African Clipper: 6 / Fhe Men - . For The

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. JAN.

^19 43
VOL. I, NO. 33
6 / fhe men . . for the
men in the service

With an antiaiKratt machine gun not
foo far awtxy, Sgt. Orland McCol/, who
wsecf to be a barber baek in Boston,
Moss., Hints a evstomer on the North
African desert. Tlie guy getting clipped is
T/Sgt. Aime Lemieux of Pall River, Mass.



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was only routine patrol activity," t h e com-
munique said. But communiques never
say much; an eyewitness account does.
What our CO told us that moonless, brooding
night while we stood impatiently beside our two
jeeps was more like. it.
"Your mission," he said spreading out his
map, "is to discover whether t h e enemy has
occupied this point; if so, with what type of
guns. You will attempt to secure this informa-
tion by observation. If that's impossible—and it
probably will be—you will draw his fire and
observe the number of guns, their location and
The motor roared and so did the their type. You will keep one jeep well to the
rear for your get-away, so we'll be certain to
temy's machine guns, mortars and hand grenades. get the report. Any questions?"
There were no questions. When you're staring
But w e were on our way. night in the face, with the enemy somewhere'out
in that night, you understand your orders' well
enough. The questions you're thinking you don't
ask. Nobody could answer them anyway.
Ten men were picked for this particular job,
one that had been made possible by the hard,
intelligent inland fighting of Col. Edson D. Raff
and his paratroops.
Commander a Very Cool Guy
We were under the command of Lt. James A.
Root, of Middlebury, Vt., a graduate of Middle-
bury College, and a veteran of Camps Devens,
Blanding and Benning. He's a very cool guy in a
tight spot.
There were Sgt. George P . Nestor, of Atlantic
City; Cpl. Bernard Sabin, of Philadelphia, and
Cpl. Lawrence Thompson, of London, England,
who were in charge of a little side project in-
volving T N T ; Pfc. Harold Wilburn, of Vox, Ky.,
and Pfc. Elmer J. Graw, of Copake, N. Y., who
drove one of the jeeps; Pfc. Earl Barber, of
Oneonta, N. Y., Pvt. Lloyd Kissick, of Dover, 111.,
Pvt. Joseph Prendick, of New York City, and
f'•>^- Pvt. Francis Scooner, of Bryn Mawr, Pa.
• ' • * - '

•«)»M*^' We-<row<ied into t h e two jeeps giving o u r

drivers as much room as possible. Lt. Root rode

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the metallic chorus of insects breaking t h e still-
ness of the night.
We finally reached a spot where the road
ALLIED HQ. dipped between rising slopes of ground. This was
where the enemy position was supposed to be.
The jeeps stopped and turned around, the get-
away car about 200 yards behind ours. Driver
Graw stayed with it.

PATROL ACTIVITY Desired information Obtained

The rest of us started out on foot, up t h e r i s -
ing ground to the right. There wasn't a bush in
sight, only stones about the size of your two
fists. We crossed what appeared in the darkness
to be a new road. By feeling the ground we d e -
tected tracks that seemed to have been made
by large vehicles, possibly tanks.
We went on up to the top of the ridge, spread-
ing out 20 yards apart.
in the first jeep. In the second, in addition to waited, a second shot kicked up the dust. The Suddenly, we heard voices speaking Italian. A
our two-man get-away party, were the demoli- lieutenant yelled out, "Who the hell are you?" shot rang out, followed by the staccato chatter of
tion experts, who were to sneak around the as the third shot came over. two machine guns. With dust and stone chips
e n « n y position and U o w u p a few telephone To our great relief and profane disgust the flying about us we lay flat on our faces, guns
poles and other installations. Their objective was lieutenant was answered in unmistakable Yank ready but not firing. Our position was well
five miles away. They were to leave the jeep, dialect. Our lookout had challenged us before, enough known as it was. We lay still until the
plant their stuff and return. If they didn't get and we hadn't heard him. The language w e used message came down the line from Lt, Boot i n -
back in time, they were to hide out imtil the in telling him how to get the lead out of his forming us that the Italians were closing in on
next night. mouth would have done credit to the toughest our right, and ordering us to work our way back
Our little expedition crept past the French top kick in this man's army. toward the road.
guard stations until finally we reached our last Demolition Project Abandoned About this time, another pair of machine guns
outpost. There was only a lookout station left In the meantime, our lieutenant sent the get- opened up from a position on the opposite side
ahead of us some two miles down the road. away jeep a half mile down the road to await of the road. We were caught in a cross-fire.
You've no idea how much noise a jeep can the outcome of our little expedition. Surroimded Sliding on our bellies as quietly as possible,
make running along at five or six miles an hour by darkness, the jeep ran off the road into the now and then getting up into a crouch for a
in the utter silence of the African night. ditch; then it ran over Cpl. Sabin's foot. At the short run, we worked our way back, and flopped
A s we approached the point where our look- same time we discovered that we had lost our into a ditch by the side of the road.
out should have been, the lieutenant stopped the explosives, so Sabin's little demolition project The get-away jeep had long since roared off.
cars and went forward with Sgt. Nestor to scout. had to be abandoned. Machine-gun fire followed us down the hill
They came to a road block without any guard, We went forward again with the stars giving but miraculously no one was hit. Then the enemy
and couldn't tell whether it was our own or one off just enough light to enable the drivers to opened fire at our ditch with mortars. This was
of the enemy's we hadn't heard about. stay on the road. We kept our guns ready and what we wanted to know. All we had to do now
Thinking black thoughts about ambushes we the lieutenant manned the mounted machine gim, was escape from this little private war with our
went on about a quarter of a mile when a shot swinging it on every suspicious shadow cast by information.
rang out, and a bullet sang over our heads. the bushes. The lieutenant sent back word to watch him.
We were all in the ditch beside the road in As we crept along we stopped every half mile When we got to our feet, we were all to make
nothing flat, with our guns ready. If this was or so, and Lt. Root went ahead to scout. We had a dash for the jeep.
our own lookout post it certainly wasn't where seven miles of this, with nothing but the curious This we did.
the map said it should have been. While we high-pitched singing of the telephone wires and The motor roared and so did the enemy's
machine guns, mortars and hand grenades, but
we were on our way. Driver Graw suddenly had
acquired the best case of night vision in North
Africa. Unerringly, he stuck to the rfi&d, roaring
along at 50 miles an hour, until the firing died
away in the distance.
?,y' Nobody was hurt. Headquarters would get its
: '^. '*>«.«.'<5fi»'*^-c.xi^. When one of the boys said, "I bet that'll scare
T the Wop army clear back to Italy," everybody
•*.•;-](-V* - ~ , — "— ^» "" ^ -. roared.
-...' ' .»" . • . .-*y 'JT' "'^•«i*l'-«"'".i-ii^r^'i>., "»-X'.-~"-»'v-".v.-"-:"»-»'>»v-^" ;~ The next day the communique said, "There
'J^-'^^^^^^^l^^^^ •y
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.*^-=S-.v:* was only routine patrol activity on the Tunisian
~.*t'^*-:w-. Routine h e l l ! -YANK'S North African Bureau

PAGt 3
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27

Getting down to BRASS TAXES



YANK'S Washington Bureau
ASHiNGTOK—If you think that just-because
W you're in the Army you don't have to
pay income and Victory taxes this year,
you'd better take a good look at this story. War
or no war, some of you are stuck. .
Even if you're overseas you have a headache,
as you'll find out later, so read on. There are
more knots in the tax bill this year than a guard-
house lawyer can unravel. And if you're in this
country, you've got to ante up or give the tax
man a good reason why you can't do it. That's
what the Treasury says, and we got this story
from the Treasury.
The biggest complication is in the new Victory
tax, which will be paid by all of you who have
stripes on your sleeves except married pfcs. If
you are overseas, you'll be required to get the
whole Victory tax on the line on March 15, 1944,
but you can forget about income taxes until you
come home. If you're a private, you can be thank-
ful for once, as the lawmakers were liberal in
your case.
This tax business is so complicated that we'll
break it down into sections, and take the Victory
tax first. This tax clips civilians hard and is de-
ducted from their pay. It is not deducted from
soldiers' pay but is due all in one chunk next
year; whether you, are at home or abroad makes
no difference. After the war you get part of it
back. You don't pay the Victory tax at all unless
in 1943 your pay totalled $874 if you're single,
or $924 if you're married. On all over that amount
you pay 5 per cent as tax, and after the war the
government returns to you 25 per cent of what
you paid if you're single, and 40 per cent if
you're married.
If You Are Buying W a r Bonds
However, here's another wrinkle. If you're pay-
ing for insurance, or buying War Bonds regularly,
or making installment payments or reducing old
debts like mortgages, you can apply what the
government would repay you after the w a r on
your present tax, and pay only 3% per cfent in-
stead of 5 per cent as a Victory tax.
If that makes your head swim, consider a
"simple" example. Suppose your Army pay is
big enough for you to owe $50 in Victory tax,
but you've bought War Bonds regularly. In that AOOfTfON AND DISTRACTION. Under new tax opera-
case your Victory tax would be $50 minus $12.50 tion, plutocratic top kicks will writhe'on the multipli-
if you're single, or minus $20 if you're married. cation table while poor privates laugh and laugh.
The big point to remember is that this Victory
tax is due March 15, 1944, no matter whether
you are stationed in the U. S. or overseas. Don't forget, when figuring your Army income, any dough you got for service in one of those places.
Now for income taxes. If you're single and that it is only your base pay that the govern- Here's another thing. U you've been anteing
made $750 during 1942 or if you're married and ment taxes. No tax is collected on any cash you up $22 a month and your wife has been getting
made $1,500, you're hooked. If you were not in received from the Army for pensions, annuities, $50, neither you nor your wife pays a tax on that
•the Army all year, you're hooked worse, as the injury allowance or sickness resulting from ac- extra $28. It's just found money that nobody
base allowance for civilians is $500 single and tive duty, commutation, food or travel allow- taxes. Don't say Uncle Sam isn't generous.
$1,200 married, and you owe tax on the extra ances received in cash/ Soldiers who have to pay a tax can save a lot
allowance for the months you were a civilian. Also, you don't pay any tax on your Army pay of trouble by using the Treasury short form,
For instance, if you went in the Army in Sep- received during 1942 for service in the Panama known as Form 1040A. This is for people whose
tember, 1942, and were paid $200 before the year Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Mid- income is under $3,000 (we assume yours was)
ended, that's all you can deduct from gross in- way, Guam, Wake, American Samoa and P a l - and provided the income was all from salary,
come when paying the tax on your civilian earn- myra. For example, if you've been in Panama wages, dividends, interest and annuities. (You
ings. As far as the deduction for a wife goes, you all during 1942, laugh and to hell with income can't file the short form if you got dough from
can take the whole $300 even if you got spliced taxes. If you were in one of these exempted sta- a trust fund.)
on the last day of December, 1942. ; tions for part of the' year, don't count as income If you use the short form, the Treasury sug-


Are you bothered by a special tax problem
not answered on this page?
If so, consult YANK. The Treasury doesn't
want soldiers to overpay their taxes. So if
you have any questions, write YANK, TAX
DEPAIfTMENT, 205 E. 42nd Street, New York,
N. Y. We'll give you the correct answer.
We won't poy your tax, though.
You con feff how hard a guy has been soaked by the expression on his face.
YANK Tin Army Wttkly, pvbHcation l u v a d WMiity by H«H<qvart«rs IXtacftmMt, SpKiol Unk; Wor Ocpartrnwit, 205 fati 42IH< Street, New Yofd City, N. Y. Copyrialit, 1941, in tin U S A Entered
fcomt c l o u mofter i « l y t, 1941 at the Port Office of New York, New r o r * onder the Atl of March 3, l$79. Svbtripiion price J3.00 year»y. eiwerea

gests you watch out for a couple of jokers. First, war. If killed in this country, and you have no
notice that you take your gravy for being a sol- executor, then the tax is due six months after
dier ($250 if single, $300 if married) but there's you left the service, which in the case of death
no line on which to write the deduction. Make is a date obvious even to a tax collector.
an extra line for the purpose. See footnote 2; it The way Jhe tax bill lines up, the only sol
tells you all about it, but don't overlook it or who are going to be hard hit by taxes are
you'll pay more than you have to. The other geants and officers. So there's justice in the*
joker is that if you file the short form, your wife bill, for sure. •*
must file one also, if she made any money on One other thing to remember. The T r e a i i t y
her own account during 1942. watchdog likes to collect its share of all i t W ^
crapshooting and poker winnings. You can^c ej-*'"''
Postponement For Men Overseas duct only the amount of
Now, who has to pay the tax when it's due on your losses by the same
March 15? route. So if you're a big
If you're overseas, you get an automatic post- money winner you'd better
ponement until the 15th day of the third month keep quiet about it. If it
after the president proclaims we are no longer gets in the papers that you
at war against Germany, Italy and Japan. But won $1,500 on the convoy
at that time, brother, you must pay the back going over, the tax man is
taxes, or request a further postponement until going to look and see wheth-
you get your hands on enough money. So you er you entered it as faxablj
are just postponing the headache. By "overseas" income.
is meant anyone in our Armed Forces stationed
abroad. Being on a boat is considered overseas,
too. If you are still abroad on the 15th day of
the third month after the war ends (as most of
you will be), you still have to pay up, but Con-
gress probably will fix it so you get another auto-
matic postponement.
If you're in this country now, you pay. You
get the income tax form from any collector of
internal revenue. Somebody in your camp will
probably be designated by the commanding of-
ficer to get a batch of these forms. If you were
a Hollywood glamor boy and owe $100,000 taxes,
and obviously on your G.I. pay can't raise the
money, you can ask the collector of internal rev-
enue to postpone your tax until after the war.
But you have to prove to the tax collector that
you can't raise the money. That's what Joe Louis
is trying to do right now.
The chances are that unless you made a big
pile in 1942, you'll have to pay the tax unless
you're overseas. If your income has all been from
Army pay, the chances are you'll be told to get
it on the line at the proper time. The longest
postponement you can get in any case is six
months after you're out of the Army.
Suppose you get a postponement, and then get
killed in the war. Your heirs are stuck with the
amount you owe. That amount is due three months
after an executor of your will is appointed. If
you're overseas, the tax isn't due until after the If you h a v e cof/ecfed any convoy change, keep mum. Treasury watchdogs never miss a boat.

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RANK PAY 1942 I N C O M E T A X * 1943 VICTORY T A X * *



PVT. $50 $600 $60 $720 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

PFC. 54 648 64.80 777.60 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

CORP. 66 792 79.20 950.40 1 0 28 0 0 0 3.82 1.32

SGT. 78 936 93.60 1123.20 23 0 54 0 3.10 .60 12.46 9.96

S SGT. 96 1152 115.20 1382.40 63 0 102 0 13.90 11.40 25.42 22.42

T SGT. 114 1368 136.80 1641.60 97 0 145 7 24.70 22.20 38.38 35.88

M SGT. 138 1656 165.60 1987.20 149 17 206 64 39.10 36.60 55.66 53.16

2D LT. 150 1800 180 2160 218 85 279 146 58.80 58.80 76.80 76.80
-5Sf •
y ^.-iC. -m-f^

N O T E : This chart, prepared by YANK, presents the purely hypothetical case of a soldier who
stays with one rank oil year and receives no money except his Army pay. It's not Intended
to show you how much you owe—you've got to do your own figuring, soldier.

* Figured from Form l040A—ihe short form.

* * Figured withoul dedvcfions on post-war credit.

fAGl 5
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27

In Puerto Rico, war-dog sentry is released by Pvt. Louis Robbins. On Aruba, in the Caribbean, this gun crew has camouflaged its position.

