Stability and Stabilization of Hybrid Systems: Mikael Johansson

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Stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

Mikael Johansson
School of Electrical Engineering

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Goals and class structure

Goal: After these lectures, you should

• Know some basic theory for stability and stabilization of hybrid systems
• Be familiar with the computational methods for piecewise linear systems
• Understand how the tools can be applied to (relatively) practical systems

Three lectures:
1. Stability theory
2. Computational tools for piecewise linear systems
3. Applications

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part I – Stability theory

• A hybrid systems model and stability concepts
• Lyapunov theory for smooth systems
• Lyapunov theory for stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

Acknowledgements: M. Heemels, TU/e

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

A hybrid systems model

We consider hybrid systems on the form


The discrete state indexes vector fields while

is the transition function describing the evolution of the discrete state.

Unless stated otherwise, we will assume that is piecewise continuous

(i.e., that there is only a finite number of mode changes per unit time)

For now, disregard issues with sliding modes, zeno, … (see refs for details)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Example: a switched linear system

(numerical values for matrices Ai are given in notes for Lecture 2)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stability concepts

Focus: stability of equilibrium point (in continuous state-space)

Global asymptotic stability (GAS): ensure that

Global uniform asymptotic stability (GUAS): ensure that

(i.e., uniformly in )

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Three fundamental problems
Problem P1: Under what conditions is

GAS for all (piecewise continuous) switching signals ?

Problem P2: Given vector fields , design strategy :

is globally asymptotically stable.

Problem P3: determine if a given switched system

is globally asymptotically stable.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part I – Stability theory

• A hybrid systems model and stability concepts
• Lyapunov theory for smooth systems
• Lyapunov theory for stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

Aim: establishing common grounds by reviewing fundamentals.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Lyapunov theory for smooth systems

Interpretation: Lyapunov function is abstract measure of system energy,

system energy should decrease along all trajectories.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Converse theorem

Under appropriate technical conditions (mainly smoothness of vector fields)

Consequence: worthwhile to search for Lyapunov functions

Remaining challenge: how to perform Lyapunov function search?

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stability of linear systems

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Partial proof

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stability of discrete-time systems

Interpretation: energy should decrease at each sampling instant (event)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Performance analysis

Lyapunov techniques also useful for estimating system performance.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part I – Stability theory

• A hybrid systems model and stability concepts
• Lyapunov theory for smooth systems
• Lyapunov theory for stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

– Guaranteeing stability independent of switching strategy
– Design a stabilizing switching strategy
– Prove stability for a given switching strategy

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Switching between stable systems

Q: does switching between stable dynamics always create stable motions?

A: no, not necessarily.

Subsystems are stable and share the same eigenvalues,

but stability depends on switching!

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

P1: Stability for arbitrary switching signals
Problem: when is the switched system

GAS for all (piecewise continuous) switching signals ?

Claim: only if each subsystem

admits a radially unbounded Lyapunov function.

(can you explain why?)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

The common Lyapunov function approach

In fact, if the submodels are smooth, the following results hold.

Hence, common Lyapunov functions necessary and sufficient.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Switched linear systems
For switched linear systems

it is natural to look for a common quadratic Lyapunov function

is a common Lyapunov function if

Such a Lyapunov function can be found by solving linear matrix inequalities

(systems that admit quadratic V(x) are called quadratically stable)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Infeasibility test

It is also possible to prove that there is no common quadratic Lyapunov fcn:

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


Question: Does GUAS of switched linear system imply existence of a

common quadratic Lyapunov function?

Answer: No, the system given by

is GUAS, but does not admit any common quadratic Lyapunov function since

satisfy the infeasibility condition.

(there is, however, a common piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


Sample trajectories of switched system

(under two different switching strategies)

x1 1

0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 Time 6 8 10

x2 2


0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 Time 6 8 10

Even if solutions are very different, all motions are asymptotically stable

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

P2: Stabilization

Problem: given matrices Ai, find switching rule ν(x,i) such that

is asymptotically stable.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stabilization of switched linear systems

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stabilizing switching rules (I)

State-dependent switching strategy designed from Lyapunov function for Aeq

Solve Lyapunov equality . It follows that

Thus, for each x, at least one mode satisfies

This implies, in turn, that the switching rule

is well-defined for all x and that it generates

globally asymptotically stable motions.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stabilizing switching rules (II)

Alternative switching strategy: activate mode i fraction αi of the time, e.g.,

(strategy repeats after duty cycle of T seconds). “Average dynamics” is

and for sufficiently small T the spectral radius of

is less than one (i.e., state at beginning of each duty cycle will tend to zero)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Consider the two subsystems given by

Both subsystems are unstable, but the matrix Aeq=0.5A1+0.5A2 is stable.

