Nma Blackpage
Nma Blackpage
Nma Blackpage
Noida Management Association - Sponsors ......................................................................... 1
Contents ................................................................................................................................ 2
Extract from Budget Speech 2010-11 presented by Hon'ble Finance Minister ................... 14
• To facilitate the organizations in Noida/Greater Noida for achieving excellence in industry,
service sectors & trading to make it globally competitive.
Shri Manoj Dembla Mr. Om Prakash Gupta Wg. Cdr. Bhupendra Renjen (Retd.)
9811100033 9818046203 9899966124
Mr. S. N. Singh Dr. C. S. Nagpal Mr. Atul Kumar Jain Mr. V. K. Chaudhri
9810357077 9971483636 9810057944 9873013377
5. Two day Programme on "Managerial Excellence" in Association with Knowledge Exchange Centre
Friday & Saturday, 12 & 13 June, 2009.
7. Two Day Programme on "Corporate Governance & Business Ethics in association with HRD Foundation Delhi
Thursday & Friday, 3rd and 4th September, 2009.
9. One day programme on "Labour Laws, with latest amendments & Supreme Court Rulings"
Wednesday, 30th September, 2009.
15. Two Day Workshop cum Training Porgramme on "Municipal Solid Waste & Plastic Waste Management" in
association with HRD Foundation Delhi, sponsored by Ministry of Environment & Forests and supported by UP
Pollution Control Board.
Wednesday & Thursday, 6th & 7th January 2010
17. Industry Meet with Mr. Surinder Singh Nagar, Hon. Member Of Parliament, Noida Constituency
Monday, 25th January 2010
1. NTPC Ltd
2. Power Grid Corporation Ltd.
3. Oil India
4. Uflex Ltd.
5. Control & Switch Gear Group Ltd.
6. Shri Rajiv Shukla & Wg. Cdr. R. S. Shukla (Retd.)
9. Noida Authority
10. Seth Anand Ram Jaipuria Education Society
11. IOC
12. Amity Business School
13. Toshiba & its utilities Pvt. Ltd.
14. Power Finance Corporation Ltd.
15. NHPC Ltd.
16. SAIL
18. Subros
19. Omaxe
20. Kailash Hospital & Health Care
21. Hind Industries Ltd.
22. Haldiram Snacks Pvt. Ltd.
23. BHEL
Sanjiv Tandan
Editor and Hony. Secretary, Noida Management Association.
P. Harish
Joint Secretary & Officer on Special Duty
To the Vice President of India
New Delhi-110011
Hon'ble Vice President of India is happy to know that the Noida Management Association is
organizing its 13th Annual Management Convention on the theme 'Post Recession
Scenario Challenges Ahead' on 5th March, 2010 and publishing a Souvenir on this
Vice President of India extends his greetings and good wishes to the organizers and the
participants and wishes the Convention and the souvenir all success.
P. Harish
Nakul Dubey
Minister of Urban Development,
Environment, Commercial & Entertainment Tax
Government of Uttar Pradesh
I am happy to know that Noida Management Association is organizing its 13th Annual
Management Convention on the theme "Post Recession Scenario Challenges Ahead" on
5th March 2010.
I extend my heartiest greetings and good wishes to the organizers and the participants and
wish the Convention all Success.
Nakul Dubey
Dinesh Rai
Secretary to the Government of India
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises,
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
It gives me great pleasure to know that the Noida Management Association is organising the
13th Annual Management Convention on 'Post Recession Scenario - Challenges Ahead'. .
The MSME,sector contributes to about 45% of the total manufactured output and nearly 40% to
India-s exports. As per the quick estimates of the 4th All India Census of MSMEs, there are
about 26 million MSMEs in the country, providing employment to about 60 million persons.
Further, the sector has been consistently registering higher growth rates than the overall
manufacturing sector, thus demonstrating the high degree of resilience and adaptability.
The MSMEs are facing new challenges. The need of the hour is to suitably strengthen the
sector so that it can face the challenges boldly and effectively. It has been a constant endeavour
of this Ministry to help the MSMEs. In order to promote and develop this sector in India, the
programmes of the Ministry of MSME inter-alia focus on enhancement of productivity and
introduction of better technology and processes in the micro, small and medium enterprises.
