African Clipper: 6 / Fhe Men - . For The
African Clipper: 6 / Fhe Men - . For The
African Clipper: 6 / Fhe Men - . For The
^19 43
VOL. I, NO. 33
6 / fhe men . . for the
men in the service
With an antiaiKratt machine gun not
foo far awtxy, Sgt. Orland McCol/, who
wsecf to be a barber baek in Boston,
Moss., Hints a evstomer on the North
African desert. Tlie guy getting clipped is
T/Sgt. Aime Lemieux of Pall River, Mass.
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the metallic chorus of insects breaking t h e still-
ness of the night.
We finally reached a spot where the road
ALLIED HQ. dipped between rising slopes of ground. This was
where the enemy position was supposed to be.
The jeeps stopped and turned around, the get-
away car about 200 yards behind ours. Driver
Graw stayed with it.
PAGt 3
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
gests you watch out for a couple of jokers. First, war. If killed in this country, and you have no
notice that you take your gravy for being a sol- executor, then the tax is due six months after
dier ($250 if single, $300 if married) but there's you left the service, which in the case of death
no line on which to write the deduction. Make is a date obvious even to a tax collector.
an extra line for the purpose. See footnote 2; it The way Jhe tax bill lines up, the only sol
tells you all about it, but don't overlook it or who are going to be hard hit by taxes are
you'll pay more than you have to. The other geants and officers. So there's justice in the*
joker is that if you file the short form, your wife bill, for sure. •*
must file one also, if she made any money on One other thing to remember. The T r e a i i t y
her own account during 1942. watchdog likes to collect its share of all i t W ^
crapshooting and poker winnings. You can^c ej-*'"''
Postponement For Men Overseas duct only the amount of
Now, who has to pay the tax when it's due on your losses by the same
March 15? route. So if you're a big
If you're overseas, you get an automatic post- money winner you'd better
ponement until the 15th day of the third month keep quiet about it. If it
after the president proclaims we are no longer gets in the papers that you
at war against Germany, Italy and Japan. But won $1,500 on the convoy
at that time, brother, you must pay the back going over, the tax man is
taxes, or request a further postponement until going to look and see wheth-
you get your hands on enough money. So you er you entered it as faxablj
are just postponing the headache. By "overseas" income.
is meant anyone in our Armed Forces stationed
abroad. Being on a boat is considered overseas,
too. If you are still abroad on the 15th day of
the third month after the war ends (as most of
you will be), you still have to pay up, but Con-
gress probably will fix it so you get another auto-
matic postponement.
If you're in this country now, you pay. You
get the income tax form from any collector of
internal revenue. Somebody in your camp will
probably be designated by the commanding of-
ficer to get a batch of these forms. If you were
a Hollywood glamor boy and owe $100,000 taxes,
and obviously on your G.I. pay can't raise the
money, you can ask the collector of internal rev-
enue to postpone your tax until after the war.
But you have to prove to the tax collector that
you can't raise the money. That's what Joe Louis
is trying to do right now.
The chances are that unless you made a big
pile in 1942, you'll have to pay the tax unless
you're overseas. If your income has all been from
Army pay, the chances are you'll be told to get
it on the line at the proper time. The longest
postponement you can get in any case is six
months after you're out of the Army.
Suppose you get a postponement, and then get
killed in the war. Your heirs are stuck with the
amount you owe. That amount is due three months
after an executor of your will is appointed. If
you're overseas, the tax isn't due until after the If you h a v e cof/ecfed any convoy change, keep mum. Treasury watchdogs never miss a boat.
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T SGT. 114 1368 136.80 1641.60 97 0 145 7 24.70 22.20 38.38 35.88
M SGT. 138 1656 165.60 1987.20 149 17 206 64 39.10 36.60 55.66 53.16
2D LT. 150 1800 180 2160 218 85 279 146 58.80 58.80 76.80 76.80
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N O T E : This chart, prepared by YANK, presents the purely hypothetical case of a soldier who
stays with one rank oil year and receives no money except his Army pay. It's not Intended
to show you how much you owe—you've got to do your own figuring, soldier.
fAGl 5
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
In Puerto Rico, war-dog sentry is released by Pvt. Louis Robbins. On Aruba, in the Caribbean, this gun crew has camouflaged its position.
