The East African Israelites of
The East African Israelites of
The East African Israelites of
Let’s talk about the Israelite presence in East Africa. Many people are becoming
more aware of the presence of Israelites in West African regions and their
connection to the Trans-Atlantic slave trade (Deuteronomy 28:15-68), but what
about East Africa? We will find that the history of Israelites in East Africa is just
as rich as that of their West African relatives. As we review the history of the
presence of Israelites in East Africa, we will discover that many Israelites entered
into East African regions long before the Roman Conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
Multiple waves of Israelite migrations into foreign lands and their vast
populations have caused many to misidentify these Israelites as Hamitic. In this
particular article we will attempt to provide some history on a few different
Israelite migrations into East Africa as well as some information on both how and
when they arrived. We will also brief cover some of the more distant countries
that the Israelites travelled to after reaching East Africa. All of this information
will be provided in attempt to demonstrate the historical validity of the Biblical
fact that the Israelite bloodline has been scattered into EVERY kingdom on Earth.
“And I will cause them to be removed into all kingdoms of the earth, because of
Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah, for that which he did in Jerusalem.” –
Jeremiah 15:4
How and when could the Israelites have arrived in East Africa? The answer to
these questions is, various ways and at various different times. However,
generally speaking, the Israelites entered into East Africa, mostly, by way of
Egypt, following the Nile River south as it parallels the Rift Valley. Following this
route down the eastern coasts of Africa has left various branches Israelite
communities scattered throughout the region. These various Israelite
communities (some remaining separate while others intermarried with local
peoples) that settled in East Africa subsequently travelled to the Far East.
A few examples of how the Israelites entered into East Africa can be found in the
Bible. The history of the Hebrew Israelites’ records various accounts of Israelite
journeys between Egypt and the land of Canaan.
There are many Biblical examples of Israelites migrating into Africa by way of
Egypt. Abraham travelled to Egypt long before the Israelites entered into that
country. Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob, was sold into slavery and eventually
arrived in Egypt from Canaan. Many years, later, Christ also travelled to Egypt
where he hid for a time until returning to the land of the Israelites. These and
many other examples of Israelite migrations into Africa can be found in the Bible.
After entering Africa by way of Egypt, many of the East African branch of
Israelites followed the Nile River and Rift Valley southward. It is interesting to
note that the biblically recorded migrations of the Hebrew Israelites closely
resembles what historians have labeled as the ‘Bantu Expansion.’
Following the Nile River and Great Rift Valley southward, the Israelites passed
through and settled in many areas in the land of Kush.
The Israelites also settled the areas beyond the land of Kush, which we will
discuss shortly. Let’s first discuss an early Israelite presence in Ethiopia.
The modern country of Ethiopia and peoples of Ethiopia are often identified with
the biblical land of Kush. The ancient kingdom of Kush encompassed areas of
modern southeast Sudan and northwest Ethiopia. A few years prior to the
Assyrian captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, some of the Israelites
foresaw the coming desolation and decided to leave Israel before being taken
captive. Eldad Ha Dani (the Danite) appeared in a thriving Egyptian Jewish
community during the 9th century AD and told a history of when and how a group
of Israelites arrived in the land of Kush.
“According to the story related by Eldad the Danite, who had it told to him by his
ancestors, who in turn were told about it by their ancestors from generation to
generation, back to those fateful days, the Ten Tribes were not lost at all. Eldad the
Danite related that his own tribe, the Danites, did not wait to be exiled. When the
Assyrian empire grew strong and mighty, they saw that there was no hope for them to
remain free. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Ten Tribes was at war with the Kingdom of
Judah, and the Danites did not want to fight against their own brethren. So they decided
to leave the Land of Israel and find a safe place for themselves. It was in the eighth year
of the reign of Ahaz of Judah, that is, in the year 3191 (fourteen years before the fall of
Samaria) that the Danites took their wives and children, their sheep and cattle, and left
the Land of Israel.
They went by way of Egypt further down the upper Nile River and settled in Ethiopia, in
the land of the negroes of East Africa. The Danites were great warriors, and after
fighting many battles against native black tribes, they established themselves securely,
with a kingdom of their own.” – Nissan Mindel,
“Eldad was a Jewish man of dark skin who suddenly turned up in Egypt and created a
great stir in the Egyptian Jewish community (and elsewhere in the Mediterranean
Jewish communities he travelled to) with claims that he had come from a Jewish
kingdom of pastoralists far to the south. The only language he spoke was a hitherto
unknown dialect of Hebrew… He said that the Jews of his own kingdom derived from
the tribe of Dan (which included the Biblical war-hero Samson) which had fled the civil
war in the Kingdom of Israel between Solomon’s son Rehoboam and Jeroboam the son
of Nebat, by resettling in Egypt. From there they moved southwards up the Nile into
Ethiopia, and the Beta Israel say this confirms that they are descended from these
Danites. Some Beta Israel, however, assert even nowadays that their Danite origins go
back to the time of Moses himself, when some Danites parted from other Jews right
after the Exodus and moved south to Ethiopia. Eldad the Danite does indeed speak of at
least three waves of Jewish immigration into his region, creating other Jewish tribes
and kingdoms, including the earliest wave that settled in a remote kingdom of the “tribe
of Moses”: this was the strongest and most secure Jewish kingdom of all, with farming
villages, cities and great wealth. The Mosaic claims of the Beta Israel, in any case, like
those of the Zagwe dynasty itself, are clearly very ancient.” – Beta Israel, Wikipedia
It is very interesting to note that according to Eldad the Danite and the Beta
Israel themselves (the Ethiopian “Jews”), Israelite tribes (primarily from the tribe
of Dan) had arrived in East African territories even during the Exodus. This is
interesting because Greek history states that the Danites (and other Israelite
tribes) had also arrived and settled in Greece and other Mediterranean countries,
both prior too and during the Exodus. Obviously, at the same time Mediterranean
colonization were occuring, there were Israelites migrating south of Egypt.
Clearly, Israelites had migrated to many lands outside of Canaan even prior to
the Exodus under Moses. However, let us focus on Eldad’s story of the Israelite
presence in East Africa during the beginnings of the Kingdom of Kush.
Incidentally, the Kingdom of Kush was founded around the same time that the
Assyrians were conquering the Northern Kingdom of Israel (c. 720 BC). Shortly
before the conquest of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the tribe of Dan and some
branches of other Israelite tribes decided to leave their homeland to avoid
trouble. According to Eldad the Danite, they eventually settled in Egypt later
moved further south into parts of modern Sudan and Ethiopia—the land of Kush.
Some Israelite tribes, according to Eldad, left the land of Assyria, even after their
captivity, and they also settled in Ethiopia.
“Beta Israel traditions claim that the Ethiopian Jews are descended from the lineage of
Moses himself, some of whose children and relatives are said to have separated from
the other Children of Israel after the Exodus and gone southwards, or, alternatively or
together with this, that they are descended from the tribe of Dan, which fled
southwards down the Arabian coastal lands from Judaea at the time of the breakup of
the Kingdom of Israel into two kingdoms in the 10th century BCE. (precipitated by the
oppressive demands of Rehoboam, King Solomon’s heir), or at the time of the
destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel in the 8th century BCE. Certainly there
was trade as early as the time of King Solomon down along the Red Sea to the Yemen
and even as far as India, according to the Bible, and there would therefore have been
Jewish settlements at various points along the trade routes. There is definite
archaeological evidence of Jewish settlements and of their cultural influence on both
sides of the Red Sea well at least 2,500 years ago, both along the Arabian coast and in
the Yemen, on the eastern side, and along the southern Egyptian and Sudanese coastal
regions.” – Habesha people, Wikipedia
Different branches of the Israelites entered into Africa by trade routes through
Egypt, Arabia and Yemen. Some established themselves in the West African
Negro-land, such as the Yoruba people of Nigeria, by way of the Sahel, while
others continued traveling southward down the Nile and Great Rift Valley to
establish themselves in the East African Negroland that we will discuss later.
Returning to the history of Eldad the Danite, we understand that’s branches of
several of the tribes of Israel migrated from Northern Israel, through Egypt and
into the land of Kush. According to Eldad, the time of this migration occurred
during the 8th year of the reign of King Ahaz of Judah. Some scholars date the
reign of Ahaz from 732 BC to 716 BC, while others believe it to be from 744-728
BC. With these time frames we can derive an estimate that the migration of
Israelites from Israel to Kush, according to the history of Eldad, began sometime
between 736 and 724 BC but definitely before the Assyrian Captivity of the
Northern Kingdom of Israel, c 721 BC. At the time of the Israelite arrival, the
Kingdom of Kush was ruling of the land of Kush as well as the land of Mitzraim
The capital of the Kingdom of Kush at the time of the Israelites arrival, both
before and after the Assyrian captivity of Israel, was Meroe. Meroe was a very
important city-state of the Kingdom of Kush that was strongly influenced by the
Egyptians. Over 200 pyramids can be found in Meroe, which is evidence of the
Egyptian influence on the Kingdom of Kush. This same Egyptian culture that
strongly influenced the Kingdom of Kush was later found across the Indian
“In addition to Eldad Ha-Dani, Obadiah of Bertinoro during the fifteenth century
suggests that the spices sold by the Kushites “come from” (Abrahams & Montefiore,
1889) the Beta Israel, and Chief Rabbi David ibn Zimra of Egypt in the sixteenth
century identifies the Beta Israel as the Jews from “the Land of Cush” (as cited in Bleich,
1977, p. 302). After tedious research, Kessler (2012, p. 60) analyzes: Scholars agree that
the Jewish religion had a considerable following in the Axumite state before the time of
King Ezana and as it is probable that there was a Jewish presence in the neighboring
kingdom of Meroë with which Axum was in communication Jewish influences could have
followed the well-worn routes across the border by way of the Blue Nile and Atbara rivers,
while similar, though somewhat different, influences could also have penetrated from
south Arabia and subsequently disappeared.” – Early Jews of Aksum, by Ibrahim Omer,
Genetic Literacy Project
It is very interesting to note that the presence of Israelites in land of Kush as well
as in India is documented in the Holy Bible. During the time of Mordecai and the
Persian Empire (stretching from the land of Kush on the West unto India on the
East) a letter was written that addressed, among many peoples, all the Jews of
the 127 Persian provinces. These provinces included Kush and India, which
provides Biblical support for the fact that Israelites lived in the lands of Kush and
also in India, at least as far back as 5th century BC. We also know that some of
these Israelites were the products of the 7th century BC Assyrian captivity that
placed some Israelites in the cities of the Persians and Medes. This gives us an
estimate of, at least, three centuries of Israelite presence in Assyrian and Persian
territories, which included both Kush and India.
