Design Folder Workbook

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Design Folder Workbook

November 5, 2014
1:00 PM

Objective - formalized and elaborate documentation as compiled evidence of student's work.

The Design Cycle

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 1

Design Cycle - Explained
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

A. Inquiring and analysing

Students are presented with a design situation, from which they identify a problem that needs to be
solved. They analyse the need for a solution and conduct an inquiry into the nature of the problem. In
order to reach the aims of design, students should be able to:
i. explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience
ii. identify and prioritize the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the
iii. analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
iv. develop a detailed design brief which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

B. Developing ideas
Students write a detailed specification, which drives the development of a solution. They present the
solution. In order to reach the aims of design, students should be able to:
i. develop a design specification which clearly states the success criteria for the design of a solution
ii. develop a range of feasible design ideas which can be correctly interpreted by others
iii. present the final chosen design and justify its selection
iv. develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the
creation of the chosen solution.

C. Creating the solution

Students plan the creation of the chosen solution and follow the plan to create a prototype sufficient for
testing and evaluation. In order to reach the aims of design, students should be able to:
i. construct a logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to
be able to follow to create the solution
ii. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution
iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended
iv. fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution
v. present the solution as a whole, either: a. in electronic form, or b. through photographs of the
solution from different angles, showing details.

D. Evaluating
Students design tests to evaluate the solution, carry out those tests and objectively evaluate its success.
Students identify areas where the solution could be improved and explain how their solution will impact
on the client or target audience. In order to reach the aims of design, students should be able to:
i. design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the
ii. critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification
iii. explain how the solution could be improved
iv. explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 2

Inquiring and Analysing - Explain and Justify the Need
November 5, 2014
1:00 PM
Name -

Unit Title -

Key Concepts -
Related Concepts-

Global Context -

Statement of Inquiry -

Inquiry Questions:
Factual Questions - Explore the knowledge and facts. (3)

Conceptual Question - Explore contradictions and big ideas. (1)

Debatable Question - Explore questions that promotes discussion. (use verbs - do, can, is, to what
extent) (1)

Instructor -

Assignment Date -

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 3

Inquiring and Analysing - Identify and Prioritize the Research
November 5, 2014
1:00 PM

Finding Information:

What questions do I need to think about to help me guide my investigation?

What are the answers to these questions? (use inline citations with quotations and include the author and

Resources Used:

(Cite your answer with inline citations and a bibliograpy - APA style)

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 4

Inquiring and Analysing - Analyze Existing Products
November 5, 2014
1:00 PM

What other products are out there that will help guide your investigation? Describe and explain.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 5

Inquiring and Analysing - Develop a Design Brief
November 5, 2014
1:00 PM

Design Brief :
Explain the task you have to complete.

Who are you making it for?

How do you plan to complete the task?

Why is this task important?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 6

Developing Ideas - Develop a Design Specification
November 5, 2014
1:00 PM

What are the different parts to my project / product / design?

What must my project / product /design do?

Which program or materials should I use?

What are the detailed description (colors, fonts, images, etc...) of the product or solution?

Who is my audience?

What constraints do I need to think about?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 7

Developing Ideas - Develop Design Ideas
November 5, 2014
1:00 PM

I. Explain/sketch in detail multiple ways of creating your project / product / design. (more than one sketch)

Either draw your design directly on this document (expanding it as necessary) or use other tools such as Illustrator,
Photoshop, GIMP, Google Sketch-up to create your product / solution.

II. Evaluations – Check each design against your original design specification. Be sure to include any
constraints (limitations or restrictions). Will these designs work. Explain.

III. How can I test that my product matches the design specification?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 8

Developing Ideas - Present the Chosen Design
November 5, 2014
10:36 AM

I. Which design have you chosen to use for this project?

II. Why did you choose this design? Justify your decision.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 9

Developing Ideas - Develop Planning Drawings and Diagrams
November 5, 2014
10:36 AM

Choose the sketch that will work for your product / solution. Add more details to the sketch.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 10

Creating the Solution - Construct a Logical Plan
November 5, 2014
10:47 AM

List the steps you will need to complete the task (this should be done in detail and include
equipment and techniques/software to be used).
Expand or modify chart / photo / sketches as needed.
Create a timeline, Gantt Chart or calendar to show milestones and progress.

Step Description of Step Time/Resources Needed

Teacher Approval: (Sign Here) ________________________Date: ____________________

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 11

Creating the Solution - Follow the Plan to Make the Solution
November 5, 2014
12:48 PM

Paste your Gantt Chart here.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 12

Creating the Solution - Demonstrate Technical Skills
November 5, 2014
10:47 AM

Create your project by following your plan. Remember to modify your plan (steps and sketches) if you make any
changes to your plan. You will want to document the development stage of your creation by taking pictures if
appropriate or making additional drawings that show the changes that you have made. Use the space below to
show this.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 13

Creating the Solution - Justify Changes Made to the Design
November 5, 2014
10:47 AM

What are some of the difficulties you face in creating your product?

