Labour Welfare and Social Security: K B Ravindra

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Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014), 77-94

ISSN 0975-3311│ doi: 10.12725/ujbm.26.6

Labour Welfare and Social Security

K B Ravindra*


Labour Welfare and Social Security has got great

relevance and importance in the Public Sector, Private
Sector and Multinational Corporations. Since
Independence, India has taken to the path of rapid
industrialisation and economic growth. Consequently,
this has resulted in the rise of great number of industries,
a large workforce and a new industrial society. All these
factors have considerable bearing on the growth of the
labour welfare movement in the country. The ideal of a
Welfare State has added new dimensions to the labour
welfare philosophy. Labour Welfare plays a very vital
role in the industrial economy of any nation. The
industrial progress of any nation largely depends on a
satisfied labour force. The schemes of Labour Welfare
may be regarded as a wise investment which brings
satisfaction to employees in an organisation and paves the
way for achievement of organisational goals. In the
present era of globalisation, it is very important for
organisations to study global trends very carefully before
designing Labour Welfare and Social Security strategies
for their employees and workers. In the above
background, the article provides a brief insight into the
various aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security in
India. The article also analyses the emerging trends in
Labour Welfare and Social Security in India and
concludes by stating that although the Government is
taking a lot of initiatives, it is a long and difficult road

*Research Scholar, Tumkur University, and Guest Faculty, Government

First Grade College, Doddaballapur, Bangalore Rural District. India;
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

ahead before we can provide Labour Welfare and Social

Security to all the workers in India.
Keywords: Globalisation, Labour welfare, Multinational corporate,
Public sector, Private sector, Social security


The term Labour Welfare has been defined by many experts. The
Report of International Labour Organisation explains that
“Workers welfare should be understood as a meaning such as
services, facilities and amenities which may be established in an
Organisation to enable the persons employed in them to perform
their work in healthy congenial surroundings and to provide them
amenities conducive to good health and moral.

Elements of labour welfare

I. To provide the workers a better life and health.
II. To relieve the workers from industrial fatigue.
III. To improve the intellectual and cultural conditions of living
of the employees.
IV. To make the workers happy, efficient and contented.

Objectives of the Study

I. To understand the meaning and importance of Labour

welfare and Social security.
II. To analyse the need for labour welfare; especially in a
country like India.
III. To provide a brief insight on the agencies of labours welfare
and various labour and social security legislations.
IV. To study the recent trends in labour welfare and Social
security and to offer suggestions to improve labour welfare
practices in industries.

Research Methodology

Secondary data has been used to obtain information about various

aspects of Labour welfare and Social security. Internet, journals,
magazines, text books etc have been the main source of secondary
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

data. Information and data have also been collected from the draft
twelfth five year plan document of the Planning Commission of

Review of Literature

1. Article 38 of the Constitution of India in the chapter

Directive Principle of State Policy states that “The State shall
strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and
protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which
justice, social, economic and political shall inform all the
institutions of the national life.
Article 41 states that “The State shall within the limits of its
economic capacity and development make effective
provision for securing the rights to work, to education and
to public assistance in cases of employment, old age,
sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved
Article 42 states that” The State shall make provision for
securing just and humane conditions of work and for
maternity relief”.
Article 43 of the Indian Constitution clearly states that “The
state shall endeavour to secure by suitable legislation or
economic organisation or in any other way, a living wage,
conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life and
full enjoyment of leisure, social and cultural opportunities
and in particular the state shall endeavour to promote
cottage industries on an individual or co-operative basis in
rural areas”
2. Sanjay Upadyaya (2006) in the study “ Awareness and
Implementation of Labour welfare Measures-A case study
at Garment Industry of Noida has found that nearly 84% of
the workers engaged in the industry are
unskilled/semiskilled workers. The earning levels of 2/3rd
of the workers engaged In the industry are abysmally low
in the range of ` 1,000 to 2,500 after doing on an average 12-
14 hours of drudgery in most of the cases even without a
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