“Then were the king’s scribes called at that time in the third month, that is, the month
Sivan, on the three and twentieth day thereof; and it was written according to all that
Mordecai commanded unto the Jews, and to the lieutenants, and the deputies and
rulers of the provinces which are from India H1912 unto Ethiopia, an hundred twenty
and seven provinces, unto every province according to the writing thereof, and unto
every people after their language, and to the Jews according to their writing, and
according to their language.” – Esther 8:9
A fact of further interest comes to light when we examine the Hebrew word
translated as India in the King James Version biblical text. The word of for India,
in regards to one of the 127 Persian provinces, is:
“Ancient Chinese texts also mention ambassadors from Java presenting the Chinese
emperor with two Seng Chi (Zanji) slaves as gifts, and Seng Chi slaves reaching China
from the Hindu kingdom of Sri Vijaya in Java” – Africa in the Iron Age: c.500 BC-1400
AD (Cambridge University Press: 1975), By Roland Oliver, PG 192
“Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our
iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings
of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it
is this day.” – Ezra 9:7
Not only did the Zanji trade with and travel to Southeast Asia but the also
reached as far as China and Japan. The Swahili Coast and the land of Zanj was the
spring-board catapulting East African Bantu’s into the far East. In fact, according
to Al Jahiz, the people of China were considered to be blacks, or at least, large
populations Blacks (Zanji/Negroes) could be found in China and South East Asia.
“The blacks are more numerous than the whites. The whites at most consist of the
people of Persia, Jibal, and Khurasan, the Greeks, Slavs, Franks, and Avars, and some
few others, not very numerous; the blacks include the Zanj, Ethiopians, the people of
Fazzan, the Berbers, the Copts, and Nubians, the people of Zaghawa, Marw, Sind and
India, Qamar and Dabila, China, and Masin… the islands in the seas between China and
Africa are full of blacks, such as Ceylon, Kalah, Amal, Zabij, and their islands, as far as
India, China, Kabul, and those shores.” – Islam, from the Prophet Muhammad to the
Capture of Constantinople: Religion and society, By Bernard Lewis, PG 214
Other research has also supported the fact that Zanji traded with, and travelled
to the Far East.
“… The Bantu and the Hebrew drew upon the same prehistoric sources of culture and
religious practices,” and again: “There are many indications that there was at least a
common source from which arose the Hebrew culture and that this also descended
from that. There are many place names in Palestine and more especially in the eastern
end of the Arabian peninsula that resemble Bantu names.” – Anthropological Series of
the Boston College Graduate School, Volume 3, Boston College Press, PG 360
The Bantu Expansion parallels the biblical records and tribal traditional
migration routes of the ancient Hebrew Israelites.
Let us continue to follow the journey of the East African descendants of the
Hebrew Israelites, following down the Nile and Great Rift Valley.
As we continue following the trail of the Israelites down the Nile River and Great
Rift Valley we arrive in the territory of modern Kenya. Within Kenya, we
encounter a few different tribes of East Africans who claim descent from the
ancient Israelites. One of the tribes is the Kikuyu.
“As regards Kenya, Father Ciatti states: “Comparing this belief with the laws and
customs of the Hebrews, it can easily be concluded that the Agekoyo [Kikuyu] have had
some contact with the Hebrews after their departure from Egypt, or we might perhaps
say, from a Hebrew branch that had separated itself from the Hebrew people before the
entrance into the Promised Land.”” – Anthropological Series of the Boston College
Graduate School, Volume 3, Boston College Press, PG 361
The Masai people of Kenya and Tanzania are the neighbors of the Kikuyu people.
Although the Masai are not considered to be Bantu they seem to share many
common features and cultural customs of the Hebrew Israelites, just as the
Kikuyu do. In fact, some of these Hebrew Israelite customs were taught by the
Kikuyu to the Masai people.
In this post I would like to establish the fact that the ‘Bantu’ branch of Africans,
generally concentrated in Sub-Saharan part of the continent, and their related
family branches are actually descendants of the Hebrew Israelites. Identifying
the Bantu as the descendants of the Israelites extremely important. Having the
understanding that the Bantu are Israelites is integral in order to gain a broader
and more accurate comprehension of who the Israelites are, where their
descendants are located, and what contributions they have made to the world.
Many of us are already very familiar with the Zondervan’s Bible Dictionary’s Ham
(son of Noah), definition. Those who are not, please become soon familiar with it.
However, again, for those of use who are already familiar with the Zondervan’s
Bible Dictionary definition of Ham, we know that by it [the definition of Ham] we
know that the Negroes are not Ham’s (true African) descendants.
In fact, the historical mythology and traditions of the Yoruba people themselves
speak of their origins outside of Africa in the Near East (Shemitic) region. Dierk
Lange, Prof. Dr. Emeritus, of Bayreuth University in Germany, has performed
extensive research concerning many West African groups and their origins in the
Near East. In the abstract to one of his many essays, “Dierk Lange: Origin of the
Yoruba and “The Lost Tribes of Israel”,” Dierk confirms the traditions of a
Levantine (Israelite) origin of the Yoruba Nigerians.
“On the basis of comparative studies between the dynastic tradition of the Oyo-Yoruba
and ancient Near Eastern history, the present article argues that Yoruba traditions of
provenance, claiming immigration from the Near East, are basically correct. According
to Ọyo-Yoruba tradition, the ancestral Yoruba saw the Assyrian conquests of the
Israelite kingdom from the ninth and the eighth centuries B.C. from the perspective of
the Israelites. After the fall of Samaria in 722 B.C.., they were deported to eastern Syria
and adopted the ruling Assyrian kings as their own.” – Origin of the Yoruba and “The
Lost Tribes of Israel”, By Dierk Lange
Dierk continues in the same article, stating that the Yoruba, although thought to
be of local (African) origins actually migrated to the west coast of Africa from far
away (the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and/or Egypt/Nubia). The Yoruba
preserved evidence of their ancient Near Eastern (Israelite) ancestral origins
despite other cultural influences and traditions superseding their own in Africa
over time.
“According to the present opinion, the Yoruba are of local origin [African/Hamite], but
this opinion reflects the great influence of post colonialism on African historiography
rather than sober text-critical research. It involves the fallacious dismissal of the major
traditions of provenance suggesting an origin of the ancestral Yoruba in the Near East.
In fact, before the rise of academic African historiography in connection with the
independence of African states around 1960, scholars relied more directly on the
available traditions of Yoruba origin and they did some comparative research between
Yoruba, ancient Mediterranean and Israelite cultures. On the basis of this evidence they
suggested that the Yoruba immigrated from far away: either from Phoenicia, the
Mediterranean world, Egypt, or Nubia (Biobaku 1955: 8–13; Lange 1995: 40–48). If any
of these suppositions could be shown to be true and present opinion to be ideologically
biased, it would mean that a culture of the ancient world survived in sub-Saharan
Africa, which in the area of origin was superseded by subsequent sweeping
developments such as Hellenization, Christianization and Islamization (Lange 1995,
1997, 1999).”
The Ibo people of Nigeria are also known to be descendants of the ancient
Hebrew Israelites.
“These be the sons of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram, with his daughter
Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three. And the sons of
Gad; Ziphion, and Haggi, Shuni, and Ezbon, Eri, and Arodi, and Areli.” – Genesis 49:15-
This information is noteworthy because it identifies two of the primary tribes of
the Niger-Congo branch of West Africans, the Yoruba and Ibo, as being “Middle
Eastern”/Shemitic/Semitic Israelites that migrated into to Africa from territories
outside of the African continent. The Bantu people are related to the Niger-Congo
groups because it is from the Niger-Congo regions that the Bantu expansion
In a separate article, Dierk Lange goes further to not just speak of the West
Africans as having Near East cultural influences amongst them but he, and other
members of the German culture historical school, also found similarities all over
“Members of the German culture historical school were convinced that states in West
Africa originated in pre-Roman times as a result of Near Eastern or Mediterranean
influences. They noted surprising similarities between the institutions of surviving
traditional states all over Africa and therefore believed in a vast movement of
diffusion.” – The Founding of Kanem by Assyrian Refugees ca. 600 BCE: Documentary,
Linguistic, and Archaeological Evidence, by Dierk Lange
This vast ‘movement of diffusion’ of Near-East/Mediterranean influences all over
Africa can be attributed to the consecutive migrations of Israelites into Africa.
The earliest movements of diffusion are known as the “Bantu Expansion.”
