Influence of Pitting On The Fatigue Life of A Turbine Blade Steel
Influence of Pitting On The Fatigue Life of A Turbine Blade Steel
Influence of Pitting On The Fatigue Life of A Turbine Blade Steel
S. Z H O U a n d A . T U R N B U L L
National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 OLW, UK
A B S T R A C T The role of pits as stress raisers and their influence on fatigue life has been investigated
for a 12Cr turbine blade material. A particular feature of this work was the establishment
of an electrochemical procedure for generating pits with ‘controlled’ pit depth and
low density.
Pits grown under laboratory conditions were partially spherical in shape and simulated,
in general appearance, those observed in service. In terms of the threshold stress
intensity factor, the results supported the concept of pits acting as effective cracks of
the same depth, provided that a short crack model based on an effective crack length
is used.
Keywords corrosion-fatigue; pitting; short cracks; 12Cr stainless steel.
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1084 S. Z H O U a nd A . T U R N B U L L
B9432 0.11 0.18 0.65 0.015 0.004 11.50 1.56 2.52 0.028 0.29 bal
C4352 0.11 0.23 0.81 0.013 0.002 11.58 1.67 2.67 0.032 0.30 bal
continuously, causing anodic dissolution of the metal in generation procedure and the impact of pitting on fatigue
the exposed region. This technique can be used to limits, which was addressed in the present study, would
generate pits with a specific density and geometry. not be affected by the difference in heat treatment.
However, the environmental test conditions are very
severe. In addition, the sites at which pits initiate are
Electrochemical and pitting tests
determined by the location of the openings in the
coating, rather than by surface defects, e.g. inclusions, The initial electrochemical and pitting tests were con-
as are the pit diameter and geometry. ducted on a disc of the Cast B9432 steel in order to
Pits generated by pre-exposure have been used in establish the procedure prior to pitting of the cylindrical
some studies. Pre-generated pits can be produced by fatigue specimens. The working area of the disc electrode
exposing the specimen to simulated environments.6,19,20 was 0.9 cm2 .
The depth of pits required was achieved by using an The fatigue specimens were made from Cast C4352
appropriate exposure time. However, no attempt was in accordance with the ASTM standard21 and had an
made to optimize the exposure procedure so that a overall length of 200 mm and a shoulder diameter
controlled depth and density could be obtained in a of 12.6 mm. The gauge length was 20 mm and the
repeatable manner. diameter 5 mm.
The objectives of the present study are: to establish an For both disc and cylindrical specimens, the surface
electrochemical procedure for growing pits in a turbine was dry-ground to a 2400 SiC grit finish, and rinsed in
blade steel to a controlled depth, with a shape similar to distilled water, ethanol and acetone before use. For the
that in service; to assess the impact of pit depth on fatigue
life; to assess the validity of the fracture mechanics approach
in characterizing the impact of pit depth.
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Fatigue tests
The fatigue tests were performed under uniaxial tension–
tension loading in air at ambient temperature (25±2 °C)
using a servo-hydraulic fatigue machine in accordance
with BS 3518.23 The relative humidity of the air was
below 50% for all tests. The fatigue frequency used was
primarily 25 Hz although a few tests were conducted at
1 Hz. The stress ratio was 0.1. The specimens without
pre-pitting were ground transversely to a final finish of
400 or 2400 grit. The surface profile24 was measured
using a laser profilometer. Measurements were made at
seven locations on the specimens with a 400 grit finish Fig. 2 Effect of surface finish on the pitting and repassivation
potentials of Jethete M152 steel in 0.1 M NaCl solution at 60 °C.
and at four locations on the specimens with a 2400 grit
finish. The length of profile for each individual measure-
ment was 2 mm. The arithmetical mean deviation of the
Table 3 Corrosion potential, pitting potential and repassivation
assessed profile, Ra , was 0.87±0.03 mm for the 400 grit
potential of Jethete M152 steel in 0.1 M NaCl solution at 60 °C
dry-ground specimens and 0.25±0.01 mm for the 2400
grit specimens. The corresponding maximum height of Ecorr Epitting Erepassivation
the profile, Rz , was 10.37±1.97 mm and 2.63±0.28 mm Surface (V/SCE) (V/SCE) (V/SCE)
for the 400 and 2400 grit finish, respectively.
