Menstrual dysfunction if not treated properly and in the beginning leads to complications
like ‘PCOD’, so be careful and don’t let your minor symptoms neglected helping
progress of diseases in you. A woman having irregular periods with weight problems and
hair growth on face and body should suspect of PCOD. If the monthly (menses) is missed
often get it treated early, better before marriage.
PCOD is an endocrine disorder occurring amongst all races and nationalities. It is the
most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age, and is a leading
cause of infertility; symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly among women.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can also be known as the Stein-Leventhal
syndrome, is a condition that affects the ovaries. The ovaries are found in women, and
consist of a pair of glands which are either side of the uterus (womb). The ovaries
produce ova (eggs) which are released into the uterus one a month, during the menstrual
cycle. Each ovum develops in the ovary from a small swelling called a follicle. Usually,
several of these follicles develop each month, but only one will produce a full matured
ovum. The ovaries also produce a variety of hormones including the main female
hormone, known as oestrogen. The ovaries also produce small amounts of androgens,
such as testosterone, which are sometimes called male hormones. Poly Cystic Ovarian
Disease (PCOD) is usually thought to be a lifetime female hormonal imbalance where
maturing eggs fail to be expelled from the ovary, creating an ovary filled with immature
follicles (somewhat misleadingly labeled "cysts"). The cysts then contribute to the
hormonal imbalance…which causes more cysts… What causes this vicious cycle to start
is not well understood, and probably varies from patient to patient: Insulin? Diet? Stress?
Fat? Glandular & hormone problems? Are all implicated in the causation. PCOD is most
common female infertility cause which should be treated before marriage itself, if
menstrual irregularity is noticed. It is the most common ovarian dysfunction / endocrine
disorder which affect several women in the reproductive age. Suffering women often
have signs and symptoms of menstrual irregularity and weight gain, abnormal hair
growth on the face or the body and absent / irregular periods. They have multiple small
cysts in their ovaries . These cysts occur when the regular changes of a normal menstrual
cycle are disrupted. The ovary is enlarged; and produces excessive amounts of androgen
and estrogenic hormones. This excess, along with the absence of ovulation, may cause
Also women with PCOD who conceive have a higher rate of early fetal loss than women
without PCOD. PCOD women have fewer chances to conceive, compared to normal
women who ovulate every month. Normal women get 12 chances in a year to conceive.
But PCOD women hardly get 3-4 chances due to delayed / irregular periods.
No two women are affected by PCOD in exactly the same way. The most common
symptoms and indicators of PCOD :
Lack of periods, or extremely irregular periods - In a patient's words "I had perhaps 3 or 4
periods per year at random times except when I was prescribed tablets for withdrawal
bleeding and my cycles were artificially regulated for one year. When I went off the
drugs the irregularity came right back".
Male body hair patterns - Scalp hair thinning, excess/ rich growth on face (upper lip and
chin) & pubic region.
Early development of breast buds.
Male fat storage patterns -- Abdominal storage, rather than standard female pattern on
thighs, hips and waist.
If married, history of infertility, despite regular, unprotected intercourse as irregular
ovulation reduces the odds of pregnancy each month.
Mid cycle pain indicating painful ovulation – due to the enlargement and blockage of the
surface of the ovaries.
Positive Family History - A sister, mother or grandmother with similar symptom.
Adult acne
FSH & LH levels with ratio - The levels of FSH & LH vary according to the stage of
menstruation, but the ratio FSH-LH should always be < 2. In PCOD we see a ratio of
around 4 and above.
No, No. PCOD does not equal infertility. Some women with PCOD have no fertility
problem at all. The stress of having such a long named condition may contribute more to
infertility than PCOD itself.
In fact, a positive history in either mother or one of the grandmothers proves that fertility
is possible. Infertility is just another possible symptom of PCOD. Just like all of the
dozen or so possible symptoms, infertility may or may not be present. More than 80% of
women with fertility problems caused by PCOD, properly treated and with patience, do
bear a healthy child.
For obese patients with PCOD, weight loss is essential. Increasing physical activity is an
important step in losing weight. Aerobic activities such as walking, jogging or swimming
are advised. Try to find a partner to do this with.
Homeopathic medicines induce ovulation in a natural way rather than causing
forced/artificial menstruation. They go deep in our system curing the condition. By taking
homeopathic medicines, ovulation and menstruation are attained naturally and thus you
may conceive normally.
Make sure to eat a fiber rich diet with lot of fresh fruits/ vegetables (citrus fruits, guava,
amla, tomato and capsicum; foods rich in iron and Vitamin C). Have more whole pulses,
cereals and sprouts.