PAOt 6
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7
on the group scoreboard when the ships had r e - accommodations are usually in inverse ratio to Meteor back home. You stay put in your own
turned to their base: your conscience. compartment for t h e duration, except for 10-
Maj. Bruce K. Holloway, one Zero, one 1-97, When the train is under way, you get a rough minute breaks when you make way for the
one 1-45; Capt. John Hampshire, three Zeros; idea of what a desert sandstorm is like. Dust sweeper. You also take time o u t for meals.
Col. Robert Scott, two Zeros, one JU-52 trans- and soot swirl through under the window sills At meal time, you get out on the platform and
port, probable; Lt. Charles Dubois, one Zero, one and door jambs, depositing a half-inch layer of walk up to the dining car where you eat. When
1-97; Capt. Edmund Goss, one 2fero, one 1-97; dirt on the compartment and everybody in it. you're finished, you sit there until the train stops
Capt. Burrall Barnum, one 1-97, one 1-97, prob- At every stop, you get out on the platform to at the next station. Then you can return to your
able; Lt. Lubner. one Zero, one 1-97, probable; start breathing again while an attendant sweeps compartment. On trains w'nich have no dining
Lt. Dallas d i n g e r , Lt. Jack Best, Lt. John Lom- out the compartment for the next lap. cars—most of them don't—the engineer just stops
bard, Lt. Harold K. Stuart, Lt. Hollis M. Black- First-class passengers have a few extra com- over at any convenient town for an hour or so
stone, Lt. Robert A. O'Neil, and Lt. Donald M. forts. They have shower baths in the washrooms while you eat at a nearby restaurant.
Carpenter, one Zero each; Lt. Col. Clinton Vin- so that they can whiten up occasionally during Time is not important to the engineers here,
cent, one 1-97: and Lt. George R. Barnes, one the trip. There also are air-conditioned cars— according to Sgt. John Screen, of New Orleans.
2^ro, probable. produced by wafts of cold air given off by cakes Screen was on a train crossing the desert just
Just to make the history complete, T/Sgt. of ice in a tin box on t h e c o m p a r t m e n t floor. at sundown one day. Suddenly, the train stopped.
Adam R. Williams and Sgt. Broughton, of the If you're on an overnight trip, you don't ac- The engineer climbed out of his cabin, knelt in
bombers, each had one 1-97 and Sgt. MacLaugh- tually need your shelter half but don't forget the sand and bowed towards Mecca for his
lin had one 1-97, probable. S/Sgt. Douglas Rad- your two G.I. blankets. You bring your own regular evening prayers. Fifteen minutes later
ney had one Zero, probable. That makes a score bedding on Indian trains. The railroad furnishes the train resumed its journey.
of 24 confirmed and six probables with the pur- only the berth—a long leather-covered seat oc- But Pvt. Earl Davis, of Portland, Me., is the
suits getting the lion's share. cupied by three passengers during the day. authority on Indian rail transportation. Davis
Yes—the AVGs are gone but the U. S. Army There's one important thing to remember when handles the mail and spends four days of each
Air Force keeps the "No Trespassing" sign held you waken in the morning. Don't open your eyes week on a train. At nights, during his three
high over China. _ s ^ JQHN P. BMNES before brushing off your eyelids with a handker- off-days, Davis never sleeps in a G.I. bunk or
YANK SlafF Cetmpemhnt chief. Otherwise, you'll h a v e t w o peepers full anything resembling a bed. Instead, he curls up
of t h e grime that collected during t h e night. on the back seat of a jeep. He claims it's the
Indian coaches have no connecting doors, so only w a y to keep in shape for his j o b .
Any Similarity Between India Trains you can't stroll through the aisles looking for -Sgt. ED CUNNINGHAM
lonesorhe blondes, like you do on the Silver YANK Staff CarrMpMMUnl
And the Sonto Feis Purely Imaginary
N E W DELHI, INDIA—It's a rare G.I. who hasn't
griped about American troop trains being like
lousy cattle cars. But brother, you should get
a load of what we've got down here.
The first thing you learn about Indian trains
is that they're contrary to all military tradition.
