes
“KP3” yes yes yes
“KP5” yes no yes*

Values for pred.type= include “TS1”, “TC”, “TC1”, “BP”, “BP1”, “BPW”, “BPW1”, “BPN”,
“BPN1”, following the notation in Goulard et al. (2017), and for pred.type= “KP1”, “KP2”,
“KP3”, “KP4”, “KP5”, following the notation in Kelejian et al. (2007). pred.type="TS" is de-
scribed bellow and in Bivand (2002).
In the following, the trend is the non-spatial smooth, the signal is the spatial smooth, and the noise
is the residual. The fit returned by pred.type="TS" is the sum of the trend and the signal.
When pred.type="TS", the function approaches prediction first by dividing invocations between
those with or without newdata. When no newdata is present, the response variable may be re-
constructed as the sum of the trend, the signal, and the noise (residuals). Since the values of the
response variable are known, their spatial lags are used to calculate signal components (Cressie
1993, p. 564). For the error model, trend = Xβ, and signal = λW y − λW Xβ. For the lag and
mixed models, trend = Xβ, and signal = ρW y.
This approach differs from the design choices made in other software, for example GeoDa, which
does not use observations of the response variable, and corresponds to the newdata situation de-
scribed below.
When however newdata is used for prediction, no observations of the response variable being pre-
dicted are available. Consequently, while the trend components are the same, the signal cannot take
full account of the spatial smooth. In the error model and Durbin error model, the signal is set to
zero, since the spatial smooth is expressed in terms of the error: (I − λW )−1 ε.
In the lag model, the signal can be expressed in the following way (for legacy=TRUE):

(I − ρW )y = Xβ + ε

y = (I − ρW )−1 Xβ + (I − ρW )−1 ε

giving a feasible signal component of:

predict.sarlm 55

ρW y = ρW (I − ρW )−1 Xβ

For legacy=FALSE, the trend is computed first as:

next the prediction using the DGP:

(I − ρW )−1 Xβ

and the signal is found as the difference between prediction and trend. The numerical results for the
legacy and DGP methods are identical.
setting the error term to zero. This also means that predictions of the signal component for lag and
mixed models require the inversion of an n-by-n matrix.
Because the outcomes of the spatial smooth on the error term are unobservable, this means that the
signal values for newdata are incomplete. In the mixed model, the spatially lagged RHS variables
influence both the trend and the signal, so that the root mean square prediction error in the examples
below for this case with newdata is smallest, although the model was not the best fit.
If newdata has more than one row, leave-one-out predictors (pred.type= include “TS1”, “TC1”,
“BP1”, “BPW1”, “BPN1”, “KP1”, “KP2”, “KP3”, “KP4”, “KP5”) are computed separatly on each
out-of-sample unit.
listw should be provided except if newdata=NULL and pred.type= include “TS”, “trend”, or if
newdata is not NULL, pred.type="trend" and object is not a mixed model. is useful when some out-of-sample predictors return different predictions for in-sample
units, than the same predictor type computed only on in-sample data.

predict.sarlm() returns a vector of predictions with three attribute vectors of trend, signal (only
for pred.type="TS") and values and two other attributes of pred.type and call with class
print.sarlm.pred() is a print function for this class, printing and returning a data frame with
columns: "fit", "trend" and "signal" (when available) and with as row names.

Roger Bivand <> and Martin Gubri

Haining, R. 1990 Spatial data analysis in the social and environmental sciences, Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press, p. 258; Cressie, N. A. C. 1993 Statistics for spatial data, Wiley, New York;
Michel Goulard, Thibault Laurent & Christine Thomas-Agnan, 2017 About predictions in spatial
autoregressive models: optimal and almost optimal strategies, Spatial Economic Analysis Volume
12, Issue 2–3, 304–325, ; Kelejian, H. H.
56 predict.sarlm

and Prucha, I. R. 2007 The relative efficiencies of various predictors in spatial econometric models
containing spatial lags, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 37, Issue 3, 363–374; Bi-
vand, R. 2002 Spatial econometrics functions in R: Classes and methods, Journal of Geographical
Systems, Volume 4, No. 4, 405–421

See Also
errorsarlm, lagsarlm, sacsarlm

data(oldcol, package="spdep")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb)
COL.lag.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw)

COL.mix.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw,

print(p1 <- predict(COL.mix.eig))
print(p2 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS",
legacy.mixed = TRUE))
sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(p1))^2)/length(COL.nb))
sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(p2))^2)/length(COL.nb))

COL.err.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw)

sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.err.eig)))^2)/length(COL.nb))
sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.err.eig, newdata=COL.OLD,
listw=lw, pred.type = "TS")))^2)/length(COL.nb))

COL.SDerr.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw,

sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.SDerr.eig)))^2)/length(COL.nb))
sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.SDerr.eig, newdata=COL.OLD,
listw=lw, pred.type = "TS")))^2)/length(COL.nb))

sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.lag.eig)))^2)/length(COL.nb))
sqrt(sum((COL.OLD$CRIME - as.vector(predict(COL.lag.eig, newdata=COL.OLD,
listw=lw, pred.type = "TS")))^2)/length(COL.nb))

p3 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS",

legacy=FALSE, legacy.mixed = TRUE)
all.equal(p2, p3, check.attributes=FALSE)
p4 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS",
legacy=FALSE, power=TRUE, legacy.mixed = TRUE)
all.equal(p2, p4, check.attributes=FALSE)
set.mcOption 57

p5 <- predict(COL.mix.eig, newdata=COL.OLD, listw=lw, pred.type = "TS",

legacy=TRUE, power=TRUE, legacy.mixed = TRUE)
all.equal(p2, p5, check.attributes=FALSE)

set.mcOption Options for parallel support

Provides support for the use of parallel computation in the parallel package.


value valid replacement value
cl a cluster object created by makeCluster in parallel

Options in the spatialreg package are held in an environment local to the package namespace and
not exported. Option values are set and retrieved with pairs of access functions, get and set. The mc
option is set by default to FALSE on Windows systems, as they cannot fork the R session; by default
it is TRUE on other systems, but may be set FALSE. If mc is FALSE, the Cluster option is used:
if mc is FALSE and the Cluster option is NULL no parallel computing is done, or the Cluster
option is passed a “cluster” object created by the parallel or snow package for access without being
passed as an argument. The cores option is set to NULL by default, and can be used to store the
number of cores to use as an integer. If cores is NULL, facilities from the parallel package will not
be used.