State-dependent switching: set Q=I, solve Lyapunov equation to find

Time-dependent switching: choose duty cycle T such that spectral radius of

is less than one. Alternate between modes each T/2 seconds.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Example cont’d

Time-driven switching State-dependent switching

2 1
0 0.5
x1 1

x1 1

-1 0
-1 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.5
0 0.2 0.4Time 0.6 0.8 1 -0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time 0 0.2 0.4Time 0.6 0.8 1
2 Time
2 1
x2 2

0 0.5
x2 2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0
0 0.2 0.4Time 0.6 0.8 1 00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time 0 0.2 0.4Time 0.6 0.8 1

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

P3: Stability for a given switching strategy
Problem: how can we verify that the switched system

is globally asymptotically stable?

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stability for given switching strategy

For simplicity, consider a system with two modes, and assume that

are globally asymptotically stable with Lyapunov functions Vi

Even if there is no common Lyapunov function, stability follows if

where tk denote the switching times.

Reason: Vi is continuous Lyapunov function for the switched system.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Multiple Lyapunov function approach

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Multiple Lyapunov function approach

Weaker versions exist:

– No need to require that submodels are stable, sufficient to require that

all submodels admit Lyapunov-like functions:

where Xi contains all x for which submodel fi can be activated.

– Can weaken requirement that Vi should decrease along trajectories of fi

See the references for details and precise statements.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


A whirlwind tour:
• selected results on stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

Three specific problems

• Guaranteeing stability independent of switching signal
• Design a stabilizing switching strategy (stabilizability)
• Prove stability for a given switching strategy

Focus has been on Lyapunov-function techniques

• Alternative approaches exist!

Strong theoretical results, but hard to apply in practice

• Can be overcome by developing automated numerical techniques
(Lecture 2!)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


R. A. DeCarlo, M. S. Branicky, S. Pettersson and B.

Lennartsson, “Perspectives and results on the stability and
stabilizability of hybrid systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE,
Vol. 88, No. 7, July 2000.

J. P. Hespanha, “Stabilization through hybrid control”, UNESCO

Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems”, 2005.

M. Johansson, “Piecewise linear control systems – a

compuational approach”, Springer Lecture Notes in Control
and Information Sciences no. 284, 2002.

J. Goncalves, ”Constructive Global Analysis of Hybrid Systems”,

Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts InstituteMikael
Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007
of Technology,
Stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

Mikael Johansson
School of Electrical Engineering

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part II – Computational tools

• Piecewise linear systems

• Well-posedness and solution concepts
• Linear matrix inequalities
• Piecewise quadratic stability
• Extensions

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Computational stability analysis: philosophy

Aim: develop analysis tools that

– are computationally efficient (e.g. run in polynomial time)
– work for most practical problem instances
– produce guaranteed results (when they work)

system computer stable

description program

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Piecewise linear systems

Piecewise linear system:

1. a subdivision of into regions

we will assume that are polyhedral and disjoint

(i.e. that cells only share common boundaries)

2. (possibly different) affine dynamics in each region

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Saturated linear system:

Three regions: negative saturation, linear operation, positive saturation

Cells are polyhedral (i.e., can be described by a set of linear inequalities)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Well-posedness and solutions

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Trajectories: existence and uniqueness

Observation: trajectories may not be unique, or may not exist.


Initial values in create non-unique trajectories.

Trajectories that reach cannot be continued

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Attractive sliding modes

Would like to single out situations with non-existence of solutions.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Generalized solutions
Solution concepts for systems with sliding modes typically averages
dynamics in neighboring cells

Note: Filippov solutions may remain on cell boundaries,

and are not necessarily unique.
Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Equivalent dynamics on sliding modes

Example: Piecewise linear system


Filippov solutions satisfy for some

If x(t) should stay on S1+, we must have , i.e.,

The only solution is given by α=1/2, resulting in the unique sliding dynamics

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Non-uniqueness of sliding dynamics

Observation: sliding dynamics on intersecting boundaries often non-unique


Filippov solutions on are not unique.

