Curriculum Guide in Arts First Quarter S. Y. 2018 - 2019: The Learner The Learner
Curriculum Guide in Arts First Quarter S. Y. 2018 - 2019: The Learner The Learner
Curriculum Guide in Arts First Quarter S. Y. 2018 - 2019: The Learner The Learner
S. Y. 2018 - 2019
Arts and Crafts of Luzon The learner… The learner… 1. analyze elements and
(Highlands and Lowlands) principles of art in the
1. art elements and 1. create artworks production of one’s arts
A7EL-Ib-1 June 10 - 11, 2019
1. Attire, Fabrics, and processes by synthesizing showing the and crafts inspired by the
Tapestries and applying prior characteristic elements arts of Luzon (highlands and
2. Crafts and Accessories, knowledge and skills of the arts of Luzon lowlands)
and Body Ornamentation (highlands and 2. identify characteristics of
3. Architectures 2. the salient features of lowlands) arts and crafts in specific
4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) the arts of Luzon areas in Luzon (e.g., papier
5. Everyday objects (highlands and lowlands) 2. exhibit completed mâché [taka] from Paete,
by showing the artworks for Ifugao wood sculptures A7EL-Ia-2 June 13 - 14, 2019
I. Elements of Art relationship of the appreciation and [bul’ul], Cordillera jewelry
6. Line elements of art and critiquing and pottery, tattoo, and
7. Shape and Form processes among Ilocos weaving and pottery
8. Value culturally diverse [burnay], etc.)
9. Color communities in the 3. reflect on and derive the
10. Texture country mood, idea, or message
A7PL-Ih-1 July 8, 2019
11. Space emanating from selected
3. the Philippines as artifacts and art objects
II. Principles of Art having a rich artistic and 4. appreciate the artifacts
12. Rhythm, Movement cultural tradition from and art objects in terms of
13. Balance precolonial to present their uses and their distinct A7PL-Ih-2 July 9, 2019
14. Emphasis times use of art elements and
15. Harmony, Unity, Variety principles
16. Proportion 5. incorporate the design,
form, and spirit of the
III. Process A7PL-Ih-3 July 10, 2019
highland/lowland artifact
17. Drawing and Painting and object in one’s creation
18. Sculpture and 6. trace the external
Assemblage (foreign) and internal
19. Mounting an exhibit: (indigenous) influences A7PL-Ih-4 July 10, 2019
19.1 Concept reflected in the design of an
19.2 Content / labels artwork and in the making
19.3 Physical layout of a craft or artifact
7. create crafts that can be
locally assembled with local
materials, guided by local A7PR-Ic-e-1 July 11 – 12, 2019
traditional techniques (e.g.,
habi, lilip, etc).
8. derive elements from
traditions/history of a
A7PR-If-2 August 5, 2019
community for one’s
9. shows the relationship of
the development of crafts
in specific areas of the
country, according to
functionality, traditional A7PR-If-3 August 5, 2019
specialized expertise, and
availability of resources
(e.g. pottery, weaving,
jewelry, baskets)
10. show the relationship of
Luzon (highlands and
lowlands) arts and crafts to
Philippine culture,
traditions, and history
(Islamic influences, Spanish
heritage, and American A7PR-Ih-4 August 6 - 7, 2019
legacies in education,
business, modernization,
and entertainment, as well
as in indigenous practices,
fiestas, and religious and
social practices)
11. mount an exhibit using
completed Luzon (highlands
and lowlands)- inspired arts
and crafts in an organized
manner A7PR-Ig-5 August 8 – 9, 2019
ARTS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA The learner… The learner… 1. analyze elements and
Indonesia, Malaysia, principles of art in the
Thailand, Cambodia, 1. art elements and 1. create artworks production of arts and A8EL-Ib-1 June 4, 2019
Myanmar, Vietnam, Lao processes by synthesizing showing the crafts inspired by the
PDR, Brunei , and Singapore and applying prior characteristic elements cultures of Southeast Asia
knowledge and skills of the arts of Southeast 2. identify characteristics of
1. Attire, Fabrics and Asia arts and crafts in specific
Tapestries 2. the salient features of countries in Southeast Asia:
2. Crafts and Accessories, the arts of Southeast Asia 2. exhibit completed Indonesia (batik , Wayang
and Body Ornamentation by showing the artworks for puppetry); Malaysia
3. Architectures relationship of the appreciation and (modern batik, wau , and
A8EL-Ia-2 June 6, 2019
4. Sculptures (gods/rituals) elements of art and critiquing objects made from pewter);
5. Everyday objects processes among Thailand (silk fabrics and Loi
culturally diverse Kratong Lantern Festival);
