Design Principles: Literature Review, Analysis, and Future Directions
Design Principles: Literature Review, Analysis, and Future Directions
Design Principles: Literature Review, Analysis, and Future Directions
1 Introduction 2 Background
A number of technical research fields have grown and matured The formalization of design research methodology (DRM) is
over decades through the investigation, study, experimentation, the indisputable path to the maturation of the field. Pahl and Beitz
and validation of core principles. Accepted research methodolo- were some of the first to propose formalized design processes and
gies and standards similarly emerge and mature, founded on the research [4]. Blessing and Chakrabarti formulated a DRM process
scientific method, but also tailored to the characteristics and scope comprising of four main steps: (1) Research Clarification, litera-
of the field. The life sciences and physical sciences are classical ture review to formulate a worthwhile research goal, (2) Descrip-
examples of this growth and maturation process. Numerous cases tive Study I, empirical data analysis in an exploratory study, (3)
are prevalent in these fields, such as the theories and laws of clas- Prescriptive Study, experience synthesized into a vision of how to
sical mechanics to explain the motion of particles, bodies, and improve upon on the existing situation, and (4) Descriptive Study
systems of bodies. II, empirical data analysis of the effect of the improvement sup-
Design research, or design science, is a relatively young field of port developed [5]. Finger and Dixon extensively reviewed design
research investigation. With the first treatises published around research methods, including descriptive models of design proc-
the mid-20th century, the depth of investigation of, public aware- esses, prescriptive models for design, computer-based models of
ness of, and resources devoted to design science has grown stead- design processes, languages, representations, and environments
ily [1]. From the very earliest discourse related to this field, like in for design, analysis to support design decisions, design for manu-
Glegg’s “The design of design,” principles of design have been facturing and other life cycle issues like reliability, serviceability,
postulated [2]. Because of the broad, interdisciplinary or transdis- etc. [6,7]. Many of the research efforts reviewed in this paper fall
ciplinary nature of design science, numerous forms of design prin- into one of these categories, whether descriptive models, like case
ciples have been suggested across disciplines, among disciplines, studies, protocol studies, and observations, or prescriptive models
and at various levels of granularity/specificity. Now it is time to of how the design process ought to be carried out [7]. Inductive
carefully study these efforts and seek a formalization of design versus deductive research methodologies are a particular focus in
principles, definitions, and supporting research methodologies. this paper. Inductive research is based upon a process in which
In this paper, we seek to make strides in formalizing design data are collected first, patterns are extracted, and a theory is
principles from various disparate theoretical, empirical, and ex- developed to explain those patterns. Deductive research is based
perimental approaches, and draw more defined distinctions among upon a process in which a theory is developed first, after which
the terms commonly used in the literature. This research will data are collected and analyzed to determine if the theory is sup-
assist in enabling a fundamental understanding and development ported. Though not perfectly aligned in meaning, descriptive and
of design principles and associated processes. In addition, we inductive research methods are similar in that they both rely on
hope it will guide researchers and practitioners in the advance- discovery of patterns and findings in data. Prescriptive and deduc-
ment and use of such principles. Ultimately, the research provides tive research methods are similar in that they pose a theoretical so-
a foundation for design science. This paper builds on earlier work lution or answer, and test if it is effective or supported. The
presented by the authors [3]. methodologies reviewed in this paper tend to fit into one of these
two categories, though some are in both. In reviewing the current
research efforts to extract design principles, effective techniques
Contributed by the Design Theory and Methodology Committee of ASME for
publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received November 3,
and areas for improvement or the development of greater rigor
2015; final manuscript received June 13, 2016; published online August 30, 2016. can be identified toward a more formalized design principles
Assoc. Editor: Mathew I. Campbell. research methodology.
Source Definition/characteristics
Merriam-Webster “A moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions; a basic truth or
dictionary [9] theory: an idea that forms the basis of something; a law or fact of nature that explains how something works or why
something happens”
Moe et al. [10] “A (transformation) principle is a generalized directive to bring about a certain type of mechanical transformation. A
Weaver et al. [11] (transformation) principle is a guideline that, when embodied, singly creates a transformation.”