(can you explain why?)

Valid Filippov solutions on S12 differ in time constants of a factor four or more.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Establishing attractivity of sliding modes

Note: non-trivial to detect that a pwl system has attractive sliding modes

Example: The piecewise linear system

has a sliding mode at the origin.

However, determining that it is attractive is not easy

– Vector field inspection or quadratic Lyapunov functions can’t be used
– Finite-time convergence to the origin can be established by noting that

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Key points

Piecewise linear systems: polyhedral partition and locally affine dynamics

For general piecewise linear systems, solution concepts are non-trivial

– Trajectories may not be unique, or may not exist (unless continuous)
– Meaningful solution concepts for attractive sliding modes exist
(e.g. Filippov solutions)

Introducing “new modes” on cell boundaries with sliding dynamics not easy
– Sliding modes may occur on any intersection of cell boundaries
– Hard to determine if potential sliding mode is attractive
– Dynamics of sliding modes may be non-unique and non-linear

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part II – Computational tools

• Piecewise linear systems

• Well-posedness and solution concepts
• Linear matrix inequalities
• Piecewise quadratic stability
• Extensions

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Linear matrix inequalities

Linear matrix inequality (LMI): An inequality on the form

where Fi are symmetric matrices, X>0 denotes that X is positive definite.

Example: The condition on standard form:

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

LMI features

• Optimization under LMI constraints is a convex optimization problem

– Strong and useful theory, e.g. duality
(we have already used it once – when?)

• Multiple LMIs is an LMI

– Example: Lyapunov inequalities
equivalent to single LMI

• Efficient software and convenient user interfaces publicly available

– Example: YALMIP interface by J. Löfberg at ETHZ

• S-procedure, Shur complements, … and much more!

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Example: Quadratic stabilization

Recall from Lecture 1 that guarantees that

is GAS for all switching signals i(t) (i.e., GUAS) if P satisfies

an LMI condition!

Consequence: quadratic Lyapunov function found efficiently (if it exists)!

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Quadratic stability of PwL systems

is a Lyapunov function for the piecewise linear system

if we have

Note: not necessary to require that

How can we bring the restricted conditions into the LMI framework?

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

When does it hold that, for all x,

(i.e., non-negativity of quadratic form implies non-neagivity of )

Simple condition: there exists satisfying the LMI

Extension to multiple quadratic forms: if there exist such that


(non-trivial fact: simple condition is necessary if there exists u: )

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Bounding polyedra by quadratic forms

Example: The polyhedron

can be described by the quadratic form


In general: for polyhedra the quadratic form

is non-negative for all if has non-negative entries

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Quadratic stability cont’d

Consider the piecewise linear system

(no affine terms, all regions contain the origin). Then,

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Recall the switched system


from Lecture 1. Applying the above procedure, we find

(stability cannot be verified without S-procedure – can you explain why?)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson
Piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions

Natural to consider continuous, piecewise quadratic, Lyapunov functions

Surprisingly, such functions can also be computed via optimization over LMIs.

Relation to multiple Lyapunov functions:

• Local expressions for V(x) are Lyapunov-like functions for

associated dynamics (stronger relationship will emerge in the extensions)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Convenient notation
Use the augmented state vector

and re-write system dynamics as

When analyzing properties of the equilibrium we let

and assume that

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Enforcing continuity

How to ensure that the Lyapunov function candidate

is continuous across cell boundaries?

Enforce one linear equality for each cell boundary.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Enforcing continuity (II)

Alternative: direct parameterization

For each region, construct continuity matrices such that

and consider Lyapunov functions on the form

(the free variables are now collected in the symmetric matrix T)

To make Lyapunov function quadratic in regions that contain origin,

we also require

(construction automated in, for example, Pwltools)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson
Piecewise quadratic stability

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


Piecewise linear system with partition shown below,


(Clearly) not quadratically stable, but pwQ Lyapunov function readily found.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Potential sources of conservatism

1. Quadratic Lyapunov functions necessary and sufficient for linear systems,

but piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions not necessary for stability of
PWL systems.