Zondervan’s Bible Dictionary let’s us know that the Negroes are not Hamites
(True Africans) but instead are from Shem (Middle Eastern). The Negroes
are Shemitic
Dierk Lange’s research has made it clear that the Yoruba of the Niger-Congo
(Negroland) region are indeed Shemitic.
The Niger-Congo people had a branch that diffused the Near-
East/Mediterranean customs throughout the lands the migrated all over
Africa during the Bantu Expansion.
Therefore the Bantu’s of Sub Saharan Africa are related to the Niger-Congo
peoples who are Negros found in the African region (West Africa) identified as
We know that the Bible Dictionary by Zondervan Identifies the Negro’s as
Shemites and not Hamites.
The historical traditions of the Oyo-Yoruba people, as well as Prof.Dr. Dierk
Lange’s research, along with countless other sources, support the information
found in Zondervan’s Bible Dictionary concerning the Negroes Shemitic origins.
Furthermore, the Negroes’ presence in the Western Hemisphere (North, Central,
South America & the Caribbean) and Europe as a result of the Trans-Atlantic
slave trade, which was a direct result of the biblical prophesy recorded in the
book of Deuteronomy, chapter 28.
This prophesy of the curse of Antebellum Slavery (as the thought of the word
‘slavery’ appears in the mind of the American Negro), is recorded in all it’s details
in the book of Deuteronomy (28:15-68), and it was spoke by Moses to the
children of Israel/Jacob (the Israelites). The curse of slavery is a sign (Deut
28:46) to identify who are the descendant of the Israelites for it was the
Israelites who received the curses as a result of their choice to disobey the laws
and agreement made with the Most High god between himself and the Israelites
ONLY. Therefore, we Negroes in the western hemisphere, whose most recent
ancestors were taken primarily from the west coast of Africa (Negroland) and
brought into bondage are indeed the Israelites.
The Shemitic Negro, who took up residence in Africa and there became known as
the Niger-Congo Bantu, among infinite alternative tribal epithets, is the Israelite
through lineal-heritage.
This fact makes the Negroes of the Western Hemisphere Israelites by lineal
descent as well.
For those who are reading this post and immediately are concerned and thinking
about the Negroes relation to the Egypt and (or) Ethiopia, Egypt and Ethiopia
will be addressed in a separate post. The Moors will also be addressed in a
separate post. The Moorish Negro period of history and especially the ancient
Egyptian and Ethiopian Negro histories are all both essential and complimentary
to the history of Israelites. The understanding of the Negro presence and
contributions while living amongst Hamitic nations
(Egypt/Mizraim/Mizor/Misor & Ethiopia/Cush/Kush) is important to
understand the greater diaspora of Israelite communities.
The records of the Hebrew Israelites in the Bible say that the Israelites would be
scattered throughout the four corners of the Earth. Most of the Negroes in the
Western Hemisphere are only familiar with the West and the Trans-Atlantic
Slave Trade but not many people are familiar with the East African Slave trade.
“From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed,
shall bring mine offering.” – Zephaniah 3:10
The Bantu are the Israelite suppliants who will bring the offering of the Most
High God I AM THAT I AM at the appointed time according to Biblical prophesy.
Moreover, the previous scripture calls the Israelites the daughter of God’s
dispersed, referring to their dispersion/diaspora as a result of various captivities
of the Israelites. Many of the traditional histories of sub Saharan Bantu African’s
speak their Near East origins before migrating into Africa (Yoruba, Lemba,
Ashanti, Etc.). This traditional histories serve as further evidence that supports
the biblical record’s account of the dispersion of the Israelites into all parts of the
earth from their homeland; Israel. Bantu’s are not Hamitic but are actually
Israelites and therefore Africa is not the “Motherland”. Israel is the Most High
God’s Holy land and the Motherland of the Israelite nation.
“But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” – Galatians 4:26
The Bantu found in the sub Saharan regions of Africa as a result of what
historians have called the Bantu expansion. The Bantu Expansion was a process
by which the Bantu Africans separated themselves from the Hamitic Africans in
the North and North Eastern parts of Africa. Their advanced knowledge of
agriculture and working gave the Bantu the advantage over the indigenous
Hamitic populations in Africa by allowing them to support large populations
through the construction of advanced settled communities. As communities
prospered and families grew, the initial areas of settlement became unable to
support the abundance of people, animals and crops and thus the Bantu
Expansion eventually colonized the whole of sub Saharan Africa. However, where
did the Bantu gain the knowledge that allowed them to prosper and conquer the
African continent? Egypt of course. Understanding that the Bantu are indeed the
Israelites allows us to make the connection between the technological advances
of ancient Egypt and the technologies that fueled the Bantu Expansion.
We know that the Israelites, according to the bible, lived in the land of egypt for a
few generations before the famous Exodus under Moses’ leadership. The body of
knowledge that provided the success of the Bantu Expansion (advanced
metallurgy, animal husbandry, architecture, carpentry, agricultural, astrological,
religious, etc.) was inherited by these Bantu from their Israelite ancestors during
their long residence in Egypt. The Israelites gathered a lot of skills during
their time in Egypt. They mastered these technical skills because they were
forced to utilize their talents to build all of Egypt. Moreover, they were
threatened with death or the death of their children if they did not perform to
standard in their work of constructing Egypt. The threat of losing your life or
your child’s is definitely motivation and incentive to master any and all task
placed before yourself. Egyptian architecture and civilization is known to be
some of the most advanced in the world. Some in fact, credit the mysteries of
Egypt to ancient aliens because of the intricate precision of the ancient
structures. According to the book of Jasher, the whole of Egypt, and namely the
cities Pithom and Ramses, was built by the Israelites. The Israelites had mastered
these skills to perfection because of the violent bondage and strict religion-based
building codes of the Egyptians.
“And the children of Israel built Pithom and Rameses, and all the children of Israel did
the work, some making bricks, and some building, and the children of Israel built and
fortified all the land of Egypt and its walls, and the children of Israel were engaged in
work for many years, until the time came when the Lord remembered them and
brought them out of Egypt. But the children of Levi were not employed in the work with
their brethren of Israel, from the beginning unto the day of their going forth from Egypt.
For all the children of Levi knew that the Egyptians had spoken all these words with
deceit to the Israelites, therefore the children of Levi refrained from approaching to the
work with their brethren. And the Egyptians did not direct their attention to make the
children of Levi work afterward, since they had not been with their brethren at the
beginning, therefore the Egyptians left them alone. And the hands of the men of Egypt
were directed with continued severity against the children of Israel in that work, and
the Egyptians made the children of Israel work with rigor. And the Egyptians
embittered the lives of the children of Israel with hard work, in mortar and bricks, and
also in all manner of work in the field. And the children of Israel called Melol the king of
Egypt “Meror, king of Egypt,” because in his days the Egyptians had embittered their
lives with all manner of work. And all the work wherein the Egyptians made the
children of Israel labor, they exacted with rigor, in order to afflict the children of Israel,
but the more they afflicted them, the more they increased and grew, and the Egyptians
were grieved because of the children of Israel.” – Jasher 65: 31-38
“And when Pharaoh king of Egypt saw that the counsel which Balaam had advised
respecting the children of Israel did not succeed, but that still they were fruitful,
multiplied and increased throughout the land of Egypt, Then Pharaoh commanded in
those days that a proclamation should be issued throughout Egypt to the children of
Israel, saying, No man shall diminish any thing of his daily labor.
And the man who shall be found deficient in his labor which he performs daily, whether
in mortar or in bricks, then his youngest son shall be put in their place. And the labor of
Egypt strengthened upon the children of Israel in those days, and behold if one brick
was deficient in any man’s daily labor, the Egyptians took his youngest boy by force
from his mother, and put him into the building in the place of the brick which his father
had left wanting. And the men of Egypt did so to all the children of Israel day by day, all
the days for a long period. But the tribe of Levi did not at that time work with the
Israelites their brethren, from the beginning, for the children of Levi knew the cunning
of the Egyptians which they exercised at first toward the Israelites.” – Jasher 69:4-9
Under pain of death the Israelites worked hard at their crafts to avoid
punishment and later took their mastery of various knowledge outside of Egypt
with them during their migrations. Evidence of this can be clearly demonstrated
in the Bantu Expansion which will connect of to other places in the world
connected to the Bantu Expansion that also hold evidences of the same
connections to Egyptian knowledge as well.
Through the understanding of the Israelites identification with the Bantu and
related people of Africa, and their long residence in ancient Egypt, it will become
much easier for us to make logical and historically accurate connections between
the biblical records of the Israelites and modern secular historical,
archaeological, and anthropological research. We will continue in PART II.
The Bantu Branch of ‘Africans’ are Hebrew Israelites PART II
of II
“And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. And the children of Israel
were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty,
and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which
knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of
Israel are more and mightier than we.” – Exodus 1:6-9
We must be mindful that the Israelites comprised the majority of the population
of ancient Egypt during the Hyksos period and it was because of this huge
population that they were considered a threat to the indigenous Hamitic
inhabitants of Egypt. We will see that the Israelites will become a threat in all the
lands of their captivity, primarily because of the large populations they
developed in all the lands of their captivities (ie Assyria, Persia). After the Hyksos
Israelites were overthrown, many of them relocated to escape the hard bondage
that followed.