The option access functions return their current settings, the assignment functions usually return the
previous value of the option.

An extended example is shown in the documentation of mom_calc, including treatment of seeding
of RNG for multicore/cluster.
58 set.mcOption


Roger Bivand <>


nc <- detectCores(logical=FALSE)
# set nc to 1L here
if (nc > 1L) nc <- 1L
#nc <- ifelse(nc > 2L, 2L, nc)
coresOpt <- get.coresOption()
if (! {
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
# forking not permitted on Windows - start cluster
cl <- makeCluster(get.coresOption())
print(clusterEvalQ(cl, exists("mom_calc")))
clusterEvalQ(get.ClusterOption(), library(spatialreg))
print(clusterEvalQ(cl, exists("mom_calc")))
clusterEvalQ(get.ClusterOption(), detach(package:spatialreg))
print(clusterEvalQ(cl, exists("mom_calc")))
} else {
mcOpt <- get.mcOption()
print(mclapply(1:get.coresOption(), function(i) exists("mom_calc"),
cl <- makeCluster(nc)
print(clusterEvalQ(cl, exists("mom_calc")))
clusterEvalQ(get.ClusterOption(), library(spatialreg))
print(clusterEvalQ(cl, exists("mom_calc")))
clusterEvalQ(get.ClusterOption(), detach(package:spatialreg))
print(clusterEvalQ(cl, exists("mom_calc")))
set.ZeroPolicyOption 59

set.ZeroPolicyOption Control checking of spatial object IDs

Provides support for checking the mutual integrity of spatial neighbour weights and spatial data;
similar mechanisms are used for passing global verbose and zero.policy options, and for providing
access to a running cluster for embarrassingly parallel tasks.


check a logical value, TRUE or FALSE

Analysis functions will have an spChk argument by default set to NULL, and will call get.spChkOption()
to get the global spatial option for whether to check or not — this is initialised to FALSE, and con-
sequently should not break anything. It can be changed to TRUE using set.spChkOption(TRUE),
or the spChk argument can be assigned in analysis functions. spNamedVec() is provided to ensure
that rownames are passed on to single columns taken from two-dimensional arrays and data frames.

set.spChkOption() returns the old logical value, get.spChkOption() returns the current logical
value, and chkIDs() returns a logical value for the test lack of difference. spNamedVec() returns
the selected column with the names set to the row names of the object from which it has been

Roger Bivand <>

60 similar.listw

similar.listw Create symmetric similar weights lists

From Ord’s 1975 paper, it is known that the Jacobian for SAR models may be found by "symmetriz-
ing" by similarity (the eigenvalues of similar matrices are identical, so the Jacobian is too). This
applies only to styles "W" and "S" with underlying symmetric binary neighbour relations or sym-
metric general neighbour relations (so no k-nearest neighbour relations). The function is invoked
automatically within the SAR fitting functions, to call eigen on a symmetric matrix for the default
eigen method, or to make it possible to use the Matrix method on weights that can be "symmetrized"
in this way.


listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw

a listw object

Roger Bivand <>

Ord, J. K. 1975 Estimation methods for models of spatial interaction, Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 70, 120-126

See Also
lagsarlm, errorsarlm

#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
COL.W <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
COL.S <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="S")
sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(COL.W)))
sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(similar.listw(COL.W))))
W_J <- as(as_dsTMatrix_listw(similar.listw(COL.W)), "CsparseMatrix")
I <- as_dsCMatrix_I(dim(W_J)[1])
c(determinant(I - 0.5 * W_J, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus)
SpatialFiltering 61

sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(COL.S)))

sum(log(1 - 0.5 * eigenw(similar.listw(COL.S))))
W_J <- as(as_dsTMatrix_listw(similar.listw(COL.S)), "CsparseMatrix")
c(determinant(I - 0.5 * W_J, logarithm=TRUE)$modulus)

SpatialFiltering Semi-parametric spatial filtering

The function selects eigenvectors in a semi-parametric spatial filtering approach to removing spa-
tial dependence from linear models. Selection is by brute force by finding the single eigenvector
reducing the standard variate of Moran’s I for regression residuals most, and continuing until no
candidate eigenvector reduces the value by more than tol. It returns a summary table from the
selection process and a matrix of selected eigenvectors for the specified model.

SpatialFiltering(formula, lagformula=NULL, data=list(),,
nb=NULL, glist = NULL,
style = "C", zero.policy = NULL, tol = 0.1, zerovalue = 1e-04,
ExactEV = FALSE, symmetric = TRUE, alpha=NULL, alternative="two.sided",

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit, assuming a spatial error represen-
tation; when lagformula is given, it should include only the response and the
intercept term
lagformula An extra one-sided formula to be used when a spatial lag representation is de-
sired; the intercept is excluded within the function if present because it is part of
the formula argument, but excluding it explicitly in the lagformula argument in
the presence of factors generates a collinear model matrix
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model
nb an object of class nb
glist list of general weights corresponding to neighbours
style style can take values W, B, C, U, and S
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the spatial
weights list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to
set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour obser-
vations. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to
nb2listw may be subsetted.
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if FALSE stop with error for any empty
neighbour sets, if TRUE permit the weights list to be formed with zero-length
weights vectors
62 SpatialFiltering

tol tolerance value for convergence of spatial filtering

zerovalue eigenvectors with eigenvalues of an absolute value smaller than zerovalue will
be excluded in eigenvector search
ExactEV Set ExactEV=TRUE to use exact expectations and variances rather than the ex-
pectation and variance of Moran’s I from the previous iteration, default FALSE
symmetric Should the spatial weights matrix be forced to symmetry, default TRUE
alpha if not NULL, used instead of the tol= argument as a stopping rule to choose
all eigenvectors up to and including the one with a probability value exceeding
alternative a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of greater,
less or two.sided (default).
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE report eigenvectors selected


