Buku Termo - Removed
Buku Termo - Removed
Buku Termo - Removed
Kinetic theory
The subjeJt of thermodynamics deals with the conclusions that can be drawn from
certain experi mental laws, and with the applications of these conclusions to rela-
tions between properties of materials such as heat capacities, coefficients of ex·
pansion, compressibilities, and so on. It makes no hypotheses about the nature of
matter and is purely an empirical science.
Although thermodynamic principles can predict many relations between the
properties of matter, such as the difference between the specific heat capacities
cp and c., or the variation of these quantities with pressure, it is not possible to
derive from thermodynamic considerations alo ne the absolute magnitudes of the
heat capacities, or the equation of state of a substance.
We can go beyond the limitation of pure thermodynamics only by making
hypotheses regarding the nature of matter, and by far the most fruitful of such
hypotheses, as well as one of the oldest, is tha t matter is not continuous in structure
but is composed of particles called molecules. I n particular, the molecular theory
of gases has been very completely developed, because the problems to be solved
are much simpler than those encountered in dealing with liquids and solids.
The properties of matter in bulk are predicted, starting with a molecular theory
by means of two different lines of attack. The first, called the kinetic or dynamic
theory, applies the laws of mechanics to the individual molecules of a system, and
from these laws derives, for example, expressions for the pressure of a gas, its
internal energy a nd its specific heat capacity. The method of statistical thermo-
dynamics ignores detailed considerations of molecules as individuals, and applies
considerations of probability to the very large number of molecules that make up
any piece of matte r. We shall see that the methods of statistical thermodynamics
provide a further insight into the concept of entropy and the principle of increase
of e ntropy.
Both kinetic theory and statistical thermodynamics were first developed on the
assumption that the laws of mechanics, deduced from the behavior of matter in
bulk, could be applied without change to particles like molecules and electrons.
As the sciences progressed, it became evident that in some respects this assumption
was not correct; that is, conclusions drawn from it by logical methods were not in
accord with experimental facts. The failure of small-scale systems to obey the
same laws as large-scale systems led to the developmen t of quan tum theory and
quantum mechanics, and statistical thermodynamics is best treated today from the
viewpoint of quantum mechanics.
This chapter and the next will be devoted to the kinetic aspects of molecular
theory, and the following chapters to statistical thermodynamics. As we go along,
we shall make many references to concepts and equations that have already been
discussed in the preceding chapters on thermodynamics, and we shall see how a
much deeper insight into many questions can be attained with the help of molecular
theory as a background.
n - N/V.
The assu mption of uniform distributio n then implies that in any ele ment of
volume AV, wherever located, the number of molecules AN is
AN= nAV.
Obvio usly, the equation above its not correct if AVis too small, since the number
of molecules N, although large, is finite, and one can certainly imagine a volume
AN- ,,• AA,
wherever the e lement is located. As in the preceding paragraph, the area must be
large enough (that is, it must include a large enough range of directions) so that
the surface density of points within it does not difl'er appreciably from the average.
Because of ~he large number of molecules, the range of di rections can be made
very small and still include a large number of points.
Let us carry this description of velocity directions o ne step further. Any
arbitrary direction in space can be specified with reference :o a polar coordinate
system by the angles 0 and ,P, as in Fig. 9-1. The a rea AA of a small element on
the surface of a sphere of radius r is, very nearly,
When bolh sides of this equation are divided by the volume V occupied by the gas,
we get
An,~ = !!.. sin 0 AOAt/>, (9-1)
where A.n,• is the number density of molecules with velocities having directions
between 0 and 0.+ AO, and 4> and 4> + At/>.
rJjn8 rsinOA'
• It would be beuer to say, from zero lo the speed oflighl. However, as we shall show, 1he
number of molecules with speeds exceeding even a small fraction of the speed of light is so
small for ordinary gases that for mathematical simplicity we may as well make the
assumption above.
lf the surface is an imagined one within the gas, all molecules arriving at the
surface, from either side, will cross it, and if there is no net rr.otion of the gas as a
whole, the molecular fluxes on either side oft he surface are equal and are in opposite
directions. Thus at either side of the surface there are two molecular fluxes, one
consisting of molecules arriving at that side and the other consisting of molecules
that have crossed the surface from the other side.
lf the s urface is at the wall of the container, molecules arriving at the surface
do not cross it but rebound from it Hence there are also two fluxes at such a
surface, one consisting of molecules arriving at the surface and the other consisting
of molecules rebounding from the surface.
In Fig. 9-2, the shaded area I:!.A represents a small element of surface, either
within the gas or at a wall. Construct the normal to the area, and some reference
plane containing the normal. We fi rst ask, how many molecules arri ve at the
surface during a time interval l:!.t, travelling in the particular direction 8, <f>, and
with a specified speed v. (To avoid continued repetition, Jet it be understood that
this means the number of molecules with directions between 8 and 8 + 1:!.8, </>and
</> + 1:!.¢>, and with speeds between v and v + l:!.v.)
Construct the slant cylinder shown in Fig. 9-2, with axis in the direction 8,
¢>, and of length v l:!.t, equal to the distance covered by a molecule with speed v
in time l:!.t. Then the number of 0</>o-molecules that arrive at the surface during
the time l:!.t is equal to the number of O<f>v-molecules in the cylinder, where a 8</>o-
molecule means one with speed v, traveling in the 0, </>direction.
T o show that this is correct, we can see fi rst that all 0</>v-molecules in the cy-
linder will reach the surface during the time l:!.t. (We are ignoring any collisions
with o ther molecules that may be made on the way to the surface, so tha t the
molecules are considered as geometrical points. In Section 10-3 we shall see how
to take such collisions into account.) There are, of course, many other types of
molecules in the cylinder. Some of these will reach the surface element during the
time 1:!.1 and others will not. Those that do not are either not traveling toward the
element (that is, they are not O<f>-molecules) or are not traveling fast enough to
reach the element during the time l:!.t (that is, their speed is less than v). Those
within the cylinder that do reach the surface during the time l:!.t are necessarily
8¢>-molecules, but unless they have a speed v they are not 8¢>o-molecules.
Fig. 9-1 Only the Btlv-molecules in the cylinder will arrive at the
an:a ll.A during a time ll.t.
Many ollter molecules, not in the cylinder, will arrive at the element during
the time I:J.t. Some of these will have a speed u, but they are not 8<f>-molecules since
they come in from other directions. Therefore al/8~v-molecules in Lite c:ylinder,
and only those molecules, will reach the surface during the time I:J.t, traveling in the
0</>-direction with speed u.
Let 6.n, represent the number density of molecules with speeds between v and
v + tJ.u. Then from Eq. (9- 1) the number density of O~molecules is
The flux t.<Il,. due to molecules arriving at an angle 0 with speed v, but in-
cluding all angles tf>, is found by replacing t'.tf> with dtf> and integrating over all
values of tf> from 0 to 27T. The result is
The flux t.<Il, due to molecules arriving at the angle 6, including all angles
tf> and all speeds v, is found by summing the expression for t.<%1,. over all values of
v. Thus
t.<%11 • ~ sin 6 cos 6 t.6 2 v t.n., (9- 6)
The flux t.<Il. of molecules with speed o, including all angles 6 and tf>, is found
by replacing t.6 with d8 in Eq. (9-5) and integrating over all values of 6 from zero
to "/2. This gives
t.<%1. = D t.n., (9-7)
Finally, the total flux <II, including all speeds and all angles, is obtained either
by summing t.<ll. over all values of v, or by replacing t.O with dO in Eq. (9-6) and
integrating over 8 from zero to 7T/2. The result is
Let us express this result in terms of the avuagt or aritlzmttic mean speed 0.
This quanfity is found by adding toget~er the speeds of all the molecules, and
dividing by the total number of molecules:
- 2v
where the sum is over all moltcults. But if there are t'.N1 molecules with speeds v,.
t'.N, molecules with speeds v,, etc., the sum of the speeds can also be found by
multiplying the speed v1 by the number of molecules t'.N1 having that speed,
multiplying v, by the number t'.N, having speed v,, and so on, and adding these
p roducts. The average speed is then the sum of all such products, d ivided by the
total number of molecules. That is,
v=o,t'.N,+v,t'.N,+···=..!.~vt'.N (9-9)
N N"- ••
where the sum is now over all spttds. When nume rator and denominator are
divided by the volume V, we have
It follows that
2vt'.n,- un, (9-10)
and hence from Eq. (9-8) the molecular flux ~. including all molecules arriving
at one side of the element and coming in from all directions and with all speeds, is
~ ~ vn. (9-1 1)
As a numerical example, the number of molecules per cubic meter, n, is approxi-
mately 3 x IOU molecules m-.1 at standard conditions. We shall show later that the
average speed of an oxygen IT!olecule at 300 K Is approximately 4SO m s-1• The
molecular flux in oxygen at standard conditions is therefore
I .J
4> • 4no "' 4 X 3 X JQU X 450 "' 3.3 X 1017 molecules m- 1 s-•.
It is sometimes useful to put Eq. (9-4) in the following form. Consider the
area t.A in Fig. 9-2 to be located at the origin in Fig. 9-1 and to lie in the x-y
plane. The molecules arriving at the area in the 8,P-direction are those coming in
within the small cone in Fig. 9- 1, whose base is the shaded area t.A on the spherical
surface in that diagram. This area is
t.A "" r' sin 8 M t..p,
and the solid angle of the cone, !J.w is
and the flux per unit solid angle, of molecules with speed v, is
!he total flux per unit solid angle, including all speeds, is
If the area D.A is a hole in the wall of a thin-walled container, small enough so
that leakage through the hole does not appreciably affect the equilibrium of the
gas, then every molecule coming up to the hole will escape through it. The distri-
bution of directions of the molecules emerging from the hole is also given by Eq.
(9- 14). The number emerging per unit solid angle is a maximum in the direction
normal to the plane of the hole and decreases to zero in the tangential direction.
Figure 9-3 shows a 8,Pu-molecule before and after a collision with the wall of a
vessel containing a gas. From our assum ption of perfect elasticity, the magnitude
of the velocity v is the same before and after the collision, and from the assumption
that the wall is perfectly smooth, the tangential component of velocity is also un-
altered by the collision. It follows that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle
of incidence and the normal component of velocity is reversed in the collision,
from v cos 8 to - v cos 8.
The force exerted on the wall by any one molecule in a collision is an impulsive
force of short duration. The details of its variation with time are unknown; but it
is not necessary to know them because from Newton's second law we can set the
average force per unit area exerted on the surface, or the average pressure, equal to
the average rate of change of momentum per unit a rea.
If m is the mass of a colliding molecule, the change in the normal component
of momentum in a 8,Pv-collision is
t.P,, = (iv t.n. sin 8 cos 8 t.8)(2mv cos 8) = mv' t.n. sin 8 cos' 8 t.O.
To find the pressure t.P. due to molecules of speed v coming in at all values of 0,
we integrate over 0 from 0 to "'/2. This gives
(9- 16)
The same reasoning as that above can be applied to any imagined surface in
the inte ri or of the gas. The molecular flux t.<ll,.., is the same for a ll surfaces,
wherever located. Molecules approaching an internal s urface from one sjde pass
through it and do not rebound, but the flux across the surface from the opposite
side carries the same momentum away from the surface as do the molecules re-
bounding from a wall of the container. That is, for every 8</>v-molecule crossing
the surface from o ne side, there will be another O,Pv-molecule crossing from the
other side, and Fig. 9-3 will apply to any surface wi thin the gas, except that the
black circles in Fig. 9- 3 do not represent the same molecule.
Hence the net flux of momentum , at right angles to any surface, is the same as
at the boundary wall; and if we consider the pressu re as the flux of momentum,
the pressure has the same value at all points, both within the gas and at its surface.
Equation (9- 16) is more conveniently expressed as follows. Tbe average value
of the square of the speed of all molecules, or the mean square speed, is found by
squaring all the speeds, adding these quantities, and d ividing by the total number of
Just as in calculating the average speed, we can obtain l:v1 more conveniently
v: v:
by multiplying by I!.N., by 6N1 , etc., and adding these products. That is
01 =I v1 1!.N. or
I -
3nmv'. (9-17)
Since the mean kinetic energy of a single molecule is •mV', the right side of Eq.
(9- 17) equajs two-thirds of the total kinetic energy per unit volume or two-thirds
of the kinmc ~ntrgy dmsity; and Eq. (9-17) thus expresses the pressure in te rms of
the kinetic energy density.
It will be shown in Section 12- 2 that the average value of the square of the
speed, v', is always greater than the square of the average speed, (<i)1•
Since n represents the number of molecules per unit volume, N/ V, we can
write the p receding equation as
I -
P V - JNmv'.
PV = nRT,
where n represents the number of kilomoles , equal to the total number of mole-
cules divided by the number of molecules per kilomole, or Avogadro"s number N...
We can therefore write the equation of state of an ideal gas as
PV- N~ T.
N ..
The quotient R/N.. occurs frequently in kinetic theory. It is called the universal
gas constant per molecule, or Boltzmann's constam, a nd is represented by k:
Since Rand N._ a re universal constants, k is a universal constant a lso. T hat is,
its magnitude depends only on the system of units employed. In the MKS system,
I -
NkT =- Nmv',
;; - 3kT. (9-19)
The theory has thus led us to a goal we did no t deliberately set out to seek;
namely, it has given us a molecular interpretatio n of the concept of absolute
temperature T, as a quan tity proportional to the mean square speed of the
molecules of an ideal gas. It is even more s ignificant to write Eq. (9-19) as
-I mv'
- 3
=- kT. (9- 20)
2 2
The product of one-half the mass of a molecule and the mean square speed is the
same as the mean translational kinetic energy, and we see fro m the preceding
equation that the mean translational kinetic energy of a gas molecule is pro-
portional to the absolute temperature. Furthermore, since the factor 3kf2 is t he
same for a ll molecules, the mea n kinetic energy depends only on the temperatu re
and not o n the pressure o r volume o r species of molecule. That is, t he mean kinetic
energies of the molecules of H,, He, 0 ,, Hg, etc., are all the same at the same tem-
perature, despite the disparities in their masses.
We can compute fro m Eq. (9-20) what this energy is at any tempera ture. Le t
T - 300 K. Then
3 3
2kT= i X 1.38 X 10- u X 300 = 6.21 x IQ-"J.
If the molecules are oxygen, the mass m is 5.3 1 x IO-" kg, a nd the mean
square speed is
.... 2 x 6.21 x ro-" , , ,
.,.. • . x _ii - 23.4 x 10 m s- .
5 31 10
The square root of this quantity, or the root·m•an·squau <peed is
v =~
which, for an ideal gas, is equivalent to
v- .JykT/m,
where y = cpfc•. Since the root-mea n-square speed of a molecule is
. ;; '
;/,· ~~
Finally, after integrating over 0 from 0 to "/2, and summing over all values of v,
we get
for the total loss of molecular kinetic energy, per unit area and per unit time. But
inm'iii equals the pressure P, and if the area of the moving piston is A, the decrease
of molecular kinetic energy per unit time is
PAu = Fu . (9-22)
The product Fu (force times velocity) gives the rate at which mechanical wo rk
is d one on the piston or the power developed by the expanding gas, and we see that
this is j ust equal to the rate of decrease of molecular kine tic energy. If the molecules
do not reCfive ene rgy from any other source, their kinetic energy, and hence the
temperature of the gas, decreases. Note that it is not correct to say that the tem-
perature of a moltcule decreases. From the molecular point of view, temperature
is a n attribute of the assembly of molecules as a whole, namely, a quantity pro-
portional to the mean kinetic energy. An individual molecule can have more or
less kinetic energy but it does not have a higher or lower temperature.
The derivation above was based on the assumption that the piston velocity, u,
was very much smaller than the molecular velocities, and it does not hold if the
piston is pulled up rapidly. In particular, if the piston velocity is very much greater
tha n the molecular velocities, no molecules (or at least very few) will be able to
overtake the piston and collide with it. Then there is no loss of kinetic energy and
no decrease in temperature, intermolecular forces being neglected. Such a process
is equivalent to an expansion into a vacuum, as in the Joule experiment, where we
showed on thermodynamic grounds that the work and the change in internal
energy were both zero.
are the numbers of molecules of each constituent, and V and Tare the volume and
temperature, common to all of the gases.
Let m., m,, etc. represent the masses of the molecules of the constituents
and v~. v:O etc., the respective mean square speeds. By the methods of Section 9-4,
considering the collisions of each type of molecule with the walls and computing
the pressure produced by each, we would find
p,V • 3I N,m,v~.
p1 V - 3I N,m,v~,
Since the x-, y-, and z-directions are all equivalent, the mean square values of the
components of velocity must be equal, so that
;. = 3v! = 3;: -= 3~.
The mean kinetic energy per molecule, associated with any one component of
velocity, say v., is therefore
!2 m;.• - !6 m;. - !2 kT.
Since the mean total translational kinetic energy per molecule is 3kT/2, it follows
that the translational kinetic energy associated with each component of velocity
is just one-third of the total.
i - £2 kT, (9-23)
and the total energy of N molecules is
Hence, if the hypothesis above is correct, we should have
dT 2
RT) =f.R.
c" .. c. + R.
r=~ =-2- .. !+2. (9-29)
c. £ J
Ct•- C11
Gas y Cp/R c,/R -R-
- ------- - ----
He 1.66 2.50 1.506 .991
Ne 1.64 2.50 1.52 .975
A 1.67 2.51 1.507 1.005
Kr 1.69 2.49 1.48 1.01
Xe 1.67 2.50 I.SO 1.00
--- - -- -3.47
-- - 2.47
- - - -1.00- -
H, 1.40
o, 1.40 3.53 2.52 1.01
N, 1.40 3.50 2.51 1.00
co 1.42 3.50 2.50 1.00
NO 1.43 3.59 2.52 1.07
Cl, 1.36 4.07 3.00 1.07
------ - - - --- ----
co, 1.29 4.47 3.47 1.00
NH1 1.33 4.41 3.32 1.10
4.30 3.30
Air 1.40 3.50 2.50 1.00
c• - [.2 R - 1
2 R - I .SR•
, .. ~ .. ~ - 1.67.
c. 3
This is in good agreement with the values of c, andy for the monatomic gases listed
in Table 9- l. Furthermore, the specific heat capacities of these gases arc found to
be practically independent of temperature, in agreement with the theory.
Consider next a diatomic molecule having the dumbbell structure shown in
Fig. 9-5. Its moment of inertia about the X· and z-axes is very much greater than
that about they-a xis, and if the latter can be neglected, the molecule has two
rotational degrees of freedom, the two quantities specifying the rotational kinetic
energy being the components of angular velocity about the x· and z-axes. Also,
since the atomic bond is not perfectly rigid, the atoms can vibrate along the line
joining them. This introduces two vibrational degrees of freedom, since the vi bra·
tiona! energy is part kinetic and part potential and is specified by the velocity and
the separation of the atoms. We might therefore expect seven degrees of freedom
for a diatomic molecule (3 for translation, 2 for rotation, and 2 for vibration).
Forf = 7, the theory predicts
c, = i R = 3.5R,
These values are not in good agr.ement with those observed for the diatomic
gases listed in Table 9-l. However, letting/"" 5, we find
c, = z5 R = 2.5R, 7
, .. 5 = 1.40.
These are almost exactly equal to the average values of c. and y for the diatomic
molecules in the second part of the table (CI, is an interesting exception). Thus,
near room temperature, these molecules behave as if either the rotational or vibra-
tional degrees of freedom, but not both, shared equally with the translational
degrees of freedom in the total molecular energy.
As the number of atoms in a molecule increases, the number of degrees of
freedom cau be expected to increase; and the theory predicts a decreasing ratio
of specific heat capacities, in general agreement with experiment.
The main features of the theory are fairly well borne out. It predicts that y
is never greater than 1.67 or less than I and this is in fact true. However, if we insert
in Eq. (9-29) the measured values of y and solve for f, the result is in general not
exactly an integer. Now a molecule either has a degree of freedom or it has not.
Degrees of freedom are counted, not weighed. It is meaningless to speak of a
fraction of a degree of freedom, and the simple concept of equipartition is
certainly not the whole story.
When we examine the temperature variation of specific heat capacities, the
divergences between experiment and the simple theory above become even more
apparent. Except for gases whose atoms are monatomic, the specific heat capacities
of all gases increase with increasing temperature and decrease as the temperature
is lowered. In fact, at a temperature of20 K, the specific heat capacities of hydrogen
(the only diatomic gas that remains a gas at very low temperatures) decreases to
iR, the value predicated by theory for a monatomic gas. Thus at this low tem-
perature neither the rotational nor the vibrational degrees of freed om of the
hydrogen molecule appear to share at all in the change of internal energy associated
with a change in temperature. All of the difficulties mentioned above are removed,
however, when the principles of quantum mechanics and of statistics are taken
into consideration. These are discussed in Section 12-7.
The pressure of a gas depends on its translational kinetic energy, and regardless
of its molecular complexity a molecule has only three translational degrees of
freed om, and its translational kinetic energy equals 3kT/2. Then if u,, represents
this portion of the internal energy,
U., = i NkT.
The pressure P equals NkT/ V, so
where u., is the translational energy per unit volume, or the energy density; and, as
pointed out earlier, the pressure equals two-thirds of the translational energy
U ~ 3NkT, (9-3 1)
and the molal specific heat capacity at constant volume, from the theory, is
This is in agreement with the empirical law of Dulong and Petit which states
that at temperatures which are not too low, the molal specific heat capacities at
constant volume of all pure s ubstances in the solid state are very nearly equal to
3R. Again we have reasonably good agreement with experiment at high tempera-
tures. At low temperatures the agreement is definitely bad, since, as we have seen,
the specific heat capacities of all substances must approach zero as the temperature
approaches absolute zero. This is another problem to which the classical theory
does not provide the right answer a nd in which the methods of quantum mechanics
must be used.
One other d iscrepancy between simple theory and experiment should be pointed
out here. There is good reason to believe that in metals, which are electrical con-
ductors, each atom parts with one or more of its outer electrons and that these
electrons form a sort of electron cloud or electron gas, occupying the volume of the
metal and constrained by electrical forces at the metal surfaces in much the same
way that ordinary gases occupy a containing vessel. This electron gas has trans-
lational degrees of freedom which are quite independent of the metallic ions
forming the crystal lattice, and it should have a molal specific heat capacity equal
to that of any other monatomic gas, namely, 3Rf2. That is, as the temperpture of
the metal is increased, energy must be supplied to make the electrons move I'aste r as
well as to increase the amplitude of vibrations of the metallic ions. The latter
should have a specifi c heat capacity of 3R, so the total heat capacity of a metal
should be at least 3R + 3R/2 = 9Rf2. Actually, metals obey the Dulong-Petit law
as well as do nonconductors, so apparently the electrons do not share in the thermal
energy. This was a very puzzling thing for many years, but again it has a very
satisfact ory explanation when quantum methods are used.
9-l (a) Compute the number of molecules per unit volume in a gas at 300 K when the
pressure is 10-.s Torr. (b) How many molecules are there in a cube of I mm on a side
under these condilions?
9-2 The model used in this chapter assumes that the molecules arc un iformly distributed
throughout the container. What must be the size of a cubical e leme nt of volume in the
container so that the number of particles in each volume element may vary by 0. 1 %w hen
the gas is at standard conditions? (From a study of statistics it can be shown that the
probable deviation of the number of particles in each volume element from the average
number of particles, N, is given by N''').
9-3 (a) In Fig. 9- l, let • - 45°, t.• - 0.01 radian, 0- 60°, and t.9- 0.0 1 radian.
What fraction of the molecules of a gas have velocity vectors within the narrow cone
which intercepts the shaded area t.A? (b) Consider a second cone intercep ting the some
orto on thelspherical surface, but for which 4o - 90°, 0 - 0. Sketch this cone and com-
pare the number of velocity vectors included within it with those in the cone of part (a).
9-4 (a) Approximately what fraction of the molecules of a gas have velocities for wh ich
the angle ¢ in Fig. 9-1 lies between 29.5° a nd 30.5°, while 0 lies between 44.5° and 45.5"?
(b) What fraction have speeds for which ¢lies between 29:5° and 30.5°, regardless of the
value 9? [Note: Angles must be expressed in radians.)
9-S Suppose that the number of molecules in a gas having speeds between v and v + t.v
is given by t.N, - N llv/v0 for v0 > v > 0 and t.N, - 0 for v > v0 • (a) Find the frac-
tion of molecul es having speeds between 0.50 v0 and 0.5 1 v0 • (b) Find the fraction having
the speeds in part (a) in the direction described in part (a) and part (b) of the previous
problem. (c) Find the flux of molecules described in part (b) of this problem arriving at a
surface, if the gas is at standard conditions.
9-6 Calculateliand ••m• for the following distributions of six particles: (a) all have speeds
of 20m s- •; (b) th ree have speeds of 5 m s-• and three have speeds of 20 m s-•; (c) four
have speeds of 5 m s-• and two have speeds of 20m s-•; (d) three are at rest and three
have speeds of 20m s-•; (e) one has a speed of S m s-•, two have speeds of 7 m s-1, two
have speeds of 15 m s- • and one has a speed of 20m s- •.
9-1 T he speed distribution function of a group of N particles is given by t.N, - kv au
for v0 > v > 0 and t.N, - 0 for v > v0 • (a) Draw a graph of the distribution function.
(b) Show that the constant k - 2N/<l (c) Compute the average speed of the particles.
(d) Compute the root-mean-square speed of the particles.
9- 8 (a) Derive Eq. (9-7) beginning with Eq. (9-4). (b) For a gas at standard conditions,
find t.<l>, for molecules obeying the speed distribut ion law of the previous problem and
having speeds between O.SOv0 and O.SI v0 • (c) Determine <I> for molecules having the same
speed distribution.
9-9 What form would Eq. (9-17) take if several kinds of molecules were present in a gas?
Does the answer agree with Dalton's law?
9- JO Derive a n expression equivalent to Eq. (9- 17) for a two-d imensional gas, i.e.,
one whose molecules can move only in a plane. (The concept corresponding to pressure,
o r force per unit area, becomes force per uni t lengt h.)
9-11 (a) Compule lhe rms speed of a gas of helium aroms a l 300 K. (b) AI whal lem-
peraiUre will oxygen molecules have rhe same rms speed? (c) Through whar polenrial
difference musr a singly ionized oxygen molecule be acceleraled 10 have I he same speed?
9- ll (a) How many molecular impacrs are made per second on each sq uare cenrimeler
of a surface exposed 10 air al a pressure of I arm and al 300 K? The mean molecular
weight of air is 29. (b) Whal would be the lengrh of a cylinder I em' in cross seclion con-
raining rhe number of air molecules ar I arm and 300 K which collide wilh a svrface I em•
in one second? I
9-q A cubical box of 0. 1 m on a side conrains 3 x totS molecules of 0 1 ar 300 K.
