LIC Software Requirement Specification
LIC Software Requirement Specification
LIC Software Requirement Specification
Software Requirement Specification (SRS) on Life Insurance Management System provide detail
view of web based application. This online insurance management system provides easy access of
information regarding the policy to customer, employee and agent. It also helps to verify and
validate customer details and generate report with legal contract and payment.
1. Introduction :-
1.1. Purpose :-
Life insurance system has provides automatic insurance policy to the Indian people. LIS includes
customer, agent and employee from verification and legal contract department. LIS provides system
interface to ease some of the processes to the customer, agent and employee.
LIS is web based application implemented for sending customer details through agents to the
verification department; further verification department will enter all the details of the customer in
to the system and sends the report to the legal contract department. Legal contract department
prepare policy contract and sends to customer after payment has received from the customer.
1.2. Scope :-
This system allows the customer’s to maintain their insurance policy, online payment for policy
premium. Agents also part of the system that is associated with customer as well as Insurance
Company who plays a mediator between customer and insurance system. Employees from the
insurance company are the part of the system.
1.4. References :-
LIC of India online system.
1.5. Overview :-
LIS is web based application implemented for sending customer details through agents to the
verification department; further verification department will enter all the details of the customer in
to the system and sends the report to the legal contract department.
Legal contract department prepare policy contract and sends to customer after payment has
received from the customer.
2. Overall description :-
2.1. Product perspective
2.4. Constraints
3. Specific Requirements :-
3.1 External interface requirements
UI-2: Agents sends the request all the details of medical report of customer to verification
UI-3: verification department gets requirement from the agent, the employee from the verification
department further verify it and approve or disapprove the application.
UI-4: Life Insurance System will provide interface for verification department employee to send the
status report to finance and legal contract department.
UI-5: The Life Insurance System will provide a help link that will download a user manual and project
it onto the screen in case the user has difficulty in using the program.
UI-6: The customer will be notified by the system that their insurance policy.
3.1.2 Hardware interfaces
3.1.3 Software interfaces
CI-2: The Life Insurance System will signal the mail message generator when it needs to send an
email to the Customer as well as agents.
CI-3: The Life Insurance System will communicate to the database through a wireless Ethernet
The main pillar of reliability of the system is the backup of the database which is continuously
maintained and updated to reflect the most recent changes. Thus the overall stability of the system
depends on the stability of container and its underlying operating system.
3.5.2 Availability :-
The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using a web browser, only
restricted by the down time of the server on which the system runs. In case of a of a hardware
failure or database corruption, a replacement page will be shown. Also in case of a hardware failure
or database corruption, backups of the database should be retrieved from the server and saved by
the administrator. Then the service will be restarted. It means 24 X 7 availability.
3.5.3 Security :-
System implemented on MVC architecture and maintains all the sessions for better security and
performance. Online payment implements through payment gateways which used 128 SSL
3.5.4 Maintainability :-
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application server takes care of
the site. In case of a failure, a re-initialization of the program will be done. Also the software design
is being done with modularity in mind so that maintainability can be done efficiently.
3.5.5. Portability :-
The application is HTML and scripting language based. So The end-user part is fully portable and any
system using any web browser should be able to use the features of the system, including any
hardware platform that is available or will be available in the future. An end-user is use this system
on any OS; either it is Windows or Linux. The system shall run on PC, Laptops, and PDA etc.
4.2 Appendixes