Labour Welfare and Social Security: K B Ravindra
Labour Welfare and Social Security: K B Ravindra
Labour Welfare and Social Security: K B Ravindra
K B Ravindra*
The term Labour Welfare has been defined by many experts. The
Report of International Labour Organisation explains that
“Workers welfare should be understood as a meaning such as
services, facilities and amenities which may be established in an
Organisation to enable the persons employed in them to perform
their work in healthy congenial surroundings and to provide them
amenities conducive to good health and moral.
Research Methodology
data. Information and data have also been collected from the draft
twelfth five year plan document of the Planning Commission of
Review of Literature
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)
Social security
In the present times, insecurity of life has increased to a great extent
and to safeguard the individual and the society from these
uncertainties social security has become very essential.
The International labour organisation defines social security as “By
social security, we undertake a programme of protection provided
by the society against those contingencies against which a
individual of small means cannot effectively provide by his ability
and foresight”.
Social security benefits are provided in India through legislations.
Workmen’s compensation act 1923 enforces the employer to
provide compensation to a workman for any personal injury
caused by an accident for loss of earnings etc. The employee’s state
insurance act, 1948 enforces the employers to provide sickness
benefit, disablement benefit, dependants benefit, funeral benefit
and medical benefits. The employees provident fund and
miscellaneous provisions act 1952, enforces the employer to
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311
Labour Welfare and Social Security Ushus J B Mgt 13, 1 (2014)
Sectors Employment
1999-2000 Informal Formal Total
Unorganised 341.30 1.40 342.60
Organised 20.50 33.70 54.10
Total 361.80 35.10 396.70
Unorganised 393.50 1.40 394.90
Organised 29.10 33.40 62.60
Total 422.60 34.80 457.50
Unorganised 385.08 2.26 387.34
Organised 42.14 30.74 72.88
Total 427.22 33.00 460.22
2004-05 2009-10
No of workers in No of Share No of Share
enterprises workers in (%) workers in (%)
million million
Less than 6 152.50 74.93 148.70 65.60
6 and above less than 10 15.20 7.46 23.80 10.50
10 and above less than 20 11.80 5.81 15.40 6.80
20 and above 24.00 11.80 38.80 17.10
Total 100 100
of regular salaried employees was only around 16% and the share
of self employed and casual labour was nearly 83%. Labour laws
are relevant for the regular salaried employees and not the self
employed and casual labour.
The various statistics analysed so far clearly reveal that the present
structure of the labour market is such that labour laws apply only
to a small section of the labour force and a substantial portion of
the labour force in India is not covered by labour laws and they are
not getting the benefit of various labour law legislations. The only
way to improve the coverage is by providing gainful employment
to the entire labour force.
As per the 66th NSSO round 2009-10, 84% of the total work force
was in the unorganised sector and 93% in the informal
employment. This sector is outside the preview of labour laws. This
sector is heterogeneous which cut across all economic activities in
rural and urban areas. It contributes about 60% of the GDP. The
unorganised sector is dominated by workers in micro enterprises,
unpaid family members, casual labourers, home based workers,
migrant labourers, out of school youth and in need of skills and
farmers and artisans in rural areas. These groups form a bottom of
skill pyramid that have low skills, poor productivity and low
income. The most important challenge would be therefore to reach
out to this section of workers.
In order to reach out to the nearly 84% unorganised sector workers
in India the Government has announced certain policies. These
a) Unorganised sector workers social security bill, 2007: This
bill makes a provision for providing life and disability
cover, health and maternity benefits, old age protection,
housing, education for workers children, skill up gradation
for workers, funeral assistance etc for unorganised sector
workers. The benefits will be admissible to all persons
above 14 years of age based on a self declaration that
he/she is an unorganised sector worker. There is a
provision to provide an ID card in the form of a smart card.
The law requires the government to make contributions
under the scheme regularly.
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311
few sectors and few regions of the country. This defect should be
set right so that all sectors and regions of the country have equal
access to training facilities.
Labour Welfare and Social Security has got a lot of relevance and
significance with public sector, private sector and multinational
corporates. The Industrial progress of any nation largely depends
on a satisfied labour force. The labour welfare schemes may be
regarded as a wise investment which brings satisfaction to
employees in an organisation and paves the way for achievement
of organisational goals. It is rightly said that you can buy a man’s
time, you can buy a man’s physical presence at a given place but
you cannot buy his enthusiasm, initiative and loyalty. The
provisions for labour welfare and social security in India is very
less and minimal as compared to Industrially developed countries.
Labour Welfare and Social Security is reaching only the organised
sector workforce which constitute only around 16% of the labour
force in India. The Government has taken a lot of initiatives for the
nearly 84% strong unorganised sector workforce in India. In spite
of all these initiatives, it is being reported that the benefits are
reaching only a small and negligible portion of the unorganised
sector workforce in India. Therefore a massive programme
involving all concerned stakeholders like Government, Employers,
Employees and workers, Trade Unions, Self Help Groups, NGO’s,
Micro Finance Institutions, Voluntary and social organisations etc
is required in order to ensure that the nearly 84% strong
unorganised sector work force in India work in dignity and live in
K B Ravindra ISSN 0975-3311