(a) On rhe average, how many collisions does each molecule make wirh rhe walls of I he
box in one second? (b) Whar pressure does I he oxygen exerl on rhc walls of I he box?
9-14 A closed vessel conrains liquid wa rer in equilibrium wirh its vapor al too•c and
I arm. One gram of warer vapor al I his rernperarure and pressure occupies a volume of
1670cm1 • The heal of vaporizarion ar lhis remperarure is 22501 g-1• (a) How many
molecules are there per em' of vapor? (b) How many vapor molecules mike each em'
of liquid surface per second? (c) If each molecule which srrikcs rhc surface condenses,
how many evaporare from each em' per second? (d) Compare lhe mean kineric energy
of a vapor molecule wirh rhe energy required 10 rransfer one molecule from rhe liquid 10
rhe vapor phase.
9- 15 When a liquid and irs vapor are in equilibrium, lhe rales of evaporarion of lhe
liquid and condensarion of rhe vapor are equal. Assume rhal every molecule of rhe vapor
srrik.ing rhe liquid surface condenses, and assume rhar rhe rare of evaporarion is rhe same
when rhe vapor is rapidly pumped away from rhe surface, as when liquid and vapor arc
in equilibrium. The vapor pressure of mercury al o•c is ISS x J0-4Torr and rhe laren t
hear of vaporizarion is abour 340 J g-•. Com pure rhe rare of evaporarion of mercury inro
a vacuum, in g em-• s-•, ar a remperarure of (a) o•c, (b) 20°C.
9-16 A rhin-walled vessel of volume V conrains N parriclcs which slowly leak our of a
small hole of area A. No parricles enler rhe volume lhrough rhe hole. Find I he rime
required for rhe number of parlicles 10 decrease lo N/2. Express your answer in rerms of
A, V, and tl.
9-17 The pressure in a vacuum sysrem is ro-• Torr. The exrernal pressure is I a rm and
T - 300 K. There is a pinhole in rhe walls of rhe sysrem, of area ro- 10 em•. Assume rhal
every molecule "srriking" Ihe hole passes lhrough ir. (a) How many molecules leak inlo
rhe sysrem in I hou r ? (b) If rhe volume of rhe sysrem is 2 lirers, whal rise in pressure
would resull in rhe sysrem? (c) Show rhar rhe number of molecules rhat leak our is
9-18 A vessel of volume 2 V is divided inro comparr menrs of equal volume by a lhin
parririon. The lefl side conrains imrially an ideal gas ar a pressure P0 , and rhe righl side is
initially evacuated. A small hole of area A is punched in I he partition. Derive an expression
for rhe pressurcP1 on rhe lefl side as a funcrion of rime. Assume rhc remperarure 10 remain
conslanr and 10 be rhe same on borh sides of rhe parririon.
9-19 An insulaled chamber conlaining liquid helium in equilibrium wirh irs vapor is
mainrained ar 1.2 K. II is separared from a second insula red chamber mainrained ar
300 K , by a rhin insularing parririon wirh a small hole in il. The helium vapor is allowed
ro fill borb chambers. If rho vapor pressure of rhe hel ium ar 1.2 K is P0 , show rhar rhe
pressure Pin the other chamber is P0 VJ00/1.2. (The ratio of P/P0 is called the thtrmo-
moltcufar pr~ssur~ ratio and is important in vapor pressure thermometry when the pressure
is so low that the panicles do not collide in a distance long compared to linear dimensions
of the apparatus.)
9- 20 An ideal monatomic gas is confined to an insulaied cylinder fiued wit h an insulated
piston. (a) By considering collisions of the m~lecules or the gas with the quasistatically
moving piston, show thai PVIi' - constant. (b) Determine the pressure dependence o f
the rms speed of the molecules in an adiabalic compression or expansion.
9-21 A molecule consists of four atoms at the corners of a tetrahedron. (a) What is the
number or translational, rotational, and vibra tiona l degrees or freedom for this molecule?
(b) On the basis of the equiparrilion principle, what are the values of c. and y for a gas
composed or these molecules?
9-lZ Under the action of •uitable radiation a diatomic molecule splits into two atoms.
The ratio of the number or d issociated molecules ro the total number or molecules is «.
Plot y( - c1./c.) as a function of"' al a temperature where the vibrational modes of the
diatomic molecule are excited.
9-23 F ind the total translational kinetic energy and the rms speed of the molecules of 10
liters of helium gas at an equilibtium pressure of 10' N m-•.
9-24 (a) Find the specific heat capacity at constant volume for a gas of H1 molecules and
H 10 molceules. (b) How do the specific heat capacities cha nge if the gas is liquefied or
Intermolecular forces.
Transport phenomena
The simplest approximation to this law is to treat the molecules as elastic hard
spMres, for which the force of repulsion becomes infinite when the surfaces of the
spheres come into contact. If we include a force of atlraction when the molecules
are not in contact, the force law has the form of the dolled curve in Fig. J(}...l.
The latter correction to the equation of state was actually first suggested by
Clausius. He reasoned that in the derivation in Section 9-4 one should use not the
actual volume V of the container, but the volume available to a single molecule,
which will be somewhat less than V because of the volume occupied by the other
molecules. If we represent the "unavailable" volume per mole by b, then in a gas
consisting of n moles the unavailable volume is nb and we should write
P(V - nb) = nRT,
or, dividing th rough by n,
P(v- b)~ RT. (10-1)
This eq uation was fi(St written down by Hirn. • (Here, the letter v represents the
molal specific volume, not the molecular speed.)
.,-_- -;- ......
,/."~~.1'~ ' ,
:.;;.r.. .
I t,
,...,. \-,;.. I··,....... I
''~l~P~ I
Fig. 10-2 The radius
of the sphere of exclu-
sion equals the molec-
ular diameter d.
If the molecules are considered as hard spheres of diameter d, the minimum
distance between the centers of two molecules, as shown in Fig. 10-2, is equal to d.
In effect, the center of each molecule is excluded by the other from a sphere of
radius d, known as the "sphere of exclusion." The volume of this sphere is 4-trd0f3,
and to avoid counting each pair twice, we take as the tot:.l unavailable volume, for
a system of N molecules,
The number of molecules N is the product of the numbe r of moles nand Avo-
gadro's number N... so the unavailable volume per mole, or the constant b, is
b =~ N._.,d•. (10-2)
This is four times as great as the actual molecular volume per mole, which is
(,N...,d'. ( 10-3)
that these forces decrease so rapidly with distance (for example, as 1/r') that they
are appreciable only between a molecule and its nearest neighbors. Molecules
within the body of the gas are on the average attracted equally in all directions, but
those in the outermost layers experience a net inward force . A molecule approaching
the wall of the contain:r is therefore slowed down and the average force exerted
on the wall, and hence the observed pressure, is somewhat smaller than it would
be in the absence of attractive forces.
The reduction in pressure will be proportional both to the number of molecules
per unit volume in the outer layer, n "' N/V, and to the number per unit volume
in the next layer beneath them, which is doing the attracting. Hence the pressure
will be reduced by an amount proportional to n1, o r equal to ""'• where « is a
factor dependent on the strength of the attractive force . Since the number of
molecules N equals nN•• where n is the number of moles, then
«N~ -a
- «(N)' 1 n
- =«N.-;;;;--- (10-4)
v v•" ,l'
where the product «N! bas been replaced by a. Thus the pressure Pgiven by tbe
Hirn equation,
p- ..B!....
should be reduced by afv' ; and
p ~ RT -~
v - b v•'
(P + ;.)(o - b)- RT, (1(}...5)
d= (2£._)"·.
Thus for helium, for which b ~ 23.4 x l<r' m' kilomole- 1 , we have
d = (
3 X23.4 X104 )Ill~ 2.6 X 10- ••m • 2.6 x 1<Jicm.
2 X 3.14 X 6.02 X 1010
Other methods of estimating molecular diameters will be described in Section
1(}...4. Values of a and b for several gases are given in Table 2- 1.
0 0
We again assume lhat a molecule is a hard sphere. Let us refer to one of the
colliding molecules as the " target" molecule and to lhe other as the "bullet"
molecule. Then a collision occurs whenever the distance between the centers of
the molecules becomes equal to the molecular diameter d, as in Fig. 10-2.
Since it is only the center-to-center distance that determines a collision, it does
not matter whether the target is large and the bullet small, or vice versa. We may
therefore consider the bullet molecule to shrink to a point at its center, and the
target molecule to occupy the entire sphere of exclusion , of radius d.
Now consider a thin layer of gas of dimensions L, L, and tix, as in Fig. 10-4.
The layer contains (equivalent) target molecules, represented by the shaded circles.
We then imagine that a very large number N of bullet molecules, represented by the
black dots, is projected toward the face of the layer-like pellets from a shotgun-
in such a way that they are distributed at random over the face of the layer. If the
thickness of the layer is so small that no target molecule can hide behind another,
the layer p resents to the bullet molecules the appearance of Fig. 10-4.
·- : ..
Fig. 10-4 A thin layer of gas of
"larget" molecules being bombarded
by "bullet" molecules.
Most of the bullet molecules will pass th rough the layer, but some will co!tide
with target molecules. The ratio of the number of collisions, t.N, to the total
number of bullet molecules, N, is equal to the ratio of the area presented by the
target molecules to the total area presented by the layer:
fiN target area
N = total area ·
The target area a of a single (equivalent) molecule is the area of a circle of
radius d, the exclusion radius:
a= .,.d'. (10-8)
This area is called the microscopic collision cross stction of one (equivalent) mole-
cule. The total target area is the product of this and the number of target molecules
in the layer. If there are n target molecules per unit volume, this number is nL' t:.x,
so the total target area is
The total area of the layer is L', so
Each of the AN collisions diverts a molecule from its original path or scauers
it out of the beam, and decreases the number remaining in the beam. Let us,
therefore, interpret AN not as a "number of collisions," but as the decuase in the
number N, and write
AN ~ -NnaAx,
AN= -na Ax.
In reality, N decreases in stepwise fashion as individual molecules make
collisions, but if N is very large we can consider it a continuous function of x and
dN = - nadx.
InN= -nax +constant;
and if N = N 0 , when x = 0,
N = N 0 exp(- nax). (10-10)
This is known as the survival tquation. It represents the number of mollcules N,
o ut of an initial number N0 , that has not yet made a collision after traveling a
distance x.
Inserting the expression for N in Eq. (10-9), we obtain
AN= N 0naexp(-nax)Ax. (10-11)
In this equation, N is the number of molecules making their first collision after
having traveled a distance between x and' x + Ax.
Let us calculate the average distance traveled by a group of N0 molecules
before they make their first collision. This average distance is known as the mean
fru patlr, /, To calculate it, we multiply x by the number of particles AN that
travels the distance x before colliding, sum over all values of x, and divide by the
total number N0 • Replacing the sum by an integral, we have
1 ~ _;~
No •
AN = na x exp( - nax) dx .
The concept of mean free path may be visualized by thinking of a man shooting
bullets aimlessly into a thick forest. All of the bullets will eventually hit trees, but
some will travel farther than others. It is easy to see that the average distance
traveled will depend inversely on both the denseness of the woods (n) and on the
size of the trees (a).
A common experimental technique is to project into a gas a beam of particles
(either neutral or having an electric charge) and to measure the quantity N0 and
the number N remaining in the beam after a distance x. The exponential decrease
predicted by Eq. ( 10-10) is found to be well obeyed, and we may now reverse the
reasoning by which this equation was derived. That is, since N 0 , N, and x are all
measurable experimentally, Eq. (10-10) can be solved for na or /, and we can
consider these quantities to be defined by Eq. (10-10), q uite independently of any
theory of molecular collisions.
Although we de rived the equations above by considering a beam of molecules
projected into a gas, the mean free path is the same if the group is considered to
consist of the molecules of a gas moving at random among the other molecules
and making collisions with them. The motion of a single molecule is then a zigzag
path as suggested in Fig. 10-3, and we can understand why it is that although
the average molecular speed is very large, a molecule wanders away fro m a given
position only relatively slowly.
As an example, suppose the molecular diameter d equals 2 X m. At JO-••
standard conditions, there are about 3 x 10" molecules m- 3 in a gas. T he macro-
scopic collision cross section is then
DC1 = n1rd'"" 3 X 1025 X 3.14 X 4 X J0-2<1"" 40 X J()' m-1,,
and the mean free path is
I = ..!. "" 2.5 x JO-' m,
which is smaller than the wavelength of visible light. The average intermolecular
separation at standard conditions is about 3 x 10-• m, so the mean fr~e path is
much la rge~ than the average intermolecular separation, and Fig. 10-3 is there-
fore misleading.
Since the number of molecules per unit volume. n, is inversely p roportional
to the pressure, the mean free path increases as the pressure is decreased. A moder-
ately good "vacuum" system will reduce the pressure to 1()-3 Torr, which is about
tO- • atm. The mean free path is then a million times that at atmospheric pressure,
or of the order of 25 em.
More complete theories of the mean free path take into account the relative
motion of a lithe molecules of a gas, that is, they consider the " target" molecules,
as well as the "bullet" molecules, to be in motion. The only change in the end
result is to introduce a small correction factor in Eq. ( 10-12). The inverse depen-
dence on the number of molecules per unit volume and on the collision cross
section remains unaltered. On the assumption that all molecules have the same
speed, Clausius obtained the result
3 I 0.75
1=- - = - .
4 na na
If the molecules have a Maxwellian velocity distribution (see Section 12-2),
I = __!_,..!. = 0.707 .
.j2 na na
However, we shall continue to use the simpler result of Eq. (10-12).
In the preceding discussion, the target molecules and bullet molecules were
considered identical hard spheres, each of diameler d. One often wishes to know
the mean free path of an electron, moving among the neutral or ionized molecules
of a gas in a plasma, or among the fixed metallic ions in a metallic conductor. The
"diameter" of an electron is so much smaller than that of a molecule that the elec·
tron can be considered a geometrical point, and the center-to-center distance in a
collision (see Fig. 10-2) becomes d/2 rather than d, where d is the molecular
diameter. Furthermore, the velocities o f the electrons are so much greater than
those of the molecules that the latter can be assumed at rest, and the correction
for relative velocities need not be made. From the considerations above, the
electronic mean free path 10 is
lo = 4..!., (10-13)
where n is the number density of molecules and na is the macroscopic collision cross
section of electrons with molecules or ions.
In terms of the mean free path, the survival equation can be written
as that above shows that this average distance is also the free path /, and that the
distribution of "past" free paths is Ihe same as the dis tribution of "future" free
paths. Hence when we consider a large number of molecules in a gas at any instant,
the average dista nce they ha ve yet to travel before their next collision is equal to
the average d istance they have already traveled since their last collisions, and both
distances are equal to the mean free path /. We shall make use of this fact in the next
section, in calculating the average distance above or below a plane at which mole-·
cules make their last collision before crossing the plane.
This result raised the following interesting question. If the average distance
traveled by the group bifou we conside r it is /, and the average distance ofiu we
consider it is also /, why is the mean free palh not equal 10 21 ralher !han I?
Another important concepl is !hal of rollisionfr~qumq z, !he average number
of collisions per unit l ime made by a molecule wilh other molecules. In a time
inlerval At, a molecule !ravels an average dislance;; Ar along irs zigzag palh. The
average number of collisions il makes in !his lime is ii At{/, and hence !he collision
frequency is
z c:-
ii = -unu. (10-15)
From the values of ii, n, and a for oxygen molecules at room temperature, we find
J = n,eu - (-n,•'
-'•) E.
The resistivity p of the metal is defined as the ratio of the electric intensity E
to the current density J : p = EfJ. Hence
( 10-17)
p = n.•''·.
I n a given metal a t a give n te mpe rature, all quantities on the right side of the
preceding equation a re consta nts so tha t !he Drude theory predicts !hat under lhese
condirions !he resisrivity of a metallic conductor is a consta nt independent of E.
In other words, the current density J is directly proportional to the electric inte nsity
E, and the metal, in agreement with experiment, obeys Ohm's Jaw.
We shall show in Chapter 12 that the average rando m velocity in a gas is
proportional to T'", so the theory predicts that the resistivity p should increase
with the square root of the temperature. However, experimentally the resistance
of metallic conductors increases linearly with increasing temperature, so the Drude
theory is far fro m complete.
where A is the area of either plate and dufdy is the v~locity gradient at right angles
to the plates.
In the MKS system, the unit ofF/A is I newton per square meter and the unit
of the velocity gradient dufdy is I meter per second, per meier. The unit of the
coefficient of viscosity '1 is cherefore I newton per square meter, per meter per
second per meter, which reduces to I N s m-•. The corresponding cgs unit is
I dynes cm-•and is called I poise in honor of Poiseuille. • (I poise - 10 N s m-1.)
The forward velocily u of the molecules is superposed on their large random
velocities, so chat the gas is not in thermodynamic equilibrium. However, in most
praciical problems the random velocities are so much larger than any forward
velocity that we ca h use !he results previously derived for an equilibrium state.
The dotted line S·S in Fig. 10-6 represenls an imagined surface within the gas
at an arbicrary height y above the lower plate. Because of their random motions,
there is a molecular flux <I> across the dotted surface, bolh from above and from
below. We shall assume that at its last collision before crossing the surface, each
molecule acquires a flow velocicy toward the right, corresponding to the particular
height at which the collision was made. Since che flow velocity above the dotted
surface is greater than that below the surface, molecules crossing from above
transport a greater momentum (toward the right) across the surface than do the
molecules crossing from below. There results a net rate of transport of momentum
across the surface, and from Newton's second law we can equate the net rate of
transport of momentum, per unit area, to the viscous force per unit area.
Thus the viscosicy of a gas arises not from any "frictional" forces between its
molecules, but from the fact that they carry momentum across a surface as a result
of their random motion. The process is analogous to that of two freight trains of
open-top coal cars moving in the same direction on parallel tracks at slightly
different speeds, with a gang of laborers in each car, each laborer shoveling coal
from bis car into the opposite car on the other track. The cars in the slower train
are continually being struck by pieces of coal traveling slightly faster than the cars,
with the result that there is a net forward force on that train. Conversely, there is a
net backward force on the faster train, and the effect is the same as if the sides of the
cars were rubbing together and exerting forces on one another through the
mechanism of sliding friction.
Let us compute the average height j above (or below) the surface at which a
molecule made its last collision before crossing. In Section 9-3, we assumed that
the molecules were geometrical points and that all O<fou-molecules in the slant cylinder
of Fig. 9-2 would arrive at the area 6A without having made a collision. This
cannot be correct, because on the average each molecule travels only a distance I
without colliding with another molecule. These molecular collisions will not affect
the total ftux of 6<,6t>-molecules arriving at the surface, because for every collision
that scatters a B.Pt>-molecule out of the number originally in the cylinder, there
will be another collision that results in an identical O<Pt>-molecule at essentially the
same point. However, as explained in the preceding section, molecules arriving at
the surface will on the average have started their last free paths before reaching the 1
surface at a distance I away from the surface. The perfHndicular distance y from the
surface, for any 6-molecule (see Fig. 10-7) is y = I cos 0. The average value of y,
or j, is found by multiplying I cos 0 by the flux 6<1>1 , summing over all values of 0,
and dividing by the total flux ell. From Eq. (9-6), replaci ng :Evn,. with iio,
mu = m(u• + 3~ 1~)-
Hence the net momentum C:! in the direction of flow, carried across the surface
per unit time a nd per unit area by the molecules crossing from above, is the product
of the momentum mu and the total flux ell:
700 IN<
600 I
I .~ Ht
I ./ ./
300 /
,/ ·
;w /
10 IS lO 2S J() 3S
,/T(K'"' )
Table 10-1 Values of the mean free path and molecula r diameter of
some gases determined from viscosity measurements. The values of
I and din this table were calculated using Eq. (10-13) for I.
and from Newton's second law this equals the viscous force per unit area. Hence,
by comparison with the definition of the coefficient of viscosity in Eq. (IQ-18), we
have I
ii= ,;lfkT.
; -;;;
so that
Thus for molecules of a given species, the theory predicts that '1 is proportional
to .Jr. and that for different species at a given temperature it is proportional to
Figure JQ-8 shows some experimental values of the viscosities of helium, neon,
and argon, plotted as functions of JT. The graphs are very nearly straight lines,
but they curve upward slightly, indicating that the viscosity increases with tem-
perature at a somewhat greater rate than predicted by the "hard-sphere" theory.
This can be explained by realizing that the molecules are not truly rigid spheres and
that a "collision" is more like that between two soft tennis balls than between two
billiard balls. The higher the temperature, the greater the averuge molecular kinetic
energy and the more the molecules become "squashed" in a collision. Thus the
center-to-center distance in a collision, and the corresponding collision cross
section a, will be slightly s maller, the higher the temperature, with a corresponding
increase in '1·
As for the dependence of viscosity o n the cross section a, Eq. ( IQ-22) is as a
matter of fact one of the relations used to " measure" collision cross sections and the
corresponding hard-sphere diameters d. Some values of d computed from viscosity
measurements, are given in Table 10--1.
H =-A dy , ( 1(}...23)
where His the heat flow or heat current per unit area and per unit time across the
~urface. The negative sign is included because if dTfdy is positive the heat current
is downward and is negative.
In the MKS system, the unit of His I joule per square meter per second and
the unit of the temperature gradient dT/dy is I kelvin per meter. The unit of
thermal conductivity A is therefore I joule per square meter per second , per kelvin
per meter, which reduces to I J m- • s- • K - 1•
From the molecular viewpoint, we consider the thermal conductivity of a gas
to result from the net flux of molecular kinetic energy across a surface. The total
kinetic energy per mole of the molecules of an ideal gas is simply its internal
energy u, which in turn equals c, T. The average kinetic energy of a single molecule
is therefore c.Tdivided by Avogadro's number, N,, and if we .jefine a " molecular
heat capacity" c: as c: = cJN,., the ave rage molecular kinetic energy is c:r.
We assume as before that each molecule crossing the surface made its last
collision at a distance 21/3 above or below the surface. and that its kinetic energy
corresponds to the temperature at that distance. If T0 is the temperature at the
surface S-S, the kinetic energy of a molecule at a distance 21/3 below the s urface is
The energy transported in an upward di rection, per unit area and per unit
ti me, is the product of this quantity and the molecular flux <1>:
H• = 4! niic*(, T. -
3 dy
In the same way, the energy transported by molecules crossing from above is
H l = -I nvc•
_ ( T.
• 0 + -32 I -dT)
The net rate of transport per unit area, which we identify with the heat current H,
H = _! niic• JdT (IQ-24)
3 • dy.
and by comparison with Eq. (IQ-23) we see that t he thermal conductivity lis
l = ! niic•/
3 •
= !3 iic:
lM =I, (IQ-26)
where M is the molecular weight of the gas. Therefore the theory predicts that for
all gases this combination of experimental properties should equal unity. Some
figures are given h Table IQ-2 for comparison. The ratio does have the right o rder
of magnitude, but we see again that the hard-sphere model for m olecules is in·
Table 10-1 Values or the the rmal conductivity A, molecular weight M, viscosity ~. and
specific hear capacity c. or a number or gases
A(0°C) M •r<o•C) c. AM
Gas (J m- 1 s-1 K- 1) (kg kilomole- 1) (N s m-•J (J kilomole-1 K- 1) -~.
He O. t41 4.003 t8.6 X to-• 12.S X to> 2.43
Ne .0464 20. t8 29.7 t2.7 2.48
A .163 39.9S 21.3 t2.S 2.45
H, . t68 2.0t6 8.4t 20.t 2.06
N, .24t 28.02 t 6.6 20.9 I 1.95
o, .24S 32.00 t 9.2 21.0 1.94
co, . t4S 44.01 t3.7 28.8 1.62
NH1 .2t8 t7.03 9.2 27.6 1.46
CH, .lOS 16.03 t0.3 27.4 1.73
Air .24 1 29. 17.2 20.9 1.94
The vessel in Fig. 1()...9 is initially divided by a partition, on opposite sides of which
are two different gases A and Bat the same temperature a nd pressure, so that the
number of molecules per unit volume is the same on both sides. If the partition
is removed, there is no large scale motion of the gas in either direction , but after a
sufficiently long time has elapsed, one finds that both gases are uniformly distrib-
uted throughout the entire volume. This phenomenon, as a result of which each
gas gradually permeates the other, is called diffusion. It is not restricted to gases
but occurs in liquid and solids as well. Diffusion is a consequence of random
molecular motion and occurs whenever there is a concentration gradient of any
molecular species, that is, when the number of particles of one kind per unit
volume on one side of a surface differs from that on the other side. The phe-
nomenon fan be described as a transport of malltr, (that is, of molecules) across
a surface.
• • • • •••
The phenomenon of diffusion may be complicated by the fact that when more
than one type of molecule is present the rates of diffusion of one into the other
are not the same. We can simplify the problem and still bring out the essential
ideas by considering the diffusion of molecules of a single species into others of the
same species, known as ulfdiffusion.
If all of the molecules of a system were exactly alike, any calculation of self-
diffusion among them would be of academic interest only, since the re would be no
experimental method by which the diffusing molecule& could be distinguished
from the others. However, molecules that are isotopes of the same element, or
molecules whose nuclei have been made radioactive, differ only in their nuclear
structure and are essentially identical as far as collision cross sections are concerned.
(Their mean kinetic energies will differ slightly because of differences in mass.)
It is thus possible to "tag" certain molecules so that they can be distinguished
from others, and yet treat the problem as if the molecules were all alike.
Consider an imagined horizontal surface S·S within the vessel of Fig. 10-9,
at some stage of the diffusion process. The vessel contains a mixture of tagged and
untagged molecules, the total number of molecules per unit volume being the same
at all points so that the pressure is uniform. We ossume the temperature to be
uniform also. Let n* represent the number of tagged molecules per unit yolume
at any poinr. We shall assume that n* is a funclion of y only, where the ylaxis is
normal to the surface S·S. If tfn*fdy is positive, the downward fl ux of tagged
molecules across the surface is then greater than the upward flux. If r represents
the net flux of tagged molecules across the surface, per unit time and per unit area,
the cotfficimt ofsrlfdi.ffusion D is defined by the equation
r = - D dn* • (10-27)
The negative sign is included since if dn*/dy is positive, the net flux r is down-
ward and is negative.
In the MKS system, the unit of r is I molecule per square meter per second and
the unit of the concentration gradient dn*/dy is I molecule per cubic meter, per
meter. The unit of the diffusion coefficient Dis therefore I molecule per square meter
per second, per molecule per cubic meter, per meter, which reduces to I m' s-1•
We assume as before that each molecule makes its last collision before crossing
at a perpendicular distance 21/3 away from the surface. If n6 is the number of
tagged molecules per unit volume at the surface S·S, the number per unit volume at
a distance 21/3 below the surface is •
n• = n:- ~/!!!!..._
3 dy
In the expression previouslyderived for the flux «1>, we must replace n by n•, and
the upward flux rr is then *)
rr =!4 v(n.r- 3~ 1~
Let us compare the three results obtained in the preceding sections. We can wri te
Eqs. (10-20), (10-24), and (10-28) as
(Ij nu_1)"'dJ,
H- -(~ nut)d(c:T)
3 dy •
r ... - (!3 nvt) d(n*/n).