You don't "hurry up and wait" when you catch
a train here. You just wait.
If your train is scheduled to leave at 6:30 A.M..
you get up at 7 A.M. eat chow, pack your bar-
racks bag, march down to the station and then
take a little snooze for yourself. If you're lucky,
the train may pull in by 8:30. There are a few-
cases on record where the trains were only two
hours late. But they were express trains.
American enlisted men in India travel second
class. The flrst-class compartments which seat
six and sleep four are reserved for officers and
white civilians. Second-class compartments seat
nine and sleep six. the occupants usually being
U. S. or British enlisted men and Indians. Third-
class coaches, used only by natives, seat from
30 to 50 on h a r d wooden benches.
Indian trains operate on the honor system.
They don't have conductors. You simply show
your ticket to the gatekeeper when you enter the
station and turn it in to another gatekeeper at
your destination. All of which means .second-
class ticket holders often ride first class. Your Enemy approaching! And, somewhere in China, American pilots race for their P-40s.
PAGt 7
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7
plane, enables it more successfully to carry out his guns working, located the ME in his sights
Gable Becomes Aerial Gunner; its mission against the enemy. long enough to get another short burst into its
He had to complete an intensive course which engine—and again his guns jammed.
He Wins His Wings the Hard Way began with classroom instruction in the mechanics The last burst definitely winged t h e German.
of machine guns, turrets and the identification of The ME started to cough and began a slow d e -
TYNDALL FIELD, F L A . — M G M ' S Clark Gable is enemy aircraft. scent, but it still didn't land. It kept limping like
strictly G.I.
Then he worked out on the firing ranges. He a winged quail, just over the'ground.
Graduating from the Army Air Forces Flexible
shot rifles, shotguns, photo-electric guns mounted Kimball's guns were still out of commission
Gunnery School at Tyndall Field, Fla., the former
in turrets, .30- and .50-caliber machine guns, and but he dropped down alongside the fleeing Jerry.
movie star has fulfilled his ambition of becoming
finally, in the air, from a speeding plane, sent "I motioned him to the curb with my thumb,"
an aerial gunner by coming up through the ranks
machine-gun slugs ripping through cloth tow- Kimball said, "but he didn't pay any attention."
the hard way.
targets. Then, Kimball said, he feinted as if he were
Enlisting as a private last August, he won his In civilian life an ardent sportsman. Gable
commission as a second lieutenant at the Army going to give him another burst, and at this, the
proved to be an excellent marksman. His great- Jerry put his plane on the sand pronto.
est difficulty was when he took his test in "blink- "The last I saw of him," Kimball said, "he had
er code," the communication method used when turned over and burst into flames."
radio is not practicable. Two other pilots in this outfit told how they
One of only two officers to graduate in the had to work a bluff for 25 anxious miles before
class, the rest of which were enlisted men attain- they could shake oflf three pursuing Messer-
ing the rank of sergeant, Gable is well on his schmitts. Capt. Ray Llewellyn of Johnstown, Pa.,
way to the combat duty he has requested. was out on a job and had poured the last of his
The course at Tyndall Field is one of the tough- ammunition into a Jerry airdrome and the cock-
est in the Army. They say Lt. Gable is a very pit of a Macchi 202.
tough guy. On his way home, separated from the rest of
—YANK. Field Correspondent
his squadron, he tangled with three MEs. Llewel-
lyn bellowed for help 'through his microphone
but learned to his dismay that the other boys
If You Can't Get Jerry One Way, also were engaged. He began to feint, dodge and
zoom at the Jerries who, thinking that he was
You Can Sometimes Kid Him to Death trying to line them u p in his sights, also dodged.
A U. S. FIGHTER STATION SOMEWHERE I N EGYPT Llewellyn kept this up for a time, all the while
—It took a traffic cop stunt to do it, but 2nd Lt. heading toward home.
R. W. Kimball, fighter pilot from Minneapolis, It was with great relief that he saw the fighter
Minn., finally bagged his Messerschmitt. of 2nd Lt. Thomas BouUare of Barnwell, S. C ,
On a recent sortie deep into the Western come up to help. But the relief didn't last long,
Desert, Lt. Kimball flew into the middle of a because BouUare only had ammunition left for
hot dogfight. During his maneuvering he found one of his guns. However, by spreading those
G a b l e in fine on qradvation day at Tyndall. himself zooming up under the nose of an ME few shots out thin, BouUare pulled a bluff of his
that was so close he had to cut throttle to keep own, and once more the Germans shied off.