An SFResult object, with:

selection a matrix summarising the selection of eigenvectors for inclusion, with columns:
Step Step counter of the selection procedure
SelEvec number of selected eigenvector (sorted descending)
Eval its associated eigenvalue
MinMi value Moran’s I for residual autocorrelation
ZMinMi standardized value of Moran’s I assuming a normal approximation
pr(ZI) probability value of the permutation-based standardized deviate for the
given value of the alternative argument
R2 R\^2 of the model including exogenous variables and eigenvectors
gamma regression coefficient of selected eigenvector in fit
The first row is the value at the start of the search
dataset a matrix of the selected eigenvectors in order of selection


Yongwan Chun, Michael Tiefelsdorf, Roger Bivand


Tiefelsdorf M, Griffith DA. (2007) Semiparametric Filtering of Spatial Autocorrelation: The Eigen-
vector Approach. Environment and Planning A, 39 (5) 1193 - 1221.

See Also

lm, eigen, nb2listw, listw2U

spautolm 63

require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1])
lmbase <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus)
sarcol <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=columbus,, style="W", ExactEV=TRUE)
lmsar <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(sarcol), data=columbus)
anova(lmbase, lmsar)
spdep::lm.morantest(lmsar, spdep::nb2listw(
lagcol <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ 1, ~ INC + HOVAL - 1, data=columbus,, style="W")
lmlag <- lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(lagcol), data=columbus)
anova(lmbase, lmlag)
spdep::lm.morantest(lmlag, spdep::nb2listw(
NA.columbus <- columbus
NA.columbus$CRIME[20:25] <- NA
COL.SF.NA <- SpatialFiltering(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=NA.columbus,, style="W", na.action=na.exclude)
summary(lm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL + fitted(COL.SF.NA), data=NA.columbus,

spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation

Function taking family and weights arguments for spatial autoregression model estimation by Max-
imum Likelihood, using dense matrix methods, not suited to large data sets with thousands of ob-
servations. With one of the sparse matrix methods, larger numbers of observations can be handled,
but the interval= argument should be set. The implementation is GLS using the single spatial
coefficient value, here termed lambda, found by line search using optimize to maximise the log

spautolm(formula, data = list(), listw, weights,
na.action, family = "SAR", method="eigen", verbose = NULL, trs=NULL,
interval=NULL, zero.policy = NULL, tol.solve=.Machine$double.eps,
llprof=NULL, control=list())
## S3 method for class 'spautolm'
summary(object, correlation = FALSE,,
Nagelkerke=FALSE, ...)
64 spautolm

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
weights an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights list
will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. Note that only weights lists created
without using the glist argument to nb2listw may be subsetted.
family character string: either "SAR" or "CAR" for simultaneous or conditional autore-
gressions; "SMA" for spatial moving average added thanks to Jielai Ma - "SMA"
is only implemented for method="eigen" because it necessarily involves dense
method character string: default "eigen" for use of dense matrices, "Matrix_J" for
sparse matrices (restricted to spatial weights symmetric or similar to symmet-
ric) using methods in the Matrix package; “Matrix” provides updating Cholesky
decomposition methods. Values of method may also include "LU", which pro-
vides an alternative sparse matrix decomposition approach, and the "Chebyshev"
and Monte Carlo "MC" approximate log-determinant methods.
verbose default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE, reports function values during
trs default NULL, if given, a vector of powered spatial weights matrix traces output
by trW; when given, used in some Jacobian methods
interval search interval for autoregressive parameter when not using method="eigen";
default is c(-1,0.999), optimize will reset NA/NaN to a bound and gives a warn-
ing when the interval is poorly set; method="Matrix" will attempt to search for
an appropriate interval, if find\_interval=TRUE (fails on some platforms)
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; Include list of no-neighbour observa-
tions in output if TRUE — otherwise zero.policy is handled within the listw
tol.solve the tolerance for detecting linear dependencies in the columns of matrices to
be inverted - passed to solve() (default=double precision machine tolerance).
Errors in solve() may constitute indications of poorly scaled variables: if the
variables have scales differing much from the autoregressive coefficient, the val-
ues in this matrix may be very different in scale, and inverting such a matrix is
analytically possible by definition, but numerically unstable; rescaling the RHS
variables alleviates this better than setting tol.solve to a very small value
llprof default NULL, can either be an integer, to divide the feasible range into llprof
points, or a sequence of spatial coefficient values, at which to evaluate the like-
lihood function
control list of extra control arguments - see section below
object spautolm object from spautolm
spautolm 65

correlation logical; if ’TRUE’, the correlation matrix of the estimated parameters is returned
and printed (default=FALSE) if TRUE, adjust the coefficient standard errors for the number of fitted coeffi-
Nagelkerke if TRUE, the Nagelkerke pseudo R-squared is reported
... further arguments passed to or from other methods

This implementation is based on lm.gls and errorsarlm. In particular, the function does not
(yet) prevent asymmetric spatial weights being used with "CAR" family models. It appears that
both numerical issues (convergence in particular) and uncertainties about the exact spatial weights
matrix used make it difficult to reproduce Cressie and Chan’s 1989 results, also given in Cressie
Note that the fitted() function for the output object assumes that the response variable may be
reconstructed as the sum of the trend, the signal, and the noise (residuals). Since the values of the
response variable are known, their spatial lags are used to calculate signal components (Cressie
1993, p. 564). This differs from other software, including GeoDa, which does not use knowledge
of the response variable in making predictions for the fitting data.