2. S-procedure terms effectively the sum of several quadratic forms

hence, S-procedure is not guaranteed to be loss-less (better tools exist)

3. Use of affine terms and strict inequalities can also be conservative.


Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Many extensions possible:
• determining regions of attraction (i.e. non-global stability properties)
• Lyapunov functions that guarantee stability of potential sliding modes
• nonlinear and uncertain dynamics in each region
• performance analysis (e.g. L2-gains)
• (some) control synthesis
• hybrid systems (overlapping regions) and discontinuous Lyapunov fncs.
• Lyapunov functionals and Lagrange stability
• stability of limit cycles
• similar tools for discrete-time hybrid systems
(too much to be covered in this lecture!)

We will sketch a couple of extensions

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Performance analysis

Proof. Pre/postmultiply with (x, u), note that LMIs imply dissipation inequality

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


Saturated linear system (unit saturation)

Quadratic storage functions fail to bound L2-gain.

Piecewise quadratic storage function yields bounds

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Linear hybrid dynamical systems
Linear hybrid dynamical system (LHDS)

ν described by finite automaton whose state changes

when x hits transition surfaces

and for each i, the feasible x bounded by a polyhedron

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Discontinuous Lyapunov functions

Multiple quadratic (discontinuous, pwq) Lyapunov function via LMIs

Note: conditions (3,4) imply that V(t) decreases at points of discontinuity

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Linear hybrid system


Trajectories and multiple Lyapunov function found by LMI formulation

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Discrete-time versions
Discrete-time piecewise linear systems

and piecewise quadratic Lyapunov (not necessarily continuous) functions

We have


Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Discrete-time versions

Discrete-time globally asymptotically stable if there exist matrices Pi, qi, ri, Uij
where Wij has non-negative entries, and a non-negative scalar ε>0, such that

(note: in most solvers, you will need to treat separately)

• Again, LMI conditions, hence efficiently verified!
• Potentially one LMI for every pair (i,j) of modes.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Comparison with alternatives

Biswas et al. generated optimal hybrid controllers for randomly generated
linear systems, and compared performance of several computational methods

Typical results:

Very strong performance, but computational effort increases rapidly

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


Computational tools for stability analysis of one class of hybrid systems

Piecewise linear systems

• Partition of state space into polyhedra with locally affine dynamics
• Solution concepts: trajectories and Flippov solutions
• Given a pwl model, it is non-trivial to detect attractive sliding modes

Piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions

• Efficiently computed via optimization over linear matrix inequalities
• Potentially conservative, but strong practical performance

Many extensions, but much work remains!

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


M. Johansson, “Piecewise linear control systems – a computational approach”,

Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences no 284, 2002.

P. Biswas, P. Grieder, J. Löfberg, M. Morari, ”A survey on stability analysis of

discrete-time piecewise affine systems”, IFAC World Congress, Prague, 2005.

J. Löfberg, YALMIP,

S. Hedlund and M. Johansson, “A toolbox for computational analysis of piecewise

linear systems”, ECC, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2002. (

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stability and stabilization of hybrid systems

Mikael Johansson
School of Electrical Engineering

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part III – Examples

• Constrained control via min-max selectors

• Substrate feeding control
• Automatic gear-box control
• A simple relay system

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Constrained control via min-max selectors

Common “pre-HYCON” approach for constrained control

Aim: tracking primary variable (y), while

keeping secondary variable (z) within limits

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Numerical example

Specific example with

and proportional constraint controllers.

Control without constraint handling Control with constraint handling

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

A loop transformation
Linear system interconnected with 3-input/1-output nonlinearity

Loop transformation reduces dimension of nonlinearity by one:

still, few techniques apply to such systems

(e.g. small gain and LDI do not work)
Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Stability analysis

However, nonlinearity (and hence system) is piecewise linear:

LMI computations return quadratic Lyapunov function

(but S-procedure needed)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part III – Examples

• Constrained control via min-max selectors

• Substrate feeding control
• Automatic gear-box control
• A simple relay system

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Fed-batch cultivation of E. coli

Recombinant (genetically modified) E. coli bacteria used to produce proteins.