Singh et al. [12]
Glegg [2] “Principles of engineering design can be divided into three distinct types:
(1) Specialized techniques: particular data and manufacturing techniques that have been amassed over a long period of
time with respect to a very specific technology that you cannot hope to design that product without—i.e., camshaft for a
petrol engine.
(2) General rules: broader theoretical considerations which are not confined to a single engineering mechanism—wide
though their scope may be, they are not of universal application.
(3) Universal principles: underlying laws which cross the frontiers of most engineering design. They are the rules
behind the rules; they are not tied to any particular type of design, they concern the design of design.”
Bell et al. [13] Design principles are “…an intermediate step between scientific findings, which must be generalized and replicable,
and local experiences or examples that come up in practice. Because of the need to interpret design principles, they are
not as readily falsifiable as scientific laws. The principles are generated inductively from prior examples of success and
are subject to refinement over time as others try to adapt them to their own experiences. In this sense, they are falsifi-
able; if they do not yield purchase in the design process, they will be debated, altered, and eventually dropped.”
Kali [14] “Specific principles describe the rationale behind the design of a single feature or single research investigation. Due to
their direct relation to one feature, specific principles in the database are embedded within the features.
Pragmatic principles connect several specific principles (or several features),…
Metaprinciples capture abstract ideas represented in a cluster of pragmatic principles.”
Anastas and Zimmerman [15] “The principles are not simply a listing of goals, but rather a set of methodologies to accomplish the goals…the breadth
of the principles’ applicability is important. When dealing with design architecture,…the same…principles must be ap-
plicable, effective, and appropriate. Otherwise, these would not be principles but simply a list of useful techniques that
have been successfully demonstrated under specific conditions. Just as every parameter in a system cannot be optimized
at any one time, especially when they are interdependent, the same is true of these principles. There are cases of synergy
in which the successful application of one principle advances one or more of the others.”
Mattson and Wood [16] “A principle…[is] a fundamental proposition used to guide the design process. The principles in this paper are not sug-
gestions or activities the designer should complete, they are assertions that can guide the designer to a more effective
outcome. The principles do not explicitly say what should be done; they simply guide the engineer as decisions are
made…although principles are not guaranteed, and at times they should not be followed, they should always be
McAdams [17] A design principle is “‘a recommendation or suggestion for a course of action to help solve a design issue.’ This defini-
tion is adapted from the definition for a design guideline according to Ref. [23]. Off-line principles are applied at the
design stage. On-line principles are applied anytime after this stage, including manufacturing and during use. Another
characteristic that distinguishes between the principles is the level of detail that they change the design.”
Perez et al. [18] “A set of principles can make this process more efficient as well as improve on the design of the original product. The
principles provide a means of processing the information gathered in the reverse engineering step in order to derive
ideas based on specific details encompassed by the example products.”
Sobek et al. [19] “…Principles…are not steps, prescriptions, or recipes. Rather, (Toyota chief) engineers apply the principles to each
design project differently. Design engineers use the principles to develop and evaluate a design process. The key to suc-
cess is the implementation of ideas as much as the principles themselves.”
Altshuller [20] “Technical evolution has its own characteristics and laws. This is why different inventors in different countries, work-
ing on the same technical problems independently, come up with the same answer. This means that certain regularities
exist. If we can find these regularities, then we can use them to solve technical problems—by rules, with formulae, with-
out wasting time on sorting out variants.”—In describing the 40 inventive principles of TRIZ
Pahl and Beitz [4] “Only the combination of the physical effect with the geometric and material characteristics (working surfaces, working
motions and materials) allows the principle of the solution to emerge. This interrelationship is called the working prin-
ciple…and it is the first concrete step in the implementation of the solution.”