Air Forces OCS at Miami Beach, was promoted to from crashing into it. He managed, however, to During the long, difficult trip home, Llewellyn
first l)<!Utenant after coming to Tyndall Field. get a quick burst straight into the ME's radiator and BouUare took turns bluffing the MEs off each
Forty-two years old. Gable went through the and engines. other. After 25 miles of this, during which 'no
same rigorous couise as the men whose ages So close were the two planes that the Jerry's one received a scratch, the MEs finally gave up
ranged from 19 to 25. coolant, flying from his rid.dled radiator, spat- the chase and the boys highballed home at fuU
As an aerial gunner, he has been trained, to be tered Kimball in the face. He tried another burst, throttle.
one of the men whose deadly marksmanship, but this time his guns jammed. -Sgt. BURGESS H. SCOn
forming a protective screen around the bomber The two fighters roared apart. Lt. Kimball got YANK't Cairo Bureau
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YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7
Equal Riphts to
which the U. 5. and other powers controlled in
China before Japan invaded and before extraterri-
toriality was renounced.
fA6t 9
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
PAGl 10
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
At Ilaleigh, Gov. Broufhton sent the
General Assembly a budget totalling
$105,060,538 for the 1943-45 biennium,
not including $9,188,629 in bonuses for
State employees in the armed services.
Rep. Ed Tonissen of Mecklenburg
County proposed a bill to repeal the
state income tax; another bill was in-
troduced calling for a statewide prohi-
bition referendum. North Carolina
deaths: Brig. Gen. Cliarles W. Barber,
retired, at Charlotte; Judge Spencer
Bell Adams, 82, at Charlotte; T. AnsUn
French, 52, furniture manufacturer, at
Judge Frank S. Bonham of Cincinnati
Probate Court was seriously ill. C. Tay- '!^^m
lor Handman, Republican, loas nomed
sheriff of Hamilton County (Cincin-
nati) to succeed Fred Sperber, killed
in an auto accident. Twelve bills to
turn Ohio clocks back one hour were
introduced in the new legislature at
Columbus. Gov. Bricker took the oath
29 w
Eugenie Jackson, of Donald Shaw, 2 2 , being S N o , a Braille writing set. Pvt. Al
s I a8«8%?«si.s>n Hartford, Conn., MARCHER sworn into the Army in iPJflE f H. Bommer, at C a m p Roberts, C(
doesn't miss the snow at this California resort. N e w York City, w a l k e d 145 miles to report. writes letters on it to his blind girl every week i
11 Once a Russian brigadier gen- The U.S.S. 8/ake/ey, her bow b l o w n off by an Axis torpedo, m a n a g e d to plow
rls-t e r a l , Alexandre Barmine is now into a Caribbean port for repairs, then m a d e a 2,000-mile journey to Phila-
just another U.S. A r m y rookie, fixing his bunk. delphia, where a new bow w a s grafted on her. She's back on the high seas now, in aood shape.
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 2 7
^ewEtN *c ims
teresting person. Things is always bean and says, "Eat it."
happening to him from out of a clear Hopeless sees that further conver-
sky. He is like "My Sister Eileen" sation will avail him naught, as. it
from the picture of the same n^me. says in the high-class literature, so
Hopeless and me is members of he reaches down with his fork to
the AEF, which means Americans beans in the gravy, then the butter "I just ate," says Hopeless. "I ain'tspear the bean which immediately
Exiled in Florida and not what you on the beans, then the olives on the hungry." gets up and flies away.
thought. The part of Florida which butter, then the pickles on the olives. "Then why didja take the bean?" "Dam those gnats," says the cook,
we are exiled in is very hot, but the This is G.I. style and is very handy real embarrassed.