I would like to congratulate the Noida Management Association on this occasion. I wish it
success in all its endeavours.
Dinesh Rai
I, on behalf of AIMA, take this opportunity to extend my good wishes on the occasion of the
13th Annual Management Convention of Noida Management Association. The theme of the
Convention is indeed relevant to the economic scenario we face today. "Post Recession
Scenario - Challenges Ahead ".
Managers all over the world today are facing the challenge of ensuring that enterprises
continue on the path of growth in a sustainable manner despite multiple challenges posed
by the economic situation of the moment. This Convention will greatly help in enhancing the
expertise and professionalism of managers working in different industries and service
organizations. The Convention will deliberate on addressing those challenges that are
confronting the economy as well as businesses. I have no doubt that this event organised by
Noida Management Association, one of our most active Local Management Associations,
will be a successful and significant one.
On this occasion I wish to felicitate the Noida Management Association, its office bearers
and member community - both individuals and corporate and congratulate them on the
initiatives taken and send my best wishes for a fruitful and dynamic Convention.
Sanjiv Goenka
During the year 2008-2009, the global economy seemed headed for a long
depression as more and more financial transgressions came to light everyday.
Companies were closing down and jobs were being lost across the board. One
year later, hope has rebounded. The world economy seems to be limping its
way out of trouble, while India is expecting to close the financial year with 8 per
cent growth in GDP. Talk to anyone in any sector of the economy, and you will
be struck by the sheer optimism they exhibit. More importantly, there will be
significant and defining trends that will shape the economy and different
sectors. Gearing up for the future, we have the key success factors necessary to withstand the
winds of change.
As India continues to attract the attention of the world, it is our endeavor to develop Indian industry
and to ensure that government and society as a whole, understand both the needs of industry and
its contribution to the nation's well being. For this NMA has worked towards providing up-to-date
information to industry, identifying and addressing the needs of the small sector to make them more
"To embark on a journey of success one needs the tools of preparedness, foresight and strategy.
These lead to the path of growth and high quality operation". Realizing the responsibility on the
shoulders of each member of NMA, we have conducted many, social welfare programs, focused
training programs highly beneficial for various industries and Individuals.
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to participate in its flagship event - 13th Annual
Management Convention - "Post Recession Scenario - Challenges Ahead"
We have very ambitious plans for the coming year to take NMA to new global heights and provide a
common platform for interaction between different Industries, leading professionals and institutions
& students at large. Our aim is to be the best association and to have our presence everywhere.
With your valued support & contribution we are confident to achieve and fulfill our dreams.
I look forward to welcoming you to join and contribute to our journey towards exploring new frontiers
in global business environment.
Dinesh Jain
President NMA
• Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional effectiveness. One of the counter-strategies used by
Industries businesses is outsourcing / franchisees. Outsourcing
• Scheme of Survey, Study and Policy Research services gives the benefits like concentration on
• Marketing Assistance Scheme core-business areas, world-class technology at
• Performance and Credit Rating Scheme lower rates, skilled manpower at reasonable prices
• Product Development, Design Intervention and and increased productivity. Another strategy used by
Packaging companies is to develop innovative business
• Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certification streams that focus on the optimum utilization of
• Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Develop- resources and technologies beating competition and
ment Programme (MSE-CDP) generating revenues. Recently, Google India has
• Scheme for Capacity Building signed a deal with IPL for 2 year web rights for
• Credit Guarantee Scheme YouTube. Worldwide, this is the first major sporting
• Scheme of Micro Finance Programme
event to be live-streamed on YouTube and as part of
• National Manufacturing Competitiveness
the deal, YouTube will also offer users an exclusive
Programme Schemes.