Bioreactor control: Add feed (nutrition) and oxygen to maximize cell growth.

Fed-batch: feed added continuously, at limiting rate

[Velut, 2005]
Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson
Control objective

Objective: maximize feed rate while ensuring that

• oxygen level does not drop too low (acetate production, inhibited growth)
• glucose is not in excess (“overflow metabolism”)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Probing control

Control strategy: increase feed while no acetate formed, decrease otherwise

Acetate formation detected by probing:

– add pulse in feed, observe if oxygen consumed

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

A piecewise linear abstraction
Simplified model of reactor dynamics

where is a piecewise linear function

Integrating the response over a pulse period,

we find the discrete-time model

Piecewise linear if uk is a linear in x.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Control strategy

Assume a linear integral control

fixed length of probing cycle T and probing pulse T-Tc

To model saturation in glucose uptake, consider

This results in a piecewise linear systems with three regions

(why not two?)

Control objective is now to drive system towards saturation.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Control to saturation

The formulation in Lecture 2 does not return any feasible solution

• integrator dynamics in unbounded regions Æ not exponentially stable

Two potential approaches:

• Prove convergence for initial values within (large but bounded) region
(can be done by adding S-procedure terms)

• Remove implicit equality constraints by state-transformation

(more satisfying, but more complex; see Velut)

With modifications, stability can (often) be proven VIA pwq Lyapunov fncs.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Numerical results

Stability regions for one specific problem instance (reactor parameters)

• red dots bound region where stability can be established numerically
• shaded regions are shown to be unstable (via local analysis)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Performance analysis

Stability often not enough with stability – would like to optimize performance
• for example, the ability to track time-varying saturation level

Can compute bound γ on performance

for all reference trajectories r[k] via LMI computations.

Note: typically large system descriptions…

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Numerical example

Simulations for specific r[k] γ for all rate-limited references

Parameter contours suggest optimal parameters

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson
Tuning rules

Similar behavior observed for various parameter values of the process.

Based on this observation, Velut suggests the following tuning rules

where σ(t) is the unit step response of the linear dynamics.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part III – Examples

• Constrained control via min-max selectors

• Substrate feeding control
• Automatic gear-box control
• A simple relay system

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

A simple model for car dynamics
Simple model:

Inputs: motor torque T and road incline α; output ω

where is the discrete input, determined by the current gear

To emphasize this dependence, we write

[Pettersson, 1999]
Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


Gear-switching strategy:

Can be represented by hybrid automaton with four discrete states

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Torque control and bumpless transfer

Base controller: non-linear PI

Changes in acceleration when shifting gears avoided via bumpless transfer:

for all feasible gear changes iÆj.

( compatible values of Ki, changes in integral state)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Hybrid system model

Need extended hybrid model that allows for jumps in the continuous state

LMI formulation possible if jump map is affine in x.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Numerical example

Closed loop system is switched linear system

where and

Simulation for

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

If affine reset maps

then, is guaranteed by solution to LMI

Can extend discontinuous Lyapunov function computations from Lecture 2

Gear-box example: solution found Æ exponential convergence to vref

Remark: analysis needs to be repeated for each value of vref

(as in bioreactor example)

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

Part III – Examples

• Constrained control via min-max selectors

• Substrate feeding control
• Automatic gear-box control
• A simple relay system

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

More of a theoretical challenge…

Consider a linear control system under hysteresis relay feedback…

[Hassibi, 2000]

Simulations suggest system is stable, yet no pwq Lyapunov function found.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson
The challenge

Q: why do piecewise quadratic methods fail, how can they be improved?

The more general challenge:

Put the methods to the test of challenging engineering problems, and

help to contribute to the development to improved analysis tools!

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson


M. Johansson, “Piecewise linear control systems – a computational approach”,

Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences no 284, 2002.

S. Velut, “Probing control – analysis and design with application to fed-batch

bioreactors”, PhD thesis, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, June 2005.

S. Pettersson, ”Analysis and design of hybrid systems”, PhD thesis, Chalmers

University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1999.

A. Hassibi, “Lyapunov methods in the analysis of complex dynamical

systems”, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2000.

Hycon Summer School, Siena July 2007 Mikael Johansson

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