Yanks at Home and Abroad

English when given a difficult assignment by the Caribbean is peaches, cream and daiquiri
Lampart or Oliver Robinson, the mess sergeant. cocktails. Lampart's hotel is the rare exception to
At such times, when they blandly mumble "No the general rule. Most of the men stationed here
savvy," Cabrera is called in from the orderly are at mosquito-infested gun positions and air-
room and sets the situation straight immediately fields miles from the nearest Coca-Cola. It's, lone-
with a fluent string of Puerto Rican Spanish. lier out there than in New Guinea or Tunisia
Sgt. Lampart's big stucco barracks built by the where at least you get a Jap or a Nazi once in a
Spanish Army in the old days seen\s like a hotel . while to make things interesting.
for other reasons, too. For instance, the variety of -Sgt. JOE MCCARTHY
guests. Everything comes in and out of the front YANK Staff Correspondent
door except the native goats, and even they ap-
proach the threshold now and then.
In addition to his own company, Lampart takes
What the AYGs Started in China,
care of the rations and quarters for the headquar-
ters signal detachment, finance detachment and
The U. S. Army Air Force Is Finishing
postal unit. Also tucked away in various nooks SOMEWHERE IN CHINA—^The American Volun-
Life Is Pleasant in Puerto Rico, and comers of his hacienda, are the quartermas- teer Group in China (the Flying Tigers) was a
ters, weather bureau, chemical warfare men, MPs great outfit. There is probably no one who dis-
But Grab Your Drinks While You Can and the station complement. agrees with this, especially in China.
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO [By Radio]—The Nov. "When I left Jersey City last April to join the They took on the enemy any time, any place,
29 Sunday papers from the States don't arrive Army I never thought they would make a Carib- no matter what the odds. Invariably, they sent
here until Jan. 9 and an American girl is just bean innkeeper out of me," Lampart says. "I even him home licking his wounds.
something you see in the movies. But G.l- life in have lots of guys stop here just for the night's The AVGs are gone now, and in their place is
the big Spanish barracks of the Puerto Rican De- lodging—noncoms on their way to new stations the U. S. Army Air Force. Even though Brig.
partment headquarters is still a hell of a lot more at Saint Thomas, Antigua and our other bases." Gen. Claire Chennault stayed on as the com-
comfortable than the average camp in the U.S. But don't get the idea that Army life all over manding officer of the China Air Task Force, and
For one thing, these headquarters soldiers even though some of the better men of the Vol-
never pull KP. They never shine shoes or rub unteers accepted commissions and positions of
sapolio on squad room windows. importance in the formation of the new group,
there were those who wondered. They' were not
That isn't all. When they're thirsty a tall cuba
libre made with the best Puerto Rican rum costs
only 10 cents in the noncommissioned officers"
too sure how the young, untried Army flyers
would fare against the war-wise Japs who had
learned some hard taught lessons in American
club. The best rye and bourbon sets them back B 25 N 18
only a thin dime, and a scotch and soda costs 25 A 12 O 13 tactics and how to combat them.
C 24 7
cents. Camels and Chesterfields sell two for 13 D 6 15
News reports have told some of the stories of
cents, and you can get wonderful cigars for a E 11 the successes of the new men. Here is an account
SCORE F 5 26
of one of their better days over Canton. .
nickel that would cost a quarter back home. G 23 9
Now don't get the idea that the dishes here are H 4 U 203 More than 20 pursuits took off to escort a
I 10 V 19
never washed or the beds never made. It's just J 16' W 8
bomber formation on a raid of shipping installa-
K 2 tions in and around Canton, Those same bombers
that Maj. Gen. James L. Collins, Puerto Rican Ln X 21
Y 14 had hit Canton three times before that same
Department commander, and Maj. Allen Emer- M 1
son, commander of the headquarters detach-
ment, feel that the men cannot be spared from
1 Z 22

Here is how the Game ol Tce-Totel Is played:

week, and escaped unscathed. With past Jap
performances in mind, it was almost a certainty
their regular duties for K P and policing the Each letter of the alphabet has been given a that the Nips would not let another onslaught go
barracks. So they designed a plan to hire c i- nnmericat value. Ton are to ttll the diagram unchallenged.
MriUi words. Bnt try to use the lilghest value
vilian KPs and housekeepers. letters as often as possible because the object of "You can expect anything this time," were the
the game is to see who can matce the highest final words of Col. Marion C. Cooper, Gen. Chen-
Each man in the outfit chips in a dollar a month score. Tour score is determined by adding to-
to have his dishes washed, his food served, his gether the separate values of all the 18 letters in nault's chief of staff. "Handle things any way you
voar solation. see fit, but your first duty is to protect the bomb-
bed made and the barracks cleaned. They employ For example, in the sample solu-
10 KPs and U room orderlies who get $25 a ^^ '— ^ tion at the left ^whlch you should be ers—and don't forget it."
Q HlOlS able to beat easily) we have attained
month plus room and board, which is good pay R. ft
a score of Z81. SEND IN YOURS. The bombers went off with their escort,
in this country. V » Address Puzzle Editor, YANK. 29S
a East 42nd St., New York, N. V.
bombed their target successfully, returned with
Supervising this housekeeping staff makes E
L, Al^tC E
All solutions to puzzles printed in no losses and few scratches due to the excellent
1st Sgt. Thomas J. Lampart, of Jersey City, feel domestic edition must be received fighter protection. All this was done in spite of
like Oscar of the Waldorf. witmn a month of day of publication of YANK. the fact that they were met by 30 or more of the
Puzzle Kits wlU be sent by YANK to the G.I.S
Native KPs do a swell job in the kitchen, who make the highest score in each week's con- best the Japs could muster in the Canton area.
thanks to S/Sgt. Louis Cabrera, veteran Puerto test. Highest score will be published with names After the bombers had hauled freight for home.
of senders.
Rican regular who acts as Lampart's orderly, in- Col. Robert Scott and his pursuits went down to
terpreter and all-around public relations counsel. make Christians out of the attacking Japs. The
KPs sometimes find it convenient to forget their following is the numerical count that went up

PAOt 6
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7

on the group scoreboard when the ships had r e - accommodations are usually in inverse ratio to Meteor back home. You stay put in your own
turned to their base: your conscience. compartment for t h e duration, except for 10-
Maj. Bruce K. Holloway, one Zero, one 1-97, When the train is under way, you get a rough minute breaks when you make way for the
one 1-45; Capt. John Hampshire, three Zeros; idea of what a desert sandstorm is like. Dust sweeper. You also take time o u t for meals.
Col. Robert Scott, two Zeros, one JU-52 trans- and soot swirl through under the window sills At meal time, you get out on the platform and
port, probable; Lt. Charles Dubois, one Zero, one and door jambs, depositing a half-inch layer of walk up to the dining car where you eat. When
1-97; Capt. Edmund Goss, one 2fero, one 1-97; dirt on the compartment and everybody in it. you're finished, you sit there until the train stops
Capt. Burrall Barnum, one 1-97, one 1-97, prob- At every stop, you get out on the platform to at the next station. Then you can return to your
able; Lt. Lubner. one Zero, one 1-97, probable; start breathing again while an attendant sweeps compartment. On trains w'nich have no dining
Lt. Dallas d i n g e r , Lt. Jack Best, Lt. John Lom- out the compartment for the next lap. cars—most of them don't—the engineer just stops
bard, Lt. Harold K. Stuart, Lt. Hollis M. Black- First-class passengers have a few extra com- over at any convenient town for an hour or so
stone, Lt. Robert A. O'Neil, and Lt. Donald M. forts. They have shower baths in the washrooms while you eat at a nearby restaurant.
Carpenter, one Zero each; Lt. Col. Clinton Vin- so that they can whiten up occasionally during Time is not important to the engineers here,
cent, one 1-97: and Lt. George R. Barnes, one the trip. There also are air-conditioned cars— according to Sgt. John Screen, of New Orleans.
2^ro, probable. produced by wafts of cold air given off by cakes Screen was on a train crossing the desert just
Just to make the history complete, T/Sgt. of ice in a tin box on t h e c o m p a r t m e n t floor. at sundown one day. Suddenly, the train stopped.
Adam R. Williams and Sgt. Broughton, of the If you're on an overnight trip, you don't ac- The engineer climbed out of his cabin, knelt in
bombers, each had one 1-97 and Sgt. MacLaugh- tually need your shelter half but don't forget the sand and bowed towards Mecca for his
lin had one 1-97, probable. S/Sgt. Douglas Rad- your two G.I. blankets. You bring your own regular evening prayers. Fifteen minutes later
ney had one Zero, probable. That makes a score bedding on Indian trains. The railroad furnishes the train resumed its journey.
of 24 confirmed and six probables with the pur- only the berth—a long leather-covered seat oc- But Pvt. Earl Davis, of Portland, Me., is the
suits getting the lion's share. cupied by three passengers during the day. authority on Indian rail transportation. Davis
Yes—the AVGs are gone but the U. S. Army There's one important thing to remember when handles the mail and spends four days of each
Air Force keeps the "No Trespassing" sign held you waken in the morning. Don't open your eyes week on a train. At nights, during his three
high over China. _ s ^ JQHN P. BMNES before brushing off your eyelids with a handker- off-days, Davis never sleeps in a G.I. bunk or
YANK SlafF Cetmpemhnt chief. Otherwise, you'll h a v e t w o peepers full anything resembling a bed. Instead, he curls up
of t h e grime that collected during t h e night. on the back seat of a jeep. He claims it's the
Indian coaches have no connecting doors, so only w a y to keep in shape for his j o b .
Any Similarity Between India Trains you can't stroll through the aisles looking for -Sgt. ED CUNNINGHAM
lonesorhe blondes, like you do on the Silver YANK Staff CarrMpMMUnl
And the Sonto Feis Purely Imaginary
N E W DELHI, INDIA—It's a rare G.I. who hasn't
griped about American troop trains being like
lousy cattle cars. But brother, you should get
a load of what we've got down here.
The first thing you learn about Indian trains
is that they're contrary to all military tradition.
You don't "hurry up and wait" when you catch
a train here. You just wait.
If your train is scheduled to leave at 6:30 A.M..
you get up at 7 A.M. eat chow, pack your bar-
racks bag, march down to the station and then
take a little snooze for yourself. If you're lucky,
the train may pull in by 8:30. There are a few-
cases on record where the trains were only two
hours late. But they were express trains.
American enlisted men in India travel second
class. The flrst-class compartments which seat
six and sleep four are reserved for officers and
white civilians. Second-class compartments seat
nine and sleep six. the occupants usually being
U. S. or British enlisted men and Indians. Third-
class coaches, used only by natives, seat from
30 to 50 on h a r d wooden benches.
Indian trains operate on the honor system.
They don't have conductors. You simply show
your ticket to the gatekeeper when you enter the
station and turn it in to another gatekeeper at
your destination. All of which means .second-
class ticket holders often ride first class. Your Enemy approaching! And, somewhere in China, American pilots race for their P-40s.

•mf^9&i^0^ :ii:.#^- «-:'*^iiiiaiii»

Pte. Tillie Jackson is a C W A C CPO Kenneth Perry was born
in the dental corps. The initials in Macomb. 111., but it's a
stand for Canadian Women's
Auxiliary Corps. Her rank,
secret where he's stationed
now. He joined the Navy fresh
Pte.. is the Canadian abbrevia- out of high school and has been
tion of private. She sends a going to sea for 11 years. He Pvt. George Meitzer, 210 Gen. Hospital, APO 837.
message to her husband, L/Cpl. sends a message to a shark PM^New Orleans, La., wants to get in touch with
Jay Jackson in England, whose somewhere in the North A t - Sgt. George Monfileto, once stationed at Fort Han-
rating is the equivalent of first lantic, CPO Oliver Wallin: cock, N. J. Meitzer has lost his address. Can any-
class private: "I hope you will "How are the pasteboards r u n - one help? . . . Pfc. Michael Franlak, 191st Ord-
like my picture. I wish you the ning and are you getting plenty nance Co. (Depot), Camp Rucker, Ala., wants
best of meals. Try and write of suckers at the pool table?" some news from his brother in the Navy who
more often." hasn't written for three months. . . . "Hell Cat"
Pfc. Walter Yamoto helped Joe Tenner, Co. G, 1229'RC, Fort Dix. N.'J., sends
Pfc. Edmund Braezinski is a beat off the Japs at Pearl Har- greeting to Mike Zeiek in the Pacific and Buddy
member of the permanent bor. Now he's stationed at Smith in England, hoping he can stir up some
party at Fort Dix, N. J., and Camp McCoy, Wis., where he mail. . Cpl. Jock Eipper, Co. M, 162nd Inf., APO
says that, at 19, he worked at a drives a jeep and works as a 41, PM, San Francisco, wants some mail from
little bit of everything in civil- store clerk. He's a native of his pal, Glenn, a corporal in the Air Forces some-
ian life. He wants to get a Hawaii and he sends a nostal- where in Egypt. . . . Pfc. R. S. Shelley, 3rd Map-
message through to Pvt. Walter gic message to S/Sgt. Herbert pmg Sq., MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla., wants the
Fiddler whose last address was Ah Yo, Hawaiian Service Com- address of Floyd Jones who used to live near
in Northern Island: "Carl made mand: "I would like to be sta- Binghamton, N. Y., now believed stationed in
sergeant. I expect to leave the tioned with you in the Islands. North Africa. . . . Sgt. Abe Rabinowitz, 53rd Tr.
permanent party here soon to I'm freezing in Wisconsin." Cr. Wing, Del Valle Army Air Base, Austin Tex.,
go to Aerial Gunnery School." would like to get in touch with John A. O'Shea, a
Sgt. Poul Spiller has been in friend with whom he toured the country two
Cpl. Michael RiHo hopes this the Coast Artillery for 10 years agp and now believed to be in the Army.
message will be delivered one months at Fort Bliss, Tex. Be- . . . M/Sgt. Ezra Stone, touring the country with
day to Pvt. Tony Lepore, a fore the war he was big guns "This is the Army," wants to tell Cpl. Dominic
marine who is a prisoner in as manager of the Des Moines Nico, somewhere in Australia, that he has for-
Tokyo: "Keep your chin up. (Iowa) Little Theater. He warded the souvenir programs from the show
and we'll try and do your sends a message to his brother, and the autographed pictures of the old Upton
share of the fighting." Ritto Pvt. Marion, on Midway I s - gang. . . . Pvt. William J. Chiusan, Port Hq., APO
was a bus driver in Chicago land: "I have finished my 813, PM, N. Y., wants to hear from friends he
before he came into the Army. course at Camp Davis." He trained with who are now all over the world.
He was with an anti-aircraft asks his brother to send him a He will write at once if they will send their
unit in Flushing, N. Y., when souvenir—"a G string that I addresses.
this picture was taken. hear the Japs wear."