unique feed not available on any other media
One of the obstacles faced by SME's is still not platform of all IPL matches. Companies are also
completely abolished "Licence Raj'. Licence Raj aiming at an inclusive growth which implies an
refers to the elaborate licenses, regulations and the equitable allocation of resources with benefits
accompanying red tape that were required to set up accruing to every section of the society. A major basis
and run businesses in India. The government of of inclusive growth is to ensure the benefits and fruits
India initiated a liberalization policy and the "License of growth reaches to the bottom of the socio-
Raj" is considered to have significantly reduced in economic distribution. There is a clear shift of focus
1991. However, there is a need of more of change. from mere figures to betterment in the lives of the
For a country, that seeks to be a global power, masses.
encourage entrepreneurship and investment, there
Companies are looking at inorganic growth through
is still a huge amount of red tape.
mergers and acquisitions to expand businesses,
In order to help the industry combat the impact of improve top lines and increase valuations. Further,
global financial crisis, the government had provided companies are also looking for investment options
three stimulus packages to the industry resulting in a outside India as part of the expansion plan. The value
revenue sacrifice of Rs. 1.86 Lac Crore. The of outbound deals was approximately INR 607.79
stimulus packages included cuts in service tax and billion in 2009 as compared to INR 458.04 billion in
excise duty rates. Recently, Central Board of Excise 2008.
and Customs (CBEC) through its circular directed
refund of pending amount within 30 days. The
refunds will boost the bottom lines of software The Indian economy is firmly on the recovery path
exporters just when they look to be recovering from with GDP numbers in the current fiscal coming well
the effects of the global economic slowdown. ahead of expectations. The SME sector has come
into focus as a critical segment that needs to be
Although, the Indian economy has weathered the
developed if we are to see the growth of the economy
global downturn "relatively well", a key challenge
as a whole. The development can be achieved by
facing policy-makers is ensuring a timely withdrawal
adopting sustainable business models. Not only the
of fiscal and monetary policy stimulus. Immediately
SMEs require support of the big enterprises, the later
exit from the stimulus packages may cause collapse
also needs to work hand-in-hand with the former for
of economy.
its sustained growth. A strong government support,
Changing Business Models easy credit availability and innovative solution will
Entrepreneurs of today are adopting new and help the India enterprises in sustained growth.
innovative ideas for sustained growth of their
businesses in recession as well as post-recession
Sanjiv Tandan & Shikha Gulati, Global Advisors
period. Companies are increasing taking the
Ltd., Sanjiv Tandan is also the Honorary
franchisee or JV route to grow business and
Secretary of Noida Management Association,
increasing revenue while sharing costs. Pricing
models are evolving from fixed pricing to "Outcome-
based pricing". One of the common challenges
faced by the enterprises in this period is cost-
S . K. Tomer
Once people understand why change is needed, process management. As Toyota puts it, "We get
they will also want to know how new initiatives are brilliant results from average people managing
going to work, what benefits they will bring and
brilliant processes. We observe that our
when. More importantly, they will need to feel that
they are being heard and any "pain" is properly competitors often get average (or worse) results
shared. People are capable of supporting difficult from brilliant people managing broken
measures but you must take the time to ensure processes."1
the process is perceived to be fair and not
unnecessarily brutal. Beyond process management, successful
4. The management team must be at its best organizations are relentless in their elimination of
In tough times, employees are looking for non-value-adding activities (e.g., Nestlé's war on
guidance and reassurance so it is vital that waste). They are also very forcefully screening
your management team is at its best and puts out potentially value-adding ideas to make sure
on a show of unity. Not only do you need to they only retain those that offer a high return on
agree on the points below, but you need to be
seen to agree. So be clear about: time and energy invested. Tesco, for example, is
relentlessly rejecting activities or ideas that don't
- how you define the business and its
boundaries lead to "Better, Simpler, Cheaper" - a better
shopping experience for customers, more
- the vision/aspiration you are striving
toward simplicity for staff and/or less costs for Tesco. The
road to recovery will not necessarily be quick and
- the strategy you are pursuing, and
smooth. But I hope these five ideas will help you
- the must-win battles / priorities for the on your way and will enable you to reach your
coming months.
desired destination sooner than expected.
These elements must make sense
individually and collectively, so there is no
room for approximations or a lack of focus.
Author is General Manager (Corporate)
The same goes for management meetings.
Holographic Division of M/s Kantas Track -
Don't waste time in badly planned meetings.