day of rest in the week. Most of the workers engaged in the

industry are unorganised and the contractual nature of
employment reduces the chances of forming Trade Unions.
Piece rated employees are not entitled to many of the
benefits like payment of over time, casual leave, annual
leave, earned leave etc because their names are not on the
muster rolls. Most of the workers were not aware of various
employee welfare provisions and 80% of the respondents
covered under the study works for more than 9 hours per
day which is more than the normally permitted limit.12% of
the respondents worked for more than 10 hours per day
and nearly 88% of the respondents (piece rated and casual)
doing over time work were not being paid wages as per
overtime rate. Women were not being paid over time rate.
Only 10% of the units were providing food facility on a
subsidised basis and only 5% of the units were providing
transportation facilities to workers.52% of the respondents
belonging to the unskilled category were being paid wages
which is less than the amount stipulated under the
Minimum Wages act,1948. So in short there has been a
substantial violation of labour laws and great exploitation of
illiterate workers by the owners of the industrial units.

3. Dharam Paul(2011) in the article “Labour welfare policy

and administration in Haryana-A study has stated that
industrialisation in India as in any other country implies the
growth of a factory system with employers and wage
earners in varying circumstances and with varying
charecteristics, yet having some common features and it is
the common features that are of interest. The author has
found that the officials of the labour department, Haryana
did not contact the workers. He has suggested that the
officials should try to establish better rapport among the
workers. It has been observed that in Haryana the Labour
department is headed by a minister of state. It has been
suggested that a minister of cabinet rank should be
appointed to handle delicate matters concerning labour
policy and administration. The author has also pointed out
that with the increasing pace of technological changes it is
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

very important to conduct appropriate training

programmes for employees and workers. The article
concludes stating that a strong political will along with
dynamic policy, planning, programming, effective
implementation, monitoring and evaluation is very essential
for ensuring tangible benefits to the workers.

4. Jameela Pedicini(2011) in the article “ The Two Indian

Welfare Systems: State and Corporate responses” has
studied the welfare measures being provided by the
Government and the initiatives taken by the corporate
sector on its own to provide welfare facilities to the
employees. The author observes that a vast majority of the
labour force in India does not have access to Government
provided social security. The minority consisting of those
working in the formal sector benefits from Government
social security schemes and the majority of the workers in
the informal sector have no such welfare amenities. The
social security initiatives in the informal sector is ad hoc and
does not provide sufficient coverage for informal sector
workers and only around 6% of the informal sector workers
receive some form of Government social security benefits.
The author has also observed that in India issues of
infrastructure, access, inadequate provision of human
resources and no prescribed standards of quality plunge the
system. Private corporations in India are taking steps to
address some of these shortfalls as part of their corporate
social responsibility (CSR) by providing education and
health initiatives to the informal sector workers and their
families. The author has analysed the CSR initiatives of 63
corporations and found that these corporations are
providing social protection in the form of education and
health to informal sector workers in India. Overall 97% of
the 63 corporations have some sort of education initiative
and around 68% have some sort of health initiatives. The
author concludes by stating that the Government of India
has thus far failed to establish and provide universal social
policies with respect to social security, education and
health. As regards CSR initiatives of the private sector, the
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

author has opined that corporations are in fact providing

social initiatives for their own corporate benefit and it is
economic realism and not moral imperative that is driving
CSR in India.
5. V.Sreenivasa Rao and P V Ramana (2011) in the study ”A
study on employee welfare programmes at Lanco Industries
Ltd at Srikalahasti, Andhra Pradesh has suggested that
benefits like housing loans and PF benefits should be made
available to all levels of employees in the organisation.
Health camps and health checkups should be carried out
every 3 months instead of 6 months. The author has also
suggested that management should organise recreational
and cultural programmes at the middle and lower
management level and also implement flexible timing and
shifts for the production and security departments.

Importance and classification of labour welfare

Labour welfare measures make industrial employment attractive
and labour welfare measures help greatly in reducing labour
turnover and absenteeism. Good labour welfare measures enhance
the goodwill and reputation of companies in industrial circle. It
increases the morale and loyalty among employees and prevents
grievances and industrial disputes.
Labour welfare activities can be classified into intra mural activities
and extra mural activities.
Intramural activities means all those amenities provided inside the
factory like a good canteen, medical facilities, fresh air and water
Extra mural facilities includes all those amenities provided outside
the factory like housing facilities, co-operative societies, workers
and officers clubs etc.