PAGt 7
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7

plane, enables it more successfully to carry out his guns working, located the ME in his sights
Gable Becomes Aerial Gunner; its mission against the enemy. long enough to get another short burst into its
He had to complete an intensive course which engine—and again his guns jammed.
He Wins His Wings the Hard Way began with classroom instruction in the mechanics The last burst definitely winged t h e German.
of machine guns, turrets and the identification of The ME started to cough and began a slow d e -
TYNDALL FIELD, F L A . — M G M ' S Clark Gable is enemy aircraft. scent, but it still didn't land. It kept limping like
strictly G.I.
Then he worked out on the firing ranges. He a winged quail, just over the'ground.
Graduating from the Army Air Forces Flexible
shot rifles, shotguns, photo-electric guns mounted Kimball's guns were still out of commission
Gunnery School at Tyndall Field, Fla., the former
in turrets, .30- and .50-caliber machine guns, and but he dropped down alongside the fleeing Jerry.
movie star has fulfilled his ambition of becoming
finally, in the air, from a speeding plane, sent "I motioned him to the curb with my thumb,"
an aerial gunner by coming up through the ranks
machine-gun slugs ripping through cloth tow- Kimball said, "but he didn't pay any attention."
the hard way.
targets. Then, Kimball said, he feinted as if he were
Enlisting as a private last August, he won his In civilian life an ardent sportsman. Gable
commission as a second lieutenant at the Army going to give him another burst, and at this, the
proved to be an excellent marksman. His great- Jerry put his plane on the sand pronto.
est difficulty was when he took his test in "blink- "The last I saw of him," Kimball said, "he had
er code," the communication method used when turned over and burst into flames."
radio is not practicable. Two other pilots in this outfit told how they
One of only two officers to graduate in the had to work a bluff for 25 anxious miles before
class, the rest of which were enlisted men attain- they could shake oflf three pursuing Messer-
ing the rank of sergeant, Gable is well on his schmitts. Capt. Ray Llewellyn of Johnstown, Pa.,
way to the combat duty he has requested. was out on a job and had poured the last of his
The course at Tyndall Field is one of the tough- ammunition into a Jerry airdrome and the cock-
est in the Army. They say Lt. Gable is a very pit of a Macchi 202.
tough guy. On his way home, separated from the rest of
—YANK. Field Correspondent
his squadron, he tangled with three MEs. Llewel-
lyn bellowed for help 'through his microphone
but learned to his dismay that the other boys
If You Can't Get Jerry One Way, also were engaged. He began to feint, dodge and
zoom at the Jerries who, thinking that he was
You Can Sometimes Kid Him to Death trying to line them u p in his sights, also dodged.
A U. S. FIGHTER STATION SOMEWHERE I N EGYPT Llewellyn kept this up for a time, all the while
—It took a traffic cop stunt to do it, but 2nd Lt. heading toward home.
R. W. Kimball, fighter pilot from Minneapolis, It was with great relief that he saw the fighter
Minn., finally bagged his Messerschmitt. of 2nd Lt. Thomas BouUare of Barnwell, S. C ,
On a recent sortie deep into the Western come up to help. But the relief didn't last long,
Desert, Lt. Kimball flew into the middle of a because BouUare only had ammunition left for
hot dogfight. During his maneuvering he found one of his guns. However, by spreading those
G a b l e in fine on qradvation day at Tyndall. himself zooming up under the nose of an ME few shots out thin, BouUare pulled a bluff of his
that was so close he had to cut throttle to keep own, and once more the Germans shied off.
Air Forces OCS at Miami Beach, was promoted to from crashing into it. He managed, however, to During the long, difficult trip home, Llewellyn
first l)<!Utenant after coming to Tyndall Field. get a quick burst straight into the ME's radiator and BouUare took turns bluffing the MEs off each
Forty-two years old. Gable went through the and engines. other. After 25 miles of this, during which 'no
same rigorous couise as the men whose ages So close were the two planes that the Jerry's one received a scratch, the MEs finally gave up
ranged from 19 to 25. coolant, flying from his rid.dled radiator, spat- the chase and the boys highballed home at fuU
As an aerial gunner, he has been trained, to be tered Kimball in the face. He tried another burst, throttle.
one of the men whose deadly marksmanship, but this time his guns jammed. -Sgt. BURGESS H. SCOn
forming a protective screen around the bomber The two fighters roared apart. Lt. Kimball got YANK't Cairo Bureau
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i>A6£ «
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7

declaration of war. Britain, supported by France,

brought sufficient forces into Chinese waters,
captured Canton, subdued t h e forts at Taku com-
manding the approach to Tientsin, and took
China was thoroughly defeated, and the
Treaties of Tientsin, 1858, and Peking, I860, were
forced on China.
These, as might be expected, extended the pro-
visions of earlier treaties. Ten new ports were
opened. Merchantmen were given the right to
use the Yangtze River, and Britain got a h u n k
of the mainland opp)osite Hong Kong. A new
tariff was drawn u p whereby opium trade was
A few decades of what they called peace fol-
lowed. But in 1894 came new trouble.
Japan and China clashed over Korea. China
had claimed jurisdiction over Korea for many
years. This had been challenged many times by
Japan, but never seriously. Now, however, r e -
bellion boiling u p in Korea prompted the Korean
monarch to ask China's assistance in quelling
the uprising. Japan, not to be outdone, also sent
troops. Meanwhile, Korean troops dispersed the
rebels, but the Chinese and Japanese troops
moved in anyway.
With China claiming jurisdiction over Korea
and Japan saying no, the result was that the
troops plowed into each other. T h e struggle was
brief, with defeat for China.
In the treaty which followed (Shimoneski,
1895), China had to acknowledge the inde-
pendence of Korea, cede Formosa to Japan, the
Pescadore Islands and the Liaotung Peninsula,
pay indemnity, open four more ports.
This defeat at t h e hands of Japan was the

Map locates freaiy ports and "settlement" towns

Equal Riphts to
which the U. 5. and other powers controlled in
China before Japan invaded and before extraterri-
toriality was renounced.

G REAT BRITAIN and the U. S. have signed

with China an agreement to abolish e x -
traterritoriality in China, thus giving the
new year one of the biggest stories of the century.
Extraterritoriality is a big word. But don't let Vfm JUffiUP 9 MtW-On I t fR# pB$K$
it scare you. It simply means that all embassies
are exempt from the laws of the country in
which they are located, and function under the
laws of their own land instead. Chinese, afraid of an unfavorable balance of signal for the Western powers to grab again.
However, in China it meant a lot more than trade as much of their money went to London What followed was fast and furious. Japan
this. It meant forcing China to give up "treaty in payment for opium, banned Chinese consump- was forced to give up to the Western powers a
ports." where foreign nations could trade under tion of opium. The British, with the aid of big hunk of what it had taken from China. To
thoir own conditions: it meant that foreign vessels, Chinese officials, sold it anyhow. The govern- pay the indemnity to Japan, China had to bor-
including warships, could travel on the inland ment seized and destroyed 20,000 chests of opium. row money. Russia forced China to borrow part
waterways at will: that foreign nations could This led to a clash between British and Chinese of the money from her, demanding more con-
garrison their troops on China soil; that for- warships at Hong Kong in November, 1839. cessions as collateral. Great Britain and Ger-
eigners in any of the "treaty ports," or "settle- The resulting treaty of Nanking. 1842, started many forced China to borrow the rest from the
ment" or "concession" towns were safe from the type of extrjtterritoriality we know today. Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Chinese civil or criminal law; that foreign n a - Five ports were opened to trade and residence of —a British institution—getting as collateral the
tions could run their own railroads in China: British subjects; the island of Hong Kong was customs revenue and other t a x privileges in the
tliat foreigners could travel where they pleased ceded to Britain. Yangtze 'Valley.
in China without being subject to Chinese law. Other Western powers, watching this show More concessions were obtained by the Brit-
with interest, jumped in. The U. S. sent Caleb ish. The frontier between China and British
In the beginning, some of this was under- possessions on the south was extended, the West
standable and justifiable. China, 4,000 years old, Cushing to China in 1844. He obtained a treaty
opening the same ports to Americans. Other n a - River was opened to commerce, and a 99-year
considered herself superior to the rest of the lease was obtained to the rest of the peninsula
world. She had no knowledge of what went on .tions followed suit. of Kowloon, opposite Hong Kong. The British
outside her own borders. As foreigners migrated The "peace" that was supposed to settle down,
did not. Neither side was satisfied. The Chinese also set up their own railroads.
to her shores in search of trade, China's arro- In 1899, the Boxer Rebellion broke out. This
gant imperial court rubbed them the wrong way. felt that too much had been granted; the West-
was, briefly, an uprising on the part of old-
Marco Polo spoke of this as early as the 12th el'n powers wanted more. guard Chinese against the theories gradually
century. He, however, was only amused by the War broke out over a minoi incident. In Octo-
Chinese ceremonials, and wrote glowingly of ber, 1856, the Chinese vessel Arrow, owned by developing among those modern Chinese who
Chinese, with a Chinese crew, but registered at had been influenced by missionaries and West-
their life and culture. He got along OK. ern culture. It centered around an attempt to get
Traders following him, however, thought they Hong Kong, .having a British captain and flying
the British flag, was boarded by Chinese officers the foreigners out of China. It failed.
were just as good as the Chinese, objected In 1911, another rebellion took place in China.
strenuously to the kotow, a ceremony where at Canton. The crew were arrested on the
grounds that they were pirates. Instigated largely by the liberal-minded and
visiting firemen had to get down on their knees Christian Chinese, it overthrew the old-guard
before the emperor or high ranking official and Britain protested. China refused to give satis-
faction. She gave, instead, what was in effect a emperor and a republic .was set u p under prin-
crack their heads three times on the ground. ciples enunciated by Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
In addition to this, there was no central law In spite of the fact that Japan now occupies
in China worth the name. Civil strife between many of these treaty ports, the abolition of extra-
factions trying to govern China made life tough In Next Week's YANK . . . territoriality by Britain and the U. S. is recog-
en foreigners, and Chinese as well. Little rulers nition that the Chinese republic is capable of
in the various provinces did as they pleased with- running itself.
out paying much attention to the emperor except AERIAL ENGINEERS
More important it is the symbol of mutual
to pay him ceremonial respect and cash tribute. The boys who repair airports confidence and faith among the United Nations
The first armed clash with the Western powers under fire really know their stuff. in this great global war, and as proof that the
came in 1514 when Portugal got sore at the Chi- old-style high-handed diplomacy of selfishness at
nese, took a couple of ports and settled in Macao, CONTEST WINNERS the expense of a weaker neighbor has been dis-
where she stayed until the Japs came. carded completely.
Great Britain got sore in 1839. The reason was Found a t last, the G.I. with the big-* Few developments in the last century have
.simple. Chinese had used opium for centuries. gest feet, the youngest sergeant. contributed so much to the spread of democracy
The British controlled sale of the drug. The throughout the world.

fA6t 9
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27

iP^-HttWS^HIOM HOME «*^">

of the nine w o m e n on the j u r y w e r e
Skimming the Week on the Home Front p r e j u d i c e d — o n e for F l y n n and one
against h i m .
M i l l i o n s of A m e r i c a n s r e c a l l e d t h e t u r b u l e n t t w e n t i e s as H o l l y w o o d In another court, F r a n c e s F a r m e r
banged back to the front pages w t i h t w o top stories. B i g headlines a n d w a s ordered r e m o v e d to a p s y c h o -
l a v i s h p i c t u r e d i s p l a y s d e p i c t e d Errol F l y n n ' s trial for a l l e g e d r a p e in pathic w a r d after h e r father d e m a n d -
H o l l y w o o d , a n d film s t a r F r a n c e s F a r m e r ' s b a t t l e w i t h p o l i c e b e f o r e s h e ed a sanity test for her. W h e n ar-
w a s sentenced to s e r v e 180 d a y s rested, Frances w a s a w a k e n e d in a
after a 24-hour spree. s w a n k H o l l y w o o d hotel b y a detec-
Into these delicacies of p e a c e - t i m e Anticipation tive. S h e e l u d e d h i m in a w i l d dash
sensationalism intruded t h e square- Jersey City, N. J. —George for t h e bathroom, but returned
j a w e d v i s a g e of J o h n L. L e w i s a s Natusch went to a YMCA party s h o r t l y — i n t h e nude. B o o k e d at t h e
18,000 of his United M i n e W o r k e r s and signed his name to what he police station, she defiantly listed
struck in P e n n s y l v a n i a in protest thought was a ralBe slip. Several her profession as the "world's oldest."
against a L e w i s - s p o n s o r e d 50-cents- days later he learned that it had In N e w York police s o u g h t the
a-month increase in union dues. been a nomination blank in a killer of Carlo Tresca, anti-Fascist
A n o t h e r intrusion w a s the Irish contest to select a typical father editor murdered on Fifth A v e n u e ,
countenance of E d w a r d J. F l y n n , —and that he had won. w h o had p l a n n e d to return to Italy
chairman of the Democratic N a t i o n a l after t h e w a r and aid in t h e estab-
Committee, w h o s e a p p o i n t m e n t as
Natusch plans to marry soon. l i s h m e n t of a pro-liberal regime.
U. S. minister to Australia and P r e s - J a m e s C. Petrillo, head of the M u -
ident Roosevelt's personal represen- Flynn is charged, as "having carnal sicians Union, fared w e l l before a
tative in the S o u t h Pacific a n - knowledge of any woman under 18 Congressional C o m m i t t e e investigat- With b«e/ nof as easy to get as if used
gered Republicans in Congress. T h e y w i t h or w i t h o u t her consent." , ing j u k e - b o x recordings, e m e r g i n g fo b«, Mrs. John Conner, New Orleans,
launched a full-fledged c a m p a i g n T h e court heard 17-year-old B e t t y from each day's session w i t h his dig- halted a moskraf for the family dinner.
against S e n a t e confirmation of F l y n n , H a n s e n tell of her intimacy w i t h t h e n i t y unimpaired and his ban on m u -
led by Senator S t y l e s Bridges, of s w a s h - b u c k l i n g actor at a party, and sicians m a k i n g records unbroken. H e s l u m p e d into the class of p e r m a n e n t
N e w Hampshire. t h e n the throngs of w o m e n w h o finally said he'd allow t h e m to turn duration headaches, and S e c r e t a r y
In H o l l y w o o d , Errol F l y n n w a s o n j a m m e d t h e courtroom, apparently out j u k e - b o x fodder only if the Pres- Ickes told N e w England g o v e r n o r s
trial under a California statute w h i c h c h e e r i n g F l y n n , w e r e amazed b y t h e ident told h i m to. that they're only w a s t i n g t i m e of
defines "statutory rape," w i t h w h i c h prosecution's sudden charge that t w o In the East, the fuel oil shortage g o v e r n m e n t officials by complaining.