T he last equation is obtained by multiplying numerator and denominator of
Eq. (I 0-26) by n.
The product (mu) in the fi rs t equation is thejloll' momentum of a gas molecule,
the product (c:TJ in the second is the kinetic tnugy of a molecule, a nd the ratio
(n"fn) in the third is the conctntration of tagged molecules.
The corresponding expressions for the coefficients of viscosity, of thermal
conductivity, and of self·diffusion, are
I - I iim
1J = 3 nmul = )-;•
16-1 How arc the assumptions of kine tic theory given in Section 9-2 changed in the
developm<nt of the Hirn and the van der Waals equations of state?
16-l The critical temperature of C01 is 3 1.1°C and the critical pressure is 73 atm.
Assume that C01 obeys the van der Waals equation. (a) Show that the critical density
of C01 is 0.34 g em- •. (b) Show that the diameter of a C02 moloculo is 3.2 >< m. JO-••
10-3 Using the data of the previous problem, (a) find the m icroscopic collision cross
section for a C02 molecule. (b) If on< kilomole o f C02 occupies 10 m•, find the mean
free path of theco,molecules. (c) If the mean speed of tho C01 molecules is SOO m s-•,
compute the average number of collisions made per molecule in one second.
1o-4 Find the pressure dopendence at constant temperature of the mean free path and
the collision frequency.
16-5 A beam of molecules of radius 2 >< tO-•• m strikes a gas composed of molecules
whose radii arc 3 >< to-•• m. Thore are 10" gas moleculos per m•. ~termine (a) the
exclusion radius, (b) the microscopic collision cross section, (c) the macroscopic collision
cross section, (d) the fraction of the beam scattered per unit distance it travels in the gas,
(e) the fraction of molecules left in the beam after it tra vels to-• m in the gas, (f) the
distance the beam travels in the gas before half of the molecules are scauered o ut, (g)
the mean free path of the beam in the gas.
1()-6 A group of oxygen molecules start their free paths at the same instant. The pressure
is such that the mean free path is 3 em. After how long a time will half of the group still
remain unscallered. Assume all particlos have a speed equal to the rms speed. The tern·
perature is 300 K.
16-7 Dowling pins with an etfective diameter of tOem are placod ra ndomly on a bowling
green with an average density of 10 pins per square meter. A large number of IO·cm
diameter bowling balls are bowled at the pins. (a) What is the ratio of the mean free path
of the bowling ball to the average distance between pins? (b) What fraction o f t he bowling
balls will travel at loast 3 meters without striking a pin?
10-8 The moan free path in a cortain gas isS em. Consider 10,000 mean fret paths. How
many are longe r tha n (a) S em? (b) 10 em? (c) 20 em 7 (d) How many arc longer than
3 em but shorter than S em? (e) How many a re between 4.S and S.S em long? (f) How
many are betwee n 4.9 and S. l em lo ng? (g) How many ore exactly S em long?
16-9 A large number of throws arc made with a single die. (a) Wh at is the average
number of throws between the appearances of a six? At any stage or the process, V!hat is
the ave:"ttge number of throws (b) before the noxt appearance of a six, (c) since the last
appearanco of a six? (d) How do you answer the question raised in Section I G-3; that is,
why is the mean free path I and not 2/?
10- 10 The mean free path of a helium atom in helium gas at standard conditions is
20 >< lo-' m. What isthe radius of a holium atom?
tO- ll A beam of olectrons is projected from an electron gun into a gas at a pressure P,
and the number remaining in the beam at a d istance x from the gun is determined by
allowing the beam to strike a collecting plate and measuring the current to the plate. The
electron current emitted by the gun is 100 JAA, and the current to the collector when x •
10 em and P • 100 N nr• (lbout I Torr) is 37 ~tA. (a) What is the electron mean free
path? (b) What current would be collected if the pressure were reduced to SON m-•?
10-12 A singly cha'l:ed oxygen molecule staru a free path in a direction at right angles
to an electric field of intensity 10' V m-•. The pressure is one atmosphere and the tem-
perature 300 K. (a) Compute the distanoc moved in the direct ion of the field in a time
equal to that required to traverse one mean free path. (b) What is the ratio or the mean
free path tcj this distance? (c) What is the average speed in the d irection or the field? (d)
What is the ratio of the rms speed to this speed? (e) What is the ratio of the energy of
thermal agitation to the energy gained from the field in one mean free path 1
10-13 The resistance ofl m ofO.Ol em diameter copper wire is measured to be 3 ll. The
density of copper is 8.9 x 10' kg m-• and its atomic weight is 64. (a) Determine the mean
free time ~ between collisions of the electrons with the copper ion cores. (b) Determine
the mean free path of the electrons assuming that ii for an eleclron is given by (8/<"Tf•mr)"'·
How many atomic distances is this, assuming copper is cubic? (c) Determine !he ratio
of the diameter of the copper ion cores to the atomic d istance. (Parts (b) and (c) do not
give correct answers because electron speeds are approximately I o> times as large as those
given by (8kT/•m)1' '· Section 1~.) (d) Determine the average length of time it takes an
electron to move the length or the wire when the current through the wire is 0.333 A .
10-14 Satellites travel in a region where the mean free path of the particles in the acmos-
phere is much greater than the characceristic size of che body. Show that the force per
unil area on che sacellite due to chis rarefied gas is 4nnru1/3, where n is !he number density
of particles in the atmosphere, rn is their mass, and u is the speed or che satellice. [Hint:
Since the sa tell ice speed is much greater than the speed or sound, assume that the sa!ellite
is moving through a stationary cloud of particles.]
10-15 Calculate the coefficien! or friction o r a disc gliding on an air table wich a speed
of l m s-•. The diameter of !he disc is 0.1 m and ics mass is 0.3 kg. Assume !hac il glides
Ill' m above the table. The diameter of a nitrogen molecule is about 4 x 10-•o m.
10-16 The viscosity or carbon dioxide over a range or tempera cures is given in the table
below. (a) Compu!e !he ratio ~/Vr at each lempera!ure an d (b) determine the diameler
of the CO, molecule. (c) Compare that diamecer wich the diamecer o f A and No taken
from Fig. 10-8.
10-17 (a} Derive an expression for chc temperature dependence of !he chermal con-
ductivity of an ideal gas. (b) Calcula!c the thermal conductivicy or helium (considered as
an ideal gas) at 300 K.
10-18 (a) From the d31a in Table 10-2 de!ermine the self-diffusion coefficient of helium
a !Standard conditions in two ways. (b) How does the self-diffusion coefficient depend upon
pressure a! constant lemperacure, upon cemperature at constant pressure, and upon the
mass or the diffusing particle.
IG-19 A tube 2m long and JO-< m1 in cross section contains CO, at atmospheric pressure
and at a temperature of 300 K. The carbon atoms in one-half of the C02 molecules ar e
the radioactive isotope C". At time 1 - 0, all of the molecules at the extreme left end of
the tube con ta in radioact ive carbon, and the number o f such molecules per un it volun1e
decreases uniforn1ly to zero at the other end of Ihe tube. (a) What is Ihe initial concentra-
tion gradient of radioactive molecules? (b) Initially, how many radioactive molecules
per second cross a cross section at the midpoint of the tube from left 10 righ t? (c) How
n1any cross fron1 right to left? (d) What is the initial net rate of diffusion of radioactive
molecules across the cross section, in n1olecules per second and micrograms per second ?
IG-20 Given that the density of air is 1.29 kg m-•, v - 460 m s-•, and I - 6.4 x l o-1 m
at standard conditions, determine the coefficients of viscosity, (b) diffusion, and (c) thermal
conductivity. Assume that air is a diatomic ideal gas.
10- 21 There is a small uniform pressure gradient in an ideal gas at constant temperature
so that there is a mass flow in the direction of the gradient. Using the mean free path
approach show that the rate of flow of mass in the direction of the pressure 4radient per
unit area and per unit pressure gradient is miil/3k T.
Statistical thermodynamics
The metliods of statistical thermodynamics were first developed during the latter
part of the last century,largely by Boltzmann in Germany and Gibbs in the United
States. With the advent of the quantum theory in the early years of the present
century, Bose• and Einsteint, and Fermi! and Dirac§ introduced certain modifica-
tions of Boltzmann's original ideas and succeeded in clearing up some of the
unsatisfactory features of the Boltzmann statistics.
The statistical approach has a close connection with both thermodynamics
a nd kinetic theory. For those systems of particles in which the energy of the
particles can be determined, one can derive by statistical means the equation of
state of a substance and its energy equation. Statistical thermodynamics provides
an additional interpretation of the concept of entropy.
Statistical thermodynamics (also called statistical mechanics), unlike kinetic
theory, does not concern itself with detailed considerations of such things as
collisions of molecules with one another o r with a surface. Instead, it ta kes ad-
vantage of the fact that molecules are very numerous and a!N'rage properties of a
la rge number of molecules can be calculated even in the absence of any information
about specific molecules. Thus an actuary for an insurance company can predict
with high precision the average life expectancy of all persons born in the United
States in a given year, without knowing the state of health of any one of them.
Statistical methods can be applied not. only to molecules but to photons, to
elastic waves in a solid, and to the more abstract entities of quantum mechanics
called wave functions. We shall use the neutral term "particle" to designate any
of these.
the reade r will have to take them on faith or refer to texts devoted to this1subject.
In any event, as far as the methods of statistics are concerned, it is enbugh to
know that quantized energy states exist.
In quantum mechanics, also known as wave mechanics, the general method
of attacking a problem is to set up and (hopefully) solve an equation known as
Schrodinger's• equation. In many problems, this equation is exactly analogous
to the wave equation describing the propagation of transve rse waves in a stretched
string, fixed at both ends. As is well known , the string can vibrate in a steady state
in any one of a number of stationary waves, three of which are shown in Fig. I 1- 1.
That is, there may be a node Nat each end and an antinode A at the center, or
there may be a node at the center as well as at the ends, with anti nodes midway
between the nodes, and so on. The important result is that there is always an
integral numliu of antinodes in the steady-state modes of vibration ; o ne antinode
in the upper diagram, two in the next, and so on . The distance between nodes (or
antinodes) is one-half a wavelength, so if L is the length of the string, the wave-
lengths l of the possible stationary waves are
where n1 is an integer equal to the number of anti nodes and can have some one of
the values
n1 = 1, 2, 3, ....
A stationary wave is equivalent to two traveling waves propagating in opposite
directions, the waves being reftected and re-reftected at the ends of the string.
This is analogous to the motion of a particle moving freely back and forth along
astraight line and making elastic collisions at two points separated by the distance
L. According to quantum mechanics, a s tationary Schrtxlinger wave is in fact
completely equivalent to such a particle, and t he wavelength .<of the stationary
wave is related to the momentum p of the particle through the rela tion
p=:i· (ll-1)
where his a universal constant called Planck's constant. ln the MKS system,
h = 6.6262 X 10..... ] s.
The momentum of the particle is therefore permitted to have only some one o f
the set or val ues
p, .. n1 2L·· (11-2)
If a particle is free to move in any direction within a cubical box of side length
L whose sides a re parallel to the .x, y, z axes of a r<etangular coordinate system,
the .x,y, and z components of its momentum are permitted to have o nly the values
where n,, n,, and n, are integers called quantum numbers, each of which can have
some one pf the values I, 2, 3, etc. Each set of quantum numbers therefore corre·
sponds to Ia certain direction of the momentum. Then if p, is the resultant momen-
tum corresponding to some set of quantum numbers n,, n,, n.,
<= l
mv' =
The values of n., n,, and n, are said to define the state of a particle, and the
energies corresponding to the different possible values of are the possible energy n:
levels. The energy levels depend only on the values of n~ and not on the individual
values of n,, n,, and n,. In other words, the energy depends only on the magnitude
of the momentum p1 and not on its direction, just as in classical mechanics. In
general, a number of different states {corresponding to d ifferent di rections of the
momentum) will have the same energy. The energy level is then said to be de-
generate, and we shall use the symbol g1 to designate the degeneracy of level j,
that is, the number of states having the same energy <1.
The volume Vof a cubical box of side length L equals L' , soL' = V'13 ; and
Eq. ( 11- 3) can be written, for a free particle in a cubical box,
We have shown that at room temperature the mean kinetic energy of a gas molecule
is about l/40eVor 2.S x lo-• ev. Hence for a molecule with this kinetic energy,
t 2.5 X JO-I II
n1 "" S X J0-2I <:o< S X 10 ,
n, "" 2.2 x 101•
Thus for the vast majority of the molecules of a gas at ordinary temperatures, the
quantum numbers n1 are very large indeed.
The lowest energy level (j = I) is that for which n, = n, = n, = I. Then
n: = 3 and
3h' v-"• •
T here is only o ne state (one set of quantum num bers n., n,, nJ having this energy.
The lowestlevel is therefore nondegenerate and g, = I. The x,y, and z components
of the corresponding momentum p 1 are all equal, and each equals hf2L.
In the next level (j = 2) we might have any one of the following states:
n. n, n,
2 l l
l 2 l
l l 2
Thus in the first o f these states, for example, the components of momentum are
h h
p,, = 2L' p,, = 2L.
.. u u LJ u ~ f1• • 1.N. • 2
.. LJ u LJ ~ fhz 4,NJ•)
.. l.d LJ GJ g , • l. NJ • 4
~~ • I {Nondcgtnerate~ N, = S
i,n the boxes on any one shelf are in different states, but all have the same energy.
T he total number of marbles in the boxes at any level j is called the occupation
number N1 of that level.
Evidently, the sum of the occup ation numbers N1 over all levels equals the
total n umber of particles N:
~ N, ~ N. (11-5)
A lso, since the particles in those states included in any level} all have the same
energy.,. the total energy of the particles in level} is <1N1 , and the total energy E
of the system is
~ < 1 N 1 =E. ( 11-6)
If the system is in an external conservative force field such as a gravitational,
electric, or magnetic field, the total energy E will consist in part of the potential
energy£" of the system. If the potential energy is zero, the total energy E is then
the internal energy U and
~ <1 N 1 = U. (11-7)
A number N o f identical entities is called an assembly. The entities may be single
particles, or they may themselves be identical assemblies of particles, in which case
one has an assembly of assemblies, or an ensemble. We shall for the most part
consider only assemblies of single particles, and shall refe r to them as an assembly
or simply as a system.
If the distribution of the particles of the system among its enerll>l states is
k nown, the macroscopic properties of the system can be determined. Thus a
central problem of statistical mechanics is to determine the possible distributions of
particles among energy levels and energy states.
The description of a single·particle assembly depends on whether the particles
of which it consists are distinguishable or indistinguishable. Suppose the assembly
is a sample o f gas and the individual molecules are the particles. Since there is no
way in which the molecules can be labeled, the particles are indistinguishable.
On the other hand, if the assembly is a crystal, the molecules can be labeled in
accord with the positions they occupy in the crystal lattice and can be considered
disti nguishable.
Whether the particles are distinguishable or not, a specification of the number
of particles N1 in each energy level is said to define a macros/ate of the
assembly. For example, the macrostate of the assem bly in Fig. 11-2 is specified by
the set of occupation numbers N1 = S, N, - 4, Ns - 3, N, - 2.
If the particles are indistinguishable, a specification of the total number of
particles in each energy state is said 10 define a microstate of the assembly. Thus if
the energy states in each level in Fig. 11- 2 are numbered {I), {2), (3), etc., up to the
number of states g1 in the level; and if the particles are indistinguishable, the micro-
state of the assembly is specified by saying that in level 4 there is one particle in
each of the states {3) and (5), and there are no particles in states (I), {2), and (4);
in level3 there is one particle-in states (I), (3), and {4), and no panicle in state {2) ;
in level2there are two particles in state (I) and one particle in each of states (2)
and {3); and in level I there are live particles in the on'ly state in this level.
If one or both of the particles in level 4 were in states other than (3) and (5),
the microstate would be different, but the macrostate would be unchanged since
we would still haveN, = 2. Evidently, many different microstates will correspond
to the same macrostate.
If the particles are distinguishabl~. a specification of the energy state of ~ach
partie/~ is said to define a microstate of the assembly. That is, we must specify not
only how ma11y particles are in each state, but which particles they are. Thus suppose
that the particles in Fig. I 1- 2 are distinguishable and are lettered a, b, c, etc., and
that in level 4 particle a is in state {3) and particle b is in state (5); in level 3,
particle cis in state (I) and particles dand e are in states (3) and {4) respectively, and
so on. The preceding specification, including all levels, describes the microstate
of the assembly. In contrast to an assembly of indistinguishable particles, in which
the microstate would be the same no matter • ·hich particles occupied states (3)
and (5) in level 4, the microstate is now considered different if particles a and b
are interchanged between these states. Also, the microstate would be different if,
say, particles c and din level3 were interchanged with a and bin level 4. In each
such inter$ange we have a different specification of the energy states of the par-
tides and hence a different microstate; although the macrostate does not change
because the occupation numbers of the levels are the same.
If there is more than one particle in a given energy state, an interchange of the
order in which the letters designating the particles is written is not considered to
change the microstate. Thus suppose the two particles in state {I) of level 2 are
lettered p and q. The microstate is considered the same if the letters are written
in the order pq or qp.
The number of microstates that are considered different, for a given set of
occupation numbers, is evidently much greater if the particles are distinguishable
than if they are indistinguishable.
T he grades corre5pond to the energy levels of the sys1em and the specificalion of the
number of children in each gr.~de defines the macrosta te of the system. A differen t
macrostale with the same total number of children would be
A different micros tate of the same macros tate of the system would be
Ahhough the number of children in each <lass was changed, the number o f children
in each grodt remained constant.
However, the distribution
equals the sum over all macrostates of the thermodynamic probability of each
..v- I ir.Af,
and since A.A·· is 1he same for all m:crostates, we can cancel it from the numJrator
and denominator. The group average is
I N,.-tr. I
IV;,.. t I -;r. =!it N,.ir•. ( 11- 8)
Similarly, we can calculate the time average of the occupation number of level
j. IV/. As explained above, the postulate that all microstates are equally probable
means that over a sufficiently long period of time 1, each microstate exists fo r the
same time interval At. The total time the assembly is found in macrostate k is
then the product of the time interval tlt and the number rr. of microstates in
macrostate k. The sum of these products over all macrostates equals the total
timet :
I - I il'".llt .
The tim~ a~rag~ value of the occupation number of level j. Nl. is found by
multiplying the occupation number N1• of level j in macroslate k by the time
rr. tlt that the assembly spends in macrostate k, summing these products over all
macrosta tes, and dividing by the total time 1. The time average is therefore
I N,."'r. t>t
n: - -IN,.rr.t>t
,• =•I rr. t>t .
Since tlt is the same for all microstates, we can cancel it from numerator and
denominator, giving
I N,.rr. '
n:- ·~~v =-IN,.rr•. (11-9)
~"'• n•
Comparison ofEqs. (I 1- 8) a nd (I 1- 9) shows that if all microstates are equally
probable, the timt> avuage value of an occupation number is equal to the group
at•nag~. and we can represent either by N1•
The values of the average occupation numbers of the energy levels are cal-
culattd for diffe rent cases in the next three sections. The general expressions for
the N1 , the distribution functions for these cases, a re derived in Sections I 1- 9 to
where in each bracketed group the letters following a number designate the particles
in the state corresponding to the number.
If the numbers and letters are arranged in all possible sequences, uch sef!uence
will represent a possible distribution of particles among states, provided ~he se-
quence begins with a number. There are therefore g, ways in which the sequences
can begin, one for each of the g, states, and in each of these sequences the remaining
(g1 + N1 - I} numbers and letters can be arranged in a ny order.
The number cif different sequences in which N distinguishable objects can be
arranged is N! (N factorial}. There are N choices for the first term in a sequence.
For each of these there are (N- I} choices for the second, (N- 2} choices for the
third , and so on down to the last term, for which only one choice remains. The
total number of possible sequences is therefore
N(N - I}(N - 2} · · · 1 = N!
As an example, the three lellers a, b, and c can be arranged in the following
abc, otb, bca, hoc, cba, cab.
We see that there are six possible sequences, equal to 3 !.
Using the example of lhe previous section, the number "'r of different sequences
in which the 70 children of the first grade can be lined up is 70!. II is shown in Appendix
C that Stirling·s• approximation for the natural logarithm of the factorial of a large
number xis
Jn x! ... x In x - x.
In 70! • 701n 70-70 • 24S
log10 701 ~ 245/2.303 = 106
101 = 1o•••.
The number of different possible sequences of the (g, +
N 1 - I} .n umbers
and letters is therefore (g, + N,- I} ! and the total number of possible sequences
of g, numbers and N 1 letters is
g1[(g, + N,- 1}!]. (I 1- 1I}
Although each of these sequences represents a possible distribution of particles
among the energy states, many of them represent the same distribution. For
e xample, one of the possible sequences will be the following:
[(3}] [(l}ab] [(4)def] [(2}c] · · ·.
This is the same distribu tion as {I 1-10}, since the same states contain the same
particles, a nd it differs from {I 1- 10} only in that the bracketed groups appear in a
different sequence. There are g, groups in the sequence, one for eac h state , so
the number of different sequences of groups is g) ! and we must divide {I 1- 1 I} by
g,! to avoid counting the same distri bution mo re than once.
If a level is nondegenerate, that is, if there is only one state in the level and
g1 ~ I, then there is only one possible way in which the particles in the level can
be arranged, and hence '"' = I. But if g1 = I, Eq. (I 1- 12) becomes
to 1 = - - = I.
OIN1 1
It follows that we must set 0! - I , whicp may be considered as a convention that
is necessary in order to get the right answer. A further discussion can be found in
Appendix C.
Also, if a level j is unoccupied and N1 - 0.
(g,- I )! I
«1J = (gl - l )t (0)! =
and w 1 = I for tha t level. -~
For each of the possible distributions in a ny level, we may have any one of the
possible distribu tions in each of the other levels, so the toril number of possible
distributions, or the thermodynamic probability tr0 . 8 of a macrostate in the
B-E statistics is the product over all levels of the values of w 1 for each level, or,
In II Fl, N•6
0041 U • 6t
0.088 n - 1sJ2
0 20S ,,• l
.. G.tlO
.. 160
shown in the columns of Fig. 11-4. !Oach horizon tal row corresponds to an energy
level (t he t hree states in each level are not shown in the figure). T he dots represent
the number of particles in each level. The columns could representeitherthe macro-
states of a single system at different times, o r the mac rostatesof a numbe r of replicas
of t he system at a given insta nt. If we consider t he figure to represent these replicas,
t hen out of a large number..¥ of replicas there would be a number A.¥ in each
macrostate, but since all of these numbers t,.,V would be equal, we can consider
that each macrostate occurs just once.
The diagram can be constructed as foll ows. The macrostate re presented by
the first column is obtained by first placing one particle in level 6, with e nergy 6<.
The remaining five particles must then be placed in the lowest level with energy
zero, so that t he total energy of the system is 6•. Evidently, there can be no particles
in levels higher than the sixth. In t he seco nd column, we place one part icle in
level 5, one particle in level I , and the remaining four particles in the lowest level,
and so o n.
The thermodyna mic p robability. ""~~'• of each macrostate, calc ulated from Eq.
( 11- 13), is given under t he corresponding co lumn. Thus for macrostate k = I,
since g1 = 3 in all levels and all occupation numbers are zero except in level 6,
where N, = I, and in level 0, where N 0 = 5,
(3 +I - I) ! (3 + 5. - I)!
if", = ! I! · ! = 3 X 21 - 63.
2 2 51
That is, the single particle in level 6 could be in any one of three states, and in the
lowest level the remaining five particles could be distributed in 21 different ways
among the three states, making a total of 63 different possible arrangements.
The total number of possible microstates of the system, or the thermodynamic
pro ba bility of the system, is
n = I ,-. ...
The average occupation numbers of each level, calculated from Eq. (11-8),
are given at the right of the corresponding level. In level 2, for example, we see
that macrostate 3 includes 135 microstates, i n each of which there is one particle
in level 2. Macrosta te 6 includes 270 microstates in each of which theJe is also
one particle in level 2, and so on. The average occupation number of level 2 is
n. - n.r
.!. N ....,.. - 1532 o.83.=
I n a ny macrostate k in which level 2 is unoccupied, the corresponding value
of N, is zero and the product N,.'fr . for that level is ze ro. Note that although the
attual occupation number of any level in any macrostate must be a n integer or
zero, the atJtrage occupation nu mber is not necessarily an integer.
The most probable matrostate in Fig. 11-4, that is, the o ne with the largest
number of microstates (270), is the sixth. The occupa tion number of each level
for this macrostate is roughly the same as the average occupatio n number for the
assembly. It can be shown (Appendix D) that when the number of particles in an
assembly is very large, the occupation numbers in the most probable state are very
nearly the same as the average occupation numbers.
The statistics developed by Fermi a nd Dirac, which for brevity we call the F-D
statistics, applies to indistinguishable particles that obey the Pauli• exduslon
prindple, acco rding to which there can be no more than one particle in each
permitted energy state. (It is as if e very particle were aware of the occupancy of all
states, a nd could o nly take a state unoccupied by any other particle.) Thus the
a rrangements in the upper th ree rows of Fig. 11-3, in which there are two particles
in each state, wo uld not be permitted in the F·D statistics. Evidently , the number
of particles N1 in a ny level cannot exceed the number of states g1 in that level.
T o calculate the thermodynamic probability of a macrostate, we again tem-
porarily assign numbers to energy states of a level and letters to the particles, and
we rep resent a possible a rrangement of the particles in a level by a mixed sequence
of numbers and letters. A possible arrangement might be the following:
[(J)a] [(2)b] [(3)] [(4)t] [(5)] · · · ( I 1-14)
meaning tha t states (I), (2), (4), .. ·. are occupied with their quota of one pa rticle
each while states (3), (5), .. . are empty. Fo r a given sequence of numbers, we
• Wolfgang Pauli, Austrian physicist (1900-1958).
first select some arbitrary sequence of lellers. There are g1 possible locations for
the first Jetter, following any one of the g1 numbers. This leaves only (g1 - I)
possible locations for the second Jetter, (g1 - 2) locations for the third, down to
[g1 - (N1 - I )] or (g1 - N1 + I ) locations for the last Jetter. Since for any one
location of any one Jetter we may have any one of the possible locations of each
of the others, the total num ber of ways in which a given sequence of N1 letters can
be assigned to the g1 states is
g1(g1 - l)(g1 - 2) · · · (g1 - N 1 +
I) = (g, _ N,)J , (11-15)
g1 ! = g,(g1 - l)(g1 - 2) · · · (g1 - N1 + l )(g1 - N 1)!.