The depth of the pit and the width of the pit on the 2400 grit
surface were measured using a travelling microscope finish −0.09 0.03 −0.13
1200 grit
(resolution 1 mm) prior to fatigue testing and also on the
finish — −0.01 −0.12
fractured surface after testing. The difference in pit
depths between the two measurements was <5%, but Note that the corrosion potential was measured after 60 h exposure;
the depth measured on the fractured surface is intrin- the pitting potential and repassivation potential were measured
sically more relevant and is quoted in all fatigue results. using a potentiodynamic scan at 1 mV/s scan rate.
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1086 S. Z H O U a nd A . T U R N B U L L
Fig. 3 Variation of the corrosion potential of Jethete M152 steel in Fig. 4 Time dependence of the maximum pit depth of Jethete
0.1 M NaCl solution at 60 °C. M152 steel in 0.1 M NaCl solution at 0.0 V (SCE) and 60 °C. [The
initial pit depth of 35 mm at t=0 was generated by stepping the
potential to 0.1 V (SCE) for 30 s.]
Establishment of pit generation procedure
In order to initiate pits, the electrode potential must be The surface appearance of the pits generated was
raised above the pitting potential. Maintaining the poten- approximately circular, as shown in Fig. 5. The pit
tial at this value to achieve the required pit depth would dimensions in two directions as a function of depth
simply lead to generation of a relatively high density of were measured using the ‘layer removal’ technique and
pits of variable size. This is not desirable as interaction the results are shown in Fig. 6. The pits are partially
of pits may cause difficulty in defining the relationship spherical and not dissimilar to those observed in
between the fatigue limit and the pit size. Also, in service.4,9
establishing the effect of pit depth on fatigue life, more The pit generation procedure described above was
extensive testing would be required because there is no applied to the cylindrical fatigue specimens in order to
control over the initial pit size. However, if the applied generate three discrete maximum pit depths. After 30 s
potential is stepped, after pit initiation, to a value below at 0.1 V (SCE), the depth of the deepest pit was ~35 mm;
the pitting potential but above the repassivation potential after stepping to 0.0 V (SCE) and holding at this poten-
for the deeper pits, no fresh pits will be generated and tial for 5 min the maximum pit depth was 110 mm;
only pits greater than a certain depth will continue to 30 min at 0.0 V (SCE) gave pits with a maximum depth
grow. Maintaining a constant current above the pitting of ~250 mm.
potential would probably achieve the same aim.
After preliminary tests, the experimental procedure to
generate pits was established as follows.
The specimen was immersed at open circuit for
1 h, at which time the open circuit potential was
~−0.15 V (SCE).
A potential of 0.1 V (SCE) was applied for 30 s to
initiate pits.
The potential was stepped down to 0 V (SCE) to
allow the pits to grow. The time at 0 V (SCE) was
adjusted depending on the pit depth required.
The dependence of the maximum pit depth on the
elapsed time at 0 V (SCE) is shown in Fig. 4. From
linear regression analysis, the pit growth can be expressed
a=btb (1)
where a is the maximum pit depth in mm, t is the time Fig. 5 Photograph showing the pit generated on Jethete M152
in minutes, and b and b are 48.03 and 0.53, respectively. steel in 0.1 M NaCl solution at 0.0 V (SCE) and 60 °C.
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Fatigue tests
Fatigue tests were performed on specimens with and
without pre-pitting to establish a relationship between
the fatigue limit and pit size. The fatigue limit is defined
as the value of the stress range below which the fatigue
Pit depth (µm)
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1088 S. Z H O U a nd A . T U R N B U L L
Table 4 The fatigue limit of Jethete M152 steel with and without
Cycles to failure, Nf pits (stress ratio: 0.1; frequency: 25 Hz)
Table 5 The surface residual stress of the specimens after 400 and
2400 dry grinding, assuming no shear stress is present
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Kt = (2)
where snom and snotch are the normalized stress and the
stress at the root of the notch, respectively.