CAUfORNIA Decatur and Mackinaw Junction. The LOUISIANA

NEWS BY STAnS Ward G. Walkup, San Francisco po-
lice commissioner, and William P. Kyne
were seriotisly injured in an automo-
Peoria American Legion post took in
its first veteran of this war—an Air
Force gunner honorably dischorged
Lockport's high school burned. The
Baton Bouge Parish school board again
ruled that school children must salute
ALABAMA bile collision in Colwia. The new legis- after a crash. At Bloomirfgton, fire razed the flag. The bodies of J. Alfred Lut-
The War Manpower Commission lature in its opening sessions at Sacra- historic Hedding Hall at Illinois Wes- gring of Lafayette and George Gag-
''froze" 80,046 ship-buildingr woriiers in mento tackled the manpower problem, leyan University. Henry Herget, 80, nard of Hayne were recovered from
their jobs at Mobile. Common stock in reorganization of the defense set-up Pekin industriol leader, died. Newell White Lake; they were hunting when
the Birmingliam Electric Co. held by and State Guard, and reduction of the Mecartney, Evanston attorney, is on apparently their boat capsized. At New-
.the' National Power and Light Co. will trial with two other men for sedition. Orleans, five river barges of the Car-
speed limit to 35 mph. In San Fran- Chicago teachers' unions are asking a
Ire distributed to present individaal cisco, 139 butcher shops were open only negie Steel Co. were seized by the War
holders of BECO stock, in compliance 10 per cent poy increase in addition to Production Board after the company
an hour a day because of meat'short- restoration of former basic pay sched-
with ah SEC order.. Phillip C. Jack- age. Col. Andrew Rowan,, the mon toho refused a government purchase offer.
son is foreman of the new Jefferson ules. Roger Touhy, back in Stateville
carried the "Message to Garcia," died Prison, toas dented release after his at- MAINE
County grand jury. Mrs. Cora Cunning- at San Francisco. At Los Angeles, James
ham, director of welfare work at the torneys argued his sentence for kid- Sheriff Rex V. Bridges of Androscog-
Ruha^a Baptist Church in Birmingham O. Brazell, 52, reputed heir to the Pull- napping John (Jake the Barber} Factor
man fortune, died. California women gin (jounty has retired to his farm be-
for 18 years, died. was framed. cause of illness, leaving Chief Deputy
donated 500 fur coats for Red Army Ralph A. Wagg in charge. The Rev. Ed-
ARKANSAS worrien flyers. Guy A. Anthony, aircraft ward F. Ward was appointed permanent
Federal ofHcials 'mpounded Garland worker held for draft evasion, went INDIANA
rector of the Cathedral of the Immacu-
County ballot boxes in a vote investi- on a hunger strike. Mae De Rose, 2, In Indianapolis, the state legislature late Conception in Portland. Skowhe-
gation. Gov. Adkins asked the Racing died at Yreka of bubonic plague. Henry convened, and Gov. Shricker asked for gan's oldest man, Benjamin A. Sawyer.
Commission to cancel the Hot Springs Jordan, 16, whose cigarette started a harmony in his biennial address. At 92, was chosen clerk of Skowhegan's
meet to conserve gas and- tires. Mrs. $100,000 fire of Christmas mail bags, was Fort Wayne, a $35,000 Are destroyed the oldest business Arm, the 107-year-old
Fred Thomsen assailed the University sentenced to give up smoking for life. Fort Wayne Paper Co. building. At West Skowhegan Aqueduct Co.
of Arkansas for failing to grant her Rensselaer, timber wolves stole a pan
husband, head football coach, a leave of CONNECTICUT of dog food from the back porch of a MARYLAND
absence after he volunteered for Army Gov. Baldwin asked the General As- farm house. New Albany's first street-
car "motormanette" made her appear- Ford's Theater, Baltimore's last legiti-
service; she said two other coaches sembly to enact a bill giving him au- mate playhouse, was closed pending
got leaves. At Hot Springs, 14-year-old thority to expedite the war effort by ance. Mrs. Paul Penna was killed and
Mrs. George Keller critically Injured safety improvements. Baltimore's School
Everett William Bryant, armed with a executive order. Mayor Vincent A. 29, at Presstman and Pulaski Streets,
toy pistol and a bean-shooter, was held Scully of Waterbury, 46, died; he was when their car was struck by a C. M.
St. P. and P. locomotive at Linton. was destroyed by fire. Joseph A. Clarke,
for extortion after he tried to force a succeeded by John S. Monagan. Charles Baltimore buildings engineer, received
grocery chain to give him $1,500. Dr. A. Lindbergh is doing special research Several persons were injured when
three cars of a Pennsylvania train were threats from persons objecting to en-
J. D. Riley, superintendent of the with the United Aircraft Corporation forcement of safety laws in war-
Booneville Sanitarium, was named at Hartford. Frederick A. Jubb, 89, derailed near North Judson.
crowded dwellings. Thirteen men in
chairman of Gov. Adkins' Tuberculosis former State legislator, died at Dan- Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset
Control Commission. Henry Thomas. bury. At New Britain, Qoward W. IOWA Counties, one a constable, were under
44. Negro, was sentenced at Rison to Smith was charged with murder, ac- Exclusion of home-canned goods from V. S. indictment in connection lotth the
die for the murder of Mrs. Harry cused of shooting James Thompson af- rationing spurred lowans' Victory Gar- operation of more than 30 stills on the
Veteto. ter finding him under a bed in the den program. A sow on the Floyd Metz- Eastern shore. Dr. Howard A. Kelly,
Smith apartment. Gov. Baldwin ap- ger farm near Davenport bore 27 pigs. famous Johns Hopkins' physician, and
pointed William J. Cox state highway Frank G. Pierce of Marshalltown ques- his wife died the same day. Other Bal-
commissioner for another four-year tioned the power of communities to en- timore deaths: The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Al-
WHO miMttl) IT? term.
force blackout ordinances. At Frank-
ville, a stove explosion killed Mrs. Mel-
bert E. Smith, editor of the Catholic
Review and pastor of St. Mary, Star of
TTIK.6 Ellis Arnall succeeded Eugene Tal- vin Borseth and her mother. Mrs. Madel the Sea, Catholic Church; Lobon Sparks,
< TMI* t I M * « • M C M M « >
madge as governor, immediately tackled Moore. Blythe V. Conn, Burlington, president of the Timonium Fair.
the State's $36,000,000 debt problem. was named Des Moines County attorney
SEND £/-^A-^^ Atlanta police used tear gas to rout J. during the army service of C. T. Cline.
Two Catholic schools at Koekuk were MASSACHUSETTS
W. Brewer from his home, after he had closed by measles. Henry Chevalier, 94, Daniel J. McDevitt, new chairman of
MORE threatened to kill his wife. Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Mathis observed their 72nd died at Waterloo. Council Bluffs public the Boston School Committee, is dis-
CA.,^ r^^^-i^ school teachers formed a union. Legis- trict chairman of the 1943 War Fund
MONEY ifUf^ wedding anniversary at their home near
Norcross. East Point ended 1942 with a lators at Des Moines elected Henry W. drive. The Beverly Board of Aldermen
Burma of Allison, House speaker, and elected Dr. Jacob Fine chairman of the
surplus of $82,000. Mrs. B. C. Ingram, re-elected Frank C. Byers. (iedar Board of Health over the incumbent.
29, was killed in an auto accident on Rapids, Senate president pro-tem. State Dr. Elizabeth Fleming. Francis J. O'Neil
If you're writing a note to that pal la the Mahaflfey Cut bridge on the Aud- liquor stores limited sales to one quart will head the Attleboro's Aldermanic
your home town to remind him of that tell-Marietta Highway. Judge Clarence of whisky a week per permit. At Sioux Board this year. The North Adams
hoary slx-blt debt due you, take this advice Ball began a new six-year term on Ful- City, Paul V. Weekley, rubbing one itch-
from an old guardhouse lawyer—DON'T ton County's civil court bench. Wil- School Board chose Richard N. Anketell
PUT IT ON A POSTCARD! liam E. Spence was reelected mayor of ing foot against the other, set his bed afire. of Canton as superintendent of schools
It's ag'in the law to dun anyone on a post Alpharetta. H. O. Hubert Jr., Decatur to succeed Justin Barrett, resigned. The
(or postal) card! (Section 212, Criminal KENTUCKY Rev. Patrick J. Meehan, pastor of Holy
Code March 4, 1909, 18 U.S. C. 335.) attorney, was elected to the legisla-
Will you look at that card above? It ture to replace C. Murphy Candler The three members of the Madison Trinity Church, Greenfield, died. At
would seem that your puzzle editor is in Jr., who's in the Army. George Nichol- County Draft Board at Richmond re- Boston, Francis Gutturna, despondent
hot water. (Maximum penalty under above son, Cracker Party nominee, was elected signed, announcing they were unable to over the death of his wife in the Cocoa-
law: $3,000 line nlns 5 yfars In the clink.) legislator from Richmond (jounty. Two agree on policies. Ashland restauronts nut Grove' fire, killed himself. "Two
But, honest, Jeilers—^it's not really a Georgians were killed when their made Friday "no-meat" day. Lt. Gov. Jehovah's Witnesses members, Charles
dunning card. Just a problem in numerical clothes caught fire; Mrs. Ella Pervine Rhodes K. Myers of Bowling Green R. Atkinson of Arlington and Agbert
substitution. Here, you try it: announced he will run for governor J. Miller of Shelburne Falls, were given
By substituting the proper number (0 to Jewell, 57, in Atlanta, and 3-year-old
9) for each different letter of the alphabet, Kathleen Green of Monroe. Atlanta in the Democrotic primary. Twenty- three-year sentences for draft violation.
translate the post card's message into a deaths: Ernest G. Beaudry, auto dealer, two Evarts men, including the police At Lowell, nine persons were injured
simple problem in addition. The first line, and Charles M. Zattau, former presi- chief and police court judge, were in a fire at the Omaha Packing Co.
SEND, added to the second line, MORE, dent of Foote and Davfes Co. charged with violating the state lou? plant. About 1,400 of Harvard's 3,300
will total the third line, MONEY. prohibiting cock-fighting. A Louisville students will leave at mid-year to enter
lUINOIS vice squad, appointed by Mayor Wilson the armed services or war work, Eng-
Incidentally—while we're on the subject W. Wyatt and headed by Police Capt.
—what IS the difference, olBcially, between The Illinois Terminal Railroad with- lish High School, Boston's largest, closed
a post card and a postal card? drew its petition to discontinue service Charles C. Doyle, made 100 arrests its because of lack of fuel oil. Two bandits
(Solution on page 23.} on the IZS-mile line between Danville, first weekend. in Brookline observed the ban on pleas-

PAGl 10
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27

At Ilaleigh, Gov. Broufhton sent the
General Assembly a budget totalling
$105,060,538 for the 1943-45 biennium,
not including $9,188,629 in bonuses for
State employees in the armed services.
Rep. Ed Tonissen of Mecklenburg
County proposed a bill to repeal the
state income tax; another bill was in-
troduced calling for a statewide prohi-
bition referendum. North Carolina
deaths: Brig. Gen. Cliarles W. Barber,
retired, at Charlotte; Judge Spencer
Bell Adams, 82, at Charlotte; T. AnsUn
French, 52, furniture manufacturer, at
Judge Frank S. Bonham of Cincinnati
Probate Court was seriously ill. C. Tay- '!^^m
lor Handman, Republican, loas nomed
sheriff of Hamilton County (Cincin-
nati) to succeed Fred Sperber, killed
in an auto accident. Twelve bills to
turn Ohio clocks back one hour were
introduced in the new legislature at
Columbus. Gov. Bricker took the oath
29 w

of office for his third term. Bingo games

in Cincinnati garnered $2,334,935 in
1942, sponsors retaining $1,7S2,633. Five
men Escaped from the Youngstotun
T HIS WEEK'S checker problem finds Reds
in trouble again!
The Black King Is attacking the Red
County jail after sawing their way checker on square IS which is definitely
about to become a "dead bunny!" Tlie game
through three doors. Three men were seems to be lost for Red.
killed in a gas explosion at the Belle Yet there is a way out—zmd Red can
Valley mine, Cambridge. still pull a draw decision out of this.
Try to figure out how!
Pvt. Anthony A. Christian of Astoria, N. Y., is worth $190 a month in OREGON The solution is given on page 23, but be-
Rem. W. Thigpen, United Air Lines fore looking it up, number the playing
government money, and here's the reason: a wife and ?J kids, giving squares of your board from 1 to 32 con-
executive, was named Portland's "junior secutively as shown. This will help you to
him an allowance of $140. He's a cook's assistant in the AAF at Atlantic first citiien" by the Junior Chamber follow the moves in the solution.
City, N. J. Before induction, he was on relief, receiving $94 monthly. of Commerce. Ethel Sanetel, 22, a Port-
land stenographer, and John Guynup,
18, returning from a movie, were ser-
iously wounded when shot by MyrI W. in a drive to protect stock and crops.
ure driving, took a cab to a liquor cut their session short. Dr. M. L. El- Thompson, 57, who later committed M. M. Huber, South Houston school
store, robbed the proprietor of $64, and wood of Tbedford quit as doctor for suicide; police said jealousy was the trafiic policeman, faced charges in the
left afoot. Louis Gay Balsam of Cam- the Sanhills Cooperative Health As- motive. hit-and-run death of 7-year-old Jerry
bridge was named director of all food sociation. B. Nelson. Alfred Klaerner, colorful
rationing for Massachusetts. A $100,000 NEW HAMPSHIRE PENNSYLVANIA sheriff of Gillespie County, voluntarily
fire swept the H. L. Green department A four-alarm fire wrecked a paper ended a 20-year tenure at Fredericks-
store in Taunton. Fire destroyed the At Concord, Gov. Blood began his burg, retired to his farm and was suc-
second term and asked the legislature warehouse on Franklin Street, near
Community Theater in Dedham. Spring- Poplar, in Philadelphia. Smallpox ap- ceeded by Robert Loth. W. J. Sloan,
field's Board of Fire Commissioners ap- for war emergency powers. Ansel San- banker, was elected president of the
born of Wakefield was named Senate peared waning in Mifflin and Lancaster
proved a $7-a-week increase in fire- Counties, but Philadelphians were Brenham Chamber of Commerce. At
president, and Sherman Adams of Lin- McAUen, the body of Virginia Esi^n-
men's salaries and a 70-hour week— coln, House speaker. Mayor Robinson of urged to be re-vaccinated and doctors
to start when the war's over. New con- were taking care of 700 a day 'n the laub, 12, was found in shrubs near her
Laconia, seeking a fourth term, is op- home, amid signs of a struggle, a month
struction added $2,980,000 to Spring- posed by Malcolm E. Barney. John L. mayor's reception room. Ralph A.
field's taxable value. Swartz was appointed mayor of Chester after she disappeared. Texas deaths:
Barry, State AFL president, resigned to Judge J. C. Muse, 82, attorney, at Dal-
join the War Manpower Commission. to succeed William P. Lear, resigned.
MICHIGAN Delaware County's oldest Civil War las; W. B. Stone, 61, sociology professor
Fire caused $150,900 daihace to the Kidder Block and the Methodist Church of East Texas State Teachers College,
in Plymouth were destroyed in a $300.- veteran, Charles W. Eckert, 101, died.
Perry PrintlnK Company plant in Flint. The Pittsburgh City Council outlawed at Commerce.
At Coldwater, 16-year-aId Donna Lee 000 fire. Harlan Pearson, veteran re-
porter, columnist and secretary to 1.2 smoking on street cars and busses. The
Simonds began her fourth week of governors, died at Manchester. Several Dairymen's Association of Western VIRGINIA
unconsciousness, due to a skull fracture Nashau homes were damaged in a test Pennsylvania attacked a Pittsburgh or- A manpower survey disclosed a sur-
received in an auto accident. At Detroit, blast near an abandoned railroad bridge. dinance prohibiting the sale of un- plus of labor at Richmond, Roanoke.
one man was killed and 14 were in- Alaric Gauthier, 65, lost his life in a pasteurized milk. Pittsburgh's city de- Danville and Lynchburg, an acute
jured by an explosion at the Lincoln $15,000 fire at the Davidson Construc- tective inspector Walter Monaghan ig- shortage at Norfolk. At Richmond, Paul
plant of the Ford Motor Co. tion Co. building in Manchester. •nored a coroner's jury report, accused Williams, secretary to Judge Pollard,
Sgt. John Poggs, of the county po)ice, entered the Army and was replaced by
MINNESOTA of killing his cousin. Fire swept the
N f IV JERSEY Jack AUcott. Mrs. Elizabeth Patton
The state legislature, opening its bi- Kopp Glass Co. and St. Joseph's Con- Darling died in Richmond, leaving a
ennial session in St. Paul, considered Atlantic City's Garden Pier, famed
landmark, brouoht $100 cash at auc- vent in Swissvale. Arthur Guiterman, $718,000 estate. State colleges and uni-
legislation for the security of service- 71, humorist, playwright and lecturer, versities will lose 3,000 men to the
men after the war. Gov. Stassen called tion, the buyer assuming the property's
$110,000 debt. Jersey City authorities died at Pittsburgh. armed forces at the end of the semester.
on Minneapolis to abandon its "archaic" The body of David Fensom was re-
government for the council-manager said seven arrests had brought an end SOUTH CAROUNA
to bingo racketeers which used counter- covered from the Kanawha Canal in
form. OPA officials ordered revocation Spartanburg's mayor urged a Tuunic- Richmond. Arthur W. James became
of 20 motorists' gas-ration books for feit bingo tickets to win prizes. When ipol income tax. At Brunson, 11-year-
Julius Oliva, 29, was arrested on a state security officer for the OCD, to
speeding. Minneapolis and S t Paul old James Fennell was charged with the guard against sabotage. E. L. Layfield
groups began organizing a join airport charge of attempting to rifle the poor shot-gun slaying of his brother, Johnnie. of Raleigh, N. C , bought the old First
commission in line with state aeronau- boa; at St. Lucy's Catholic Church in 18. The Masonic building in Sumter was Presbyterian Church building in Rich-
tics commission recommendations. Wal- Jersey City, he explained: "I had lost damaged in a $100,000 blaze. George mond for $30,100. Richmond's Safety Di-
ter Rapatz, 18, confessed a Minneapolis several hundred dollars at dice ond I hogue, his wife. Sue Logue, and Clar- rector Herbert closed the Juke Box
holdup for which Ms brother, Henry, came to church to pray that I'd win it ence Bagwell died in the electric chair night club, charging overcrowding. Dr.
23, is serving time in Stillwater Prison. back." Gov. Edison warned the state's at Columbia for the murder of Davis R. Manton Wilson succeeded Dr. J.
The Most Kev. Leo Dinz was inaugu- 167th legislature at Trenton that unless W. Timmerman in Edgefield County. Hamilton Scherer as Richmond city
rated as coadjutor bishop of the Cath- it modernized New Jersey's 98-yeaT-old coroner. The Richmond bar recom-
olic diocese of Winona. Susan Dietzel. constitution the federal government At Columbia. Senator Edgar A. Brown
of Barnwell was elected president pro- mended Councilman Harold C. Maurice
76. of Campbell, was still missing two would exercise greater power over the for substitute justice of Police Court,
weeks after she disappeared. At St. State after the war. Atlantic City of- tem of the Senate, and Rep. Sol Blaft
of Barnwell was re-elected speaker of Part II.
Paul, the Minnesota Supreme Court ficials have increased the tax assess-
ruled that 6-year-old Judith Ann Ash- ment value of Father Divine's "Heaven," the House.
croft shall remain with Mr. and Mrs. WISCONSIN
the Briflontine Hotel, from $26,050 in TEXAS Aetinc Gov. Goodland asked the leg-
Walter N. Jensen of Minneapolis, de- 1942 to $107,540 in 1943.
spite her mother's-plea tfor her custody. The University of Texas medical islature at Madison to limit its session
Judith Ann has lived with the Jensen's NEW YORK branch at Galveston looked forward to to 90 days. The warehouse of the E. R.
since she was five months old. A fire prevention probe in Buffalo re- early removal from probation by the Godfrey Company in Milwaukee was
American Medieal Association. As the gutted by fire. Three men were fined in
MISSOUU sulted in the questioning of the oper- Texas legislature convened at Austin, Milwaukee for violations ot the federal
ators of five night clubs—Little Harlem, its main problem was state finances, price ceilings on Ures. Milwaukee postal
The Columbia-Fulton Senatorial Dis- Club Merry-Land, Havana Casino, Bro-
trict elected a Itepublican for the first due to heavy revenue losses from gas employees are to work 48 hours a week.
gan's and Club Moonglow. A Buffalo rationing. E. L. Barmore. former mayor, Ralph S. Kingsley of Kenosha will re-
time in history, giving the Senate a board of review dismissed intoxication
17-17 party tie. The House is Repub- died at San Benito. In Hidalgo County. main chairman of the State Council of
charges against Assistant Desk Chief 104 coyotes and 12 bobcats were trapped Defense.
iican, 94-56. Faust heirs of St. Louis Lt. Willia.Ti J. Olden. Roy K. Brocket!
tried to give away their $150,000 Italian was elected chairman of the Buffalo
•mansion, probablv ujill u>recfc it to save Board of Supervisors for the fourth
taxes. Gas rationing knocked some bor- time. Kenneth Piper, Buffalo FBI head,
der Missouri county-seat towns out of was transferred to Washington and was
the marriage-mill business. Mayor succeeded by Duane Taylor. Butter
Becker told scrap collectors to "come brought $1.50 a pound at Niagara Falls.
and get" four old connon on the St. Mrs. Phyllis King of Worcester, Mass..
Louis City Hall lawn. Marion Bennett, jumped to her death from the 21st floor
Republicon Tiomince and son of the late of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in N e w
Congressman Phil Bennett, was elected York. Former Lt. Gov. George H. Cobb.
to succeed his father in the Sixth Con- 79, died at Watertown. Three execu-
gressional District. ' tives of the Niagara Daily Press, Her-
man B. Sommer, Addison B. Sommer
NEBRASKA and Cecil Edward Cutting, were in-
The first carload of Omaha-made dicted for falsifying circulation figures
pork tnshonka, prepared according to to increase advertising. Dr. Solomon D.
Russian specifications, left for Russia. Deren, psychiatrist, died at Syracuse.
Nebraska fanners raised $182 ol a $1.- In New York City, Guillermo C. Castro.
600 fund to send seed oats and seed 27, walked into a police station, an-
barley to Russia. Gov. Griswold told nounced he had killed his girl friend.
the Nebraska unicameral legislature to Carmen Colon.