Because the particles are indistinguishable, a state is occupied regardless of the
particular Jetter that foll ows the num ber representing the state, and since there
are N/ different sequences in which the N1 letrers can be writren, we must divide
Eq . (11- 15) by N1 !. Again, although the sta tes are distinguishable, a differen t
sequence of states does not change the distribution. Therefore we do not need to
consider other sequences of letters a nd for level j,
«>, = (g 1 - N 1)1 N/
. (11-16)
(2) (J)
Fig. JJ -5 The pos-
sible distributions
of two indistinguish-
able particles among
three energy stales,
with no more than
one particle in each
l 11, N • 6
fj/f - 4 • ( 0.12.1 U•6t
0.494 n- n
... • I.I.S IJ •l
I • ·. ) l .ll
v •
. .
v 6
vI b
VI I b
IX b
For example, if level j includes three s1a1es (K1 - 3) and the two particles a and b
(N1 - 2), the possible arrangemeniS of !he parriclcs arc shown in Fi,. 11- 7, and we
sec !hat there arc nine. An inlcrchange of the letters a and b belwccn different Slatts,
as in arrangcmcnls I V and V, VI and VII, VIII and IX, is considered to give ri~ to a
diffcrcnl microstalc since the particlu a a nd b arc in different states. On the other
hand, a change in the order of the letters within a given state docs not change the
microstate since it leaves the same panicles in the same stale. That is, in arrange-
menr. J, II, and JJJ we could equally well have designated the panicles as ba instead
of ab. Note that if the particles are indistinguishable and are represented by dols
instead of lctlcrs, arra ngements IV and V correspond to the same microstates, as do
arrangcmcniS VI and Vll, and VJII and IX, leaving only six different arrangements as
in Fig. I 1-3. From Eq. (1 1-18), the number of different arra ngements is
in agreement wilh Fig. 11-7. !{'- 3' ~ 9,
Since for a ny d istribution of panicles in o ne leve l we may have any o ne of the
possible distributions in each of t he o ther levels, the toral number of distributions
including all levels, with a specified set of particles in each level, is I
III "'' = II
gf•. (11- 19)
But II,w 1 is not equa l to tr. as in t he othe r statistics since a n intercha nge of
particles between ~~~Is (as well as an inlerchange between states in the same level)
wiU also give rise to a different microstate. {If t he particles a re indistinguishable,
an interchange bel ween levels does not result in a diffe rent microstate.) T hus for
example, if ·particle b in Fig. 11-7 were interc hanged with particle c f rom some
o t her level so t hat t he t wo particles in level j we re a and c instead o f a a nd b, we
would have another nine different a rrangements of particles in this level. T he
question then is, out of a total of N particles, in how many different ways can t he
particles be distributed among the e nergy levels, with given numbers of particles
N, N,, N,, etc., in the various levels?
I magine that the N letters representing the particles are written down in a ll
possible sequences. We have shown that there a re N! such sequences. Let the
first N 1 letters in each sequence represent the par ticles in level I, the next N 1
letters those in level 2, and so on. Out of theN! possible sequences, there will be
a number in which t he samt letters appea r in t he fi rst N 1 places, but in a different
order. Whatever the order in which t he letters appea r, the same particles are
assigned to level I, so we must d ivide N! by the number of different sequences in
which the same letters appea r in the first N 1 places, which is N 1 !. In the same way,
we must also di vide by N 2 !, N,!, etc., so that the total number of ways in which N
particles can be distributed amo ng the levels, with N , particles in level I, N,
particles in level 2, and so on, is
N! N!
(ll- 20)
N, !Na!· ·· - fi N,!.
The total number of different dist ributions, or the thermodynamic probability
11'",._8 of a macrostate in the M-B statistics, is therefore the product of ( I 1- 19)
10 II 1'/1
•I• • 6!---'-1--f--t-~--t-·+--l-+-t--t---iO.OIJ U• 6•
s '
1-+- - -~-
-· 0910
and {11-20):
1(/'AI· R - -Nl- IT gl''"' = N I. II-gJ"'. (11- 21)
IT N,! I I Nl!
Figure 11-8 shows the possible macrostates of an assembly of 6 particles
obeying the M-B statistics. As in Figs. 11-4 and 11- 6, the energy levels arc pre-
sumed to be equally spaced and the degeneracy of each level is g1 = 3. Although
each panicle could be designated by a leuer, the dots represent only the occupation
numbers N, or the respective levels. The figure is identical with Fig. 11-4 for the
B-E statistics, but it represents a much greater number of microstates because of
the possible interchanges of particles between the states in any level, and between
various levels. The thermodynamic probability of each macrostate, calculated
from Eq. (11- 21), is given under the corresponding column. The values of iJ"•
have been divided by 3'. T hus for mncros ta te k = I, in which only levels zero and
si• a re occupied,
31 31 5
iJ"1 = 6!-- = 18 X 3 ,
S! I!
1r.f3' = 18.
The total number of possible microstates is
Q =! if"• = 1386 X 3' ~ 3.37 X JO'.
The average occupation nu mber of each level is given at the right of the corre-
sponding row.
The partial derivative of J(!l2) with respect to !l1 is zero, since !l, is constant.
On the right side, the partial deriva tive of J (!l,O,), with respect to !l, equals
the total derivati ve of J(U,O,) with respect to its a rgument (0,0,), multiplied
by the patltial derivative of its argament with respect to !l,, which is simply the
consta nt 0 1• Then if we represent by J '(010,) the derivative of J(O,!l,) with
resi>cct to its argument, we have
dJ(Q,)- !l.,J'(!l,!l,).
In the same way,
dJ(!l,) •
- - - O,J (0 10 1).
It follows from these equations that
Q dJ(O,) = n dJ(Q,) .
dO, . .. dCl, '
a nd since 0 1 and 0. are independent , the equation can be satisfied only if each
side equals the same constant kn. Then for any arbitrary system,
Q dJ(Q) = k
dQ B•
dJ(O> = ks 0dQ ,
J(O) - k 8 In !l;
and hence
S- k 0 In !l. (11-24)
Thus the only fu nction of 0 which satisfies the condition that entropies are add/tire
while thermodynamic probabilities are multlplicatiue is the logari thm.
This equa tion provides the connecting link between statistical and classical
thermodynamics. T he nu merical value of the proportionality constant k n must
be chosen so that the classical and statistical values of the entropy will agree. We
shall show. in Section 11 - IS that kH turns out to be none other than the Boltzmann
constant k = R{N"'
From a statistical point of view the entropy of a system consisting of a very
large number of particles is proportional to the natural logarithm of the total
number of microstates available to the system. If we could prepare an assembly
so that energetically only one microstate is available to it, Q • I, In 0 = 0, and
the entropy would be zero. This system is perfectly ordered since the state of each
particle can be uniquely specified . If more energy states become available to the
system, Q becomes greater than I and the entropy is larger than zero. In this case
it is not possible to specify uniquely the state of each particle since the state of a
particle may be different when the system is in different microstates. Thus the
system becomes more disordered as more microstates become available to it.
The entropy of the system may be thought of as a measure of the disorder of the
This statistical interpretation of entropy allows additional insight into the
meaning of the absolute zero of temperature. According to the Planck statement
of the third law (Section 7-7) the e ntropy of a system in internal equilibrium
approaches zero as the temperature approaches zero. Therefore systems in internal
equilibrium must be perfectly ordered a t absolute zero.
Does the quantity k 11 In 0 have the other properties of entropy? We give some
qualitalitx' answers.
1. If there is a reversible flow of heat d' Q, into a system at a tempe ra tu re T, the
entropy of the system increases by dS ~ d' Q,/T. If the system is at constant volume
so that the wo rk in the process is zero, the increase d/) in internal energy of the
system equals d' Q,. But for an assembly of non interacting particles, the values of
the energy levels depend upon the volume; and if the volume is constan t, these
values do not change. If the energy of an assembly increases, more of the higher
energy levels become available to the particles of the assembly, with a corre-
sponding increase in the number of available microstates or the thermodynamic
probability 0 . Hence both Sand In 0 increase when the energy of the system is
2. The entropy of a n ideal gas increases in an irrttx'rsiblt free expansion fro m a
volume V1 to a volume V,. There is no change in internal energy in the process,
a nd no work is done, but the permitted energy levels become more closely spaced
because of the increase in volume. For a constant total energy, more microstates
become available as the spacing of the energy levels decreases, and again both S
and In 0 increase in the irreversible free expansion.
3. In a reversible adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, the entropy S remains
constant. There is no hea t flow into the gas, and the work in the expansion is done
at the expense of the internal energy, which decreases in the process. If the spacing
of the energy levels did not change, a reduction in internal energy would result in
a smaller number of available microstates with a corresponding decrease In In 0,
but because of the increase in volume the energy levels become more closely
spaced, and the resulting increase in In 0 just compensates for the decrease arising
from a decrease in internal energy. The result is that In O, like S, remains constant.
Many other examples could be cited, and it turns out in fact that complete
agreement between thermodynamics a nd statistics results from the assumption
that the entropy S , whose change dS is defined in the rmodynamics by the relation
dS- d'Q,
T •
has its statistical counterpart in the logarithm of the the rmodyna mic probability
n of a n ass~mbly of a very large number of pa rticles, or in the logarithm of the
that is, the difference in energy results in part from the differences dF/1 in the average
occupation numbers, and in part from the differences d<1 in the energy levels.
If the values or the energy levels are function.s of son1e extensive parameter X,
such as the volume V, then
(1 1- 26)
If, for example, the parameter X is t~e volume V, the quant ity Y is the pressure P and
YdX- PdV.
The energy difference dU is then
dUx =I •1 dN1•
:'""principles or thermodynamics lead to the result that whon X is constan t,
dUx- TdS,
and hence
(11- 29)
Thus the equation
is the statistical form of the combined first and second law of thermodynamics for a
closed system:
dU- T dS- YdX.
If the system is taken from one state to the other by a rtcrrsiblt process, then
T dS- d'Q,, and Y dX - d'W,.
Hence in such a process,
dU - d'Q, - d'W,
f 'I dl'll - d'Q,. f Nl d.l - - d' W,. ( 11- 30)
f/ t • 61 •
I JO .,...!!-
N, N •6
u •6•
s[ 0.018 n •lll2
41 O.lOl fJ•l
lj 0.410
. '..' ..
.. .. ·. ...
ISO 100 216 13r'28'
I 2 ) 4 l 6 7 8 L ,.!L ;;;,
0. 129
N' •l
( f . 4t
J . 0.2S8 Oj • 341
2 .. . 0.6ll ,, •l
., ..u-
.. .
... . . . .
90 60
• 'f----
The result is equivalent to the removal of n particles from level r in the unprimed
system, without changing the occupation numbers of the other levels.
We censider first a system obeying the Bose-Einstein statistics, and illustrate
the relation between corresponding macrostates by taking as an example of the
unprimed system that of Fig. 11-4, shown again in part (a) of Fig. 11-9. The
number of particles is N - 6, the energy U = 6<, and we let n have its smallest
possible value, n = I. The number of particles in the p rimed system is N ' =
N - I ~ S, and level 2 has been selected as t.he a rbitrary level r so that the energy
of the p rimed system is U' = U - 2• = 4 <.
The only possible macrostates of the primed system are shown in part ·(b) of
Fig. 11-9. There can evidenrly be no macrostates of the primed system corre·
sponding to a macrostate of the unprimed system in which level 2 is unoccupied.
Thus there are only five possible macrostates, and it will be seen that in each of
these the occupation number of level 2 is one less than in the corresponding
macrostate of the unprimed system, the occupation numbers of all other levels
being the same in borh sysrems.
The thermodynamic probability 71'"• of macrostate k in the unprimed system is
(11- 33)
Hence in order that ir;. shall be zero, and provided that g, > I, we must adopt
the convention that (- I)! ~ oo. For a more general discussion, see Appendix C.
The ratio of thermodynamic probabilities is
(g, + N,. - I)! - (g, + N;.J! = (g, + N;.)(g, + N;. - 1)!,
N,•ir• = (g, + N;.)-tr;.;
and summing over all macrostates,
In a macroscopic system in which the occupation numbers are very large, the
removal of o ne part icle from a level will make only a rela tively s mall c hange in the
average occupation number of the level, and to a good approximation we can set
R; - Jil, so that -
Jil, o;
( 11-36)
g, + R, = fi.'
Taking the natural logarithms of both sides, we have
In -
- '- = ln-.
g,+R, o
In ~ ..; In o; - In 0;
where p. is now the chemical potential per particle. For the two states we are con-
AU= -•., AN= -1,
and hence
Then from Eq. {ll-37), since level r was arbitrarily chosen and could be any ·
level j,
In ___!!_t_ = P. - ., ;
g1 + N, k0 T
8' + N, = .!t. + 1 = exp •, - P.
N, N, k0 T '
which can be written as
N, = ------~----- {11-38)
exp ( '' - P.) - I
k8 T
To derive the distribution function in the F-D statistics, we agai n consider two
assemblies in which the nu mbers of particles are respectively Nand N' = N - I.
In any pair of corresponding macrostates, Ni• = N,. in all levels except an arbitrary
level r; and in level r, N;. = N,. - I. The corresponding energies are U and
U' = U- <,.
Part (a) of Fig. 11- 10 is the same as Fig. 11-6 and shows the possible macro·
states of an assem bly of N = 6 particles and U = 6<, for an assembly obeying
the F-D statistics and in which the energy levels are equally spaced and g 1 = 3
in each level. Part (b) is the corresponding diagram for an assembly of N' = 5
particles and one in which level 2 has been chosen as the arbitrary level r so that
U' = U - 2• = 4<. Again it will be seen that in every pair of corresponding
macrostates the occupation numbers are the same in all levels except level 2, and
that in this level N;. = N,. - I.
·- .
t.J t •4
I N,
N •6
u. 6•
l •
t/ •· •
I Nj N•S
U'. 4t
ll'. 39
0.4 94 n -n 0.231
···- 9 21 9
• lSI
27 ...,. . (b)
• l ll
Fig. 11-10 (a) The possible macroslatcs of an assembly of 6 particles obeying F·D
slalistics when U = 6<. (b) The possible macrostatcs when one particle is removed from
level 2 of the assembly of part (a). The lhcrmodynamic probability of each macrostate is
given at the bottom and the average occupation number of each level is prinled on I he
right of the diagram.
if";. = rr g,, .
1 (g 1 - Nj.)l Nj.l
if";.= I1 (g l - N,.)l N,.!
if",. 1 (g 1 - Nj.)! Nj, !'
which aftef cancellation reduces to
Yr;. N,t
if", = g, - N;,
N,,if". - (g, - N;,)tr;..
Summing o ver all values of k, we have
(JJ -39)
Here we can let FJ; = FJ, since if the states a re degenera te enough, N, and N; can
be much la rger than one. By the same reasoning as in the B-E statistics
!!..t= ____:___ (11-40)
g, exp ( •' - "') + I •
k8 T
which is the Ftrmi-Dirac distribution f unction. It differs from the B-E distribution
in that we have + I in the denominator instead of -I.
-) -2
In the F-D statistics, on the other hand, all levels a re populated down to the
lowest and as <1 decreases, R,/g, approaches I. That is, the low-energy levels are
very nearly uniformly populated with one particle per state.
The curve for classical statistics has no meaning except when (•, - Jl)/k T is
large. It is drawn on Fig. I I-I I for comparison only. If the ordinate of Fig. 11- 11
is taken as R1/Ng1 instead of R,/g,, this curve is the distribution function for
M-B statistics which is developed in the next section.
k• I 2 10 II N, N •6
•J~• -6
Jo.ou U •IH
0 .065 Cl •IJ86 JC 3~
0 .195 fJ•l
01-;-;·• • - • • ··;
• J .l ) - • 18 • • 90 • • 90 • I~
T hen
which simplifies to
IV,/N 1 p - <
- -crexp--, (11-44)
g1 knT
which is Ihe Maxll'tll· Boltzmann distribution Junction. II differs from I he classical
d islribulion funclion, which is somelimes referred 10 as I he "correcled" Bollzmann
funca ion , in that lhe numeralor on the left is the average fractional number of
particles in level}, IVJN, so. thalthe left side is the fractional number of parlicles
per state in any level.
! IV1 =- N
.. N{expL)! g 1 exp - • , .
1 kuT 1 kuT
The sum in the last lerm is called the partitlon fimr!ion or sum outr stat~s a nd
will be represenled by Z . (German Z11standssumm~) Oaher leite rs are oflen used.
( 11-45)
IV, N - •
- =-exp -1 . ( 11-47)
g1 · Z knT
Thus in a given system, the average number of pa rticles per slate in any level
decreases exponenlially wilh the energy <1 .of lhe level : and lhe lower the !em-
perature T, the more rapid is Ihe rate of decrease.
I tv, • JJ )
N = ( exp- I g1 exp- -
•, .
1 kaT 1 koT
Then if the partition function Z is defined in the same way as in the M-B
statistics, we have
exp ksT = z' (11--48)
= N-Z exp-,
- •
k T
1 0
which has the same form as the M-B distribution.
Because of the form of the B-E and F-D distribution functions, these cannot
be expressed in terms of a single-particle partition function, and we shall discuss
them later.
p.=- oG)
(oN 1', Y
c: (ooNF)
T . x'
For a system obeying M-B statistics, the chemical potential of the system ·is related
to the partition function by Eq. (1 1--46):
f' = -k 0 T in Z. {I l-SI)
The right side of this equation is constant when X and Tare constant. Integrating
at constant X and T yields
Fa - Nk0 T(ln Z- InN+ 1), (11-54)
since JN InN dN- N InN- N. Equation (II-53) would be satisfied if any
functionf(T, X) were added to the right side of Eq. (II-54), but since F must be
zero when N = 0, it follows thatf(T, X) = 0. Equation ( 11-54) is on expression
for Fin terms of N, T, and X; therefore all the thermodynamic properties of the
system can be determined by tf1e methods of Section 7- 2.
The entropy Sis given by S = - (CIFfCIT)K.x so that
S = Nk 0 T ( - z)
CI In- + Nk,.(lnZ -InN+ 1). (II-55)
Since U =F + TS, the internal energy is
For a one-component system, the Gibbs function G = pN, so that from Eq.
G = -Nk 0 T(InZ -In N). (11-S9)
so that for any system obeying the classical statistics and in which the energy levels
are functions of a single extensive parameter X,
rx ... NknT. (11-60)
In the special case in which the pnrnmeter X is the volume V and Y is the
pressure P,
PV= NknT.
This is the equation of state of an ideal gas as derived from kinetic theory, pro-
vided that the universal constant k 11 , which was introduced earlier only as the
proportionality constant in the equation S = k 11 Jn U. is equal to the Boltzmnnn
constant k - R/N.,. Since k 11 is a tmitwsal constant, which in this special case is
equal to R/N,,, it must equal R/N ., regardless of the nnture of an assembly. In
the future we shall, for simplicity, drop the subscript Band write simply S = k In 0.
It is at first surprising that we obtain only the ideal gas equation of state.
However, the partition fu nction can only be given by the sum over single particle
states when the pnrticles do not interact. This is the same condition needed to
derive the ideal gas law from kinetic theory.
In t~rms of this notation, the expressions for the thermodynamic properties
of a system obeying classical statistics and a system in which the energy levels are
determined by the extensive parameter X are given by I
F - -NkT( In Z - InN + I), (11-61)
u - Nkr'(a In
ar -"
z) ' (11-62)
oN T .Y
~ - kT In Z. (11- 67)
The right side of this equation is constant when Tand Y arc constant. Integrating
at constant T and Y yields
G = -NkTln Z . (11-68)
The arbitrary function g(T, Y) which should be added to the right side of Eq.
( 11-68) is again zero since G ~ 0 when N ~ 0. This equation appears at first to
contradict Eq. (1 1-65) since F ,e G. However, Eq . ( 11 -65) is derived for a system
in which the energy levels arc functions of an extensive parameter X, whereas
Eq. (11-68) applies to a system in which the energy levels depend upon an intensive
parameter Y.
The entropy is now given by S- - (oGfo T)_,·,y, and hence
S= TH + Nk lnZ. (11-71)
The equation of state is given by
F- NkT' (i1ln
z) y'
( 11-73)
S = T + NklnZ. (11-74)
It has been assumed thus far in this section that the energy levels were functions
either of a single extensive variable X or a s ingle intensive variable Y. W e now
consider the more general case of a multivariab/e system in which the energy levels
are functions of more than one independent variable. We restrict the discussion to
systems whose energy levels are functions of two variables only, one of which is
an extensive variable X1 while the other is an intensive variable Y1 , which we
consider to be the intensity of a conservative field of force.
If the system is described by either the Maxwell-Boltzmann or classical
statistics, we can still define the partition function as
Z = 1, gtexp (-•t).
The only difference is that the •js are now functions of both X, and Y1 , and the
partition function is a function of T, X,, and Y1 . Since the system has both an
internal energy U and a potential energy £ 11 - Y,X,, its total energy E is
E- u+ E,- U + Y1 X,,
and we therefore make use of the generalized Helmholtz function F*, defined by
Eq. (7-34) as
F• 11 E- TS- U- TS + Y,X 1 •
The chemical potential is now
f'- (ilF:'\ .
If the system obeys the classical statistics,
Y, = -(oF*)
oX, .V.T.Y1
= NkT(oln
z) .
E = NkT' ( o In z) •
oT x,.Y,
(1 1-79)
and hence
S = E
+ Nk(ln Z - InN + 1). ( 11 -80)
11-1 Using quantum mechanics, show that the energy levels or a one-dimensional
infinite square well or width L arc also given by Eq. (1 1-3).
11- 2 (a) Tabulate the values or the quantum numbers n., n,, n, for the twelve lowest
energy levels or a free part ide in a container or volume V. (b) What is the degeneracy!
or each level ? (c) Find the energy or each level in units or h2/8m Vli>. (d) Are the energy
levels equally spaced?
Jl-3 Calculate the value or n 1 in which an oxygen atom confined to a cubical box I em
on a side will have the same energy as the lowest energy available to a helium atom con-
tined to a cubical box 2 x 1()-••
m on a side.
Jl-4 Five indistinguishable particles are to be distributed among the four equally spaced
energy levels shown in Fig. 11-2 with no restriction on the number or particles in each
energy state. If the total energy is to be 12<" (a) specify the occupation number or each
level for each macrostate, and (b) find the number or microstates for each macrostate,
given the ene'l)' states represented in Fig. I 1- 2.
Jl-5 (a) Find the number of macrostates for an assembly of four particles distributed
among two energy levels one or which is two-fold degenerate. (b) Find the thermody·
namic probability or each macrostate if there is no restriction on the number or particles
in each energy state and the particles are indist inguishable, (c) distinguishable. (d) Cal-
culate the thermodynamic probability or the assembly for parts (b) a nd {c).
11-6 In the poker game stwn-rord stud, seven cards are dealt to each player. He makes
the best hand out or five of those cards. The cards are well shuffled between each deal.
{a) How many different seven-card hands can be made in a deck of 52 cards? (b) If there
are fou r players, how many different ways can the cards be dealt if the players are dis-
tinguishable? (c) How many different five-card hands can be ntdde from a seven-<:ard
11-7 For the example illustrated in Fig. 11-4, find (a) the thermodynamic probability
lrt of each macrostate, {b) the total number of microstates of the assembly 0, (c) the
average occupation number of each level, and (d) the su m of the average occupation
Jl-8 Do Problem 11 - 7 for a system or seven indistinguishable particles obeying B-E
statistics and having a total energy U - 6<.
11-9 {a) Construct a diagram similar to Fig. 11-6, but having eight energy levels. Show
the possible macrostatcs of the system if the energy U - 7< for six indistinguishable
particles, obeying B-E statistics. {b) Calculate the thermodynamic probability of each
macrostate, and (c) show that the to tal number of possible microstates 0 is 2340. (d)
Find the average occupation number of each level.
11-10 (a) Suppose that in the F-D statistics, level j includes three sta les (I), (2),1(3), and
two particles a and b. If the particular sequence of numbers (1), (2), and (3), is selected,
write down the possible different sequences or leuers and numbers, and show that th is
agrees with Eq. (11- 15). {b) How many different sequences of numbers are possible?
(c) What is the total number of different possible sequences of Jeuers and numbers?
11-11 Show tha t in the Fermi-Dirac statistics, irlevel j is fully occupied with one particle
per state, 11·, - I and there is only one way or distributing the particles among the energy
states or that level.
11- 12 Do Problem 11- 9 for six indistinguishable particles obeying F-D stat istics. In
this case 0 - 162.
11- 13 Do Problem 11-9 for six distinguishable particles obeying M-B statistics. In
this case 0 - 5.17 x 10'.
11-14 There are 30 d istinguishable particles distributed among three nondegenerate
energy levels la beled I, 2, 3, such that N 1 - N, - N,- 10. The energies or the levels
are E"1 - 2 eV. c-1 .. 4 eV, C'3 - 6 eV. (a) Ir the change in the occupation number of
level 2, •W, - -2, find •IN1 and •IN, such that •IE - 0. (b) Find the thermodynamic
probability of the macrostate before and a fter the change.
11- 15 Six Idistinguishable particles are distributed over three nondegenerate energy
leve ls. Level I is at zero energy; level 2 has a n energy <; and level 3 has an ene rgy 2<.
(a) Calculate the total nu mber of microstates for the system. (b) Calculate the number of
mjcrostates such th1U lhere are three particles in level 1. two in level 2, and one in level 3.
(c) Find the energy of the distribution for which 11 "• is largest. (d) Calculate the total
number of microstates if the total ene rgy of the six particles is 5<.
11- 16 Five particles are distributed among the states of the four equally spaced ene rgy
levels shown on Fig. 11-2 such that the total energy is 12<1 • Calculate the thermodynamic
probability of each macrostate and the average occupation number of each level if the
particles obey (a) B-E, (b) F-0, (c) M-B statistics.
11-11 Calculate the change in the entropy of each of the systems illustrated In Figs.
11- 4, 11 - 6, and 11 - 8 when a n add itional energy level is available to the pa rticles and the
total energy is increased to 7<. [See Problems 11- 9, 11-12, and 11-13.]
11- 18 The internal energy of the six ind istinguishable particles of Fig. 11- 4 is increased
reversibly from 6< to 7< without work being done, but only the levels up through level 6
can be occupied. (a) Show explicitly that d'Q, - _!1 ., d/il1 and (b) find the increase in
the entropy of the system.
11- 19 (a) Construct a diagram similar to part (b) of Fig. 11-9, bu t in which level 3 is
selected as the arbitrary leve l r so that U' - 6< - 3• - 3<. Note that every possible
macrostate or the primed system corresponds to a macrostate or the unprimed system
and that with the exception of level 3 the occupation numbers of all levels are the same
in each pair or corresponding macrostates. (b) Ho w many possible macrostates are there
for the primed system? (c) How many microstates? (d) Calculate the average occupation
number of the levels of the primed system. (e) Use Eq. (1 1-35) to calculate the average
oocupation number or level 3 or the primed system. (f) Calculate the change in the
entropy of the unprimed system upon removing one particle from level 3.