Avoid sugar , high fat foods (margarine, butter, GHEE, cheese, chocolates, creams, ice-
cream, pastries, purees/parathas/kachories/samosas/khastas … etc), processed / canned
foods, papad, pickle, and chips.
Avoid strong tea, coffee, pan-masala, GUTKHA, smoking and drinking alcohol. Even if
you lose weight, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, and
to give up smoking if you currently smoke.
Keep yourself active by getting involved in activities you enjoy. Drink 5 liters of water
daily. Take good rest and regular aerobic exercise.
Patients should be reassured and taught NOT to panic. Surgery is not a permanent fix, it
usually only straightens out the hormonal imbalance temporarily (perhaps one year). The
downside of surgery is the risk that it could cause adhesions, which will reduce fertility
until removed by another surgery, and the small risk of complete ovarian failure due to
ovarian trauma.
Abroma radix-Q
Great friend to women it helps in regulating the menses and improves health.
Aegle marmelos-Q
Blumea odorata-Q
Bleeding from the uterus, piles, nosebleed, excessive menstrual bleeding and dysentery.
Menses late, scanty having bad smell, much pain which may go down thighs.
Useful for undeveloped mammary glands, improves health.
Dose: 2-5drops in a cup of water thrice daily.
The menses are usually late and scanty, though they may be almost any combination ;
there are bearing down pains in abdomen ; must cross limbs to prevent protrusion ; there
is extreme weakness, a dragging, weak feeling in the back ; the womb often feels as if
clutched and suddenly released ; gone feeling in abdomen ; there are symptoms of uterine
stasis. Sepia comes in most usually after other drugs. Hering called it "a finishing
Lilium tigrinum resembles Sepia : It has bearing down, everything seems to protrude, and
is relieved by pressing the hand against the vulva.The ovarian and uterine pains are more
intense than in Sepia ; the nervousness is more marked and exercise relieves ; uterus is
sore and sensitive ; patient is better when busy. Lilium is worse in the afternoon, Sepia in
the forenoon.
Sulphur resemble Sepia : There is the bearing down and the weak feeling or " goneness "
in the abdomen and flushes of heat.They are complementary.
Differentiation between Sepia and Murex: The principal difference lies in the fact that
Murex causes sexual excitement and copious secretions, otherwise the drugs are very
similar. Murex has a feeling as if something was pressing on a sore spot in the pelvis.
Secretions, such as menses and urination, are profuse.
Sepia and Kreosote: Both have intermittent menses. Both have dragging down pains in
back. Both have pressure outward on genitals. Both have painful coitus. Both have red
sediment in urine. Both have turbid and offensive urine.
Kreosote has copious menses, Sepia scanty. Kreosote has dragging in back relieved by
motion, Sepia is worse from motion. The Kreosote leucorrhoea is acrid and irritating,
excoriating the parts, this Sepia does not have.
Stannum differs from Sepia : It has prolapsus with bearing down and melancholy, but it
has characteristically falling of the womb during hard stools. The patient is so weak that
she cannot talk, and has to sit down several times while dressing in the morning.
Nux vomica distinguished Sepia : Nux has a predominance of gastric symptoms ; there is
no " goneness " as in Sepia ; there is less bearing down and dragging.
Aloe & Sepia: The relaxation of tissues is more pronounced under Aloe ; the heaviness,
weight and dragging down are more intense ; bowel symptoms will decide ; there is loss
of control of rectum and looseness of bowels.
Podophyllum : There is diarrhoea, and prolapsus and burning in pelvic regions ; there is
bearing down as if the genitals would protrude during stool. It differs from Sepia in its
gastric symptoms.
There is chilliness ; there is heaviness and weight in pelvic regions.The menses are
delayed and scanty ; the flow is fitful and changeable ; worse in warm room and better in
open air ; amenorrhoea after wet feet.
Pulsatilla is mild, tearful and whimsical. Sepia is depressed, easily excited and irritable.
Pulsatilla : blondes.
Sepia : brunettes.
Aurum congests the uterus and it becomes prolapsed from weight ; there is a bruised pain
in uterine region.
There is profuse and clotted menstrual flow occurring too early ; voluptuous irritation of
genitals and nymphomania ; there is prolapsus and induration of uterus ; ovaries are
sensitive and have burning pains in them.
Caladium cures nymphomania from worms crawling into vagina and there causing
Sabina and Millefolium have menses of bright red, partly clotted blood.
Carbo animalis (distinguished from Sepia by throbbing headache which follows menses)
besides Sepia has induration of the cervix .
Natrum hypochlorosum and Ferrum iodatum have the symptom that the womb seems as
if pushed up when the patient sits.