Source Definition/characteristics
Merriam-Webster “A rule or instruction that shows or tells how something should be done”
Dictionary [21]
Greer et al. [22] “Design guidelines provide a means to store and reuse design knowledge with the potential to be effective in the early
stages of design where…broad knowledge is beneficial. The format used to present the product evolution design guide-
lines is the imperative form from English grammar…according to Nowack, a design guideline has at least four parts:
issue(s) addressed or impacted, links to design context, action recommendations, and rationale [23].”
Nowack [23] A design guideline is “a prescriptive recommendation for a context sensitive course of action to address a design
Kim [24] “…Design guidelines can…be considered as an intermediary interface between the designer and…[expert] knowledge.
The purpose of design guidelines is to enable designers to make usable and consistent applications that conform to des-
ignated conventions. To maximize the compliance of the resulting products, it is important to produce design guidelines
that designers can actually understand and apply [25]. Design guidelines address a wide range of design levels; the
contents are typically based on laboratory experiments and experts’ opinions. These guidelines are being continuously
revised and updated to meet technical and environmental changes.”
Bevan and Spinhof [26] “A good set of guidelines is composed of a combination of more specific guidelines for the application at hand and
more generic guidelines that refer to more general aspects…”
“And the set of guidelines should be well documented, including good or bad examples, a thorough table of contents
and glossaries [24].”
Ja€unsch and Birkhofer [27] “The generality inherent in all guidelines has been greatly increased… direction of the guidelines has changed from a
personal support for individuals…toward a general procedure for a company addressing organization and con-
tent….advice within the guidelines [has] changed from addressing concrete thinking processes to general problem solv-
ing advice…instructions have changed from statements that can be immediately put into action or thought to
instruction on an abstract level, which need to be adapted to the current situation of the designer… appearance of the
descriptions of the guidelines have altered from a pure one-page text-based description to comprehensive descriptions
with figures, in particular flow charts and in-depth texts….content of the descriptions has been enhanced with figures,
examples and a quantity of text.”
Matthews [28] “Guidelines can provide additional assistance by predicting likely outcomes of actions and by identifying additional
issues that should be considered. For guideline support to be effective, appropriate guidelines must be available to the
designer at the time of a design decision.”
Example Principle: “Transformational Principle No. 1: Expand/ be derived, as it has both connotations with computational appli-
Collapse. Change the physical dimensions of an object to bring cations and noncomputational design process applications. Table 3
about an increase/decrease in occupied volume primarily along an draws upon both sets (computational and cognitive) of literature
axis, in a plane or in three dimensions.” [12] in an attempt to generalize the definition among the fields of appli-
cation. Key terms used in describing and defining heuristics from
4.2 Guideline. As discovered in the literature addressing the the sampled literature include rule of thumb, guideline, common
definitions and characteristics of principles, we find similar con- sense, principle, experience, observation, knowledge, lesson, strat-
tent for definitions and characteristics of guidelines. Key terms egy, simple, concise. Again, as in Secs. 4.1 and 4.2 defining princi-
found throughout the literature quoted in Table 2 include prescrip- ple and guideline, we find the terms can be and often are used
tive, imperative, advice, instruction, opinion, recommendation, as- interchangeably in the literature. Distinctions that emerge based on
sistance, prediction, and general. Descriptions address factors like the literature sampled that make heuristics unique include:
when to use guidelines during the design process, how they must Emphasis on reducing search time—not necessarily an opti-
be changed and revised, and how they must be presented to the mal result, but satisfactory, practical, or “quick and dirty.”
user. There are key differences that stand out between the defini- Ability to be prescriptive or descriptive, unlike guidelines,
tions of principles and guidelines: which are mostly prescriptive.
Guidelines are generally presented as more context depend- Value is typically defined by usefulness.
ent and changeable than principles—perhaps even less Heuristics are generally reliable, but potentially fallible
“universal” or “fundamental.” depending on context and circumstances.