Have you made any changes since your design? If so, what and why?

Describe your strengths in creating your product.

What have you learned?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 14

Evaluating - Design Testing Methods
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

I. Describe the different tests (checklists / sketches) that you made for your designs.

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 15

Evaluating - Evaluate Success of the Solution
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

I. What were the results of the tests (checklist / sketches) you made for your designs?

II. What changes to your design would you make from the data you received?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 16

Evaluating - Explain How the Solution can be Improved
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

I. Looking at the design, explain how the solution to the problem can be improved. (Did your poster,
comic strip, video do what it was supposed to?)

II. What other aspects of the design specifications (specific things in your poster, comic strip, video) or the
test of design specifications (checklists / sketches) could be improved?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 17

Evaluating - Explain the Impact of the Solution
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

I. Evaluation of the impact of the product on life/society/environment:

How do you think your product will change the way the people who use it work/play/learn?

Will it lead to an improvement in their daily life/long term life?

Could your product be introduced into the wider community?

What do you think the impact would be?

Will your product have an impact on the life / environment / society?

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 18

Summative Assessment Rubric
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing

7-8 Explains and justifies the need for a solution for a client/end user/target market. Constructs a detailed research
plan which identifies and prioritizes the research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently.
Analyses a range of existing products that that inspire a solution to the problem in detail. Summarizes the findings
from a broad range of sources related to the development of a possible solution, cited appropriately.
5-6 Explains the need for a solution for a specified client/ end user. Constructs a research plan which identifies and
prioritizes the research needed to develop a solution to the problem with some guidance. Analyses a range of
existing products that inspire a solution to the problem. Outlines the findings from a range of sources related to
the development of a possible solution, cited appropriately.
3-4 Outlines the need for a solution for a specified client/end user. Outlines a research plan which identifies the
research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with some guidance. Analyses one existing product that
inspires a solution to the problem. Outlines the findings from a range of sources related to the development of a
possible solution, cited incompletely.
1-2 States the need for a solution for a specified client/ end user. States the findings from a few sources, related to the
development of a possible solution.
0 The student does not reach any of the standards described by any of the descriptors.

First Marking:

Second Marking:

Criterion B: Developing Ideas

7-8 Develops detailed design specifications which explain the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the
analysis of the research. Develops a range of feasible design ideas using an appropriate medium(s), detailed
annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others. Presents and justifies, fully and critically, the final chosen
design with detailed reference to the design specification. Develops accurate and detailed planning
drawings/diagrams and outlines requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
5-6 Develops design specifications which outline the success criteria for the design of a solution. Develops a range of
feasible design ideas using an appropriate medium(s) and annotation which can be interpreted by others. Presents
and justifies the chosen design with reference to the design specification. Develops accurate planning
drawings/diagrams and lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
3-4 Lists some design specifications which relate to the success criteria for the design of a solution. Presents a few
feasible designs using an appropriate medium(s) or annotation which can be interpreted by others. Makes some
attempt to justify the chosen design with reference to the design specification. Creates planning
drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
1-2 Lists some basic design specifications for the design of a solution. Presents one design which can be interpreted by
others. Creates incomplete working drawings/ diagrams.
0 The student does not reach any of the standards described by any of the descriptors.

First Marking:

Second Marking:

Criterion C: Creating the Solution

7-8 Constructs a detailed and logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers
to be able to follow the plan to create the solution. Demonstrates excellent technical skills when making the
product/solution. Follows the plan to make the solution which functions as intended and is presented
appropriately. Fully justifies changes made to the chosen design and the plan-for-manufacture when making the

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 19

5-6 Constructs a logical plan, which considers time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow the plan.
Demonstrates competent technical skills when making the solution. Makes the solution which functions as
intended and is presented appropriately. Describes changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the
3-4 Constructs a plan that contains some production details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan.
Demonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making the solution. Makes the solution which partially functions
and is adequately presented. Outlines changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.
1-2 Demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the solution. Makes the solution which functions poorly and is
presented in an incomplete form.
0 The student does not reach any of the standards described by any of the descriptors.