A list object of class spautolm:

fit a list, with items:

coefficients ML coefficient estimates
SSE ML sum of squared errors
s2 ML residual variance
imat ML coefficient covariance matrix (before multiplying by s2)
signal\_trend non-spatial component of fitted.values
signal\_stochastic spatial component of fitted.values
fitted.values sum of non-spatial and spatial components of fitted.values
residuals difference between observed and fitted values
lambda ML autoregressive coefficient
LL log likelihood for fitted model
LL0 log likelihood for model with lambda=0
call the call used to create this object
parameters number of parameters estimated
aliased if not NULL, details of aliased variables
method Jacobian method chosen
family family chosen
zero.policy zero.policy used
weights case weights used
66 spautolm

interval the line search interval used

timings processing timings
na.action (possibly) named vector of excluded or omitted observations if non-default na.action
argument used
llprof if not NULL, a list with components lambda and ll of equal length Numerical Hessian-based standard error of lambda
fdHess Numerical Hessian-based variance-covariance matrix
X covariates used in model fitting
Y response used in model fitting
weights weights used in model fitting

Control arguments
tol.opt: the desired accuracy of the optimization - passed to optimize() (default=.Machine$double.eps^(2/3))
fdHess: default NULL, then set to (method != "eigen") internally; use fdHess to compute an ap-
proximate Hessian using finite differences when using sparse matrix methods; used to make a
coefficient covariance matrix when the number of observations is large; may be turned off to
save resources if need be
optimHess: default FALSE, use fdHess from nlme, if TRUE, use optim to calculate Hessian at
optimHessMethod: default “optimHess”, may be “nlm” or one of the optim methods
Imult: default 2; used for preparing the Cholesky decompositions for updating in the Jacobian
super: if NULL (default), set to FALSE to use a simplicial decomposition for the sparse Cholesky
decomposition and method “Matrix_J”, set to as.logical(NA) for method “Matrix”, if TRUE,
use a supernodal decomposition
cheb_q: default 5; highest power of the approximating polynomial for the Chebyshev approxima-
MC_p: default 16; number of random variates
MC_m: default 30; number of products of random variates matrix and spatial weights matrix
type default “MC”, used with method “moments”; alternatives “mult” and “moments”, for use if
trs is missing, trW
correct default TRUE, used with method “moments” to compute the Smirnov/Anselin correction
trunc default TRUE, used with method “moments” to truncate the Smirnov/Anselin correction
SE_method default “LU”, may be “MC”
nrho default 200, as in SE toolbox; the size of the first stage lndet grid; it may be reduced to for
example 40
interpn default 2000, as in SE toolbox; the size of the second stage lndet grid
small_asy default TRUE; if the method is not “eigen”, use asymmetric covariances rather than
numerical Hessian ones if n <= small
spautolm 67

small default 1500; threshold number of observations for asymmetric covariances when the method
is not “eigen”
SElndet default NULL, may be used to pass a pre-computed SE toolbox style matrix of coefficients
and their lndet values to the "SE_classic" and "SE_whichMin" methods
LU_order default FALSE; used in “LU_prepermutate”, note warnings given for lu method
pre_eig default NULL; may be used to pass a pre-computed vector of eigenvalues

The standard errors given in Waller and Gotway (2004) are adjusted for the numbers of parameters
estimated, and may be reproduced by using the additional argument in the summary
method. In addition, the function returns fitted values and residuals as given by Cressie (1993) p.

Roger Bivand <>

Cliff, A. D., Ord, J. K. 1981 Spatial processes, Pion; Ord, J. K. 1975 Estimation methods for models
of spatial interaction, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70, 120-126; Waller, L. A.,
Gotway, C. A. 2004 Applied spatial statistics for public health, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 325-380;
Cressie, N. A. C. 1993 Statistics for spatial data, Wiley, New York, 548-568; Ripley, B. D. 1981
Spatial statistics, Wiley, New York, 88-95; LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial
Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

See Also
optimize, errorsarlm, do_ldet

require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
nydata <- st_read(system.file("shapes/NY8_bna_utm18.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
## Not run:
lm0 <- lm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata)
lm0w <- lm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata, weights=POP8)

## End(Not run)
suppressMessages(nyadjmat <- as.matrix(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1])[-1]))
suppressMessages(ID <- as.character(names(foreign::read.dbf(system.file(
"misc/nyadjwts.dbf", package="spData")[1]))[-1]))
identical(substring(ID, 2, 10), substring(as.character(nydata$AREAKEY), 2, 10))
#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
nyadjlw <- spdep::mat2listw(nyadjmat, as.character(nydata$AREAKEY))
listw_NY <- spdep::nb2listw(nyadjlw$neighbours, style="B")
68 spautolm

eigs <- eigenw(listw_NY)

## Not run:
esar0 <- errorsarlm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,

## End(Not run)
system.time(esar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="eigen",
res <- summary(esar1f)
## Not run:
system.time(esar1M <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="Matrix"))
system.time(esar1M <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="SAR", method="Matrix",

## End(Not run)
esar1wf <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="eigen",
## Not run:
system.time(esar1wM <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="Matrix"))
esar1wlu <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="LU")
esar1wch <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="SAR", method="Chebyshev")

## End(Not run)
ecar1f <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, family="CAR", method="eigen",
## Not run:
system.time(ecar1M <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, family="CAR", method="Matrix"))

## End(Not run)
ecar1wf <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME, data=nydata,
listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="CAR", method="eigen",
spautolm 69

## Not run:
system.time(ecar1wM <- spautolm(Z ~ PEXPOSURE + PCTAGE65P + PCTOWNHOME,
data=nydata, listw=listw_NY, weights=POP8, family="CAR", method="Matrix"))

