Smart Home
Smart Home
Smart Home
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP18J06-ART, ISBN:978-1-5386-0807-4; DVD Part Number:CFP18J06DVD, ISBN:978-1-5386-0806-7
IV. Smart Homes sensors for providing necessary data to automatically detection
and resolution of any problem in the devices.
Smart Home is now weighed as one of the most
Common/prominent application of IoT. The important The paper [2] consists of variety of sensors in the system
characteristic of a smart home is automation. The main aim of architecture. By using Wi-Fi module the Intel Galileo connects
the automation is reduce human effort. In today’s world there to the internet and after this connection it will start reading the
is great importance to remote controlled systems. parameters of sensors. Then set the threshold levels for each
Therefore in automation systems, the use of wireless sensor. Data from the sensor are sent to the web server and
technologies provides several advantages that could not be stored in the cloud. These data can be analyzed at anytime
deployed with the use of wired networks. The smart home is from anywhere. If the sensor parameters are greater than the
also known as home automation which use latest technologies threshold level then the respective alarm will be raised and the
to make the domestic activities as easy. The house automation required action will be performed for the controlling of the
system architecture contains following components and they parameters. This model monitors the temperature, gas leakage,
are.. motion in the house. The temperature and the motion detection
are stored in a cloud. When the temperature exceeds the
x User interface: It is used to give order or control the threshold level the cooler will automatically turn on and when
electrical equipment in home. the temperature comes to control it will turn off. If there is a
leakage of gas in the house then alarm is raised giving the alert
eg: By pressing the button in a smart phone, controlling sound. The required lights are turned on/off automatically by
through speech by using commands etc. detecting the light outside the house. The user can also
monitor the electric appliances through the internet. By simply
x Mode of transmission: Either wired or wireless typing the IP address of the web server the lights or any
connection to transmit the control. The protocols electrical appliances in the home are turned off remotely.
which is used for data transfer and control are
Ethernet, MQTT etc. In this paper [3] home automation architecture based on a
remote password operated appliances is mentioned. The
x Central Controller: It is a hardware component system reads the data from Bluetooth module, and initializes
which acts as a intermediate between user interface the LCD and UART protocol and display the status of the
and mode of transmission. Sometimes all the electrical loads on LCD. The system mainly uses two
electrical equipments are connected to this central Graphical user interfaces. The status of the appliances can be
controller also. known by using this interface. Any changes in the status of the
appliances, will give a immediate intimation by showing it in
eg: Raspberry pi, Node MCU etc. GUI.The window GUI will act as a server to transmit any data
to and from the Smartphone. If there is any failure then
x Electronic devices: all the electrical equipments in a connection can be reestablished by using USB cable. The user
home, which are compatible with the structure. can monitor and control the devices from any remote location
at any time using IoT.
The main benefit of using IoT in smart homes is to control
each device in the home remotely. The automation In this paper [4] the authors have proposed a protocol standard
architecture of home may vary based up on the protocols and for smart homes called Home Automation Device Protocol
hard ware’s used by the system. In the next section, major (HADP). By using this system aims for the capacity of home
works carried out home automation is analyzed and a automation devices across different platforms. The IFTTT (IF-
comparison of architectures for IoT is drawn based on the This-Then-That) service used here to, define a set of device
analysis. communication protocols and actions are combined to
generate and manage interactions through a central node. The
system demands less power consumption and bandwidth
V. RELATED WORKS requirements are done by using the minimum data packets to
trigger an action on a home automation device.
In this paper [1] the authors point outs that an efficient
implementation using IoT for monitoring and automation
system. It aims at controlling electrical equipments in home
via Smartphone using Wi-Fi as a communication protocol and
arduinouno as a central controller. The user here will move
directly with a portable system through a web-based interface
over the web whereas home appliances are remotely
controlled through a website. This system also provides a fully
smart environment condition and monitoring by various