“Overthrowing the Hyksos relieved them of the abomination of the foreign ‘shepherd
kings’ ruling over them, but they now had another problem. The children of Israel had
multiplied greatly and outnumbered the Egyptians. It also states that they were
‘mightier’ than the Egyptians, which would indicate a military power established while
the Hyksos ruled… What happened to them after they were overthrown? Once
overthrown by military defeat, these rulers would have either been killed in battle,
killed as hostages, or they escaped. We know from Egyptian and Greek historians that
there were several ‘exodus’ events of Israelites from Egypt, the last being Moses’
Exodus. Prior to that, others were driven out or escaped from Egypt. The ones that
escaped were probably able to do so because of their financial or ruling position in their
society. The children of Israel who remained in Egypt were placed in bondage and
eventually freed through Moses… It is sufficient to identify the names of the important
rulers who [were] exiled from Egypt. Two of these names are [Judah] Zarah’s son’s
names, Calcol and Darda, and he others are Cadmus and Danaus.” – Israelology – The
Birthright, House of Israel, Kingdom, and Sons of God, By Paul H. Andree, III, PG 50
“And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them
in all.” – 1 Chronicles 2:6
“And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and
all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and
Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations
round about.” – 1 Kings 4:30-31
Martin Bernal, in his book Black Athena, states,
“The equation of the Hyksos and the Israelites is not new. Hekataios of Abdera, writing
at the end of the 4th century BC, maintained that the Jewish tradition of the Exodus—
and the Greek traditions of the migrations of Danaos and Kadmos—both came from the
expulsion of the Hyksos. In one version of his history, Manetho saw that the first
pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, whom he called Tethmôsis, as having expelled the
‘shepherds.’ In another they are called ‘Jews’ under their leader Moses. It is uncertain if
it was Manetho who made the equation, rather than the later excerpters, but it would
seem very likely. There is absolutely no doubt that Apion, the Alexandrian anti-Semite
of the 1st century AD, and his polemical opponent Josephus treated the Hyksos and the
Jews as identical; Josepus in fact described them as ‘the so-called Shepherds, our
ancestors’.” – Black Athena: The archaeological and documentary evidence, edited
by Martin Bernal, PG 357
When asked, by the host of the show, the question, “how has the image of Greece
changed over the last 2000 years?” Martin Bernal responded,
“Well, its changed very fundamentally in that the classical writers, people like
Herodotus who you quoted when we started, had a very clear image that the Greeks
had been living there, at a rather primitive level and along had come Egyptians and
Phoenicians. Phoenicians are the people who lived on the Levant, in present Lebanon.
And, these people had set up cities and had civilized the Greeks and taught them
irrigation, new weapons, the alphabet, how to write; a whole series of things were
attributed to these Egyptian and Phoenician colonizers. Then, later Greeks were
supposed to have gone to Egypt to study to improve on their knowledge of Egyptian
culture.” – Martin Bernal, For the People, “Black Athena”, Live broadcast on October
25, 1987.
The Israelites that escaped Egypt prior to Moses’ Exodus were of an elite branch
of Israelites who ruled in Egypt. These Israelites, mainly comprised of the
Israelite tribes of Judah (Zarah lineage) and Dan. These Israelites fled Egypt and
migrated North across the Mediterranean Sea. We will cover the early Israelite
presence in the Mediterranean in a separate blog.
“All the hero Gods Theseus, Bacchus, Æsculapius, &c., were saviours and black saviours
too. These black icons were made when man himself was black. He made his God after
himself, and then said that man was made after the image of God.” Anacalypsis an
Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis, Volume 1, By Godfrey Higgins, PG
“Osiris and his Bull were black; all the Gods and Goddesses of Greece were black: at
least this was the case with Jupiter, Bacchus, Hercules, Apollo, Ammon.The Goddesses
Venus, Isis, Hecati, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybile, are black. The Multi-mammia is
black in the Campidoglio at Rome, and in Montfaucon, Antiquity explained.”
– Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis …, Volume 1, By
Godfrey Higgins, PG 138
Some Israelites, instead of fleeing into the Mediterranean, also migrated
southward into African (Hamitic) lands. We will find that no matter where the
Israelites migrated to after Egypt, they brought with them much of the traditions,
culture and religious beliefs of the Egyptians. The Israelites who chose not to
maintain the worship of the God of their Ancestors introduced the wisdom and
pagan religion they hard learned from the Egyptians to almost all the colonies
they established outside of Egypt; mixing pagan beliefs with the true religion of
their Israelite ancestors. One of the many pagan beliefs exported by the Israelites
from Egypt in to foreign countries was idolatry in the form of Animism and
Luminary worship (i.e., Eastern Animal Zodiac worship).
“From what I have offered about the several steps which the Egyptians took in the
progress of their superstitions and idolatry, it will be easy to determine what their
religion was when Cecrops, Cadmus, or Danaus left Egypt; and consequently what
religion or deities these men may be supposed to have introduced into Greece. The
Egyptians had dedicated sacred animals to their sidereal deities before these men left
them: all their other innovations were more modern, and consequently this practice
these men carried with them into foreign countries. The Greeks, in the first days of their
idolatry, worshipped, as the Egyptians did, the sun moon and stars, and elements. In
after-ages they worshipped hero-gods; but these were not until about the time of
Homer. Herodotus says expressly, that Hesiod and Homer introduced these deities…
The Greeks worshipped their gods without any images of any sort, until after Oenotrus
the son of Lycaon led his colony into Italy… Lycaon, the father of Oenotrus, was
contemporary with Cecrops, the first of the travellers who came to Greece from Egypt;
and most probably Danaus, the last of them introduced the image of a wolf, for the
direction of his worship to Apollo Lycius; so that from all these circumstances it is very
plain, that the images of animals were at first set up as idols in Greece, much about the
time of, and by the direction of these men. As the Israelites made a calf in Horeb after
their patterns, soon after Moses had left them out of Egypt…so much about this time the
Greeks were led into the same sort of idolatry by the Egyptian travellers, who came to
live amongst them.” – The sacred and profane history of the world connected, By
Samuel Shuckford, PG 474
The same sort of idolatry (animism and luminary worship) that was practiced
amongst the Israelites during the time if the Exodus (Aaron’s Golden Calf) was
also being introduced into Greece at the same time by the same people who left
Egypt; the Israelites. We will see this same Animism and Sun, Moon, and star
worship arrive in Africa (and eventual India as well) as a result of the various
migrations of Israelites from Egypt, as well the many different post Exodus
migrations. It must be understood that the polytheistic paganism inherited by
some of the Israelites during their residence in Egypt was an animism based on
astrology. The animal symbols of the zodiac constellations represent archetypes
of the spiritual beings that rule over these celestial bodies. This makes the
veneration of the zodiac and involuntary worshipping of angels (Colossians 2:18)
because the stars and constellations are spiritual powers that influence
terrestrial affairs. The Egyptian spiritual system possessed detailed
informationon how to consult these animal spirits and harness their powers,
protection and guidance. This Egyptian spiritual system of zodiac worship, in the
form of animism was dispersed into places as far as China because of the
dispersion of the Israelites.
The association between animals, nature, spirits, elements and celestial
constellations (animism) has been practiced for many generations by the Bantu
peoples. However, the ancestral God and spiritual ruler of the Israelites, the God
that freed them from the bondage of Egypt, revealed to Moses on the mountain
by the name of I AM THAT I AM (Exodus 3:13-15), formerly known as the God
Almighty/The Most High God (Exodus 6:3), emphatically warned the Israelites
against idolatry and luminary worship.
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in
heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” –
Exodus 20:4
“Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I
teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the
Lord God of your fathers giveth you… Keep therefore and do them; for this is your
wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these
statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what
nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all
things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes
and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” –
Deuteronomy 4:1, 6-8
“Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed
their glory for that which doth not profit… For my people have committed two evils;
they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns,
broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” – Jeremiah 2:11, 13
“And the Lord spake unto you out of the
midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but saw no similitude; only ye heard a
voice… Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of
similitude on the day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire:
Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure,
the likeness of male or female, The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the
likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, The likeness of any thing that creepeth
on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: And lest
thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the
stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them,
which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. But the
Lord hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to
be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day.” – Deuteronomy 4:12, 15-20
“Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed
their glory for that which doth not profit… For my people have committed two evils;
they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns,
broken cisterns, that can hold no water… Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love?
therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways. Also in thy skirts is found the
blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon
all these.” – Jeremiah 2:11, 13, 33-34
The records of the Israelites clearly state that it was they who taught the wicked
ones their ways. I believe this to mean that it was the Israelites who left the
worship of their God to worship the gods of foreign nations and taught the rest of
the world all they had learned (and mastered), originally while in Egypt, to the
gentile nations they subsequently came into contact with. This brief historical
review into some of the beginnings of Israelite pagan practices provides
confirmation of what the Biblical account proclaims. It is the Israelites who left
Egypt and introduced the mysteries of Egypt to the foreign lands they sojourned
to. In reference to our topic of Bantu as Israelites we return to examine Africa.
Joseph Eidelberg, in his book Bambara, highlighted the
presence of Israelite descendants migrating into West Africa during the Exodus.
He records the Israelite influence he noticed amongst various African cultures;
particularly focusing on the people of Bambara.
“In 1972, after returning from the Ivory Coast, the author published his first book,
Bambara, a story about Hebrew biblical footprints left in ancient African cultures that
uncovers, as a fascinating step by step puzzle, the forty-year mysterious journey
through African coast, deserts, mountains and seas on the way from Egypt to Israel…
[during] his engineering carrier, while managing large Israeli overseas engineering
operations, including Iran and Ivory Coast, the author discovered some interesting
linguistic and cultural similarities between the Hebrew language and Bambara, spoken
by an African tribe in Mali.” – The Biblical Hebrew Origin of the Japanese People, By
J. Eidelberg, PG xii, xi
The Bambara people (also known as the Bamana) are a Mandé people living in
west Africa, primarily in Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The
Bambara/Bamana are also said to be a branch of the Mandinka people. The
Mandinka people and the territory of the Bamana people coincide with the area
of West Africa called ‘Negroland’.