## End(Not run)
require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
nc.sids <- st_read(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
ft.SID74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc.sids$SID74/nc.sids$BIR74) +
lm_nc <- lm(ft.SID74 ~ 1)
sids.nhbr30 <- spdep::dnearneigh(cbind(nc.sids$east, nc.sids$north), 0, 30,
sids.nhbr30.dist <- spdep::nbdists(sids.nhbr30, cbind(nc.sids$east, nc.sids$north))
sids.nhbr <- spdep::listw2sn(spdep::nb2listw(sids.nhbr30,
glist=sids.nhbr30.dist, style="B", zero.policy=TRUE))
dij <- sids.nhbr[,3]
n <- nc.sids$BIR74
el1 <- min(dij)/dij
el2 <- sqrt(n[sids.nhbr$to]/n[sids.nhbr$from])
sids.nhbr$weights <- el1*el2
sids.nhbr.listw <- spdep::sn2listw(sids.nhbr)
both <- factor(paste(nc.sids$L_id, nc.sids$M_id, sep=":"))
ft.NWBIR74 <- sqrt(1000)*(sqrt(nc.sids$NWBIR74/nc.sids$BIR74) +
mdata <- data.frame(both, ft.NWBIR74, ft.SID74, BIR74=nc.sids$BIR74)
outl <- which.max(rstandard(lm_nc))
mdata.4 <- mdata[-outl,]
W <- spdep::listw2mat(sids.nhbr.listw)
W.4 <- W[-outl, -outl]
sids.nhbr.listw.4 <- spdep::mat2listw(W.4)
esarI <- errorsarlm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw,
esarIa <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw,
esarIV <- errorsarlm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw,
esarIVa <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw,
esarIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw,
weights=BIR74, family="SAR")
esarIIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ both - 1, data=mdata, listw=sids.nhbr.listw,
weights=BIR74, family="SAR")
esarIVaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata,
70 spBreg_lag

listw=sids.nhbr.listw, weights=BIR74, family="SAR")

ecarIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ 1, data=mdata.4, listw=sids.nhbr.listw.4,
weights=BIR74, family="CAR")
ecarIIaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ both - 1, data=mdata.4,
listw=sids.nhbr.listw.4, weights=BIR74, family="CAR")
ecarIVaw <- spautolm(ft.SID74 ~ ft.NWBIR74, data=mdata.4,
listw=sids.nhbr.listw.4, weights=BIR74, family="CAR")
nc.sids$fitIV <- append(fitted.values(ecarIVaw), NA, outl-1)
plot(nc.sids[,"fitIV"], nbreaks=12) # Cressie 1993, p. 565
## Not run:
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
COL.errW.eig <- errorsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"))
COL.errW.sar <- spautolm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W"))
data(boston, package="spData")
gp1 <- spautolm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2)
+ I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi), family="SMA")

## End(Not run)

spBreg_lag Bayesian MCMC spatial simultaneous autoregressive model estima-


The spBreg_lag function is an early-release version of the Matlab Spatial Econometrics Tool-
box function sar_g.m, using drawing by inversion, and not accommodating heteroskedastic distur-

spBreg_lag(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, type,
zero.policy=NULL, control=list())
spBreg_sac(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2=NULL, na.action,
Durbin, type, zero.policy=NULL, control=list())
spBreg_err(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, etype,
zero.policy=NULL, control=list())
## S3 method for class 'MCMC_sar_g'
impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
spBreg_lag 71

## S3 method for class 'MCMC_sem_g'

impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'MCMC_sac_g'
impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)


formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw, listw2 a listw object created for example by nb2listw
na.action a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude
with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights
list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set
zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observa-
tions. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to
nb2listw may be subsetted.
Durbin default FALSE (spatial lag model); if TRUE, full spatial Durbin model; if a
formula object, the subset of explanatory variables to lag
type, etype (use the ‘Durbin=’ argument - retained for backwards compatibility only) de-
fault "lag", may be set to "mixed"; when "mixed", the lagged intercept is dropped
for spatial weights style "W", that is row-standardised weights, but otherwise in-
cluded; “Durbin” may be used instead of “mixed”
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value
of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA
control list of extra control arguments - see section below
obj A spatial regression object
... Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package
tr A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW,
for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact
measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must
be row-standardised
evalues vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations
Q default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to
calculate if tr is given

Control arguments

tol.opt: the desired accuracy of the optimization - passed to optimize() (default=square root of
double precision machine tolerance, a larger root may be used needed, see help(boston) for an
72 spBreg_lag

fdHess: default NULL, then set to (method != "eigen") internally; use fdHess to compute an ap-
proximate Hessian using finite differences when using sparse matrix methods; used to make a
coefficient covariance matrix when the number of observations is large; may be turned off to
save resources if need be
optimHess: default FALSE, use fdHess from nlme, if TRUE, use optim to calculate Hessian at
optimHessMethod: default “optimHess”, may be “nlm” or one of the optim methods
compiled_sse: default FALSE; logical value used in the log likelihood function to choose compiled
code for computing SSE
Imult: default 2; used for preparing the Cholesky decompositions for updating in the Jacobian
super: if NULL (default), set to FALSE to use a simplicial decomposition for the sparse Cholesky
decomposition and method “Matrix_J”, set to as.logical(NA) for method “Matrix”, if TRUE,
use a supernodal decomposition
cheb_q: default 5; highest power of the approximating polynomial for the Chebyshev approxima-
MC_p: default 16; number of random variates
MC_m: default 30; number of products of random variates matrix and spatial weights matrix
spamPivot: default “MMD”, alternative “RCM”
in_coef default 0.1, coefficient value for initial Cholesky decomposition in “spam_update”
type default “MC”, used with method “moments”; alternatives “mult” and “moments”, for use if
trs is missing, trW
correct default TRUE, used with method “moments” to compute the Smirnov/Anselin correction
trunc default TRUE, used with method “moments” to truncate the Smirnov/Anselin correction
SE_method default “LU”, may be “MC”
nrho default 200, as in SE toolbox; the size of the first stage lndet grid; it may be reduced to for
example 40
interpn default 2000, as in SE toolbox; the size of the second stage lndet grid
small_asy default TRUE; if the method is not “eigen”, use asymmetric covariances rather than
numerical Hessian ones if n <= small
small default 1500; threshold number of observations for asymmetric covariances when the method
is not “eigen”
SElndet default NULL, may be used to pass a pre-computed SE toolbox style matrix of coefficients
and their lndet values to the "SE_classic" and "SE_whichMin" methods
LU_order default FALSE; used in “LU_prepermutate”, note warnings given for lu method
pre_eig default NULL; may be used to pass a pre-computed vector of eigenvalues
OrdVsign default 1; used to set the sign of the final component to negative if -1 (alpha times
((sigma squared) squared) in Ord (1975) equation B.1).
spBreg_lag 73