Eugenie Jackson, of Donald Shaw, 2 2 , being S N o , a Braille writing set. Pvt. Al
s I a8«8%?«si.s>n Hartford, Conn., MARCHER sworn into the Army in iPJflE f H. Bommer, at C a m p Roberts, C(
doesn't miss the snow at this California resort. N e w York City, w a l k e d 145 miles to report. writes letters on it to his blind girl every week i

Tyrone Power, who's had lots of P|y I This G e r m a n truck driver

action in movies, starts out for the *'»* " died at his post, over-
real thing as a private in the U. S. M a r i n e Corps. taken by N e w Zealanders chasing Rommel.


• ;'J t W a r correspondents in Africa

^ * give a hand to Lt. John Lyie,
a colored soldier commissioned from the ranks.

Ardelle OeBaere tries out new w o o d e n .% 7 | * * il J ' -', P*'- Benjamin H.

bed springs, made of steam-bent birch, -•~ i# I .- . Burton gets a kick
and soys it's not b a d . This w i l l save a lot of metal. out of a Fiji Islander's hair. He ought to!



11 Once a Russian brigadier gen- The U.S.S. 8/ake/ey, her bow b l o w n off by an Axis torpedo, m a n a g e d to plow
rls-t e r a l , Alexandre Barmine is now into a Caribbean port for repairs, then m a d e a 2,000-mile journey to Phila-
just another U.S. A r m y rookie, fixing his bunk. delphia, where a new bow w a s grafted on her. She's back on the high seas now, in aood shape.
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7

IT'S THE GNATS let 4-202 entitled "How to Fight

Hopeless McGonigle is a very ins Dirty," he points his finger at the

^ewEtN *c ims
teresting person. Things is always bean and says, "Eat it."
happening to him from out of a clear Hopeless sees that further conver-
sky. He is like "My Sister Eileen" sation will avail him naught, as. it
from the picture of the same n^me. says in the high-class literature, so
Hopeless and me is members of he reaches down with his fork to
the AEF, which means Americans beans in the gravy, then the butter "I just ate," says Hopeless. "I ain'tspear the bean which immediately
Exiled in Florida and not what you on the beans, then the olives on the hungry." gets up and flies away.
thought. The part of Florida which butter, then the pickles on the olives. "Then why didja take the bean?" "Dam those gnats," says the cook,
we are exiled in is very hot, but the This is G.I. style and is very handy real embarrassed.
weather ain't so bad. As a' matter because you get a little bit of every- "I was himgry then." Hopeless is sore about the whole
of fact it is the gnats that bother us. thing on the fork at one time which "Ya can't throw that bean away," thing, but me, Stripeless, I just
That's why what happens to Mc- is a very efficient way to dine. says the guy in white. "Don't you laughed because I know that if
Hopeless also gets himself a cup and there that food will win this war Hopeless could read he would under-
Gonigle happens. is probably a Marine
It's like this. of iced tea which is made by having someplace what would like this stand what happened. After all, ain't
It's about 11 o'clock in a bright a Chinese KP look very intently at bean?" there a big sign over the mess hall
sunshiny day, so Hopeless decides a tub of cold water. "OK," says Hopeless. "You give door what says, " L E I NO MISTAKE GO
to feed his face. With Hopeless, to When Hopeless sits down at his me his name and I will send it to UNCORRECTED, EAT ALL THE FOOD ON
think is to act, especially when it is table he notices three guys what is him." YOUR PLATE."
nature what is calling, so he ankles ready to pass out from lack of air. This disgusts the guy in white, so - S « t . L. A. BRODSKY
over to Mess No. 2. After sweating "Open them windows," yells Hope- with a real mean look on his face 325 Base HQ & AB Sgd.
out the line in front of the G.I. cafe less. like is advocated in training pamph- Marianna (Fla.) Army Air Field.
he passes through the screen doors This is sedition and a slight case
and enters. of mutiny as it seems that the mess
The air is very heavy in the joint. sergeant has a suspicion that open PVT. MULLIGAN by Cpl. Larry Reynolds
In fact, the air is so heavy that you windows in the mess hall is illegal.
don't breathe it, you just cut off a So he says to Hopeless, "Whaddya
chunk and suck on it for a little mean open them windows?"
while. But this ain't so bad. It ain't Hopeless is always ready to en-
so bad like the gnats. gage in interesting repartee so he
retorts, "I mean open them win-
This confirms the mess sergeant's
suspicions so he peers into Hopeless's
face and says, "I think Fm going to
report you to the FBI as one of them
there saboteurs. You got a under-
ground look."
Hopeless is insulted by this re-
sa.i^^n. mark so he gets up to leave, espe-
cially because he ain't got no more
to eat.
The gnats like G.I. food. In fact This maneuver brings forth action
the gnats like it so much that they from a gimlet-eyed Joe what is
enter right into the spirit of the dressed in white and is holding up
thing and float in the gravy. This one of the walls. "Where ya goin'?"
ain't so bad either, because gnats he asks.
taste sweet and don't hurt the gravy. "Out," says Hopeless.
In fact, Hopeless is of the solemn "Eat everything on your plate,"
opinion that it makes the gravy taste says the G.L house dick.
better, which ain't so bad either be- go^^&i^
"I did," says Hopeless.
cause after the perspiration from "Who ya foolin'?" asks the guy
his low brow gets diluting the gravy what is a assistant cook because he
it takes something like the gnats to was a varnish mixer until his num-
give it strength again. ber came up. "Look at the food on
Anyway, Hopeless passes down yer plate."
the receiving line in Ptomaine "Tliat ain't no food," says Hope-
Tavern and gets bis plate loaded less. "That's a bean."
with goodies. First comes the meat, "Bean, schmean," says the Joe in
then ttie potatoes on the meat, iben white. "If it's on yer plate it's food. "Shueksl Here comes the top kick. I suppose we'll have
the gravy on the potatoes, then the Eat it." to police up th' area."

Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27


HERE THEY ARE Macblll fiM, Tampa, Hm.

C n . Mfll VOZA'
Fort tragt), N. C.
Camp Carson, Cob.
Camp Grant, iH.
' Now Orkmnt, La.
Fart Bfogg, N. C.
Uaeetn Ajr B O M , Nobr.
Fori Logan, Cah. fort Bonning, Go.
Fort Banning, Go. fort Torrr, N. Y. Utt Vogat, Nov.
fort Bonning, Go. Fort Ord, Cam. «gg$ fioU, Tox.
fort Dix. N.J. Camp Bhnding, fla. APO 818, Now Orloant, La.
APO 33, Fort towis, Waih. Camp San luit Obnpo^ CoDF. B%iBt FiM, E/ Pato, Tox.
APO 264, Camp ChaK—, Ark. KoUy Fiold, Tax. foit Maadnoa, Ariz.
Comp Grubor, Okla. Victorvi/b, Calif. Urt Uv. N.Y.
Bowman fioM, Kf. APO 3195, San Froncbco, Catif.
sot. RoaatT c. WIUOUGHBY
APO B, fort Bragg, N. C.
Kootttr FiM, tihxi, Miu. Camp Young, India, CaHf.
APO 309, rocomo, WaA.
APO 45, N«w York, N. Y. fort Bragg, N. C.
faffM' fioU, Victoria, Tox.
Pino Bluff, Ark. Camp Handing, f far.
Ai*0 919, Sao Frandtm, Calif.
In The "Nuts Sonfo Ana, Calif.
Afomogordo, N. Max.
Comp Upton, N. y.
r v r . EO. V. BRUCE
fort Ord, Calif. fort Jay, N. Y. Coi^p Afarpfcy, f to.
To The Axis" Contest PVT. WAITER J. CIESIA
Army Air Bon, Yakima, Wa$h,
Fort Knox, Ky.
OcMin Grovo, N. J.
•osten, Moit, Camp Gordon, Augvsia, Go. McCfoMan FiM, CaM.
Watt Poinf, N. Y. Gridor Fiold, Pino Bivff, Ark. APO 1227, Now York, N. Y.
To the men listed on this page PVT. ANOELL J. ENGEL PFC. HOBART L. HAU SGT. FEUX U O N
Camp Sholby, Mia. Mkoli Lako Gunnory, WaA. Tyndall Fiold, Fla.
V/illiams Fiold, Chandlor, Ariz. Plonf FioM, lampa, Fla. fort Myort, Fla.
for one year. Their messages to CPL. AlVIN H. BLOHM PVT. AUSTIN F. CHAPIN S/SGT. JOHN F. ZIE6UR
the Axis Big Shots were judged Fori Banning, Go. Camp Stowart, Go. Htmttlon Fiold, Calif.
the 1 0 0 best by YANK's staff of Fort Myon, Fla. Fort loovonworth, Kant. WilBams fioM, Chandler, Ariz.
enlisted men. Some messages Tyndall Fiald, Fla. Fort Bonnjng^ Ga. Camp Gordon, Ga.
^^ will soon be broadcast PVT. JAMES F. HUGHES
Buckloy Fiold, Colo. APO 997, Soatllo, WaA.
Btadtoy Fiold, Conn.
APO 827, Now Orloant, La.
Fori Loonard Wood, Mo. Fen BHu, Tax.
StttHi; Wath. Fort McPfiorson, Go. APO 827. Now OWoonf, l a .
Ctfnip Bowf*, T«x. Bttinglon Fiold, Tax. APO 838, Now Orloons, lo.
AfO 14, San Frandaeo, Calif.
'^i Fori lowlon, SoaHl; Wath. Fort Monmoirfh Hosp., N. J.
Ccm^ Uvtngstofl, to, APO 27, San Francitco, Calif.
Sie«x FaUt, S. Dak. APO 825, Now Orloant. La.
APO 825, Now Orfeani, la. APO 825, Now Oriaont, l a .
Fort Bmining, Go. APO 643, Miami, Fla.
Hill Fiold, Ogdm, Utah APO 944, Saallla. Wath.
i-iSia APO 998, Soattio, Wath.
APO 981, SoaHia, Wath.
APO 828, Now OrUant, La.
APO 982, SMttfe, Wath.
Camp Crowdor, Mo.
Sv Camp WUlo. Ore.

To Tojo:
Here Are A Few Winning Messages . . . Look, Tojo, my mother is an
There is a bit of floating dirt
American and when she gets mad Called "The Land of the Razzing
My name is Cawley. I am an that we must kneel along with other she is a cyclone, my dad is an Ameri- Son,"
American, 26 years of age. My par- nations—that we shall know the can and when he g:ets mad he is a That hides a goggled, biicfc-toothed
ents were born on the other side cruelty and hate and fear that he tornado, and I am an American and twerp
where life was hard and people were has brought to so many other people when I get mad I'm a raving wave Named "Tojo, the son of a bum."
pushed around even before Hitler. in other lands. We have seen others of destruction. And I'm mad, so look
They knew fear and hunger, but fall and taken in. But we are going Now, this message is meant to warn
*"*• -S/Sgt. JOHN F ZIEGIER him
even out there they knew there was to keep the freedom we found here. Hamilton fiold, CalH.
an America. They talked about it, When I left home, I promised a That a fool is naught but a fool.
dreamed of it, scrimped for it. little girl to bring back Hitler's mus- And when those ears are ready to
So they came over here, strangers tache. I mean to keep that promise. I'm just a private in Uncle Sam's trim.
in a strange land. They were wel- Army, in the service since Nov. 13. We'll furnish a hat and a stool'.
Fort Myert, fla. - P v t . T. J. CAWLEY
comed, not as foreigners, but as 1941. I am a Japanese-American, so -Sgt. MARK R. CURILOVIC
American.^. To Adolf Hitler; you can see I'm sort of behind the Camp Crowdor, Mo.
They settled where they pleased, Ih reply to your shoutings of the "eight ball," but here's my short-
worshipped the way they pleased. past 10 years, we regret that at pres- wave to Tojo: I'm Jewish and proud of it. That
They cried the first time, they voted. ent we have no lebensrauni for you, "Doolittle was only the beginning is, my religion is Jewish. I'm an
They sent me to a free public but can supply you with an un- as he flew over Tokyo and said: 'So American, bom and raised in Cali-
school. They trained me. They made limited amount of room for dying. sorry, big mistake, excuse please.' " fornia. This is a war that we Ameri-
me a free man. We lived in peace, We also regret that we cannot If I had Doolittle in my squad, I'd cans are fighting but we who are
we lifted up our heads. The freedom give you the earth, as you request. do a little more and there would be Jewish have more to fight tor than
was so real you could almost touch The present owner, God, has no in- no more Tojo, and no "so sorry, big just a good scrap. We saw what you
it as you walked. tention of giving it up, but we are mistake, excuse please." did to our people in Europe and it
Today there are people who want arranging to supply you with six So let's all do a little more with won't happen here. We're coming.
to take that freedom away from us. feet of it. —A/C DONALD REINES
Gen. Jimmie Doolittle! Hitler. Look out!
An evil maif named Hitler has sworn Williams Field, Ariz. Camp Grant, III. - P v t . FREDDIE SHIGAKI Plant Field. Fla. -Sgf. STAN RUDEE