The literature on guidelines places strong emphasis on their There may not be as extensive evidence or validation of heu-
modality, organization, and level of detail of presentation for ristics, compared to guidelines and especially compared to
maximum effectiveness and usability, though this could be principles.
an artifact of the choice of references. Based on the literature review in Table 3 and analysis of these
Guidelines are described as more prescriptive than heuristics, definitions, the following is a proposed formalized definition for
presented in Sec. 4.3, which tend to be descriptive or heuristic.
prescriptive. Formal Definition:
Heuristic: A context-dependent directive, based on intuition,
Based on the literature review and analysis of the definitions, tacit knowledge, or experiential understanding, which provides
the following is a proposed formal definition for guideline. design process direction to increase the chance of reaching a sat-
Formal Definition: isfactory but not necessarily optimal solution.
Guideline: A context-dependent directive, based on extensive ex- Example Heuristic: “A properly designed bolt should have at
perience and/or empirical evidence, which provides design process least one and one-half turns in the threads.” [38]
direction to increase the chance of reaching a successful solution. The main differences between heuristics and guidelines are:
Example Guideline: “Minimiz[e] the quantity of resource use Guidelines can be based on empirical evidence, whereas heu-
by optimizing its rate and duration.” [29] ristics are generally not.
Heuristics increase your chances of reaching a successful but
4.3 Heuristic. The term heuristic has an understandably not (necessarily) optimal solution whereas guidelines do not
broader and richer base of literature from which its definition can have specific attributes regarding “level” of success.
Source Definition/characteristics
Merriam-Webster “Using experience to learn and improve; involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem-solving by
Dictionary [30] experimental and especially trial-and-error methods <heuristic techniques> <a heuristic assumption>; also: of or
relating to exploratory problem-solving techniques that utilize self-educating techniques (as the evaluation of feedback)
to improve performance <a heuristic computer program>”
Stone and Wood [31] “(Module) heuristics: A method of examination in which the designer uses a set of steps, empirical in nature, yet proven
scientifically valid, to identify (modules) in a design problem. This definition requires another: the phrase “proven sci-
entifically valid” refers to a hypothesis, formulated after systematic, objective data collection that has successfully
passed its empirical tests. Thus, the heuristics are proven by following the scientific method.”
Bolc and Cytowshi [32] “Heuristics [are] explicit rules derived from human experiences and tacit knowledge.”
Li et al. [33] “Heuristics are rules-of-thumb that have been successful in producing “acceptable,” not necessarily “optimal” solution
to a type of problem.”
Chong et al. [34] Heuristics “…are criteria, methods, or principles for deciding which among several alternative courses of action prom-
ises to be the most effective in order to achieve the desired goals.”
Nisbett and Ross [35] “Heuristics are reasoning processes that do not guarantee the best solution, but often lead to potential solutions by pro-
viding a “short-cut” within cognitive processing.”
Pearl [36] “The term “heuristic” has commonly referred to strategies that make use of readily accessible information to guide
Yilmaz and Seifert [37] “The term heuristic implies that it:
(1) Does not guarantee reaching the best solution, or even a solution; and
(2) Provides a “quick and dirty” (easier) method that often leads to an acceptable solution.”
Koen [38] “All engineering is heuristic.
“Synonyms of the heuristic: rule of thumb, intuition, technique, hint, aid, direction, rule of craft, engineering judgment,
working bias, random suggestions, le pif (the nose)”
A heuristic is an “engineering strategy for causing desirable change in an unknown situation within the available
resources…anything that provides a plausible aid or direction in the solution of a problem but is in the final analysis
unjustified, incapable of justification, and fallible. It is used to guide, to discover, and to reveal.”
“Signatures of the heuristic:
A heuristic does not guarantee a solution
It may contradict other heuristics
It reduces the search time in solving a problem for a satisfactory solution
The absolute value of a heuristic…is based on the pragmatic standard…[it] depends exclusively on its usefulness in a
specific context…a heuristic never dies. It just fades from use.
One heuristic [replaces] another by…doing a better job in a given context.”
Magee and Frey [39] “A heuristic is a generally reliable, but potentially fallible, simplification that enables a problem to be addressed within
resource constraints.”
Clancey [40] “The heuristic classification model characterizes a form of knowledge and reasoning-patterns of familiar problem situa-
tions and solutions, heuristically related. In capturing problem situations that tend to occur and solutions that tend to
work, this knowledge is essentially experiential, with an overall form that is problem-area independent.”