Extra Bayesian control arguments

ldet_method default “SE_classic”; equivalent to the method argument in lagsarlm
interval default c(-1, 1); used unmodified or set internally by jacobianSetup
ndraw default 2500L; integer total number of draws
nomit default 500L; integer total number of omitted burn-in draws
thin default 1L; integer thinning proportion
verbose default FALSE; inverse of quiet argument in lagsarlm
detval default NULL; not yet in use, precomputed matrix of log determinants
prior a list with the following components:
rhoMH, lambdaMH default FALSE; use Metropolis or griddy Gibbs
Tbeta default NULL; values of the betas variance-covariance matrix, set to diag(k)*1e+12 if
c_beta default NULL; values of the betas set to 0 if NULL
rho default 0.5; value of the autoregressive coefficient
sige default 1; value of the residual variance
nu default 0; informative Gamma(nu,d0) prior on sige
d0 default 0; informative Gamma(nu,d0) prior on sige
a1 default 1.01; parameter for beta(a1,a2) prior on rho
a2 default 1.01; parameter for beta(a1,a2) prior on rho
cc default 0.2; initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling
gG_sige default TRUE; include sige in lambda griddy Gibbs update
cc1 default 0.2; initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling
cc2 default 0.2; initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling

Roger Bivand <>, with thanks to Abhirup Mallik and Virgilio Gómez-Rubio
for initial coding GSoC 2011

LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
ev <- eigenw(lw)
W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
require("coda", quietly=TRUE)
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw)
74 spBreg_lag

print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
## Not run:
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
Durbin=TRUE, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE)))
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
Durbin=~INC, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE)))
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
COL.sacW.B0 <- spBreg_sac(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
Durbin=FALSE, control=list(ndraw=1500L, nomit=500L))
print(summary(impacts(COL.sacW.B0, tr=trMatc), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE))
COL.sacW.B1 <- spBreg_sac(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
Durbin=TRUE, control=list(ndraw=1500L, nomit=500L))
print(summary(impacts(COL.sacW.B1, tr=trMatc), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE))
COL.lag.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
print(summary(impacts(COL.lag.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
print(summary(impacts(COL.lag.Bayes, evalues=ev), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
COL.D0.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE)
print(summary(impacts(COL.D0.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
stsls 75

COL.D1.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,

listw=lw, Durbin= ~ INC)
print(summary(impacts(COL.D1.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
data(elect80, package="spData")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(e80_queen, zero.policy=TRUE)
el_ml <- lagsarlm(log(pc_turnout) ~ log(pc_college) + log(pc_homeownership)
+ log(pc_income), data=elect80, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE, method="LU")
el_B <- spBreg_lag(log(pc_turnout) ~ log(pc_college) + log(pc_homeownership)
+ log(pc_income), data=elect80, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE)
print(attr(el_B, "timings"))

## End(Not run)

stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares

The function fits a spatial lag model by two stage least squares, with the option of adjusting the
results for heteroskedasticity.

stsls(formula, data = list(), listw, zero.policy = NULL,
na.action =, robust = FALSE, HC=NULL, legacy=FALSE, W2X = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'stsls'
impacts(obj, ..., tr, R = NULL, listw = NULL, evalues=NULL,
tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, Q=NULL)

formula a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification
are given for lm()
data an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the
variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.
listw a listw object created for example by nb2listw
zero.policy default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged
value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA - causing
lagsarlm() to terminate with an error
na.action a function (default, can also be na.omit or na.exclude with conse-
quences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights list will be
subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to
76 stsls

TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations. Note that
only weights lists created without using the glist argument to nb2listw may be
robust default FALSE, if TRUE, apply a heteroskedasticity correction to the coeffi-
cients covariances
HC default NULL, if robust is TRUE, assigned “HC0”, may take values “HC0” or
“HC1” for White estimates or MacKinnon-White estimates respectively
legacy the argument chooses between two implementations of the robustness correc-
tion: default FALSE - use the estimate of Omega only in the White consistent
estimator of the variance-covariance matrix, if TRUE, use the original imple-
mentation which runs a GLS using the estimate of Omega, and yields different
coefficient estimates as well - see example below
W2X default TRUE, if FALSE only WX are used as instruments in the spatial two
stage least squares; until release 0.4-60, only WX were used - see example below
obj A spatial regression object created by lagsarlm, lagmess or by lmSLX; in HPDinterval.lagImpact,
a lagImpact object
... Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package
tr A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW,
for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact
measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for
the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must
be row-standardised
evalues vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations
R If given, simulations are used to compute distributions for the impact measures,
returned as mcmc objects; the objects are used for convenience but are not output
by an MCMC process
tol Argument passed to mvrnorm: tolerance (relative to largest variance) for numer-
ical lack of positive-definiteness in the coefficient covariance matrix
empirical Argument passed to mvrnorm (default FALSE): if true, the coefficients and their
covariance matrix specify the empirical not population mean and covariance
Q default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to
calculate if tr is given


The fitting implementation fits a spatial lag model:

y = ρW y + Xβ + ε

by using spatially lagged X variables as instruments for the spatially lagged dependent variable.
stsls 77

an object of class "stsls" containing:

coefficients coefficient estimates

var coefficient covariance matrix
sse sum of squared errors
residuals model residuals
df degrees of freedom

Luc Anselin, Gianfranco Piras and Roger Bivand

Kelejian, H.H. and I.R. Prucha (1998). A generalized spatial two stage least squares procedure for
estimating a spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive disturbances. Journal of Real Estate
Finance and Economics 17, 99-121.
Roger Bivand, Gianfranco Piras (2015). Comparing Implementations of Estimation Methods for
Spatial Econometrics. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(18), 1-36. https://www.jstatsoft.