Need for labour welfare

India has a much greater need and importance for labour welfare
work. There are certain defects and deficiencies in the Indian
labour force that enhances the need for labour welfare activity in
the country.
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

As far as industrial progress is concerned, India is still far behind

when compared to other countries. Industrial progress is
dependent on the quality and efficiency of labour force which is in
a poor state in India.
Labour union movement in India is still at a stage of infancy. There
is absolutely no unity among unions and there is a high degree of
political involvement and vested interests among the leaders.
The health of an average Indian worker is very poor as compared
to his western counterparts and this has adversely affected his
productive capacity. Hence there is a need for healthy inexpensive
food and facilities in case of medical emergencies.
To arrest the restless and frequent migratory nature of an Indian
worker it is essential to extend to him adequate housing and proper
working conditions.
An average Indian worker is extremely poor. He is unable to
provide a healthy life for his family and good education to his
children. Being poor he is hardly in a condition to save something
for his old age. Hence, he is in need of provident fund, pensions,
gratuity etc.

Agencies for labour welfare:

a) Employers; Employers provide welfare facilities either
individually or collectively through associations. They play
an important role in providing facilities to the industrial
workers. The facilities provided are voluntary in nature as
well as statutory like residential accommodation, transport
facilities, education facilities etc. Many employers and their
various associations are doing welfare activities on their
own initiatives.
b) Central Government and State Government: A number of
acts have been passed by the Central Government for the
welfare of the workers. There is also an implementation and
administration of Industrial and Labour laws. The workers
of different Industries have been provided welfare facilities
under different statutes. The State Government runs various
health centres, education centres etc. The State Government
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

has the powers to implement the provisions of various laws,

appoint appropriate authorities etc. The keep a strict vigil
on the employers as well.

c) Trade Unions and Labour welfare agencies: The various

trade unions are supposed to raise the welfare of workers
and are expected to provide certain labour welfare facilities
to their members. There are a variety of trade unions
running in the country and they offer educational, sports,
cultural and legal facilities to their members. Indian
National Trade Union Congress(INTUC),All India Trade
Union Congress(AITUC),Textile Labour Association
(Majoor Mahajan) started by Mahatma Gandhi, Mill
Mazdoor Union(Indore), Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh
(RMMS),Mill Mazdoor Sabha and Transport and Dock
workers Union are some of the important Trade Unions and
workers welfare organisations in the country.

d) Labour welfare works done by social service agencies:

e) In India there are many social service agencies which are

playing a vital role in the organisation of welfare. The
welfare work done by Mumbai social service league, Seva
sadan society women’s council and YMCA need special
mention in this connection. The United Nations
Organisation has also organised many labour welfare works
in India.

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund was

set up in India with the aim of distributing milk to mothers and
children and for the establishment of Maternity house and welfare

Labour welfare legislations

Most of the constitutional directives in the matter of protection and
welfare to workers have been followed up through central and
state legislations. The benefits are available to the workers and
employees in mines, docks, plantations, factories, motor transport
industries, shops and hotels.

Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

1. Provisions relating to hours of work, conditions of work,

leisure, health and safety are to be found in the Factories
Act, 1948.
2. Dock workers are covered under the Dock workers
(regulation of employment) act, 1948.
3. Motor transport workers are covered under Motor transport
workers act, 1961.
4. Workers in the coal mines are covered under Coal mines
act, 1952.
5. For regulation of payment of wages, bonus etc, The
Minimum wages act (1948&1961) is the principal labour
legislation. This was followed by the payment of bonus act.
6. Trade Unions act 1926 and Indian Trade Unions act 1960 are
the chief enactments dealing with the right of association for
collective bargaining.
7. Industrial disputes are covered by the Industrial Disputes
act, 1947.

Social security
In the present times, insecurity of life has increased to a great extent
and to safeguard the individual and the society from these
uncertainties social security has become very essential.
The International labour organisation defines social security as “By
social security, we undertake a programme of protection provided
by the society against those contingencies against which a
individual of small means cannot effectively provide by his ability
and foresight”.
Social security benefits are provided in India through legislations.
Workmen’s compensation act 1923 enforces the employer to
provide compensation to a workman for any personal injury
caused by an accident for loss of earnings etc. The employee’s state
insurance act, 1948 enforces the employers to provide sickness
benefit, disablement benefit, dependants benefit, funeral benefit
and medical benefits. The employees provident fund and
miscellaneous provisions act 1952, enforces the employer to
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

provide benefits in the form of provident fund and deposit linked

insurance. The maternity benefit act, 1961 provides for medical
benefits at the time of pregnancy and grant of maternity leave and
maternity allowance. The payment of gratuity act, 1972 provides
for the payment of gratuity at the time of retirement.