Fl,, ^ .It

Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27

'^^^'iimmn ^&AMim

BROADWAY: Army Military Police Sylvia Paioff works in the Finance

and Navy Shore Patrols are teaming Department of the Brooklyn Army Base
up to police New York's Times and Lt Comdr. Fog is chief of the
Square area. One MP and one S P Navy Shore Patrol for the West Coast.
go the rounds t o - m *#;./ . . . Brothers Gin Wong, Ngay Wong,
gether East ^ " * Wing Wong, Chow Ham Wong, Her-
and West Coasts bert Wong and Ken Wong lined up
still can't agree at the San Francisco Army Reception
over what's a good Center A Fort Bliss (Tex.) sergeant,
play. "Cry Havoc," back from pass, showed the gate MP
the all - feminine his identification card. The guard
play about nurses stared, gulped, finally let him in. The
on B a t a a n , w a s card read: "Dear Rosemary: Why
cheered in Los An- can't you give me your phone num-
geles and hooted ber and address? I hope I can come
in New York where to know you better. Yours —." . . .
it ran only a few Ethel Merman First all-corporal wedding in the
performances. . . . Army was celebrated at Detroit
First rousing musical hit in a long when Cpl. Alvin Makowski of an
time is "Something for the Boys,'" armored division married WAAC
with Ethel Merman, Allen Jenkins Cpl. J u n e E. McDonald of Daytona
and Cole Porter songs. . . . "This Is Air Base, Fla. The Cpls. Makowski
the Army," now on the road, has honeymooned five days in Detroit,
grossed $2,000,000 for Army Emer- then went their separate ways.
gency Relief. To limit volunteers for overseas
MUSIC: The inevitable song about combat service, headcjuarters at Mari-
the Gremlins has come through. anna Air Field, Fla., issued this order:
Called "Gremlins in the Groove," it "Only men who have earned a chance
is the work of Lionel Hampton. . . . to go to a combat unit by hard work,
Woody H e r m a n diligence and loyalty will be selected
has waxed an ear- for such assignments as a reward.''
ful of swing called . . . 2nd Lieut. John Piribek gradu-
" Y a r d b i r d Shuf- ated from Coast Artillery OCS at
fle.". . . And the Camp Davis, N. C , last October, his
Merchant Marine brother Martin in November, and
has adopted "Men brother J e r r y in December Home-
of the Merchant sick Cpl. George Borthel of Camp Shel-
Marine" as its of- '/ see Horvath has had his dates to these dances before." by, Miss., asked for and got a three-
ficial song. Com- day pass. Grabbing an overnight bag
p o s e r is E n s i g n he hiked 20 blocks to the hutment of
Jack Lawrence, Cpl. Adndri Akita and Pvts. Sam
who wrote "Yes,
My Darling Harry James G.I. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Wgent and Sol Lish, where he spent
the next three days. Cpl. Borthel
Daughter.". . . Every known poll for had lived there before he was trans-
leading musician of the year went to ferred to his present unit. . . . S/Sgt.
Harry James, who must be good. . . . Chester of the FA at Camp BrecJcen-
Les Brown's latest quartet is com- ridge, Ky., is the double of Sgt. Joe
posed of two brothers and two sis- Louis, with two exceptions. He looks
ters whose average age "is 16. No like Louis, belongs to the same race,
draft will blow here for awhile. has the same height, weight and age.
The exceptions: Joe is in the Cavalry
HOLLYWOOD: The Hollywood mar- and—well.
riage picture seems much as it was. OC Eugene Gelsman of the Air
despite the absence of most male
actors in the armed services. Ann Force OCS at Miami, Fla., wanted a
Sheridan is divorc- coke to '•oothe his sore throat. He
ing George Brent; stuck p nickel in his barracks' coke
it is rumored Brent machine and out came a bottle, and
may marry Ilona another, and another. Speechless OC
Massey but Errol Gelsman waved his arms, gurgled,
Flynn denies the pointed. The squadron lined up.
report he and Ann passed in review as the machine set
will wed. L y n n up free cokes for the entire outfit.
Bari is getting rid . . . Lt. Col. William R. Tomey of Fort
of one husband to ACROSS
McClellan, Ala., was walking the fir-
"The h a m
take on another. Devilish little what ."
ing range, asked the name of one of
Mrs. Victor Ma- fairy. 24. Adolf. Benito, the men firing. "Pvt. Costello. sir,"
ture is in Reno Ilona Massey Officers s h o u l - and Hirohlto was the reply. "Coach," asked the
clearing the way der hardware. a r e feeling colonel, "what is your name?" "Pvt
- One i n t e r -
for Mature's marriage to Rita Hay- p r e t a t i o n of Noise t h a t goes Abbott, sir." . . . Theater No. 2 at Fort
worth. The Mickey Rooneys are re- nude pictures. with fainting Dix was showing "Wildcat." a rip-
in the comics.
ported close to another bust-up. 10. Our super Day ( S p a n i s h ! . snortin' Western. Suddenly the film
Claire Trevor is telling it to a judge. chef, t h e cook sound was cut off and a voice over
13 This and They
The Jack Oakies are rifting. And saddles. down t h e old the public address system said: "Will
Anne Shirley is reported ready for 14 T h e la-dy ol pine t r e e . Sgt. Vermilion please report to base
to-marr-owV Crapshooter's
matrimony again, now that she and next m o n t h ' s headquarters." When the sound track
John Payne are no longer wed. . , . 15. You can't
w h e n ya
pay was cut on again the next speech
Mae West's figure is the talk of the Wife's favorite heard was: "That's the rat I was
town. She has added 20 pounds and gotta go. sport.
20. For the gen- Second plane talking about!"
it's said a new wide screen will be eral only. operator.
needed to show her next picture. 23. S k u n k s and (Solution on page 23.,
O u r Pacilie
z e b r a s have enemy.
ALL AROUND: H. E. Dunton of 'em! What a b u r g l a r
49. we meet 4. Near.
Birmingham, Ala., shattered the 26. U. S. military
Man and beast
5. T h e y asked
for it.
world's rope-jumping record with 28. S i m p l e soldier
s t a g g e r e d into 6. Reserve
If you're a YANK subscriber, a n d
8,360 skips an hour—1,112 more than (non-complex, By o u r good
abbr.) c a m p , a n d his officer. uncle. have changed your address, use
his nearest rival. . . . George Jessel's 31. Do ya like to was 7. 16th p r e s i - One end of a
autobiography will be published d e n t ' s first ship. this coupon to notify us of the
drink yer ? dragging.
soon. . . . Carole Landis was mar- 32. Military 51. One who name. If you dood change. M a i l It to Y A N K , The
intelligence. " r e s t s " wliile 8. Stop color. it, you'll be
ried in London to Capt. Thomas C. 33. Way things on fatigue 9. A t t e m p t . b a r r e d from
A r m y Weekly, 2 0 5 E. 4 2 n d Street,
Wallace of Pasadena, Calif., a pilot a r e looking detail. 11. Looeys the ranks! N e w York City, a n d YANK w i l l fol-
in the Ferry Command. . . . The 34. F e m G.I.s 55. - Tokyo, (abbr.) The paper- low you to any part of the w o r l d .
Richmond Times-Dispatch listed Sgt. 35. Kid's toy set. via B e r l i n . " 12. Brigade h a n g e r likes
m i n u s t h e K. 56 K i n d of police headquarters. to be Mr.
Ted Yaryanamong among the 12 37
Industrious — m a r c h i n g to 16. " you How to learn
outstanding women of the year be- little bugger. t h e left. like it." things. F U l l NAME AND RANK SERIAL NO.
- cause of his performance as Sylvia 39. An army "Forward!" 17. "I'll T a k e " and be-
outfit, ( a b b r I (abbr.) hold! A frail!"
in "The Women" at Camp Lee, Va. 40. Hawaiian A concluding Fanilla."
T w o things,
thought. (Moldy
food. enougii o n e of t h e m a O l O MILITARY ADDRESS
42. No tires, gas. for ya?) female dog.
Leslie Brooks so w o m e n
1. Tidal m o v e -
18. S a y i n g " t r i p "
w i t h a cold.
Greater part
of a hip.
Be s u r e and
about. ment. 19. What and w h o NEW MILITARY ADDRESS
If you can cast your eyes on the oppo- 45. Federal crime 2. T h e big b a d w e ' r e fighting write to your
lion. for. Aunty Air-
site page without automatically uttering does not p a y !
20. " T a k e it on t h e craft.
47. It's a sad 3. Adrift on an " W a i t i n ' at t h e
on " A H " ^hen you ore flot feeUng well thing with the ice . lam, k i t t y ! "
gate for ."
and ^ « » i f i go on sick coll. Leslie's latest 21. Tic's t w i n .
end lopped.
"Gtfr-- -
rmy Weekly * JANUARY 2 7

THE pmerrs CORI^ERED Noncoms have their chevrons.
Lieutenants have their bars.
Colonels have their eagles, ''
Nor cJl^jw/r pwiy and wH Generals their stars.
Shall Ivrt) H batk to cancel half a 'infe.
"^Ov """--^^ Omar K., Pfc. 1st Pyramidql Tent Co. What, then, has the private
Fastened to his arm,


^tr^^^^ I'll make up t h e army of occupation TEXAS ItEVEME
Or resting on the shoulder
Of his uniform?
Only this (but tell me.
I am the butt of the soldier's joke, And stay on the job for victory— Now Texas is part of our great Who'd not like the same?):
At me the sailors their lampoons The unlimited service of the poor domain.
MP. On his a r m or shoulder.
poke. To be cherished, just like the rest. One delicious dame.
Does victory depend on me. And the soldiers raised on this
T h e limited service, bedevilled MP? I walk my post in a military - U . RICHARD ARMOUR
manner. great terrain Antiaircraft Artillery
With stalwart heart, if quavering There is little glory to tinsel my All swear by it as the best.
stand, banner. PItOFIlE
I take the situation well in hand Does victory depend on me. The reason for this is hard to b e Pvt. Jones my patience taxes
When the husky marine is on a The limited service of the poor MP? missed. Though I'm the most patient of
spree. Like a dog with his precious bone; men:
The "off limits" sentinel, the sober Please, God, when you've handed The one place dearest to all of us He thinks that a prophylaxis
MP. round t h e glory, i Is that wonderful place called Is a side view of Adolph a n d Ben.
Find a place at the end of the home. -S/Sgt. lOUIS FOX
When the carrot-fed aviator, d a r - thrilling story
For the contribution to victory T C A B , Charleston, S. C.
ing and sky-eyed. Now home is wherever w e hang
Misses his train because he is p i e - Of t h e limited service, bedevilled our hat, SUPPUCATfON
eyed, MP! Or barracks bag, 1 should say,
YES, VICTORY DEPENDS ON M E ! Let me not fear the battle's roar.
I steady his step because, you see. And we gripe sometimes of this Or dangers flying overhead.
That's a limited service of the - C p l . DENiS McGENTY and that. Nor weaken me at sight of gore,
grounded MP. Presidio, San Francisco, Calif. With our thoughts at home far But strengthen me. Oh Lord,
away. instead;
1 guard the work of the steady
man LEST MTE FOXGET Though bullets whine right past
Who works to build the best h e Many a mound this w a r has seen. But soon we'll have that ape on my ears,
can In distant lands and near; the run. I pray to take it all in stride;
The ships, t h e planes, the guns,— Many a spade has clawed the earth The one that started this row. Lift u p my head and banish fears,
you see, Midst shot and shell and fear. And when we do, believe me you. I've faith, for right is on my side.
My service is limited to just MP. We'll p u t him in hell—and how!
Many a m a n has gazed upon If He is just, as we have learned.
Armed with a night stick, a b r a s - That hollow wide and deep. And merciful a n d true and kind.
Now Texas might be the biggest He'll walk beside a n d steady m e .
sard a n d whistle, Some with blistered hands.
And some I did see weep. state. Encouraged, I'll find peace of
In rain and snow, I hope that this'U And flyin' weather the best.
Somehow help in t h e victory— mind;
"The limited service of the poor MP. Many a m a n will ne'er forget But when I'm lucky and get a Though I be fallen in t h e figh<r,
As h e silently tread by,- break, I'll rise again, as rise I must
That there once stood his com- I'll get me out of t h e West. To march always beneath His light,
Poor vision, fallen arches, over-age rades— For in my God, I put my trust.
or too short, Men like you and I. -Pvt. ALFRED BASKIND
1 do the duties of a catch-all sort All the cactus' coyotes a n d sage
For the men who got credit for And when the strife is over. brush. TCAB, Charleston, S. C.
victory— The soldier and marine And the scent of the orange trees— COJIPOItAlS
The "behind the scenes," the b e - Will ever see before them I'll leave it all to t h e natives,
For a cornfield ripe in t h e breeze. Corporals, though opulent.
devilled MP. That field G.I. latrine. Are very seldom corpulent..
When the heroes come home with
adulation, Australia Moore Field, Tex. Scott Field, 111.

^tlt ^at ^actieris Club .ie-l'"^ : seem that way now. Everything is off
limits after 7 in t h e evening, t h e r e is n o