Plan an agenda, identify decisions and take Pack India Ltd., Noida and the Vice President ,
them. Communication and trust is also NMA , NOIDA
crucial. Be forthright with one another and
cut to the chase in a way that is productive
and supportive.
5. Relentlessly drive out complexity Others may be good or bad leaders, you pick up
good from the BAD;
Complexity is always an important enemy for B : Build a team
management, but fighting it becomes even
more important during times that require A : Achieve your objective with vision
employees to produce extra effort. Producing D : Develop individuals (Self First)
such effort to help the company survive or to
position it effectively for the next phase is one
Others may drive an empty car; you drive your CAR
thing. Producing such effort to make up for full of people;
inadequate processes, unclear directions or
confusion of the management team is quite C : Catch right and collaborate
another. A : Appreciate
R : Reward
Increasing the bandwidth of the organization
starts with ensuring the management team's
Wg. Cdr. (Retd.) H. L. Nagpal
alignment and clarity. It also requires excellent
There has never been a time when leaders are Engagement encompasses more than traditional
under so much scrutiny to behave credibly and notions of job satisfaction. It consists of an active
ethically. The volume and type of change commitment to doing the job well and helping the
occurring today has created a seemingly organization achieve goals and implement
unstable and stressful work environment. strategies. Engaged employees take pride in
Consider the far-reaching impact of the global their organization and work; take ownership of
financial crisis, resulting in organizational their projects; talk positively about themselves,
cutbacks, restructurings, mergers, alliances, their employer and the goods and services they
bailouts and even bankruptcy. help deliver; view working for their organization
as a career, not just a job; and, above all, perform
It's up to leaders to guide employees through
better. A growing body of evidence is emerging to
these times in ways that inspire optimum levels of
show that engagement is one of the essential
w o r k e r p r o d u c t i v i t y, p e r f o r m a n c e a n d
levers of individual and organizational
commitment. And to do this, it takes credible
productivity and success.
leadership. Credible leaders are trustworthy,
competent, dynamic, inspiring and accountable. However, in many organizations, the levels of
It's not enough to have one or a couple of these employee engagement have reached crisis lows.
attributes - which is how most of us have Global research from Right Management
historically defined a great leader. Today, a indicates that only 34 percent of employees in
credible leader needs to hold all of these organizations employing more than 50 people
attributes, while being proficient and competent identify themselves as fully engaged, while 50
to execute strategically. percent identify themselves as completely
disengaged. Nine percent indicate they are
It is leaders' responsibility to build a workforce
engaged by their organization but not by their job,
that is highly engaged and performing at
and 7 percent indicate they are engaged by their
maximum levels of contribution. Effective
job but not by their organization. The former
leadership impacts essential business metrics.
group, sometimes called bench warmers, is
As a critical component of a talent management
happy to cheer from the sidelines but reluctant to
strategy, investing in the development of credible
play a strong role in achieving collective success.
leaders can drive:
The latter group, sometimes referred to as free
a) Improved engagement. agents, is happy to make a strong contribution but
b) Increased workforce productivity. feels no particular loyalty to the organization and
c) Better business performance. may leave at any time.
d) Improved morale.
The study, which surveyed nearly 30,000
e) Optimum retention.
employees in 15 countries on a wide range of
f) Stronger ability to attract top talent.
topics related to organizational effectiveness,
g) Increased levels of customer satisfaction.
including leadership and engagement, showed a
h) Innovation and creativity.
statistically significant correlation between
Bottom-line business results depend on bringing positive assessments of leadership and strong
leaders to the peak of their potential with declarations of engagement and also isolated
maximum efficiency. Effective leaders positively leader practices and behaviors that appear to
impact employee retention and engagement. impact engagement most.
Capable leaders positively impact productivity
Among the leadership practices and behaviors
and performance. Credible leaders do both while
analyzed, the four showing the highest
also demonstrating respect for worker
correlations with engagement are:
contribution - the top leadership factor promoting
employee engagement. 1. Senior leaders value employees.
2. Senior leaders have the capability to make
Leadership's Influence on Employee
the organization successful.