11- 20 Fill in the steps of the derivation of (a) Eq. (11-39) and (b) Eq. ( 11-40).
11-11 (a) Construct a diagram similar to part (b) of Fig. 11- 10 but in wh ich level 3 is
selected as the arbitrary level r so that U' - 3<. (b) Calculate the number of microsta tes
a va ilable to the primed system. (c) Calculate the average occupation number of the levels
or the primed system. (d) Use Eq. ( 11 -39) to calculate the average occupation number of
level 3 or the pri med system. (e) Calculate the change in the entropy or the unprimed
system upon removing one particle from level J.
11- 22 Show fhaf Eq. ( 11- 13) for ,-,..~ and Eq. (1 1-17) for tr ,.., bofh roduce fo
( 11 -86)
in fhe limif fhaf g 1 » N1• This is fhe fhermodynamic probnbilify or a sysfem obeying
classical sfafiSiics.
11- 23 By a mefhod similar fo fhaf in Seclion JJ -9, show fhaf Eq. ( 11-86) of fhe pre-
vious problem leads fo fhc d isfribufio n funcfion of Eq. (1 1-41).
11- 24 Show fhaf Eq. (11-13) for ,..n·R• Eq. (11- 17) for.,.,._, and Eq. (11-86) (Pfoblem
11-22) for classical sfafisfics can all be r<presenfed by
..,. _ ITgj(g1 - a)(g1 - 2a) · · · [g1 - (N1 - I )a)
I Nil •
where a has fhe va lues given in Secfion 11- 12.
11-25 Fill in fhc sfeps of fhe derivafion of fhc Maxweii-Bollzmnnn disfribufion funcfion
done in Secfion 11- 13.
11-26 Derive fhc Maxweii-Bollzmann disaribufion funcfion by fhe mefhod of Secfion
11- 13 buf assume fhafll pnrlicl., are removed from fhc level r of fhe unprimed system,
where n « N.
11- 27 (a) Consfructa diagram similar to part (b) or Fig. 11 - 12 but one in which level 3
is selecfed as fhe arbitrary level r so that U' - 3<. (b) Calculafe the number of micro-
Sfafes available fO fhe primed sysfem. (c) Calculafe fhe average occupafion number of fhe
le vels of the primed system. (d) Calculafe fhe change in fhe enfropy of the unprimed
system upon removing one particle rrom level 3.
11-28 Subsfifufe fhe Maxweii-Bollzmann disaribufion funcfion info Eq. (11-29), the
expr<SSion for fhe enaropy change or a sysfem in a reversible process, fO obfain
S - -k ~ N1 1n-.
7' K•
11- 29 Seven disfinguishable panicles art dislribufed over fwo energy levels. The upper
level is nondegenerafe and has an energy 10·• eV higher fhan fhe lower level which is
two-fold degenerate. (a) Calculafe fhe infernal energy and enaropy or fhe sysaem if il is
prepared fo have two paraicl.. in fhe upper level. (b) If fhere is no change in fhe system
when it is brought into contact with a reservoir at a temperature T, calculale the tern·
perafure of fhe reservoir. (c) Wrife fhe parlifion funcfion for fhis sysfem. (d) Repeat
parts (a), (b), and (c) for the case fhaf fhe degenerofe level has an energy JO-• eV higher
than fhe nondegenerafe level.
11-30 (a) Derive Eqs. ( 11- 65) und (11-66) for a sysfem obeying M-8 sfafi Siics and in
which fhe energy levels are defermined by an exfensive paramefer X. (b) Show that fhe
expr<SSions for the infernal energy U and fhe infensive paramefer Y for fh is sysaem are
slill given by Eqs. (11-62) and (11-64).
I 1-31 (a) Using Eqs. (1 1-11) and (11-86) (Problem 11-22) for fhe fhermodynamic
probabilify of a macroSiafe of a sysfem of N panicles obeying M-B and classical sfafistics
respecfively, show fhat n,H, = N!!l,. (b) Use the resulf of para (a) fO show that the
11-33 (a) Derive an expression for the enthalpy of a system if the partition function
depends on X and T. (b) Derive an expression for the internal energy of a system if the
partition function depends on y and r.
11-34 Consider a system of N distinguishable particles distributed in two nondegenerate
levels separated by an energy < and in equilibrium with a reservoir at a temperature T.
Calculate (a) the partition function, (b) the fraction NJN and NJN of particles in each
state, (c) the internal energy U of the system, (d) the entropy S or the system , (e) the
specific heat capacity c. or the system. (f) Make sketches or N 1/N, N,/N, U, S, and c. as
a function of T .
11-35 Consider a system or N distinguishable particles each having a magnetic moment
p, distributed over two nondegenerate levels having energies lut'ol2 and - !'LJ2, when
the magnetic intensity is Jl'.. The particles in the upper level have their magnetic moments
antiparallel to the field and those in the lower level are aligned parallel to the field. The
system is prepared to have one-third of all the particles in the upper level and is isolated.
(a) Find the energy and the net magnetic moment of the system. (b) Calculate the change
of the energy and the change of the net magnetic moment of the isolated system when
the magnetic intensity is reversibly reduced to JI'J2 . . (c) Calculate the change in the net
magnetic moment of the system when the magnetic intensity is reversibly reduced to
JI'J2 but the energy of the system remains constant.
11-36 The system of the previous problem is in thermal equilibrium with a reservoir at a
temperature T. (a) Show that the partition function is given by
z- 2cosh 2kur·
(b) Derive expressions for U, E, S, F•, and M for this system and sketch curves of these
properties as a function of Tfor a fixed value of ;r.. (c) Use Eq. ( 11..$7) (Problem 11- 32)
to find how the number of particle$ in each level varies with Jl'0 and T.
11-37 The M-B statistics and the F-D statistics can be developed by calculating collision
probabilities for elastic collisions between two particles. If two particles-obeying M·B
statistics initially have energies <1 and • • and after the collision <a and '•• then
•• + •• - <•· - 6) + (<, + 6).
The number of collisions per unit time F is proportional to the probability /{<1) tha t each
initial state is occupied:
F.., - cf(• 1)/{<,).
Similarly, F~ , - </{<,)/(<,). In equilibrium, F 1•1 - F,_,.
(a) Show that/(<1) - e-'•/ >'1'
solves this equation. (b) Use similar reasoning to derive the F-D statistics. Here, how-
ever, the initial states must be filled and the final stales must be empty. Therefore the
I - /(<,) - ce•,t>'I'
which yields an equation of the form of Eq. (11-40).
11-38 Another way to derive the diSiribution functions is to define a grand partition
fim<tlon '!II
If [n(p - •Jl
'!II -:~.exp ~j ·
and calculate values of /J :
(b) Show that H - I gives the Fermi-Dirac distribution function. (c) Show that H - co
gives the Bose-Einstein distribution function.
Applications of statistics to gases
Z- Ig,exp=!!.
1 kT
This requires a knowledge of the energy <1 and the degeneracy g1 of each level.
We assume that the molecules do not interact except at the instant of a collision,
so that each is essentially an independent particle and has the same set of energy
levels as does a single particle in a box. It was shown earlier that the principles of
quantum mechanics lead to the result that the energy levels of such a particle are
given by Eq. (1 1-4).
n~h v- '
2 11
(12- 1)
where n~ = n! + n: + n:, and n., n,, n, a re integers each of which can equal
I, 2, 3, ... , etc.
The degeneracy g1 of a level, or the number of energy states in the level, can
readily be calculated when the quantum numbers are small, as in the example in
Section 11- 2. In many instances, however, the energy levels of an assembly arc
very closely spaced relative to the value of the energy itself. We can then subdivide
the energy levels into groups of width A<1, including those levels with energies
between <1 and <1 + A <1• We refer to each of these groups as a macrolewl. Let
'*' represent the total number of possible stat~s in all energy levels up to and
including the energy <1• The number of possible states A '*' within the macrolevel
is equal to the number of states in all levels incl uded in the macrolevel. That is,
6 '*1 is the degeneracy of the mocrolevel, but it arises in part from the grouping
together of a large number of levels, while the numbers g1 are fixed by the natu re
of the assembly.
lmagiqe that the quantum numbers n,, n,, " • are marked off on three mutually
perpendicular axes, as suggested in the two-dimensional diagram of Fig. 12- 1.
Every triad of integral values of n., n,, n, determines a point in what can be called
"n·space," and each such point corresponds to a possible state, provided the
quantum numbers are positive. We can think of each point as located at the center
of a cubical cell, each of whose sides is of unit length and whose volume is there·
fore unity.
The quantum number n1 corresponds to a vector in n-space from the origin
to any point, since n; - n! + tt! + 11:. In a system of given volume, the energy
Fig. 12-l Quantum slates in n-space.
depends only on n1, so that all states of equal energy lie on a spherical surface
of radius n1 with center at the origin. Since n., n., and n. are all positive, and
since there is one point per unit volume of n·space, the total number <:§1 of
possible states, in all levels up to and including the energy.,, is equal to the volume
of one octant of a sphere of radius n1. That is,
(12- 2)
The spherical surface will of course cut through some of the unit cells and it is
not certain whether a point representing an energy state lies inside or outside the
surface. H owever, when n1 is a large number, as is the case for the vast majority
of molecules of a gas at ordinary temperatures, the uncertainty becomes negligibly
The number of states in the macrolevel between <1 and ., + I!J.<1, or the
degeneracy D. <:§1 of the macrolevel, is
., }.;n~exp
Z =- ( - h'v-"'
--n~ ) An1• ( 12-4)
2 1 8mkT
This sum can be interpreted graphically as follows. Let the values of n1 be; marked
off on a horizontal axis, and for brevity represent the coefficient of An1 in Eq. (12-4)
by f(n1). At each value of n1, we construct a vertical line of lengthf(n1), as in Fig.
12-2. Each productf(n1) An1 then corresponds to the area of a rectangle such as
that shown shaded in Fig. 12- 2, and the value of Z corresponds to the sum of all
such areas over values of n1 from j .. I to j .. co, since there is no upper limit to
the permissible values of n1• To a sufficiently good approximation, this sum is
equal to ihe area under a conti nuous curve through the tops of the vertical lines,
between the limits of 0 and co, so
Z = !f.m
2 o
nl exp ( - h'v-•ta n:) dn
• (12-5)
The value of the definite integral can be found from Table 12-1, and finally,
z = vC'"~k~.,.· (12~
The partition function therefore depends both on the temperature T and the
volume V, which corresponds to the general extensive variable X in Section 11- 15.
The Helmholtt function F is given by Eq. (1 1-63) as
2 3 2Qi
4 Jfi
8 ;;; 5
6 15Jf.,
i6 ;;; 7 ;;<
If n is even,
xne-u' dx = 2f(n).
Jf n is odd,
f-.. x"t-oz' dx - 0.
P = Nkr( o In
z) .T
Since by Eq. (12- 6),
lnZ = In V +~2 I n ( 2"""kT)
h2 •
( 12-8)
it follows that
p = NkT = nRT, (12- 10)
v v
which is just the equation of state of an ideal gas as derived from kinetic theory.
The internal energy U is
U = NkT-. ( -
- = 3-Nk T = -3 nRT, (12-11)
oT I ' 2 2
which also agrees with the results of kinetic theory for a monatomic gas havi ng
three degrees of freedom.
c.,= (8Tu)v
= ~Nk = ~nR
2 2 '
s =c. In T + Rln V + R [ In N'hl" + 25] · (12- IS)
This agrees with the thermodynamic expression for s in its dependence on V and
T, and contains no undetermined constants. Equation (12-15) is known as the
Sackur•-Tetrodet equation for the absolute entropy of a monatomic ideal gas.
~, + A<1 . Let ,V represent the total num ber of molecules with energies up to and
including the energy '•· The average number of molecules included in the macro-
level, or the average occupation number of the macrolevel, is then ~.. The
quantities ~~ and Af/1 then correspond to the occupation number Fl, and de-
generacy g1 of a single energy level and both the M-B and classical distribution
functions can be written
~1 --Afl (-~,)
1 exp -.
n'h•v-11• 1 1
A fl1 - in,An 1•
m•v v•Av.
A ':I• -- 4 ..h. (12- 17)
For simplicity, we have dropped the subscript j from v, and written Afl. to
indicate that the degeneracy is expressed in terms of v. Finally, taking the expres-
sion for Z from Eq. (12-6), we have
':_(....!!!..\"'u•exp ( -
.,;.. 2kT}
mv•) Au.
( 12-18)
The quantity .,v. represents the average total number of molecules with all speeds
up to and including v, and A.,V. is the average number with speeds between v
and v + Av.
It is helpful to vis ualize the distribution in terms of"velocity space." Imagine
that at some instant a vector vis attached to each molecule representing its velocity
in magnitude and direction, and that these vectors are then transferred to a common
origin, resulting in a sort of spiny sea urchin. The velocity of each molecule is
represented by the point at the tip of the corresponding velocity vector. Figure
12-3 shows one octant of this velocity space. Geometrically speaking, the quantity
,v. represents the average total number of representative points within a sphere
of radius u, and ~. the number within a spherical shell of radius u and thick-
ness Au.
The coefficient of Au in Eq. (12-18), equal to the ratio A.,V./Au, depends only
on the magnitude of v, or on the speed. It is called the Maxwell-Boltzmann speed
distribution function and is plotted as a function ofv on Fig. 12-4. The number of
- - .. -4N- v, exp ( --•) . ( 12- 20)
~v .J"v!. v!_
T he distribution function depends o n the temperature of the gas throug h the
quantity "•• which appears both in the exponentia l function and iLS coefficient.
Figure 12- 5 is a graph of the distribution function at three different temperatures.
The most probable speed decreases as the temperature decreases and the "spread"
or the speeds becomes smaller. The areas under all three curves are equal , since
the area corresponds to the total number or molecules.
As explained in Section 9-3, the average or arithmetic mean speed is
Using Eq. (12-20) and approximating the sum by an integral, we have
ii= ,~ . J."'v•cxp(-,0~dv.
"'"""' • v,.-J
The definite integral, From Table 12-1, is o./2, so
.J7r ~.
( 12- 21)
( 12-22)
which agrees with Eq. (9- 19) obtained From kinetic theory. The method used here
is Far more general than that used to derive Eq. (9- 19). The method is applicable
to systems more complicated than an ideal gas by changing the dependence or
• 1 and g 1 on the velocity or the particles.
In summary, we have
The three speeds are shown in Fig. 12- 6. The relative magnitudes oF the three, at a
given temperature, arc
v. :u:v,m, • I :1. 128:1.224.
The quantity AA". represents the number or velocity vectors terminating in a
spherical shell in velocity space, or "volume" 4,v• Av, between o and o + Av.
The number or representative points per unit " volume" within the shell, or the
p - ~A". =
1 )•exp (- •'\
N(-.,foo,. (12-23)
• 4ml Ao u:: J'
The quantity p. is called the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution function. It
is a maximu m at the o rigin, where o = 0, and decreases exponentially with o' as
shown in Fig. 12- 7.
Note that although the density is a maximum at the origin, the spherical shell
containing the largest number of representative points is that of radius v... The
reason for this apparent discrepancy is that as we proceed outward from the origin,
the volumes of successive spherical shells of equal thickness ~u continually in·
crease, while the number of representative points per unit volume continually
decreases. The volume of the innermost shell (which is actually a small sphere of
radius Au) is essentially zero, so that although the density is a maximum for this
shell, the number of points within it is practically zero because its volume is so
small. Jn other words, practically none of the molecules is at rest. Beyond the
sphere of radius u,., the density decreases more rapidly than the shell volume in-
creases and the numbe r of points in a shell decreases.
The number of molecules f1.AI',., having specified values of all three
velocity compontnts corresponds, in Fig.' 12- 3, to the number of representative
poiniS within a small rectangular volume element in velocity space having sides
of length Au•. Au•.
and Au., and located at the point "·· u•• u,. The volume of the
element is Au. Au, Au, and the number of representati ve points within it is the
product of iiS volume and the density p, . Thus
= N( .;; "'"'
[-(u! +v!.u! + u:)J .1oa .6.u,. Av.,
since u1 -= v! + v! + v!.
The number of molecules having an x-,y-, or z-component of velocity in some
specified interval, regardless of the values of the other components, is represented
in Fig. 12-3 by the number of representative points in the thin slices perpendicular
to the velocity axes. (The diagram shows only the intersections of these slices
with planes perpendicular to the axes.) Thus to find the number of molecules
f1.AI'. with velocity components between o, and u, + Av,, we sum A%, , • over
all vaiues of u, and u,. When the sum is replaced with an integral, we h~v"e'
- - = N -I- e x p - (-u!) (12-24)
Au. ~; v,. v~ '
with similar expressions for u, and u,. These are the Maxwell-Boltzmann distri-
bution functions for ont component of velocity, and that for the x-component is
plotted in Fig. 12-8. The slice in Fig. 12- 8 containing the largest number o f
representative points is therefore the one at u, - 0, and the most probable velocity
component along any axis is zero.
The distribution represented by Eq. (12-24) and Fig. 12-8 is known as a
gaussian• distribution and is typical of many sorts of random distributions, not
just that of molecular velocity components. This is to be expected, since the treat-
ment that led to Eq. (12- 24) is so very general.
We can now show that it is appropriate to use the classical distribution func-
tion to describe an ideal monatomic gas. II will be recalled that the Bose-Einstein
and Fermi-Dirac distribution function both reduce to the classical distribution
func lio n, provided Ihe occupation numbers A%1 are much smaller than the number
of sta tes tJ.'§1 in the macrolevel j. In other words, the classical distri bution func-
tion is applicable p rovided t:..A',!M/1 « I. According to Eq. (12- 16), t he general
expression for tJ..A',/M/1 in this case is
- - = -Ne x (p
tJ.~1 Z kT '
and for an ideal gas,
( h-,-, .
tJ.%1 N( 2,.mk1)..." ( -•1)
tJ. <§ =
-h-,--1 exp kT ·
Lei us rake u an example helium gas at srandard condirions. I n a Maxweii-
Bollzmann velociry disrriburion, rhe energies ., arc grouped around the mean value
3kT{l. Then •,/kT is of rhe order of uniry and so is exp (- •,/k1). The number of
mo lecules per unit volume, N/V, is aboul 3 x rou molecules m-•
and for helium,
m - 6.7 X ro-n kg. Jnserring lhe values or"· k, m, and Tin the preceding equation,
we get
t..IY, •
A'§, ::. 4 X 10",
which is certai nly much less rhan uniry. (Only about four slates in a million arc
occupied!) However, as rhc lemperaturc is lowered, rhc value of t..IY' 1/A~1 increases,
and provided the gas can be cooled to very low temperalures withoul condensing,
the classicalsrarisrics may cease to be applicable. Conversely, condensation may well
be a djusted just when the classical statistics cease to be applicable, and this reftects
the essenlially quantum-mechanical nature of liquid helium.
o ... Baines
·=· =ff!..
The rms speed of t he molecules in the oven is
v, .., =fff..
so that those escaping have a somewha t higher speed t han those in the oven .
The distribution in direction of the molecules escaping thro ug h the hole is
given by Eq. (9--14):
t.ci>m=..!_ iin cos O.
f. w 41T
That is, the number per unit solid angle in the emerging beam is a ma~ imum in the
direction of the normal to the pla ne of the opening and decreases to zero in the
tangential direction.
Direct measurements of the distribution of velocities in a molecular beam
have been made by a number of methods. Figure 12- 10 is a diagram of the ap-
paratus used by Zartman and Ko in 1930-1 934, a modification of a technique
developed by Stern in 1920. In Fig. 12-10, 0 is an oven and S1 a nd S1 are slits
defining a molecular beam; C is a cylinder that can be rotated at approximately
6000 rpm a bout the a~is A. If the cylinder is at rest, the mo lecular beam e nters
the cylinder through a slit s. and stri kes a curved glass plate G. The molecules
--:--s, I
--i- -s,
Fig. IZ- 10 Apparatus used by
Zartman and Ko in studying
distribution of velocities.
stick to the glass plate, a nd the number arriving at a ny portion can be determined
by removing the plate and measuring with a recording microphot6meter the
darkening that has resulted.
Now suppose the cylinder is rotated. Mo lecules can enter it only during the
short t ime intervals during which the slit S crosses the molecular beam. I f the
rotation is clockwise, as indicated, the glass plate moves toward t he right while
t he molecules cross the diameter of the cylinder. They therefore strike the plate
at the lefi of the point of impact when the cylinder is at rest , and th e more slowly
t hey travel, the farther to the lefi is this point of impact. The blackening of the
plate is therefore a measure of the "velocity spectrum" of the molecular beam.
,.;.::.::.·..::.·..:_·..:._·.::._·.::....1 !o
~-~-~- ~ ~~~~~- :
"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -io·
', I
.... ~ o·
A more precise experiment, making use of the free fall of the molecules in a
beam, was performed by Estermann, Simpson, and Stern in 1947. A simplified
diagram of the apparatus is given in Fig. 12- 11. A molecular beam of cesium
emerges from the oven slot 0 , passes through th e collimating slitS, and impinges
on a hot tu ngsten wire D . The pressure o f the residual gas in the apparatus is of
the order of 10~ Torr. Both the sli ts and t he detect ing wire are horizontal. The
cesium atoms striking the tungsten wire become ionized , reevaporate, and a re
collected by a negatively charged cylinder surrounding the wire but not shown in d
the diagram. The ion current to the collecting cylinder then gives d irectly the r
number of cesium a toms impinging on the wire per second .
In the absence of a gravitational field, only those atoms emerging in a hori- a
zontal direction would pass through the slitS, and they would all strike the collector t
in the positi on D regardless of their velocities. Ac tually, the path of each atom is )
a parabola, and an atom emerging from the slit 0 in a horizontal direction, as n
indicated by t he dot and dash line, (with the vertical scale greatly exaggera ted)
would not pass through t he slit S. The dashed line and the dotted line represent
the t rajectories of two atoms that can pass t hrough t he slitS, the velocity a long the
dashed trajec tory being greater than t ha t along the dotted one. Hence as the
detector is moved down from the pos ition D, those ato ms with velocities corre-
sponding to the dashed trajectories will be collected at D' , those wi th t he slower
velocity corresponding to the dolled trajectory will be collected at D•, etc. Measure-
men t of the ion c urrent as a fu nction of the vertical height o f the collector then give•
the velocity distribution.
slit was 0.04 em wide and 0.318 em deep. As the cylinder was rotated, only those
atoms having an appropriate velocity would pass through the slit without being
scattered. With these precautions Miller and Kusch were able to show that the
velocity distri bution of the thalliu m atoms agreed with the Maxwell-Bo ltzmann
velocity distribution to withi n I % for 0.2 < x < 1.8, where x - vfv~. This
agreement is seen on Fig. 12- 12 where the points are the data fo r two d ifferent 1
experiments and the solid line is the theoretical curve computed from the Maxwell- e
Boltzmann speed d istribution.
given by
d from Eq. (7-31),
TdS ~ dE+ Y1 dX,- X1 dY,.
•e extensive variable X, is the length L , and the intensive variable Y, is the
avitational field intensity g. Let us represent the variable Y, by n, and the
Iiable X, by r. Then
T dS = dE + n dL- r dg. (12- 27)
·e now use the methods of statistics to find the quantities n and r. The first
:p is to determine the partition function Z .
A molecule whose vertical coordinate is y has .a gravitational potential enqrgy
V in addition to its kinetic energy mu1/ 2, and its total energy < is
• - mv'/2 + mgy.
An energy interval between • and < + tu includes a kinetic energy interval
>rresponding to speeds between v and v + Au, and a potential energy interval
>rresponding to elevations between y andy + t:.y. The degeneracy t:.!l. of the
>eed interval, since V- AL, is given by Eq. (12-17),
- [ }:!:.':1, exp ( ~:;')] [!t:. ':1, exp ( - km:y)J (12-30)
Z, - - -
[r - exp (- mgL)] .
Thus r is the potential energy, per unit field intensity. The potential energy is
therefore I
E0 = gr = NkT -
exp (mgLfkT) - I
. (12-36)
T he total energy E is
fence the internal energy is the same as in the absence of a gravitational field and
epends only on the tempera ture.
T he entropy can be calculated from
- mgy)
P, • P 0 exp ( ~, (12-39)
PL = Nmg n
A exp (mgL/kT) - I = A·
n - P~. (12-40)
a nd the quantity n is the force exerted agai nst the piston at the top of the con-
tainer. The work when the piston is displaced upward by an·amount dL is
to the result that the average number of particles within a range t:.z of the parameter
is given by an expression of the form
where A is a constant independent of z. As examples, see Eq. ( 12- 24) for the case.
in which z represents one of the rectangular components of the velocity, or Eq.
(12-38) in which z represents the verrical coordinate y.
When the sum is replaced with an integral, the total number of particles, N,
is given by
E(z) = J J
<(z) d%, = A <(z) exp [- '~i] dz.
The mean energy t(z) of a single particle is
i(z)- E(z) .
Now if the energy <(z) is a quadratic function of z, that is, if it has the form
<(z) - az•, where a is a constant, and if the limits of z are from 0 to oo, or from
- oo to +oo, then from Table 12- 1,
l(z) =
Jaz• exp ( -az1/ kT) d z
- - kT. (12-42)
J 1
exp ( -az fk T) dz 2
That is, for every degree of freedom for which the conditions above are fulfilled,
the mean energy per particle, in an assembly in equilibrium at the temperature T,
is kT/2. This is the general statement of the equiparrition principle.
The conditions above are fulfilled for the translational velocity components
v,, v,: and v,, since the energy associated with each is mo!/2, mv!/2, or mo!/2
and the range of each is from - oo to + oo. They are also fulfilled for the displace-
ment x of a harmonic oscillator, since the potential energy associated with x is
Kx1f2, K being the force constant.
The conditions are not fulfilled for the vertical coordinate y of a gas in a
gravitational field, where the potential energy is mgy; the mean gravitational
potential energy is not kT/2. Neither are they fu lfilled for the energy associated
with molecular rotation, vibration, and electronic excitation, because of the
quantized character of these energies, which can take on only certain discrete
values and cannot be expressed as a continuous function of some coordinate. The
energy associated with them is not a simple linear function of the temperature.
F = m dt' ~ -Kx,
where m is the mass of the particle. If displaced from its equilibrium position and
released, the particle oscillates with simple harmonic motion of frequ ency •· given
., =.!. JK[;,.
The frequency depends only o n K and m, and is independent of the amplitude x,..
The energy • of the oscillator is the sum o f its kinetic energy mv'f2 and its
potential energy Kx'/2. Since the total energy is constant, and the kinetic energy
is zero when the displacement has its maximum value x,., the potential energy at
this displacement is equal to the total energy • and hence
,.! Kx!..