Maier and Rechtin [41] “The heuristics methodology is based on “common sense,”…comes from collective experience stated in as simple and
concise a manner as possible… Insight, or the ability to structure a complex situation in a way that greatly increases
understanding of it, is strongly guided by lessons learned from one’s own or others’ experiences and observations. But
they must be used with judgment.”
“People typically use heuristics in three ways…[1] as evocative guides. evoke new thoughts…[2] as codifications of
experience…[3] as integrated into development processes.”
“Two forms of heuristic[s]…[1] descriptive: it describes a situation but does not indicate directly what to do about
it…[2] prescriptive: it prescribes what might be done about the situation.”
“Heuristics…are trusted, nonanalytic guidelines for treating complex, inherently unbounded, ill-structured problem-
s….are used as aids in decision making, value judgments, and assessments…provide the successive transitions from
qualitative, provisional needs to descriptive and prescriptive guidelines and, hence, to rational approaches and
Heuristic evaluation criteria “…to eliminate unsubstantiated assertions,” personal opinions, corporate dogma, anec-
dotal speculation, mutually contradictory statements:
… must make sense in its original domain or context…a strong correlation, if not a direct cause and effect, must be
apparent between the heuristic and the successes or failures of specific systems, products, or processes.
The general sense…of the heuristic should apply beyond the original context.
The heuristic should be easily rationalized in a few minutes or on less than a page.
The opposite statement of the heuristic should be foolish, clearly not “common sense.”
The heuristic’s lesson, though not necessarily its most recent formulation, should have stood the test of time and
earned a broad consensus.
Humor (and careful choice of words) in a heuristic provide an emotional bite that enhances the mnemonic effect
For maximum effect, try embedding both descriptive and prescriptive messages in a heuristic.
Don’t make a heuristic so elegant that it only has meaning to its creator, thus losing general usefulness.
Rather than adding a conditional statement to a heuristic, consider creating a separate but associated heuristic that
focuses on the insight of dealing with that conditional situation.”
To synthesize the three previous Secs. 4.1–4.3, the authors pose Granularity or Specificity Dimension: the degree of granular-
a set of dimensions that form the definitions of heuristics, guide- ity or specificity tends to be ordered as heuristics, guidelines,
lines, and principles: and principles, in increasing formalization.
Supporting Evidence or Validation Dimension: the degree of Formalization Dimension: the degree of formalization tends
supporting evidence tends to be ordered as heuristics, guide- to be ordered as heuristics, guidelines, and principles, in
lines, and principles, in increasing evidence. increasing formalization.
Fig. 4 Research method classification for analyzed literature Fig. 6 Sources from which design principles were extracted
Analysis of existing designs Consumer products 10, 46, 23, 15, 10, 3
Consumer products, patents 190, 90
Consumer products, patents, nature 190, N/A
Examples 163
Nature 1
Patents 200,000, 41
Computer programs N/A
Reconfigurable systems 33
Analysis of existing designs, existing principles Patents 90
Derivation from design practice Design project/task 2, 1, 1
Engineers N/A
N/A (3) N/A (3)
Derivation from laboratory based design practice Design project/task 5
Designers N/A (2), 20
Engineers 36
Students 300, 29
Teams 12
Design expert observation Designs (sketches, early stage) 50
(Person) years 0.5
Existing principles Literature N/A (5), 442, 10, 3, 2
N/A (6) N/A (6)
Existing principles, experience N/A (2) N/A (2)
Experience N/A (2) N/A (2)
(Person) years 30, 40, 40, 40, 40, 20, 1, N/A (2)
patterns in the way principles have been articulated thus far, Hypothesis 1. After other verb forms, nouns account for second
mainly focusing on the parts of speech and order of those parts of most common part of speech type in this analysis, potentially sup-
speech. With an understanding of the semantic patterns of princi- porting Hypothesis 2.
ple articulation, we can make recommendations about how they Figure 10 shows the patterns that emerged from a second analy-
should be formally expressed in future work. sis. The plot shows word and sentence order along the horizontal
Our hypothesis was that there would be two main patterns that axis. Along the vertical axis is the number of principles containing
emerge in the linguistic structures of the principles: that particular part of speech at the particular word position (i.e.,
first word, second word, etc.) within the first five sentences.
