Midterm It Era
Midterm It Era
Midterm It Era
Software Piracy - Copying, distributing, or using • Toxic Materials- Because old electronic
software that is Copyrighted that you did not devices contain toxic substances such as
purchase. lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium,
proper processing is essential to ensure
Spamming- Distributed unsolicited e-mail to
that these materials are not released
dozens or hundreds of different addresses.
into the environment. They may also
Spoofing - Deceiving a system into thinking you contain other heavy metals and
are someone you really are not. potentially toxic chemical flame
Typo Squatting- Setting up a domain that is a
misspelling of another domain. • International Movement of Hazardous
Waste- The uncontrolled movement of
Unauthorized Access- Gaining access to e-waste to countries where cheap labor
systems you have no permission to access. and primitive approaches to recycling
Wiretapping- Connecting a device to a phone have resulted in health risks to
line to listen to conversations. residents exposed to the release of
toxins continues to an issue of concern.