( D u e s 10c e v e r y 5* years) other place for a G.I. to go except t h e
Dear YANK: small p o r t of 10 o r 12 stores.
Oh the eventful night of Dec. 25, 1942, Some of us have made friends with
a new club was formed by three of the some of t h e civilians here. H o w a r e w e
enlisted personnel of Dow Field, Ban- going to visit them if we can't go into
gor, Me., and officially named the Sad town a b o u t a mile from camp? T h e r e
Dear YANK: ing them flying should become master a r e about 90 MPs t h e r e a n d they will
Backers Club. It was voted that dues In tlie event of my death, would my sergeants. slam you into t h e brig if they catch you
would be 10 cents every 50 years or wife receive the following benefits, pay- Did the sergeant ever think of the in town after 7. T h e higher-ups give a
portion thereof. In other words, a mem- able each montti: 1) An installment on responsibility that the crew chief has? dance about one or t w o times a week
bership taken out between now and Dec. my insurance; 2) Veteran's pension, pro- If he looks at the engineer, who is from for t h e officers a n d t h e girls of t h e is-
25, 1992, will cost 10 cents. However, a vided she doesn't remarry; 3) An addi- private on up in whose hands rests a land, b u t never is anything held t o r t h e
member taking out membership Dec. tional amount for the support of my quarter of a million dollars maybe, he enlisted m e n . The only thing t h a t keeps
24, 1992, or any day prior would have child until he reaches the age of 18; will not worry too much about the small us going is a movie n o w a n d then.
to pay an additional 10 cents on Dec. 4) 6 months pay gratuity? matter of a clerk getting above the Please include t h i s in your next isspe
25, 1992, in order to keep up member- —Sgt. SIDNEY RACHIIN grade of corporal. of YANK; we G.I.s would like for t h e
ship. Camp Howze, T e x . As the sergeant put it, let's get b ^ k higher-ups to know h o w we feeL
It was voted to allow all servicemen of these men that deserve all the rating
and women and desirable civilians to I> if your w f l * im umdf 30 years of 094, sJie -Pvt. FRANK E. AUEN
w a » M r t c u v * 248 •qital mamtUf p a y n M M at rfc* the Army has to offer and let the clerk
join upon recommendation of a sad ro*« af S5J1 p»T thomtuKl of t k * Govariuaaaf « - come next. _f^^ , ^ THEURER Overseas
sackei and approval of at least two of svrmc* yov amy. for mnmmptOf H yoo carry «
the three officers of the club. The pri- llfOOS poiicy, yovr wife or buMAciory, w o v M ana R. C. MOSER
mary purpose of the club is to create rccnv* fSJi every moMfc for 30 y e a n . H yov AAF, Hendricks Field, Fla. Dear YANK:
good fellowship and to link more close- carry a JIO,SO0 policy, tlie would rcceiv* $55.10 ITie leg stuff and sports in YANK are
ly all branches of the service and civil- eocfc sMMk for 2P year*. If yoor wife i* over 30, Dear YANK: really okay. But most of the stories gag
poymenl wouM be mode for life. If 30, a SIO,000 Yovir artist, illustrating the story of me. For instance in the Oct. 21 issue,
ians in one friendly group. While the policy woidfl bring her lit JO per momh for
club was formed in the spirit -of fun. it life; if 40, sbe w m i M receive I4S.00 per month the moonlight bombing raid over Bur- Sgt. BUI Richardson, YANK correspon-
is sincerely hoped by the officers that for life; if 50, sfce wowM ft SS3.P0 inoirtMy for ma in a recent issue [YAOTC, Dec. 23], dent, wrote a touching article on Lab-
by keeping a record of home addresses IHm. (thoro aro iocroaaod benelSte for beoeHciories drew the B-24 bomb-bay doors opening rador which really irks me. Says he,
of i"embers a real reunion can be held of higfcer agre*.> in the wrong way. They should slide up "Some of the G.I.s stationed there have
(quite likely in New York City) after 2) In tho eveot of yovr death, your widow, if the sides, not hinge open like a trap been away from the cities in the States
SO years of age or yoiniger, w e v M receive a a whole long four months!" I'm speak-
the war. montMy petsioe of S30.00. If your widow 19 ever door- -Pvt. P. SEE6ER
Weekly meetings of 8 P.M. every Mon- 50, slie wotfid receive 535.00 per month. Keesler Field, Miss. ing for a ^ang of guys when I say the
day at the Pilot's Grille in Bangor, Me., 3) Your rh'M, H 10 years o M or yowlger, wooM nearest thing to a "fUly" I've seen in
are contemplated for those that can receive tO.OO per month. If he is over 10, he would Dear YANK: over 10 months is a picture of Jane Rus-
attend, and everything consumed at get SII.OO per month. Jl before roathiag the age I see that there's some controversy as sell in a straw pile.
these meetings will be a la dutch treat. of 18, the chiid becomes incapable of supporting
himself by reason of physical or montal dofo€t, to where you'll find the best looking Yeah, and that's a lead to take a cut
Persons who are citizens of the U.S. he would tentittuo to receive Komponwation ontil gals. Here's the solution: at Sgt. Georg Meyers who starts off
may apply for membership by mail by sveh deficiencies were corrected. Otherwise, if YOU may sing of charm, and proise with the fairy-tale stuff. I'll bet he's
sending 10 cents and one letter of char- yovr tItiM 1% aouad, is over 10 yeors of oge, atrd
The Texas, Florida and New York been to some of the wild, far-flung out-
acter reference. If accepted, the appli- is studying in an opproved educational institution,
babes, posts such as Kodiak and Fairbanks!
cant will receive five sheets of official he would continue to be oligihl* for benefits vnlU
(a) he gets married or (b^ reached the age of 2 1 . But if you really toant the best. He says every second soldier finds
stationery together with an official Alaska to be much like home.
membership card. All . applications 4) Yes; your wife would be mligiblm for six Your choice is Iowa and the Middle I propose a little trip for some of the
month% pay gratuity, which would be six months W^«*t. _py, fKED JARY
should be sent to one of the three of- of your service pay for the rank you held at the YANK staff. Better they should see the
ficers in care of the address given timto of your deoth. Pendleton Field, Oreg. [censored] than to try to dreamt up one
below. of their beautiful tales out of our Win-
- P v t . P. PARKHURST, PrMtdent Dear YANK: Dear YANK: ter wonderland. Confidentially, fellas,
Sgt. George R. Johnson CYANK, Dec. I am with an F A outfit over h e r e it can't be done.
- S g t . A . Z U F A l l , V i c * Praudent about [number censored] miles from t h e
- P v t . G . MAROTTA, SMy.-Traos.
231 thinks the battery or company clerk If you print this I'll read your damn
should have the rate of staff sergeant thick of the battle on a small island, YANK and promise no more squawks.
The Sad Sackers Club [YANK, Dec. 23]. If these men deserve with a lot of natives and a few h u n d r e d
7th Base Hq. & AB Sq. the rate of staff sergeant then the boys white civilians. I understand t h a t this -Pfc. PAUl J SKEITON
Dow Field, Bangor, Me. in the Air Forces who are really keep- was a [censored w o r d ] b u t it doesn't Alaska

Y A N K The Army Weekly * JANUARY 27

JAN. 2 7 , 1 9 4 3
.tar M M

N THE FIRST DAY OF 1942, China became a formal ally of the U. S..
O pledging her full military and economic resources against the
Axis powers.
Exactly one year later, the U. S. and Great Britain signed treaties
abolishing extraterritorial rights in China. The long history of this
exploitation of the East by the West is described on page 9 of this issue.
But the real significance of the move is its triumphant declaration of
the aims for which we fight: the restoration of countries to their own
In this case, it is the declaration on the part of the free people of
the Western world that the free people of China can rule themselves
in democratic fashion. It is final recognition for the people who over-
threw the rotting Manchu dynasty, who forced the war lords and
princes to unite in a common democratic cause. These are the people
who made the immortal Long March when Japan invaded their coastal
towns—6,000 miles from the farthest point in Fukien on the coast deep
into the northwestern part of Shensi. These men, women and children,
blazing a trail on foot over terrible and impassable trails, carrying fur-
niture, tools, sewing machines—these people set up the new China.
Today, there are 450,000,000 of them, building a new and awakened
China. As fighters they engage from 30 to 40 Japanese divisions. These
Japanese divisions cannot attack American troops in the Pacific or India
or Australia. Neither can they be used against the Soviet Far East. The
Chinese people are giving them all they can handle.
A year ago, China signed the Atlantic Charter. Since then there have
been calls for a similar document in the Asiatic countries. But with or
without documents, China fights on. Veteran of 10 years of war against
a common enemy, her goal is clear: recovery of her lost territory and
the permanent establishment of a free and independent nation.

Drf7/ Vour yNay Through College Ii4'iii.%( T l i a < H e c i i i i r e X«» l i l d i l o r i a l r«»iiiin«'nf

^^^TTTWn^. I |NDER its new specialized training
Horror Tale Nazi Latrinogram
program the Army is sending a
irtJ-^^-ftj^^^-^rVjsjj, Nazi military experts have ex- German factory workers have
X^j li,
m^ * • ^^f^^^^'^^t^S^^^^^T
limited number of enlisted men to col-
sge for basic and advanced training humed Greek mythology to alibi been asked to give further proof of
in such specialized subjects as science, the pasting they're taking in Rus- their "Strength Through Joy" by
engineering and medicine. All told, some sia this Winter. controlling calls to nature during
- — ^ •• - ^ ^ nc
250,000 soldiers will get a year of col- The Monday - morning quarter- work hours.
lege education at a cost to the government of half a billion dollars. back of the Brussels Zeitung, after Also verboten by the Reich min-
Applicants for the basic specialized training must have scored at least groaning that "exhaustion of Rus- istry of labor, says a recent BBC
110 in the Army general classification test, must have completed or be sia appears impossible," drags in broadcast, are "whistling, singing
in the process of completing their basic military training and must have Euripides with this crusher: and unnecessary conversation."
been graduated from high school and be between the ages of 18 and 21 "Last year's phenomenon has Workers caught wasting "a sin-
inclusive. been repeated in supernatural gle minute of time" ou*t of their
Besides these requirements, applicants for the advanced specialized fashion and the Russian Hydra regular 12-hour working day are
training must have had at least one year of college work or its equivalent. again regrows its severed head. threatened with heavy fines or
They need not be under 22. The horrifying tales of last Winter imprisonment by the solicitou.s
The successful applicants will be trained under military discipline in still ring in our ears." ministry.
batches of 500 at some 300 American colleges. Next week: Dracula and the
Seven Dwarfs.
Naval Etiquette YANK it published weekly by the Enlisted
Men of the U. S. Army, and it for tale
The Navy suit is losing its zoot. For economy reasons, Navy officers They Won't Co-operate only to those the Armed Services.
soon will wear gold braid only half way around their sleeve cuffs and The amazing ingratitude shown
considerably less scrambled eggs (gold trim) on the peaks of their hats. by peasants of the conquered
What's more, the Navy has authorized for officers a new Army-style Ukraine for the blessings of the
overseas cap. which will come in blue, white, khaki and green to match New Order was the subject of a
various Navy uniforms. Admiral Halseys officers in the South Pacific speech made recently by Herbert
long ago adopted the overseas hat because it was cooler and less likely •Sf^^
Backe, Reich minister for food and
to sail off into the drink. agriculture, before party axmen at
Native Etiquette Posen, Poland.
Special Service is distributing another book of etiquette to Army "The fuehrer is relieving us
from the choking dearth of space," YANK EDITORIAL STAFF
personnel, this time "How to Behave in North Africa." Here's the dope Managing Editor, Sgt. Joe McCarthy, FA; l a y -
on how to act toward local belles: "A Moslem woman is usually covered the poor minister wept into his out, Sgt. Arthur Weitfaot, DEMI; News Editor, Pvt.
from head to foot in a plain white wrapper, with a white veil stretched ersatz beer, "but it will be a Justus Schlelxhauer, Inf.; Pictures, Sgt. lea Hofet-
ler, Armd.; Features, Sgt. Douglas Borgttedt, SU;
across her face just beneath the eyes. Never stare at her. Never jostle permanent blessing only if it is Cartoonist, Sgt. Ralph Slain, Med.
her in a crowd. Never speak to her in public. Never remove the veil. filled with Germans." London: Sgt. Bill Richardson, Sig. Corps.; Sgt.
Harry Brown, Engr.; Cpl. Ben Fraiier, CA.
Serious injury if not death at the hands of Moslem men may result if To prove his point Backe said Cairo: Sgt. Burgess Scelt, Inf.; Sgt. George
these rules are not followed. When you are about to enter a house or a that in 1942 only one trainload of Aorons, Sig. Corps.
yard, call out to the women to cover their faces or get out of the way." wheat had reached Berlin from the North Africa: Sgt. James Burchard, lirf.; Sgt.
You may use the word taghutttt (ta-GHAT-too), like peek-a-boo, which promised land. This trainldad, inci- Robert Neville, AAF; Sgt. Peter Paris, Engr.
means "cover up." dentally, was plastered all over North ArioMic: Sgt. Gone Graff, Inf.
Alaska: Sgf. Georg N. Meyers, AAF.
Not For Heroes with signs proclaiming. "Your sol- Alcan Highway; Pvt. Donald Seely, Engr.
diers send you this food," and it Australia: Sgt. E. i. Kahn Jr.; Sgt. Claude
Fort Clark, Tex., offers this to the Army's campaign to safeguard went—you guessed it—to Nazi of- Middle East: Sgt. Al Hine, Engr.
military secrets. When a soldier goes on furlough he is handed four ficials, military leaders and diplo- I-B-C Command; Sgt. Ed. Cunningham, Inf.; Sgt.
"iron crosses." If he hears another soldier spil- mats. John T. Bcmws, AAF; Sgt. Robert Ohio, MP.
ling secrets over a beer, he hands the offender a Southwest Pacific: Sgt. Dave Richardson, CA;
Sgt. Mack Morriss, Inf.; Sgt. Howard Brodie, Sig.
cross and walks away. "The theory being." said Panama: Sgt. Robert G. Ryan.
Lt. Col. C. B. Wales, the post executive officer, Entire l o w * Copyright, 1943 by Nassau: Cpl. David B. Fold, MP.
YANK, The Army W M k t y , Printad in U.S.A. Pic-
•if he walks up and tells him to shut up, the turvs: Cevor, Sgt. George Aorons. 3, Acme. 6, INP.
Hawaii: Sgt. Merle Miller, Sgt. John Bushemi, FA,
Trinidad: Cpl. Frank H. Rice, Inf.
fellow might take a swing at him. By the time 7, bottom, YANK Staff; right, Acme. 8, PRO, Tyn-
Marines: 1st Sgt. Riley Aikman.
he turns the cross over and reads the printing, dall Field, Flo. 10, PA. I I , Acme. 12, top
Navy: Y3c Robert L. Schworti; Y3c Allen
left, Austrolio Newt t Inf. Bureau; top center,
the lad who handed it to him is out of range." AAF; top center t center, Acme; bottom left, W W ;
Officer in Charge: t.t. Col. Franklin S. Forsberg;
bottom center, INP; bottom right. Special Service, Editor, Maj. Hartzell Spence; Detochment Com-
Add Tough Jobs Camp RoberH, Calif. 13, top, PA; bottom, INP; mander, Copt. Sam Humphfus; Officer in Chorge
center. Acme; left & right center, U. S. Sig Corps.
First assignment to combat-reporters of the 16, Columbia Pictures.
for England, Lt. Col. Egbert While.
U. S. Marine Corps: "Write your own obituary." Full 14-how INS and UP leased wire service. 20S EAST 42ND ST., NEW YORK CITY, U S A .


The diefches tmd story appearing on these pages a m ,<^
the product of YANK's team of eorrespott^ents In the .''^-
South PatiHt area, Sgt. Howard J, Brodie, staff artist ofi •Y
the fighting froaits in this theater, and Sgt. Mock Morris, .v
sta0 writer, have done an excellent lob in bringing to
YMiK readers the strangeness and color of this far*
off place. Moreof their work willappear in an early issue. ,


one of those places in the South Seas

you've read a.bout but, brother, smile when

you use the word "paradise" down here. The U. S.
difference. If you're walking you look both ways,
and if you're driving you head for the side of
the street that happens to be vacant for the
Army isn't on location for a sarong opera.
If the average G.I. stops long enough to take Strange Sights But No Liquor
in the natural beauty of the place, he may set Everything about the island is foreign to a
it down as "picturesque," but he'll have neither newly-arrived G.I. You're apt to speak to some-
the time nor the inclination to say more. body in American and be met with a blank look
However, if operations have stemmed desires or a bewildering line of something that might be
to wax wacky and make with the soft lights and either native, Javanese, French—or a mixture.
sweet music, if certainly doesn't make this spot In town you may pass a row of run-down build-
^P any less interesting—especially if you're a new
Joe and still aren't used to American-made cars
ings, private and public, then run smack into
some modernistic structure that looks like an

A^'f^fJ^''^ with the steering wheels on the wrong side.

In some places farther south you could spot
a newly-minted overseas man because he in-
architect's pipe dream. You step high off the
curbs; the drainage system is strictly public.
In the shops—such as are still able to be open
variably walked on the wrong side of the side- —you can get sandwiches of a kind, delicious
walk and looked the wrong direction when he chocolate, tea, cake, fruit drinks—and at some
15" crossed a street; but here that doesn't make any places, the worst coffee under the sun. Two sand-

Wmmkly • JANUARY 27

wiches, a piece of cake amcU#»everage cost about

70 cents American. /
Liquor for suii-Jil|l^(ited soldiers? Oh, no.
Dates with the looj^pilles? Not today. Junior—
this ain't Main SMft back home, you know. Mu-
sic? Well, yes^HnJie local version of a drug store
there is a j l ^ ^ box like none other you've ever
heard. A lag sign says: "Latest American hits—
'Jingle, jingle, Jingle'; 'Boogie-Woogie; Praise
the Looa and Pass the Ammunition.'" You pass
a nlcjRl over the counter, indicate your selection,
and the girl puts the record on a phonograph.
You'd be surprised how good home-grown jive
But even if this so-called "Paris of the Pacific"
offered Coney Island's amusements, U. S. soldiers
here wouldn't have time to enjoy them. There's
too much going on. Men who have been away
six weeks have trouble in finding their way
around when they get back. You can't escape the
atmosphere of hurry up, hurry up—get it done,
get it done. Sheet-metal quarters glisten in the
sun today where yesterday there was nothing.
Rows of pyramidal tents line a field that this
morning was bare. Prefabricated offices are
pounded together in almost nothing flat by sweat-
ing engineers.
Assorted Arms Under Three Flags
Strange as the bustle of army life must be to
the resident population, the population itself ia
even stranger to the Army. You v/aJk down the
street past tiny Javanese women, barefooted and
with Ute long folds of their skirts hobbling them
at the ankles. They carry their children in sash-
like doth contraptions which only a slant-eyed
little Javanese could appreciate.
The niitive men—nicknamed "Charleys" and
black as the deuce of clubs—are beautifully built
guys who in some cases treat their hair so that
it turns out like a sienna nightmare. Fierce-look-
ing fellows, they're perfect physical specimens.
Their women are just specimens.
BJven so, civilians of any race are the excep-
^m ^^^
tion. Flags of three nations fly here, and the mix-
ture of arms and services is staggering. Most with a green fatigue jacket or G.I. shoes walks grenades under the bodies; like leaving your chin
colorful are the Fighting French; native troops by with a red arm band, and you know why he's strap loose so that the concussion of a close one
with their gaudy headgear and even gaudier in mixed uniform. Marine buddies meet on the won't get under your helmet and snap your neck.
green-striped khaki shorts pace back and forth street and their faces light up and they start oft And the stories those Marine kids can tell you.
on post before military installations. French of- by saying, "What ever happened to Joe at . . ." About the time they cornered some Japs who
ficers manage to look- dignified and comfortable had the habit of pitching back grenades, and
at the same time in khaki shorts and shirts, with Useful Nuggets of Intelligence how the Marines threw cocoanuts at them just
knee-length cotton socks. You pick up odds and ends of information that for fun and the Japs were so excited they threw
For all the bizarre picture-book strangeness of are worth remembering. Things like doing push- the nuts back. But that's just mild. Some of the
the place, the nearness of war is ever present. ups in fox holes during shellings, instead of lying other things aren't funny—the way they fought
Men who have seen action walk the streets, and flat on the ground; like leaving Jap dead alone and how they went in after the Japs and got 'em.
convalescent cases test their legs while perhaps because sometimes their own guys have taken This is a South Sea island at war. Save the
a nurse in khaki lends moral support. A sailor the firing pins out of grenades and laid the "paradise" stuff for Hollywood.