Thus the total energy is proportional to the squau of the amplitude, x,..
If the oscillators were compl~tely independent, there could be no interchange
of energy bftween them, and any given microstate of t he assembly would continue
indefinitely. We therefore assume that the interactions between the particles are
large enough so that there can be sufficient exchanges of energy fo r the assembly
to assome all possible microstates consistent with a given total energy, but small
enough so that each particle can oscillate nearly independently of the others.
In classical mechanics, a pa rticle can oscillate with any amplitude and energy.
The principles of quantum mechanics, however, restrict t he energy to some one
of the set of values
•here n1 0, I, 2, ... , and h is Planck's constant. An unexpected result is that
1e oscillator can never be in a state of zero energy, but that in the lowest level the
nergy ish•f2, in the next level it is Jh•/2, and so on. The levels are nondegenerate ;
:>ere is only one energy state in each level; and g1 - I in each level.
The quantum condition that the entrgy can have only some one of the set of
a lues [(n1+ l /2)h•J is equivalent to the condition that the amplitudt can have only
orne one of the set of values such that
Z- !exp (-•
I kT
) - ! exp
[-(n + !) .!!!..].
fo evaluate the sum, let z - h•/kT for brevity. Writing out the first few terms,
ve have
z ~ exp ( - n + exp ( - ¥) + exp ( - ¥) + ...
- exp ( - n{l + exp ( -z) + [exp ( -z)J' + .. ·}.
rhe sum in the preceding equation has the form of the infinite geometric series
I+ P + p' + .. · ,
.vhich equals 1/ (1 - p) as is readily verified by expanding the product ( I - p ) X
(I + p + p' + · · ·). Therefore
Z ~ exp ( - !)
2 I - exp ( -z)'
Z = exp ( -h•/2kT)
I - exp ( -h•/kT)
The temperature at which kT- /., is called the characteristic temperature of
the assembly and is represented by 0. Thus
z= e xp ( -0/2T)
I - exp (-Of T)
IV 1 I ( <1 ) l
( (n, + l)l••)
N - Z exp - k r •zexp - kT ·
(8/n• l,
7:/ ~ 0.632 exp ( -n 1).
Thus for the four lowest energy levels, in which "J - 0, I, 2, and 3, we have
Flo R, Fl, R,
li- o.632, li - o.m, li - o.oss. li - o.on.
Abour 63% of the oscillarors are in the lowest e nergy level, abour 23% in the next Tl
level, ere. Togerher, rhe four lowest levels aecounr for about 98% of the oscillators. ter
It is left to the reader to show tha t when T • 0/2,
Ro R, Fl, lil,
li - o.86s. li - 0.111, li - o.o16, li = o.oo2.
Atrhis temperarure, abour87" of the oscillaton are in the lowest level, about 12"
in rhe nexrlevel, ere. and almost allrhe parricles are in the firsr four levels.
At a remperature T - 28,
n. -
N 0.394,
n, -
N 0.239,
N - o.I4S,
n, -
N o.o88.
The first fou r levels then accounr for only about 86% of the oscillaron, the remainder
being disrribured among rhe higher energy levels.
The lengrhs or the verrical lines in Fig. 12-14 represenr rhe average fractional
occuparion numbers ar rhe remperarures T - 8/2, T - 8, and T - 28.
fl, 06
"J • 0 I l .1 0 I 2 J 0 t 2 l
T• ~ T•D T• 20
The total energy of the assembly, which in this case is its internal energy U, is
U- NkT'dln z
- Nk8[ I
exp (8/T) - I
+ iJ (12-48)
Thus for a given assembly of linear oscillators the internal energy is a function of
temperature only. The heat capaciry Cy of the assembly is
Cy = dU
8)' exp (8fT)
- Nk ( - ~--~~~~2 (12-49)
T (exp (8fT) - 1] •
T he c urves in Fig. 12-1 S are graphs of the inter nal energy U and of the heat
capacity Cv (both divided by Nk) as functio ns of TfO. The ordinate of the latter
is proportional to the slope of the former.
As T approaches 0 K, very nea rly a ll of the oscillators are in their lowest energy
level with energy h•/2 and the total energy U approaches the zeropoint energy
Nh•/2, or, U/Nk - O.S. T he internal energy changes only slightly with changing
temperature and the heat capacity approaches zero. T he entropy of an assembly
of linearJscillators also approaches zero as T approaches zero.
Whe T » 0, 0/T« I, exp (0/T)- I ~ 0/ T, the term 1/2 is negligible com·
pared with T/0, and U approaches NkT. The mean energy per particle, U/N,
approaches kT which is the val ue predicted by equipartitio n fo r an oscillator with
t wo degrees of freedom (its position and its velocity). The internal energy increases
nearly linearly with temperature and Cv approaches the constant val ue Nk.
The specific .heat capacity, however, will differ from that of a monatomic gas
because a polyatomic molecule can have an "internal energy" of its own, made up
of energy of rotation, vibration, a nd electronic excitation.
According to the classical equipartition principle, each degree of freedom
associated with rotation and vibration shares equally with the three translational
degrees of freedom, the mean energy of each being kT/2. The molal specific heat
capacity at constant volume should equal R/2 for each degree of freedom and for
a molecule with f degrees of freedom we should have c. - JR/2, which should be
constant independent of temperature.
This prediction is in good agreement with experiment for monatomic gases,
for which there are three translational degrees of freedom only and for which c. is
ve ry nearly equal to 3R/2. At roo m temperature, however, the heat capacities of
diatomic gases are nearly equal to SR/2, as if the molecules had an additional two
degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the heat capacities are not constant, but vary
with temperature and do not correspond to integral values off
A diatomic molecule can be considered to have the dumbbell-like structure of
Fig. 9- 5. In addition to the kinetic energy of translation of its center of mass, it
may have energy of rotation about its center of mass and, since it is not a completely
rigid structure, its atoms may oscillate along the line j oining them. The rotational
and vibrational energy a re both quantized; and with each form of energy, as for
an harmonic oscillator, there can be associated a characteristic temperature, 0,0 ,
for rotation and 8, 1" for vibration. The extent to which the rotational and vibra-
tional energy levels are populated is determined by the ratio of the actual tem-
perature T to the corresponding characteristic temperature. That is, the internal
energies of rotation and vibration , and the corresponding specific heat capacities
c,., and c.,. are funct ions of the ra tios T/0,., and T/8,.11, . We shall not give the .
precise form of this de pendence, but simply state that the graphs of the specific
heat capacities c,...and c.,. c.
have the same general form as the graph of fo r an
harmonic oscillator shown in Fig. 12-15. At very low temperatures, both heat
capacities approach zero; at temperatures large compared to the characteristic
temperatures, both approach the classical value Nk. Thus at sufficiently high
temperatures the corresponding molal heat capacities app roach the classical value
R , as for a particle with two degrees of freedom.
What constitutes a "sufficiently" high temperature? This depends on the
characteristic te mperatures 8,., and 8,.11, . Table 12-2 lists some values of 8, 0,.
This temperature is inversely proportional to the moment of inertia of the molecule:
the greate r the moment of inertia, the lower the value of 8,.,. The highest value,
about 86 K, is that for hydrogen, H,, since its moment of inertia is smaller than
for any other diatomic molecule. Molecules with one hydrogen a tom form another
group wi th values of 0,.,
of approximately 20 K. For all others, the characteristic
temperature is of the order of a few degrees or less. Thus "room temperature,"
say 300 K, is much greater than the cha racteristic temperature for rotation, and
the molal specific heat capacity for rotatio n approaches the value R.
Ha ss.s 6140
OH 27.S S360
CH 2fJ.7 4100
co 2.77 3120
NO 2.47 2740
Oa 2.09 2260
x. 0.081 140
Table 12-2 also lists the characteristic temperatures8,,. for the same molecules.
These are all very much higher than the characteristic temperatures for rotation,
which means that a t room temperature, whe re T « 8,,•• practically all molecules
are in their lowest vibrational energy level and the specific heat capacity for vibra-
tion is practically zero. Only at much highe r temperatures do the higher vibrational
energy levels begin to be populated.
T hus at room temperature the specific heat capacities of most diatomic
molecules have a contribution 3R/2 for translation, plus R for rotation, making
a total of SR/2 as is ac tually observed.
Figure 12-16 is a graph of experimental values of c./R for hydrogen, plotted
as a function of temperature. (Hydrogen is the only diatomic gas that remains a
gas down to low temperatures, of the order of 25 K.) At very low temperatures;
c.{R is equal to 3/2, the value for a monatomic gas. As the temperature is increased,
c. increases, and over a considerable range near room temperature c.JR is about
S/2, which is the value (aocording to equipartition) if two degrees of freedom of
rotation or vibration, but not both, are added to the translational degrees of
freedom. Only at very high temperature does cJR approach 7{2, the value pre- n
dieted by equipartition. to
We can now understand in a general way the features of this graph. The
characteristic temperatures for ro tation and vibration, for hyd rogen, are 8,.., =
85.5 K and e.,. - 6140 K. Below about SO K, the temperature T is very much
less than either characteristic temperature, and practically all molecules remain
in thei r lowest energy states of rotation and vibration. The specific heat capacity
is therefore the same as that of a monatomic gas, 3Rf2.
In the range from about SO K to about 250 K, the temperature T is of the
order of magnitude of 6,.,
and the rotational states of higher energy begin to be
populated. Above about 250 K , the molecules behave like classical rotators and
make a contribution R to the specific heat capacity, which in this range equals
5Rf2. Starting at about 500 K, some molecules move to states of higher vibrational
e.nergy and c. approaches the limiting classical value of 7R/2 .
c,/R 2
Many important featu res of the general theory have been ignored in the
( relatively) simple treatment of the problem given here. Some of these are: (a) the
difference between the behavior of molecules such as H, , whose atoms are alike,
and those, such as NO, composed of unlike atoms; (b) the degeneracy of the rota·
tional energy levels as a result of space quantization; (c) the energy associated with
electronic excitation at high temperatures; (d) the coupling between rotational
and vibrational states; and (e) the fact that the vibrations are not precisely simple
harmonic. However, the exact theory is apparently so firmly established that
specific heat capacities of gases can be computed theoretically, from optical
measurements, more accu rately than they can be measured experimentally by the
technique of calorimetry.
12-1 In Section 12-1 the properties of a monatomic ideal gas were calculaied using the
classical d istribution funcl ion. (a) Derive the equatio n o f s1a1e and specific heat capacity
of a n ideal gas using, instead, 1he M-B dislribulion function . (b) Show tha t lhe M-B
distribulion function leads to an expression for the enlropy of an ideal gas which is not
Il-l In a two-dimensional gas the molecules can move freely on a plane, but are con-
fined within an area A . (a) Show that the partilion funcl ion for a two-dimensional
monatomic gas of N particles is given by
(b) Find the equal ion of state of the gas from ils Helmholiz function.
11-3 Use the partition function of the previous problem to derive the heat capacity
and enlropy of a two-dimensional mona1omic gas.
12-4 In Fig. 12- 3, let Vz - Vw - v. - v,.., and Jet Ou.. - flu~ - Av1 ""'" O.Olu,... If N •
Avogadro's number, 6.02 x 1010 molecules, com pule the average number of pa!iicles
in each of the following elemenls of velocily space: (a) I he slice of lhickness <l.v,, (b) 1he
rectangular parallelepiped common to two slices, (c) ihe volume element Av, Au, Av.,
(d) I he sphel-ical shell of radius V3 v., a nd thickness O.OiuM.
12-5 (a) What is the "dislance" "• in Fig. 12-3, of a slice at r ight angles to ihe u,-uis, if
the slice contains one-half of the number of particles as a parallel slice of the same I hick-
ness a1 lhe origin. Express your answer in terms of •M· (b) AI what radial "diSiance" v
from the origin in velocity space is the densily p, one-half as great as I he origin.
12-6 Find the fracliona l num ber of molecules of a gas having (a) velocilies with X·
components between u., and I.Oiv,., (b) speeds between u,. an d I.Oiv.,, (c) velocities
with x-, y-, and •-components between u,. and I.Oiv.,.
11-7 Show thai v., - V2kTfm.
11-8 (a) Compute to three significant figures the rms, average, and most probable
speeds of an oxygen molecule at 300 K. (b) Compu1e 1he mosl probable speed of an
oxygen molecule a t the following temperaJUres : 100 K, 1000 K, 10,000 K.
12- 9 Show that (UI) - <0' > o. This difference plays an imporlant pau in theory of
fluctuations, and is the mean square deviation of the veloci ty from the average velocity.
12- 10 Show thai I he average reciprocal speed (1 /v) is given by 2/V; v,,. - V2mfwkT.
12- 11 (a) Express Eq . (12-18) in terms of I he kinetic energy<( - mv'/2) of the molecules.
(b) Find the most probable and average energy of molecules having a dimibution of
speeds given by Eq. (12- 18) and compare the resuiiS to mc:.0/2 and mi:2/2, respeciively.
12- 12 Show that the number of molecules wilh positive x-components of velocity less
l erf (x), where x = •I•.. and err (x) is the error
than some a rbi1rary value u is Ar, ... -
function defined as
(b) Show that the number of moleculos with positive x-component5 of velocity larger
1han the value v is .A"_,. - ~[I - erf (x)]. Compute the fraction of moleculos with
x-components of velocity between (c) 0 and v,., (d) v,. and oo, (e) 0 and oo, (f) - • .. and
+v,.. The value of erf ( I} - 0.8427. (g) Illustrate your answers graphically in terms of
the velocity distribution function.
12- 13 Show that the number of molecules with spuds lw than some arbit rarv value v
is given by
where x and err (x) are defined in the p revious problem. (b) Show that the number o f
molecules with speeds greater than the arbitrary value is given by
Compute the fraction of molecules with speeds between (c) 0 and v.,., (d) v,. and oo, and
(e) 0 and oo. (f) Illustrate your answers graphically in terms of the speed distribution
12-14 Show that •..... for particles leaving a small hole in a furnace is given by ,;4k1]m.
12-IS Show that the number of molecules colliding with a surface of unit area per unit
time, with components of velocity at right anglos to the surface greater than some a rbi trary
value v = xv.., is [nv,. exp ( - x'}J/2v;.
12- 16 The oven in Fig. 12- 10 contains bismuth at a temperature of 830 K, the drum
is IOcm in diameter and rotates at6000rpm. Find the distance between the point$ of
impact of the molecules Bi and Bi, on the glass plate, G. Assume that all the molecules
of each species escape the oven with the rms speed appropriate to tha t species.
12- 17 A sph<rical bulb 10 em in radius is maintained at a temperature of 27°C, except
for one square centimeter , which is kept a t a very low tempera ture. The bulb contains
water vapor originally at a pressure of 10 Torr. Assuming that every water molecule
striking the cold area condenses and sticks to the surrace, how long a time is required for
the prwure to decrease to Ia-' Torr ?
12-18 A spherical bulb IOcm in radius is pumped continuously to a high vacuum. In
the bulb is a small vessel, closed except for a circular hole 0.2 mm in diameter located at
the center of the bulb. The vessel contains mercury at I00°C, at which temperature its
vapor pressure is 0.28 Torr. (a) Compute the average speed r of the molecules of mercu ry
vapor in the small vessel. (b) Compute the rate of effiu• of mercury through the hole, in
milligrams hr-1• (c) How long a time is required for I microgram of mercury to be
To pump
Figure Jl.-17
deposited on a square centimeter of the inner surface of the bulb, in a direction making
an angle of 4S 0 with the normal to the hole? (Sec Fig. 12-17.)
11-19 In a molecular beam experiment, the souroo is a tube containing hydrogen at a
pressure P, - O.I STorr and at a temperature T - 400 K. In the tube wall is a slit
30 mm >< 0.025 mm, opening Into a highly evacuated region. Opposite the source slit
and I meter away from it is a second detector slit parallel to the first and of the same size.
This slit is in the wall of a small enclosure in which thcpressu rc P 0 can be measured. When
the steady state has been reached: (a) What is tho discharge rate of the source slit in micro-
grams s"""'? (b) What Is tho rate of arrival of hydrogen at the detector slit, in micro-
grams s-1, and in molec:ulos s- •1 (c) How many molec:ulos that will eventually
reach the detector slit arc in tho space between source and detector a t a ny instant? (d)
Wha t is the equilibrium p ressure P0 in the detector chamber?
12-20 Tho distanocs OS and SD in the appara tus of Estcrmann, Simpson, and Stem in
F ig. 12- 11, are each I meter. Calculate the distance of the detector below the central
position D, for cesium atoms having a speed equal to the rms speed in a beam emerging
from an oven a t a temperature of 460 K. Calculate also the "angle of elevation" of the
trajectory. The atomic weight of ocsium is 133.
12-21 The neutron flux across an area at the center of the Brookhaven reactor is about
4 >< 10" neutrons m-ts-1• Assume that the neutrons have a Maxweii-Boltunann
velocity dist ribution corresponding to a temperature of 300 K ("thermal" neutrons).
(a) Find tho number of neutrons per cubic meter. (b) Find the "partial pressure" of the
neutron gas.
12-11 Derive Eq. (12-27) from Eq. (7-31) assuming £ 0 = rg, Y1 -nand X 1 - L.
12-13 (a) Obtain the expressions for Z , and z. given in Eqs. (12-31) and (12-32). (b)
Obtain the expressions for nand r given in Eqs. (12- 34) a nd (12- 3S).
12- 14 For the gas in a cylinder in a gravitational field, discussed in Section 12-4, show
that as g-+ 0, the number of molecules per unit volume approaches the constant value
N/ V, and hence is the same at all elevations. In other words, in Ihe absence of a gravita·
tiona! field tho molecules of a gas a re distributed uniformly throughout the volume of a
12-lS Show that the net downward force exerted on tho container by Ihe gas, in Section
12-4, equals tho weight of the gas in the container.
12-26 If the height of the atmosphere is very large. show that (a) n- 0, (b) r•
NkT/g. (c) E = 2NkT, (d) dS = Nk[(S/2)(dT/T)- (dg/g)J, and (e) that states at
constant entropy arc related by 7"12/g - constant.
ll-17 (a) Calculate the fraction of hydrogen atoms which can be thermally ionized at
room temperature. (b) At what temperature will r 1 of the atoms be ionized 7
11- 28 When a gas is whi rled in a centrifuge, its molecules can be considered to be acted
on by a radially outward centrifugal force of magnitude moh. Show that the density
of the gas as a func tion of r varies as exp (m•h'/2kT). ·
11-29 Find the mean gravitat ional potential energy per molecule in an infinitely h igh
~ isothermal atmosphere.
U-30 (a) Usc the principle of equipartition of energy to flnd the total energy, the energy
per particle, and the heat capacity of a system of N distinguishable harmonic oscillators in
equilibrium with a bath at a temperature T. The kinetic energy of each oscillator is
mM + v: + v:l/2 and the potential energy is X(x' + y1 + z'J/2 wherex,y, and zare the
displacements from an equilibrium position. ( b) Show that the expansivity of this system
is zero because X • j - l • 0.
ll-31 A molecule consists of four a toms at the corners of a tetrahedron. (a) What is the
number of translational, rotational, and vibrational degrees of freedom for this molecule?
(b) On the basis of the equipartition principle, what arc the values of c. and y for a gas
composed of these molecules 1
l l-31 Using Eq. (1 1-62) derive (a) Eq. (12-48) and (b) Eq. (12-49). (c) Show that when
T » 9, Cv approaches Nk; and when T « 9, Cv approaches zero as e-41'1'.
11- 33 Calculate the average fractional number of oscillators in thejth energy level N1/N
for the four lowest energy levels when (a) T • 9/2 and (b) T - 29.
11-34 Make sketches of the average fractional number of oscillators in (a) the ground
state, and (b) the flrst excited state, and (c) in the second excited state as a function of
12~35 Making usc of Eq. (1 1-66), show that the entropy of an assembly of quantized
linear oscillators is
U .. 3Nkllr: [ I
exp (lla/T) - I
+2l]. (13-1)
When T «OE, the exp onential term is large, we can neglect the in the de-
nominator, and
n '
where n = I, 2, 3, •.. , etc.
The fundamental equation o~ any sort of wave motion states that the speed of
propagation c equals the product of the frequency v and the wavelength l:
c- •.t
n1 . . n: + n: + n!.
where n., n,, and n, are positive integers that can have the values I, 2 , 3, . J.,
To lind the number of waves in any frequency interval, o r the frtqutncy
sputrum, we proceed in t he same way as in Section 12-1 and Fig. 12-1. Let the
numbers n,, n, , and n, be laid off on three mutually perpendicular axes. Each
triad of values determines a point in n·space, wi th corresponding values of n a nd
of~. Let '§ represent the total number of possible frequencies, up to and including
that corresponding to some given n. This is equal to the number of points withi n
a n octant o f a sphere of radius n, the volume of which is (11/6) n', and since n -
But L' is the volume V of the cube, and it can be shown that regard less of the
shape of the solid we can replace L' with V. Then
'§ - ~
v(.!. + c!.!.)~•.
According to the Debye theory Eq. ( 13-S) can a lso be interpreted as de·
scribing the number of linear oscillators havi ng frequencies up to and incl udin g the
frequency ~. Th us, to be consistent with the notation of Section 12-2, ~ in Eq.
(13-5) should be replaced by .A'" and
.A'" = ~
v(.c~!. + 1)•'·
If there were no upper limit to the frequency, the total number of oscillators
would be infinite. But a crystal containing N atoms constitutes an assembly of
3N linear oscillators. Hence we assume that the frequency spectrum cuts off at a
maximum frequency '• such that the total number of linear oscillators equals 3N.
Then setting 5 - 3N and • = '••
The wave speeds c1 and c, can be calculated from a knowledge of the elastic
properties of a given material and hence '• can be calculated from this equation.
In a material like lead, which is easily deformed, the wave speeds are relatively
small, while in a rigid material like diamond, the speeds are relatively large. Hence
the value of,,. for lead is much smaller than it is for diamond.
That there should be a maximum frequency of the stationary waves that can
exist in a real solid can be seen as follows. For a single set of waves of speed c,
the maximum frequency "• corresponds to a minimum wavelength .<..,. = cfv.,
and Eq. (13-7) can be written
AmiA-9 (4")'11("N'
Y)'" (13-8)
But (V/N) is the average volume per atom and the cube root of this, (V/N)•h, is
of tbe order of the average interatomic spacing. Hence the structure of a real
crystal (which is not a continuous medium) sets a limit to the minimum wave-
length which is of the order of the interatomic spacing, as wo uld be expected since
shorter wavelengths do not lead to new modes of atomic motion. It follows from
Eqs. (13-6) and (13-7) that
A%, 9N 1
Figure 1~-3 is a graph of A%,/Av, plotted as a function of • · The actual
number A.#l, of osciUators of frequency between • and v + A• is represented by
the area of the shaded vertical strip, since the height of the strip is a%,ft.v and
its width is A•. This is in contrast to the Einstein model, in which all oscillators
have the same frequency. The total area under the curve corresponds to the total
number of linear oscillators, 3N.
l!.U 9N h• 1:!.• (13-11)
' •!. exp (hv/k T) - 1 ·
We omit the constant zero·point energy since this has no effect on the heat capacity.
The point of view thus far, in this section and in the preceding one, has been
to consider the atoms of a crystal as distinguishable particles obeying the M-B
statistics. An alternative approach is to consider the elastic waves themselves as
the "panicles" of an assembly. Each wave can also be considered as a particle
called a phonon, and the assembly described as a phonon gas. Since the waves or
phonons are indistinguishable, and there is no restriction on the number permitted
per energy state, the assembly obeys the Bose-Einstein statistics.
We must, however, make one modification in the expression previously
derived for the distribution function in this statistics. This is because the number
N of waves, or phonons, in contrast to the number of atoms of a gas in a container
of specified volume, cannot be considered one of the independent variables speci-
fying the state of the assembly. If the assembly is a gas, we can arbitrarily fix both
the volume V and the temperature T of a container, and still can introduce any
arbitrary number N of molecules of gas into the container. But when the volume
and temperature of a crystal are specified, the crystal itself, so to speak, deter-
mines the number of different waves, or phonons, that are equivalent to the oscilla-
tions of its molecules. Thus the crystal cannot be considered an open system for
which N is an independent variable and the term JJ dN does not appear in Eq.
(11-22). This is equivalent to setting JJ = 0 and hence exp (JJ/kT) = I. The
·- (13-14)
which is the same as the expression for the number of distinguishable oscillators
in this frequency interval. That is, the degeneracy ll.~, of a macrolevel is equal to
the number of distinguishable oscillators in the same interval. Equation (13-13)
can therefore be written
ll..A', - 9 N v' ll.v . (13 15)
·~ exp (hvfkT) - 1 -
There appears at first sight to be a discrepancy between the expression for
ll..A', in the preceding equation and that in Eq. ( 13- 9). However, the symbol
ll..A', docs not represent t he same thing in the two equations. In Eq. ~13- 1 5),
ll..A', is the number of indistinguishable waves (or phonons) having frequencies
between • and • + ll.v, in a system obeying the B-E statistics. In Eq. ( 13-9),
ll..A', is the number of distinguishable oscillators having frequencies in the same
range, in a system obeying M-B statistics.
u =9Ni•"'
h.. d•. ( 13-16)
•!. o exp (h/ kT) - I
The De bye ttmperoturt 80 is defined as
8 - h•.. ( 13-17)
and 80 is proportional to che cut-off frequency • ... Some values are given in Table
Substance BD(K)
Lead 88
Thallium 96
Mercury 97
Iodine 106
Cadmium 168
Sodium 172
Potassium bromide 177
Silver 21S
Calcium 226
Sylvine (KCI) 230
Zinc 235
Rocksah (NaO) 281
Copper 315
Aluminum 398
Iron 453
Fluorspar (Ca F,) 474
Iron pyrites (FeS,) 645
Diamond 1860
h> h•., 80
x= - X~ - ~ -
kT' • kT T.
U T )'i'• x' dx
= 9NkT- ( 13-18)
(8 o exp (x)- 1
This corresponds to Eq. (13-1) for the energy U according to the Einstein theory.
Consider lint the high temperature limit, at which x • h>/kT is small. Then
[exp (x) - IJ ~ x and the integral becomes
Equation (13-19) is known as the Debye T' law. According to this law, the
heat capacity near absolute zero decreases with the cube of the temperalure,
inslead of exponentially as in the Einslein theory. The decrease is therefore less
rapid and !he agreement with experiment is much beller. Although !he Debyc
theory is based on an analysis of elastic waves in a homogeneous, isotropic, con-
tinuous medium, experimental values of the specific heat capacity of many
cryslalline solids are in good agreement with the Debye theory at temperatures
below 00 /50, or when T/00 < 0.02. As the !emperature is increased, the specific
beat capacity increases somewhat faster than the lheory would predict. There is
recent experimental evidence that amorphous malerials do not appear to follow
!he Debye 71' law even a11empera1ures below 00 /100, or when T/00 < 0.01.