3. Senior leaders effectively implement the models, and they utilize technology,
organization's strategy. communication and social networking
4. Senior leaders effectively communicate the vehicles, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, to stay
organization's strategy to employees. connected with employees and other
stakeholders in the organization. Employees
What stands out about these drivers is how
need to trust that their leaders have the
coherent a picture of employee engagement they
capability to make the organization
present. Employees want to work for successful
successful. To win that trust, credible leaders
organizations and for leaders with the capacity to
must show that they have a plan, articulate
implement strategy and create success (drivers 2
that plan clearly to employees and
and 3). They want the organization's strategy to
demonstrate that the plan is being
be effectively communicated to them so they can
implemented effectively. Credible leaders
play a meaningful role in realizing that strategy
make employees feel like valued partners in a
and helping the organization succeed (driver 4).
common enterprise.
Above all, they want leaders to acknowledge their
work and value their contribution (driver 1). 3. Implement the organization's strategy
Leaders who ensure these conditions are effectively.
satisfied will be rewarded with higher levels of
Mergers, acquisitions, restructurings and
engagement and better business performance.
dynamic market conditions all can
The Behaviors of Credible Leaders necessitate strategic change. But to ensure a
change in direction doesn't mean going off in
Eight behaviors foster credible leadership and
all directions, the organization must maintain
subsequently higher levels of employee
focus. Credible leaders execute strategic
engagement and contribution.
change by first understanding the
1. Create a culture reflecting values with complexities of the change and facing the
which employees can identify. realities of the external forces putting
pressure on their business. Then, they
An organization's culture has a life of its own.
optimize the organization's structure,
No leader or group of leaders can control it
capacities and capabilities; its people,
entirely. However, leaders can influence a
systems and processes; and its leadership
culture in ways that will drive engagement.
performance. They prioritize critical issues,
The most effective leadership behavior is
analyze root causes of performance
leaders showing that they value employees.
inhibitors and identify capability gaps. Once
Credible leaders must do more than simply
strategy has been clearly articulated and
say they value employee contribution. They
agreed upon, they clarify fit-for-purpose
need to make it real and demonstrate it. To
structures and roles, deploy people, systems
maximize employee contribution, top
and processes, and assign capable
management must be aligned and show
leadership at all levels. And finally, credible
employees that they really count. This
leaders measure for impact on actual
includes their ideas, contributions, values
business performance.
and commitment. It has to be ongoing, not an
annual event. 4. Communicate strategy to employees
2. Build trust and show you value
employees. Fluid strategies reflecting today's dynamic
business conditions can make
Credible leaders are professionally and
communicating business objectives as
personally interested in employees. They
difficult as writing on water. Yet a workforce
know what is going on in their lives, both at