The cover of Joseph Eidelberg’s book, Bambara, clearly dipicts the area of West
Africa. West Africa is also known as ‘Negroland’ and is the home of the Niger-
Congo Bantu Israelites.
Negroland West Africa is not only the residence of the Bambara/Bamana people
but also their distant relatives; the Yoruba people. The Bamana people and the
Yoruba can both be connected to Ancient Egypt and the Israelites. Cheikh Anta
Diop, in her book, Precolonial Black Africa, references the researcher Jonathan
Olumide Lucas, who connects the Yoruba with Egypt.
“According to J. Olumide Lucas, the Yoruba during antiquity lived in ancient Egypt,
before migrating to the Atlantic coast. He uses as demonstration the similarity or
identity of languages, religious beliefs, customs, and names of persons, places and
things. Abundant proof of intimate connection between the ancient Egyptians and the
Yoruba may be produced under this head. Most of the principal gods were well known,
at one time, to the Yoruba.” – Precolonial Black Africa, By Cheikh Anta Dio, Chapter X
Other researchers have also provided evidence of the Yoruba connection with
Egypt. Dierk Lange, Professor emeritus Of African History at the University of
Beyreuth in Bavaria Germany, in his article titled, Origin of the Yoruba and “The
Lost Tribes of Israel,” went a step further and also connected the Yoruba with the
Egyptians and the Israelites.
“According to the present opinion, the Yoruba are of local origin [African/Hamite], but
this opinion reflects the great influence of post colonialism on African historiography
rather than sober text-critical research. It involves the fallacious dismissal of the major
traditions of provenance suggesting an origin of the ancestral Yoruba in the Near East.
In fact, before the rise of academic African historiography in connection with the
independence of African states around 1960, scholars relied more directly on the
available traditions of Yoruba origin and they did some comparative research between
Yoruba, ancient Mediterranean and Israelite cultures. On the basis of this evidence they
suggested that the Yoruba immigrated from far away: either from Phoenicia, the
Mediterranean world, Egypt, or Nubia (Biobaku 1955: 8–13; Lange 1995: 40–48).”
Other scholars have also pointed out connections between the Yoruba and the
“What is crucial is that the Exodus from Egypt may have gone toward Israel with some
element moving toward the western parts of Africa. This is because in Ifa there are so
many striking similarities to ancient Egypt cosmology and some aspects of early
Hebrew mysticism. There appears to be a striking similarity between the divination
systems of Ifa and the Ancient Essene sect of Palestine. The number systems are too
close for mere coincidence (Fatunmbi, 1991). Both are based on the same 256 marks
used to organize the manifest forces of nature. These suggest a root system of which
there are many inter-connecting branches… The Ifá system was known to have been in
active use in these regions and to have traveled along the trade routes with other ideas
and goods. The Black Hebrews have their own chronology of dispersion and influence
from ancient times to areas in Egypt-Ethiopia and West Africa, especially to the West
African peoples of the Ashanti, Yoruba, Nok, Hausa and Songhai (Ammi, 1982).” – The
African Unconscious, By Edward Bruce Bynum, PG 230
The Ifá divination practiced by the Yoruba, which is connected to both Egyptian
and Hebrew mysticism, is a form of Geomancy.
“This myth [of African primitivism] is particularly ironic in the case of information
technologies, given that the binary code appears to have a distinct African
origin (Eglash 1997a). The modern binary code, essential to every digital circuit from
alarm clocks to super-computers, was first introduced by Leibnitz around 1670. Leibniz
had been inspired by the binary-based “logic machine” of Raymond Lull, which was in
turn inspired by the alchemists’ divination practice of geomancy (Skinner 1980). But
geomancy is clearly not of European origin. It was first introduced there by Hugo of
Santalla in twelfth century Spain, and Islamic scholars had been using it in North Africa
since at least the 9th century, where it was first documented in written records by the
Jewish writer Aran ben Joseph. The nearly identical system of divination in West Africa
associated with Ifa and Ifa was first noted by Trautmann (1939), but he assumed that
geomancy originated in Arabic society, where it is known as ilm al-raml (“the science of
sand”).The mathematical basis of geomancy is, however, strikingly out of place in non-
African systems. Unlike Europe, India, and Arabic cultures, base 2 calculation is
ubiquitous in Africa, even for multiplication and division. Doubling is a frequent theme
in many other African knowledge systems, particularly divination. The African origin of
geomancy — and thus, via Lull and Leibnitz, the binary code — is well supported.”
The base 2 calculation of African divination may also have Israelite origins. Being
that the Bamana and Yoruba (among many other tribes) have been identified as
Hebrew Israelites by respected scholars and historians, it may not be a stretch of
the imagination to surmise that the base 2 calculations of African mathematics,
divination, and the foundation of modern binary code, may have origins with the
Hebrew Israelite High Priests’ Umim & Thumim. The Urim and Thummim were
two stones within the breastplate of the High Priest that were used to consult the
Most High power I AM (Exodus 28:30) who is beyond infinity. The Urim and
Thummim were used to ask binary questions to receive binary answers (yes/no,
hot/cold, left/right, etc.) This system also seems to have been imported to the far
east as well in the form of yin-yang or en-yo.
The close relation between the divinatory systems of the Ifá and Cedena
(Bamana) that Dr. Eglash pointed out most likely stem from them both the
Yoruba and Bamana peoples being related from a common origin. They are both
West Africans who are descendants of Israelites that left Egypt. The forms of
divination based on binary code (yin-yang) and the 16 symbols are reminiscent
of the Urim and Thummim of the Israelite High priest’s breast plate which
consisted of 12 stones aligned within the square of 4 corner points (12+4=16),
but, this is only my personal conjecture. However, as a matter of fact, DNA
evidence also confirms that the Israelites left Egypt and migrated into Western,
Eastern and sub-Saharan African areas.
DNA analysis of the mummy of Pharoah Rameses III declares that he possessed
the E1b1a gene. This gene connects the sub-Saharan (Niger-
Congo/Bantu/Israelite) Africans, also known as Contemporary Equatorial
Africans, to the Ancient Egyptians. The fact that Pharoah Rameses III possessed
the E1b1a gene is very significant because it reveals the association between the
ancient Egyptians and the sub-Saharan Africans who have been identified as the
“There seems to be nothing improbable in these Ethiopians being the tribe of the
Jews—the tribe of Jacob or Israel. I think these Ethiopians did come under Jacob, and
did settle in Goshen, and gave the names of Maturea and Avaris to the city in which they
dwelt.” – Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis …,
Volume 1, By Godfrey Higgins, PG 399
“Haremhab was succeeded by another general, Ramesses, who stemmed from
Avaris, the old Hyksos capital, and whose family traced its descent from the Hyksos
kings. Though Ramesses (I) reigned but briefly (ca. 1306-1305), he passed the power to
his son Sethos I and thus became the founder of the Nineteenth Dynasty.” – A History
of Israel, By John Bright, PG 112
The Hyksos rulers were indeed Israelites.
“Thanks to the works of Josephus, a Jewish historian of the first century CE, we can put
this altogether. In his work, Flavius Josephus’s Against Apion Book I, we are given an
account of the Hebrews in Egypt by a priest of Egypt named Manetho… The part we are
concerned with is when the Hyksos are mentioned. These are the people, Manetho tells
us, were the Israelites, and Josephus agrees with him.” – The Greatest Story Never
Told, By G. A. Hood, PG 27
“It was John H. Breasted who deciced to read the name without the final sign for kha,
which he took to imply a city. This left him with the city of Zarw (Zaru) the same name
as the fortress. The story of Zaru is therefore that it was an Egyptian frontier fortress
from the time of the Twelfth Dynasty when it was called the Pathes of Horus. It was
later rebuilt by the Hyksos kings with strong walls and became known as Avaris…
When Joseph’s Israelite family came to Egypt, not to allow them into Egypt proper
Amenhotep III gave the city of Zaru to his queen, Tiye, and her Asiatic shepherd
relations. On becoming king after the Amarna rebellion, Horemheb turned the city back
into a prison under the mayorship of Ramses, later to become Ramses I, who
established the Nineteenth Dynasty. It was then that it was rebuilt and received its
biblical name, Pi-Ramses, from its mayor. The city eventually became the northern
residence of the first three kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty, Ramses I, Seti I and Ramses
II, who embellished the name.” – The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt: The Secret Lineage
of the Patriarch Joseph, By Ahmed Osman, PG 101
“According to Exodus 1:11, the Israelites were forced to build the store city of Rameses,
therefore, Ramses II must have been ruling at the time.” – Tyndale Bible
Dictionary, edited by Walter A. Elwell, Philip Wesley Comfort, PG 456
“Jewish scholars attempt to identify the pharaoh of the Bible with either Ramses II or
Ramses III.” – Here Lies the Bible, By Jeffrey Pike, PG 57
Other scholars associate Ramses III with the Judges period of Israelite history
and records the pharaoh fighting with the Israelites. The land of Canaan was also
considered to be a province of Egypt during this time. Whatever the case, outside
of the results of modern DNA research, a strong connection between Pharaoh
Ramses III and the Israelites is already apparent.
