Henri Case Study
Henri Case Study
Henri Case Study
Understanding the IT Accounting System and Identifying Audit Evidence for
Retail Sales
Outline the audit trail for processing retail sales transactions
Develop audit plans for gathering evidence to test the existence and valuation of retail sales
Recognize when audit evidence must be gathered electronically if a traditional paper trail is
Henrico Retail, Inc., is a first-year audit client. The audit partner obtained this background
information about the sales system after recently meeting with client personnel at the corporate
Henrico's sales system is computer-based with computerized cash registers on the floors of all of its
stores. At the point of sale, Henrico's sales personnel enter product number, quantity per product,
and indication of whether it is a cash sale or credit sale. Additionally for credit sales, the sales
personnel must enter customer credit card number and credit approval number obtained directly
from the credit card agency approving the credit sale. Henrico only accepts VISA or MasterCard
credit cards and a copy of the credit charge slip is maintained in the cash drawer. The computerized
cash register performs the following:
1. Identifies correct price based on product number
2. Notifies clerk if product number is invalid
3. Calculates total price of purchase (price x quantity)
4. Extends totals, calculates sales taxes, and determines final transaction amount
5. Generates a customer receipt and a duplicate record of the transaction on a cash register tape that
is locked inside the register. Cash register tapes indicate all inputted information. Only
accounting department personnel have access to the tape.
Store clerks are allowed to operate any machine on the floor. If a cash register is not currently
being used, all the clerk has to do is turn the machine on, and once the system is booted, the clerk
begins by entering the product number. Generally, operation of the cash register is self-explanatory
although some problems have occurred previously. Henrico has no formal training for cash register
operation because management believes "on the job experience" is more effective.
At the end of each day, sales personnel count the cash in the drawer and list the total cash count on
the Daily Deposit Sheet (a preprinted blank form). In addition, the sales personnel summarize total
credit sales on the Daily Deposit Sheet by listing total amounts from the credit sales slips in the
register. The sales personnel take the cash drawer, which includes credit slips, to the store cashier.
The cashier verifies the Daily Deposit Sheet and initials the total cash and credit sales columns listed
This case was prepared by Frank A. Buckless, Ph.D., Mark S. Beasley, Ph.D., Steven M. Glover, Ph.D.
and Douglas F. Prawitt, Ph.D, and modified by J. Christopher Westland as a basis for class discussion. It is
not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation.
on the Daily Deposit Sheet. The cashier leaves $200 in each cash drawer to begin the following day.
Cash drawers are stored overnight in the store's vault. The store cashier takes the cash plus credit
charge slips to the bank at the end of each day. The bank immediately credits the store's cash account
for all cash and credit card receipts presented. An independent person in accounting verifies that the
sum of the cash and credit card slip totals on all Daily Deposit Sheets for the prior day reconcile to
the validated deposit slip. After performing the reconciliation, the accounting clerk attaches the
Daily Deposit Sheets to the validated deposit slip and files them together by date.
Accounting personnel close out the machines each night. As a part of this procedure, the machine
prints subtotals of cash and credit sales for the day at the end of the cash register tape. Accounting
personnel remove the cash register tapes from the machines each night, and the tapes are stored in
the accounting department.
Overnight, the computer system processes all transactions for each cash register and summarizes this
information on a Daily Sales Report. The Daily Sales Report is generated for each store nightly. It
summarizes total store sales, as well as subtotals of cash and credit sales, by store cash register.
These reports are filed by date at each store. In addition, the computer updates perpetual inventory
records daily, which are stored on magnetic disk. No reports of this interface are generated daily by
the computer.
At month's end, the computer generates a detailed Inventory Listing, which provides quantity
information by product number. Also, the computer generates a Monthly Sales Report for each store.
This report shows daily sales totals for the store for each day of the month. The computer also
prepares and prints a consolidated General Ledger, which summarizes the postings of monthly sales
totals from each store to the consolidated sales account.
Assume that you are the audit senior assigned to the audit of Henrico Retail, Inc. The audit partner
recently asked you to assist in planning the audit of the sales system based on your review of the
client-prepared sales system narrative. The partner has asked you to address the following issues:
1. Describe the audit trail from the point of sale to the general ledger posting of the
consolidated sales and cash accounts. Be sure to emphasize whether the audit trail is in
paper or electronic form.
2. Develop a proposed strategy for auditing the occurrence assertion of the sales account.
Is there a sufficient paper audit trail to be able to audit that assertion without relying on
IT audit specialists?
3. What source would you use to select a sample of sales transactions to test the existence
of sales at one store? Why this source? What evidence would you examine?
4. Develop a proposed strategy for auditing the accuracy assertion of the sales account. Is
there a sufficient paper trail to be able to audit that assertion without relying on IT audit
specialists? What about the completeness assertion?
5. What portion, if any, of the sales system will likely require the assistance of an IT
systems auditor, who evaluates evidence existing only in electronic form?
6. What control weaknesses can you identify in the existing sales system?