Stray Dog Management
Stray Dog Management
Stray Dog Management
Ans: Stray dog means, owner less, shelter less dogs which are found on
street, parks, around hotels, school and college premises, hospital premises,
bus and railway station premises and in other public places.
Ans: No. Stray dogs cannot be killed, if killed it becomes criminal offence
and is punishable offence.
Ans: (A) ANIMAL BIRTH CONTROL: Stray dog population is controlled by BBMP
with the sterilisation of Stray dogs by implementing ABC-ARV Programme as
per the Animal Birth Control (Dog) Rules-2001.
If food is not available Stray dogs will not stay there. Therefore,
hoteliers, petty food sellers, function organizers, public should not throw
food left over, waste in street, gutter, storm water drains, parks, picnic
spots and other public areas.
Poultry, meat, fish; egg merchants should not dispose, blood, meat, bones,
heads, skin and other viscera and body parts, etc in street, drains and other
public places. Public are requested to dispose the waste as per the guidelines
issued by Bruhath Bangalore Mahanagara Palike from time to time. Public
cooperation is sought in this regard which will help in preventing
environmental pollution, in addition to reduce the stray dog population
4. How ABC Programme is implemented?
Ans: BBMP has control room in Head office and at eight zonal offices.
general public can contact any of the control rooms regarding stray dog
complaints. Public can also contact the Animal Welfare Organisations,
officers and staff of Animal Husbandry Division of BBMP.
Ans: Yes. Animal lovers can adopt the stray dogs. Stray dog gets shelter,
food and in turn the number of stray dogs can be reduced substantially by
public adopting stray dogs. Public can approach Animal Welfare
Organisations/Assistant Director (Animal Husbandry) of the respective
zones for adopting the stray dogs.
10. How can the menace and attack of stray dog can be prevented?
Ans: NO. As per the ABC Dog rules-2001, stray dogs cannot be
Ans: When stray dogs are sick, suffering, or injured due to accidents,
this can be informed to Animal Welfare Organisations, like M/s. CUPA,
M/s. Sarvodaya Seva Bhavi Sanstha, M/s. Animal Rights Fund and M/s.
Karuna, etc, and may get the treatment to the affected animals. In
case of necessities one can approach the nearest Veterinary Hospital
or Private Hospitals with the affected dog.
Ans: YES. Stray dog can be fed without causing any inconvenience to
the public and without causing environmental pollution. Stray dog
should be fed in identified places away from public parks, educational
institutions, Hospitals, etc.
16. How can public get awareness about Stray dog management?
Ans: Catching stray dogs is very tough job. Stray dogs hide in
culverts, drains, below the bridges, unoccupied constructed or half
constructed structures and escape through open space when they are
approached for catching. Public can help by avoiding the stray dog
hiding places in their area. Public can cooperate by being friendly with
the stray dogs and show the hiding places to the dog catching team.
Public cooperation will definitely help the programme to become
Ans: NO. No cattle, animal can be left on the street or public places.
Ans: The roads in BBMP area crowded with vehicles and people; and if
stray cattle, animal come to the street, it will cause traffic
congestion. The dung and urine of the cattle falling on the road may
lead to skidding of the vehicle and can cause accidents. The excreta
of the animal will also cause environmental pollution. The grass, food
left over of the animal if allowed to go to drains may cause blockage of
drains and in turn will cause public inconvenience.
For the adult cow, bull, buffalo and he buffalo Rs.600/- is charged for
the first 3 days, thereafter Rs.300/- for every day, for Cattle and
buffalo calf Rs.300/- charged for first 3 days and thereafter
Rs.300/- for every day, for horse, mule, Rs.300/- for first three days
and thereafter Rs.50/- per day, for ass, pig Rs.50/- for first three
days and thereafter Rs.25/- for every day, for sheep, goats and lamb
and kid Rs.25/- for first three days and thereafter Rs.25/- per day
will be charged.
Ans: Regarding stray cattle issues public can contact the head office
control room and the control rooms of the respective zonal office.
Public can also contact the officer/staff of Animal Husbandry Wing of
BBMP whose details are given in the BBMP Website (