Recent trends in labour welfare and social security.

The present infrastructure for improving labour productivity and
ensuring welfare to workers covers only a small segment of the
labour force. Out of about 400 million workers in the country, only
around 50 to 60 million are covered by some sort of social security.
For the rest, a job is the best guarantee for social security right now.
The only way for improving the coverage is by providing gainful
employment to the entire labour force. Certain recent trends in
respect of attaining these objectives are analysed below:

Table 1 Proportionate share of sectors in employment

Sectors 1999/2000 2004/05 2009/10

Agriculture 59.90 56.60 53.20
Manufacturing 11.10 12.20 11.00
Non-Manufacturing 5.30 6.50 10.50
Services 23.70 24.70 25.30
Total 100 100 100

Agricultural sector's share in employment declined from 59.90% in

the beginning of the decade to 53.20% at the end of the decade.
However this is still very high compared to share of agriculture in
other countries. There is not much change in the share of
Manufacturing and services sector. However non manufacturing
sector has seen a sharp increase from 5.30% at the beginning of the
decade to 10.50% at the end of the decade which is mostly in the
construction sector.
It may also be mentioned here that labour laws do not generally
apply to agriculture sector which had a more than 50% share in the
employment in 2009-10

Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

Table 2 Formal and Informal employment in organised and unorganised sectors


Sectors Employment
1999-2000 Informal Formal Total
Unorganised 341.30 1.40 342.60
Organised 20.50 33.70 54.10
Total 361.80 35.10 396.70
Unorganised 393.50 1.40 394.90
Organised 29.10 33.40 62.60
Total 422.60 34.80 457.50
Unorganised 385.08 2.26 387.34
Organised 42.14 30.74 72.88
Total 427.22 33.00 460.22

A critical issue in assessing employment behaviour of the economy

is the growth of employment in the organised sector vis-à-vis the
unorganised sector particularly in terms of formal and informal
employments. It is well known that unorganised sector
employment is of low quality compared to organised sector
employment. The above data shows decline in employment in
unorganised sector from 86% in 2004-05 to 84% in 2009/10 which
means share of organised sector employment has increased from
14% in 2004-05 to 16% in 2009-10. However, the increase in
organised sector employment is mainly in the informal category.
Nearly 93% of the total workforce in 2009-10 is in informal
employment. If agriculture is excluded from the workforce, share
of informal workers drops to 85.60% which is still very high
compared to Brazil (51%),Mexico (50%),Indonesia (78%),
Philiphines (72%) and Thailand (49%).What is notable is that
formal employment in organised sector is not increasing. This
shows that organised enterprises' employers are increasingly hiring
workers on contractual basis due to labour laws and other

It may also be mentioned here that the creation of a formal

relationship between the worker and the hiring establishment in
the regular wage employment mode is a critical factor in improving
the quality of employment of workers hired by unorganised
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

workers. This will enable workers in unorganised sector to gain

access to a minimum social security cover.

Table 3 Number of workers by size of enterprises in Industry and services

2004-05 2009-10
No of workers in No of Share No of Share
enterprises workers in (%) workers in (%)
million million
Less than 6 152.50 74.93 148.70 65.60
6 and above less than 10 15.20 7.46 23.80 10.50
10 and above less than 20 11.80 5.81 15.40 6.80
20 and above 24.00 11.80 38.80 17.10
Total 100 100

It may be observed that the share of enterprises employing less

than 6 workers reduced from 74.93% in 2004-05 to 65.60% in 2009-
10 whereas the share of enterprises employing between 6 to 10
workers increased from 7.46% to 10.50% during the same period
which is better for workers as it reduces fragmentation and enables
them to organise. The share of enterprises employing between 10 to
20 workers increased from 5.81% to 6.80% and share of enterprises
employing 20 or more workers increased from 11.80% to 17.10%. It
may be noted here that nearly 76% of enterprises are employing
less than 10 workers and nearly 83% of the enterprises are
employing less than 20 workers. The above statistics clearly shows
that labour welfare policies and programmes should focus on small
establishments which are in sharp contrast to the situation in recent
years where large enterprises and their workers have been the
focus of labour policy.