The heal capacity at any temperalure can be calculated by evalualing the inle·
gral in Eq. (13-18), which gives !he internal energy as a funclion of T, and differen-
liating !he result wilh respect toT. As in the Einstein theory, lhe resull is a function
of Tf00 only, and hence a single graph represents the tem perature varia lion of c.
for all substances. The curve in Fig. 13-4 (what can be seen of it) is a graph of
c.fR , plotted as a function of T/00 , and the points are experimental values for a
variely of materials.
It will be seen from Fig. 13-4 that roughly speaking, when T/00 is grealer !ha n
I, or when the actual temperature exceeds the Debye temperature, the syslem
behaves "classically" and c. is nearly equal to !he "classical"' or "non-quantum"
value JR. When the actual temperalure is less than the Debye tempera!Ure,
xl'b e.~ 88 K
. • Aa
o Zn
0 N•CJ
,t +AI 398
:- o
C.F1 474
..I o.s 1.0 I.S lO 2.S
quantum effects become significant and c. decreases to zero. Thus for lead, with a
Debye temperature of only 88 K, " room temperature" is well above the Debye
temperature, while diamond, wirh a Debye temperarure of 1860 K, is a "quantum
solid" even at room temperature.
At intermediare temperatures there is good agreement between values of the
specific heat capacity calculated by the Einstein and by the Debye theories. This
agreement might be expected, since the Dulong-Petit theory is a first approximation
that works at high temperatures. The Einstein theory is a second approximation
which works for high and intermediate temperatures. The Debye theory is a third
approximation that works at low temperatures when other effects do not dominate.
The problem is very similar to that of a phonon gas discussed in the preceding
section. The number of photons in the enclosure cannot be considered an inde-
pendent variable and the B-E distribution function reduces to the simpler form,
ll.IV t:. r§,
• = exp (h~fkT) - 1
There is, however, a difference in the expression for the degeneracy t:.r§,.
As we showed in the preceding section, the degeneracy of a macrolevel, in an
assembly of waves (or photons) is equal to the possible number t:.t'§, of stationary
waves in the frequency interval from • to v + t:.v. Let us return to Eq. (13-5),
J ,~ ,
where<'§ is the number of stationary waves with frequencies up to and including~.
Electromagnetic waves are purely transverse and there can be toro sets of waves,
polarized in mutually perpendicular planes and both traveling with the speed of
light c. Also, since empty space has no structure, there is no upper limit to the
maximum possible frequency. Then interpreting (1 as the total number of possible
energy states of all frequencies up to and including '• we have
r§-~K .•.
3 c•
The degeneracy t:.r§, is therefore
t:.r§ 81rV 't:.
·-7" Y,
and the number of waves (or photons) having frequencies between v and • + t:.v
t:.% , • 81rV •' t:.v. (13- 20)
c' exp (h•/kT) - 1
The energy of each wave is hv, and after di viding by the volume V, we have
for the energy per unit volume, in the frequency range from • to • + t:.~. or the
spectral energy dmsity t:.u.,
t:.u, = 87rh •'
c• exp (h•/kT) - 1
t:... (13-21)
This equation has the same form as the experimental law (Planck's law) given in
Section 8-7, and we now see that the experimental constants r, and c, in Eq.
(8-50) are related to the fundamental constants h, c, and k, by the equations
c, ... k. (13- 22)
When numerical values of h, c, and k are inserted in these equations, the cal·
culated values of c1 and c, agree exactly with their experimental values, within the
limits of experimental error.
At a given temperature T, and at high frequencies for which hv)) k T, the
exponential term is large; we can neglect the I; and
This equation had been derived by Rayleight and Jeans,! also before the quantum
theory, and had been found to agree with experiment at low, but not at high, fre·
quencies. That it cannot be correct in general can be seen by noting that as the
frequency becomes very high, the predicted energy density approaches infinity.
(This result is sometimes referred to as the "ultraviolet catastrophe.")
It is interesting to note that Planck's first approach to the problem was purely
empirical. He looked for an equation having a mathematical form such that it
would reduce to the Wien equation when hrfk T was large, and to the R,ayleigh·
Jeans equation when hrfkTwas small. He found that Eq. ( 13-2 1) had this p~operty,
and his search for a theoretical explanation of the equation led to the development
of quantum theory.
Figure 13- 5 shows graphs of the dimensionless quantity ~:·(8 ;:~~), plotted
as a fu nction of the dimensionless quantity hvfk T. The solid curve is a graph of
Planck's Jaw, and the dotted curves are, respectively, graphs of the Rayleigh·
Jeans Jaw, applicable when /~r « kT, and of Wien's Jaw, applicable when
hv)) kT.
The total energy density u., including nil frequencies, can now be found by
summing t.u. over all values ofr from zero to infinity, since there is no limit to the
maximum value of v. Replacing the sum with an integral, we have
g.,."L"- ••
=---.., dJI;
c o exp (lr •fkT) - I
• Wilhelm Wien, German physicist (1864-1928).
t John W. Strull, Lord Rayleigh, English physicist (1842- 1919).
t Sir James H. Jeans, English mathematician (1877- 1946).
u, = 15c'h' T' = uT', (IJ.-25)
15c h 3 3
(JJ- 26)
Equation (IJ.-25) is the same as Stifan's law (Eq. (8-54)); and when the values of
k, c, and hare inserted in Eq. (13- 26), the calculated and experimental values of"
agree exactly, within the limits of experimental error.
Thus quantum theory and the methods of statistics provide a theoretical basis
for the form of Planck's law, and relate the experimental constants r 1, r,, and "
to the fundamental constants II, c, and k. Expressions for the internal energy, the
entropy, and the Helmholtz and Gibbs functions of blackbody radiant energy were
derived by the principles of thermodynamics in Section 8-7 and need not be
repeated here. It will be recalled that the Gibbs function G = 0, which might also
have been taken as a justification for setting}' • 0 in the B-E distribution function.
We now conside r the statistics of a pa ramagne tic crystal. The properties of such
crystals a re chiefly of interest in the region of extremely low temperatu res, of the
o rder of a few kelvins or less. A number of simplifying assumptions will be made,
but the procedure is the same as in more complicated cases.
A typical paramagnetic crystal is chromium potassium sulfate, Cr,(SO, ).-
K,S0,24H,O. Its paramagnetic properties a re due solely to the chromium atoms,
which exist in the crystal as ions, Cr+++. Every electron in a n a tom has not only an
electric charge but also a magnetic moment /Ln of I Bohr* magneton, equal (in
MKS units) to 9.27 x 10- u A m', as if the electron were a tiny sphere of electric
charge spinning about an axis. In most atoms, the resultant magnetic moment of
the electrons is zero, but the chromium ion Cr+++ has th ree uncompensated electron
spins and a magnetic moment of 31'n·
For every chromium ion there a re 2 sulfur atoms, I potassium atom, 20
oxygen a toms, and 24 hydrogen atoms, making a total of 47 other particles which
a re nonmagnetic. The magnetic ions are therefore so widely separated that there
is only a small magnetic interaction between them.
It was shown in Section 8- 8 that the thermodynamic properties of a para-
magnetic crystal could be calculated from a knowledge of the quantity F* ~
E - TS. Using the methods of sta tistics, the expression for F* can be derived in
terms of the temperature Tand the parameters tha t determine the energy levels of
the atoms in the crystal. Because the atoms can be labeled according to the
p ositions they occupy in the crystal lattice, the system obeys M-B statistics, and as
usual the first step is 10 calculate the partition function Z, defined as
as the product of independent partition functi ons which we write as Z,.,•• z,.,, and
Z". Thus
z = z•••z,.,z....
The magnetic ions constitute a subassembly, characterized by the partition
functions z,.,
and Z"' only, and they can be considered independently of the
remainder of the lattice, which can be thought of simply as a container of the sub-
assembly. A lthough the energy u,., and the partition function Z1., play important
roles in the complete theory, we shall neglect them and consider that the total
energy of the subassembly is its potential energy £• only. Thus we consider only
the partition function Z"'.
As shown in Appendix E, the potential energy of an ion in a magnetic field of
intensity Jf' is -p..Jf' cos 0, where p. is the magnetic moment of the ion and 0 the
angle between its (vector) magnetic moment and the direction of the field. For
simplicity, we consider only a subassembly of ions having a magnetic moment of
I Bohr magneton Jl.n· The principies of quantum mechanics restrict the possible
values of 0, for such an ion, to either zero or 180°, so that the magnetic mome nt is
either parallel or antiparallel to the field. (Other angles are permitted if the
magnetic moment is greater than p. 0 ). The corresponding values of cos 0 a re then
+I and -I, and the possible energy levels are -p. 0 Jf' and +p. 0 .Jf'. The energy
levels are nondegenerate ; there is only one state in each level, but there is no
restriction on the num ber of ions per state. The partition function Z"' therefore
reduces also to the sum of two terms:
Rt - Nt = -N[exp (-
-•t) -
kT Z
N 2 sinh -
exp -•1 )] =- -
kT '
which reduces to
The net magnetic moment M of the crystal is the product of the magnetic
moment p 11 of each ion and the excess number of ions aligned parallel to the field.
n n f'uJf'
M = (IYI ~ tvl)f' u = Np 11 1anh kT. ( 13-29)
This is the magnetic tqualion of s1a1e of the crystal, expressing the magnetic
moment M as a fu nc tion of Jf' and T. Note that M depends only on the ratio
The equation of slate can also be derived as follows. The function F * is
The magnetic moment M, which in this case corresponds to the extensive variable
X, is
M = - (oF")
o.Jr T
= Np 11 tanh f'n.11".
(13-3 I)
I n strong fields and a t low temperatures, where p 0 .Jt')) kT, tanh (p 0 Jf'(kT)
approaches I and the magnetic moment approaches the value
( 13- 32)
But this is simply the sa1ura1ion magnetic mommt M..,. which would result if all
ionic magnets were parallel to the field.
At the other extreme of weak fields and high tempera tures, p 0 .Jt' « kT,
tanh (p 0 .1t'fkT) approaches p 11.Jt'(kT, and Eq. (13-3 1) becomes
M = ( N::•y;. (13-33)
But this is just the experimentally observed Curie law, slating that in weak fields
a nd at high temperatures the magnetic moment is directly proportional to (£'/T),
(13- 34)
where Cc is the Curie constant. The methods of statistics therefore not only lead
to the Curie law, but they also provide a theoretical value of the Curie constant,
Cc = - k-. ( 13-35)
Workers in the field of paramngneaism customarily use cgs units. The unit of
magnetic intensity is I oersted' [(I Oe) equal to to-• A m'.J The Bohr magneton is
Pu - 0.927 x to-•• erg Qe- 1,
• Hans C. Oersted, Danish physicist (1777-1851).
T he complele theory leads 10 tho resull that for chromium ions cr+++, of magnetic
moment 3S~th the value of Cc is S times as greal, or
Cc - S x 0.376 - 1.88 em' K mole- •.
The experimentally measured value is
Cc - 1.84 em' K mole-•
in good agreement with the predictions of quantum theory.
The ratio M/ M,., is
..!!.._ = tan h l'n.lf'. (13-36)
M .., kT
Figure 13-6ps a graph of the magnttizalion cur~ of the system, in which the ra tio
M / M,.. is plotted as a function of p 0 .1f'/kT. The magnetization cur ve represents
the ba la nce struck by the system between the ordering effect o f the external fie ld
Jf', wh ich is to a lign a ll ioni1= magnets in the direction of the field, a nd the dis-
ordering effect of thermal agitation, which increases with temperature. In weak
fields the values of the two energy levels are nearly equal, both are nearly equally
populated, and the resultant magnetic moment is very small. In strong fiel~s. the
difference between the energy levels is large, the ordering effect predominates, and
nearly all magnets line up in the lower energy level where they have the same
direction as .1('.
It will be seen from Fig. 13-6that saturation, as predicted by quantum theory,
is very nearly attained when p 0 Jt'fkT - 3, or when
aIn Z1 )
E =E• .,. NkT (----ar- 1
- - Nk ( p - t anh fA
-n.Jt') -n.Jt'
-. (13- 37)
k kT
Comparison wi th Eq. (13-29) shows tha t the potential energy is
Cr - ( a~
• Nk ( fAnJ!'I.' sech•fAn.Jt'. ( 13-39)
krl kT
Figure 13-7 shows graphs of £ 1, and C1 , (both divided by Nk) as functions of
kTfp 0 .Jt'. The curves differ from the corresponding curves for the internal energy
and heat capacity of an assembly of harmonic oscillators because there are only
two permitted energy levels and the energy o f the subassembly cannot increase
indefinitely with increasing temperature.
c~ £
Nk iii<
0.2 -0.6
Let us compare the heat capacity C1 of the magnetic ion subassembly with the
heat capacity c, o f the enti re crystal. LetT - I K and Jt'- 10' Oe. Then
kT J'nJt'
l'uJI' "" I.S, sech1 kT "" 0.81,
and by Eq. (13-39),
C1 ""Nk( I.S)- 1 x 0.81 "" 0.36 Nk.
Assuming there are SO nonmagnetic particles for every magnetic ion, and taking a
Debye temperature of 300 K as a typical value, we have from 1he Debye T' law,
Fie. 13-8 Th~ entropy of a paramagneti~
Consider again a system with just two possible magnetic energy levels, in which the
magnetic moment p 11 o f a particle can be either parallel or anti parallel to a mag-
netic intensity .;;f', The energy of the lower level, in which l'u is parallel to .Yi', is
<1 = - p 11.Yi'; and that of the upper level, in which p 11 is opposite to .:11', is
<2 = +p8 .YI'. I n the equilibrium state at a temperature T, the average occrpation
numbers of the levels are
n = -exp
I zN (-••)
-kT •
N, = :zexp ( -••)
kT .
-=exp - -
IJ, kT
(••- ''}
T- ![ ••- ,, J
k In IJ, - In IJ~'
and we can consider this as the equation defining T, in terms of<, ' " IJ, and IJ,.
If <2 > <1 and N, > IJ,, the right side of the equation is positive and Tis positive.
The situation ean be represented graphically as in Fig. 13-9(a), in which the
lengths of the heavy lines correspond to the average occupation numbers N, and
n,. I
« , - -p~
(1) (b)
is the same as the number IV, in the original lower state, and the occupation number
IVj of the new lower state is the same as the number IV, in the original upper state.
We say there has been a population inversion. Then if we consider that the tem-
perature of the system is defined by Eq. (13-41), and if T' is the temperature
corresponding to Fig. 13-9(b),
. 1[In •• - •.In J
T --
- k Nj - N~ .
Since IV; is greater than IVj, the denominator on the right side of the equation is
negative and T ' is negative.
Negative temperatures can be looked at from another viewpoint. At a tem-
perature T = 0, all magnets arc in their lower·energy states. As the temperature is
increased, more and more magnets move to the state of higher energy and when
T co + oo, both states are equally populated. Then one might say that if the
number in the higher state is eve~ gr.l!ater than that in the lower state, as it is when
there is a population inversion, the temperature must be holler than infinity.
We thus have the paradoxical result that a system at a negative temperature is
even hotter than at an infinite temperature.
In paramagnetic substances, the interactions between the ionic magnets and
the lattice are so great that the substance cannot exist in a state of population in-
version for an appreciable time. However, it was found by Pound, Purcell, and
Ramsey, in 1951, that the nuclear magnetic moments orthe lithium atoms in LiF
interact so slowly with the lattice that a time interval of several minutes is required
fo r equilibrium with the lattice to be attained, a time long enough for experiments
to be made showing that a population inversion actually existed.
except that they have oppositely directed spins. The Pauli exclusion principle,
instead of asserting that there can be no more than one particle per state, now
permits t•·o electrons per state provided they have oppositely directed spins. This
is equivalent to doubling the number of sta tes in a macrolevel, or the degeneracy
fit§ of the macrolevel, and permitting only one electron per state. Hence, instead
of Eq. (12-17) we have
t. <§.,• s,m•v
It will be more useful to express the degeneracy in terms of the kinetic energy
• - jmu'. Then since
• 2·
v - -
. flu = 21(;;;2)"'.-•11 l'l<,
it follows that
A e 4,y 2m) ,
l'l <§, • A•'" l'l«. (13-45)
The degeneracy therefore increases with the square root of the energy. Then from
the F-0 distribution function, Eq. (I J-40), the average number fl.AI' of electrons
in a macrolevel is
A% - A~. ~ A ,v• ~f. (13-46)
exp [(• - p)/kT) +I exp [(• - p)fkT) +I
The chemical potential p can be evaluated from the requirement that 2 1'lA" =
N, where N is the total number of electrons. Replacing the sum with an integral ,
we have
., . ,lit
N- A
• exp [(• - p)/kT) + 1
The integral cannot be evaluated in closed form and the result can be expressed
only as an infinite series. The result, first obtained by Sommerfeld, • is
[ "'(k9'
p • •r I · - - - - + ...J.
+ -"'(kT)' (13-47)
12 •r 80 •r
The quantity •r is a constant for a given metal and is called the Ftrmi mugy.
As we shall show, •r is a function of the number of electrons per unit volume, N/V,
In all levels for which • > 'F• the term (< - <p) is positive. Hence at T = 0
the exponential term equals + oo a nd 6%" = 0. Thus there are no electrons in
these levels and the Ferm i e nergy <p is the maximum energy of an electron at
absolute zero. The corresponding level is called the Fermi level.
The solid curve in Fig. 13- 10 is a graph of the number of electrons per unit
energy interval, 6A~"0/6• = A•'"• at T = 0. The curve extends from • = 0 to
< = .,., and is zero a t all energies greater than <p.
An expression for the Fermi e nergy can now be obtained from the requirement
that 2 6%0 = N. Replacing the sum with an integral, introducing the d istri-
bution function at T = 0, and integrating over all levels from "zero to ••·· we have
When T = 0,
(13- 53)
It is len as a problem to show t hat the same result is obtained if one inserts
in Eq. (13-51) the expression for the distributio n function at T- 0, a nd integra tes
from • = 0 to < = <y.
The mean energy per electron at absolute zero is
-._o = -U0 = -3 f .
N 5 F
Hence for silver,
At a temperature of 300 K, and for silver for which <r = 9.1 X 10-" J ,
Cy - (:~t
and from Eq. ( 13-52),
"'(kT) [
Cy = - -
2 ••
Nk I - - -
10 ••
+ ··· . ] (13-54)
If the temperature is not too great, we can neglect terms in powers of (kT/•v)
higher than the fi rst, and to this approximation
Cy = - - Nk. (13- 55)
2 ••
Replacing Nk with nR, where n is the number of moles, a nd dividing both
sides by n, we have for the molal specific heat capacity of the free electrons in a
c = -
- R (13-56)
" 2 EJ> ,
which is zero at T = 0 and which increases linearly with the temperature T. For
silver at 300 K, using the value of (kTf•.-) previously calculated,
c. ~ 2.25 X 10-'R.
The molal specific heat capacity of a monatomic ideal gas, on the other hand,
c.~ lR.
Thus although the mean kinetic energy of the electrons in a metal is very much
larger than that of the molecules of an. ideal gas at the same temperature, the energy
changu only very slightly with changing temperature and the corresponding heat
capacity is extremely small. This result served to explain what had long been a
puzzle in the electron theory of metallic conduction. The observed molal specific
heat capacity of metallic conductors is not very different from that of noncon-
ductors , namely, according to the Dulong-Petit law, about 3R. But the free elec·
Irons, if they behaved like the molecules of an ideal gas, should make an additional
contribution of 3R/2 to the specific heat capacity, resulting in a value much larger
than that actually observed. The fact t hat only those electro ns having energies
near the Fermi level can incuast their energies as the temperatuJe is increased
leads to the result above, namely, that the electrons make only a negligible contri-
bution to the heat capacity.
To calculate the entropy of the electron gas, we make use of the fact that in a
reversible process at constant volume, the heat How into the gas when its tempera-
ture increases by dT is
dQ, = CydT = TdS;
and hence at a temperature T the entropy is
P= -(ot\
and since
it follows t hat
p = ~ N•r[t +
5 V
5"'(kT)'+ .. ·].
12 •r
(13- 59)
This is· the equation o f state of the electron gas, expressi ng P as a fu nction of V
and T.
Com pa rison with Eq. (13-52) shows that the pressure is two-th irds of the
e nergy density
p = ~!:!..
Fo r sil ver, N/V "' 6 x tO'' elec trons per cubic meter and '• "" 10 x JO-lt J.
Hence at absolute zero,
P "' l x 6 x tO" x 10 x JO- lt "'24 x tO' N m- •
"" 240,000 atm!
In spite of Ihis tremendous pressure, the electrons do not all evaporate spontaneously
from the metal because of the potential barrier at its surface.
13- 1 (a) Show that the entropy or an assembly or N Einstein oscillators is given by
(b) Show that the entropy approaches zero as Tapproaches zero and (c) that the entropy
a pproaches 3Nk[ l + ln(T/O.,J) when Tis large. (d) Make a p lot or S/R versus T/92 .
13-2 (a) From Fig. 3-10 find the characteristic Einstein temperature 9;: for copper such
that the Einstein equation for c. agrees with experiment at a temperature of 200 K. (b)
Using this value of 8;:. calculate c. at 20 K and 1000 K and com pa re with the experimental
values. (c) Make a sketch oro., versus tempera ture so that the Einstein equation for c.
will yield the experimental values.
13- 3 The characteristic Debyetemperature for diamond is 1860 K and the characteristic
Einstein temperatu re is 1450 K. The experimental value or c. for diamond, at a tem-
pera ture of207 K, is 2.68 x 10' J kilomote-t K- 1• Calculate c. at207 K from the Ei nstein
and Debye equations and compare with experiment.
13-4 (a) Show that the heat capacity of a one-dimensional array of N coupled linear
oscillators is ~iven by
x11!~ dx •.
Cy • 3Nkr,.1 f.
(e• _ l )l'
where x - lr•/kT, and it is assumed that both longitudinal and transverse waves can
propagate along the array. (b) Evaluate this expression for Cv in the low and high
temperature limits.
13- 5 To show that the Debye specific heat capacity a t low tempera1ure can be deter-
mined from measurements of the velocity of sound, (a) show that
60 - ~(3N)'"
k 4,.v
where pis the density of the material. (c) Calculate the average value of the sound velocity
in copper. For copper , p is approximately 9000 kg m... and c, - 0.15 J kg-' K-• at s K.
(d) Calculate a value for 60 and for •,. for copper. (e) Calculate the val ue of Am•• and
compare to the in tera tomic spacing, assuming that copper has a cubic structure.
13-1 Calculate values (a) for c1 and c1 of Eq. (13- 22) and (b) for the Stefa n-Boltzmann
13-7 (a) Show that for electromagnetic radiation the energy per unit volume in the wave-
length range between A and A + dA is given by
S..lrc dA
du, • A' exp (lrc/ Akn - I ·
(b) Show that the value of A for which 6 u, is a maximum is given by A,.T - 2.9 x 1o-•
m K . This is known as Wien's displacement Jaw. (c) Calcula te A,. for the earth, assuming
the earth to be a blackbody.
13-8 (a) Show that Wien's Jaw can be derived by assuming that photons obey M-B
statistics. (b) Show that Wien's law results in a total energy densi ty which is nearly the
same as that derived in Section 13- 3.
13-9 If the magnetic moment I' • Jl'n of an atom is large enough, there will be 2J + I
possible angles 6 between the magnetic moment a nd the applied magnetic intensity Jf'
corresponding 10 magnetic levels having energies ~J • mJpl where nrJ has values
between -J aod + J. (a) Show that Z1 will be given by
. h (2J + I)I'Jt'
z- Sin
_ _ .::..:_ ( 1 3~)
. I'Jt'
smh 2/cT
[Hint: Sec the derivation of Eq. (12-44).) (b) Show that the net magnetic moment of the
system is given by
(2J + I)
M • Np. [ - --
coth (2J + I) 2kT - coth 2kf .
Th is is called the Brillouin• function. (c) Show that the net magnetic moment follows
Curie's law in the limit of high temperatures and low fields. (d) In the limit of low tem-
perature and high fields, show that all the dipoles are aligned. (e) Show that the expression
for the net magnetic moment derived in part (b) reduces to Eq. (13- 29) when 2J + I • 2
andg- 2.
13- 10 Use Eq. (13- 60) of the previous problem to calculate the entropy o f N distin-
guishable magnetic dipoles. Evaluate the expression in the limit of high and low tem-
peratures and make a graph or the entropy as a function ofT and .II'.
13-11 A paramagnetic salt contains 10" magnetic ions per cubic meter, each with a
magnetic moment of I Boh r magneton. Calculate the difference between the number of
ions aligned parallel to the applied intensity of 10 kOe and that aligned anti parallel at
(a) 300 K, (b)4 K, if the volume of the sample is 100 em•. Calculate the magnetic moment
or the sample at these two temperatures.
13-12 Use the statistical definitions or work, total energy, and net magnetic moment
to show that the work of magnetization is givtn by dW - -Jl'dM. (Hint: See Section
3- 13.1 1
13-13 Derive expressions for the magnetic contribution to the entropy and the heat
capacity at constant magnetic intensity .II' for the system d iscussed in Section 13-4. Sketch
curves of these properties as a funct ion of .11'/T.
13-14 Calculate the mean spe<d, the root-mean-square speed and the mean-reciprocal
speed in terms of u F • (2<~nr)''' for an electron gas at 0 K.
13-15 (a) Show that the average number or electrons having speeds between • and
u + du is given by
lwY _ 8nm'JI u' Av
• lr' exp [(jmu' - p.)JkT] + I ·
(b) Sketch Ao~YJ Au as a function or u' at T - 0 K.
13-16 (a) Calculate '•· for aluminum assuming 3 electrons per aluminum atom. (b)
Show that for aluminum at 1000 K , 1• difTers from ,,. by less than 0.01%. (c) Calculate
the electronic contribution to the molal specific heat capacity or aluminum at room
temperature and compare it to JR. (The density or aluminum is 2.7 x 10' kg m-• and
its atomic weight is 27.)
13-17 The Fermi velocity is defined as Vp • (2<y/m)111 and tht Fermi temperature as
Tv • ' F/k. (a) Calculate values of the Fermi velocity, momentum, and temperature for
electrons in silver. (b) Determine the magnitude of the second term in Eqs. (13-47),
(13- 52), (13- 54), ( 13- n}, (13-58), and (13- S9) at room temperature. (c) At what ttm·
pera ture does the second term contribute approximately a I % correction in the above
JJ-18 F ind the mean energy per electron by substituting the expression for ll./V' into
Eq. (13-51).
I J-19 Derive Eqs. (13-57), (1 3-58), and (13-59).