that better understands the organization's
work and outside of work. They ask questions
strategy is better able to execute it. Credible
about where their interests are and link these
leaders convey clear, consistent messaging
to the direction of the company. Credible
that links every employee to strategy and
leaders build trust through effective
drives engagement, productivity and
communications. This is particularly essential
success. They develop a comprehensive
during times of change. They emulate
communication plan to carry employees at all
appropriate behaviors and act as role
13th Annual Management Convention
2 IM- 629 Mr. Chandna Yadav C-392, Sector-10, C-392, Sector-10 9810165137 yngkem@gmail.com
Noida-201301 Noida-201301 0120-2528637
3 IM-631 Mr. S. K. Puri 364, BHEL Society, 364, BHEL Society, 9999108399 skp200219@yahoo.com
C-58/19, Sector-62, C-58/19, Sector-62, 4249941
Noida-201306 Noida-201306
4 IM-632 Mr. Yashwardhan Sahai C-33, Sector-39, C-33, Sector-39, 9911565612 ysahai4@hotmail.com
Noida-201301 Noida-201301 2400514
5 S-633 Mr. Lokendra Kumar H. No. C-6/16, Postal H. No. C-6/16, Postal 2453281 kumar_lokendra2684@yahoo.co.in
Colony, Sector-31, Colony, Sector-31, 9711280117
Noida-201301 Noida-201301
6 IM-634 Mr. Rajendra Singh C-43, Sector-20, C-43, Sector-20, 2536643 rajendra.hr@gmail.com
Noida-201301 Noida-201301 9818682041
7 IM-643 Wg. Cdr. S. Chandrasekhar G-58, Sector-25, G-58, Sector-25, 2536259 wgcdrsekar@rediffmail.com
Jal Vayu Vihar, Jal Vayu Vihar, 9810381805
Noida-201301 Noida-201301
8 IM-644 Mr. Sidoharth Kaul T-48, Sector-12, T-48, Sector-12, 2525958 prof.skaul@gmail.com
Noida-201301 N oida-201301 9971584191
10 IM-646 Mr. Amit Walia J-23, Patel Nagar-I, J-23, Patel Nagar-I, 2530162 amit@waliaca.com
(Near Oil Bus Stand) (Near Oil Bus Stand) 9818209605 waliawaliaca@yahoo.com
Ghaziabad-201001 Ghaziabad-201001
11 IM-647 Brig. Dayal Alind 1821, Sector-29, 1821, Sector-29, 2451868 alinddayal@gmail.com
Brahmaputra Aptt., Brahmaputra Aptt., 9811101588
Noida-201301 Noida-201301
12 IM-649 Mr. B. S. Rana Flat No. 37, Millenium Flat No. 37, Millenium 9910497191 bsrana66@gmail.com
Village, Alpha-I, Village, Alpha-I,
Greater Noida-201308 Greater Noida-201308
13 IM-650 Pankaj Kumar Agarwal 50, Vinayak Appts, 50, Vinayak Appts, 2401198 kpa@ntpceoc.co.in
(NTPC Officers SAS Ltd) (NTPC Officers SAS Ltd) 9650991365
C-58/1, Sec.-62, Noida C-58/1, Sec.-62, Noida
14 IM-651 Mr. Dipnarayan Goswami Raison Armor Homes, Raison Armor Homes, 9818687033 dipnarayan.goswami@birlasoft.com
3 Mall Road, Ahimsha 3 Mall Road, Ahimsha
Khand-II, Flat No. 608, Khand-II, Flat No. 608,
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
15 IM-652 Mr. Sudhir Verma F-26/27, Pankaj Central F-26/27, Pankaj Central 42175977 hr@unisunplacement.com
Market, I. P. Extn. Market, I. P. Extn. 9810860818
Patparganj, Delhi-92 Patparganj, Delhi-92
16 IM-653 Mr. Aruna Deva E-102, Shatabai Rail E-102, Shatabai Rail 9811411327 aruna.deva@gmail.com
Vihar, Sec-62, Noida Vihar, Sec-62, Noida
17 IM-654 Mr. Bakshi Dheeraj Branch Head, AXIS Branch Head, AXIS 23262201 dheeraj.bakshi@axisbank.com
Bank Ltd, Near Fortis Bank Ltd, Near Fortis 9811657666
Hospital, Sector-62, Hospital, Sector-62,
Noida-201301 Noida-201301
18 IM-655 Mr. Basak Shouvik C-2/15, Vasant Aptt., C-2/15, Vasant Aptt., 9810457422 bshouvik@yahoo.com
Plot No. C-58/2, Plot No. C-58/2,
Sector-62, Noida Sector-62, Noida
19 IM-656 Mr. Suman Sarkar Flat -E/404, Indian Oil Flat -E/404, Indian Oil 9818440437 sumansarkar@airtelmail.in
Appt., Plot No. Appt., Plot No.