Therefore, if the sub-Saharan Negro’s share the same patrilineal DNA as the
Pharaoh Rameses, and both the Negroes that left Egypt and Rameses III are
associated with the Hyksos Israelites, then it becomes clear that the sub-Saharan
Negros are actually the people written of in the Holy Bible. The relocation of this
patrilineal gene (Haplogroup E) from Egypt into sub-Saharan Africa supports the
records of the Hebrew Israelites as well as the indigenous traditions of various
West African Negro tribal origins.
“Haplogroup E1b1b (formerly known as E3b) represents the last major direct
migration from Africa into Europe… E1b1b lineages are closely linked to the diffusion
of Afroasiatic languages… One might wonder why E1b1b is more common in the
southern Balkans (Greece included) and southern Italy than anywhere in the Middle
East, except in Egypt. What’s more, the dominant form of E1b1b in Southeast Europe is
E-V13, a subclade absent from the Horn of Africa and only present at low frequencies in
North Africa (peaking in Lybia), the Levant and western Anatolia… E-V13 is more
common in Lybia today than anywhere in the Near East, which concords with central
North Africa as being a potential source for the European E-V13 (and other subclades of
M78). In fact, the small presence of E-V13 in the Near East could be better explained by
the extremely long Greek presence in the eastern Mediterranean from the time of
Alexander the Great until the end of the Byzantine domination over the region during
the Middle Ages… There is clearly a radiation from the Greece (where E-V13 makes up
approximately 30% of the paternal lineages) to the East Mediterranean (where the
frequency drops to under 5%)… A strong argument in favour of E1b1b crossing directly
from North Africa to southern Italy is that South Italians have more African admixture
than people in the Balkans, Greece or Anatolia. This is true of the Northwest African
admixture and the East African (Red sea) admixture… In Europe E-M123 is only
observed at frequencies over 2.5% in southern Italy, in the Spanish region Extremadura
(4%), and the Balearic islands of Ibiza and Minorca (average 10%). E-M123 could have
been brought to the Mediterranean coasts of Europe by the Phoenicians, and to
Italy by the Etruscans (from Anatolia). The Romans might have contributed to
spreading it around their empire at low frequencies.”
Not only do many old West African traditions and modern historical scholarship
concur, that modern West African populations migrated come from ancient
Egypt, but DNA evidence also seems to indubitably support the previous
perspective. Moreover, it is important to note that the map of Africa showing the
frequency of the E1b1a gene in comparison with the Bantu expansion map
demonstrates that after the expulsion of the Hyksos and the following Exodus of
the Israelites, the presence of E1b1a almost completely leaves Egypt and appears
in Bantu Israelite areas. Although the Bantu Negroes may physically look like the
Hamitic ancient Egyptians or their Hamitic cousins, the Cushite Ethiopians, the
Negroes possess a different bloodline.
“E-V38 has two basal branches, E-M329 and E-M2, the former is almost exclusively
found in Ethiopia, while the latter is the predominant lineage in Western Africa, Central
Africa, Southern Africa, North Africa and the southern parts of Eastern Africa.”
“E1b1a. M2 – E1b1a (M2) is prevalent throughout Africa, except in North Africa. It
peaks in West Africa and is associated with the spread of agriculture or new farming
methods by the Bantu to Sub-Saharan and Equatorial Africa regions, where it especially
prevalent. The Bantu migration and dispersal of E1b1a (M2) appears to have reached as
far as South Africa… A barrier of the Cushitic language and culture in Northeast Africa
has been proposed to explain the limited introgression of the Bantu E1b1a/M2
subclade in these northern regions. Nevertheless, the spread of the Bantu is fairly
extensive and their linguistic family (Niger-Congo) is the most widely dispersed
language family in Africa, supporting the Y-chromosome evidence for the spread of the
Bantu people through wide portions of Africa and providing a strong example of
correlation between language and phylogeny in Africa. On the other hand, the
widespread distribution of Bantu and the E1b1a/M2 subclade, is responsible for a
reduced geographic structure or the correlation between Y-chromosome phylogeny
and a specific geographic location, thus acting to somewhat homogenize the
The E1b1a/M2 subclade in Oman may be due to recent slave trade with Africa, but
since M2 is highest in the West (e.g. Senegal) and drops off significantly to the North
and East, it has been speculated that these slaves must have come from a fairly far
distance in Central or West Africa.
E1b1a/M2 is also the most common Y haplogroup in African Americans (50-75%), a
result of slave trade from Sub-Saharan Africa. In South America, the estimates are ~8%
for the M2 subclade. Subclades of E1b1a (defined by SNPs U181, M291, U174, U290,
U175) have been examined only in African and European American populations, where
they are present in the former and absent in the latter. U174 or E1b1a7a is the most
prevalent at about 24% of African Americans.”
“… And they [the Israelites] took them up secretly during a war of the Egyptians. For the
bones of Joseph the Egyptians guarded in the tombs of the kings. For the sorcerers told
them, that on the departure of the bones of Joseph there should be throughout all the
land darkness and gloom, and an exceeding great plague to the Egyptians, so that even
with a lamp a man should not recognize his brother… And they were in Egypt until the
day of their departure by the hand of Moses.” – Testament of Simeon 3:14-15, 17
“And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him: for he had straitly sworn the children of
Israel, saying, God will surely visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones away hence with
you.” – Exodus 13:19
The darkness that the Egyptian sorcerers claimed would befall Egypt seems to be
the result of the loss of the light or wisdom possessed by the Israelites. Again, the
greatness of Egypt ceased after the Israelites left the land but that same
greatness can be found in all the places the Israelites migrated to after they left
“Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he
stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world. But if a man walk in the night, he
stumbleth, because there is no light in him.” – John 11:8-9
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men
light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all
that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:14-16
Now, that it has been established that the Bantu are Israelites who left Egypt we
can now begin to make connections between the Bantu, their expansion and the
wisdom they possessed (mixture of Egyptian and Israelite traditions) and
introduced around the globe.
Before leaving off from setting the foundation of associating the Bantu sub-
Saharan Africans with the Israelites, we must address the early east African
Bantus as well—the Zanji. We have already briefly discussed the early arrival of
Bantu Israelites in Africa as a result of Israelite migrations taking place around
the time of the Exodus (1500 BC). However, the next noteworthy influx of
Israelites into Africa occurred around the time of the Assyrian Captivity of the
Northern Kingdom of Israel (740 BC). The subsequent migrations of Israelites in
to Africa and other foreign lands around the world would occur as a result of all
the following captivities of the Israelites as prophesied by Daniel in
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The movements of Israelite populations during the
captivities of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Babylonian, Persian, Grecian & Roman)
will be covered in separate blog’s. Again, let us close with a brief review of
Israelite historical presence in the East African Negroland—Al Zanj (the land of
the Negroes/Zanji).
An Israelite historian helps provide critical information concerning the early East
African Zanji Bantu Israelite presence.
“According to 9th-century Jewish traveler Eldad ben-Mahli (Eldad the Danite), the Ibo
Benei-Yisrael may be descendants of members of several of the “Lost Tribes of Israel.”
He contended that the Jews of Africa came from the tribes
of Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher, who had fled the Land of Israel so as not to participate
in the civil war between Judah and Israel during the time of Jereboam’s succession and
reign over the Northern Kingdom (922-901BCE or 931-910 BCE). Eldad contended that
these Jews originally settled in Havilah, beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. With them, they
had a copy of the Tanach, less the books of Esther and Lamentations. These Jews had no
knowledge of the Mishna or Babylonian Talmud…”
“According to the story related by Eldad the Danite, who had it told to him by his
ancestors, who in turn were told about it by their ancestors from generation to
generation, back to those fateful days, the Ten Tribes were not lost at all. Eldad the
Danite related that his own tribe, the Danites, did not wait to be exiled. When the
Assyrian empire grew strong and mighty, they saw that there was no hope for them to
remain free. Moreover, the Kingdom of the Ten Tribes was at war with the Kingdom of
Judah, and the Danites did not want to fight against their own brethren. So they decided
to leave the Land of Israel and find a safe place for themselves. It was in the eighth year
of the reign of Ahaz of Judah, that is, in the year 3191 (fourteen years before the fall of
Samaria) that the Danites took their wives and children, their sheep and cattle, and left
the Land of Israel. They went by way of Egypt further down the upper Nile River and
settled in Ethiopia, in the land of the negroes of East Africa. The Danites were great
warriors, and after fighting many battles against native black tribes, they established
themselves securely, with a kingdom of their own.
Later on, after the Destruction of the Beth-Hamikdosh, three more tribes joined the
tribe of Dan, Eldad related they were the tribes of Naftali, Gad and Asher. The four
tribes lived side by side in peace and brotherhood. The region where they lived was a
fertile one. The only trouble was that the surrounding black tribes were unfriendly. The
four tribes had to fight them constantly. So each tribe went to war for three months in
the year, coming back with much spoil and with many slaves, which they divided among
all the tribes. Their elders and scholars received a greater share of the produce and
riches, so that they could study the Torah in peace and security.
Yes, Eldad related, they are in possession of the Torah. They have the Five Books of
Moses and most of the Books of the Prophets. But they did not have the Book of Esther,
nor did they know anything about the festival of Purim, because the miracle of Purim
happened many years after the Destruction of the Beth-Hamikdosh, and these four
tribes were not in Persia at that time.
Being separated from the rest of the Jewish people, the four tribes did not know about
the great Jewish Sages, the Tanaim and Amoraim, the authors of the Mishnah and the
Gemara, and they were not in possession of the Talmud. But they observed all the laws
of the Torah and the traditions. As they were taught by their elders and scholars, who in
turn received traditions from their ancestors, from generation to generation, back to
Joshua and Moses. Indeed, they were always taught by their elders: “These are the
words of Joshua, who received the Torah from Moses, who received the Torah from G-
d.” Eldad the Danite spoke only Hebrew, and he said that all the Jews of his tribe, as well
as the other three tribes spoke only the Holy Tongue.”
