B.M Collage of B.B.A
B.M Collage of B.B.A
B.M Collage of B.B.A
→ Sources of funds ←
HDFC was incorporated in 1977 as the first specialized housing
finance institution in India. HDFC provides financial assistance to
individuals, corporates and developers for the purchase or
construction of residential housing. It also provides property
related services (e.g. property identification, sales services and
valuation), training and consultancy. Of these activities, housing
finance remains the dominant activity. HDFC currently has a
client base of over 8,00,000 borrowers, 12,00,000 depositors,
92,000 shareholders and 50,000 deposit agents. HDFC raises
funds from international agencies such as the World Bank, IFC
(Washington), USAID, CDC, ADB and KfW, domestic term loans
from banks and insurance companies, bonds and deposits. HDFC
has received the highest rating for its bonds and deposits
program for the ninth year in succession. HDFC Standard Life
Insurance Company Limited, promoted by HDFC was the first life
insurance company in the private sector to be granted a
Certificate of Registration (on October 23, 2000) by the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority to transact life insurance
business in India
→ Application of funds ←
► Investment Objective
The primary objective of the Scheme is to generate positive
returns over medium time frame with low risk of capital loss over
medium time frame.
► Investment Pattern
in the investment pattern will be for short term and only for
defensive considerations.
• Debt Investments :
The companies that will comprise the 'Core' group will have the
following characteristics:
Commercial paper
Commercial bills
Treasury bills
Government securities having an unexpired maturity upto one
Collaterilsed Borrowing & Lending Obligations (CBLO)
Certificate of deposit
Usance bills
Permitted securities under a repo / reverse repo agreement
Commercial paper
Commercial bills
Treasury bills
• Scheme Highlights
The Scheme may also invest upto 25% of net assets of the
Scheme in derivatives such as Futures & Options and such other
derivative instruments as may be introduced from time to time
for the purpose of hedging and portfolio balancing and other uses
as may be permitted under the Regulations and Guidelines.
The Scheme may also invest a part of its corpus, not exceeding
40% of its net assets, in overseas markets in Global Depository
Receipts (GDRs), ADRs, overseas equity, bonds and mutual funds
and such other instruments as may be allowed under the
Regulations from time to time. Also refer to the Section on Policy
on off-shore Investments by the Scheme(s).
protect the NAV of the scheme. Such changes will be for short
term and defensive considerations.
Schemes offered by
Mutual fund
Asset allogation:
Rs in Lacs
Equity 33837.21
Cash,others 2094.69
Total Net Assets 35932.21
NAV Details:
NAV as on NAV as on
30/09/07(Rs 30/09/06(Rs)
Growth option 79.5303 54.9680
Dividend Decision 34.0531 26.0259
SIP Returns:
Investment Total Value of inv. Compounded
period Investment on Annualised
Sept.10,07 Return on
Last 1 year 12000 14340 37.89
Last 3 year 36000 62417 39.17
Last 5 years 60000 192698 48.65