weather ain't so bad. As a' matter because you get a little bit of every- "I was himgry then." Hopeless is sore about the whole
of fact it is the gnats that bother us. thing on the fork at one time which "Ya can't throw that bean away," thing, but me, Stripeless, I just
That's why what happens to Mc- is a very efficient way to dine. says the guy in white. "Don't you laughed because I know that if
Hopeless also gets himself a cup and there that food will win this war Hopeless could read he would under-
Gonigle happens. is probably a Marine
It's like this. of iced tea which is made by having someplace what would like this stand what happened. After all, ain't
It's about 11 o'clock in a bright a Chinese KP look very intently at bean?" there a big sign over the mess hall
sunshiny day, so Hopeless decides a tub of cold water. "OK," says Hopeless. "You give door what says, " L E I NO MISTAKE GO
to feed his face. With Hopeless, to When Hopeless sits down at his me his name and I will send it to UNCORRECTED, EAT ALL THE FOOD ON
think is to act, especially when it is table he notices three guys what is him." YOUR PLATE."
nature what is calling, so he ankles ready to pass out from lack of air. This disgusts the guy in white, so - S « t . L. A. BRODSKY
over to Mess No. 2. After sweating "Open them windows," yells Hope- with a real mean look on his face 325 Base HQ & AB Sgd.
out the line in front of the G.I. cafe less. like is advocated in training pamph- Marianna (Fla.) Army Air Field.
he passes through the screen doors This is sedition and a slight case
and enters. of mutiny as it seems that the mess
The air is very heavy in the joint. sergeant has a suspicion that open PVT. MULLIGAN by Cpl. Larry Reynolds
In fact, the air is so heavy that you windows in the mess hall is illegal.
don't breathe it, you just cut off a So he says to Hopeless, "Whaddya
chunk and suck on it for a little mean open them windows?"
while. But this ain't so bad. It ain't Hopeless is always ready to en-
so bad like the gnats. gage in interesting repartee so he
retorts, "I mean open them win-
This confirms the mess sergeant's
suspicions so he peers into Hopeless's
face and says, "I think Fm going to
report you to the FBI as one of them
there saboteurs. You got a under-
ground look."
Hopeless is insulted by this re-
sa.i^^n. mark so he gets up to leave, espe-
cially because he ain't got no more
to eat.
The gnats like G.I. food. In fact This maneuver brings forth action
the gnats like it so much that they from a gimlet-eyed Joe what is
enter right into the spirit of the dressed in white and is holding up
thing and float in the gravy. This one of the walls. "Where ya goin'?"
ain't so bad either, because gnats he asks.
taste sweet and don't hurt the gravy. "Out," says Hopeless.
In fact, Hopeless is of the solemn "Eat everything on your plate,"
opinion that it makes the gravy taste says the G.L house dick.
better, which ain't so bad either be- go^^&i^
"I did," says Hopeless.
cause after the perspiration from "Who ya foolin'?" asks the guy
his low brow gets diluting the gravy what is a assistant cook because he
it takes something like the gnats to was a varnish mixer until his num-
give it strength again. ber came up. "Look at the food on
Anyway, Hopeless passes down yer plate."
the receiving line in Ptomaine "Tliat ain't no food," says Hope-
Tavern and gets bis plate loaded less. "That's a bean."
with goodies. First comes the meat, "Bean, schmean," says the Joe in
then ttie potatoes on the meat, iben white. "If it's on yer plate it's food. "Shueksl Here comes the top kick. I suppose we'll have
the gravy on the potatoes, then the Eat it." to police up th' area."
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
To Tojo:
Here Are A Few Winning Messages . . . Look, Tojo, my mother is an
There is a bit of floating dirt
American and when she gets mad Called "The Land of the Razzing
My name is Cawley. I am an that we must kneel along with other she is a cyclone, my dad is an Ameri- Son,"
American, 26 years of age. My par- nations—that we shall know the can and when he g:ets mad he is a That hides a goggled, biicfc-toothed
ents were born on the other side cruelty and hate and fear that he tornado, and I am an American and twerp
where life was hard and people were has brought to so many other people when I get mad I'm a raving wave Named "Tojo, the son of a bum."
pushed around even before Hitler. in other lands. We have seen others of destruction. And I'm mad, so look
They knew fear and hunger, but fall and taken in. But we are going Now, this message is meant to warn
*"*• -S/Sgt. JOHN F ZIEGIER him
even out there they knew there was to keep the freedom we found here. Hamilton fiold, CalH.
an America. They talked about it, When I left home, I promised a That a fool is naught but a fool.
dreamed of it, scrimped for it. little girl to bring back Hitler's mus- And when those ears are ready to
So they came over here, strangers tache. I mean to keep that promise. I'm just a private in Uncle Sam's trim.
in a strange land. They were wel- Army, in the service since Nov. 13. We'll furnish a hat and a stool'.