For a hemispherical pit, finite element analysis indi-
cates a stress concentration factor of 1.8 independent of
pit depth, assuming constancy of geometry and a large
radius of the cylindrical specimen. The pits in this study
are only a crude approximation to this shape but a stress
concentration factor of about this value would be reason-
able. From Table 2, this would imply local yielding for
all but the deepest pit. Hence, treatments based simply
on an elastic stress concentration factor would be
Fig. 9 SEM photographs of the fracture surface of fatigue cracks
Smith and Miller25 account for plasticity at a notch initiated from pits of depth: (a) 35 mm; (b) 110 mm; and (c) 250 mm.
root and proposed a relationship for the fatigue strength
reduction factor (fatigue limit for a notch specimen
divided by fatigue limit of a plain specimen) which was 110 and 250 mm. Because there was some narrowing of
subsequently updated by Cameron and Smith26 to give the pit diameter near the mouth, the maximum diameter
was selected in defining 2c. The fatigue strength
© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct 22, 1083–1093
1090 S. Z H O U a nd A . T U R N B U L L
1 DKth
Pits as effective cracks a0 = (8)
p aDs0
The supposition that pits behave like cracks in determin-
ing threshold conditions for cracking is not new or where Ds0 is the fatigue limit of a smooth specimen.
unusual in the context of a fatigue limit based on The parameter, a0 , is essentially a fitting parameter in
propagation. Eqs (6) and (7), and its physical meaning is not well
In that context, the range of the stress intensity factor understood.33 Because DKth and Ds0 are dependent on
has been used16,17,29 to account for the role of pitting in material characteristics, a0 is considered to be a material-
defining threshold using linear elastic fracture mechanics related parameter. However, a0 is appreciably larger
(LEFM), viz. than any microstructural characteristic and cannot be
related to the characteristic length of the materials’
DKth =aDsth 앀pa (4) microstructure.37
where DKth is the range of the threshold stress intensity Equation (7) can be expressed as:
factor, Dsth is the threshold fatigue strength, a is the pit 2
DK th
depth and a is a geometry factor. For semicircular surface a= −a0 (9)
a2 pDs2th
cracks, a is approximated by 0.67.30–32
Lindley et al.6 considered a pit as a semielliptical From Eq. (9), it can be seen that DKth and a0 can be
defect and derived the following relationship: determined readily by applying linear regression analysis
Dsth 앀pa[1.13−0.07(a/c)1/2 ] to a plot of a versus Ds−2th .
DKth = (5) Assuming again a value for a of 0.67, a value of 82 mm
[1+1.47(a/c)1.64 ]1/2
for a0 was obtained from the data listed in Table 4. It
where 2c is the surface length of the defect. Equation should be emphasized that the values of both a0 and
(4) is a particular case of Eq. (5), i.e. a/c=1. DKth are dependent on the applicability of the parameter
The average aspect ratio of pits from all tested speci- a and its constancy with pit depth. In the same context,
mens and the threshold stress intensity factor calculated the cyclic plastic strain existing at the base of the pit
from Eqs (4) and (5) are listed in Table 5. may require a more rigorous treatment than the simple
Because Eqs (4) and (5) are based on linear elastic elastic analysis of Eq. (6).34,35
fracture mechanics, DKth should be a constant indepen- The value of the threshold stress intensity factor range
dent of crack size. This is clearly not the case. calculated in this way is included in Table 6. A threshold
The limitation of LEFM is not surprising as the independent of pit size is obtained, consistent with
© 1999 Blackwell Science Ltd. Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct 22, 1083–1093
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Table 6 Aspect ratio of pits and the calculated threshold stress Recalling that the residual stress induced by grinding
intensity factor range to a 400 grit finish was greater than that for the 2400
grit finish, the similarity of fatigue limits for the 400 grit
Aspect ratio Fatigue DKth (MPa앀m)
Pit depth (a/2c) limit
finish with machining defects (28–30 mm) and the 2400
(mm) (average) (MPa) Eq. (4) Eq. (5) Eq. (7) grit finish with 35 mm pits would tend to suggest that
for this depth of defect residual stress was not significant
35 0.5 619 4.35 4.35 7.94 enough to influence the fatigue life.