See Also

data(oldcol, package="spdep")
#require(spdep, quietly=TRUE)
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb)
COL.lag.eig <- lagsarlm(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw)
summary(COL.lag.eig, correlation=TRUE)
COL.lag.stsls <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw)
summary(COL.lag.stsls, correlation=TRUE)
W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
loobj1 <- impacts(COL.lag.stsls, R=200, tr=trMatc)
summary(loobj1, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
ev <- eigenw(lw)
loobj2 <- impacts(COL.lag.stsls, R=200, evalues=ev)
summary(loobj2, zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE)
COL.lag.stslsW <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw, W2X=FALSE)
summary(COL.lag.stslsW, correlation=TRUE)
COL.lag.stslsR <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw,
robust=TRUE, W2X=FALSE)
summary(COL.lag.stslsR, correlation=TRUE)
78 trW

COL.lag.stslsRl <- stsls(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, lw,

robust=TRUE, legacy=TRUE, W2X=FALSE)
summary(COL.lag.stslsRl, correlation=TRUE)
data(boston, package="spData")
gp2a <- stsls(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2) +
AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
data=boston.c, spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi))

trW Spatial weights matrix powers traces

The function is used to prepare a vector of traces of powers of a spatial weights matrix

trW(W=NULL, m = 30, p = 16, type = "mult", listw=NULL, momentsSymmetry=TRUE)
mom_calc(lw, m)
mom_calc_int2(is, m, nb, weights, Card)

W A spatial weights matrix in CsparseMatrix form
m The number of powers; must be an even number for ‘type’=“moments” (default
changed from 100 to 30 (2010-11-17))
p The number of samples used in Monte Carlo simulation of the traces if type is
MC (default changed from 50 to 16 (2010-11-17))
type Either “mult” (default) for powering a sparse matrix (with moderate or larger
N, the matrix becomes dense, and may lead to swapping), or “MC” for Monte
Carlo simulation of the traces (the first two simulated traces are replaced by their
analytical equivalents), or “moments” to use the looping space saving algorithm
proposed by Smirnov and Anselin (2009) - for “moments”, W must be symmetric,
for row-standardised weights through a similarity transformation
listw, lw a listw object, which should either be fully symmetric, or be constructed as simi-
lar to symmetric from intrinsically symmetric neighbours using similar.listw,
used with ‘type’=“moments”
default TRUE; assert Smirnov/Anselin symmetry assumption
is (used internally only in mom_calc_int2 for ‘type’=“moments” on a cluster)
nb (used internally only in mom_calc_int2 for ‘type’=“moments” on a cluster)
weights (used internally only in mom_calc_int2 for ‘type’=“moments” on a cluster)
Card (used internally only in mom_calc_int2 for ‘type’=“moments” on a cluster)
trW 79

A numeric vector of m traces, with “timings” and “type” attributes; the ‘type’=“MC” also returns
the standard deviation of the p-vector V divided by the square root of p as a measure of spread for
the trace estimates.

mom_calc and mom_calc_int2 are for internal use only

Roger Bivand <>

LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp.
96–105; Smirnov O and L Anselin (2009) An O(N) parallel method of computing the Log-Jacobian
of the variable transformation for models with spatial interaction on a lattice. Computational Statis-
tics and Data Analysis 53 (2009) 2983–2984.

See Also
as_dgRMatrix_listw, nb2listw

require("sf", quietly=TRUE)
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
#require(spdep, quietly=TRUE) <-"weights/", package="spData")[1])
listw <- spdep::nb2listw(
W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
system.time(trMat <- trW(W, type="mult"))
system.time(trMC <- trW(W, type="MC"))
plot(trMat, trMC)
abline(a=0, b=1)
for(i in 3:length(trMC)) {
segments(trMat[i], trMC[i]-2*attr(trMC, "sd")[i], trMat[i],
trMC[i]+2*attr(trMC, "sd")[i])
listwS <- similar.listw(listw)
W <- forceSymmetric(as(listwS, "CsparseMatrix"))
system.time(trmom <- trW(W, m=24, type="moments"))
all.equal(trMat[1:24], trmom, check.attributes=FALSE)
system.time(trMat <- trW(W, m=24, type="mult"))
all.equal(trMat, trmom, check.attributes=FALSE)
80 trW

system.time(trMC <- trW(W, m=24, type="MC"))
## Not run:
data(boston, package="spData")
listw <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi)
listwS <- similar.listw(listw)
system.time(trmom <- trW(listw=listwS, m=24, type="moments"))
nc <- detectCores(logical=FALSE)
# set nc to 1L here
if (nc > 1L) nc <- 1L
coresOpt <- get.coresOption()
if(!get.mcOption()) {
cl <- makeCluster(get.coresOption())
system.time(trmomp <- trW(listw=listwS, m=24, type="moments"))
if(!get.mcOption()) {
all.equal(trmom, trmomp, check.attributes=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