I J-ZO In a one-dimensional electron gas tJ.<§, - Tv'2mf< /J., where L is the length of
the sample of N electrons, (a) Sketch .A'"O(•) as a function of'· (b)Show that <y • mL' .
(c) Find the aver11ge energy per electron at 0 K.
I J-Z1 (a) Use the data shown in Fig. 7-7 to determine the Fermi energy of liquid He'
which can also be considered as a gu of particles obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics. (b)
Determine the Fermi velocity and temper11ture for He'. (See Problem 13- 17).
13-22 The free electrons in silver can be considered an electron gas. Calculate the com-
pressibility and expansivity of this gas and compare them to the experimental values for
silver of 0.99 x 10- 11 m' N-1 and 56.1 x Jo-t K-1 , respectively.
Any par1 ial derivative of a state variable of a thermodyna m ic system, with re spect
to any other state vuriable, a third variable being held constant [for exam ple,
(oufov)rJ can be written, from Eq. (4-20), in the for m
~ I~
(vuvu)r- (oufoz)r
where z is any arbitrary state fu nc tion. Then if one ta b ulates the partial ae rivatives
o f all state variables with respect to an a rbitrary function z, any partial derivative
can be obtained by dividing one tabulated quantity by anot her. For brevity,
d erivatives of the form (oufoz)r are wri tten in the table below in t he symbolic
fo rm ( ou)r. Then, for example,
+ P(oufoP)r =
( ou r
~) _ (ou)r _ T(oufoT)p TP _ P
(ou)r -(oufoP)r 1e '
which agrees with Eq. (6-9). Ratios (not derivatives) such as d'q,./dup can be
treated in the same way. For a further discussion, see A Condtnud Coi/J:t/on of
Thumodynamics Formulas by P. W. Bridgman ( Ha rvard University Press, 1925),
from which t he table belo w is ta ken.
P constan t T constant
can,.- 1 (iJP) r - -1
(ou),. = (ovfoT),. (ov)r = -(oufoP)r
(os),. = cp/T (os)r ~ (iJvfoT)p
(oq)p- ,,. (oq)r - T(ou/oT),
(ow)!' = P(oufoT)ro (ow)r - -p(ou/oP)r
(ou),. = c,. - P(iJufoT)p (ou)r = T(ouf oT),. + P(oufoP)r
(iJh)p = Cp (oh)r - -• + T (ovfoT),.
(og)ro = -s (og)r - -v
(of),. = - s -P(iJu/iJT)p (iJf)r - P(oufoP)r
h constant g constant
(oP).- - c1 , (oP>, = s
(or). - v - T(oufoTlJ. cor>, - .
(o•>• - - cp(ou/oP)r - T(oufoT) 1~ (ou), - u(oufoT),, + s(oufoP)r
+ u(oufoT),,
(os), = .!. [vcp - sT(oufoTlrl
(oq).- vcr (oq), = -sT(oufoTlr + ucr
(o w). = -P[cp{oufoP)r + T(oufoT)~ (ow), = P[u(oufoT )" + s(oufoP)rl
- u(oufoTlJ.J
~ u constant
(oP), - - cpfT (oP). - -(oufoT)p
(oT ), - - CoufoT)p (oT). - (oufoP)r
multiplters: l, A,. ... , A•. In our problem there is only one such equation and
one multiplier A. Then from Eq. (B-2),
.lx + 2Ay = 0. (B-4)
Now add this to Eq. (B-1), giving
(a + A)x + (2A + b)y = 0. (B-S)
Now assign a value to Asuch that the coefficient of either x or y is zero. If we choose
x, then (a + A) = 0; A = -a. (B-6)
Equation (B-5) then reduces to
(2A + b)y = 0, (B-7)
which contains only one of the variables. But since either one of the variables can
be considered independent, Eq. (B-7) is satisfied only if
(2A +b) = 0; b ~ -2A. (B-8)
Then from Eqs. (B-6) and (B-8) we have
b = 2a, (B- 9)
which is the same~ Eq. (B-3).
In effect, the usc of Lagrange multipliers leads to an equation, Eq. (8-S),
which has the same property as if both x andy were independent, since the coeffi-
cient of each is zero.
We now use the Lagrange method of undetermined multipliers to explain how
Eqs. (8-29), the equations of phase equilibrium, are a necessary consequence of
Eq. (8-27), which expresses the condition that the Gibbs function shall be a
minimum, subject to the condition equatio ns (8- 28). If the values of the dn\11's
in Eq. (8-27) were completely independent, the equation could be satisfied for an
arbitrary set of the dn\11 's only if the coefficient of each were zero. The method of
undetermined multipliers takes the condition equations inti) account so as to
eliminate some o f the terms in Eq. (8-27) to obtain an equation in which the re-
maining dn\1hs are independent, so that the coefficient of each can be set equal to
zero. The procedure is as follows.
We multiply the first of the condition equations (8- 28) by a constant .l1 whose
value for the present is undetermined. The second equation is multi plied by a
second constant l,, the next by a constant .l3 , and so on. These equations are then
added to Eq. (8-27). T he result is the equation
The total number of dnl11 's in this equation is kTT, one for each of the k con-
stituents in each of the TT phases. For any constituent i, arbitrary values may be
assigned to the dn,'s in all phases but one, ma ki ng a total of(,. - I) arbitrary
values. The remaining dn 1 then takes up the slack, since
·-· 11
Idn l - 0.
Then since there are k constituents, the total number of dnl11's which can be given
arbitrary values, or the number that are independent, is k(,. - I) - k,. - k .
Let us therefo re assign values to the (as yet) undetermi ned multipliers, such that
for each constituent I, in some one o f the phases j, the sum (,ul11 + .11) - 0. For
example, let us select phase I and assign a value to 11 such that in phase I
are called Laplace• transforms. They are ve ry useful in many branches of science
and engineering. The gamma function is a Laplace tra nsform in which s - I and
a( I ) - I" where n need not be an integer. Thus
r (n + I) = n(n - l)(n - 2) · · · I,
and if n is an integer
r(n +I) = n!. (C-7)
If n = 0, the gamma function can be integrated directly and
the definition of r(n) can be extended to negative integers. If 0 < n < I, r(n)
can be determined from Eq. (C-9). Using this recursion formula again, the values
of r (n) for - I < n < 0 can be found from the values for r (n) when 0 < n < I,
and so on. Thus r(n) is determined for all non integer values of n.
However, since r (l) = I the method fails for n = 0, since di vision by zero
is undefined. Thus
lim r(n) =lim n- 'r(n + I) = ±00. (C- 10)
ft-+0 ft-+ 0
In (n!) = In 2 + In 3 + · · · + Inn.
This is exactly equal to the area under the step curve shown by dotted lines
in Fig. C-1, between n - I and n - n, since each rectangle is of unit width and
the height of the first is In 2, that of the second is In 3, etc. This area is approxi-
mately equal to the area under the smooth curve y - In n between the same limits,
provided n is large. For small values of n the step curve differs appreciably from
the smooth curve, but the latter becomes more and more nearly horizontal as n
increases. Hence approximately, for large n,
In (n !) = J"ln n dn.
Integration by parts gives
In (n!)- n ln n - n + I,
and if n is large we may neglect the I, so finally
In (n !) - n In n - n. (C-11)
This is Stirling's approximation.
An exact analysis leads to the following infinite series.
At the end of Section 11-5, it was· noted that when the number of particles in an
assembly becomes large, the occupation numbers of the levels in the most probable
macrostate are very nearly the same as the average occupation numbers for the
assembly. This is not only true for particles obeying B-E statistics, but it holds
equally well for the other statistics. Thus when the system is in equilibrium, the
distribution of particles among levels can also be determined from t he occupation
numbers of the macrostate with the maximum thermodynamic pro bability, sub-
ject to the constraints that the total energy and the total number of panicles of the
assembly is constant.
When one looks at a large number of identical assemblies, one macrostate
occurs the most often. The assumption is that this macrostate is the distribution of
particles among levels for the system in equilibrium. Therefore the properties of
t he system are determined by the distribution of particles among levels that has
the maximum thermodynamic probability. In the text we assume that the prop-
erties of the system are determined by the average occupation numbers of the
levels. In the limits of large numbers of particles both methods lead to the same
distribution functions, as we shall show.
We now describe the conventional procedure for calculating occupation
numbers in the most probable macrostate, or, the most probable occupation
numbers. If we let ?f'"• represent the thermodynamic probability of the most
probable macrostate, the entropy S is set proportional to the logarithm of "If'"•,
that is,
S = k8 1n 'If'"•.
To find the most probable macrostate, we use the usual criterion for thel maxi-
mum value of a function, namely, that its first variation is equal to zero. (Strictly
speaking, it should also be shown that this leads to a maximum value and not to a
minimum.) We shall illustrate by considering the Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics,
although the same procedure can be followed in the other statistics as well.
InN! - N InN- N,
In N 1 ! - N 1 1n N 1 - N 1•
In -tr• = N InN- N + I N 1 In g1 - I N 1 In N 1 + I N 1•
But I N1 = N, so
(O- S)
If the energy levels are functions of the volume V (or some other extensive
parameter), then Z is a function of Pand V and has the same value in two equi-
librium states in which the values of Pa nd V are the same. The entropy difference
S between the states, since In Z is a constant, is
S- Nk 8 lnZ + Y..,
F :aU- TS =- Nk 0 T inZ. (D-16)
The chemical potential f' is
A more serious objection is the following. One of the terms in the expression
for the thermodynamic probability of a macrosta te in the Fermi-Dirac statistics
is (g1 - N1) !. If In (g1 - N1)! is evaluated by the Stirling approximation, a nd the
procedure above is followed, one does obtain the same expression for the most
probable occupation numbers as that for their average values. But in the F·D
statistics, the difference (g1 - N1) is not necessarily a large nu mber a nd may in
fact be zero if a level is fully occupied. The use of the Stirling approximation to
evaluate In (g1 - N1)1 is therefore questionable, even if it leads to the right answer.
The procedure followed in Section 11- 10, however, does not require the use of
Stirling's approximation and is valid provided only that the N,'s themselves arc
large numbers.
Magnetic potential energy
Let us take the reference level of potential energy as that at which the moment
is at right angles to the field, where 0 = 90• and cos 0 = 0. Hence if we set
81 - 90° and '•• = 0, and let c1,, a nd 01 refer to any a r bitrary angle 0,
c0 - 0 - p.Jt'(O - cos 8),
•• = -p.Jt' cos 0. (E- 3)
When t he angle 8 is less than 90°, as in Fig. E- 1, cos 0 is positive and the
potential energy •., is negative. That is, the po tential energy is less than tha t in the
reference level. When 0 is greater than 90°, cos 8 is negative and •. is positive.
Let ll.A~", be the number of a tomic magnets whose moments make angles with
t he field between 6 and 6 + 68. Each of these has a component mom~nt in the
direction of the field of p. cos 0, and the moment d ue to these is
6M = fl.AI', p. cos 8.
The total moment M of the entire crystal is
M - 1: fl.AI', p. cos 8. (E-4)
In the same way, the total potentia l energy E,, of the crysta l is
E" = -1: liJV', p.Jf' cos 8.
It follows from the two preceding equations that
E.= - Jt'M. (E- 5)
I. I·
I Answers to Problems
Chapter 1
1-1 (a) no; (d) yes.
1-l (a) excensive; (d) incensivc.
1- 3 (a) JO>kgm->; (b) to->m1 kg-1; (c) 18 x to-'m'kilomole-1; (d) 1.29kgm- •,
o.n5 m' kg-'. 22.4 m' ki lomole-1.
1-4 Abouc tOO Torr.
1-5 (b) I.Ot x tO' N m- •.
1-6 (a) 4.
1-7 (c) decrease.
1-8 t B K, t85 K, t93 K, t97 K.
1- 9 (a) 328 K; (b) 6.84 em; (c) no.
1-10 (a) a - 1.55 x to-•, b - -115; (b) t l2 degrees; (c)5.97 em.
1- 11 (a) 73.3; (b) 26.7 degrees.
I-ll (a) 672; (b) t80 degrees.
1-13 (a) A - 3.66 x t O-' ai m K- 1, B - 321 degrees, C- 3.66 x to-> K- 1; (b) t30
degrees; (c) O. t 2 arm; (d) - «>.
Ch•pter' 3
3-1 1.69 x 10° 1.
3-2 1.91 X I()> 1.
3-3 - 3nRTJ8.
3-4 2.03 J.
3-5 1.13 1.
3-6 (b) Work on the gas; (c) 8.1S x 10' 1, 0.4341; (d) 0.4 m 0, 1.44 x Ia-' m'.
3-7 (a) W • RTin ((v1 - b)/(u 1 - b)] + a((l/v1 ) - (l /v 1)]; (b) 4.26 x 10' J;
(c) 4.3 x 10' J.
3-8 (b) d'W • nRdT + nRTdP/P.
3-9 (a) d'W • - Ft..(dF/YA+ «dT); (b)W,. •-Ff.oa.(T1 -T1); (c)WT •
- 4(FI- Ff>/2 YA.
3-10 (a) d'W • -Cc-J{'dJt'/T + Cc-Jf"dTfT'; (b)W_... • -CL..;t''(lfT, - I/T1) ;
(c) w., • -(Ccf2T)(.JY; - Jt"l).
3-JJ - 3(/10 V + C0 /TJJt';/2.
3-13 -2.03 X 10° J.
3-14 (a) -3.11 x 10' 1; (b) -4.32 x 10' J ; (c) I SO K; (d) 1.2S x I()> N m-•.
~16 W, • 0, W, • 11.2 X J()' J, W, • -8.08 X J()' 1, Wok o • 3.12 X JO' J.
Chapter 4
4- 2 (a) a.
4-3 (b) S/(3(T, + T,)).
4-4 (a) a = 24.0 J kilomole-1 K-1, b - 6.9 x JQ-3 J kilomole-1 K- 2 ; (b) 2.03 x 104 J
kilomole-1• ·
4-1 (a) 27 x 10' : 4.02 x JQ- 1 ; (b) ~ R:R ; (c) 0.60 ; (d) almost all.
4-8 (b) a+ R.
4-ll (a) q,_,_, - 19 RT1 /2, q,_
4 _, - 17 RT1 /2, q,_, - 9 RT,; (b) 3 R.
c 32 400 0 0 0
<4-lS (b)
T• const 0 0
Cycle 0 0
Chepter 6
5-l 83.3 K and 166.6 K .
5-3 (a) 12.2 1 K-1 ; (b) 6.06 x 10' J K- 1•
5-4 (a) Q,., • 2192J, Q... •I0,966J, Q,_. • -6S16 J, Q4 .• • -S480J ;
(b) 0.996 x IO'Nm-•; (c) s•.,
•S.S4 JK- 1, s...
= II.OJK-1, S,.4 • -S.S4JK- 1 ,
S, .• • - II.OJ K- 1•
5-5 (a) 0; (b) 0.167 J K- 1•
H 293JK-•.
s-7 (a) 1200 J absorbed at 300 K, 200 J given up at 200 K; (b) -3 J K-1, -I J K-1 ,
4 J K- 1 ; (c) 0.
s-s (a) m J K-•; (b) -1n J K- •.
H (a) 0.171 J K - 1; (b) -0.1 71 J K - 1•
5-10 (a) am In (T,}T1) + bm(T, - T1); (b) 2.47 x 101 J kilomolc-• K - •.
s-13 (a) engine; (b) 250R J, -IOOR J ; (c) 0.6; (d) 0.667.
As••0 ,(J K-1) AS...,(J K - 1) AS.(J K-1)
s-16 (a) (J,$11, 0 - tlOOJ K- AS..,- - 1120 1 K- 1, AS.- 1801 K- 1 ; (b) (),Su,o
1, a
1300 JK- 1,AS,., • - 1210JK-I,S• a90 JK-I.
5- 17 290 K, 190 J K- 1•
s-20 (c) 7i or part (b).
s-22 -0.533 RT, ~ w, S 0, 0 S Au S 0.33:5 RT1 , 0 S AS S 0.693 R.
s-21 No.
6-30 (a)&T - O,Il>s • l.91 x 104 J kilomole- • K- 1 ;(b)ll.T• - 146 K,lu - 6.1 x 10'
J kilomole-• K- 1•
6-32 19.3 atm.
6-33 (a) 0.02 K atm- 1 ; (b) 0.098 K atm-•; (c) - 0.27 K, 12.3 K.
6-34 3S.3 K.
6-38 (oV{oM)s,T • M V/C~.nR
Ch• pter 7
7- 6 (a) P(v +A ) • RT, s • - R In (P/P0 ) + A'P; (b) h • P(A'T- A),
u - T(A'P - R), f- Rn ln (P/P0 ) - I ); (c) cp • PA"T, c, - 2A'P + A• r p-
P'A'' RT
R - R ; (d) • - P(RT _ AP). P- (R- A 'P)/(RT - AP) ; {e) I• - (A - A'T)/PA•r.
7-ll (b) -IO' J, -SO J K- 1, - I.S X IO' J, - 1.48 X IO' J , -800J,3.6 J K-•.
7-23 (a) -J.JS x IO'Nm-• K- 1 ;(b)268atm ; (c)J.31 x IO'Nm- • K- 1 ;{d)24.6atm.
7- 2S (a) 200 K, 1.01 atm ; (b) 1,. - 0.492 J kilomole- •, 1,. • 0.328 J kilomole- •, / 11 -
0.164 J kilomole-•.
7- 17 (a) - 0.1 S K .
Chapte r I
8- l (a) (n,. + nJJ)R In 2.
8-2 (a) t• t• j; (b) t• ~.I a tm; (c) - l.S + 10 7 J; (d) +S x 10' J K- 1•
8- S (a) 2; P a nd T.
8~ (c) K is not a function of P and K - ,-•C'!RT,
8-7 2.
8-8 (a) A - T, % Cd; 8 - T; C - T, % Cd; D - 0; E - T, % Cd; (c) k = 22,000 K
kg kilomole-•.
8-10 (a) 1.28 x Jo-2 To rr; (b) 76.3 atm.
8- ll (a) 0.146 J m-•; (b) A • O.OSS J m-•, c_, - 6.82 x 10-• J m-• K- 1, s - ~.28 x
J0--4 J m-• K-1 ; (cl2.S K.
8-13 (a) du(A 2 - A 1); (b) l(A 1 - A 1) .
8- IS (a) c, - c1 •I•'Tf•, • • -
(!!.) ,•• -(.!!...) ;
1 ar,
1 a~ r
(b) r,/r1 • •/•, .
8-28 (g) 8.00 X 10' J; (h) -2.02 X 10' J, - 3.96; (i) 5.98 x 10' J ; (j) 0.300; (k) 5.48 X
10' J, 0.275.
8-29 (a) 220 Btu lbm- 1 ; (b) 70 Btu Ibm-•.
8-30 (c) c - 8.7.
Chapter 9
g_1 (a) 3.2 x 10" molecules; (b) 3.2 x 1010 molecules.
g_2 3300 A.
9-3 (a) 6.9 x JQ-•; (b) same as (a).
9-4 (a) 1.7 x JO->; (b) 2.8 x Jo-•.
9-5 (a) O.oJ; (b) 1.7 x JQ- 7 , 2.8 x JQ-•; (c) 1.64 x 1018 v0 molecules m-• s-•, 9.4 X
1020 molecules m-2 s-1.
9-6 (a) 20ms-•, 20ms-1; (b) 12.5ms-1, 14.6ms- 1;,jcl !Oow- 1, 12.2ms-1 ; (d)
10m s-•, 14.1 m s-1 ; (e) li.S m ,-•, 12.7 m s-1.
9-7 (c) 2 vof3 ; (d) 0.707 v0 •
9-8 (b) 3.4 x IO" v0 molecules m- • s-1 ; (c) 4.5 x IO" c0 molecules m-• s-1•
9- 10 Force per unit length - n'mvt/ 2.
9-ll (a) 1360 m s-1 ; (b) 2400 K; (c) 0.31 eV.
g_12 (a). 2.9 x IO" impacts s-1 ; (b) 120m.
g_13 (a) 7.2; (b) 1.22 x to-• atm.
9- 14 (a) 2, x 10" molecules em-•; (b) 3.3 x 1023 impacts s-1 ; (c) same as (b); (d) mean
energy is about 0.1 of heat of vaporization per molecule.
9- 15 (a) 9.4 x JQ-• g em- • , - •; (b) about the same.
g_J6 2.77 VfVA .
9- 17 (a) 1017 molecules; (b) 1.6 x to-3 Torr.
9-18 1'1 = l [I + cxp ( -i!At/2 V)].
9- 20 (b') v,m, «: 1' 11' .
9-21 (a) 3 translational, 3 rotational, and 2(3N - 6) vibrational; (b) 9R, I. II.
9- 23 (a) 1.5 x 10' J ; (b) 1.36 x 10' m s- 1•
Chapter 10
lG-3 (a) 3.2 x w-" m'; (b) 5.2 x 10-• m; (c) 9.6 x 10' s-1•
lG-4 I oc p-t, z oc /'.
JG-5 (a) 5 x 10-10 m; (b) 7.9 x Jo-11 m'; (c) 7.9 x 10' m- 1 ; (d) 7.9 x 10' m- 1 ; (c)
0.45; (f) 0.88 X 10- • m ; (g) 1.3 X Jo-1 m.
JG-6 4.4 X 10- s S.
I G-7 (a) 3.2; (b) 0.05.
IG-8 (a) 3.7 X 10'; (b) 1.35 X JO'; (C) 1.8 X 10'; (d) 1.8 X 10'; (e) 7.4 X 10';
(f) l.S X 10'; (g) - 0.
to-16 (a) •li.Jr.,. - 9.6 x to-• N s m'"' K- 111; (b) 4.2 x w-•• m; (c) 2.8 x to-•• m,
2.1 x 1o-10 m.
to-17 (a) A oc T' 11 ; (b) 0.058 J K- 1 m-•
Jo-ts (a) 2.52 x to-< m' . - •, 1.03 x 1~ m' s- 1; (b) D oc T' 12m' 11 1• r
Io-1!1 (a) -1.22 x 1015 (moleculesm-•)m-1;(b)(2.32 x IOU +4.75 x 10 11)molecules
s-•; (c) (2.32 x IOU - 4.75 x 1011) molecules s-1; (d) 9.50 x 1016 molecules s- 1,
to-zo (a) 1.26 x w-•
N s m-•; (b) 0.98 x 1~ m' s-1; (c) 9. 1 x to-• J m- • s-1 K- •.
Chapter 11
ll-3 10'.
11-4 (b) 45, so, 120, 7$, 60, 100.
11-5 (a) S; (b) S, 4, 3, 2, I; (c) 16, 32, 24, 8, 4; (d) IS, 84.
11-6 (a) 6.SS X 10'; (b) 1.52 X 10'2; (c) 2,.
11- 8 ( b) 2427; (c) 3.68, 1.79, 0.838, 0.394, 0.189, O.o78, O.oJS; (d) 7.00.
11-9 (a) ~ 4 macrostates; (d) 2.584, l.S8S, 0.877, 0.485, 0.250, 0.135, 0.058, 0.027.
11-10 (b) 6; (c) 36.
11-12 (a) 8 macrostates ; (d) 2.278, 1.722, 1.056, 0.667, 0.222, 0.056.
11-13 (d) 2.500, I.S91, 0.95$, 0.530, 0.265, 0.114, 0.0378, 0.0075.
11-14 (a) 6N1 - 6N1 - I ; (b) S.SS x 1011, 4.13 x 1012
11-15 (a) 729; (b) 60; (c) 6<; (d) 126.
Macrostates I 2 3 4 s 6
j 4 3 2 I
11-19 (b) 3; (c) 19S; (d) 2.923, l.38S, 0.462, 0.231; (r) -2.06 k 8 •
11-21 (b) 12 ; (c) 2.7S, !.SO, 0.1S; (e) -1.81 k 8 •
11-21 (b) 8SOS; (c) 2.86, 1.43, o.m. 0.143; (d) - 3.4 k 8 •
11-29 (a) 4 x 1o-•ev, 6.Sl k 8 ; (b) 127 K; (c) 2 + exp ( -23.2/T); (d) 4 x 1o-•ev,
4.43 k 8 , 14.4 K, I + 2 cxp ( -23.2/ T).
11-34 (a) I + exp ( -</k8 T); (b) [I + exp ( -</koT)j1, [I + exp (</koTJI';
(c) N<[l + exp (</k 8 T))-1 ; (d) Nk8 In [I + exp( -c/k 8 T)) + Nc(711 + exp (</koTJ))- 1 ;
(e) Nko(</ks T)' exp (•/k 8 T)[I + exp (<fk »T)I'.
11-35 (a) E- -pJII'0N/6, M = Np/3; (b) tJ.E - ,..JII'0N/12, tJ.M - 0 ; (c) tJ.M -pN/3.
11-36 (b) U = 0, S - N(pJII'f2T) tanh (!'JII'fk 8 T) + Nk 8 In 2 cosh (pJII'fk8 T). F• •
-Nk 8 Tin 2 cosh (p.JII'fk 0 T), M • - N(pf2) tanh (p.JII'f2k0 T); (c) Ntanh (pJII'f2ksT>.
N [l -tanh (pJII'f2k8 T)).
Choptor 13
13-2 (a) 246 K ; (b) 172 J kilomole- 1 K-1, 24.9 x 10' J kilomole- 1 K- 1.
13-3 1.12 x 10' J kilomole-• K- 1, 2.66 x 1o-• J kilomole- 1 K- 1.
13-4 Cy - (6Nk1/h•~)T, Cy - 3Nk.
13-5 (c) 2.24 x 10' m r 1; (d) 292 K, 6.1 x 10'' Hz; (e) 3.69 x lo-10 m , 2.27 x
l o-l•m.
1~ (8)6.17 X lo-<'J s4 m-1,4.8 X l o- 11 K s;(b) 7.62 X l o-11 J m-• K-".
13-7 (c) I a-' m.
13-11 (a) 2.24 x 1011 atoms; (b) 1.66 x 10'0 atoms; (c) 2.08 x JO-• oecm', 1.54
Oe cm0•
13-13 S - NJSuJf' tanh (p8 .;t'fkT)/T- Nk In 2 cosh (p 0 .;t'fkT). Cy - Nk(J•uJf'/kT)'
tanh (piJ.;t'fkT).
13-14 0 .1S vF, 0.71 v,..
l .S vj:1.
13-16 18.7 X Jo-lt J ; (c) 1.09 X lo-1 R.
13-17 (a!_l.4 X 10' ~ s-1, 1.3 X lo-t' kg m s-1, 6.S X 10' K; (b) 8.9 X 10-4,6.4 X JQ-4,
2.1 X 10 , 8.9 X 10 , 8.9 X Ia-'; (c) 3200 K .
13-20 (c) •,/3.
13-21 (a) 2.13 x l a-' eV; (b) 2.46 K, 11 6 m s-1.
13-22 2.81 x 1o-u m' N- 1; 3.4 x Jo- 1 K- 1.