Fort Myert, fla. - P v t . T. J. CAWLEY
comed, not as foreigners, but as 1941. I am a Japanese-American, so -Sgt. MARK R. CURILOVIC
American.^. To Adolf Hitler; you can see I'm sort of behind the Camp Crowdor, Mo.
They settled where they pleased, Ih reply to your shoutings of the "eight ball," but here's my short-
worshipped the way they pleased. past 10 years, we regret that at pres- wave to Tojo: I'm Jewish and proud of it. That
They cried the first time, they voted. ent we have no lebensrauni for you, "Doolittle was only the beginning is, my religion is Jewish. I'm an
They sent me to a free public but can supply you with an un- as he flew over Tokyo and said: 'So American, bom and raised in Cali-
school. They trained me. They made limited amount of room for dying. sorry, big mistake, excuse please.' " fornia. This is a war that we Ameri-
me a free man. We lived in peace, We also regret that we cannot If I had Doolittle in my squad, I'd cans are fighting but we who are
we lifted up our heads. The freedom give you the earth, as you request. do a little more and there would be Jewish have more to fight tor than
was so real you could almost touch The present owner, God, has no in- no more Tojo, and no "so sorry, big just a good scrap. We saw what you
it as you walked. tention of giving it up, but we are mistake, excuse please." did to our people in Europe and it
Today there are people who want arranging to supply you with six So let's all do a little more with won't happen here. We're coming.
to take that freedom away from us. feet of it. —A/C DONALD REINES
Gen. Jimmie Doolittle! Hitler. Look out!
An evil maif named Hitler has sworn Williams Field, Ariz. Camp Grant, III. - P v t . FREDDIE SHIGAKI Plant Field. Fla. -Sgf. STAN RUDEE
Fl,, ^ .It
Y A N K The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
'^^^'iimmn ^&AMim
THE pmerrs CORI^ERED Noncoms have their chevrons.
Lieutenants have their bars.
Colonels have their eagles, ''
Nor cJl^jw/r pwiy and wH Generals their stars.
Shall Ivrt) H batk to cancel half a 'infe.
"^Ov """--^^ Omar K., Pfc. 1st Pyramidql Tent Co. What, then, has the private
Fastened to his arm,
^tlt ^at ^actieris Club .ie-l'"^ : seem that way now. Everything is off
limits after 7 in t h e evening, t h e r e is n o
( D u e s 10c e v e r y 5* years) other place for a G.I. to go except t h e
Dear YANK: small p o r t of 10 o r 12 stores.
Oh the eventful night of Dec. 25, 1942, Some of us have made friends with
a new club was formed by three of the some of t h e civilians here. H o w a r e w e
enlisted personnel of Dow Field, Ban- going to visit them if we can't go into
gor, Me., and officially named the Sad town a b o u t a mile from camp? T h e r e
Dear YANK: ing them flying should become master a r e about 90 MPs t h e r e a n d they will
Backers Club. It was voted that dues In tlie event of my death, would my sergeants. slam you into t h e brig if they catch you
would be 10 cents every 50 years or wife receive the following benefits, pay- Did the sergeant ever think of the in town after 7. T h e higher-ups give a
portion thereof. In other words, a mem- able each montti: 1) An installment on responsibility that the crew chief has? dance about one or t w o times a week
bership taken out between now and Dec. my insurance; 2) Veteran's pension, pro- If he looks at the engineer, who is from for t h e officers a n d t h e girls of t h e is-
25, 1992, will cost 10 cents. However, a vided she doesn't remarry; 3) An addi- private on up in whose hands rests a land, b u t never is anything held t o r t h e
member taking out membership Dec. tional amount for the support of my quarter of a million dollars maybe, he enlisted m e n . The only thing t h a t keeps
24, 1992, or any day prior would have child until he reaches the age of 18; will not worry too much about the small us going is a movie n o w a n d then.