∗Topic spatial coef.spautolm (spautolm), 63

as.spam.listw, 3 coef.stsls (stsls), 75
do_ldet, 5 coerce,listw,CsparseMatrix-method
GMerrorsar, 12 (as.spam.listw), 3
griffith_sone, 15 coerce,listw,RsparseMatrix-method
gstsls, 18 (as.spam.listw), 3
impacts, 21 coerce,listw,symmetricMatrix-method
lagmess, 26 (as.spam.listw), 3
lextrB, 29 create_WX (lmSLX), 31
LR.sarlm, 33
MCMCsamp, 36 deviance.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12
ME, 39 deviance.lagmess (lagmess), 26
predict.sarlm, 52 deviance.sarlm (ML_models), 42
set.mcOption, 57 deviance.spautolm (spautolm), 63
set.ZeroPolicyOption, 59 deviance.stsls (stsls), 75
similar.listw, 60 do_ldet, 5, 67
SpatialFiltering, 61
spautolm, 63 eigen, 17, 62
stsls, 75 eigen_pre_setup (do_ldet), 5
trW, 78 eigen_setup (do_ldet), 5
eigenw (griffith_sone), 15
anova.sarlm, 35 errorsarlm, 10, 14, 37, 56, 60, 65, 67
anova.sarlm (LR.sarlm), 33 errorsarlm (ML_models), 42 estimable, 32
(predict.sarlm), 52
as.spam.listw, 3 fitted.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12
as_dgRMatrix_listw, 79 fitted.lagmess (lagmess), 26
as_dgRMatrix_listw (as.spam.listw), 3 fitted.ME_res (ME), 39
as_dsCMatrix_I (as.spam.listw), 3 fitted.sarlm (ML_models), 42
as_dsCMatrix_IrW (as.spam.listw), 3 fitted.SFResult (SpatialFiltering), 61
as_dsTMatrix_listw (as.spam.listw), 3 fitted.spautolm (spautolm), 63

bptest.sarlm (LR.sarlm), 33 get.ClusterOption (set.mcOption), 57

get.coresOption (set.mcOption), 57 (do_ldet), 5 get.mcOption (set.mcOption), 57
cheb_setup (do_ldet), 5 get.VerboseOption
Cholesky, 6, 7, 10 (set.ZeroPolicyOption), 59
coef.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12 get.ZeroPolicyOption
coef.lagmess (lagmess), 26 (set.ZeroPolicyOption), 59
coef.sarlm (ML_models), 42 glm, 40


GMargminImage, 21 Matrix_setup (do_ldet), 5

GMargminImage (GMerrorsar), 12 mcdet_setup (do_ldet), 5
GMerrorsar, 12, 21 MCMCsamp, 36
griffith_sone, 15 ME, 39
gstsls, 18 ML_models, 42
mom_calc, 57
Hausman.test (LR.sarlm), 33 mom_calc (trW), 78
Hausman.test.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12 mom_calc_int2 (trW), 78
HPDinterval, 24 moments_setup (do_ldet), 5
HPDinterval.lagImpact (impacts), 21 mvrnorm, 23, 24
impacts, 21, 47
nb2listw, 3, 24, 62, 79
impacts.gmsar (gstsls), 18
nlminb, 13, 14, 19, 21
impacts.lagmess (lagmess), 26
impacts.MCMC_sac_g (spBreg_lag), 70 optim, 13, 14, 19, 21, 28
impacts.MCMC_sar_g (spBreg_lag), 70 optimize, 67
impacts.MCMC_sem_g (spBreg_lag), 70
impacts.sarlm (LR.sarlm), 33 plot.lagImpact (impacts), 21
impacts.SLX (lmSLX), 31 plot.mcmc, 24
impacts.stsls (stsls), 75 powerWeights (as.spam.listw), 3
intImpacts (impacts), 21 predict.sarlm, 52
predict.SLX (lmSLX), 31
Jacobian_W (as.spam.listw), 3
print.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12
jacobianSetup (do_ldet), 5
print.lagImpact (impacts), 21
l_max (lextrB), 29 print.lagmess (lagmess), 26
lagmess, 26 print.ME_res (ME), 39
lagsarlm, 10, 24, 28, 37, 56, 60, 77 print.sarlm (ML_models), 42
lagsarlm (ML_models), 42 print.sarlm.pred (predict.sarlm), 52
lextrB, 29 print.SFResult (SpatialFiltering), 61
lextrS (lextrB), 29 print.spautolm (spautolm), 63
lextrW (lextrB), 29 print.stsls (stsls), 75
listw2U, 62 print.summary.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12
listw2U_Matrix (as.spam.listw), 3 print.summary.lagImpact (impacts), 21
listw2U_spam (as.spam.listw), 3 print.summary.lagmess (lagmess), 26
lm, 32, 43, 47, 62 print.summary.sarlm (ML_models), 42
lm.gls, 65 print.summary.spautolm (spautolm), 63
lmSLX, 31 print.summary.stsls (stsls), 75
logLik.lagmess (lagmess), 26 print.summary.WXImpact (lmSLX), 31
logLik.lm, 35 print.WXImpact (lmSLX), 31
logLik.sarlm (LR.sarlm), 33
logLik.spautolm (spautolm), 63 residuals.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12
LR.sarlm, 33 residuals.lagmess (lagmess), 26
LR1.lagmess (lagmess), 26 residuals.sarlm (ML_models), 42
LR1.sarlm (LR.sarlm), 33 residuals.spautolm (spautolm), 63
LR1.spautolm (spautolm), 63 residuals.stsls (stsls), 75
LU_prepermutate_setup (do_ldet), 5 rwmetrop, 36, 37
LU_setup (do_ldet), 5
sacsarlm, 37, 56
Matrix_J_setup (do_ldet), 5 sacsarlm (ML_models), 42

SE_classic_setup (do_ldet), 5
SE_interp_setup (do_ldet), 5
SE_whichMin_setup (do_ldet), 5
set.ClusterOption (set.mcOption), 57
set.coresOption (set.mcOption), 57
set.mcOption, 57
(set.ZeroPolicyOption), 59
set.ZeroPolicyOption, 59
similar.listw, 60, 78
spam_setup (do_ldet), 5
spam_update_setup (do_ldet), 5
SpatialFiltering, 40, 61
spautolm, 10, 36, 37, 63
spBreg_err (spBreg_lag), 70
spBreg_lag, 70
spBreg_sac (spBreg_lag), 70
stsls, 75
subgraph_eigenw (griffith_sone), 15
summary.gmsar (GMerrorsar), 12
summary.lagImpact (impacts), 21
summary.lagmess (lagmess), 26
summary.mcmc, 24
summary.sarlm (ML_models), 42
summary.spautolm (spautolm), 63
summary.stsls (stsls), 75
summary.WXImpact (lmSLX), 31

trW, 6, 24, 46, 66, 72, 78

vcov.sarlm (ML_models), 42

Wald1.sarlm (LR.sarlm), 33

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