C-58/23, C-58/23, Sector-62,
Sector-62, Noida Noida
20 IM-657 Mr. Akhilesh N. Singh 364, Neeti Khand-1, 364, Neeti Khand-1 9811054753 ansingh@gmail.com
(opposite Cambridge (opposite Cambridge
School) Indirapuram School) Indirapuram
21 IM-659 Mr. Amar Nath Dass H-115, Second Floor, H-115, Second Floor, 2583545 an.das24@yahoo.com
Yamma Vihar, Yamma Vihar, 9818392752
Sector-19, Noida Sector-19, Noida
1 LMI- 627 Mr. S. N. Singh B-603, C-58/22, Flex B-603, C-58/22, Flex 9810357077 snssisodia@gmail.com
Apartments, Sector-62, Apartments, Sector-62, 2404729
Noida-201306 Noida-201306
3 LMI-635 Mr. Sunil K. Kulshrestha Cleave Global E Cleave Global E 2404258 sunil@cleaveglobal.com
Services Ltd. Services Ltd. 9811477742
D-180, Sector-63, D-180, Sector-63,
Noida-201301 Noida-201301
4 LMI-636 Mr. S. K. Sharma 24-A, Pocket-A, Mayur 24-A, Pocket-A, Mayur 4012303 sks9@in.com
Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi-91 Vihar, Phase-II, Delhi-91 9871496037
5 LMI-637 Mr. Anil Kumar Sharma III-A, S.f.2, Rachana III-A, S.f.2, Rachana 2776656 anilksharma1955@gmail.com
Vaishali, Ghaziabad Vaishali, Ghaziabad 9837032506
6 LMI-638 Mr. Ved Prakash Singh Uflex Ltd., C-5-8, Uflex Ltd., C-5-8, 2581230 hrd.chem@uflexltd.com
Sector-57, Sector-57, 9312943012
Noida-201301 Noida-201301
7 LMI-639 Mr. Bighnesh Dubey III,A-283, SF-2, A-2, Sector-60, 3982316 bighnesh@uflexengg.com
Vaishali Ghaziabad Noida-201306 9312943013
10 LMI- 642 Mr. S. K. Tomer 231, Sector-10, 231, Sector-10, 4154851 skt213@yahoo.com
Chiranjeev Vihar, Chiranjeev Vihar, 9810153917
Ghaziabad-201002 Ghaziabad-201002
11 LMI-648 Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh 297, Niti Khand -III, Minda Corporation Ltd., 4787271 sksingh@mindacorporation.com
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad D-6-11, Sector-59, 9818127071
12 LMI-650 Mr. Anuj P. Farsaiya B-20&21, Sector-5, B-20&21, Sector-5, 9899115230 sales@omfarubbers.com
Noida-201301 Noida-201301 2421407
13 LMI-658 Mr. Abhay Rew 8/8, Cassia Road, 8/8, Cassia Road, 9818047314 abhayrew@yahoo.com
Shipra Sun city, Shipra Sun city, 2650114
Vaibhav Khand, Vaibhav Khand,
Indirapuram, Indirapuram,
Ghaziabad, UP-201014 Ghaziabad, UP-201014
14. LMI-660 Mr. Surendra Nahata Shri Tulsi Switchgear Shri Tulsi Switchgear 2553369 snahata_stsnoida@yahoo.com
Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. 9811192507
D-176, Sector-10 D-176, Sector-10
Noida Noida
Organisational Members-NMA
1 O-157 Mrs. Sujata Chaturvedi Global Institute of Plot No. 1, Block-A, 2400035, sujatachaturvedi@yahoo.com
Asstt. Director Management & Sector-62, 2400060,
Technology Noida-201306 9958775777
2 O-158 Mr. Samir Singh Eveready Industries B-1/2, Sector-80, 3048025/26/27 samirsingh@eveready.co.in
India Ltd. Phase-II, 2568372
Noida-201305 9312618005
3 O-159 Mr. Muzamil Anwar Good Enough A-61, New Friends 2424102 rehanelahi71@gmail.com
Promoter Education Trust Colony, 9810064786
New Delhi-110025
4 O-160 Mr. Arun Pandey Nandini Gravures A-109, Sector-4, 244452, hrd@nandinigravure.com
G. M. (Operation) Pvt. Ltd. Noida-201301 2444553
6 O-162 Mr. Gulashan Rai Diamond Comics P. Ltd A-22, Sector-63 4838012 diamondcomicsindia@gmail.com
Managing Director Noida-201309 9810003062
9 O-165 Prof. Ashanadduddin B.V. Northland Institute 18BKM, G.T. Road, 2666171 snsharma17@rediffmail.com
Haidar of Management Chitehra, Dadri,
Director Greater Noida
Moral of the story is ... The reply you get depends on the question you ask.