to pay an additional 10 cents on Dec. 4) 6 months pay gratuity? matter of a clerk getting above the Please include t h i s in your next isspe
25, 1992, in order to keep up member- —Sgt. SIDNEY RACHIIN grade of corporal. of YANK; we G.I.s would like for t h e
ship. Camp Howze, T e x . As the sergeant put it, let's get b ^ k higher-ups to know h o w we feeL
It was voted to allow all servicemen of these men that deserve all the rating
and women and desirable civilians to I> if your w f l * im umdf 30 years of 094, sJie -Pvt. FRANK E. AUEN
w a » M r t c u v * 248 •qital mamtUf p a y n M M at rfc* the Army has to offer and let the clerk
join upon recommendation of a sad ro*« af S5J1 p»T thomtuKl of t k * Govariuaaaf « - come next. _f^^ , ^ THEURER Overseas
sackei and approval of at least two of svrmc* yov amy. for mnmmptOf H yoo carry «
the three officers of the club. The pri- llfOOS poiicy, yovr wife or buMAciory, w o v M ana R. C. MOSER
mary purpose of the club is to create rccnv* fSJi every moMfc for 30 y e a n . H yov AAF, Hendricks Field, Fla. Dear YANK:
good fellowship and to link more close- carry a JIO,SO0 policy, tlie would rcceiv* $55.10 ITie leg stuff and sports in YANK are
ly all branches of the service and civil- eocfc sMMk for 2P year*. If yoor wife i* over 30, Dear YANK: really okay. But most of the stories gag
poymenl wouM be mode for life. If 30, a SIO,000 Yovir artist, illustrating the story of me. For instance in the Oct. 21 issue,
ians in one friendly group. While the policy woidfl bring her lit JO per momh for
club was formed in the spirit -of fun. it life; if 40, sbe w m i M receive I4S.00 per month the moonlight bombing raid over Bur- Sgt. BUI Richardson, YANK correspon-
is sincerely hoped by the officers that for life; if 50, sfce wowM ft SS3.P0 inoirtMy for ma in a recent issue [YAOTC, Dec. 23], dent, wrote a touching article on Lab-
by keeping a record of home addresses IHm. (thoro aro iocroaaod benelSte for beoeHciories drew the B-24 bomb-bay doors opening rador which really irks me. Says he,
of i"embers a real reunion can be held of higfcer agre*.> in the wrong way. They should slide up "Some of the G.I.s stationed there have
(quite likely in New York City) after 2) In tho eveot of yovr death, your widow, if the sides, not hinge open like a trap been away from the cities in the States
SO years of age or yoiniger, w e v M receive a a whole long four months!" I'm speak-
the war. montMy petsioe of S30.00. If your widow 19 ever door- -Pvt. P. SEE6ER
Weekly meetings of 8 P.M. every Mon- 50, slie wotfid receive 535.00 per month. Keesler Field, Miss. ing for a ^ang of guys when I say the
day at the Pilot's Grille in Bangor, Me., 3) Your rh'M, H 10 years o M or yowlger, wooM nearest thing to a "fUly" I've seen in
are contemplated for those that can receive tO.OO per month. If he is over 10, he would Dear YANK: over 10 months is a picture of Jane Rus-
attend, and everything consumed at get SII.OO per month. Jl before roathiag the age I see that there's some controversy as sell in a straw pile.
these meetings will be a la dutch treat. of 18, the chiid becomes incapable of supporting
himself by reason of physical or montal dofo€t, to where you'll find the best looking Yeah, and that's a lead to take a cut
Persons who are citizens of the U.S. he would tentittuo to receive Komponwation ontil gals. Here's the solution: at Sgt. Georg Meyers who starts off
may apply for membership by mail by sveh deficiencies were corrected. Otherwise, if YOU may sing of charm, and proise with the fairy-tale stuff. I'll bet he's
sending 10 cents and one letter of char- yovr tItiM 1% aouad, is over 10 yeors of oge, atrd
The Texas, Florida and New York been to some of the wild, far-flung out-
acter reference. If accepted, the appli- is studying in an opproved educational institution,
babes, posts such as Kodiak and Fairbanks!