(1) Most principles will be stated in the linguistic imperative
The analysis in Fig. 10 indicates very strong support for Hy-
form, indicating a prescriptive instruction for how to go
pothesis 1, showing that most principles in this sample set begin
about doing design successfully.
with an imperative verb. This result most likely indicates the pres-
(2) Some principles will be stated in the linguistic declarative
ence of a prescriptive instruction for how to go about doing design
form, indicating a descriptive statement about the nature of
successfully. Nouns are significantly less represented in the first
a particular design space or application.
five sentences of each design principle, again indicating that most
Imperative sentences are commands, an order, or a firm request. principles are expressed in the linguistic imperative form, rather
Imperative sentences can be detected computationally by finding than the linguistic declarative form. From this analysis, we con-
the presence of the command conjugation of an action verb, which clude that research practice accepts the form of the linguistic im-
is most often at or very near the beginning of the sentence [93]. perative more commonly for the formal articulation of design
For example, “Keep it simple,” a classic adage and design princi- principles, though not exclusively.
ple, is an imperative sentence, where the word keep is the impera- While insightful, these results are not entirely unexpected.
tive form of the infinitive verb to keep. From a recent book on the topic, there is affirmation of the impor-
Declarative sentences are more difficult to detect computation- tance of verbs in linguistics and conceptual representation. The
ally, as the majority of sentences are declarative. Declarative sen- authors state, “Verbs play an important role in how events, states
tences make a statement or assertion. Declarative sentences and other “happenings” are mentally represented and how they
consist of two main components: (1) a subject, which is a noun are expressed in natural language. Besides their central role in
phrase or nominative personal pronoun, and (2) a predicate, which linguistics, verbs have long been prominent topics of research in
completes an idea about the subject, such as what it does or what analytic philosophy—mostly on the nature of events and
it is like. A predicate consists of a finite (as opposed to infinitive) predicate-argument structure—and a topic of empirical investiga-
verb and all of the words modifying it [93]. For example, “All en- tion in psycholinguistics, mostly on argument structure and its
gineering is heuristic,” as declared by Koen [38], consists of the role in sentence comprehension. More recently, the representation
subject—All engineering—and the predicate—is heuristic. of verb meaning has been gaining momentum as a topic of
Each principle, in its entirety, whether single or multiple sen- research in other cognitive science branches, notably neuroscience
tences, was computationally analyzed to extract the part of speech and the psychology of concepts” [96]. Work in engineering design
of each word in order. Design principles were collected from the and biomimicry by Chiu and Shu [97] emphasizes and examines
papers in the literature review. Each principle was placed in a sep- the usefulness of verbs in expressing functionality in design, as
arate row of a matrix, with some comprising of only one word, formerly established by the functional basis [98].
some one sentence, some an entire paragraph. Each principle (row
of the matrix) was then processed using TreeTagger [94,95] to
extract the part of speech types and orders. Here, we focus on dif-
ferent conjugations of verb types, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives.
All other parts of speech have been omitted from the analysis for
brevity (for example, articles like “a” and “the”). TreeTagger sep-
arately tags three particular verbs that are very common—“to be,”
“to do,” and “to have.” In Fig. 9, analyses including and excluding
these particular verbs are plotted. The logic of examining an anal-
ysis excluding these particular verbs is that, given their extreme
commonness in the English language, omitting them may yield
less noisy results. One can see that the overall quantity of verbs
declines slightly in some conjugations, and more drastically in
others, when be, do, and have are omitted. However, the overall
trends remain the same. The verb base form, also called the infini-
tive, root, or imperative form, dominates the part of speech type Fig. 9 Part of speech word position semantic principle
counts within the principles, showing initial support for analysis