First Marking:

Second Marking:

Criterion D: Evaluating
7-8 Designs detailed and relevant testing methods which generate data to measure the success of the solution.
Critically evaluates the success of the solution against the requirements of the design specification based on
authentic product testing. Explains how the solution could be improved. Explains the impact of the product on the
client/target market.
5-6 Designs relevant testing methods which generate data to measure the success of the solution. Explains the success
of the product/ solution against the requirements based on relevant product testing. Describes how the solution
could be improved. Explains the impact of the solution on the client/target market, with guidance.
3-4 Designs a relevant testing method which generates data to measure the success of the solution. Outlines the
success of the solution against the requirements of the design specification based on relevant product testing.
Outlines how the solution could be improved. Outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target market.
1-2 Designs a testing method which is used to measure the success of the solution. States the success of the solution.

0 The student does not reach any of the standards described by any of the descriptors.

First Marking:

Second Marking:

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 20

Personal Social Responsibility (Self and Group Evaluation)
November 5, 2014
10:48 AM

I. Submit a self evaluation using the rubric provided.

Proficient -5 Developing - 3 Emerging - 1 Score

Researches and Collects a great deal of Collects some basic Collects very little
gathers information - all related to the information - most information -some
information topic related to the topic related to the topic

On Task Always does assigned work - Usually does assigned Rarely does assigned
without having to be reminded work - rarely needs work - often needs
reminding reminding

Organization Met all goals and added extra Met most goals; Met few goals; poor
components; excellent file adequate file file management;
management; complete, management; complete, incomplete and messy
attractive, and innovative project but ordinary project project
Attitude Always mediated problems and Usually solved problems Usually caused
eager to work and liked to work problems and didn't
want to work
Total Score /20

II. Evaluate yourself at each phase of the Design Cycle:

Stage of Design Cycle What I did well. What I needed to change/improve.

Inquiring and Analysing

Developing Ideas

Creating the Solutions


III. Evaluate your group using the rubric provided. Place the names of your peers being evaluated at the top of this
page. Place the number of points in the blanks below that best describes how you feel about a peer’s
participation regarding each statement. You will also do a self-evaluation. Total the points and fill in the score
next to the names.

Group member A: _________________________ Score: ______ /21

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 21

Group member A: _________________________ Score: ______ /21

Group member B: _________________________ Score: ______ /21

Group member C: _________________________ Score: ______ /21

Group member D: _________________________ Score: ______ /21

(A) (B) (C) (D)

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ Total points (place this score by names above)

Category Excellent- 3 Good- 2 Satisfactory-1 Needs

Routinely provides Usually provides useful Sometimes provides Rarely provides
Contributions useful ideas when ideas when useful ideas when useful ideas when
participating in the participating in the participating in the participating in the
group. A definite group. A strong group group . A satisfactory group . May refuse
leader who contributes member who tries hard. group member who to participate.
a lot of effort. does what is required.
Routinely uses time Usually uses time well Tends to Rarely gets things
Time well throughout the throughout the project, procrastinate, but done by the
Management project to ensure but may have always gets things deadlines and group
things get done on procrastinated on one done by the has to adjust
time. Group does not thing. Group does not deadlines. Group deadlines or work
have to adjust have to adjust does not have to responsibilities
deadlines or work deadlines or work adjust deadlines or because of this
responsibilities responsibilities because work responsibilities person's inadequate
because of this of this person's because of this time management.
person's procrastination. person's
procrastination. procrastination.
Consistently stays Focuses on the task and Focuses on the task Rarely focuses on
Focus on the focused on the task what needs to be done and what needs to be the task and what
task and what needs to be most of the time. done some of the needs to be done.
done. Very self- Other group members time. Other group Lets others do the
directed. can count on this members must work.
person. sometimes nag, prod,
and remind to keep

MYP Unit Design Folder Workbook Page 22

and remind to keep
this person on-task.
Brings needed Almost always brings Almost always brings Often forgets
Preparedness materials to class and is needed materials to needed materials but needed materials or
always ready to work. class and is ready to sometimes needs to is rarely ready to get
work. settle down and get to work.
to work
Work reflects this Work reflects a strong Work reflects some Work reflects very
Pride student's best efforts. effort from this student. effort from this little effort on the
student part of this student.
Routinely monitors the Routinely monitors the Occasionally monitors Rarely monitors the
Monitors effectiveness of the effectiveness of the the effectiveness of effectiveness of the
Group group, and makes group and works to the group and works group and does not
Effectiveness suggestions to make it make the group more to make the group work to make it
more effective. effective. more effective. more effective.
Almost always listens Usually listens to, Often listens to, Rarely listens to,
Working with to, shares with, and shares, with, and shares with, and shares with, and
others supports the efforts of supports the efforts of supports the efforts of supports the efforts
others. Tries to keep others. Does not cause others, but of others. Often is
people working well "waves" in the group sometimes is not a not a good team
together. good team member. player.

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