cant will receive five sheets of official he would continue to be oligihl* for benefits vnlU
(a) he gets married or (b^ reached the age of 2 1 . But if you really toant the best. He says every second soldier finds
stationery together with an official Alaska to be much like home.
membership card. All . applications 4) Yes; your wife would be mligiblm for six Your choice is Iowa and the Middle I propose a little trip for some of the
month% pay gratuity, which would be six months W^«*t. _py, fKED JARY
should be sent to one of the three of- of your service pay for the rank you held at the YANK staff. Better they should see the
ficers in care of the address given timto of your deoth. Pendleton Field, Oreg. [censored] than to try to dreamt up one
below. of their beautiful tales out of our Win-
- P v t . P. PARKHURST, PrMtdent Dear YANK: Dear YANK: ter wonderland. Confidentially, fellas,
Sgt. George R. Johnson CYANK, Dec. I am with an F A outfit over h e r e it can't be done.
- S g t . A . Z U F A l l , V i c * Praudent about [number censored] miles from t h e
- P v t . G . MAROTTA, SMy.-Traos.
231 thinks the battery or company clerk If you print this I'll read your damn
should have the rate of staff sergeant thick of the battle on a small island, YANK and promise no more squawks.
The Sad Sackers Club [YANK, Dec. 23]. If these men deserve with a lot of natives and a few h u n d r e d
7th Base Hq. & AB Sq. the rate of staff sergeant then the boys white civilians. I understand t h a t this -Pfc. PAUl J SKEITON
Dow Field, Bangor, Me. in the Air Forces who are really keep- was a [censored w o r d ] b u t it doesn't Alaska
Y A N K The Army Weekly * JANUARY 27
JAN. 2 7 , 1 9 4 3
.tar M M
N THE FIRST DAY OF 1942, China became a formal ally of the U. S..
O pledging her full military and economic resources against the
Axis powers.
Exactly one year later, the U. S. and Great Britain signed treaties
abolishing extraterritorial rights in China. The long history of this
exploitation of the East by the West is described on page 9 of this issue.
But the real significance of the move is its triumphant declaration of
the aims for which we fight: the restoration of countries to their own
In this case, it is the declaration on the part of the free people of
the Western world that the free people of China can rule themselves
in democratic fashion. It is final recognition for the people who over-
threw the rotting Manchu dynasty, who forced the war lords and
princes to unite in a common democratic cause. These are the people
who made the immortal Long March when Japan invaded their coastal
towns—6,000 miles from the farthest point in Fukien on the coast deep
into the northwestern part of Shensi. These men, women and children,
blazing a trail on foot over terrible and impassable trails, carrying fur-
niture, tools, sewing machines—these people set up the new China.
Today, there are 450,000,000 of them, building a new and awakened
China. As fighters they engage from 30 to 40 Japanese divisions. These
Japanese divisions cannot attack American troops in the Pacific or India
or Australia. Neither can they be used against the Soviet Far East. The
Chinese people are giving them all they can handle.
A year ago, China signed the Atlantic Charter. Since then there have
been calls for a similar document in the Asiatic countries. But with or
without documents, China fights on. Veteran of 10 years of war against
a common enemy, her goal is clear: recovery of her lost territory and
the permanent establishment of a free and independent nation.
The diefches tmd story appearing on these pages a m ,<^
the product of YANK's team of eorrespott^ents In the .''^-
South PatiHt area, Sgt. Howard J, Brodie, staff artist ofi •Y
the fighting froaits in this theater, and Sgt. Mock Morris, .v
sta0 writer, have done an excellent lob in bringing to
YMiK readers the strangeness and color of this far*
off place. Moreof their work willappear in an early issue. ,
Wmmkly • JANUARY 27
PAOl 31
This Post Exchange, like YANK it- If your contribution misses the
self, is wide open to you. Send mark for any reason, you will
your cartoons and stories to: The receive YANK's special de luxe re-
Post Exchange, YANK, The Army jection slip that will inspire a moie
Weekly, U. S. A. creative mood.
PAGE 3 1
YANK The Army Weekly • JANUARY 27
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