I. Elements of Art communities in the Cambodia (AngkorWat and
6. Line region ancient temples); Singapore
7. Shape and Form (Merlion), etc.
8. Value 3. Southeast Asian 3. reflect on and derive the
9. Color countries as having a rich mood, idea, or message
A8PL-Ih-1 July 1, 2019
10. Texture artistic and cultural from selected artifacts and
11. Space tradition from prehistoric art objects
to present times 4. appreciate the artifacts
II. Principles of Art and art objects in terms of
12. Rhythm, Movement their utilization and their A8PL-Ih-2 July 1, 2019
13. Balance distinct use of art elements
14. Emphasis and principles
15. Harmony, Unity, and 5. incorporate the design,
Variety form, and spirit of
16. Proportion Southeast Asian artifacts A8PL-Ih-3 July 2, 2019
and objects in one’s
III. Process creation
17. Drawing and Painting 6. trace the external
18. Sculpture and (foreign) and internal
Assemblage (indigenous) influences that
19. Batik processes are reflected in the design A8PL-Ih-4 July 3, 2019
20. Mounting an exhibit: of an artwork and in the
20.1 Concept making of a craft or artifact
20.2 Content / labels
21. Physical layout 7. create crafts that can be
locally assembled with local
materials, guided by local
A8PR-Ic-e-1 July 4 – 6, 2019
traditional techniques
(e.g.,batik, silk weaving,
8. derive elements from
traditions/history of a
A8PR-If-2 July 29, 2019
community for one’s
9. show the relationship of
the development of crafts
in specific countries in
Southeast Asia, according
to functionality, traditional A8PR-If-3 July 30, 2019
specialized expertise and
availability of resources
(e.g., pottery, weaving,
jewelry, and basketry)
10. show the commonalities
and differences of the
culture of the Southeast A8PR-Ih-4 July 31, 2019
Asian countries in relation
to Philippine culture
11. mount an exhibit using A8PR-Ig-5 August 1 – 2, 2019
completed Southeast Asian-
inspired arts and crafts in
an organized manner
WESTERN AND CLASSICAL The learner… The learner… 1. analyze art elements and
ART TRADITIONS principles in the production
I. Ancient Art 1. art elements and 1. perform / participate of work following the style A9EL-Ib-1 June 24, 2019
1. Prehistoric Art processes by synthesizing competently in a of a western and classical
and applying prior presentation of a art
II. Classical Art knowledge and skills creative impression 2. identify distinct
2. Egyptian Art (verbal/nonverbal) of a characteristics of arts
A9EL-Ia-2 June 25, 2019
4. Greek Art 2. the arts as integral to particular artistic period during the different art
5. Roman Art the development of periods
organizations, spiritual 2. recognize the 3. identify representative
III. Medieval Art belief, historical events, difference and artists from various art A9EL-Ia-3 June 26 – 27, 2019
6. Byzantine scientific discoveries, uniqueness of the art periods
7. Romanesque natural disasters/ styles of the different 4. reflect on and derives the
8. Gothic occurrences, and other periods (techniques, mood, idea, or message A9PL-Ih-1 June 28, 2019
external phenomena process, elements, and from selected artworks
IV. Principles of Art principles of art) 5. determine the use or
9. Rhythm, Movement function of artworks by
10. Balance evaluating their utilization A9PL-Ih-2 July 22, 2019
11. Emphasis and combination of art
12. Harmony, Unity, and elements and principles
Variety 6. use artworks to derive
13. Proportion the traditions/history of an A9PL-Ih-3 July 22, 2019
art period
V. Process: 7. compare the
14. Painting and/ or Drawing characteristics of artworks
15. Sculpture and A9PL-Ih-4 July 23 - 24, 2019