“An additional theory states that North African Jews traded and
traveled within the West African Kingdoms of Mali, Songhai and Kanem-Bornu. Jews are
believed to have been a prominent demographic in these empires. It is even thought
that several rulers of the Songhai empire had Jewish roots. It appears however that
Judaism in the West African empires came to an abrupt end when Askia Muhammad
came to power and in 1492, ordered that all Jews convert to Islam of face expulsion.
Another theory maintains that Jews traveling
with trade caravans from Northeast Africa moved through West Africa. According to
certain accounts, such as Travels in North Africa by Nahum Slouschz, Jewish identity can
be found in North Africa since the founding of Carthage, specifically, descendants of the
tribes of Zevulun and Asher. Persecution and trade have been the major influencing
factors in how the Jews migrated through Africa. During periods of Islamic persecution
and for the purposes of trade, Jews moved from communities
in Egypt, Ethiopia, Tunisia and Morocco to more remote regions of North and West
The decline of the Jewish communities of West Africa can be traced to the arrival of
Muslim invaders in the 14th and 15th centuries. North and West African Jews banded
with other local communities of Berbers, Christians and Greeks to ward of the invaders,
but eventually succumbed. Many were forced to convert to Islam, sold into slavery or
simply massacred. In the face of this persecution written traditions, such as the Torah,
were lost. The Ibo Benei-Yisrael, though having no written evidence of their Jewish
heritage, maintained a strong oral tradition and practiced many Jewish customs in
secret. Records of these medieval Jewish communities, found in the Timbuktu, Mali
Islamic Library, indicate the presence of Jewish families in the region before the arrival
of Islam in the 1300’s CE.”
The Ibo in fact, because they continued to practice the religion and customs of
their Israelite ancestors in secret, eventually became marginalized and despised
by many surround tribes.
The Ibo maintained knowledge of their ancient traditions and have even been
identified as Israelites by modern politicians.
“The Kingdom of Loango, also known as the Kingdom of Lwããgu, was a pre-colonial
African state from approximately the 15th to the 19th century in what is now the
Republic of the Congo… Loango exported considerable copper to the European market,
and was a major producer and exporter of cloth.” – Kingdom of Loango, Wikipedia
“A fact worthy the attention of travelers is, that, according to Oldendorp, The kingdom
of Loango contains black Jews, scattered throughout the country ; they are despised by
the Negroes who do not even deign to eat with them ; they are occupied in trade, and
keep the sabbath so strictly that they do not even converse on that day; they have a
separate burying ground, very far from any habitation. The tombs are constructed with
masonry, and ornamented with Hebrew inscriptions… M. Ehr mann, finding it
impossible to explain the origin of these Jews, doubts the reality of the fact; Busching,
however, Michaelis, and Zimmermann, do not hesitate to admit their existence; Bruns
considers them as descendants of the Falashes of Habesh, or Abyssinia; and Sprengel
wishes them to be considered as the descendants of Portuguese Jews, who, having
quitted their country, are no longer afraid to profess openly the religion of their
fathers.” – A system of universal geography: or A description of all the parts of the
world, By Conrad Malte-Brun, Jean-Jacques-Nicolas Huot, PG 101
The flag of the Kingdom of Loango seems to be symbolic of the hand of Christ as
described in Revelations
“And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a
sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his
strength… The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the
seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the
seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.” – Revelations 1:16, 20
“The modern flag of the Kingdom of Loango has a light blue field in the centre of which
is a open hand containing seven yellow stars in the palm.
The historical seven provinces are represented on the kingdom’s coat of arms by a hand
palm holding seven stars (“Li kande likoko li simbe mbote sambwali“, the hand palm
holds seven stars). The stars have also an esoteric meaning linked to the power: the
Royal hand rules the seven provinces, each of them representing a vital organ of the
– two stars represent the two eyes of the sovereign, who is constantly watching his
– two stars represent the two ears of the sovereign, who is paying attention to the
requests of his councillors and of his people;
– two stars represent the two nostrils of the sovereign, who is very concerned by the
problems of his people. Powered with a very subtle sixth sense, the sovereign is able to
establish a link between the present and the future;
– a figure [I guess, a star] represents the mouth of the sovereign, used to educate the
people and deliver an impartial justice.” – Kingdom of Loango Flag,
In this article, we will identify the Buddha and early Buddhist as descendants of
Hebrew Israelites.
“But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy
renown, and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by; his it was…
And of thy garments thou didst take, and deckedst thy high places with divers colours,
and playedst the harlot thereupon: the like things shall not come, neither shall it be so.
Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given thee,
and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom with them…” –
Ezekiel 16:15-17
“Yet the LORD testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all
the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my
statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to
you by my servants the prophets.” – 2 Kings 17:13
“They said, Turn ye again now every one from his evil way, and from the evil of your
doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD hath given unto you and to your fathers for
ever and ever” – Jeremiah 25:5
“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and
I will cause you to dwell in this place.” – Jeremiah 7:3
The majority of the Israelite Buddhists were the product of the Northern
Kingdom of Israel’s betrayal of the worship of the true God, I AM (Exodus 3:13-
15, Ezra 9:7). As a result of their adoption of the worship of new gods, as
introduced to the Israelites by King Solomon and the nations of his gentile wives,
the Northern Kingdom of Israel was removed from their homeland, (“the
sight/focus” of the Most High God,) by the ancient Assyrian nation around 721
“For the children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they
departed not from them. Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said
by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to
Assyria unto this day.” – 2 Kings 17:22-23
“In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away
into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the
cities of the Medes.” – 2 Kings 17:6
“And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of
Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the
Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Habor, and
Hara, and to the river Gozan, unto this day.” – 1 Chronicles 5:26
“And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not.
And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.” – Jeremiah 3:7
“And the LORD said, I will remove Judah also out of my sight, as I have removed Israel,
and will cast off this city Jerusalem which I have chosen, and the house of which I said,
My name shall be there.” – 2 Kings 23:27
“And I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hand of
their enemies; and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies” – 2 Kings
Since both the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah decided to worship the gods of other
nations, the Most High God allowed the Assyrians to conquer the Israelites and
take them captive in the territories under Assyrian and Persian control. There,
the Israelites could continue to worship the lesser gods of the other nations
instead of doing it in the Holy Land.
“And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the
spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of
God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where
was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy… Then he brought
me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold,
there sat women weeping for Tammuz. Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son
of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. And he
brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house, and, behold, at the door of the
temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty
men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east;
and they worshipped the sun toward the east.” – Ezekiel 8:3, 14-16
The Zoroastrianism of ancient Media/Persia is rooted in Sun/Fire worship. The
Israelites in Iran became known as the Saka/Sakai/Sakasuni (son’s of Isaac) and
as they passed through the country into India, they introduced these same
Persian worships into India. Sakyamuni (Sage of the Saka/Scythian clan) is the
individual credited with the introduction of the blend of Scythian and
Zoroastrian mystical beliefs to India. He was called the Buddha, and his religion,
Buddhism. Buddhism seems to have been heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism:
“And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord‘s house, and, behold, at the door of
the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty
men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east;
and they worshipped the sun toward the east…
Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house
of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have
filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they
put the branch to their nose.” – Ezekiel 8:15-17
Those Israelites living in the Persian Empire, later, influenced parts of India, the
home of Buddha and Buddhism. Moreover, the history of the Israelites, in relation
to the Scythians, seems to bring us to the conclusion that the Buddha himself was
also an Israelite.
“The Israelites were scattered and settled in five different areas throughout the
Assyrian Empire and maybe even more. However, our focus will be the areas further to
the east where some of the tribes of Israel were sent such as Hara and the possible
vassal states to Assyria, which were Magan and Meluhha. These areas just mentioned
were located in Aria/Hara and in the Indus valley or in India itself. Now from these
areas emerged a people known as the Saka or Scythians. These various Saka/Scythian
tribes were none other then the exiles or the descendents of the exiles from the
northern Kingdom of Israel. The name Saka is a form of the name Isaac for the
consonants S-C or S-K and we must understand that in Hebrew no vowels were
listed. These various Saka/Scythian tribes eventually migrated to the east entering into
what is today the nation of India particular the northwestern part of India. However,
some seem to have penetrated and settled in what is today the nation of Nepal, and this
is where are investigation begins on origins of the one called Buddha.” – Was Buddha an
Israelite?, By Cam Rea
However, how can we be sure that the Buddha himself was indeed a descendant
of the Scythians and Israelites?
“In 1683, an English visitor to Japan, Christopher Fryke, wrote that Japanese aesthetics
were ‘directly opposite to ours, taking Black to be the Livery of Mirth and Pleasantness,
an White of Grief and Mourning.’ Indeed, some Japanese representations portrayed the
Buddha as both black and African. Describing the image of Sakyamuni Buddha in a
letter to King James, merchant Richard Cocks wrote in 1616: ‘[I]n a littell Closet or
Cubbard, was a negro or a blackamore’s image, wch they tould me was the Idoll of
Shacka [Shaka; the Buddha], the Cheefe god the[y] Adore …” (cited in Leupp 1995: 4).