Table 4 Number of workers according to employment status (Million workers)

Type of 1999-2000 2004-05 2009-10

Self Employed 209.30 (52.60%) 258.40 (56.40%) 232.70 (50.70%)
Regular salaried 58.20 (14.60%) 69.70 (15.20%) 75.10 (16.30%)
Casual Labour 130.30 (32.80%) 129.70 (28.40%) 151.30 (33.00%)

Although there is no substantial change in the three categories of

workers during 1999-2000 to 2009-10, we can observe that the share
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

of regular salaried employees was only around 16% and the share
of self employed and casual labour was nearly 83%. Labour laws
are relevant for the regular salaried employees and not the self
employed and casual labour.
The various statistics analysed so far clearly reveal that the present
structure of the labour market is such that labour laws apply only
to a small section of the labour force and a substantial portion of
the labour force in India is not covered by labour laws and they are
not getting the benefit of various labour law legislations. The only
way to improve the coverage is by providing gainful employment
to the entire labour force.
As per the 66th NSSO round 2009-10, 84% of the total work force
was in the unorganised sector and 93% in the informal
employment. This sector is outside the preview of labour laws. This
sector is heterogeneous which cut across all economic activities in
rural and urban areas. It contributes about 60% of the GDP. The
unorganised sector is dominated by workers in micro enterprises,
unpaid family members, casual labourers, home based workers,
migrant labourers, out of school youth and in need of skills and
farmers and artisans in rural areas. These groups form a bottom of
skill pyramid that have low skills, poor productivity and low
income. The most important challenge would be therefore to reach
out to this section of workers.
In order to reach out to the nearly 84% unorganised sector workers
in India the Government has announced certain policies. These
a) Unorganised sector workers social security bill, 2007: This
bill makes a provision for providing life and disability
cover, health and maternity benefits, old age protection,
housing, education for workers children, skill up gradation
for workers, funeral assistance etc for unorganised sector
workers. The benefits will be admissible to all persons
above 14 years of age based on a self declaration that
he/she is an unorganised sector worker. There is a
provision to provide an ID card in the form of a smart card.
The law requires the government to make contributions
under the scheme regularly.

K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

b) Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY),2007: This scheme is

applicable to all rural landless households in the age group
of 18-59 years. The premium of Rs.200 per member will be
borne by the centre and state equally. The state government
will be the nodal agency .A sum of Rs.30,000 in case of
natural death and Rs.75,000 in case of unnatural death will
be payable. A compensation of Rs.75,000 will be payable in
case of total permanent disability and Rs.37,500 in case of
partial permanent disability. The scheme also has a
provision of Rs.300 per quarter per child for 2 children of
the beneficiaries studying in 9th to 12th standards.
c) Health Insurance Scheme for Unorganised Sector BPL
workers,2007.(Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojana):
In order to provide accessible, affordable and accountable quality
health services to households in the rural areas, the government
has announced this scheme. It will cover all BPL unorganised
sector workers and their families of five members whose identity
will be verified by the implementing agency and be issued a smart
card. The cost of the smart card will be borne by the central
government and the beneficiary will be required to pay Rs.30 per
annum as registration and renewal fees. The prescribed premium
of Rs.750 per member-family will be borne by the central and state
government in the ratio of 75:25. The package of benefits will
I. Cashless assistance to all covered ailments.
II. Hospitalisation expenses taking care of most common
III. All pre existing diseases to be covered.
Although several initiatives are being taken by the Government to
reach out to the unorganised sector workers, it is being reported
that these benefits are reaching only a small part of the unorganised
sector work force. The following suggestions will help to improve
the working conditions of the unorganised and informal sector
workers in India:
The creation of a formal relationship between the worker and the
hiring establishment in the regular wage employment mode is a
critical factor in improving the quality of employment of workers
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