110 0.72 495 6.16 5.06 8.14 Lebedeva et al.18 also studied the effect of pits on the
250 0.73 371 6.97 5.61 8.02 fatigue limit of turbine blade materials (12–13Cr steel)
but using a different pre-pitting procedure as outlined
above. The aspect ratio of pit depth to diameter was
Eq. (7). As the pit depth increases, the threshold stress ~0.3 and the pit diameters were 0.4, 0.5 and 1.8 mm.
intensity factor calculated from Eq. (3) will approach The data of Levedeva et al. have also been used to test
that evaluated from Eq. (7). The contribution of a0 is the El Haddad approach and are included in Fig. 11.
less than 10% when the pit depth reaches 400 mm and Because the data were limited, the fit was obtained using
thus such a pit can be treated as a long sharp crack. the value as a0 as one of the parameters. Again, Eq. (7)
The applicability of Eq. (7) to the experimental data is consistent with the experimental data, but with a0 =
is also illustrated in the Kitagawa type plot38 of Fig. 11. 169 mm and DKth = 6.4 MPa 앀m. These values are sig-
When the pit depth increases, the curve calculated from nificantly different from those determined in the present
Eq. (8) approaches that from Eq. (4), i.e. the deeper pits work, viz. a0 =82 mm and DKth = 8.0 MPa앀m. The steel
(>1 mm) can be treated as long cracks using conven- tested is different, with the values of s0.2 and sUTS (640
tional linear elastic fracture mechanics. Correspondingly and 792 MPa, respectively) considerably lower than
the fatigue limit decreases progressively. those of the Jethete M152 steel (Table 2). In addition,
It might be expected that the compressive residual the assumption that a is identical may not be valid, as
stresses at the surface induced by grinding would affect the aspect ratio of the pits generated is different.
the fatigue limit of the smooth specimen, but would The concern is whether the differences are associated
have a reduced influence as the pit depth increases, as in any way with the pit generation procedure. It is
the residual stresses due to grinding are perceived to be important to establish a pit generation procedure which,
local to the surface.39,40 The solid curve in Fig. 11, fitted whilst accelerated, is not too far removed from service
using the fatigue limits of the specimens with the pits of conditions. Our approach has the merit of avoiding
35, 110 and 250 mm in depth, approaches a value environments, temperatures and applied potentials which
(750 MPa) which is greater than the fatigue limit are not too extreme with respect to service conditions.
(709±11 MPa) of the ‘smooth’ specimens with the 2400 The detailed shape of pits at the microscopic level is not
grit finish. If compressive residual stresses were to have necessarily smooth and will depend on the method of
an impact, the apparent fatigue limit measured for the generation. For instance, the aspect ratio of pits produced
2400 grit finish might have been expected to be the by Lebedeva et al.18 is different from that generated by
higher. However, this neglects the possible role of the the procedure developed in the present work (~0.3 in
surface roughness in the latter case. the former and 0.5–0.7 in the latter). However, it may
be the case that for fatigue limit determination, for
which the pit acts like an effective crack, the exact
method is unimportant unless there is a specific impact
of the detailed pit shape on the threshold. This can be
resolved by exploring other methods of generating a pit
on the Jethete steel used in this study and will be
considered for future investigation.
Ideally, the data generated could be used to define critical
pit sizes from the viewpoint of inspection. In practice,
non-destructive evaluation (NDE) will not usually detect
defects/cracks below 1 mm in steam turbines. It is neces-
sary then to establish a methodology for predicting the
Fig. 11 Effect of pit depth on the fatigue limit. likelihood of a crack at the NDE limit after a certain
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