This association of black Africans with the Buddha lasted well into the nineteenth
century, though by then some Japanese had begun to doubt the wisdom of venerating
the representative of an inferior people.” – Japan’s Minorities: The Illusion of
Homogeneity, edited by Michael Weine, PG 91-92
Another clear indication that the Buddha was Negro, besides these previous
quotes, is from the fact that one of Buddhas names was Sambo.
“In Nepal, Colonel Kirkpatrick found Maha Muni, Maha Deo, or Buddha, under the name
of Sumbo or Sambo Nath; that is, the Lord Sam Bo.” – The Asiatic Journal and Monthly
Register for British India and Its …, Volume 1, On the religion of Buddha, PG 20
Sambo, the black racist stereotype, is actually the image of the black Buddha and
many other eastern black gods. The black face and red lips of Sambo confirm his
Negro origin.
“In Nepal, Colonel Kirkpatrick found Maha Muni, Maha Deo, or Buddha, under the
name of Sumbo or Sambo Nath; that is, the Lord Sam Bo.” – The Asiatic Journal and
Monthly Register for British India and Its …, Volume 1, On the religion of Buddha, PG 20
“The culture of the black Dravidians underlies the whole culture of India, whose
greatest religious leader is often limned as black and curly-haired. According to Massey:
“It is certain that the Black Buddha of India was imaged in the Negroid type. In the black
Negro God, whether called Buddha or Sut-Nahsi we have a datum. They carry their
color in the proof of their origin. The people who first fashioned and worshipped the
divine image in the Negroid mould of humanity must, according to all knowledge of
human nature, have been Negroes themselves. For blackness is not merely mystical, the
features and hair of Buddha belong to the black race and Nahsi is the Negro name.”
– W.E.B. Du Bois on Asia: Crossing the World Color Line, By William Edward
Burghardt Du Bois, PG 10
“We must also remember that Solomon, an incarnation of wisdom, is closely connected
withthe wisdom of the Buddhists… Thus we have the mount or house or habitation of
Solomon or Solyma in India, or the country of Ioud, or of Daud-poutri, or of the sons of
David; in Persia, the Madré Solyma, and the same also in Palestine and in Asia
Minor; and all, in some way or other, connected with the tribe of Ioudi. Can any one
believe all this to be the effect of accident? Solomon was the personification or
incarnation of wisdom, and the Jews of Asia Minor were a tribe or colony from India, of
black Buddhists, at or about the same time with the Ioudi to Syria, under the Brahmin.”
– Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis …, Volume 1, By
Godfrey Higgins, PG 413-414
The Buddha, of Scythian (Sakya/Saka/Sacae) origin, was also known to be a
‘Negro’ in his appearance. Scythians were descendants of Israelites who are also
known to originally be ‘Negros’ in appearance. As a result, knowing the history of
the lineal bloodline descent from Israelite to Scythian/Sakya tribes makes it less
surprising that Buddha would actually be Negro. It should also now come as less
of a surprise that the early Buddhist who helped spread the Buddhists religion
worldwide were also Negro (Israelites).
“Some pocket of Parthian rule remained in the East, even after the takeover by the
Sassanids in 226. From the 2nd century several Central-Asian Buddhist missionaries
became in the Chinese capital cities of Loyang and sometimes Nanjing, where they
particularly distinguished themselves by their translation work. The first known
translators of Buddhist texts into Chinese are actually Parthian missionaries,
distinguished in Chinese by their Parthian surname “An”, for “Anshi”, “country of the
Arsacids”. – Parthian Kingdom, Wikipedia
“In the early 16th century, Bartholeme de Las Casas became the champion of the Native
American Indians, devoting his lifetime to improving the conditions—in the West Indies,
Peru and Guatemala. Las Casas wrote: “These Indians can bring near the redemption. If
we treat them humanely in this world and convert them to Christianity, we are preparing
for the redemption of the Western world in the messianic era. Their conversion is apt
indeed, as I am convinced the Indians originate in Ancient Israel. Indeed, I can bring
proofs from the Bible that they are of the Lost Tribes.” The association of the Indians with
the Lost Tribes was heard again and again. The report by Portuguese traveler Antonio
Montezinos some 120 years later aroused remarkable interest. “It was a thrilling journey I
took in South America. Now that I am back in Amsterdam, I must share with you some
incredible news. There is a Jewish Indian tribe living beyond the mountain passes of the
Andes. Indeed, I myself heard them recite the She’ma (the expression of the Jewish faith)
and saw them observe the Jewish rituals.” Christian theologians awaiting the Second
Coming were thrilled to receive this welcome news. For tradition held that when the Ten
Tribes were found, reunited and restored to the Holy Land, the messianic age was close at
hand.” – PBS NOVA Online, Where are the Ten Lost Tribes?
Here are some further quotes to support the assertion that the Native
Americans are indeed the descendants of the ‘Lost Tribes of Israel’. This fact
was obviously known by many and therefore it is by no means a new or
radical idea.
“The three great classes of the aboriginal Americans, first and best known among them,
bore these great and substantial marks their forefathers in the land of Canaan had been
distinctly known: for their leanings towards Idolatry and some especial features of it,
which I shall have occasion to point out, are too plainly described in the scripture history
to leave us in any doubt; while they still professed, in a defective manner, their belief in the
One True God: and probably their residence in Media of some continuance, and how long
we are not able with certainty to say, little tended to lessen the disposition they had
always manifested to Idolatry, with it hateful and iniquitous customs… And it will further
be shewn, that although the Indians have great and striking varieties in their
language, yet all of them bear strong marks of being derived from one root.” – A View of
the American Indians, by Israel Worsley, ix-x
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;
that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into
his marvellous light:” – 1 Peter 2:9
“The American tribes, of whom I am about to treat, have a general character peculiar to
themselves, yet they differ in some striking particulars one from another. Their general
resemblance has been observed by many persons, who independently of each other, have
visited distant parts of that vast contient. There has been found a great likeness
throughout, together with lines of difference, similar to those which are seen in the
societies that possess the lands of the old hemisphere… Although there are spread over a
country which bears a near proportion to the Eastern Continent, and stretches as wide
from North to South, into the frigid and over the torrid zone, still a great resemblance is
discovered among them, they have all the appearance of being descended from one stock…
I shall produce much more than mere conjecture, many circumstances which amount to a
strong presumptive proof, and an abundance of corroborating facts, those minor points of
similitude will be regarded in their proper light, and be allowed to throw in their mite of
evidence in support of the interesting fact, that – The immense population with which the
continent of America was found to be inhabited on its first discovery, were the direct lineal
descendants of the nine tribes and a half, or a large part of them, that were carried
captive by the Assyrian King, and since their banishment from their own country have
been lost to their brethren the Jews and to all the historians of latter times. But can they
be altogether lost, or can they be intermingled among the new tribes that have been
formed and the new kingdoms that have sprung up? They constituted a large portion of
the chosen people of God; concerning whom so many prophecies stand recorded in the
holy books, for whom so many striking interferences took place under the direct agency of
the Almighty; for the express purpose of separating them from the idolatrous nations, of
keeping them a distinct and peculiar people, of making them bear his name to the ends of
the earth and spread his glory among the nations. Can they then be lost, destroyed, rooted
out from the habitations of men? Or can they be so amalgamated with those Idolaters who
conquered them, or with those people with whom they have since dwelt, as to be no more
known a separate people, as to have lost their identity, and be no where to be found in the
day to which the language of prophecy directs our attention, when those who have been
dispersed among the nations, and those who have been CAST OUT, shall alike be called by
the special voice of God to return…” – A View of the American Indians, by Israel
Worsley, PG 3-9
“I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid.” – Romans 11:1
“For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his
inheritance.” – Psalms 94:14
If you listen to the chorus of the following Hip-Hop song, ‘One Little Indian,’
you can even hear the Amerindian in the background chanting, “Hey Ahayah,
Hey Ahayah”. Some of the American Indians were apparently still aware of the
name that the Most High God gave to Moses (Exodus 3:13-15) on Mount
It is very interesting to note the many similarities between Iran and Mexico
especially since we can identify the modern day Mexicans as the Israelite tribe
of Issachar. According to the biblical record, tribes of Issachar were placed in
the cities of the Medes (2 Kings 17:6 & 2 Kings 18:11) after the Assyrian
captivity. Current research confirms the biblical record and people who can
trace their descent to Issachar can still be found in Iran. Perhaps there is more
that just coincidence to explain the many similarities between Iran and
Mexico, including the colors of their national flags.
“So where do we find Issachar in Scythia? “The Sagartii (Asakarta) were first
reported of in the Zagros mountains of west Iran and were part of the Tribe of
Issachar which tradition associated with that area. A similar group, the
SAGARUCE, was recorded by Ptolemy on the east Caspian Sea shore and
they have been equated with the Sakaraukae (or Saraukae)…In Carmania
were the Isatichae ” – (Davidy, The Tribes, pp.57-58)
By the way, it must be noted that the Amerind descendants of the ‘Lost Tribes’
of Israel wore the Mitre turban in the New World. This can be deemed as
further evidence of their eastern origins and escape from the Assyrian and
Median Empires.
The Amerinds are definitely Israelites from the Northern Kingdom of Israel,
who arrived in the western New World from the eastern Old World.
Read about the journey of the other half of the Israelite family, the Southern
Kingdom of Judah (tribes of Judah & Benjamin)
Read on further about the history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel of
Amerinds/Latinos in the East. The peaceable tribes of the Northern Kingdom
of Israel took council and escaped into the Americas by way of the Euphrates,
however, the majority of the other, non-peaceble descendants of the tribes of
Northern Israel, remained in the Assyrian and Persian region after the
captivity. This group of Israelites became know as the Scythians—and
extremely warlike people.