Actea racemosa
It is especially a remedy for threatened miscarriage when the pains shoot across the
abdomen from side to side.
Suppressed, tardy or irregular menstruation when accompanied by reflex disturbances.
It produces a spasm of the uterus and is useful in dysmenorrhoea ; there is a sensation as
if the uterus were congested, with fullness and tension in the hypogastric
region.Menstruation too profuse and too frequent ; the flow is passive.
The menses are scanty ; there is apt to be associated with it bladder pains and dysuria ;
suppression of flow causes cough with bloody expectoration ; sleeplessness reflex from
uterine irritation.
With all uterine troubles and leucorrhoea there is extreme constipation, great effort being
required for an evacuation ; patient is weak and tired.
Prolapsus uteri with ulceration of the cervix ; catarrh of uterus, with thick, yellow,
tenacious discharge.
Ammonium muriaticum, Apis, and Arnica have a sensation in the groin as if sprained.
Amenorrhoea, congestion to head, with bearing down pains ; great awkwardness.
Nymphomania, with the bladder symptoms ; menses too black, too early, and too
profuse ; it favors the expulsion of moles, hydatids, etc.
Menses scanty and feeble, black and offensive, with pain in the hips and bearing down in
the left ovary ; better when flow is established.
Platina, Sepia, Belladonna, Kreosote, Ferrum, Natrum muriaticum, Apis and Thuja have
sensitiveness to Coitus.
Soreness in abdomen with downward pressure ; tired feeling in back ; knife-like cutting
pains in uterus ; swelling and pains in ovarian region ; bearing down relieved by rubbing.
Chlorosis with pale and scanty menses and craving for indigestible substances.
Bearing down, worse lying down, relieved by standing ; menses bright red ; painful
congestive dysmenorrhoea ; offensive menstrual flow, without apparent cause.
It has relief from lying down and is worse from standing, being the reverse of
Kreosote has bearing down worse from rest and relieved by motion.
Vicarious or suppressed menstruation, flow dark and profuse ; sharp sticking pains with
the splitting headache of drug.
Engorged cervix with irritation at the neck of the bladder.
When the uterus feels as if squeezed by a hand ; scanty flow ; aphonia and sore throat
during menses.
The womb feels as if it would press out of the vagina ; enlargement of left ovary with
scanty delayed menses ; ante flexions and ante versions ; dysmenorrhœa of fat women
with herpetic eruptions, patients constantly cold.
Natrum muriaticum
There are scanty menses, painful coitus and red sediment in urine.
Menses may be scanty for a day or two then copious ; the sadness of the drug is increased
before the menses.
When the patient gets up in the morning she must sit down to prevent prolapsus.
Backache and morning aggravation are characteristics.
Conium :
Late and scanty. Mammae lax and shrunken or become enlarged and painful.
Fibroid tumors of the uterus, induration of cervix, ovaritis with lancinating pains ; itching
around pudenda — ill effects of suppressed sexual instinct.
Persistent hemorrhages of dark, thin blood.
It is a passive flow and it may be offensive.
There may be coldness, formication and tingling.
Bovista has bright, thin hemorrhage ; it is very periodic.
The flow chiefly occurs at night or in the morning.
Magnesia carbonica has dark, thick uterine hemorrhage, and menstruation occurring
chiefly at night.
Metrorrhagia of Sabina :
Bright red, paroxysmal, with pains in limbs.Uterine hemorrhage at change of life.
Kalium carbonicum : Menses are too early and too profuse, and last too long ; there may
be itching of the body during menstruation and a great deal of backache. Amenorrhoea,
with backache.
Calcarea fluorica
In excessive menstruation with bearing down pains, flooding ; displacements of the
uterus ; prolapsus ; dragging pains in the region of the uterus and in the thighs.
Early and profuse menstruation: Belladonna : Menses too early and too profuse, with
downward pressure as if everything would protrude, bright red in color, or of
decomposed, dark red blood, which feels hot to parts. Calcarea carbonica : Too early,
profuse, and last too long in characteristic Calcarea patients ; the feet feel cold and damp.
Nux vomica : Too early and profuse ; nausea in the morning during menses, with
chilliness and pressure towards the genitals.
Early and scanty menstruation: Conium is one of the principal remedies for early and
scanty menses, accompanied by painful cramps in abdomen, preceded by soreness or
nodular swellings of the breast. Silicea : Menses early and scanty ; the discharge has an
acrid smell ; cold feet during menses ; burning soreness and itching of the pudenda.
Phosphorus : Early and scanty menses, preceded by leucorrhoea.
If the proof of the pudding is in eating, it is impossible to deny that like cures like.