PAOl 31
This Post Exchange, like YANK it- If your contribution misses the
self, is wide open to you. Send mark for any reason, you will
your cartoons and stories to: The receive YANK's special de luxe re-
Post Exchange, YANK, The Army jection slip that will inspire a moie
Weekly, U. S. A. creative mood.

Capt. Larue C. Chapman, squadron

commander at the Roswell (New
Mex.) Air Base, was not without a
reply to a wire asking a furlough
extension from a soldier.
"Whosoever findeth a wife findeth
a good thing. — Proverbs 18:22,"
wired the soldier. "I married today.
On this account request is made for
five days' furlough extension. My
confidence in you tells me I'll re-
ceive grace for such an occasion."
Too hoo, soldier, left nmn«uver. Answered the captain:
- C p l . HOWARD P. SPARSER "Parting is such sweet sorrow.—
Miami Beach, Fla. Shakespeare. Extension denied. My
confidence in you assures me you
will be back on time."
Army Jokes Barksdale Field, La.
If you tan top- these Army jokos, lot
YANK know H. Rib-ficfclers yow send in
will be printed with fuH credit to you.
A rookie on trash detail was mess'-
ing with the garbage cans outside
the mess hall. The mess sergeant
wandered outside, saw this yardbird
poking a stick in the garbage pail,
and roared at him in his toughest
"G'wan, get inside the mess hall
and eat. You're no better than the
rest of them."
- C p l . SOL KESSIN
34th General Hospital
Brigham City, Utah
"Confound you," roared the gen- "lAiss You."
eral. "Why don't you be more care-
ful?" - C p l . S. LANDI ^A "^(k^
"What do you mean, sir?" Hq. Btty., AA Command
"Why, instead of addressing this Richmond, Va.
"Are you sure we're going to Fort DixT'
letter to the Intelligence Office, you A soldier went into a barber shop
addressed it to the Intelligent Offi- Fort Belvoir, Va. -Cpl. LEONARD SANSONE
after a gruelling 30-miie hike. He
cer. You aught to know there's no slumped down into a chair.
such person in the Army."
"Give me a shave," he said.
The barber told him that he was
Hawaii too far down in the chair for a
These are the soldiers' loves, in "All right," said the soldier wearily,
order of importance:
P r t : 1) Himself. 2) Chewing gmn.
3) Beer.
Pfc.: 1) Himself. 2) Beer. 3) Stripes.
"Give me a haircut"
- C p l . WILUAM H. COU
Camp Livingston, La. T HE ODD THING was his voice: he
was angry and tense, worked up
as hell, and yet his voice was
calm and he never stopped working.
"I ain't got no time to beef. Hell,
what vou think this is—the Boy
"Oh, a hero," the kid said, wink-
Cpl.: 1) Stripes. 2) Himself. 3) Beer. This is how our duty sergeant We were digging a hole for gar- ing at us.
Sgt.: 1) Himself. 2) Himself. 3) organized the platoon to police up bage. The earth was hcird and it was "Hero? You're just a kid. What do
Himself. a certain area: a hot day and we were tired—^and you know?"
- P v t . RAY MURRAY He divided the platoon into three sore that we had been hooked for a The kid said: "Enough not to break
North Ireland groups: college graduates, high- lousy detail. We kept stopping every my back."
school graduates and the others. To few minutes to beef and bull. That "You talk like you was doing the
Angry Officer: "Not a man in this the college men he assigned the task is, the three of us beefed. This Government a favor," the Polish guy
regiment will be given liberty this of picking up cigarette butts; the yellow-haired guy with the Polish said, his heavy muscles moving with
afternoon." high-school men were told to pick name never said a word but kept each shovel of dirt. "You talk as if
Voice: "Give me liberty or give me up match sticks. working. He was big and beefy, a you had a . . . a choice." The word
death." "The rest of you guys without any little older than the rest of us, quiet, burst out of him. I saw his face, red
Officer: "Who said that?" education," he said, "can stand the kind who does his work and loses with anger. But he kept working as
Voice: "Patrick Henry." around and learn something." himself in a company. I think some- if he wasn't even talking. "What
- C p l . WIUIAM H. COU - P v t . THEODORE JOHNSON body said he was a miner—^he had choice do you think you have? Your
Fort Bragg, N. C. the thick shoulders of one. fine jobs. Ever hear of slave labor in
Camp Livingston, La.
A kid leaned on his shovel and the Nazi-conquered countries? Long
asked, "Ain't this hell? Been in the hours and no pay? And your cars
Army two months and 1 seen more
'(?7fC ncme/ of a shovel than of a gun. Maybe
we're going to dig our way to Ber-
and homes. Did Hitler let the French
or the Greeks' keep their cars or
lem^ffteO/J^ lin."
homes? They stf ip the country bare.
Girls—you know where your girls
"Listen to him," the other soldier would end up. You know all right!"
said, lighting a butt, "two months! I His voice was easy, casual, but he
been in 10 months—and this ain't was working faster and faster, his
YANK, The Army Weekly, ofRcial soldier- nothing—just a tough way of mak- arms going like a machine.
written publication of the Armed Forces, ing a buck 60 a day. This is easy." We were too surprised to speak.
is like a big, 24-page letter from home. It was a big hole, nccirly eight feet We stood there and stared at him.
To get your copy by mail every week, deep, and we all stopped except the
Polish fellow. I said, "Take it easy, Suddenly he looked up at us for
fill out this coupon, send it with one Mac, we got all afternoon on this." a moment.-
buck to YANK, 205 E. 42nd Street, New "Yeah, he must thmk he'll find "Forget me shouting like this," the
stripes under the dirt," the kid said. miner said and we saw that he was
York City. crying a little. "It's this hole. I got a
"On the outside they pay a buck an
hour even for pick and shovel work." cousin in Poland, just a kid. The
Nazis made him dig a hole to bury
35 ISSUES OF YANK-ONE BUCK! "The other soldier sighed, "Man— the women of the town. A big hole,
the outside! Great to be back on the like this. Then they told him to
old job. I was making 60 per when throw up his shovel and climb out,
Uncle called. Plenty of dough and and they machine-gunned him. A big
FUll NAME AND RANK SER. NO. girls, new car, nothing G.I." hole he dug—^like this." He stopped
We stood there, smoking and talk- and his voice rang in the stillness.
MILITARY ADDRESS 1-33 ing about our homes, our jobs, girls
—bulling and bitching about the He kept digging. For a few mo-
Army. And all the time he kept ments w e still stared at him, then
YANK, The Army W e e k l y , 205 E. 42nd St., N e w York City shoveling. Finally the kid asked: we iall started working, working si-
"Hey, you—what are you trying to lently and hard.
do, make a showing?" - P v t . U N ZINBER6
The Pole said, without looking up: Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio

PAGE 3 1
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27


^ ^ * ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ -"L ^ ^ • D I I T rfStJktSD
F WE w e r e s m a r t we'd probably skip this ^ffii •*

I delicate subject entirely and t u r n to the

s q u a r e root of wrestling evils or the life
and loves of Cpl. Billy Conn. T h a t is if we fc'
were smart. But w e ' r e young in mind and
light of h e a r t and forever getting unwittingly
involved in an a r g u m e n t .
For some time now w e ' v e been forced to
defend ourself against a pair of 37-mm lungs
belonging to a first sergeant. It all started
w h e n he began g r u m b l i n g t h a t the ancient
athletes of his b e t t e r days had more on the
ball than the p r e s e n t - d a y gladiators. It might
be well to mention t h a t this d i a m o n d - s t u d d e d
zebra is an imposing product of the old school
of which the old A r m y is a subsidiary. His
memories go back to w r a p p e d leggins, c a m -
paign hajs, high collars and t h a t d a m n hitch
in the canal zone.
We don't believe the sergeant would give
you a t h r e e - d a y pass for a regiment full of
Louises, DiMaggios, Sinkwichs or Sneads.
T h e m a n has mellow memories of old-timers
like Ty Cobb, W a l t e r Johnson, J i m Thorpe.
H a r r y Vardon and J i m Corbett. Even his
mournful musings, with unimpeachable rec-
ords to back him up, h a v e n ' t shaken our con-
fidence in the modern men of today.
We are told t h a t Walter Johnson was the
greatest pitcher who ever t h r e w a baseball,
and Babe Ruth certainly the greatest slugger.
Stories h a v e even reached our ears t h a t Tris
Speaker has been the yardstick by which
fielding greatness is measured. Maybe so, but
w e ' r e modern and h u n g r y for an a r g u m e n t .
We'll take Chief Petty Officer Bob Feller's
steaming fast ball and b a c k - b r e a k i n g curve
to any pitch Johnson hurled at a batter. Feller
can mix his stuff. Johnson couldn't.
You o l d - t i m e r s can talk about your slug- you know Harry Vardon, God rest his soul, left hook and getting his head ripped o.i.
gers, the Ruths and the Cobbs, all you want. must h a v e t u r n e d completely over when J u g In football, tennis and track, the o l d - t i m e r s
We'll spot you t w o strikes and t a k e our McSpaden shot 1 2 - u n d e r - p a r 59 a t Houston. must lift their hats while o u r boys of t h e
chances with Aviation Cadet Ted Williams, And to think in a s t r o k e - f o r - s t r o k e c o m p a r i - fierce 40s go passing by. J i m T h o r p e in his
Lt. Hank G r e e n b e r g and p r i v a t e - t o - b e Joe son with Snead, J u g is just a n o t h e r guy wildest d r e a m s never smashed a line with
DiMaggio. These boys are t h u n d e r o u s hitters named J u g . more b r u t e s t r e n g t h t h a n Lt. J o h n K i m b r o u g h
under much h a r d e r playing conditions. The Sgt. J o e Louis, we believe, could belt any or Cpl. Norm Standlee. Show us the passer
ball p a r k s a r e bigger now, fences longer, and h e a v y w e i g h t silly. He would h a v e butchered the equal of S a m m y B a u g h or t h e kicker to
there's night ball. Sure, Speaker could field, fellows like Fitzsimmons,-Sullivan, Jeffries, match the golden slippers of Eric ( T h e Red)
but we'll take our putouts with Joe Gordon. Johnson and Corbett. The illustrious Lt. J a c k Tipton. W h e r e is the r u n n e r out of the past
DiMaggio, Eddie Miller and Bill Dickey. Dempsey, at his killer best, would h a v e been to challenge galloping Glenn C u n n i n g h a m ' s
Old man par. a badly battered gentleman, blasted out of the ring in the fourth round. indoor mile of 4:04.4 or G u n d e r Haegg's o u t -
will bear us out that H a r r y Vardon and Capt. Dempsey would have moved in on Louis door record of 4.04.6? F o u r N u r m i s r u n n i n g a
Bobby Jones can't hold Seaman S a m m y weaving much like Godoy did, and you know relay couldn't do it. How long do you think
Snead's bag. This sailor is truly Mr. Golf. what a helpless hunk of m a n Godoy was Bill Tilden could last u n d e r Donald Budge's
None of the boys in the old knickers brigade when they hauled him to his corner. Comdr. stamina, speed or blasting b a c k h a n d ?
can match S a m m y ' s 64 at Miami or for that Gene T u n n e y would have lasted longer, m a y - You might call all of this just solid, s t r e a m -
m a t t e r his "7" in the National Open. Don't be eight rounds, before r u n n i n g into a Louis lined sense.

207 6/g leag\jer% Now in Armed Forces MSoiujioNsm

Maybe Brig. Gen. Hershey ought gia. Sinkwich reports for training in W t TO PUZZLES ^ ^
to know that he's got a million-dol-
lar baseball club, enough golfers to Wild Pitch March. But first he will make a foot-
ball movie for Columbia Pictures.
fill five or six Ryder cups, more box- Fort MacArthur, Calif.—Pri- The Marines have another prize
ing champions and near-champions vate Charles H. Ruffing—civil- in Hugh Gallerneau, right halfback
than 'Mike Jacobs has handled in 10 ian experience: baseball player; of the Chicago Bears and former
years, and enough football players employer: New York Yankees Stanford star. He was commissioned
to round out an average-sized Notre —tells this one about his first a second lieutenant and ordered to
Dame football, squad. day in camp: Quantico for training.
A late count gave the general and "I understand you are a g:ood Another football man. Earl H.
his partners, the Navy, Marines and pitcher. Ruffing," the first ser- Blaik, who has been in the Army
Coast Guard, a total of 201 major geant said. informally as head football coach at
league baseball players, 116 of them "Well, I'm a pitcher," Ruffing West Point, has returned to active
from the American League. Even replied. duty with the rank of lieutenant
these staggering figures didn't cool "Okay," barked the sergeant, colonel in the Cavalry. Col. Blaik is
the general's enthusiasm. He dipped "let's see how fast you can pitch a West Point graduate and a prod-
back into the big leagues and came this tent!" uct of the Fort Riley Cavalry School.
up with Pistol Pete Reiser, the slug- Two top-flight tennis players, Helen
Jacobs and Frankie Parker, have a) Red moves 15 to 10. Black jumps 7 to 14.
ging centerfielder of the Dodgers; The Coast Guard has first call on his b) Red moves 31 to 26. Black moves 14 to 17.
Ed Albosta, Pittsburgh's new 24- been mustered into service. Miss (Because if he moved 21 to 25. then Red
services. Jacobs is an officer candidate in the would draw immediately by 26 to 22.)
year-old righthander, and veteran Football players have been ush- c) Red moves 9 to 13. Black moves 18 to 22.
Euel W. Moore, former New York WAVES at Smith College. She hopes d ) Red moves 26 to 23. Black moves 21 to 25.
Giant pitching star. ered into the Army in such tremen- to become a public relations officer. e) Red moves 23 to 18. Black jumps 22 to 15.
dous numbers that now the selec- Parker, who was the nation's No. 2 t} Red jumps 13 to 22 to 29 .. . and the game
Nobody had to tell Lippy Leo tive service considers them a drug man last year, will specialize in avi- is drawn!
Durocher, the Dodger skipper, that on the market. This is not true of ation camouflage in the Army. Note that every black move has been forced.
he was as good as gone. The general the Marine Corps. They have always Still another headliner finds him- EYES RIGHTT
ordered Durocher to take a physical insisted on nothing but the best. self in the Army. Clayton Heafner, Both the same. Measure them and see.
examination, the usual preliminary Frankie Sinkwich, everybody's all- one of the leading money winners WHO DUNNED ITT
before you-know-what. Joe DiMag- everything, was grabbed up as a Post cards are those manufac-
gio, perhaps the greatest player in on the pro golf circuit, was inducted 9567 tured by private persons.
Marine officer candidate while he at Camp Croft. Heafner had been 1085 Postal cards are issued by the
modern baseball, says he will enlist. was still an undergraduate at Geor- in defense work at Durham, N. C. Government, and have the stamps
10652 printed thereon.
PAOf 23

S&T DI1.L.



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