produced in the different
Assemblage art periods
16. Mounting an exhibit: 8. create artworks guided
17. Concept by techniques and styles of
18. Content / Labels A9PR-Ic-e-1 July 25 – 26, 2019
Western Classical art
19. Physical layout traditions
9. describe the influence of
iconic artists belonging to
A9PR-Ic-e-2 August 12, 2019
Western Classical art on the
evolution of art forms
10. apply different media
techniques and processes A9PR-Ic-e-3 August 13 – 14, 2019
to communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories
showing the characteristics
of Western Classical art
11. evaluate works of art in
terms of artistic concepts
and ideas using criteria A9PR-If-4 August 15, 2019
from the Western Classical
art traditions
12. show the influences of
the Western Classical art
traditions to Philippine art
13. mount an exhibit using A9PR-Ig-6 August 15 – 16, 2019
completed Western
Classical art tradition
MODERN ART The learner… The learner… 1. analyze art elements and
principles in the production
a. Impressionism 1. art elements and 1. performs/ participate of work following a specific A10EL-Ib-1 June 17 - 18, 2019
b. Expressionism processes by synthesizing competently in a art style from the various
c. Cubism and applying prior presentation of a art movements
d. Dadaism knowledge and skills creative impression 2. identify distinct
e. Surrealism (verbal/nonverbal) from characteristics of arts from A10EL-Ia-2 June 17 – 18, 2019
f. Abstract Realism 2. the arts as integral to the various art the various art movements
g. Pop Art the development of movements 3. identify representative
h. Op Art organizations, spiritual artists and Filipino
A10EL-Ia-3 June 19 – 20, 2019
i. Performance Art belief, historical events, 2. recognize the counterparts from the
j. Happenings and Mob scientific discoveries, difference and various art movements
natural disasters/ uniqueness of the art 4. reflect on and derive the
occurrences and other styles of the various art mood, idea, or message A10PL-Ih-1 June 21, 2019
I. Principles of Art external phenomenon movements from selected artworks
1. Rhythm, Movement (techniques, process, 5. determine the role or
2. Balance elements, and function of artworks by
3. Emphasis principles of art) evaluating their utilization A10PL-Ih-2 July 15, 2019
4. Harmony, Unity, and and combination of art
Variety elements and principles
5. Proportion 6. use artworks to derive
the traditions/history of A10PL-Ih-3 July 15, 2019
II. Process: the various art movements
6. Painting and/ or Drawing 7. compare the
7. Sculpture and Assemblage characteristics of artworks
8. Mounting an exhibit: A10PL-Ih-4 July 15 - 16, 2019
produced in the various art
8.1 Concept movements
8.2 Content / Labels 8. create artworks guided
8.3 Physical layout by techniques and styles of
the various art movements A10PR-Ic-e-1 July 17 - 18, 2019
(e.g., Impasto, Encaustic,
9. describe the influence of
iconic artists belonging to A10PR-Ic-e-2 July 19, 2019
the various art movements
10. apply different media
techniques and processes A10PR-Ic-e-3 August 12 – 13, 2019
to communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories
showing the characteristics
of the various art
movements (e.g., the use of
industrial materials or
found objects, Silkscreen
Printing, etc.)
11. evaluate works of art in
terms of artistic concepts
and ideas using criteria A10PR-If-4 August 14, 2019
from the various art
12. show the influences of
Modern Art movements on A10PR-I-f-5 August 14, 2019
Philippine art forms
13. mount exhibit using
completed artworks
A10PR-I-g-6 August 15 – 16, 2019
influenced by Modern Art