hired by the unorganised enterprises. This will enable workers in

the unorganised sector to gain access to a minimum social security
benefit cover.
Self Help Groups (SHG) and Micro Finance Institutions should be
utilised to accelerate the Labour Welfare and Social Security
process among unorganised sector workers in poor states and
backward areas.
International agencies such as International Labour Organisation
(ILO), United Nations Children’s emergency fund (UNICEF) and
World bank can assist the Government for administration and
distribution of aid to informal sector.
To extend the coverage of social security measures for the
unorganised sector workers, setting up of co-operatives, self help
groups, mutual benefit associations managed and financed by the
occupational group/workers and voluntary health insurance and
pension schemes should be encouraged.
Awareness generation campaigns and dissemination of
information to unorganised workers should be strengthened. To
improve the efficiency of the delivery mechanism of existing
programmes for workers in the unorganised sector, local
institutions like Panchayat Raj institutions and urban local bodies
should be involved in monitoring the social security programmes.
To prevent exploitation of workers in the unorganised sector,
awareness generation may be stepped up in collaboration with
voluntary organisations, trade unions and other committed

Safety, health and training of workers

There are many industries which are not covered by effective safety
measures commensurate with the degree of exposure to risk. They
include Agricultural workers, Small mines, Truck/bus operators,
beedi and cigar making, Building construction, fireworks, power
looms etc. It is very important to improve the safety standards in
these industries.
The involvement of the insurance industry in promoting safety of
workers in small establishments should be encouraged. Group
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311

insurance to share the risks of establishment owners should be

encouraged by the labour administration.
Safety as a profession should be developed on the same lines as
accounting practices, cost accounting, company law compliance,
asset valuation, insurance risk assessors etc. Establishments should
be encouraged to have safety audits carried out regularly and
Coming to training and skill development as per the twelfth plan
projections, 25 million new entrants would join the work force in
the next five years. About 90% of the 15-59 year olds have had no
vocational training. Out of the 10% who received vocational
training only 2% received formal vocational training. A vast
majority of the workers received non-formal vocational training.
Dependence on non-formal vocational training to such an extent
highlights the grossly in adequate system of vocational training
that currently exists in the country. It is very imperative to set right
this anomaly and bring all the workers under formal vocational
training. Presently the gross requirement of instructors for
imparting training is 79,000. The additional requirement of
instructors per annum is 20,000 whereas the present instructor
training capacity is around 2,000 which is inadequate to meet the
demand. This huge gap should be bridged.
The best way to improve the training infrastructure is to put in
place a permanent institutional frame work entrusted with the
requisite authority and resources and which is solely responsible
for skill development in the country.
To increase training capacity, public sector and private sector
partnership in training programmes should be considered.
It is also very important that there is an industry participation in
skill development and training programmes.
Developing labour market information system for real time
information on a sectoral basis will help trainees and make training
Currently there is no uniform geographical distribution of training
facilities and there is concentration of training facilities only in a
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)

few sectors and few regions of the country. This defect should be
set right so that all sectors and regions of the country have equal
access to training facilities.

It is also suggested that a provision be created for mobile training

vans for larger outreach.


Labour Welfare and Social Security has got a lot of relevance and
significance with public sector, private sector and multinational
corporates. The Industrial progress of any nation largely depends
on a satisfied labour force. The labour welfare schemes may be
regarded as a wise investment which brings satisfaction to
employees in an organisation and paves the way for achievement
of organisational goals. It is rightly said that you can buy a man’s
time, you can buy a man’s physical presence at a given place but
you cannot buy his enthusiasm, initiative and loyalty. The
provisions for labour welfare and social security in India is very
less and minimal as compared to Industrially developed countries.
Labour Welfare and Social Security is reaching only the organised
sector workforce which constitute only around 16% of the labour
force in India. The Government has taken a lot of initiatives for the
nearly 84% strong unorganised sector workforce in India. In spite
of all these initiatives, it is being reported that the benefits are
reaching only a small and negligible portion of the unorganised
sector workforce in India. Therefore a massive programme
involving all concerned stakeholders like Government, Employers,
Employees and workers, Trade Unions, Self Help Groups, NGO’s,
Micro Finance Institutions, Voluntary and social organisations etc
is required in order to ensure that the nearly 84% strong
unorganised sector work force in India work in dignity and live in


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