Muscle Tables of The Upper Extremities From Netter's
Muscle Tables of The Upper Extremities From Netter's
Muscle Tables of The Upper Extremities From Netter's
Medial side of base
Pisiform bone and
Abductor digiti of proximal Ulnar nerve (deep Deep palmar branch
tendon of flexor Abducts little finger Hand
minimi phalanx of little branch) of ulnar artery
carpi ulnaris
finger (5th digit)
Flexor retinaculum, Lateral side of base
Median nerve Superficial palmar
Abductor pollicis tubercles of of proximal
(recurrent Abducts thumb branch of radial Hand
brevis scaphoid and phalanx of
branch) artery
trapezium thumb
Posterior surface of
Radial nerve Abducts and extends Posterior
Abductor pollicis ulna, radius, and Base of 1st Posterior
(posterior thumb at interosseous
longus interosseous metacarpal forearm
interosseous) carpometacarpal joint artery
Oblique head: bases
of 2nd and 3rd
metacarpals and
capitate and Medial side of base
adjacent bones of proximal Ulnar nerve (deep
Adductor pollicis Adducts thumb Deep palmar arch Hand
phalanx of branch)
Transverse head: thumb
anterior surface
of 3rd
Posterior surface Lateral surface of Assists triceps in
of lateral olecranon and extending elbow,
Anconeus Radial nerve (C5–T1) Deep brachial artery Arm
epicondyle of posterior abducts ulna in
humerus proximal ulna pronation
Long head:
tubercle of Radial tuberosity,
scapula fascia of Muscular branches
Musculocutaneous Flexes and supinates
Biceps brachii forearm via of brachial Arm
nerve (C5,C6) forearm at elbow
Short head: tip of bicipital artery
coracoid aponeurosis
process of
Radial recurrent
Distal half of anterior Coronoid process Musculocutaneous
artery, muscular
Brachialis surface of and tuberosity nerve and radial Flexes forearm at elbow Arm
branches of
humerus of ulna nerve (C7)
brachial artery
Proximal 2/3 of
lateral Weak flexion of forearm
Lateral side of distal Radial recurrent Posterior
Brachioradialis supracondylar Radial nerve when forearm is
end of radius artery forearm
ridge of midpronated
Tip of coracoid Middle third of Muscular branches
Musculocutaneous Flexes and adducts arm
Coracobrachialis process of medial surface of brachial Arm
nerve at shoulder
scapula of humerus artery
Clavicular part: flexes and
medially rotates arm
Posterior circumflex
Lateral third of
Acromial part: abducts humeral
anterior clavicle,
Deltoid tuberosity of arm beyond initial 15 artery, deltoid
Deltoid lateral acromion, Axillary nerve Shoulder
humerus degrees done by branch of
inferior edge of
supraspinatus thoraco-acromial
spine of scapula
Spinal part: extends and
laterally rotates arm
Abduct digits from axial
Base of proximal
line of hand (3rd
Adjacent sides of phalanges,
Dorsal interosseous Ulnar nerve (deep digit); flex digits at
two metacarpal extensor Deep palmar arch Hand
muscles branch) metacarpophalangeal
bones expansion of
joint and extend
digits 2–4
interphalangeal joints
Dorsal base of 3rd
Extensor carpi Lateral epicondyle of metacarpal and Radial nerve (deep Extends and abducts Radial artery, radial Posterior
radialis brevis humerus slip to 2nd branch) hand at wrist recurrent artery forearm
Distal third of lateral Dorsal base of 2nd
Extensor carpi supracondylar metacarpal and Extends and abducts Radial artery, radial Posterior
Radial nerve
radialis longus ridge of slip to 3rd hand at wrist recurrent artery forearm
humerus metacarpal
Variations in spinal nerve contributions to the innervation of muscles, their arterial supply, their attachments, and their actions are common themes in human
anatomy. Therefore, expect differences between texts and realize that anatomical variation is normal.
Humero-ulnar head:
epicondyle of
humerus and Bodies of middle Flexes middle and
Flexor digitorum coronoid phalanges of proximal phalanges Ulnar and radial Anterior
process of ulna Median nerve
superficialis medial four of medial four digits, arteries forearm
digits flexes hand at wrist
Radial head:
superior half of
anterior radius
Lateral side of base
Flexor retinaculum Median nerve Superficial palmar
of proximal Flexes proximal phalanx
Flexor pollicis brevis and tubercle of (recurrent branch of radial Hand
phalanx of of thumb
trapezium branch) artery
Anterior surface of
Palmar base of Median nerve
radius and Flexes phalanges of Anterior interosseous Anterior
Flexor pollicis longus distal phalanx of (anterior
interosseous thumb artery forearm
thumb interosseous)
Infraspinous fossa of Middle facet of
Lateral rotation of arm
Infraspinatus scapula and greater tubercle Suprascapular nerve Suprascapular artery Shoulder
(with teres minor)
deep fascia of humerus